If the wife does not work, she can. If the wife does not work, can the husband issue maternity

home / Psychology

A century ago, this topic would have caused deep bewilderment. What are the pros and cons ?! The wife should be engaged exclusively in the hearth, and only extreme need can make a woman think about independent earnings!

However, in our harsh time, the situation has changed, and families where the wife does not work (we are not talking now about those cases when a woman is disabled for health reasons or sits with a baby) are very rare! Is this good or bad for your relationship with your husband? We read and discuss!

My dream is to deal only with home and family, but how will this affect my relationship with my husband?

You want to try sitting at home, and the material resources of your family allow it. However, is it worth - will your husband understand you?

Of course, I don't know your husband personally, and I can't predict his reaction! There are husbands who can react to the wife's desire not to work categorical "no".

However, if the "no" is not categorical, and you understand that your husband may well meet your proposal? Then I advise you to try!

Surely the husband will see that his wife has ceased to be tortured, tired and irritable, and at home he is greeted by a delicious dinner and passionate sex with his wife who missed the day! And if, moreover, t you will not lose a wide range of interests and will not stop caring for yourself- for sure it will strengthen your marriage.

My husband insists that I do not work - should I agree?

I guess it's not even debatable what's yours consent or disagreement to quit work should depend only on your desire, outlook on life, life plans ... If a man loves you, he will understand and accept any of your decisions.

If you, too, would like to try yourself as a housewife, and your desires coincide - great! And if not? Is it worth giving up a career and leading unpleasant way of life for you "home club" just because the husband wants it?

What will you achieve? Will your husband love you more? Is it force a wife not to work, to live in a way she doesn't like is a sign of great love ?! Sooner or later, a showdown will begin with the leitmotif "you ruined my career" and "you are a disgusting mistress" - and it’s not far from divorce!

Why do some men want their wives not to work?

Some women from about ten years old begin to dream of a husband who will say the cherished phrase: "Darling, i don't want my wife to work- take care of your home and give birth to more kids! ".

Other young ladies, hearing such speeches, would certainly consider a man a domestic tyrant and tyrant, depriving them of the right to a bright interesting life and wanting tie to hated pans

And what motives can actually move a man who wants his wife not to work?

Is it nobility or tyranny?

  • Family Ideal - husband-earner, wife-keeper of the hearth... Yes, yes, those rare specimens of husbands who have always dreamed of a little wife sitting at home who will meet them after a hard day's work with a plate of borscht and starchy sheets have not yet disappeared! If the wife represents an ideal family in the same way - this the marriage will surely be very happy and harmonious! And if not, then it will be difficult for her to convince such a husband that she does not at all consider cooking borscht and starching sheets as happiness!
  • Self-affirmation... Every man wants to feel big and strong - the real head of the family, a "stone wall" for his wife. Aspiration, in general, is correct! But some husbands want their wife not to work - in this situation the dominance of the husband is seen much more strongly! This is not tyranny: the husband believes that he is giving his wife a gift, freeing her from the hated work, and gifts greatly strengthen the marital relationship. The main thing is that the wife appreciates this gift!
  • "Status need"... Have you ever heard that the wife of a president (of any country) goes to work? Charity - yes, social and cultural events - yes, but not work! Even if you are not yet the first lady, when your husband has reached a certain step on the career ladder, he may want his wife not to work - status is not allowed... In his eyes, this is the same as riding a tram or wearing second-hand clothes - a shame, a shame! Are you not going to quit your job? Convince your husband that you are not doing this for a piece of bread, but for the sake of interest... Well, this is a hobby! And hobbies and quirks are allowed for the wives of even the most senior husbands!

And also ... Alas, there are indeed "muschschinki" (the language does not dare to call them men), who make wives not work, in order to look like a hero, a "breadwinner" against the background of the "downtrodden domestic aunt"! It was with such husbands that he was invented the "housewife does nothing" myth.

What if you come across such a copy? Run at breakneck speed, because you can't reform him!

Don't you wanna run? Get a job and start living solely on your own income - the "martyr's halo", which hubby so proudly boasts, will noticeably fade!

Is it true that a non-working woman inevitably degrades as a person?

This often scare non-working women- "you are degrading, you will lag behind life, you will turn into a stupid kludge, which is not interested and understands nothing but pots and serials" ...

