Interpretation of the tarot page of cups. The meaning of the page of cups card in the layouts for relationships, love, work and health

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The value of the page of cups (bowls) in the upright position

Good news, good news. Creativity, inspiration, imagination. A fruitful period, positive changes. Now all your plans need to be realized in real life.

Love, romance, tenderness, amorousness. The Page of Tarot Cups is a husband or lover. Great romantic relationship. This is love without a hint of deceit, true love. The appearance of a newborn.

  • good news, creative outlet, promising start
  • educated, kind, educated, sympathetic young man
  • news, news, the appearance of someone or something new, good news
  • birth, or child, or idea or enterprise
  • diligence, thoughtfulness, meditation

If the Tarot card of the Page of Cups (Bowls) represents a person, then this is a calm, self-absorbed soft young man, artistically gifted, but not inclined to talk about his talents. He will be able to help the Client achieve a specific goal. If we are talking about some kind of situation, then, depending on the surrounding cards, the Page of Tarot Cups speaks of the approach of good news. In addition, the card indicates the period of study and new creative projects.

A sensitive young person, a man or woman who is closely related to you, such as a son or daughter, brother, sister, old friend or classmate, childhood love. He or she can be of service to you.

The meaning of the page of cups (bowls) in an inverted position

Negative changes, lack of solid ground underfoot. A threat to your business and financial affairs. Your personal relationships lose their brightness, a very strong quarrel is possible. The advice is not to fly far from reality on the wings of dreams and fantasies. You need to find the lost meaning of life, the lost purpose.

  • wasted talents, idleness, bad beliefs
  • flatterer and deceiver, narcissist and crafty
  • deceit, temptation, false flattery, swindle
  • cunning tricks, uncertainty, obstacles

In an inverted form, the tarot card of the page of cups (cups) speaks of a talented young man who wastes his energy on frivolous impulses of fantasy. He is indifferent to his idle life and often displays his lack of conviction and his endurance. In some situations, the Client may become a victim of fraud, which will become obvious.

inner meaning. Given to understand the direct position of the map

A young man or woman, perhaps your son or daughter (or someone who matches this image), brother or sister (usually the younger ones). A sensitive young person who has the qualities of his parents, but to a much lesser extent. The appearance of the Page of Tarot Cups in the layout indicates that there is a person with whom you are now connected and who will serve you in an important way. If this card does not represent a certain person, then take it as news, the appearance of a new person, possibly a newborn.

The Page of Cups card in Tarot decks usually communicates upcoming joyful events. This is the birth of a child, a proposal of a hand and a heart, a benefit in a business or a love relationship reaching a new level. However, it also has unpleasant meanings, such as failure or divorce. To get the correct interpretation, you need to pay attention not only to the type of alignment, but also to the fortuneteller, the situation around him, the question and the combination of cards.

Map Description

The Page of Cups tarot card depicts a smartly dressed young man. In his right hand he holds a goblet from which a fish peeps out. Sea waves are visible in the background.

In some publications, for example, Waite Smith's Tarot Secrets, the card is compared with the image of Falstaff, one of the heroes of Shakespeare's Henry IV. But his image is already in the deck (Nine of Cups).

The keywords of the Page of Cups card are:

  • news;
  • attachment;
  • innocence;
  • love;
  • naivety;
  • romance.

The ideas of the lasso are considered to be the smoothing of conflict situations, the development of intuition and the inability to focus on one thing.


The Page card is a servant or messenger. In Tarot, she portends events related to a certain suit, predicts favorable changes in romantic relationships, a new love or acquaintance. Also, perhaps this is some kind of gift, an offer to marry, pregnancy. What exactly will happen is suggested by the rest of the cards in the layout.

The Page or Herald of Cups has other meanings:

  1. In the future, you can expect news, an interesting offer, a compliment or an expression of sympathy from relatives and friends. The oldest interpretation says that soon one of the friends will provide a service or help in important matters. Moreover, this will be done without any selfish intentions.
  2. In the traditional sense, the Page of Cups card personifies a young man or woman, someone who is perceived as a brother or sister. However, in the modern interpretation, this person shows affection and tries to charm. In fact, this is a support group, people who will understand and accept all undertakings, regardless of what they are connected with.
  3. The card speaks of the manifestation of friendship or love feelings. Often she reports longing for a person or an irresistible desire to be near. In earlier interpretations, the Page of Cups card tells of a flash of romantic feelings or someone's confessions.
  4. In some layouts, the lasso indicates a desire to solve relationship problems, smooth corners or relieve tension, as well as a willingness to take the first step towards reconciliation.

