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The time of the Tatar-Mongol invasion is considered one of the most memorable, painful and bloody periods in the history of Russia. This period was long and painful for the Russian lands; the Golden Horde did not want to stop at anything to achieve its goal. However, history written in dry and detached language is not as interesting to read as works replete with vivid descriptions that clearly convey the atmosphere of that time. The trilogy about the Mongol invasion, written by Vasily Yan, can be classified as one of those works that immerse you in the events described so much that you seem to see everything with your own eyes.

The book “Batu” was the second in the series, and it talks about the grandson of Genghis Khan, who began his campaigns of conquest. The grandson of the legendary Khan Batu decided to continue his grandfather’s campaigns and not deviate from his plans. He was sure that enemies must be destroyed mercilessly, there is no place for pity. Rus' was then still a fragmented state, which was its weakness. But even in this state she was able to defend herself, people hoped that better times would come. Even after the Ryazan, Moscow and Vladimir lands were destroyed, there was still hope.

The writer talks about the state of the lands of Rus' and what people had to endure. It also shows how difficult everything was in the Mongol camp. They gathered their hordes for a campaign, but meanwhile there were constant feuds and intrigues in their ranks. The narration is reminiscent of an old epic or legend, which gives the book a special charm. It tells about sacrifices and suffering, losses, courage, as well as about betrayal and lack of forgiveness, the contempt that arouses in everyone who has at least once betrayed their own.

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Type: audiobook
Genre: historical novel
Vasily Yan (Vasily Grigorievich Yanchevetsky)
Publisher: Bibliophonika
Year of manufacture: 2006
Performer: Kazakov Sergey
Playing time: 17.6 hours
Audio: MP3
audio_bitrate: 128 Kbit/s


Khan Batu.

Grandson of Genghis Khan. The second great conqueror of the Mongol-Tatar empire, who expanded its borders to the north of Rus' and invaded Poland and Hungary.

What stopped the victorious onslaught of his troops?

Read about it in Vasily Yan's epic historical novel "Batu"!


Love, Sevastopol


07-06-2017 10:24:24


Type: audiobook
Genre: historical novel
Author: Yan Vasily (Vasily Grigorievich Yanchevetsky)
Publisher: Talking Book
Year of manufacture: 2005
Read by: Andrey Prohoda
Playing time: 14 hours 18 minutes.
Audio: MP3 audio_bitrate: 96 Kbit/s
Description: Vasily Yan (Vasily Grigoryevich Yanchevetsky, 1875-1954) - Russian writer-historian, author of the trilogy “Invasion of the Mongols,” which included the novel “Genghis Khan” (1939), awarded the USSR State Prize. The novel, in terms of the breadth of its coverage of events, the abundance of historical material, and the mature skill of the author, is one of the most outstanding works of V. Jan. This...


Genre: historical novel
Author: Vasily Yan (Vasily Grigorievich Yanchevetsky)
Performer: Prudovsky Ilya
Description: The novel “To the “last sea”” by V. G. Yan (Yanchevetsky) is the third and final work of the “Mongol Invasion” trilogy, which tells how Batu’s “theoretical doctrines” about new conquests on the European continent - access to the shores of the “last sea” seas,” turn into real preparation for the campaigns of the Tatar-Mongol hordes, first to the middle Dnieper region, then to the lands of Poland, Moravia, Hungary, and the Adriatic.
Playing time: 12 hours 55 minutes
Type: audiobook
Audio: MP3 audio_bitr...