But is it inevitable? And what is degradation really?

Recall that women started working only recently- this phenomenon is only about a hundred years old! And before that, for thousands of years, women had led exactly this supposedly stupefying way of life - a household, raising numerous children ...

So what, to celebrate the victory over the tyranny of patriarchy?

But you can think differently - the "home" way of life is very natural for any woman, he is in her nature! And if a woman sees the meaning of his life not a career and money, but a house, family, children - she does not degrade, but shows our innermost feminine essence, which does not and should not be in men!

And if a business woman cannot fully discuss with a housewife the fluctuation of stock indexes, this does not mean that one of them is smart and correct, and the other is degraded. This is simple two different ways of life.

In addition, a non-working wife gets unique opportunities for self-development, for which a career woman may simply not have enough time - in addition to cooking and washing, you can be creative, lead an active cultural life, take care of yourself, read books, play sports - but you never know what activities you can fill free 9 hours a day! Is this degradation ?!

However, you say, where do those aunts come from, who, instead of self-development, are limited by the formula of "simple human happiness" - "Cooking + Series"? Is the female essence so primitive ?! Of course not.

And the reason for the degradation of these personalities is not in the very domestic way of life, but in "mental laziness". While working, such an aunt will not develop - she will also discuss borscht and serials with colleagues, and the work will be done by her insofar as the bosses do not swear ...

If a wife does not work, she can be a gift for her husband. A real woman 100%! Or maybe a clogged cluck ... It all depends on her!

Based on statistics from HeadHunter, which is actively involved in employment issues in the country, male citizens of the Russian Federation went on maternity leave only 7% of the total number of participants in the portal's survey - 6,500 people. Of unmarried men and boys, 48% of already established fathers and 41% of still free young people may well be ready for such a step. When asked to indicate the reason why men want to go on maternity leave, 30% just wanted to stay at home with their child, 17% said that their salaries were still less than that of working wives, 10% were unemployed, and 24 % of cases with a child, there was simply no one to be at home.

Can a husband get maternity leave if his wife does not work in 2018?

It is paid until the child is 18 months old, and for this reason, it is necessary to approach the question of which of the parents to apply for it in a more responsible and balanced manner. The proceeding, of course, follows from the benefit. If the child's dad wants to apply for a monthly allowance for himself, he needs to provide the following documents to the HR department:

  • statement;
  • a certificate stating that the mother of the child did not draw up this allowance;
  • birth certificate of the child.

If none of the spouses is registered in an official job, but the child's mother, for example, plans to find a job, it is also more expedient to apply for the allowance for her husband - so it will not be "lost", and it will be possible to avoid unnecessary paperwork with its renewal. One way or another, it is best to arrange it as early as possible.

Rules for receiving maternity payments for a wife by a husband at the place of his work

  • a copy of the marriage certificate;
  • applicant's husband's passport (copy).
  • also, the husband, who draws up maternity benefits for himself, must submit a package of documents to the local authorities for social protection of the population:
  • an extract from the work book in the form of a copy at the last place of work;
  • when maternity benefits were issued, you need to take a certificate of their calculations, and then provide a copy of such a certificate to the department;
  • a copy of the order from the enterprise;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • a certificate from the Employment Center stating that the wife is not registered and does not receive any unemployment benefits;
  • calculation of the husband's average income.

After the employer has received a full package of documents from the employee, he can start calculating benefits.

Can a husband get maternity instead of a wife: design nuances

It is calculated according to the same rules as for a woman, and is 40% of the average earnings, but not higher than 21,554.85 rubles. In the indicated amount, the allowance is due until the child reaches 1.5 years of age. Until the child is 3 years old, the father can claim compensation if the vacation has not been interrupted.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 255-FZ, the accrual of benefits does not stop if the employee, while on parental leave, works part-time. The Labor Code obliges organizations to establish conditions for part-time work at the request of an employee raising a child under the age of fourteen. The law does not stipulate how many hours it is necessary to reduce the working time, it depends on the agreement between the employee and the employer.
For example, you can shorten the working day by one hour or provide an additional day off per week.

If the wife does not work, can the husband receive maternity benefits?

