Construction of a karmic horoscope. Astrology

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The karmic task given to Aries of the Universe is to be a pioneer, and to bring something new into any sphere of life: religion, morality, general enthusiasm for something, professional sphere. The karmic horoscope for Aries suggests the need for a "breakthrough". It doesn’t matter at all whether the “breakthrough” is internal, in terms of spirituality, or will have an impact on society and others. It is necessary all the time to search for answers to questions, search for the present. The karmic horoscope says: "The Universe will be on your side only as long as you are able to feel the desire to Live!"

Taurus Karmic Tasks

For Taurus, who loves material wealth, it is especially difficult to come to well-being correctly: incomes must go through growth in their profession, and a harmonious family - through improvement in communication and loyalty. Correct, from the point of view of the Universe and the karmic horoscope, is to achieve a result through the use of one's abilities and calling, and not in defiance of them. The search for easy "workarounds" will only lead to a series of crises and problems.

Gemini Karmic Tasks

The universe requires from Gemini in this incarnation a lively participation in the lives of relatives and friends, one should not be limited to formalities or fenced off from people. It is necessary to think more about the well-being of others than about your own, since, as the karmic horoscope notes, you receive goodness only through helping others. However, it is important to take into account some features: you should not try to become good for all of humanity - it is better to help a few close people, but for real, you should also not impose yourself and demand actions “on your orders” from loved ones - this way you risk earning karmic debts. Your help should consist in prayers for loved ones, unobtrusive advice and, of course, in deeds.

Karmic tasks of Cancer

A rather difficult task for the karmic horoscope was prepared by the Universe for Cancer - the duty to realize the problems of the family. In your incarnation, in order to succeed, you must complete (solve) at least one karmic task of the whole kind. It will not be possible to repeat the mistake only if you delve into the unfulfilled dreams and mistakes of relatives, realizing their fate, and learning lessons. In the case of this sign, even living “correctly” will not help without realizing the very ancestral karma. By solving the problem of the family, Cancer improves the karma of their children, and according to the karmic horoscope, this is the only way to get well-being.

Leo's Karmic Tasks

The karmic task of Leo is associated with leadership qualities and ambitions. The Universe requires you to learn not to “row for yourself”, but to use them for the benefit of others. Leadership should cease to be an end in itself and be based on responsibility for others, the desire to develop them, excluding the possibility of suppressing others. According to the karmic horoscope, the ability to lead forward should be based on intelligence, any form of violence is unacceptable. As in most karmic tasks, it is not the scale that matters, but the essence: the leader of the state is no different in working out the karmic task itself from a school teacher, a leader of enthusiasts of some socially useful activity, or just a parent of a family.

Virgo's Karmic Tasks

The Universe, as the main task for the karmic horoscope, offered Virgos to work hard and develop intellect, erudition, expand their circle of interests and knowledge in various areas of life. Without all this, it will not be possible to reach another stage of development. Your task is to avoid laziness and shirking work, which is exactly what you did in your last incarnation. According to the karmic horoscope: prosperity is achievable and possible - you just need to work, analyze and constantly look for new ways to solve issues in the professional field.

Karmic tasks of Libra

A difficult but interesting task, given the complexity of our time, the Universe has endowed this sign. The karmic horoscope notes the need to understand the beautiful, to be able to admire the beauty and perfection of everything that surrounds - this is the task of Libra. Throughout life, the need to solve a karmic task comes into conflict with the harsh reality and the need to earn one's daily bread. However, well-being will not come until you look down on problems. You must first understand the essence of beauty and look with interest at the obstacles on the way to well-being in order to appreciate and admire the Universe, its idea of ​​“game of destiny” and understand that only beauty gives strength to the world, including you, to Live.

Karmic tasks of Scorpio

The Universe is predetermined that it is the rebirth in the sign of Scorpio that accounts for the bulk of the "payment for karmic accounts." The accumulated burden of karmic debts of Scorpios will be especially heavy if you do not make timely "payment" and do not try to untie the karmic knots of past incarnations. You can get rid of karmic knots and debts quite simply: learn to forgive, not be offended by other people, not take revenge, not judge people. It is important to learn to feel the line between aggression and ordinary self-defense. The karmic horoscope does not say that everything will be fine right away, but this will greatly lighten the load of “fate-prescribed” troubles and help achieve well-being.

