What awaits the twins in January of the year.

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Twins. Horoscope for Gemini for January 2019

In order for peace to reign in the Gemini family in January 2019, you will have to work on yourself. Be kinder to your loved ones, come up with a joint activity - and everything will work out.
The best business alliance this month will be with your precious half. Together you can move mountains and replenish the budget.

Auspicious days for Gemini in January 2019 – 6, 11, 13, 17, 29
Bad days for Gemini in January 2019 – 2, 15, 22

Gemini career and finances in January 2019
January 2019 will be a difficult career for Gemini. You will need concentration and accuracy, as the price of mistakes made will be too high. Double-check all important points several times. On controversial issues, consult with several employees and, only after weighing everything well, make a decision. Don't take on more than usual.
The first half of the month for many Gemini is a time of reaping the fruits. The final or intermediate results of the case on which you worked will become known. Most likely, you will be satisfied with the result.
Unplanned business trips are possible in the second half of the month. You should not refuse - the trips will be successful. The stars recommend making a louder statement about yourself, advertising your knowledge and skills. Down with embarrassment - you will compete with many.
At the end of January 2019, any tasks will be given easier than usual. Many controversial issues will be resolved as if by magic. The more seriously you take life now, the more trials it will present to you. So take a breath.
In January 2019, in the financial sector, the regime of easy savings will be very appropriate.. Try not to spend money on trifles, do not lend or make too expensive gifts. But it is quite possible to shake old debtors. Most likely, the money will be returned to you without any excuses. In addition, this month is not the best time for large purchases and jewelry.

Gemini's personal life in January 2019
In personal life, in the first half of January 2019, the stellar environment can escalate Gemini's relationship with the other half. You will become extremely touchy - a word accidentally dropped by a partner can cause a storm of emotions. Try to restrain yourself and not do something stupid - soon the situation will change, you will look at what happened from a different angle and realize that you were wrong.
5 and 6 January in a conversation with a loved one, do not touch on sharp, unpleasant issues. The energy of these days will not allow you to understand each other correctly and will provoke discord.
Married twins will be able to make their home more comfortable in the second half of January. Working together with a partner to improve the home will strengthen the relationship and bring more harmony to them.
For single representatives of the sign, the stars will create good conditions for romantic acquaintances. However, keep in mind: there will be obstacles too. So do not rush to take your friendship to the next level - wait a while.

Gemini Health in January 2019
If in January 2019 representatives of the sign Gemini Etsy will lead a healthy lifestyle, health problems should not arise. Do not stay up late at work, and do not take official troubles to heart. You will cope with any business without unnecessary waste of strength and nerves, and overwork threatens to develop into chronic fatigue with all the ensuing consequences. So finish work on time, and in the evening, allow yourself at least a 15-minute walk. On holidays and weekends, go to the skating rink or with the children to the hill. Any excesses should be avoided, especially at the end of the month. Too long walks are fraught with colds, increased workouts in the gym - joint pain and exacerbation of vascular diseases, frequent feasts - problems with the stomach and intestines (not to mention extra pounds). You should also be careful with alcohol. In a word, the motto of the month is moderation in everything!

The ruling planet of Gemini is Mercury, thanks to the unique energy of which these people successfully cope even with difficult life situations. That is why representatives of this sign are often called "Fortune's favorites." But what has fate prepared for Gemini for 2018?

In the month of January, representatives of the Gemini zodiac constellation will be in a state of complete emotional comfort. Gemini will meet the impending 2018 year in high spirits, as they place very high hopes on it to improve their lives.

How the stars and planets will affect Gemini in January 2018

Geminis have always been naturally optimistic, but in January 2018 this figure will grow to unprecedented levels. A positive mood provoked will be a unique planetary alignment, in which three significant planets for the representatives of this sign will participate at once.

Mercury, acting as the main assistant to Gemini, will make a major contribution to this situation. Thanks to the positive influence of this planet, even after the completion of a series of holidays, the Gemini will not be left with an empty pocket. This will be all the help of Mercury.