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Genre: Historical prose
Publisher: various
Russian language
Number of books: 34 books
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Russian language
Description: The Historical Novel series has been published since 2004 by the Eksmo publishing house. There is also a series with a similar name: Historical Novel (AST) In 2006-2007, 12 books were published in the Historical Novel subseries. Classic. These books had a darker design and are also included here.
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Russian language
Number of works: 15
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Performer: Yuri Zaborovsky
Duration: 25:54:00
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Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Historical novel
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Performer: Vyacheslav Gerasimov
Duration: 10:40:48
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Publisher: Bibliophonika
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Duration: 19:17:00
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Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: different
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Publisher: Eksmo, Domino
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Description: The "Historical Novel" series has been published since 2004 by the Eksmo publishing house. There is also a series with a similar name: Historical Novel (AST) In 2006-2007, 9 books were published in the subseries “Historical Novel. Classics”. These books had a darker design and are also included here. A significant number of books are missing. ExpandEisner Michael - Crusader Galland Nicole - Revenge of the Rose Galland Nicole - The Emperor's Throne. History of the Fourth Crusade by Jean Wolfe. - Pi...


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Publisher: Vira-M
Performer: Oleg Fedorov
Playing time: 19 hours
Audio format/quality: mp3, 128 Kbps, 44.1 kHz, Mono
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Format: 128kb/s MP3
Year of manufacture: 2006
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Publisher: IDDK
Performer: Yuri Zaborovsky
Duration: 17:05:12
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Russian language
Number of books: 76 volumes
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Russian language
Number of pages: 343
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Batu (Vasily Yan)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 80 kbps
Author: Vasily Yan
Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre: Historical novel
Publisher: Publishing House "Soyuz"
Performer: Alexander Klyukvin
Duration: 15:56:00
Description: Publishing House "Soyuz" presents. As part of the “Mysteries of History” series, the second part of Vasily Yan’s historical trilogy “Invasion of the Mongols” is “Batu”. The novel about Batu remains one of the most popular historical novels in our literature. A lively and vivid description of the events of the first third of the 13th century, which unfolded in the vastness of the Asian steppes and in the depths of Russian forests, their historical authenticity involuntarily...

Batu Vasily Yan

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Title: Batu

About the book “Batu” Vasily Yan

The work “Batu” is the second part of the trilogy “Invasion of the Mongols”, which was written by the Russian writer, author of historical novels Vasily Yan.

The novel “Batu” encourages the reader to deeply comprehend the historical events associated with the conquest of the principalities of ancient Rus' by the Mongol-Tatar army under the leadership of the merciless Khan Batu. The first part of the novel is devoted to a description of the Mongol-Tatar warriors, their rulers and the features of the events taking place in the Mongol-Tatar state.

In the process of reading the first chapters of the work “Batu”, some sympathy and even sympathy arises for their participants - they are described so soulfully by the author. However, continuing to study this very tragic story for Rus', which tells about the terrible suffering of the Russian people that they experienced during the conquests of Batu Khan, the former feeling of sympathy is sure to give way to anger.

Vasily Yan touches on the topic of the cause of the defeat of the Russian principalities in the novel “Batu”. He clearly sees this reason in the fragmentation of individual principalities, their competition among themselves and the reluctance of the Russian princes to unite in the fight against the Mongol-Tatars.

The events of the novel paint a terrible picture of Batu Khan and his army rampaging through the Russian lands. Batu, having offered the prince of the Ryazan lands to give him a tenth of everything he has, receives the son of Prince Fyodor Yuryevich. Having received the princely gifts, Batu kills his guest because he did not want to give him his beautiful wife. Then he demands that the Ryazan principality send women to him, to which the prince refuses, trying to find support among other principalities, but to no avail. After this, the Mongol-Tatars attacked the Russian principality.

Many people died in the fight against the Mongol-Tatar army, trying to defend their land. The events of this difficult time are chilling and painful, but they are part of our history.

Vasily Yan was born in 1874 in Kyiv. He studied at St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of History and Philology. He traveled a lot, which helped him in his literary work.

He worked for various newspapers and was a Latin teacher at a high school. His works include “The Phoenician Ship”, “Spartacus”, “On the Wings of Courage”, “Ermak’s Campaign”, “Zarathustra’s Blue Jay”, “Buffoon’s Fun” and many others.

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book “Batu” by Vasily Yan in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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