Sagittarius Karmic Tasks

Despite the fact that the karmic horoscope is individual, the main task of all Sagittarius is one of the most important: broadening their horizons through the study of philosophy, religion, esotericism, understanding and understanding that there are forces greater and higher than a person. Any items that require deep inner (!) comprehension will help you move in line with your destiny. Well-being is achievable only if based in life, business, communication with others, certain religious and spiritual values. It is this path that will help to receive strong and special patronage from above.

Karmic tasks of Capricorn

The karmic horoscope of the Universe has determined for Capricorn a special path of social growth and achievements in the professional field. The particular difficulty of this path lies in the need to live for oneself, while not violating the balance and interests of other people. It is dangerous both to give up your desires completely, and to get what you want at the expense of another person. Retreat will form the negative karma of the family and will quickly affect children or family ties in general. You simply have to somehow establish yourself in society, even if it is knitting beautiful hats or the biggest harvest in the country.

Karmic tasks of Aquarius

With regard to Aquarius, one can rather say what not to do than what actions should be taken. The Universe forbids you to live only in your own interests, obliging you to actively participate in at least something for people. You do not need to lock yourself into your little world of personal or family life, because without participation in social life and the team, any problem that you solve will bring several more difficult ones. According to the karmic horoscope, they need to give up indifference to society and find something interesting for themselves in the world, politics, religion, philosophy.

Karmic tasks of Pisces

The karmic task reserved by the Universe for this sign is to follow the path of creativity, spirituality, religion, to be inspired and give inspiration to others. It does not matter what you believe in, it is necessary to abandon the pragmatic approach and perceive the essence of things and phenomena, feeling the movements of the Soul - only in this way the karmic horoscope will be favorable. Most often, this karmic task is solved in the professional field or as a hobby, but raising children or building a strong family on spiritual values ​​can also be attributed to the fulfillment of karmic predestination.

Karmology is a science that studies the causal relationship of our current life with previous incarnations.

Of key importance in this area is the personal karmic map of a person's destiny, which is built by professional astrologers. From it you can learn about what happened to us in a past life, and what is our main task of being on earth here and now.

How to build a karmic map?

If you want to know everything about your past incarnation and how it affects you in your current life, a karmic horoscope will help you. All professional astrologers know how to draw up a karmic map.

A karmic chart is essentially a decoding of certain areas of the natal chart, only the Lunar Node, indicated by the symbol of an inverted horseshoe, is taken as the starting point for the counting of houses in it. The initial degree of the Lunar Node under such conditions will be the cusp of the first house. Further, the report of houses goes clockwise to the right of this Node.

Thus, having in your hands your natal birth chart, compiled by a professional astrologer, you can independently study the karmic aspects of your life. You can also make a natal chart online - some astrology sites provide such a service. It is possible to consider the karmic nuances of a person’s life both according to the natal chart and according to the karmic one.

Deciphering karma according to the natal chart

From the natal chart, you can find out all the most important things about your past incarnation: when and where you lived on earth the previous time, under what circumstances your life flowed. In this transcript, we are looking specifically at the natal chart, where the houses are counted counterclockwise from the first cusp, which is calculated using the date, exact time and place of birth of a person.

When did man live?

You can determine when you lived in your previous incarnation by looking at the element that rules the zodiac sign located on the cusp of the 4th house.

  • Fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius and Leo) mean that your current life began immediately after death in the last incarnation or a few years after that.
  • The Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) indicate reincarnation several decades after dying in a previous incarnation.
  • The water element (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) reports that several hundred years have passed.
  • Earth signs (Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn) are an indicator that your previous life was very long ago, and a thousand or even several thousand years have passed since your death in a previous incarnation.

Determination of a person's place of residence

You can find out the place of your previous life by looking at the sign of the Zodiac, which is located in your natal chart on the cusp of the 4th house. But there are only 12 signs of the Zodiac, and there are many more countries on earth, so it is worth remembering that the place of birth is determined only approximately.

Aries may say that in a past incarnation you lived in England, Germany, or in eastern countries, such as Japan, Korea, or Alaska.

Taurus indicates a place with fertile lands and a favorable climate. It can be Scotland, Poland, Denmark, Greece, Argentina, Persia, Ukraine, some territories of Germany or the countries of Asia Minor.

Those who have houses on the cusp IV Twins, was destined to spend a past life in places where the wind often blows and tornadoes occur. Also, this sign indicates countries with a developed level of communication. It can be the USA, Australia, Northeast Africa, Belgium.

Cancer, as a water sign, describes an area with picturesque natural landscapes, as well as with many rivers, streams, lakes. It can be one of the US provinces, the Bavarian countries, China, Tunisia or Champagne.

a lion symbolizes the sun and warmth, which means that a person could be born and live in Italy, France, California, Romania, Palestine or Peru.

