Why do you dream about the intersection of 3 roads? The magic of numbers

home / Cheating wife

How does such a dream characterize a person’s life? Crossroads are often dreamed of by people who have to make a serious choice, on which almost their whole life will depend. But sometimes such a dream represents a feeling of hopelessness and dissatisfaction due to the loss or loss of something very important.

If in a dream a person clearly knows which road to choose, then this symbolizes that the sleeper is well aware of what he needs to do to achieve his goals, and he deliberately makes some sacrifices, expecting specific results. Among other things, such a dream can be dreamed by an indecisive person who, because of this indecision, is deprived of a lot of opportunities and cannot live the way he wants. A crossroads is the personification of making important decisions, choosing a life path, making decisions in your personal life and other decisive actions.

What if you dream of a crossroads?

If you believe the interpretation of dreams, then you can prepare for certain events and find out how to behave in a given period of life. What does it mean to see a crossroads in a dream? If a person stood at a crossroads, then, most likely, in real life he will be able to use some events and situations to his advantage and benefit.

If the sleeper cannot decide which direction to go, then he will most likely be faced with minor and annoying troubles. If the choice has been made, then success will come in your personal life, career and financial affairs, fate will be favorable.

In addition, if a person in a dream was a pedestrian, stood at an intersection and was waiting for a green light, then this promises something unexpected and unpredictable. If the sleeping person acted as a driver, then some kind of humiliation may await him. A dream of an intersection without any signs or markers suggests that intuition will help you make decisions and move through life.

What does it portend?

Why do you dream about a crossroads? Perhaps this is a warning that some choice needs to be made. But to do it, you need to gather all your will into a fist, think everything over carefully and make a conscious and informed decision.

If in a dream there were some signs or indicators in front of the roads, then it makes sense to listen to your inner feelings, to your intuition. But sobriety of mind and clarity of thoughts should not be lost in any case, this is a fact.

One way or another, having seen such a dream, you should prepare for serious thoughts, as well as many small and large troubles.

Why do you dream about a crossroads? If you have to make some important decision in life, you can see it in a dream. According to the dream book, the intersection that you saw in your night dreams suggests that you should stop, analyze the situation, weigh all the pros and cons and think carefully about the situation as a whole.

What does it mean to see a crossroads? The dream book says that seeing it or standing on it is a warning about the need for a serious choice. The decision may have an impact on your life, so it should be taken carefully.

Also, a dreamed crossroads may mean that if you currently have unfinished business, then you should cast aside all doubts and come to a solution. Circumstances will develop in the most favorable way, so your goals and desires will be achieved without unnecessary problems.

Choosing a direction

If in a dream you see a crossroads that you are standing in front of, this means that fate has given you the opportunity to choose the best option. The most important thing is not to hesitate, but to make a quick choice; in any case, it will turn out to be favorable.

If in a dream you were walking and suddenly stopped, such a dream suggests that you are confused in your current affairs, perhaps you have too many projects. It is recommended to take a short break, otherwise there is a chance that you will get even more confused, and it will be more difficult to untangle everything in the future.

Why do you dream of a crossroads where you cannot choose the road? He brings nothing bad except empty and numerous troubles. Such a dream warns men against making a rash choice of a life partner. But for girls, the dream foreshadows the appearance of several gentlemen.

Why do you dream of a crossroads where you made a quick and confident choice of road? This is a very favorable dream; it suggests that fortune is on your side. You will be able to make the right decision in an important problem or in love affairs. The dream has the same meaning, the intersection at which you managed to cross safely.

Directions and signs along the way

Pay special attention to the signs if you see an intersection in your dream:

  • Did you see the arrow to the left? There is a time for adventures and risky activities in life.
  • A traffic light portends limitless possibilities and prospects. It is safe both in dreams and in reality. Whatever direction you choose, it will in any case become profitable.
  • The traffic controller dreams of a hint appearing in a certain situation. Perhaps someone will provide you with financial assistance.
  • Road signs suggest that you will need the help of loved ones to solve some matters or problems.
  • Are there any signs - you may have such a dream so that you do not ask empty advice from people around you. You can make your own decisions, but someone else's advice may be wrong.