The planet Neptune will also be included in the process, which will help Gemini to cope with what Mercury has “unfinished”. It should be noted that this state of affairs is more of an exception to the rule, but still this exception will help you get an amazing result. After all, Neptune will make the representatives of the described constellation more merciful towards other people, and due to this new quality, Gemini will receive the title of very humane personalities.

And one could rejoice further if not for one negative aspect - in January 2018, a very strong antagonist will arise - the planet Jupiter. It is he who will affect the fact that Gemini will be drawn to too much frankness, even in communication with barely familiar people. Therefore, you should be vigilant and not trust your thoughts and plans to those whom you do not know well enough.

Features of personal life in January 2018

In most cases, the personal life of Gemini in the first month of winter develops in the same way as before. Family representatives of the sign should try to spend more time with family and relatives in January, as well as doing various outdoor activities.

If you have not yet had time to meet your soul mate, January 2018 will bring many surprises in this regard. Rapprochement with representatives of the opposite sex will occur more actively than before.

For those Gemini who do not seek to bind themselves with serious obligations and dream of a short-term affair, the stars will surely provide such an opportunity at the very beginning of winter.

But if, on the contrary, you dream of a serious relationship and true love, you should take a closer look at your old friends, because it is likely that your soulmate has been lost among them. Plus, be careful not to harm your reputation in any way.

How should Gemini behave in the first winter month of 2018

As for the career sphere, January promises Gemini very good news: their income level will begin to grow exponentially (here, as mentioned earlier, Mercury comes to the rescue).

If you want to keep the positive trend of increasing money, you need to take up new promising projects in the second part of the month and not refuse the interesting offers you receive. After all, having made an investment in such a project, you can ensure stable financial well-being and protect yourself from poverty.

But what to do in January is categorically unacceptable - it's a big risk. Remember that all projects you start in this time period should be based solely on common sense and calculations, and not on dreams and illusions.

This recommendation will be of particular importance for business people. The latter will be able to achieve significant success, it is quite possible to expand your enterprise, but all this will come true if you very well calculate all the likely risks and find yourself a reliable business partner.

Health Horoscope for January 2018

In mid-January, the planet Mars forms negative conjunctions with Pluto and Uranus, which can negatively affect the health of people belonging to this zodiac constellation.

Regardless, January is the perfect time to “start life over.” During the New Year holidays, it is worth controlling what you eat and avoiding excessive consumption of harmful foods and alcohol so as not to disturb the state of your digestive system. Too much smoked and salty food will certainly pamper your taste buds, but it is very important to monitor the number of servings consumed.

In addition, pay increased attention to your daily routine and the state of the nervous system: try to get enough sleep and minimize stressful situations.

January 2018 is a very good time to give up negative habits. Now the Gemini will be able to quit smoking and other things that destroy their body once and for all. Help to do this will be able to Mercury, acting as the ruler of this sign. The most important thing is that you do not break into the holidays, agitated by your friends. Think more about your health, because its condition is extremely important, and the second, sadly to realize, is not given.

If Gemini adheres to all the above recommendations, then good health and excellent emotional state will accompany them throughout the first month of 2018.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Be attentive to other people, do not reproach them for their mistakes, try to enter into their position and understand perfectly. Become an inspiration to your family and friends.

January 2018 tips for a twin

Dark-blue colour
Talisman: bell
Lucky: 7, 18, 23
Dangerous: 10, 11, 15, 25
Motto: "Quietly you go, you will continue."

Gemini mood in January 2018

Tangible changes are not expected either at work or in personal life. But this is good: save your mental and physical strength, which you will soon need in large quantities. It is only important to trust the natural course of life, not looking ahead and looking back less often.

Don't play around with health. Don't overwork, get enough sleep. Make a rational work schedule and strictly adhere to it. Eat well, walk more, and spend at least a few minutes a day alone with yourself to relax both physically and mentally.

Refrain from radical changes in appearance, do not experiment with cosmetics. Use only proven products - your skin may not be able to withstand new products.