Generally speaking, the Page or the Jack of Cups in the layouts is a joyful life full of carelessness and pleasant moments. This is emotional stability, openness to new relationships or a sharp development of existing ones. In combination with other arcana, the card may hint at the fulfillment of a cherished dream. In addition to the layout, the meaning of the Page of Cups Tarot card is affected by its position.


Indicates a serious person striving for new knowledge. His hallmarks are thoughtfulness, thoughtfulness, sensitivity and intuition. This is a workaholic that you can rely on in any situation.

Sometimes the jack also indicates a child with blond hair and blue eyes. He is characterized by diligence, dreaminess, romance and gullibility.

In the upright position, the Page card has other interpretations:

  • premonitions will come true;
  • good news for family or close relatives;
  • pleasant surprises;
  • wedding or baptism of a child;
  • insignificant financial income in business;
  • a person will achieve certain success in creativity, for example, in the acting profession;
  • Love, friendship;
  • the opportunity to learn something new about your chosen one.

The Page of Cups tarot card recommends always taking advantage of the chances provided by fate. She also warns against believing in flattery, praise, and empty promises. The appearance of this card in the layout indicates a positive answer to the question asked by the fortuneteller.

upside down

The meaning of the reverse position of the Page of Cups card is a vague future, discomfort, lack of information, a tendency to flaunt feelings. In traditional interpretations, this is windiness, casual relationships, deceit and fraud, betrayal and emotional distress. Also, the card can mean a loss of trust, attraction to a bad person, dependence on the opinions of outsiders.

In ancient interpretations, the inverted Page of Cups meant addictions that destroy life, and temptations. Other explanations include:

  • unsociable, insecure child;
  • bad news, unsuccessful attempts, deceit;
  • senseless self-sacrifice;
  • emotional immaturity;
  • difficulties in doing business due to laziness, a tendency to cheat and lie;
  • frivolity of a partner in a love relationship;
  • diseases that appeared in childhood.

Regardless of the alignment, the inverted lasso gives a negative answer to the question.

The card of the day is a simple and accurate divination that is performed by two cards symbolizing today and tomorrow.

Choose 1st card


The value of the lasso Jack of Cups depends not only on the position relative to other Tarot cards, but also on the layout.

In relationship

Main interpretation- reconciliation after a strong quarrel. The partner will be the initiator. In the case when the relationship is even, without scandals, it is worth waiting for a new round. Feelings between lovers will intensify.

Interesting! For fortunetellers who do not have a partner, the card promises an acquaintance. It will end either with strong relationships and marriage bonds, or a fleeting but stormy romance. Reconciliation with former lovers is also possible.

Another meaning of the card in the layout of relationships and love is a wedding. There are two scenarios here:

  1. Marriage . Most likely, the chosen one decided that it was time to think about a joint future and start a family.
  2. An offer of marriage from a long-time friend, colleague or acquaintance.

For those who are already married, the Page card predicts the appearance of a child. For older people, it may be grandchildren.

Reversed Jack of Cups in the layout of love means the extinction of feelings. The main reason for this situation is inattention and complete indifference, as well as selfishness and laziness of the chosen one. Neither side makes concessions and does not want to change anything.

In matters of health

The loss of the Tarot card Page of Cups or Cups indicates the presence of emotional problems, mental abnormalities and oddities in behavior. She also points to the fact that the reason for the deterioration of health are strong experiences that a person could not cope with.

In ancient interpretations of health layouts, the card denotes an unshared or unrealized feeling of love, which provoked the development of serious pathologies. These include problems in the cardiovascular system and even stagnant processes.

In work and finance

The meaning of the Page of Cups Tarot card in the matter of professional activity depends on its position in the layout. If it lies straight, then it can mean:

  1. Business update. This applies not only to development, but also to universal recognition. Perhaps the person will hear praise for a well-done project or receive an award.
  2. You will receive an invitation to attend a party organized by one of your colleagues. Most likely, he occupies a higher position in the company, so do not miss the chance to make useful contacts. However, one cannot be guided solely by selfish motives. In the first place should be the desire to find like-minded people or even a friend.
  3. Help from colleagues in the implementation of a complex project. It can be both physical and in the form of practical advice.

