Alexander Shibaev: Native language, be friends with me (ill. Vadim Gusev). Alexander Shibaev

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I learned to read myself long before school. It seems that I read individual words and short phrases from the age of 3.5 or 4, and at five I was already reading thick books. And she willingly re-read a thick stack of thin books.
By the first grade, I knew a bunch of poems by heart, I adored books.
And I inherited from my mother, if not absolute literacy, then certainly linguistic flair.

It would seem that with a lesson "Russian" in this situation should have been easy and interesting for me.
But - something in our school tradition is fundamentally wrong with the teaching of the native language.

What tasks would you set for a student who is already fluent in oral speech in some language and can read?
The idea is to learn how to correctly and clearly express your thoughts in writing,
that is, mastering written speech.

What usually happens at school?
Quite different, alas ...

There are many, many rules to be learned by heart.
Lots of words, cheating boring texts,
work on bugs.
Terribly boring and boring
no fun, no zest.

Is it really impossible to learn a language in an interesting way ?!

While children are just learning to read, it would be nice to introduce some bonuses for those who already read well. And some interesting tasks for them. And the ability to come up with your own assignments - for the teacher, for parents, for peers.
The exchange of tasks is always more interesting than the need to do everything like everyone else.

You can compose your own crosswords, riddles, anagrams and rebuses.
Or you can try to compose funny phrases and whole absurd stories in which all words begin with one letter.

While children are just learning to write by hand, it would be nice to share the writing skill as the skill of deducing these particular letters, separately - literacy - and separately the content.
If it is imperative to evaluate everything, then let it be 3 different assessments:
- for calligraphy
-for spelling
- for the meaning

Many children like to invent and compose something,
but it is difficult for them to write down what they have invented.
For such children, the help of adults is very important, let the children compose a story, and an adult will help write it down.
It is important for children to see how the sound pronounced by them becomes letters, and then they can re-read it as much as you want.
(Some children like to draw pictures for their stories themselves, while others like to make a play out of their story).
There is a wonderful book by Vivian Paley "The Boy Who Wanted to Be a Helicopter", and so, there was a tradition that all the children in the group could go to the teacher and tell her their story. And then there was a time when all these stories are read aloud - and played out in roles.

Some children like to draw their own books,
at the same time they themselves write both the text and the pictures.
Let in these texts half of the letters are missing, the rest are written in mirror - it does not matter!
But they have a plot and illustrations - and at this stage this is more important.
Sometimes, in order to provoke the creation of such self-made books, it is enough to fold 3 sheets of plain paper in half, and sew or chop off with a stapler ...

Some kids like to write funny story cubes story cubes

In the Russian language lessons, it would be possible to compose and write down their riddles with the children.
Not folk riddles like "a girl is sitting in a dungeon, but a scythe on the street", the meaning of which is, alas, little understood by city children.
No, riddles, say, consisting of several adjectives (as in the game "soft sign"),
For example,
yellow, sour, oval?
yellow, sweet, long?
gray, huge, with big ears?
gray, small, with a long tail?

And let the child write "SHVOSTIKAM", if we understood him and were able to solve his riddle, then he is great!
It is not necessary to immediately correct all mistakes and typos, although you can tell that "adults agreed to write this word like this."

When children are just learning to write, they need game assignments, and the more they write (albeit with mistakes), the better.
First, just your name when you sign your work.
Then - the name of the picture.
And then you can, say, play Doble or Spot it Jr, give each of them two cards, and ask them to write out what kind of animal is on both cards.
Let him write MDVET, but we understood what kind of beast we are talking about, right?

Then you can ask the children to write in their notebook the three most ridiculous - for him personally - phrases that he got when turning over the pages of the cutting book.

You can come up with rhymes (for example, using cards from the game "tow-rvaklya"), and then compose ridiculous rhymes and write them down.

Once upon a time there was a seal
a deer butted him,
He sat down on a tree stump
and sang all day.

I assure you that such nonsense composed in the classroom is remembered by children much faster than any verses from a textbook ...

If you want children to copy literate text, then why not offer them a choice?
Someone will copy the text of their favorite children's song, and someone will choose adult poems.
Children are different, but for the most part they like to choose for themselves, and not just follow directives.

Even the possibility of choosing the type "write off any 8 lines of verses from any book at home, or from anywhere in the textbook" is much better than "write off exercise No. NN".

And then you need to gradually learn how to write texts - on a variety of topics.
It is not the ability to correctly copy the text that is more important,
and even more so - not the ability to recite the spelling rules by heart.
It is much more important to be able to
-select synonyms and antonyms
-understand that different texts have their own style
-be able to compose texts in different genres

How many adults can boast of this?
But they all finished school, and spent more than an hour or two in their native language lessons ...
They just don't teach it at school, alas.