Twin job in January 2018

At work, everything is calm, according to plan, without emergency work and special surprises. The main thing is not to get bored and not let the workflow take its course. Keep yourself in good working shape, do not shirk your official duties, even if there is not much work. And be sure to participate in the life of the team, help less experienced employees, do not miss colleagues' birthdays and corporate holidays. You must keep your finger on the pulse of everything, otherwise the financial side of the matter will suffer. In relations with colleagues and superiors, be guided by common sense and a little intuition - neither one nor the other will fail.

Twin love in January 2018

In the second half of January, free Gemini will imperceptibly find themselves in the spotlight. There will be so many fans that some will even have to be fought off. So try to always be at the parade. Love can overtake at any moment and in the most unexpected place. True, all-consuming passion and one hundred percent reciprocity of feelings is not promised. The passion may turn out to be fleeting, but you will have to suffer a little and suffer. But this is good: the more valuable will be the happiness that will fall on you in February literally from heaven.

Family people are freed from everything that can disturb the comfort and peace in the house. Pleasant surprises are expected, most likely of a material nature, from soulmates and children. Take care of the response present. To do this, it would be nice to have an untouchable cash reserve, which can come in handy at the end of the month.

According to the Chinese Book of Changes, January will pass under the sign of the symbol Interaction. This is a good omen, promising good luck, success and good luck, which will accompany you at every step. You only need to maintain an optimistic mood and maintain peace of mind. Very soon there will be several unexpected, exciting, but favorable events for you. Ultimately, they will bring peace and tranquility to your soul.

Map Four of Cups orders you everywhere and in everything to look only forward, not looking back. You are endowed with great spiritual power. It is the foundation and engine of your personality. Allow yourself to grow and flourish.

You need to acquire a new attitude by letting go of old images and habits. And then unique opportunities are formed in life. Grab them, enjoy the moment without demanding or expecting anything supernatural. Learn to enjoy silence and solitude by listening carefully to the inner flow of the soul.

Behavior style: not of this world.

Personal qualities: intuitiveness, openness to cosmic energies.

Talisman people: psychics, philosophers, astrologers.

Mudra of the month for a twin for January 2018

Perform mudra from time to time Turtle. This is an energetically powerful gesture. It will help to quickly restore strength and increase vitality.

Interlace the fingers of the right and left hands, forming a tortoise shell. Press the thumbs with the end phalanges to each other - this is the head of a turtle. When the fingers are connected, the energy channels passing through them are closed into a single circuit, and all energy is accumulated in the body.

In January 2018 Gemini needs to be good people!

In January 2018 Gemini needs to be good people! Because a good person does everything well... he even does bad things GOOD! This is how the Gemini in January 2018 even needs to try to do bad things Good!

As it shows, in the first month of the new year you will lose your inherent flexibility and become as stubborn as or Bulls, oh sorry. But, this is not because of your stubbornness, but because of the harmful influence of Mercury on you in January 2018. That's why Horoscope for January 2018 for Gemini and warns that next month you risk making big mistakes due to your intransigence. Because Taurus and Aries constantly live with it, and it flies on you only under the influence of Mercury or alcohol. And there will be a lot of both in January 2018.

Gemini horoscope for January 2018. It is important that you not only watch your stubbornness, and try to ask yourself the question, and whether you can compromise. It is even more important that you not only look for compromises and agree with other people's opinions, but also do it on time and correctly, like a well-mannered person. And well-mannered people say "I rely on your taste" instead of "yes, I don't give a fuck, do what you want!"

well-mannered people say "I rely on your taste", instead of "yes, I don't give a f*ck, do what you want!"

Fortunately, judging by the horoscope, you will not only be able to control your stubbornness, but also turn everything in your favor (in principle, nothing new for Gemini). The fact is that in January 2018 you will simply be “lucky”. And so you can often use your favorite phrase: "I told you!!!". And even in those cases when you "said" quite the opposite. However, whatever you do, know that luck never lasts long, so if you feel that you are “flooded”, grab luck by the tail and be able to stop in time when the “luck” has passed. For the same reason, in January 2018, do not build complex combinations from the series of Koshchei the Immortal: "The needle is in the egg, the egg is in the duck, the duck is in the hare ... and the hare is in SHOCK." Look for simple solutions, and then no one will accuse you of being stubborn because they simply do not understand your complex combinations.

