Moon in the signs of the zodiac. Moon in Capricorn in the natal chart of a man, a woman, a child

home / Love

Such men most of all value calm family relationships, and not violent outbursts of love. Outwardly, they seem insufficiently emotional and even impassive, but this is not so. Behind the outer coldness lies a thin and vulnerable soul. Usually such men are easily disappointed in love, the main interest in their life is work and career, thanks to which they are really happy. Such men choose their life partner for a long time and carefully and are distinguished by an increased sense of justice and property.


  • Seriousness and prudence;
  • Practicality and ability to save;
  • Sensuality and very high sexual potential;
  • Loyalty and fidelity in family relationships;
  • High composure and ability to adapt to life.


  • Excessive isolation;
  • Sudden outbursts of anger and aggressiveness;
  • Lack of looseness and naturalness in communication;
  • Jealousy and a heightened sense of ownership;
  • Suspicion, sometimes cruelty.

Man with Moon in Capricorn in love

Love for such a man is a quiet family haven and mutual understanding, and not Mexican passions. A person seems too reasonable and cold to fall in love, but in fact he just carefully hides his emotions and experiences from others. Such a man would rather marry than fall in love, and provide his beloved with everything that she needs so much.

What kind of woman does he want?

He strives to communicate with a calm, reasonable and not too emotional woman. His ideal girlfriend of life should be cold-blooded, self-possessed and not prone to jealousy and betrayal, she should provide him with a sense of calm and security. In dealing with this man, one should not expect a violent emotional reaction to his words - he perfectly controls himself and his emotions and proves his love not by word, but by deed.


Such a man cannot imagine his life without a career and work. He will slowly but surely follow the chosen direction and succeed in whatever he does. Such a man is attracted to leadership positions, power and money, so he often succeeds in work related to politics, economics, military affairs or public administration.

Moon in the houses in the natal chart

The position of the planet in the house influences the character of a person. (Total 12 houses) Each house in the natal chart has its own purpose, and the planets located in these houses most accurately describe the character and characteristics of a person.

Moon in 1st house

A man with the Moon in the first house is prone to variability, inconstancy. His mood is constantly changing and he often commits rash acts. This man can quickly lose weight and recover quickly, in his life an important role is played by the mother and the well-being of the relationship with his soulmate. This man is subject to the negative effects of others, the evil eye, damage.

Moon in 2nd house

A man with the Moon in the second house may have an unstable income, an unstable financial situation. He can strive for great love, but often choose options that are not suitable for himself and constantly get into conflict situations and troubles, be rejected. This man is prone to worries, especially if the troubles concern home and work.

Moon in 3rd house

This man is constantly striving for new knowledge, in childhood he can have very difficult relationships with teachers and classmates. He strives to constantly be aware of all events, receive and transmit information to others, have many friends and communicate. If the relationship does not add up, he is very worried and this brings him out of balance.

Moon in 4th house

He strives for strong and lasting relationships in the family, becomes attached to blood relatives and strives to make relations better, kinder, more tender. He is very affectionate and hardly tolerates loneliness or separate living from those who are dear to him. A good family man, a man who treats women well and knows how to forgive. For him, there is nothing more precious than family and kinship.

Moon in 5th house

He strives for self-affirmation, sports and entertainment. Everywhere she tries to shine and show her best qualities. This man pays a lot of attention to his hobby, his interests are diverse, he is emotional, but superficial in emotions, does not strive for high goals and tries to make the world around him kinder, brighter and more pleasant. Attached to children, especially sons.

Moon in 6th house

This man is very attentive and reverent about his work, worries about failures in production or the unfriendly disposition of the boss. He is active, hardworking, can be suspicious and suspicious, constantly finding sores in himself. This man loves pets, children and tries to protect them from everything.

Moon in 7th house

This man directs emotions to new acquaintances, communication, friendship. It is important for him to constantly maintain friendly relations with a loved one, share news, reconcile others. He emotionally experiences betrayal, betrayal, tries to delve into family relationships and give advice.

Moon in 8th house

This man is distinguished by increased caution, fears and prejudices. He can exaggerate the danger and be very worried if everything goes against him. This man is prone to gloomy thoughts and great experiences, sharp outbursts of anger and aggressiveness. He seeks safety and peace most of all.