Virgo speaks of a person's belonging to a hardworking nation. Most likely, the country of his birth was Greece or Japan.

scales is moderation. The past life of a person, most likely, took place in a country with an even and temperate climate. These include Canada, Austria, Egypt, Libya and northern China. Some astrologers add English lands to this list.

Scorpion- an indicator that deadly plants grow in the area where a person was born, poisonous animals are found and swampy soil prevails. These countries include Indochina, Hungary, Ceylon, Malta, as well as the southern regions of Spain and Italy.

Sagittarius reports that your life took place on the islands of the Arabian region, Spain, Hungary, Madagascar, Ceylon or Malta.

Capricorn - the symbol of the mountains, which means the place where you could be born, is included in the following list: the Caucasus, South China, India, Bulgaria, Siberia, Albania or Tibet.

Aquarius, as a sign of Water, speaks of a rainy and relatively cold climate. These are Antarctica, Russia, Sweden. However, some experts in astrology claim that India can also be included in this list.

Fishes- this is a symbol of life on the beautiful sea coast in one of the states located on the island. It could be Portugal, Antilles or Panama Islands, Tahiti.

past life circumstances

In the natal chart, the circumstances in which the previous incarnation of a person took place, as well as the type of his activity, are determined by the planet of the IV house. If the planet is damaged (this is determined by retrograde, close proximity to the Sun, the presence of intense astrological aspects), then its value changes.

If you fell out The sun- it speaks of fame and power. You could belong to a great princely or royal family, be a noble and respected person. If the Sun in your horoscope is damaged, it is a symbol of the profession of a teacher or an athlete.

Jupiter in this house indicates that the type of your activity was connected with travel, philosophy or a revered profession. You could be a respected religious figure, a medical luminary, a famous scientist, a popular writer, a high-ranking military officer, or simply traveling the world in search of adventure (if the planet was damaged).

Appearance of Venus in the IV house symbolizes creative professions and any activity related to art, and also reports good material prosperity. Damage to the planet speaks of an idle and dissolute life, and can also indicate professions related to the earth, for example, an artisan, farmer, farmer.

moon is a symbol of sailors, fishermen and merchants. If the planet is damaged, this indicates that your past life was unhappy and difficult. Perhaps you were a slave, a domestic servant, or experienced severe financial difficulties, could not realize yourself.

Planet Mercury symbolizes any intellectual work. Probably, in a previous life you were a writer, a scientist, a business person, or even a politician. Damage to Mercury is a symbol of deceit, intrigue, a dishonest person, a thief.

Mars and Pluto report dangerous professions, for example, a career in the military, firefighter, policeman, lifeguard, surgeon. Also, these planets speak of possible occupations in chemistry, blacksmithing, cattle breeding, a career as a scientist and some areas of activity associated with a high position in society.

Damaged planets can be interpreted both as a profession of increased danger, and as an indicator that a person was engaged in robbery and robbery - this can be clarified by the level of intelligence. If the spiritual development of a person is low, then we are talking about the negative aspect.

Saturn in the IV house symbolizes science, public service, medical practice. If the luminary is damaged, then the circumstances of a person’s life were quite difficult, severe trials fell to his lot. Damage also symbolizes difficult professions, for example, a miner, a miner, a laborer, and sometimes they also speak of greed and stinginess.

Uranus is a very interesting planet. When she finds herself in the IV house in the birth chart, she symbolizes unusual professions. Such a person could be engaged in astrology or astronomy, be an occultist or spiritualist, an inventor of something new, a director. When the planet is damaged, this is an indicator that a person was not accepted by society, he was an outcast, a revolutionary, a rebel, punished for undermining social foundations.

Neptune always shows the synthesis of creative and spiritual activity. People with such a planet could be great musicians or actors, famous writers who had an impact on society in their time, brave sailors and avid travelers. Damage to the luminary can report a wandering monk mired in poverty, a person who traded fortune-telling and predictions, a deceiver or a swindler.

Sometimes it happens that there is no planet in the IV house, but there is only a zodiac sign on the cusp - then to calculate its type of activity, you need to use the patron planet of this sign.

Deciphering fate according to the karmic map

The karmic chart by date of birth is calculated according to the natal horoscope. As mentioned above, the houses are counted from the ascending lunar node. Each house has its own meaning.

house number 1- the most important. He talks about the karmic task of a person, about what he has to do in his current incarnation. The karmic task is determined by the ruler of this house - the planet that is in this field or controls its zodiac sign.