Intersections and forks play a significant role. If you are going to cross an intersection, and someone is stopping you from doing so, then in reality be attentive to ill-wishers. Envious people can play petty tricks to harm your reputation or disrupt your plans. If you yourself are preventing someone from passing, then you should be prepared for a clash of interests between your interests and the interests of your colleagues, friends, and relatives.

A good sign will be the merging of several roads. This means strong connections with people. If you see familiar people, such a dream means that fate will bring you together firmly and for a long time.

If you dreamed of an intersection along which you are driving and successfully overcome it, then in reality expect an easy completion of all difficulties and the end of the work you have started.

Halfway through the road, turn back - the approaching difficulties may frighten you, and you may abandon your plans. Consider all the details and perspectives so as not to encounter difficulties. If while driving you turn at an intersection and leave the main path, in reality such a dream foreshadows a change of job or field of activity.

Crossroads - choice, opportunities.

I had a dream 😴

Regular 0 Nightmare 0

2 Russian dream book

What does a Crossroads mean in a dream - if you are standing at a crossroads in indecision - perhaps you are giving up and doubting when a quick decision is needed.

The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

3 Dream book Meneghetti

Symbolizes a state of uncertainty or indecision. In some cases, this image signifies the beginning of a mistake. By its nature, In-se knows no crossroads or parallel elections; his choice is the best for the individual in the situation in which he is at the moment, and, therefore, In-se always has only one path.

Dreams come true day of the week and date

If you had a dream in Tuesday- the dream can come true in 7-10 days

If you had a dream 9th- Meaningless, chaotic, you can not attach any significance to them.

4 Freud's Dream Interpretation

A dream with a crossroads means:

Crossroads - symbolizes sudden changes in your sex life, and it is not at all necessary that these changes will be for the better.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


5 Jewish dream book

Crossroads dream meaning:

What does Crossroads mean in a dream - Standing at a crossroads or at a fork in the road. For a woman - Dreamed on Monday night, this dream means the need to make a choice; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, warns of a serious threat; on the night of Saturday or Sunday - it means doubts, failures and illnesses. For a man, a dream on Monday night says that it is better to wait a little and not make any important decisions in the coming days; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - this dream is bad luck; seen on Saturday or Sunday night, it warns that you should beware of the evil eye.

6 Psychotherapeutic dream book

Crossroads – Situations of choice with a negative connotation due to the cultural association of crossroads with the forces of evil.

7 Dream book for a bitch

Standing at a crossroads - if you are more decisive and energetic, you will be able to take advantage of favorable circumstances to achieve your goal.

The inability to choose the right road means a lot of small troubles and worries.

Choosing a road and following it leads to the correct solution to an important problem.

After sleeping, we must wash our hands immediately, because when we fall asleep, the unclean spirit is applied to our hands and it is still there. You should wash your face without touching your eyes.

8 Dream book of the future

Crossroads in a dream means:

If you are standing at a crossroads, this means that you are at a crossroads, indecisive, when you need to act quickly and decisively, and therefore there is a danger of missing out on favorable circumstances and not taking advantage of them to achieve your goals.

9 Russian dream book

Crossroads - you will have to make a choice that will most likely be wrong or you will not be able to take advantage of the opportunity; standing at a crossroads means long thoughts, hesitations in solving personal problems.

10 Magic dream book

You dreamed of a Crossroads - the choice of a life path and hesitation about it. The dream concerns making decisions in connection with business or personal life.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

11 Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Why does a woman dream of a crossroads:

Crossroads - a crisis in business; if there is a sign, don’t ask for advice, act according to the circumstances.

12 Gypsy dream book

Seeing a crossroads in a dream means:

Crossroads - you will have to make a decision that will affect the rest of your life.