Moon in 9th house

This man emotionally perceives events that take place away from him or everything related to regalia, higher education and achievements in life. He is calm, benevolent, rarely subject to mood swings, knows how to control emotions, but sometimes he is unnecessarily sprayed on completely unnecessary things and unpromising pursuits.

Moon in 10th house

This man pays a lot of attention to personal growth, work and career. He knows how to get along with influential people and achieve his goals. By nature, he is calm, a little closed. Not subject to sudden outbursts of anger and not prone to conflict situations and scandals. Acts calmly, persistently and intelligently, not subject to mood swings.

Moon in 11th house

The emotions of this man depend on relationships with friends, communication with like-minded people. This man believes in mysticism, inexplicable phenomena, often he has attacks of insight or he can guess the future. This man is subject to addictions and bad influences, in some cases he can become addicted to alcohol.

Moon in 12th house

This man has a subtle intuition and unpredictable behavior. Sometimes he himself cannot understand what he feels, he is prone to illogical behavior and addictions, both from bad habits and from people. Often becomes a victim of manipulation and deceit, rarely behaves aggressively, in some cases becomes secretive and chooses loneliness.

A person who at the time of birth had the Moon in the sign of Capricorn is distinguished by caution, restraint, the ability to wait and calculate future actions.

This is an emotionally mature nature, giving the impression of a strong personality, but always with sadness and longing in the soul. Outwardly, he is imperturbable, cold and stiff.

In relations with others, he is prone to a certain distance and aloofness. He is very cautious, weighs every step and does not like risky, adventurous situations. Unconsciously tuned to self-affirmation, upholding their principles, clear planning and the achievement of ambitious goals. But ambition is often combined with timidity and shyness, because he is afraid of his own feelings and is afraid of being rebuffed by others, he is afraid of ridicule and misunderstanding. Often vindictive and cruel, seeks to manipulate other people, use them for their own purposes.

Such a person is rarely lucky in family life - he often has estranged, tense relationships with both his parents and his other half. He is weakly attached to family traditions, prefers his own way, lives by his own rules, rarely changes his habits, and life in solitude attracts him more than the company of relatives.

Lunar Capricorns most successfully realize themselves in the areas of real estate, construction, architecture, transportation, sports, tourism, as well as in the field of computer technology and in any exact sciences. Mathematical calculations, numbers and formulas - this is what they are well versed in. It is difficult for them to work with people, and they feel much better when working with papers, mechanisms and computers. They also make good military, security guards, law enforcement officers.

Attitude towards mother

Most adults with such a Moon in a conversation with an astrologer characterize the mother as a harsh, strict woman who dominated the family. At best, they will say that mom "worked tirelessly, denying herself a lot" to make them feel good. In this case, people celebrate the honesty, self-discipline and perseverance that she instilled in them. However, more often from the stories of people with the Moon in Capricorn, it follows that the mother constantly did not give them something, forbade something, never felt their desires and rarely helped in anything.


"Momentary" perception is characteristic of children whose Moon is in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. They perceive the world through their immediate sensations here and now: tasty, difficult, fun, incomprehensible, etc. In each new situation, they begin communication with their mother as if from scratch. Such children suffer less than others from the prolonged absence of their mother. For them, not the quantity of communication with her is more important, but the quality - a positive charge.

The problem with raising such a child is that his emotional reactions are extremely subjective. They are determined by the current situation, by what is available now. You either have a toy or you don't. Food is either tasty or not food. What he wants is either possible or impossible. Arguments that "the boy will play and give back", that "a spoon is for dad ..", that "it will be possible tomorrow", he understands with difficulty, and perceives it as a refusal. In order not to grow an egoist out of him, his mother should be a deterrent to him in many ways. And in order to maintain his trust, the main thing is to avoid the policy of double standards. If something is impossible, then it is impossible for mom and dad too. If he owes something, then others owe something similar.


In family relationships, such a woman may seem very restrained, and sometimes even harsh. Family for her is a huge responsibility.

And the main thing for her is to cope with this responsibility, to fulfill her duty to her loved ones. And there is no time for jokes. However, behind her seriousness and some coldness, a sensitive and vulnerable nature is hidden. She constantly makes sure that all members of her family are clothed, shod and fed. She can be called an anxious or overprotective mother and wife. For the sake of the family, she can even give up her career or, conversely, climb the highest career peaks - if only to ensure through this a reliable rear for her loved ones.