While children are young, it is very important for them to see their progress, and any game techniques work better than boring and boring tasks "write off the text and insert the missing letters" ...

You can play with the letters in the memory together with the children, using the alphabet "

Alexander Shibaev. Native language, be friends with me
Illustrator: Vadim Gusev
DETGIZ, 2013
? Additional 28% discount

It is impossible not to fall in love with this book! I do not know a single child who remained indifferent to her and not a single adult who would not like her. I am sure that most of you have long been familiar with the poems and dialogues from it, because they have been quoted more than once in school textbooks, "Murzilka" and other children's magazines.

I know her by heart since childhood!

We studied transference,
This is how I transferred the words:
I barely endured: e-two,
And he got "two" for it.
I suffered an injection: ooh-col
And he received a "stake" for this.
Again I moved: oh-five.
Now, hopefully, there will be "five".

The book is divided into 4 parts, each of which is devoted to its own topic.

The first part is called "This is what they are." Here, a poetic acquaintance with the letters takes place, and in the most vivid form.

"A" is the beginning of the alphabet,
That is why she is famous.
And it's easy to recognize her -
Sets the legs wide.

Friends joined hands
And they said: “You, yes I -
This is us". Meanwhile
It turned out the letter "M".

By the way, the very first edition of the book was called “Friends joined hands”.

The title of the second part: "The letter got lost." In it you will encounter an amazing phenomenon, how when replacing one letter with another, a whole word changes! Children, by the way, will correct you with enthusiasm and joy, but it is not always true, which makes them even more amused.

The snow melts. A stream flows.
The branches are full of Doctors.

The doctor reminded Uncle Mitya:
“Do not forget about one thing:
Be sure to accept
10 Herons before bed!

Very funny short rhymes, and most importantly, everything is intelligible, humorous and literally engraved in the memory!

Part Three: "Magic Words". Here is just about those magic words that turn into one another, for example, ka-ban, ka-ban, ka-ban-ka, bank-ka, bank-ka, bank-ka. There are also homonyms here (the same in meaning, but different in the spelling of the word). And about how words used in a figurative sense change the meaning of a sentence, and much more.

Animal, animal, where are you running?
What is your name, baby?
- I'm running in ka-mouse, ka-mouse, ka-mouse,
I am a mouse, a mouse, a mouse.

The fourth part is called "Oh, this grammar!" Here are the most unexpected poems and stories about grammatical tricks. To this section there is an application "Various absurdities", there is a solid thrill from the indescribable play on words and excellent language skills.

- Hey!
- What are you talking about?
- I carry different things.
- Awkward ?! Why are they awkward?
- You yourself are absurd, as I can see. I carry different things. Different! Understood? Here, I'm bringing chalk ...
- What could not?
- Leave me alone.
- Why, you say: "I could not." That he could not?
- I'm carrying Mel !!! You have to listen. I'm carrying chalk. Mishka. He will need ...
- Well, if his wife will get him, so why are you carrying?
- What wife? Is it Mishka's wife ?! Oh, you joker. I said: "He will need to." It will be needed, then.
- That's it...
- And I also have good news for Mishka: there was a brand that he has been looking for for a long time.
- Tamarka?
- Yeah.
- And - nothing, pretty?
- Beautiful! So green ...

The book is always published in the same design with illustrations by Vadim Gusev. And this is the right decision, because the illustrations are very visual, and most importantly, the book was immediately created in tandem by the author and the artist.

The reissue is not bad. The only negative for me is that the pictures here are rather bright. Lots of red. In my books, yellow-beige tones prevail on page splash screens. I highly recommend this book as an excellent way to get acquainted with the Russian language. These rules will never be forgotten. She is also much funnier and more interesting than Auster and other similar writers, whom many of us appreciate and love.

Evgeniya Astrova, specially for Favorite children's books: new and old-fashioned

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Artist: Vadim Gusev

DETGIZ Publishing House, 2017

Series: I read without hesitation

ISBN: 978-5-8452-0294-9 all

A book about letters, in poetic form. This book, in my opinion, is needed in every home where there are children from 3 to 4 years old.

The book has been published beautifully! Thick paper, large print.

And the wonderful poems by Alexander Shibaev are accompanied by no less wonderful drawings by Vadim Gusev. Vadim Gusev's drawings resemble poster graphics from the times of the USSR.

This book is with history.

It began in 1965 with a thin booklet with the book "The Letter Lost Its Way", which had only 10 pages + cover. And in 1981 the book "Native language, be friends with me" was published. Alexander Shibaev finished it already in the hospital and did not live to see the publication. Vadim Gusev "finished" the book himself, also acting as the compiler of the book.