For a person who has got a job in a new job, the Tarot card of the Page of Cups recommends that you find a common language with the team as soon as possible. The same advice is applicable in cases of the appearance of unfamiliar partners in business. It is the emotional connection and friendship that should come first.

Reverse card position in the scenario for finance and work, it predicts a breakdown in the deal, self-deception, project failure due to too emotional behavior. It also means the lack of financial profit due to inexperience in a particular business.

Combined with the suit of Cups

The interpretation is based on which card lies next to it:

  • Two - a happy family life, peace and harmony;
  • Troika - a celebration attended by close and dear people;
  • Four - an unpleasant proposal from a friend;
  • Five - resentment, which is not easy to deal with;
  • Six - someone needs help;
  • Seven - empty promises;
  • Eight - categorical refusal;
  • Nine - worth waiting for a gift;
  • Ten - you need to participate in a general party;
  • Knight - the chosen one will offer cohabitation;
  • Queen - pregnancy will come soon;
  • King - the words spoken by the interlocutor are trustworthy.

In combination with Ace, the Page of Cups card means a long-awaited marriage proposal from a beloved man. Another option is cohabitation.

Combined with the suit of Wands

The value looks like this:

  • Two - from the many possibilities you need to choose the main one;
  • Three - the time has come for decisive action;
  • Four - pregnancy;
  • Five - advice from more experienced people is required;
  • Six - success in the professional field or consent to marriage;
  • Seven - betrayal, cunning, resentment, delusion;
  • Eight - wedding;
  • Nine - vague prospects;
  • Ten - it is better to postpone the planned projects for later, since now they will not be implemented;
  • Page - you need to carefully consider each step;
  • Knight - you should leave your comfort zone and change plans;
  • Queen - a woman will find happiness;
  • King - there is an opportunity to express yourself in the creative field.

The Page of Cups card, which fell simultaneously with the Ace of Wands, means a tempting offer. No need to think about the answer, it is better to accept it immediately.

Combined with the Major Arcana

Value options:

  • Jester - a proposal that does not deserve attention;
  • Magician - an idea worth taking note of or implementing;
  • High Priestess - you need to do self-education or advanced training;
  • Empress - an early pregnancy;
  • Emperor - it's time to marry your soulmate;
  • Hierophant - beneficial cooperation or an opportunity that should not be missed;
  • Lovers - changes for the better are coming;
  • Chariot - it will take a lot of energy and time to bring the project to life;
  • Strength - hard work will be rewarded;
  • Hermit - it is better to refuse the offer;
  • Wheel of Fortune - an opportunity to realize good ideas;
  • Justice - a person is waiting for litigation;
  • Hanged Man - unexplained incidents;
  • Death - it's time to change your life;
  • Moderation - you need to solve the problem wisely, throwing back emotions and worries;
  • Devil - someone wants to deceive or mislead;
  • Tower - failures in love and undertakings;
  • Star - hope;
  • Moon - illusions or fantasies, the desired is presented as real;
  • The sun - the birth of a child or a change in the situation for the better.

Sometimes the Page of Cups is dropped along with the World card. This pair predicts a well-deserved reward.

Combined with the suit of Swords

Rolling with Ace means an interesting idea. But for its implementation, you need to make a lot of effort.

Combinations with other cards:

  • Two - major quarrels in the family or at work;
  • Three - failures in love relationships, depression, bad mood, bad news;
  • Four - a truce for a short time;
  • Five - you will have to admit defeat and abandon the implementation of your plans;
  • Six - there will be a trip soon, a move is possible;
  • Seven - a sentence that is better to ignore;
  • Eight - circumstances force you to compromise;
  • Nine - bad news;
  • Ten - useless dreams and illusions;
  • Page - the alternative is in doubt;
  • Knight - plans will not come true;
  • Queen - a painful break, divorce;
  • King - complaints, tedious cases related to documents, disputes with those who occupy a high position in society.

Often the interpretation also depends on the cards that surround the lasso and its pair.

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

Usually such coincidences mean financial gain. But there are other interpretations as well.