What kind of woman is a man looking for - moon CAPRICORN?

Creating a family for such a man is a very responsible matter. Therefore, his life partner should also take this issue seriously. On occasion, she should be able to take full responsibility for what is happening in the house, decide everything and organize everything. It is even better if she decides and organizes everything not only in family affairs, but also in the career field, where she will occupy a high position. The family from this, in his opinion, will only benefit. But this man does not expect reverent care, an abyss of warmth and pickles on the table from his wife. This, in his opinion, is pampering, which distracts from more important matters.


Lunar Capricorns in general are rarely distinguished by good health, the illnesses of these people are usually long, severe and debilitating, and they recover slowly. prone to chronic diseases. They have very poor excretion of toxins from the body, the metabolism is slowed down, and this causes constipation, skin rashes, allergic reactions, disorders in the liver and gastrointestinal tract.


With the Moon in Aries, most often there are very bad relationships, sometimes reaching hatred and idiosyncrasy. They are waiting for discomfort and misunderstanding, unconscious rejection, tense difficult relationships. Moreover, the Moon in Aries, the Moon in Capricorn irritates and angers much more, and the lunar Aries most often breaks these relationships on its own initiative. But at a high level of development, these two people are able to teach each other a lot - for example, the Moon in Capricorn teaches the Moon in Aries to control their emotions and look at the world more soberly, practically and impartially.

With the Moon in Taurus, a very difficult interaction, despite the relationship of the elements and a favorable aspect between the planets. And if the Moon in Taurus can still reach out to the Moon in Capricorn, then it is very difficult to achieve reverse sympathy. Unaccountable envy, jealousy, rejection, up to hatred are possible. And only having reached a very high level of development, these two people can interact harmoniously. The Moon in Taurus is able to give a lot to the Moon in Capricorn in an emotional, spiritual way. It has a beneficial effect on the lunar Capricorn, calms him down, shares his warmth and psychologically liberates him.

With the Moon in Gemini, a good union, mutual attraction and attraction. But this combination is still better for cooperation and friendship than for love or marriage. The Moon in Capricorn is drawn to the Moon in Gemini, but this connection can be fatal for the first: it is fraught with too many pitfalls and dangers. The Lunar Gemini is not very interested in the Moon in Capricorn, and, in addition, he cannot withstand the emotional pressure that the lunar Capricorn puts on him.

With the Moon in Cancer, lunar Capricorn is likely to have mutual misunderstanding, up to complete rejection. It's a heavy and tense combination for both. At the initial stage, these people may experience mutual sympathy, attraction, a short-term outbreak of passion, but the relationship will abruptly end, leaving resentment and annoyance in everyone's soul.

With the Moon in Leo, friendship or business cooperation is possible. For love and marriage, this is not the right combination. Relationships can last for a long time based on mutual respect or on the basis of attachment to a common home and children, but true love and passion are hardly possible.

With the Moon in Virgo, there are strange, ambivalent relationships that are often not easy, long-term, people have to overcome the wall of cold and misunderstanding. The Moon in Virgo reaches out to the Moon in Capricorn, but the reverse attraction often does not occur: the Moon in Capricorn is burdened by this connection, although it does not dare to break it. This combination is more suitable for friendship or business cooperation than for love and marriage.

With the Moon in Libra, everything is not easy, despite mutual understanding and some commonality of interests, these people will always have a certain coldness and distance, difficulties in relationships, and it is difficult for them to fully trust each other. Business cooperation in this pair will be more productive than friendly, informal communication.

With the Moon in Scorpio, a heavy interaction, sharp and painful. Mutual discomfort and misunderstanding, unconscious rejection, oppressive and contradictory relationships. Business cooperation is better, joint creativity is possible. Love relationships are unlikely: these people get tired of each other too quickly. Marriage is, as a rule, short-lived and terminated, and friendships are possible only occasionally, provided that they are free and not burdensome.