13 Dream book of catchphrases

A dream with a crossroads in the dream book is interpreted as:

Crossroads - “cross”; “cross-examination”, “take sides” (change); “at the crossroads of two roads” - the inevitability of choice.

14 Danilova's erotic dream book

A dream with a crossroads means:

If you dreamed of a crossroads, this means that in the coming days you will have to solve a very serious problem. You will have to make a choice between being attracted to one person and being sexually attracted to another. If in a dream you were in a good mood, the problem will be resolved quite quickly and easily.

15 ABC of dream interpretation

Crossroads dream meaning:

Finding yourself at a crossroads in a dream warns that you have a serious choice to make in life (“stand at a crossroads”).

Dreaming of a crossroads means a temporary stop in business.

16 Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a crossroads:

What does Crossroads mean in a dream - making a decision; conflict. Choosing one of the roads to follow is the right solution to a very serious problem.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

17 Dream book of lovers

What a crossroads might mean in a dream:

A dream in which you stand at a crossroads foreshadows difficulties in matters of the heart. You may feel indecisive.

18 Imperial dream book

Crossroads in a dream means:

Crossroads - connecting two roads together, from which one must be chosen, the choice involves active yang action - the expression of internal yin through external yang.

Standing at a crossroads for a long time is absurd, it is a complete inadequacy, an inconsistency in the movement of yin and yang in the body.

Seeing/being at a crossroads in a dream - thanks, among other things, to personal efforts, a turning point in development of both the external and internal situation has been achieved: in order for external affairs to be favorable, it is necessary to change something internally. Now everything depends on further behavior, but delay can lead to loss of control over the development of the situation.

Being/hesitating at a crossroads with confusion means that a decision has already been made, but it either does not seem ideal, or there is no faith in one’s abilities. Here it is important to understand that ideality is within you: ideality is confidence and desire for a goal, then everything will be favorable.

Being at a crossroads and not making a choice means the destruction of the current situation in reality; the cause of misfortune will only be one’s own cowardice, perhaps stemming in part from a disease of the spleen.

To be at a crossroads in a dream and make a confident choice is to receive the opportunity and help to successfully pass this stage of the situation in reality. In the most favorable cases, the crossroads do not attract attention both in dreams and in reality; this is the case when the dream harmoniously merges with reality.

19 Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

If a girl dreams of a crossroads, it means:

Crossroads - indicates that the time is approaching to make important decisions. Stop and tune into your intuitive awareness before crossing your future path.

Jung argued that the crossroads symbolize the mother: “The intersection and merging of roads symbolizes the unity of opposites, where the “mother” is the object and symbol of all unity.”

20 Dream Interpretation 2012

Why does a woman dream of a crossroads:

Crossroads - the need to make (make) decisions. The need to stop the flow of thoughts and tune in to intuitive consciousness. A reflection of the merging of opposites.

A dream seen by a church person on a holiday can come true no later than half of the next day. They say: “A holiday nap is until lunch,” but on Friday it is “valid” all day. Whoever cries in a dream will laugh in reality.

21 Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a crossroads in a dream means:

If you are standing at a crossroads in a dream, this means that you will not be able to take advantage of favorable circumstances to achieve your goals.

If you cannot decide which road to take, this portends a lot of troubles that will irritate you with their abundance and insignificance.

If in a dream you choose one of the roads lying in front of you to follow, then in reality fate will favor you.

This dream will push you to the right solution to a very serious problem - either in business or in love.

22 Historical women's dream book

Interpretation of a dream about a crossroads:

Find yourself at a crossroads - you will not be able to take advantage of the favorable circumstances that fate will give you; standing at a crossroads and deciding which way to go is a lot of trivial but annoying troubles; You did not hesitate in choosing a direction - fortune will smile on you.

23 Small dream book

Interpretation of a dream about a crossroads:

If in a dream you see a crossroads, then it is unlikely that you will be able to correctly take advantage of the opportunity given to you. If you dreamed that you were at a crossroads and couldn’t decide which road to take, then in reality you often allow yourself to get irritated over trifles. If you still make a decision, then fate will be favorable to you. Perhaps after this dream you will have to solve some important problem in business and personal life.