Horoscope for January 2018 Gemini favorable days - 2, 3, 6, 10, 20, 21, 30.

Horoscope for January 2018 Gemini unfavorable days - do not predict unfavorable moments, and they will not predict you.

Gemini, beware of your best friends, who can lead you to significant unexpected expenses. This may not necessarily be due to debts, rather it will be some kind of exorbitant "spree" ...

Horoscope for January 2018 Gemini work, career and business.

Your professional sphere and career in January 2018 will flow easily and carefree.

However, under the influence of Uranus, even in the festive January, you will really want to prove yourself and career ambitions will suddenly jump in you. Judging by the horoscope, you will have chances, provided that you are as realistic as possible and think about what results you want to achieve. Not for the process itself. Impatience will be your biggest enemy in January 2018. Apparently, despite all your enthusiasm in January 2018, you should not expect sensational events in the professional field. Usual dullness and routine. Don't be discouraged, things will change in your favor soon enough.

The main thing in January 2018 is not to believe even the most firm promises. Even their own. No wonder they say that no one makes promises so easily as someone who is not going to keep them. So take small steps towards great success.

Horoscope for January 2018 Gemini Finance.

Thanks to the help of Neptune, your financial situation in January 2018 should improve. It is not entirely clear how this is possible given the number of New Year holidays, but you can count on it. However, be careful with your best friends, who can lead you to significant unexpected expenses. This may not necessarily be due to debt, but rather it will be some kind of exorbitant "spree", or irresponsible shopping. So be careful with other people's ideas about your expenses.

Love horoscope for January 2018 Gemini. Horoscope for January 2018 Gemini.

Despite the destabilizing influence of Uranus, in the amorous sphere of Gemini in January 2018, you are likely to find compromise solutions in order to establish a dialogue with your spouse or partner. All you have to do is just listen to each other's grievances and take them seriously, and not just treat them as someone else's whims. This is especially true for Gemini women. For example, even if you are 100% sure that the most delicious thing is to drag it from his plate. Do him a favor and leave his plate alone, at least for January, if that pisses him off.

In addition, as the horoscope shows, emotionally in January 2018, the connections in the pair will be quite good. So if you want the harmony in the relationship to continue, you must have more control over this restless and not always reasonable and logical character. By character, we mean you Gemini, not your partners, even if they are also Gemini.

Some Gemini women who only recently started to build relationships in January 2018 may have a crisis. And these relationships, so plainly and not having begun, can come to a standstill. Well, if the guy leaves you of his own free will, then do not forget to remind him that, according to the law, he must work for another two weeks until you find a new one. Even if he is a goat. Especially if he really is a Goat.

Lonely Gemini in January 2018 will need to sort themselves out. Even if in the fall and December you flirted a lot and looked for amorous adventures, then in January 2018 you will need to slow down a bit and stop. Venus in January 2018 will make you realize that you are ready for a serious relationship and will be looking for stability. That's where the stability you're always trying to run away from. So single Gemini in January 2018 can boldly say: “I used to have no luck with girls (guys). Time has passed. I have grown wiser, I have become wiser. Now the girls (guys) have no luck with me.” And it will be right. Since in January 2018, single Gemini will have a high chance of finding the perfect romantic partner! Well, maybe not perfect, but at least new. Especially in the second half of January 2018. You can even be very, very persistent at this time in search of new victims. Don't let it scare you that your new hobby is already in a relationship. You can even openly declare that you are ready to recapture her (him). And this also applies to single Gemini women. So if a man tells you that he is not free, don't let that stop you: “Sorry, but I already have a girlfriend. Clear. That is, if you are offered a Lamborghini, will you also say “sorry, but I already have a Zhiguli”?

So Gemini, as we said at the very beginning in January 2018, you need to be good people! True, when they start to tell you too often that you have changed for the better, then you will involuntarily think about who you were originally? Gemini - don't worry. It's not yours. Changed for the better and that's good. And leave psychoanalysis to Virgos and Pisces, this is their trick. And your chip not only becomes better, but also change this world for the better. After all, who will do it better than the restless, but joyful Gemini.