With the Moon in Sagittarius, long-term relationships are possible, if only the lunar Sagittarius can endure his difficult, closed, cold character. The Moon in Capricorn reaches out to the Moon in Sagittarius and under its influence becomes more open, flexible and full. But the Moon in Sagittarius often does not share this passion and remains indifferent to the lunar Capricorn. Lunar Sagittarius can get bored and, on their own initiative, break off these relationships. He needs them much less than the lunar Capricorn. This combination can give very good business cooperation, especially if the lunar Sagittarius is in a leadership position.

Two moons in Capricorn is a difficult combination, especially in the sphere of sensual relationships. A completely unsuitable option for love and marriage, friendship among such people is also unlikely to develop - perhaps only at a very high level of spiritual development and common interests. The only favorable option is business cooperation, but even here they may have serious conflicts and mutual irritation from time to time.

The lunar pair Capricorn-Aquarius is characterized by good relationships, they are especially pleasant for lunar Aquarius. These people understand each other, they are easy together. But marriage or family relationships are rare, this combination is more suitable for friendship or joint creativity, for business contacts. Under the influence of the Moon in Aquarius, lunar Capricorns become more relaxed, open, emotionally receptive.

Lunar Capricorns are drawn to the Moon in Pisces, which can give them a lot emotionally and psychologically. But lunar Pisces are burdened by these relationships, they try to avoid communication and often break this connection themselves. In this pair, friendship or business cooperation is possible.

Moon and haircut

Capricorn has a very positive effect on hair! A haircut is favorable on this day, after it the hair will become healthier, thicker, the ends of the hair will be less split. Appearance will improve. Also a good day for hair coloring, or toning, painting over gray hair. You can even try bold options with a new hair color. Perming will bring minimal harm to health during this period. It is recommended to do simple and calm hairstyles on this day.

moon and garden

This zodiac sign has an average fertility. Seeds planted these days will give a good harvest and excellent, long-lasting seeds. However, the fruits of the plants will be smallish. Such plants will sprout rather slowly, strengthening their root system, stems and standing up to diseases and pest attacks. Plants planted under the sign of Capricorn perfectly tolerate cold, heat and drought, they will bear fruit for a long time and abundantly. Flowers can be said to have strong stems and small flowers.

The moon and the nature of man

A person born under the sign of Lunar Capricorn is practical, endowed with abilities, demanding of himself. Capricorn is sensitive to his inner world, subconsciously controls all his feelings.

The influence of the Moon makes a person strive for reliability and security in all plans. At the same time, the idealism and impressionability of Lunar Capricorn is always present.

Capricorns hide all their emotions, demonstrate coldness and rigidity of character. Such people should stop suppressing their sensitivity, trust their intuition more. Rigid control and focus only on reality deprive Lunar Capricorns of wonderful experiences that adorn life.

A person of this sign treats people too harshly and critically. He is very serious, but a peculiar sense of humor can turn him into an interesting and entertaining conversationalist.

Sometimes, when communicating with such a person, it seems that he was immediately born an adult. The balance of positions, his view of the world, confirmed by the logic of reasoning - everything speaks in favor of this. Talking about feelings is a kind of "taboo". But after Capricorn learns to communicate with his inner self, classifying intuition as a circle of friends and assistants, new knowledge about his own personality will open new paths for him.

Positive character traits of Lunar Capricorn: practicality, organization, reasonableness, seriousness, firmness of convictions, stability and reliability in business, ambition. Negative features: the presence of excessive pragmatism, unresponsiveness, dryness in relation to others, exactingness.

Moon and human emotions

People born under the sign of Capricorn Moon do not know how to pretend. All emotions are written on their faces. In addition, they put everything under control and even plan their reactions in advance, because of this, they often miss natural joy and sadness. His emotions are sometimes artificial, although others do not notice this. Capricorn skillfully controlled this process of imitation of feelings.

Hiding emotions, these people do not even realize how a simple heart-to-heart conversation can enrich them. Capricorns are afraid of revealing their feelings and beliefs, they are afraid of causing misunderstanding and irritation in other people.

But Lunar Capricorns can be just as romantic and passionate as other signs. Having removed all the restrictions imposed on the external manifestations of emotions, such people, surrendering to the power of romantic dreams, are able to amaze everyone with charm. If Capricorn trusts his sensitivity, his intuition will increase.