You should never sleep along the floorboards (only dead people are placed along the floor), but you should definitely make your bed across the boards.

24 English dream book

A crossroads in a dream predicts:

Crossroads - Whether it's a paved or paved intersection or a natural intersection of two forest paths, dreams of crossroads mean that you are at a crossroads in your life and now you need to choose which path to take. There is usually some kind of sign that suggests options, although it may not be as straightforward as a road sign.

Crossroads - You may be faced with a choice between an easy path that will take you nowhere career-wise, and a much more difficult road at the end of which you will find promotion and greater responsibility, and with it, greater earnings. The decision will most likely affect your future for quite a long period, so we advise you to carefully consider the dream.

Crossroads: What road lies in front of you - wide, smooth and easy, or overgrown and difficult to pass? Is there someone or something that will show you the right path, such as an animal or a person you trust?

25 Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Why do you dream about Crossroads:

His appearance in a dream warns that your indecision and tendency to make mistakes is leading you to a dead end, to erroneous behavior. It’s time to make decisions and, instead of hesitating, standing at a crossroads, finally choose the only right direction for your life and your further development.

26 Slavic dream book

Business crisis; two roads - division in life.

27 Historical women's dream book

Crossroads – Situations of choice with a negative connotation due to the cultural association of crossroads with the forces of evil. Crossroads – “Cross”; “cross-examination”, “take sides” (change); “at the crossroads of two roads” - the inevitability of choice. Crossroads - A crisis in business, if there is a sign - don’t ask for advice. Crossroads - Finding yourself at a crossroads in a dream warns that you have a serious choice to make in life (“stand at a crossroads”).

Dreaming of a crossroads means a temporary stop in business. Crossroads - decision making; conflict. Choosing one of the roads to follow is the right solution to a very serious problem. You dreamed of a Crossroads - the choice of a life path and hesitation about it. The dream concerns making decisions in connection with business or personal life.

28 Historical women's dream book

Crossroads (crossing of roads) - For the inner essence of a person, for his inselves, there is only one correct road at a certain moment. There is always only one best direction for a person interacting with the environment. For everyone, a crossroads or parallel roads (elections) are an unnatural situation.

The image of a crossroads indicates insecurity, indecision, delusion, the beginning of making a mistake - this is the meaning of what this dream means. Crossroads, crossroads - Finding yourself at a crossroads in a dream means that you will not be able to take advantage of favorable circumstances to achieve your goals. If you cannot decide which road to take, this portends a lot of insignificant and exhausting troubles.

You chose one of these roads and followed it - in reality, fate will favor you. The dream will push you to the right solution to a very serious problem in business or love. If you dreamed of a crossroads, this means that in the coming days you will have to solve a very serious problem. You will have to make a choice between being attracted to one person and being sexually attracted to another. You were in a good mood, the problem will be resolved quickly and easily.

29 Dream book alphabetically

If you are a passenger of public city transport and are very late, and the green light still does not turn on, then in real life your offer will be rejected and you will be left with nothing.

Seeing a traffic policeman in the middle of an intersection means you are missing a good adviser, whose role was impeccably performed by a friend who left you for a short time. Military traffic controller at a city crossroads - your plans will change dramatically due to the unexpected return of a loved one.

30 Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why do you dream about Crossroads:

Standing at a crossroads wondering where to go, you will soon be faced with a difficult choice. Confidently choosing one of the roads, knowing exactly where you want to go, the dream means that your calculations will come true.

Imagine that there is a sign at an intersection, you read the inscriptions on the sign and choose the path that you need.

31 Dream book of the 20th century

A sign of difficult choices and internal doubts. Typically, such a dream foreshadows that in the near future your interests may come into conflict with the interests of other people, or you will be torn apart by conflicting feelings and desires.

In any case, the image of a crossroads in a dream encourages you to get rid of doubts and come to some definite decision, without losing due caution.