The book has grown - 128 pages. One book contains four books. After each book there are still Appendices.

I liked the book both in content and execution.

By the way, now you can buy thin books from the "Rech" duet Shibaev - Gusev. I chose to buy ALL at once in one book! And more practical and economical.

The first book is called "Here they are".

It tells about the letters, the peculiarity of their writing. Ideal for kids who are just starting to learn letters. This is the part we are reading so far!

Poems are easy to learn and remember.

Look, look:

Five neighbors in the alphabet -

Letters "Г", "Д", "Е", "Е", "Ж" -

Everyone grieves for the hedgehog

They always think: "WHERE is the HEDGEHOG?"

You won't comfort me

You will not calm down ...


"N" put on a belt,

"And" put on a belt.

I put on the letter "N" exactly,

the letter "I" - obliquely "

Second book - "The letter got lost".

This is for older children. This is a book about how just one letter can completely change a word, turn the whole meaning, confuse.

The confused letter is highlighted in a different color, the child must guess which one should be instead of it in reality.

Mom with b go with glasses

On the road, along the village ...

The daughter is a barrel.

Everything is easy and simple. Moreover, on the page above the poem there is a hint - a picture.

Third book - "Magic Words".

These are stories about how different words can be formed from the same syllables.

- Why are you keeping silent?

- When I eat,

I'm like a fish not m- not m- not m,

And let m not -m not -m not

Dine in silence!

The fourth book - "Oh, this grammar!"

Poems about punctuation marks, prepositions, the "not" particle.

Question mark

Forever thinking

Over the meaning


Yoke ...

This book is simply a masterpiece. This is probably the best Russian textbook I know !!! Even I - an adult aunt - learned a lot for myself.

Every child should have such a book!

Fail happened yesterday. I was not hired.

Failed the test task. The position I was looking for was a proofreader of our city newspaper. Everything was very quick and shameful. I came to the editorial office, received a "strip", but such a special one. Enlarged it once, and with ashipami it is two.

I read it quickly, noted 4 or 5 mistakes. The person who communicated with me looked and literally burst into tears. Because there were twice as many mistakes.

Well, yes, the Chukchi is not a reader, the Chukchi is a writer. The person hiring was crying, because he was already in despair - they should send the page (this time real, real) to print in 15 minutes, 5 people read it in turn, after them she found exactly 5 mistakes. So the corrector needs a nosebleed. The last hope was in me, tk. after reading my FB I got the impression that "he is a decent person, he writes in FB with commas." And I did not justify :(

But what pleases me is that somewhere else they monitor the level, they do not take such "literate" people to work.

Everything, of course, "leaves", is quickly washed out of the brain. And somewhere just inattention. I think if I hadn't been in a hurry yesterday, I would have gnawed my teeth, I would have seen a few more mistakes. You are the one to blame.

The book is small, enlarged pocket size, with two of my palms. In principle, it will fit into any purse. Flipping before the interview is great, hey-hey-hey.

The most difficult and "nasty" mistakes of the Russian language

Some things are not very applicable, I can't imagine where to take 15 minutes of my life to rewrite someone else's text. In addition, my hand will fall off in 15 minutes of writing! But we all know that "reading" just works - the more you read, the higher your literacy. Photo fixation, nothing magical.

But to check your spelling right there is great fun. Just like yesterday.

Complex rules in simple language

"How did this book grow?
As everybody. How are you. As everybody.
At first she was very small. In 1965 (you weren’t born yet) it had only ten pages and a cover, and it was not called “language” yet, but only “letter”. Completely - "The letter got lost." Our joint work with the special poet Alexander Alexandrovich Shibaev began with this booklet.
I had to finish it alone.
It was very interesting for me to play language, such a large, very complex game in which you have to think so much!
This game is played with signs: punctuation marks, letters, words that add letters - all these are signs.
Every game is played by the rules. You need to know the rules. Those who do not even know simple rules are laughed at. "He (she, they) is funny!" We are having fun - we know how to do it right! Shibaev's poems laugh with us!
I drew what Alexander Alexandrovich wanted to write. He wrote what was interesting to draw for me. Together again - fun!
And it's quite fun - with you. All together. "
Vadim Gusev (author of drawings for the book).
For young children.


author Alexander Shibaev
Illustrator Vadim Gusev
genre For the little ones, Learning to write
Publisher DetGiz
Date of issue 2015
Number of pages 128
Circulation 5000
ISBN 978-5-8452-0488-2
Page format 10
Binding 7
Format 60x90 / 8
Weight 628 g

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