Lunar Capricorns often have to overcome pessimistic moods, anxiety caused by thoughts of old age and worthlessness. Capricorn is afraid that they will not understand him, they will condemn him, therefore he goes into himself with such pleasure. Belief in the hidden possibilities of one's own personality can turn his view of the world, make Capricorn emotionally stronger.

Moon and career

People born under the sign of Capricorn feel comfortable if their life is structured and orderly. This also applies to work. Any surprises, suddenness, even in the field of professional activity, can unsettle them. Therefore, people of this sign calculate everything and, as a rule, from an early age they know where they will work and what needs to be done in order to achieve what they want. Their whole life resembles a chain of successive links leading to the intended goal. The persistence of Capricorn, responsibility, reliability make the authorities offer them leadership positions.

These people do not need orderliness in order to achieve an effective result. It is necessary to feel confident. Capricorns achieve success in any field solely due to the ability to properly distribute their forces.

These people are very practical, so colleagues often turn to them for advice. They can always suggest the best way to solve problems. On the other hand, they are very ambitious. Knowing that success awaits them, Capricorns go to him, working tirelessly.

Of all the moon signs, Capricorns are the most career-oriented. They are so dedicated to their work that others may not understand such dedication. For the sake of a career, without knowing it, Capricorns are ready for a lot.

Moon and love relationships

Love relationships have always been a very serious problem for Capricorns. They are not the type to take the search for the perfect partner lightly. If Capricorn has connected his life with someone, he will make a gentle, attentive and faithful partner. Everything will turn out fine if he allows himself to believe that others, and his chosen one in particular, are also capable of being faithful and loving.

For Capricorn, the idea that he can be emotionally dependent on a partner is unbearable. No matter how happy he is with him, he will be pleased with the thought that the partner obeys, and not he.

It is best when people who love each other develop equal relations, with mutual respect and trust, without a shadow of jealousy. When Capricorn does not hold back his emotions, he can seem passionate and romantic, but it is very difficult to make him be himself.

He subconsciously fears that he will be rejected, that he is unworthy of something. Allowing yourself to just love is the highest happiness, to which Capricorn must go a long way of self-improvement in order to gain confidence. Love in the eyes of Capricorn requires an extremely thoughtful approach. When Capricorn understands himself and understands that the person he meets is his ideal partner, he will completely trust his feelings.

Capricorn is one of the most ambitious signs, no emotions are able to block his path leading to the goal. He doesn't have time for flirting, no matter how cute they are.

The idea that he is not worthy of love and happiness in his personal life may come from a simple belief: he will gain all this by achieving success at other levels, for example, at work. Capricorn is pessimistic about his ability to attract the opposite sex.

So, a person of this sign is a very complex person. He is so accustomed to restraining his emotions that seeming insensitivity has become second nature to him. But, once convinced that love will not only not damage his security, but, on the contrary, strengthen it, he will open his heart to meet this feeling.

Moon and family relationships

It is difficult for a Capricorn Moon to truly enjoy warm, trusting relationships with family and friends. A conviction formed in his soul that it was unacceptable to show someone what he really feels. So it's hard to know if he's upset or not. His mood does not affect the relatively stable and stable family climate in any way.

Practical in everything, Capricorn is practical in feelings. He really appreciates the family, considering it as a rear. People of this sign are sincerely attached to their loved ones and devoted to them. Capricorn likes to stick to traditions that allow everyone to get together. His outlook on life is somewhat conservative, so established family holidays will be the same for several years.

If Capricorn has children, then they will experience all the severity of their parent. But children feel his sincere love under the guise of severity and exactingness. Usually they grow up to be the same pragmatists who do not have any special illusions about life, in which it is easier for them to get settled than for the pupils of Sagittarius.

Additional influence. If the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn in the interval:

0° - 10°=> perseverance, perseverance, endurance, patience, determination, diligence, hard work, penetrating power, professionalism in any chosen field;

10° - 20°=> farming, horticulture, floriculture, greenhouse farming can bring success;

20° - 30°=> decency, intelligence, practicality. If the Moon has negative configurations with other planets - selfishness, greed, internal bifurcation, incredulity, indecision.