  • Two - an unstable economic situation;
  • Three - promising prospects in terms of money;
  • Four - the proposal received should be well considered;
  • Five - waste;
  • Six - charity;
  • Seven - do not believe empty promises;
  • Eight - a profitable business proposal;
  • Nine - invested money will bring profit;
  • Ten - you need to tell relatives and friends about your interests and undertakings;
  • Page - before opening a business, you should carefully study the market;
  • Knight - dreams will come true, but not as fast as we would like;
  • Queen - new ideas will bring profit in the future;
  • The king is the amount that you have to part with.

In combination with the Ace, the Page of Cups means beneficial cooperation. However, partners need to carefully study the terms of the deal.

If this lasso fell out as a card of the day, then it is better to be careful. You can not blindly believe in promises and praise.


The Page of Cups card in the traditional Tarot deck in most cases means good news, the rapid development of a romantic relationship, or an improvement in financial situation. But sometimes the interpretation is not so rosy. Often it reports possible deception, delusions or failures. It all depends on the layout and what cards fall next.

Direct position

Arkan is endowed with quiet joy, romance, dreams and dreams. The card carries an emotional load and is a symbol of love. In the scenario, you should expect a love message, news of a wedding, perhaps information about pregnancy or the birth of a child will come.

With this card, a person decides to take the first step for reconciliation or reunion. Basically, this card falls out to a young person (boy or girl) who has a rich soul, sensuality and is capable of strong emotions.

Maybe a person will take up some new business, which will turn out to be very promising. If a person experiences experiences, then they will be associated exclusively with new acquaintances and fresh feelings.

There will be a meeting with a person who will play an important role in his life. He will help in business, and he will do it not for service, but for friendship. The card symbolizes love, joy, kindness, a friendly gesture, creative ideas and ideas.

Reversed position

Under the influence of an inverted card, a person becomes distracted, his hopes are unfounded. If a truce occurs between people, then, as a rule, it is temporary. The person to whom this Arcana falls is an infantile personality, his emotions dominate his mind.

Often this card is associated with a small soap bubble that easily evaporates. A person experiences shallow feelings, so the fog will soon dissipate, and everything will soon change. A person can be insecure, because of this he is even able to "bury his talent." He may refuse reconciliation, will not want to make contact, and even reject confessions.

The card speaks of a breakup, a withdrawn invitation, a postponement of a date, a loss of innocence, a loss of trust. A person can easily be influenced by others and risk being used. His dreams are unrealistic, although he continues to believe in them.

Page of Cups: Meaning in Love and Relationships

Direct position

There comes a favorable period in a person's life when you can enjoy a calm and harmonious relationship. It is especially pleasant when the reconciliation of two people occurs after family quarrels and conflicts.

If the relationship of two people is just beginning to develop, then we are talking about strong feelings, when partners are simply attracted to each other, like a magnet.

The guy wants to propose to his girlfriend. It is not surprising if their relationship moves to a new, more adult level - the creation of a family. The card is safe. And even if it cannot be said that a complete idyll awaits a person on the love front, then there is a good chance to feel this wonderful feeling.

Reversed position

Arcana implies unpredictable relationships. A partner can turn out to be a terrible egoist and careless person. To save the past, a person is capable of much, but not with an inverted Page of Cups card. All his attempts will be useless and fruitless.

Under the influence of the card, windiness, promiscuity in love is observed. A person will go downhill, succumb to someone else's influence. Perhaps he will be drawn to a person who will be capable of deceit, falsehood, cheating, flattery and treason. And he will learn this lesson so that he will not face bitter experience in the future.

Page of Cups: Meaning in Situation and Question

Direct position

The fortuneteller will have a well-developed intuition. He will well feel the profitability of business and the prospects of projects. New offers will not only be a good future, but will also be remembered for pleasant moments and impressions.

The fortuneteller will be praised, thanked, his labors and talents will be deservedly recognized. The card indicates that a person will be offered a promotion, he will get close to an influential person.

The lasso will give pleasant moments to the fortuneteller, who will make every effort to achieve the goal. He will rightly be considered a trustworthy employee, and just a useful person. In business situations, partners will meet him halfway, so you can expect another success.

Reversed position

The map, when dealt with the situation, indicates problems and failures. And you can blame yourself for these problems. A person will be unable to organize the work of the team and his own workplace. Even if he is right about something, he will not be able to defend his point of view, give certain arguments.

An inverted card pushes a person to the need to draw the right conclusion in the current situation. Perhaps in some way he will show his dishonesty, will count on outside help. But still, it would be better if he showed his determination and did at least something thanks to his own strength.