Second house speaks of the talents and skill of a person brought from previous lives.

The third talks about the people he interacts with. These can be family members, friends, acquaintances, colleagues with whom there is a karmic connection.

Fourth field tells about the karmic inheritance of a person - about what he brought from a previous life as a reward. It can be used to judge the presence of some special abilities, for example, extrasensory perception.

fifth house- this is the karma of the heirs. By its ruler, you can find out whether procreation is a reward or punishment for you. Also, the karma of learning can also appear here, talking about how the knowledge gained in a past life affects the current incarnation.

sixth house informs about the diseases that a person will have to endure, according to the karmic law, as well as about his debts in relation to his homeland, family

Field number 7 refers to a person's relationship with others. According to its host planet, you can predict whether your marriage will be karmic, what problems await you on the personal front. A competent specialist in the manager of this house will be able to determine the causes of widowhood, celibacy, serious problems in relations with a partner.

8th house also very important. It is here that the causes of the key problems of our life are hidden. If you have serious difficulties related to love, childbearing, career - a karmic map by date of birth will show whether they are the result of some large debts.

house number 9 talks about your spiritual mission in karma. By its ruler, you can judge through what activity you should realize yourself in this world.

tenth house shows all about social implementation. Please note: if the planet that rules the ninth house is in your karmic map, this means that you should realize your spiritual mission through interaction with society, a career, a profession.

Eleventh house you can judge whether your current incarnation is influenced by tribal karma. Sometimes this field turns out to be closely connected with the fifth house: if the latter pointed to karmic debts for children, then most often they go exactly along the family line. You can find out how to get rid of karmic debts by the value of the harmonious aspects of the ruling planet of house number 11.

twelfth field called the house of karmic restrictions. From it you can find out about your source of inspiration in this life, to understand whether your current incarnation has roots in the past.

Thus, the karmic map of fate will always be closely intertwined with your natal chart, which means that only knowledge of astrology will help you deal with the existing karmic debts in detail.

This is the unshakable law of justice! Only conscious beings can create individual karma. A person, having free will, is able to transcend not only the laws of nature, but also moral laws, described in different religions as commandments. Violation of the commandments leads to the creation of negative, negative karma. Knowledge of these laws will allow not to create negative karma. There is also positive karma - this is the accumulation of good merit.

Karmic horoscope- the fundamental basis of any horoscope and the second most informative horoscope. It is used when there is no exact data on the time of birth, it is always an auxiliary horoscope to. Karma Horoscope- one of the most reliable and valuable sources of information.

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Tags: Karmic horoscope, karma in a horoscope, past life astrology, redemption of karma, mission and purpose, diagnostics of a karmic map, Law of commandments, collective karma

In order to correct karma, you need to take responsibility for your own life. And also try to realize the karmic root causes, which, as a rule, are rooted in the distant past and at the same time cover the future incarnations of a person.

To date, there are quite a lot of different ways by which you can determine who a person was in his past incarnations and what karmic debts he brought for correction in this life. You can get to know yourself through hypnosis, deep meditation, or with the help of a karmic specialist.

We bring to your attention the safest and easiest way - a karmic horoscope. With its help, you can not only find out the reasons that formed your current karma, but also ways to improve it for the next, possibly happier and more harmonious incarnations.

Most of all, karma leaves its mark on Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces. They not only remember their previous incarnations better than other signs, but their karma is also overloaded with flaws that need to be corrected more than others.

The remaining signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius) carry lighter karma. It is much easier for them to adapt to external circumstances and it is easier to pay off the debts of past incarnations.


His main task is to find the meaning of existence. To understand this, he should look for answers within himself. Realizing what exactly drives his actions, he will understand what tasks the Universe sets for him. Solving these riddles, Aries wants to be in constant search.

However, this is not enough to improve your karma. It is important to discover in yourself such traits as sincerity, nobility and wisdom. In striving for leadership, Aries needs to get rid of selfishness and maximize their best qualities and talents.


Today's incarnation is a karmic exam for Taurus in terms of developing talents and their implementation in past lives. If Taurus is lazy and apathetic, or vice versa, obsessed with strong emotions and extreme sports, this indicates his unpaid debts.

The task of Taurus is not only to find inner balance and integrity, but also to become a person for close people who can be protection and support in any life situations. Only in this way will Taurus be able to move up the karmic ladder.