The moon in Capricorn in the horoscope for me is the saddest among all the signs of the zodiac. She, unfortunately, does not have many advantages. Capricorn for the night luminary is a cold, reserved sign, and this makes it very difficult for the emotional planet. The main function is disturbed - emotional manifestations. Personally, it seems to me like the moon, enclosed in ice. This is her exile.

By no means do I want to say that people with the Moon in Capricorn are "insensitive crackers." They have emotions, but they are inside. The Moon in Capricorn does not show them. When communicating with many representatives of this position, I realized that their emotional reactions seemed to be turned off. This applies to some violent emotions, for example, joy. The owners of the Moon in Capricorn in the natal chart show this feeling with restraint, as if something is limiting them. It seems like I want to express everything that is inside, but some, one might say, blocking interferes. in aspects this is also characteristic.

The moon in a sign can tell about a person's mother. How many people I have not researched, I do not find examples when there was a good relationship between mother and child. They are not very bad, but most often they do not have sentimentality, maternal affection, consolation, friendship. It's more like a business relationship to me. This phenomenon is also typical for

Often a child with this situation lacks motherly love. The moon in Capricorn can mean that the whole childhood of a person, the mother was busy. I saw more examples with work, but there are other variations. Still, there are other indicators to look at. I have a friend with this situation, and her mother was not involved in raising a child at all in her childhood. She was on maternity leave, there was no time left for her daughter, and after 3 years of vacation she went to work on the night shift. That is, when the girl came home, her mother began to get ready for work. At first she paid attention to another child, and then she began to go to work regularly.

But this position has its advantages with the mother. She is always ready to help practically. There are a lot of examples: from getting a job in another country to being released from prison with a decent term of imprisonment. Unlike mothers who treat their child lightly, the night luminary in Capricorn suggests a responsible and serious attitude. Often such mothers do not allow much, limit, and in my practice there were cases when already adults were afraid. They were afraid of their mother. If you do something wrong, you will receive a portion of criticism.

The sign of the Moon can show the mom's profession. She can work in places where you need to give all your best, be a workaholic. Rarely mothers choose free professions or work for themselves. They prefer to work for the state. enterprises. The sphere of their activity cannot be called humanitarian. There may be professions related to numbers, construction, there were cases with work as a teacher, but again in the state. institution.

Night luminary in Capricorn for men

From the point of view of the image of the wife, the Moon in Capricorn is a classic description of a career woman. Here and external parameters, and diligence, and the desire for heights in the professional field. He needs a young lady who will be in the subject of his profession, will help, if not with deed, then with advice, but not with whining sobs and borscht 🙂. It's great if she maintains a healthy lifestyle, takes a leadership position. It doesn't matter what and where. It absolutely doesn't matter. I had a case when the wife of the owner of the night luminary in Capricorn was the director of the zoo. Well, I couldn't help but mention the age. She must be older. Since age implies certain qualities, for example, discipline, experience, knowledge, a serious attitude to life. If you are a young girl, but you have these traits, then consider yourself lucky 🙂.

Moon in Capricorn Women

We have talked enough about men, now about women. As a rule, the birth of a child occurs after the age of 30 years. I talk about this in detail in my new course:

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In other afflictions, the Moon in Capricorn gives difficulty in conceiving and reduces the potential number of children. But not everything is so hopeless, because Saturn rules this sign, which is a fan of patience. And, if you can’t get pregnant for a long time, then in the end it will definitely work out, but not immediately. In general, I can’t say that girls have some special passion for children. They have a cool attitude towards them in their youth. Such girls think that first they will get on their feet in a career plan, and then you can think about children. After 30 years, this attitude changes and then they no longer think about a career. I would say that women with such a position for children need to mature.

I have seen a lot of girls who “lose” the expulsion of this planet through social work or work as a psychologist.

The fair sex is quite well adapted to the new place, they have no attachment to the house. I also noticed a peculiarity in girls with the Moon in Capricorn. They need to be practically taken care of. For example, give gifts that will last more than one year, and not trinkets that clutter up the space. I can't say that they are hospitable hosts. They rarely invite anyone to their home and do not really like it when they praise their success in cooking, cleaning, etc. They begin to "resist" and look a little embarrassed. As if they did something indecent 🙂 .
And I have everything! 🙂 .

If the material seemed cool to you, then repost, please 🙂 .