Accompanying dream images can suggest which choice promises to be the most favorable.

32 The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Crossing an intersection means danger.

Standing at a crossroads and talking to someone - a negative energy program is fixed on you.

Lighting a cigarette at an intersection means lung or throat disease.

Borrowing money at a crossroads means a long illness.

33 Historical women's dream book

Crossroads - If you are standing at a crossroads in a dream, it means that you will not be able to take advantage of favorable circumstances to achieve your goals. If you cannot decide which road to take, this portends a lot of troubles that will irritate you with their abundance and insignificance. If you choose one of the roads lying in front of you to follow, in reality fate will favor you.

This dream will push you to the right solution to a very serious problem - either in business or in love. Crossroads – Choice, opportunities. Crossroads - In a dream you seem to be standing at a crossroads - circumstances will develop favorably for you, but you will not be able to take advantage of them; prospects will remain prospects. You, being at a crossroads, cannot decide which way to go - in reality, you have to make an important choice; another interpretation of the dream: minor worries and troubles will leave you almost no time for pleasure.

You, without stopping at the crossroads, confidently choose one of the directions - fate will help you complete your business successfully; fate will favor you in love: emotions will not prevent you from making the right decision regarding your relationship with your loved one.

34 Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Crossroads - for the inner essence of a person, for his “in se”, there is only one correct road at a certain moment. There is always only one best direction for a person interacting with the environment. For “in sho”, a crossroads or parallel roads (elections) are an unnatural situation.

The image of a crossroads indicates insecurity, indecision, delusion, and the beginning of making a mistake.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about Crossroads in a dream according to 24 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Crossroads symbol from 24 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Idiomatic dream book

Seeing/being at a crossroads in a dream- thanks to personal efforts, among other things, a turning point in the development of both the external and internal situation has been achieved: in order for external affairs to be favorable, it is necessary to change something internally. Now everything depends on further behavior, but delay can lead to loss of control over the development of the situation.

Be / hesitate at a crossroads with confusion- means that the decision has already been made, but it either does not seem ideal, or there is no faith in one’s abilities. Here it is important to understand that ideality is within you: ideality is confidence and desire for a goal, then everything will be favorable.

Being at a crossroads and having no choice- means the destruction of the current situation in reality, the cause of misfortune will only be one’s own cowardice, perhaps stemming in part from a disease of the spleen.

Being at a crossroads in a dream and making a confident choice- get the opportunity and help to successfully pass this stage of the situation in reality. In the most favorable cases, the crossroads do not attract attention both in dreams and in reality; this is the case when the dream harmoniously merges with reality.

Italian dream book

Crossroads - for the inner essence of a person, for his “in se”, there is only one correct road at a certain moment. There is always only one best direction for a person interacting with the environment. For “in sho”, a crossroads or parallel roads (elections) are an unnatural situation.

Image of a crossroads- indicates insecurity, indecision, delusion, the beginning of a mistake.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why do you dream about Crossroads?

Cross the intersection- to danger; stand at an intersection and talk to someone- a negative energy program is fixed on you; light a cigarette at an intersection- to lung or throat disease; borrow money at a crossroads- to a long illness.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Crossroads - situations of choice with a negative connotation due to the association of crossroads in culture with the forces of evil.

Russian dream book

Crossroads - you will have to make a choice that will most likely be wrong or you will not be able to take advantage of the opportunity; stand at the crossroads- long thoughts, hesitations in solving personal problems

Family dream book

If in a dream you were standing at a crossroads- in real life you are unlikely to be able to take advantage of favorable circumstances to achieve your goals.

Couldn't decide which road to take next- get ready for empty troubles.

Choose one of the roads in front of you- fate will be favorable to you. This dream will help you make the right decision in business or love.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Crossroads?

Seeing a crossroads in a dream- a sign that you will not be able to realize the opportunity to fulfill your desires.