If in the past incarnation the Gemini fluttered through life like butterflies and did not use their talents and capabilities for the benefit of others, in this incarnation a series of disappointments and inner emptiness awaits them.

There may be problems of a personal nature associated with betrayal and betrayal. To correct karma, you need to believe in yourself and open up without running away from reality.
The revealed Gemini is a person who can accurately distinguish falsehood from truth. Otherwise, the fate of Gemini is in the emptiness surrounding him.

The roots of his karma go back to heredity and tribal memory. As a rule, Cancers remember their previous lives perfectly, and there is a great danger that, having become entangled in memories, they can become obsessed with the past, paying little attention to real life. It is very difficult for them to rebuild, and Cancers often feel like strangers, even in relation to the closest people.

If Cancer does not work on himself, over time he becomes emotionally unstable, depressed and hysterical person. In order to correct karma and harmonize this incarnation, Cancers need to create a happy family, as well as learn to sincerely love and take care of loved ones. Only in this way will they be able to pass their karmic exams.

The more selfish Leo, the heavier his karma. If in past lives he did not use his creative abilities, and also paid little attention to the needs of his loved ones, he will have a hard time in this incarnation.

He will face not only internal problems, such as arrogance and ambition, but also external ones - lack of money, problems in the family. The life-affirming position of a wise and not self-obsessed leader will help pay off karmic debts. Which not only takes, but also gives much more in return.


Virgos repay debts related to work and career in past incarnations. Perhaps they went to their goals, not paying attention to the needs of other people.

They betrayed, bribed, seduced - in general, they got their way - by any available means. Because of this approach to life, Virgos are often prone to serious illnesses or suffer from a lack of care and love from others.

To correct karma, they need to be less rigid and try to stop controlling everything and everyone. Often Virgos are naturally endowed with healing and clairvoyant abilities. If this is your case, in no case do not bury this talent in the ground. This is a gift with which you can easily and quickly correct your karma by helping people in need.


Bad social conditions, bad habits, strained family relationships, the presence of serious enemies, material losses - all these are indicators of unworked karma. In addition, aggressive behavior and emotional instability can also be added here.

To alleviate karma, you need to try to find balance, and the better you do it, the brighter and cleaner your future life will be.


The karma of Scorpions is very difficult, because it is associated with physical and spiritual violence against people in past incarnations. Scorpios who have not worked it out are constantly torn between their weaknesses and the desire to be a highly spiritual person. These endless swings are the cause of internal disharmony and deep dissatisfaction with life.

Also, Scorpios can be haunted by failures associated with poor health, troubles in the family, at work, problems with money. To remedy the situation, Scorpios must give up addictions and rise above their whims. It is also important to avoid the temptation to delve into the occult sciences.

For Scorpios, a wonderful way out of the situation is, having discarded personal interest and desire, with dignity to endure the trials sent to him by fate. And if he goes the right way, very soon his whole life will change for the better and be filled with new meaning.


Karma is about working on your indecision and insecurity. The task of Sagittarius is to bring new, unusual and valuable knowledge to the world. Understand what is its purpose, mission. What are his real goals and ideals?

To do this, Sagittarius needs to go beyond the boundaries of ordinary life and allow himself to plunge into the spiritual world, where he will find all the answers that interest him. If Sagittarius does not open up, subsequent, similar incarnations await him.

And the current one will take place in complexes and self-flagellation; in addition, Sagittarius will begin to blame people close to him for his troubles and problems, which will lead to serious conflicts.


In a previous life, Capricorns were very greedy and petty people. Naturally, such behavior left its mark on this incarnation, which is expressed in excessive hoarding. To correct karma, Capricorns need to realize that there are other values ​​besides money.

If this does not happen, Capricorns will experience painful introspection, not understanding the reasons for their lack of fulfillment, self-pity and, as a result, a spiritual dead end. If Capricorn accepts his delusions, soberly assesses the situation and the possibilities of solving it, he will achieve very great heights in any of his endeavors.


In the past incarnation, Aquarians used religion and their significant position in society only for their own purposes. Their mistake was one-sidedness of thinking, fanaticism and rejection of the opinions of other people.

If Aquarius in this incarnation seeks to be the center of attention, gossips a lot, treats himself with selfishness, and is sure that the world revolves around its axis, internal devastation and disappointment await him.

The goal of Aquarius is to learn to be free from your own ego. And then he will become the soul of the company, whose opinion is listened to.