You can find out the details of your personal horoscope at

Lunar Capricorns have a serious and practical outlook on life. These are the most persistent and hardy people. They are stubborn and patient in achieving their goal. Lunar Capricorns never stop half way. They circumvent all obstacles carefully, trying to calculate their every step. Lunar Capricorns do not like to take risks. Victories are given to them by hard work and maximum effort.

Usually Lunar Capricorns do not seek to show their merits, attract attention to themselves and remain in the shadows for a very long time. To others, they seem quiet, calm, restrained and soft. But at one fine moment they climb to the top of fame, as they selflessly go to it, without being distracted by trifles.

In addition, Lunar Capricorns are very wise. They think over all their mistakes and try not to repeat them in the future. For them, in general, it is important to achieve perfection in everything that they would not touch. After all, they are very responsible and at the same time conceited. At the same time, Lunar Capricorns do not know envy, carelessness, laziness. They always play honestly and openly. They don't pretend at all. Lunar Capricorns usually say what they think. They will not hide their dislike for the person. They can look down on idlers and liars.

But at the same time, Lunar Capricorns know how to perfectly control their emotions. And in this they are excellent actors, as they can smile even at the moment when the ground leaves from under their feet. The thing is that people born under the sign of Lunar Capricorns are simply afraid to show their true feelings so as not to cause misunderstanding or irritation of others. In general, they very often have to deal with pessimistic moods associated with thoughts about their worthlessness or uselessness. Therefore, they often withdraw into themselves.

But Lunar Capricorns can be passionate and romantic, amaze everyone with their charm and sensuality. In any company, Lunar Capricorns behave with dignity. They know how to get along with people, they try to avoid conflicts so as not to make enemies for themselves. At the same time, they are ready to silently listen to grievances and ignore unpleasant reviews. They generally know how to adapt to any situation and give in, if necessary. Lunar Capricorns are responsive. They are always ready to help with practical advice or deed. They do not throw words into the wind and promise what they can fulfill.

People born under the sign of Lunar Capricorns are quite conservative and stable. They do not like changes and moving, they are cautious about any innovation, as they are afraid to lose what they already have.

In addition, Lunar Capricorns are economical and can be content with little. They prefer a luxurious life to a small but guaranteed income. Prestige and recognition for them is much more important than wealth. And to harbor some illusions is not in their manner. Lunar Capricorns prefer to stand firmly on their feet and be independent of others.

With age, Lunar Capricorns become wiser and begin to relate to life much easier, as they understand that earthly joys pass them by.

Lunar Capricorn Man

The moon gives the Capricorn man a strong character, great willpower. He is calm, balanced and practical. He has excellent self-discipline and endurance. He patiently achieves his goal no matter what. And he does it honestly and with dignity, relying only on his own efforts.

You can always rely on such a man. He doesn't like building castles in the air. Happiness for him is a stable position in society and material well-being. In general, the Lunar Capricorn man does not like to change something in his life. It is important for him to consistently achieve success and receive recognition for this. Men born in Lunar Capricorn are vain. They love praise and even flattery. However, they always see deception, as they are very insightful.

In communication, Lunar Capricorn men are timid and sometimes closed. From their lips it is difficult to hear any joke. But the older the Lunar Capricorn male becomes, the softer and more charming he is.

In general, Lunar Capricorn men are stingy with emotions. But meanwhile, romance is not alien to them. They are popular with women due to their natural charm. They know how to admire the opposite sex. Although Lunar Capricorn men do not fall in love often, they value their independence too much. They take the choice of their companion seriously. And if they are determined with a partner, then for a long time, since they do not tolerate slips and breaks. In addition, the woman that the Lunar Capricorn male chooses must be dignified, smart, with good manners. External attractiveness does not matter to him. The main thing is that his chosen one confirms his prestige and authority. In addition, for a male Capricorn Moon, it is important that his companion is approved by his parents, since he treats them with great respect.

Lunar Capricorn men value family. They always make sure that there is prosperity in the house. Such men bring up their children in severity. They demand respect and honor from them. But for the sake of children, Lunar Capricorn men are capable of great sacrifices. True, marriage with them is not easy. Such men rarely show emotions. Although very attentive and caring. In sex, they become temperamental only when they are completely liberated. They give themselves to their partner not only physically, but also spiritually and know how to deliver unforgettable pleasure.