If you can't decide at an intersection which road to take- most likely, you will allow yourself to get irritated over trifles. Fate will be more favorable to you if you choose your own path. Perhaps after this dream you will have to solve some important problem in business and personal life.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Crossroads - the need to make (make) decisions. The need to stop the flow of thoughts and tune in to intuitive consciousness. A reflection of the merging of opposites.

Dream book of the future

If you're standing at a crossroads- this means that you are at a crossroads, indecisive, when you need to act quickly and decisively, and therefore there is a danger of missing out on favorable circumstances and not taking advantage of them to achieve your goals.

Dream book for lovers

A dream in which you are at a crossroads- portends difficulties in matters of the heart. You may feel indecisive.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Crossroads - indicates that the time is approaching to make important decisions. Stop and tune into your intuitive awareness before crossing your future path.

Jung argued that the crossroads- symbolizes the mother: “The intersection and merging of roads symbolizes the unity of opposites, where the “mother” is the object and symbol of all unity.”

Dream book for a bitch

Standing at a crossroads- if you are more decisive and energetic, you will be able to take advantage of favorable circumstances to achieve your goal.

Inability to choose the right road- a large number of small troubles and worries.

Choose a road and follow it- to the correct solution of an important problem.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Crossroads in a dream- a sign of difficult choices and internal doubts. Typically, such a dream foreshadows that in the near future your interests may come into conflict with the interests of other people, or you will be torn apart by conflicting feelings and desires.

In any case, the image of a crossroads in a dream- encourages you to get rid of doubts and come to a definite decision, without losing due caution. Accompanying dream images can suggest which choice promises to be the most favorable.

Miller's Dream Book

If you are standing at a crossroads in a dream- this means that you will not be able to take advantage of favorable circumstances to achieve your goals.

If you can't decide which road to take- this portends you a lot of troubles that will irritate you with their abundance and insignificance.

If in a dream you choose one of the roads lying in front of you to go along it- in reality, fate will favor you. This dream will push you to the right solution to a very serious problem, either in business or in love.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Crossroads in a dream?

If you are a passenger of public urban transport and are very late, but the green light still does not turn on- therefore, in real life your offer will be rejected and you will be left with nothing.

Seeing a traffic policeman in the middle of an intersection- you lack a good adviser, whose role was impeccably performed by a friend who left you for a short time.

Military traffic controller at a city intersection- your plans will change dramatically due to the unexpected return of your loved one.

Dream book of the past

His appearance in a dream- warns that your indecision and tendency to make mistakes leads you to a dead end, to erroneous behavior. It's time to make decisions and, instead of hesitating, standing at a crossroads, finally choose the only right direction for your life and your further development.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Find yourself at a crossroads in a dream- means that you will not be able to take advantage of favorable circumstances to achieve your goals.

If you can't decide which road to take- this portends a lot of insignificant and exhausting troubles.

If in a dream you chose one of these roads and walked along it- in reality, fate will favor you. Such a dream will push you to the right solution to a very serious problem in business or love.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Crossroads according to the dream book?

Crossroads - choice, opportunities.

Freud's Dream Book

Crossroads- symbolizes sudden changes in your sex life, and it is not at all necessary that these changes will be for the better.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A crossroads is a crisis in business; if there is a sign, don’t ask for advice.

Gypsy dream book

Crossroads - you will have to make a decision that will affect the rest of your life.

Erotic dream book

If you dreamed of a crossroads- this means that in the coming days you will have to solve a very serious problem. You will have to make a choice between being attracted to one person and being sexually attracted to another. If in a dream you were in a good mood- the problem will be resolved quite quickly and easily.

Video: Why do you dream about Crossroads?

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Did you dream about the Crossroads, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Crossroads in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Hello! I was standing on a snow-covered road, ahead of me was an intersection at which there was a snowstorm, a strong wind was blowing from left to right, there was a lot of snow, the dream was sunny, a man rode past me on a bicycle and tried to turn left at this intersection, but he had nothing It didn’t work out because of the strong wind, I stood and looked, nearby there were very beautiful snowdrifts that sparkled.