Pisces subconsciously understand that they came into this incarnation in order to atone for and correct their shortcomings of the past. Pisces, as a rule, have such character traits as constant self-sacrifice. They seem to deliberately choose hard work and seek to communicate with problem people.

To correct karma, they need not so much complicate their lives as open their hearts to those in need. They don't have to work hard - it's more important to help.

In past incarnations, Pisces did not pass the tests of spirituality, and they used forbidden knowledge only for their own benefit. Therefore, trying to live for others, Pisces subconsciously pay off their old debts.

First of all, we want to draw your attention to the fact that your date of birth is by no means just a number. Each of us comes into this world at a strictly defined time with a predetermined purpose. Perhaps someone will have to finish the affairs of their past incarnation, someone will be given a harsh lesson by life for old mistakes, and someone will start everything from scratch. Be that as it may, our karmic horoscope by date of birth will help you understand a little the secrets of your past incarnation and open the veil of the future.

Let's think about what we usually do in the morning when we wake up and what are they trying so hard to instill in us at school in physical education classes? The correct answer is charging. After simple physical exercises, we feel fresher and more energetic than ever throughout the day. So, if, according to the karmic horoscope, you were born during a period of spiritual awakening, then this will mean that your earthly incarnation in this life is endowed with a huge energy potential. Nature has given you a very rich inner world, so it's time to take advantage of it.

What do we all need to grow? Proper healthy nutrition and vitamins. And of course, your own personal space. People born according to the karmic horoscope during the period of spiritual growth, like no one else, need the isolation of their individual space. These are individuals with firm principles, who consider their own views to be almost the only true ones. Because of this, very often they have to deal with situations where their interests conflict with those of others.

The nature of each person is, of course, individual. So, for people born during the period of spiritual flowering, actions are characteristic in which the mind and heart contradict each other. These are people who are often subject to deep introspection. Their life goal is to achieve a sense of inner harmony. The main advice - do not try to mix work with love. In your personal life, you need to be guided only by feelings, and in work - by reason.

According to the karmic horoscope by date of birth, this is the brightest and calmest time of the year. It is easy for people born during this period to achieve their goals. Often they have an analytical mindset, which allows them to calculate any situation many steps ahead. Often, they can become bored with the fact that life goes on smoothly and measuredly, which encourages them to plunge into regrets about the past through introspection.

People born in the period of spiritual maturation, first of all, need to remember that in this world there are a great many things that are beyond the control of man. If you were born from July 22 to August 21 according to the karmic horoscope, then you should learn to accept the world directly as it is. In dealing with people, try to be kinder, then life will become much easier.

Very often this period in the karmic horoscope by date of birth means the time when the fruits of long work appear. For a person, this means that these are his last incarnations and the next time he will be able to move to a new world. Fate will try to reward you for past trials. You should be patient with loved ones and learn how to rationally calculate your own strength.

According to the karmic horoscope, people with a very strong character are born at this time. Throughout their lives, they get rid of their own past without fear of making a mistake. Such individuals very rarely experience remorse, since they consider almost all their actions to be necessary and aimed at achieving inner harmony. Often these are inveterate cynics and realists.

In the karmic horoscope by date of birth, people belonging to this period of time are very observant and have a keen sense of proportion. In everyday life, they are neat and primarily monitor their own appearance. That's just their character, however, like the first cold weather, is quite changeable, which is why they are often prone to irascibility and emotionality.

People born at this time often have hidden magical abilities. According to the advice of the karmic horoscope, you should listen to your own intuition and the world around you more often. The inner voice will be an excellent adviser in any difficult matter. Very often in dreams, people belonging to this time are able to see their past incarnations.

At this time, people are born with a craving for order. Sometimes the desire to ensure that everything is in its place can not put them in the best light in front of others. You should periodically bring variety and novelty of sensations into your own life. Don't be afraid to change your own plans and act spontaneously.

According to the karmic horoscope, romantics and dreamers belong to this period of time. Although, paradoxically, at the same time they are endowed with excellent analytical thinking and all events are subjected to careful analysis. These are individuals who are deeply indifferent to what others think about their activities and actions. They set the rules themselves and are guided only by their own opinion.

People born between February 19 and March 20 should remember the main karmic lesson of this incarnation - do not try to help everyone. Learn to prioritize your own thoughts and desires. It is likely that such people find it difficult to concentrate on a particular activity. But in love they are very lucky, although, often, a real feeling visits them already in adulthood.

Try to pay close attention to what Fate is trying to tell you through a karmic horoscope. This will not only help you better understand your own behavior, but also teach you what to avoid.

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