Lunar Capricorn Woman

The Moon endows the Capricorn woman with beauty and charm. And every year it becomes more fresh and attractive. Lunar Capricorn women have good manners and taste, they are elegant. They love compliments and are very vulnerable if they are underestimated.

At the same time, Lunar Capricorn women are not without business qualities. Just like the men of this sign, they strive to occupy a worthy position. They are purposeful and not afraid of difficulties. At the same time, they are practical and prudent. Lunar Capricorn women achieve success in any business that they undertake. After all, they are very diligent, hardworking and consistent. Women born in the sign of Lunar Capricorn strive relentlessly to be the first in everything. At the same time, they are very restrained and do not try to play in public. They will not boast of their merits and prove to everyone their uniqueness. Lunar Capricorn women are wise and patiently go to the podium. And luck really accompanies them, especially if they listen to their intuition.

In communication, they are pleasant, calm. They cannot be seen screaming. Lunar Capricorn women are reasonable and will not stoop to petty squabbles and scandals. True, they often fall into depression, which can last for weeks. And it is very difficult to get them out of this state. No consolations can help them until they themselves understand that a pessimistic attitude prevents them from moving on.

However, emotionality and romance are not alien to them. They love to dream, but at the same time they try to fulfill their dreams.

True, in love, independent Lunar Capricorn women with a stranglehold are not very lucky. They very often suffer from unrequited love and are generally afraid to show their feelings, as they are very vulnerable. They take any alliances very seriously and are very worried if they do not add up. True, for all their caution and prudence, Lunar Capricorn women are very amorous. They are not always picky about men, especially in their youth. Sometimes they can get married, recklessly falling in love. After all, their feelings are always very strong and deep. And even if the Lunar Capricorn woman subsequently realizes that she made a mistake, it is difficult for her to break off relations. After all, she is too obligatory and responsible.

With age, Lunar Capricorn women become more demanding of men. They are looking for a reliable, respectable and wealthy companion with no less strong character. In general, for women born in Lunar Capricorn, the position of her lover is very important. After all, she wants to be proud of him and stand on the same level with him.

In the Lunar Capricorn family, women are brilliant housewives. Her house is always cozy and beautiful. She is very attentive to her loved ones, patiently endures their whims. Lunar Capricorn women surround children with care and attention. They are ready for any sacrifice for them. In addition, the Lunar Capricorn woman is a faithful spouse. She does not like to go beyond the bounds of decency and spoil her reputation. Despite her independence, she gives herself entirely to her husband and will not tolerate his betrayal. For her, this is tantamount to betrayal.

Despite her outward coldness, in sex, the Lunar Capricorn woman can be very passionate, especially since sensual pleasure plays a big role for her. If the partner manages to liberate her, he will be surprised how much fire and ingenuity lurks in her. But this is not given to everyone, since Lunar Capricorn women also require complete dedication from a man.

Lunar Capricorn Child

Lunar Capricorn children from an early age are very serious and reasonable. They are slow, careful, everything is carefully thought out.

Lunar Capricorn children are hardworking, clean. They do not need to be forced to do something around the house. They are usually ahead of the wishes of their parents and try to be useful in everything.

Lunar Capricorn-child likes to imitate adults, listen to their conversations. He is bored with his peers. Therefore, he behaves aloof. And in general, Lunar Capricorns-children hardly make contact, as they are very timid and shy. But they will never allow themselves to be offended, and from a quiet and calm child they can turn into a real warrior. Usually Lunar Capricorn children have a narrow circle of friends they can trust. With great respect, they treat their elders, listen to their advice.

However, little Lunar Capricorns are too independent and do not like to seek help. They do not tolerate extreme guardianship and supervision. Therefore, they often become secretive and distrustful.

In their studies, they achieve success due to their perseverance and perseverance. They have excellent self-discipline and organization. It is important for parents to praise and encourage such children for any success. This will give them confidence. Little Lunar Capricorns are proud and hard to endure failure. Their chagrin can turn into despair.

Parents should be especially attentive to Lunar Capricorn-children during the period of falling in love. They often suffer from unrequited love and their spiritual wounds leave a mark for many years.

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