    Last night I had a dream that I was standing at a road crossroads, and I was standing on the road where there was a cemetery ahead, and in front of me was a gas stove and I was cooking something, and suddenly the gas stove started to burn and I was trying to call someone to help me, but no one hears, then I decided to run and as I run I see my father’s acquaintance and say that the stove is burning there and it’s about to explode, the friend starts to run away and tells us to hide, and then the stove exploded with a dull roar and I woke up

    I just saw an intersection of roads. The road ahead was longer than the sections to the side. The road was made of sand and pebbles. Along its edges there were curbs like sidewalks. I didn’t walk along it and didn’t stand at the intersection, I just saw it as if ahead.

    It’s late in the evening. I’m riding my bike. I stop at an intersection.. I think about where to go. It was really late, maybe even night.

    My granddaughter, a little girl, is running across the intersection. I call her, shout to her, and she runs. Cars are driving around, and I am very afraid for my granddaughter and wake up. The second dream - she is already running across one of the roads at the intersection, again among cars. I call her again and run after her

    Hello, I dreamed that I was standing at an intersection, and then I saw a friend and stood on one of the roadsides, took off my shoes, and walked barefoot back and forth through the mud, but my feet were clean, and then I was driving in the car and they offered to count me in a large bag a lot of money, paper UAH.

    I dreamed that I was riding a minibus, but before the intersection I got off right on the road. I’m waiting for a traffic light, there are sooo many cars and even people are standing in line behind me. Then I go forward when the light turns green, and all the people slowly start following me too go. and go-go.

    I was walking along the sidewalk with my mother, sister and children, I had to cross the intersection, it felt like I was walking for a very long time, I had my daughter in one hand and a bag in the other, I raised my head and looked at the traffic light, time passed as if it was passing. and then she increased her pace and walked along the sidewalk.

    Hello. My daughter runs away from me, stands on her bicycle at an intersection, looks around and leaves behind some kind of car. I run after her, but she disappears. And I think I know where she is, but I can’t do anything.

    Hello! Please help me find out what this dream means. I dreamed that I was walking through an unfamiliar city. And I approached an intersection, and there were some people and psychics. They said something about death. And I didn’t know where to go, and I just walked straight. I got lost in a dream and, no matter what, continued to walk straight. On a long road that ended in a stalemate. And some kind of forest began, but there was no road in the forest. I didn’t understand how to go further. And someone told me that I shouldn’t go there, and that it was very dangerous there. But I was not happy, I continued to walk. I stepped on some branch and, falling with it, I grabbed another. I was scared, I began to call someone for help. But no one heard me. Not much time passed, and I myself was able to get out of the forest along the same road by which we arrived. And I don’t understand where some money came from. I went shopping and bought various things for myself. Thank you very much, I’ll be waiting for your answer...

If you are standing at a crossroads in a dream, this means that you will not be able to take advantage of favorable circumstances to achieve your goals. If you cannot decide which road to take, this portends a lot of troubles that will irritate you with their abundance and insignificance. If in a dream you choose one of the roads lying in front of you to follow it, in reality fate will favor you. This dream will push you to the right solution to a very serious problem - either in business or in love.

Freud's Dream Book Crossroads

A crossroads symbolizes sudden changes in your sex life, and it is not at all necessary that these changes will be for the better.

Modern dream book Crossroads

Seeing a crossroads in a dream is a sign that you will not be able to realize an opportunity to fulfill your desires. If you can't decide which road to take at an intersection, then most likely you will allow yourself to get annoyed over trifles. Fate will be more favorable to you if you choose your own path. Perhaps after this dream you will have to solve some important problem in business and personal life.

Your personal dream book Crossroads

Seeing a crossroads in a dream means there is a minimal likelihood that you will be able to correctly take advantage of the opportunity that is given to you. Being at a crossroads in a dream and having difficulty choosing a road means insurmountable irritation over trifles in reality. If you still managed to make a decision, then luck will smile on you. It is worth paying special attention to this dream, because... after it, you may have to solve some important problem that concerns your business or personal life.

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