However, this does not mean at all that the baby's father is not able to receive other benefits at the place of his employment. For example, a lump sum payment can be issued in his name, which is issued at the birth of a child. Its size does not depend on whether the parent is officially employed, so it is absolutely not critical who - the father or mother of the child - will receive it.
Its registration requires the writing of an application, a certificate of the birth of a child and a document from the place of work of the second parent, confirming that he did not draw up and did not receive this money, are also provided. If the person making the payment does not work, you need to provide a notarized extract from the work book, in which the last place of work will be recorded. Now let's talk in more detail about the allowance that is provided monthly.

Can a husband get maternity instead of his wife?


When registering maternity money for the unemployed, an insurance certificate is not required. What do you need for leave before childbirth? Can my husband get maternity? Only a woman is entitled to leave before childbirth and after it on a certificate of incapacity for work. And this is normal, because it is the mother who will give birth in the hospital.

How to arrange an appropriate period of incapacity for work? Only working women are entitled to it. They will need to present to the employer:

  • a doctor's note (issued after the 30th week of pregnancy);
  • the passport;
  • application for decree.

This, as practice shows, is already enough. No birth certificates or certificates from the husband's place of work.

After all, the child has not yet been born. Moreover, as we have already said, only an expectant mother can apply for maternity benefits for incapacity for work.

Can a husband get maternity

But the legislation also means by "citizens with children" also the relatives of the woman who gave birth. However, this is possible if she works and was given a bulletin on temporary disability due to pregnancy and childbirth. But if your wife becomes pregnant without being registered under an employment contract, and you are an officially employed husband, then you can receive a lump sum in connection with the birth of a child.
What is said in part 4 of Order No. 1012n. Even in the event of divorce, an unemployed husband can receive a lump sum, provided that the child lives with him. For this, he is obliged to provide all the necessary documents to the department of social protection of the population before the onset of the child's one and a half year old.

Can a husband get maternity instead of a wife?

The average is 140 days. This period is paid in a lump sum. In addition, maternity leave is often referred to as parenting and caring leave for a newborn. During this time, a person receives a monthly allowance.


Can a husband get maternity? Do not rush to answer this question. After all, it all depends on the definition of the decree. Often, maternity payments are called compensation for the birth of a baby. This is the third form of determining the period under study. Decree before and after childbirth. Does the husband have the right to receive maternity? If we talk about the period of disability, which begins from the 30th week of an interesting position of a woman, then the answer will be negative.

Some girls and employers jokingly say that a spouse can get a maternity lump sum if he gets pregnant and gives birth himself.

Maternity to father: design features

All necessary calculations must be completed within 10 days from the date of application. Features of registration of payments to the father A man who recently quit his job or is registered at the employment center can apply for maternity payments directly to the FSS. There are branches of this fund in every region of our country.

If, for some good reason, you cannot visit the fund, contact the administration of the settlement for help. Difficulties with the registration of maternity payments are rare. But when the employer refuses to accept the documents, it can be classified as a criminal violation.

If a conflict arises, be sure to remind the employer of this. The employer cannot refuse to pay maternity benefits The child's father can protect his rights by contacting the authorities that monitor compliance with the legislation in this area.

Can a husband receive maternity money if his wife does not work?

The place of registration of funds to be received depends on the availability of a job for a man:

  • if he works officially, you need to contact the place of work;
  • if he is unemployed, documents should be submitted to the social security office for registration.

The husband can issue maternity only if he officially goes on leave to care for him. At the same time, he can completely stop working or work part-time. In both cases, the vacation period of up to 1.5 years is not interrupted and the benefit is paid every month. A situation in which the husband receives childcare benefits at his place of work and continues to work, while the wife takes care of the child at home, is not allowed. We recommend reading on the topic of granting a decree to a man: How to take parental leave for a father.

Often, only the husband works in a married couple, and the wife sits at home, doing household chores or raising children. In such situations, misunderstandings, quarrels, resentments and other family problems may arise due to the fact that the wife does not want to work. There are several reasons for this, the husband needs to know the right approach in order to push the spouse to take a serious step.

Refusal Syndrome

Refusal Syndrome

If a woman does not want to work, it can be assumed that she has a work refusal syndrome.

The husband tries everything to force the spouse with the refusal syndrome to look for a job: he hints, persuades, gets angry, hopes that all his requests worked. However, none of the methods works, the wife is still at home.

The unemployed wife has endless excuses. But these answers are ignored, and only sometimes such conversations end with promises to think about employment, which are still not fulfilled.