Happy 2018!

Gemini, if you liked our horoscope for January 2018, share it with your friends and earn "+500" in karma!

Famous astrologers call January for Gemini the month of "stripes". The influence of space can alternate positive events with negative ones. The horoscope for January 2018 for Gemini will help them successfully bypass the obstacles arranged by the planets and make the most of the luck that can be difficult to see behind the problems.

Astro forecast from Vasilisa Volodina

January will bring Gemini into the coming year harmonious and ready for great things. And there are a lot of them throughout the year. Vasilisa Volodina advises not to argue with the stars in order to avoid the difficulties prepared for January on the way of ascent.

Career: The beginning of the year can be, though not easy, but the start for career growth or even a change of job. The planets will provoke Gemini to such a decision. It may seem doubtful, but those who are not afraid will definitely win. January is the perfect time to change activities or professions.

Finance: It is better to plan the budget for January in December, and strictly adhere to it. Holiday spending can be very exciting, and such extravagance is now an unaffordable luxury, and many Gemini will not be able to afford it.

Love: January will be generous with love for all Gemini. Many bachelors will fall in love this month, or at least meet a person who will take a significant place in their hearts; For twins who are in a couple, the wedding “shines”; family representatives of the sign have every chance to survive the new spring in their relationship.

Health: The general state of health will be satisfactory in January and there is no need to fear serious illnesses. The only thing that the stars warn about is to be more careful in any movement, especially on the roads. High risk of injury.

Astro forecast from Pavel Globa

January will be a mixed month for Gemini. This is how Pavel Globa sees him. For many representatives of the sign, this is a great opportunity to start life with a new year and a clean slate. The fateful events that will happen in January may be with a slight taste of bitterness, but the emotions from victories will return the taste of life.

Career: A month will pass without significant changes in work (although for some Gemini, everything can happen exactly the opposite). Toward its completion, the fruits of the activity will appear, which will be appreciated by the management. You should not plan and carry out new work affairs on the full moon, which falls on the last days of January. Important projects should be postponed until the beginning of February.

Finance: At the beginning of the month, Jupiter will rule the financial position of Gemini. And that means you don't have to worry too much about money. In early January, cash flows are possible, which are better spent wisely or invested profitably. In the middle of the month, the money that the Gemini has already said goodbye will return. And only at the end of the month there are unforeseen expenses.

Love: Happy in love will be Gemini, who have long dreamed of her. There is a high probability of a fateful acquaintance in the first days of the month. Family Gemini during this period is better not to look "to the left", January love is aimed at building a family. Free Gemini, whose plans do not include marriage, will also be lucky during this period. From January 7 to 11, Venus will be in the sign, which will allow you to play pranks without obligations and reproaches.

Health: In January in the sign of Gemini there will be a "clash" of the planets - Mars, Pluto and Uranus. Many representatives of the sign can feel this on their own health. The digestive organs, nervous and musculoskeletal systems will be under attack. Therefore, in January it is better to avoid stress, overeating and traumatic situations.

Astro forecast from Tamara Globa

Tamara Globa does not see any big cause for concern for Gemini in January. There will be a slight strain in the field of finances and health, but this is not critical.

Career: The issue of work will not be acute, mainly due to the protracted holidays. It is better during this period to devote yourself to your favorite hobby, activities that improve the home and family atmosphere. Some Gemini may want work innovations. So be it, but on the condition that "the game is worth the candle."

Finance: January for Gemini is a time of serious spending, but not income. And even by the end of the month, no special cash receipts are planned, rather the opposite. It is better to save free money, and if you spend it, then only on acquisitions that carry positive emotions - travel, gifts, health.

Love: In general, the love horoscope for January promises a lot of pleasant emotions for all Gemini. But the best news for women is that they can now ideally arrange their personal lives, or make a qualitative reassessment of existing relationships.

Health: The stars advise to pay more attention to proper nutrition and not to forget to rest, even from the active celebration of the New Year holidays. Also at the beginning of the year it is worth protecting your body from colds and accidents.

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