The habit of not working

Coercion will never work on her, you need to try to convince her, but even if the wife agrees to start earning, it will rather be a part-time part-time job (tutoring).

Real reasons

Making a wife work is difficult. You used logical arguments, reasonable arguments and explanations, ultimatums, bargaining and persuasion, but all to no avail. You may ask yourself why she spent time and money on education just to gain independence, and as a result, become financially dependent on you.

Staying at home to raise children, meeting them after school, looking after the house and looking after you are plausible excuses, but there are also excuses. Let's be honest, your wife just doesn't want to work, even if she is overwhelmed by aspects of housework, cooking, cleaning. Let's find out why she refuses to work.

Many women want someone to take care of them the way they take care of their family. The desire to be loved, protected and cared for is natural. The reality is that a man does not always have the opportunity to spend a lot of time with his beloved wife, as he needs to take care of his business and career.

Your wife is a dependent person on you, just like your children. She is not a child, but an adult independent woman who refuses to grow up in this regard. As statistics show, women with little intelligence are unhappy with the role of a wife dependent on her spouse. They are locked in between the urge to take care of themselves, the desire to be equal, and the fear of independence.

You must explain to your wife that by voluntarily giving up her career and making herself dependent on her husband, she is throwing another burden on you. If you have children, explain to her what type of role model she sets up. Children will follow their mother's example.

Wife takes care of her husband

The wife's desire to care for you and dependence on you will result in resentment and anger in both of you. She will be angry and you will be offended because you are putting the burden on yourself. This is called hostile addiction.

Regardless of how strong your wife’s childhood desire is to feel cared for and safe, she’s already an adult and needs to take care of herself. This creates an unconscious conflict in her. These women are unaware of their addiction needs and often loudly proclaim how independent they are. Their behavior shows their need for parenting relationships with other people who are emotionally important to them. From a developmental point of view, they are adolescents and resent their dependence on spouses, who embarrass them, often make them feel helpless and constantly demand to grow up.

Adolescents have a number of developmental tasks to complete before entering a psychologically healthy adult life. Non-working women need to understand that they are adults, that all options are open to them. They can no longer fantasize that they have plenty of time to be who they want to be.

Such wives need to give up their desires to be caring and nurturing. Being independent is hard work, and real independence is daunting. Because these people respond to conflicting, unconscious addiction needs, they are literally impossible to satisfy.

Your wife wants to be taken care of, but she also wants to be recognized as an equal. For an equal relationship, it is necessary that both partners are formed individuals with equal opportunities. If a wife wants to be seen as an equal, she must convince her husband that she can be an independent adult. If a woman does not work, she cannot become truly independent. Children receive pocket money for household and school chores, so they can go to the mall, and adults earn a salary to support themselves.

There are several aspects that explain why it is important for a wife to work. Here are some of them:

  1. She will develop self-confidence and feel better and sexier.
  2. This will contribute to the emergence of independence from you.
  3. It will become more interesting for you and for others thanks to the new knowledge and skills that it will receive.
  4. When your wife teaches children about the importance of education and work, she can set herself up as an example and not speak empty words.
  5. It will ease your financial burden, which will help reduce your stress and make your time together more enjoyable.

Becoming independent and independent is scary, but it is necessary for development and a better life. It's part of growing up and having an equal relationship. It is important to explain to your wife all the benefits of her employment. But you should never press and force to work, this will only worsen the situation.

Find an approach to your loved one and do not forget about her feelings and desires. Be sure to help her in all endeavors, as well as help with household chores and raising children. If so, you can convince your wife to find a job.


Maternity benefits include a number of social benefits assigned in connection with a pregnant condition, the birth of a child and the care of him.

There are several allowances, some of them the husband has the right to issue, regardless of whether his wife is working officially or not.

And some cash payments are due exclusively to women.

What payments are provided?

The word decree means a long period of time, exciting pregnancy, childbirth, raising a child up to 3 years old. During this period, several cash payments are due.

Not all maternity benefits are available to men, some are available only to women.

The word "maternity benefits" combine several payments:

  • one-time for a timely visit to the antenatal clinic of a pregnant woman;
  • for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • one-time at the birth of a baby;
  • for the care of those born up to one and a half years of age.

The last two of the presented ones can be received by the husband at his place of work or in social protection, if he does not work. The first two are reserved exclusively for the woman due to her pregnant situation.

Is a man entitled to claim maternity benefits?

This question often arises in connection with the absence of an official place of work for a pregnant woman. The answer is unequivocal: a husband cannot receive maternity allowance under any circumstances, whether his wife is working or not.

Payment is guaranteed by Art. 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and is provided as compensation for the time the employee is absent from work in connection with preparation for childbirth and recovery after them.

This period of interruption in work is referred to as. It is logical that a man is not entitled to such an allowance.

This payment is divided into two parts: prenatal and postnatal and is provided only to certain categories of women:

  • working officially;
  • full-time students;
  • dismissed upon liquidation;
  • serving in government or military bodies.

If the wife does not work, then she cannot transfer the right to receive prenatal and postnatal to her husband at his place of work. In this case, the right to maternity for pregnancy is lost.

Is it possible to arrange payments for a child to his father?

In contrast to the benefits discussed above, maternity benefits in connection with the appearance of a newborn and caring for him are entitled to receive a husband for his wife at the place of his work or in social protection.

Men have this right both when the mother of the child is employed officially and when she is unemployed.

The place of registration of funds to be received depends on the availability of a job for a man:

  • if he works officially, you need to contact the place of work;
  • if he is unemployed, documents should be submitted to the social security office for registration.

The husband can issue maternity only if he officially goes out for him.

At the same time, he can completely stop working or work part-time.

In both cases, the vacation period of up to 1.5 years is not interrupted and the benefit is paid every month.

A situation in which the husband receives childcare benefits at his place of work and continues to work, while the wife takes care of the child at home, is not allowed.

For registration of maternity for a husband:

  • a statement is written to the employer or to social protection, a sample statement can be downloaded;
  • a birth certificate is attached to the application;
  • the wife provides a certificate stating that she has not taken this vacation and does not receive payment, a sample of the certificate can be downloaded. A woman can get a document at her place of work, if she officially works, or in social protection, if she is unemployed.

On the basis of these documents, maternity allowance for a child is assigned and paid.

Useful video

For registration of maternity for a husband:

  • an application is written to the employer or to social protection, a sample application can be downloaded here;
  • a birth certificate is attached to the application;
  • the wife provides a certificate stating that she has not taken this vacation and does not receive payment, a sample of the certificate can be downloaded here. A woman can get a document at her place of work, if she officially works, or in social protection, if she is unemployed.

On the basis of these documents, maternity allowance for a child is assigned and paid. Useful video We recommend that you watch the video, which describes in detail when a husband can issue maternity leave, and when he does not have such a right: From the above, we can conclude that a man can, if desired, apply only for benefits related to the birth and upbringing of a child.

Can a husband get maternity leave if his wife does not work in 2018?

Then he will no longer be able to apply for financial support. Where to ask for help We found out if a husband can get maternity leave instead of his wife.

And in which organizations are child benefits issued today? For payments under the decree in one form or another, employed citizens must go to their employer without fail. Regional compensations are issued at the MFC, as well as through the one-stop shop or social protection of the population.

Parents who are not working should not seek benefits from an employer. And where to? They will either have to use social protection services or submit a request to the multifunctional center of the region.

To obtain a maternity capital, you must contact the Pension Fund of Russia. Documents for benefits Can the husband receive maternity benefits? Yes, but not in full.

Rules for receiving maternity payments for a wife by a husband at the place of his work

How the payment of maternity leave is formalized A man who has taken out maternity leave must apply for a childcare allowance no later than 6 months from the day the child reaches the age of 1.5 years (clause 3, article 12 of the Federal Law No. 255). The entire vacation period is given in order to apply for accrual and payment.
Therefore, it is very important here not to delay and contact the company where the vacation was issued, but if there are any disagreements or disputes, then you may also have to contact the territorial center of the Social Insurance Fund. For the correct registration of maternity payments to the husband, you should use the following step-by-step instructions:

  • submit to the personnel department of the enterprise where the husband works, a written application in free form with the employer's request to take leave for the care and upbringing of the child upon reaching the age of one and a half years.

Can a husband get maternity instead of a wife: design nuances

Who pays for the maternity leave the employer or the state? Everything is very simple: the employer pays, the state returns the money to him after a while. A woman must submit documents for maternity leave to the personnel department at the place of work.
This is a sick leave from a gynecologist or general practitioner (if there is no “female doctor” in the medical institution - this often happens in small settlements), an application for maternity leave and an account number to which funds will be transferred. This money can only be received by a woman, and none of her family members has the right to reissue the payment to themselves.

How to apply for a husband's allowance? So, as you have already understood, the man does not have to rely on the actual maternity money - after all, it is not he, but the woman, who bears and gives birth to the baby.

If the wife does not work, can the husband receive maternity benefits?


The government of our country annually increases the amount of benefits. The indexation takes into account the level of inflation, the rise in prices, as well as the indicators of receipts of funds to the budget of a particular region and the whole country.


If dad leaves by decree, he must apply for his last job. Employers have no right to refuse such a wish to their employees.

In case of refusal, the conflict is resolved in court. In any event, the court will take the side of the applicant. In addition, employers cannot fire such an employee, since they are obliged to provide him with a job after leaving parental leave.
The child's father has every right to take maternity leave. The only reason a person on parental leave can be fired is the liquidation of the company.

Can a husband get maternity instead of his wife?

Having a child in her arms, most likely, she will not be able to continue her labor activity, unless, of course, this is freelancing and work as an avon coordinator, which can be easily combined with caring for a baby, therefore, money in the family will not be superfluous (details about earnings in maternity leave vacation I wrote here). Therefore, the legislation provides for some payments for men. It is worth considering that only one of the parents can apply for the allowance, and this is not about maternity payments themselves, but about a monthly childcare allowance, which is charged until the baby reaches one and a half years of age. However, I propose to sort out all these concepts and problems in order, so that later there is no confusion, and you could say with confidence that you understand how to arrange the aforementioned payments for the child's father.

Can a husband get maternity

There is also a minimum charge threshold - no less than 2500 rubles. for one baby and at least 5000 rubles. - for two at once, as well as for subsequent children (Article 11.2 of the Law on Insurance No. 255-ФЗ dated December 29, 2006). Maternity benefits must be paid to the person who is established as the guardian of the child, and this can be, according to the law, not only his mother, but also the father, grandmother, grandfather, any relative or guardian (Art.

11.1 of the Law on Insurance No. 255-

FZ), once a month. The duration of such payments lasts exactly throughout the entire parental leave. Such a vacation ends immediately after the child turns one and a half years old (p.

1 tbsp. 11.1 ФЗ № 255). Only those persons who do not work, work at home or work part-time receive such assistance (clause 2 of article 11.1 of the Federal Law No. 255). Only one person is eligible to receive benefits, not a few.

Can a husband get maternity instead of a wife?

Why is it more convenient to apply for a childcare allowance for the husband? In what cases is it most convenient to issue payments due after the birth of a child to a spouse? First of all, of course, this applies to cases when a man is officially employed, but a woman is not. In this situation, he may even agree with the employer and continue working, but officially listed "on maternity leave."

In addition, sometimes a woman has a higher-paying job, and in order to make it easier to provide for her family, it is easier for her to get out of vacation ahead of schedule and continue to bring income to the family budget, and leave her husband at home to look after the child.

Maternity to father: design features

Not all maternity benefits are available to men, some are available only to women. The word "maternity benefits" combine several payments:

  • one-time for a timely visit to the antenatal clinic of a pregnant woman;
  • for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • one-time at the birth of a baby;
  • for the care of those born up to one and a half years of age.

The last two of the presented ones can be received by the husband at his place of work or in social protection, if he does not work. The first two are reserved exclusively for the woman due to her pregnant situation. Is a man entitled to claim maternity benefits? This question often arises in connection with the absence of an official place of work for a pregnant woman.

Can a husband receive maternity money if his wife does not work?

If a woman studied full-time, then the calculation is made according to the amount of the scholarship. When registered at the Employment Center, the payment of maternity money will be dealt with by the social security authorities.

The amount is individual and depends on the specific situation. If you are not officially employed and do not pay taxes to the state treasury, do not make transfers for compulsory insurance, or simply do not work anywhere, you have no right to apply for maternity money.

The reason is that maternity taxes are charged that citizens of the Russian Federation pay at work. If you are going to go on maternity leave, the employee must write a statement addressed to the director of the organization, as well as submit a document confirming the fact of pregnancy.

After that, an order is issued in her name, and the payment of funds begins.

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