Under the influence of the inverted Page of Cups, there will be interference in business, so a person cannot count on success.

Page of Cups: Meaning of the card of the day

Fate is on your side. New opportunities and emotional nourishment open up before a person. Today is the day when a person can accept the gifts of fate, while giving nothing in return.

This can even manifest itself in ordinary trifles (compliments, declarations of love, an honorable compromise in difficult circumstances). His undertakings will bear fruit, and the affairs that he previously dealt with will end in success. By the way, you can think about career growth, there are prospects.

You need to trust your intuition and follow your own feelings. We should not rely on common sense in important matters, but on the subconscious. A person can realize himself if he wants to. He will be very open to fulfill his desires.

The main thing is to make your own decision, be attentive and very cautious. Indeed, behind the appearance and words, oaths and promises, an ordinary deception can be hidden. Don't let yourself be fooled. It is better to postpone projects that will have to be dealt with - they will turn out to be hopeless and doomed to failure.

Page of Cups: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands cups swords Pentacles

frivolous proposal

Ace of Wands

tempting offer

to suggest an idea

King of Wands

serious creative project

offer knowledge

Queen of Wands



Knight of Wands

momentary plans


An offer of marriage; vacancy

Page of Wands

proposal to be studied

worthy offer

Two of Wands

a matter requiring careful planning and thought


offer cohabitation, create a family

Three of Wands

from words to deeds


project to be improved

Four of Wands

replenishment in the family

a challenging project

Five of Wands

The loss of the Tarot card of the Page of Cups in the layout is a positive sign. The surrounding people are friendly to the questioner, he has a chance to receive help, recognition, assertion of authority, victory. In relationships, it is a fresh stream of emotions, innovations, initiative. A pleasant streak of events is outlined, favorable circumstances, whatever it may concern. The fortuneteller expects happiness and fulfillment of desires.

The meaning of the Tarot Page of Cups (Bowls) is lightness, sincerity, dreams, the emergence of new feelings, a love message, positive changes. The card represents joy, harmony, positive; a young man or girl capable of evoking strong emotions, people under the sign of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.

Description: a page with a goblet in his hand is on the ocean shore; in the goblet - caught fish. Water is a way of thinking, dreams, emotions; fish is a symbol of the idea that has come.

Character cards mean a specific person in the life of a fortuneteller; character traits of the questioner or the roles he plays in life, qualities that need to be developed; the attitude of others; events in the future; seasons. In an inverted position, these are the shadow sides of a person or actors in a particular situation.

The value of the card in a direct position:

  • reconciliation; conflict resolution;
  • reunion; meeting; love;
  • new acquaintance; invitation; communication with a friend;
  • An offer of marriage;
  • new idea; enthusiasm; inspiration;
  • conception, childbirth;
  • news, prospects; development of creativity;
  • sensual personality, with a rich inner world;
  • high sensitivity; tenderness;
  • guidance of impulses and desires;
  • intuition, paranormal abilities;
  • versatility; education; training;
  • homosexuality; introversion; meditation;
  • enjoyment of working alone;
  • making talismans.

Situation and advice: news about a newborn, engagement, preparation for the wedding is likely. Expects a period of emotional rebirth, renewal of romance, acquaintance with a pleasant person. With the transition to a new job, attention should be paid to colleagues and partners. Children can have a significant influence on the position of the questioner in the situation.

Reversed Page of Cups

The card indicates the unreliability of the situation, illusions leading nowhere. A person lives in dreams, unwillingness to realize plans, his qualities are infantilism, inability to adapt to reality.

Other values:

  • uncertainty, doubt;
  • wasted time, laziness;
  • wrong principles; deceit, flattery, falsehood; conversations behind the back;
  • narcissism, limited imagination; insulation;
  • selfishness; impudence;
  • reconciliation for a while; frivolity, infantilism; spoiled;
  • unhappy child;
  • drugs, alcohol.

Situation and advice: at present, the fortuneteller may be worried about the mental state of the child, his spoiledness, indiscipline, restlessness. Sometimes, in an attempt to cope with the problem, a desire to forget with the help of alcohol visits. Relationships can be in a fading state, the number of friends decreases.


The person in the description of the card is an actor by vocation or profession, playing in life and on stage. A person who reveals talents to the public, a character with an unsurpassed imagination; medium; harmonious inside. The people described by the card are: young; soft, artistic; artists, poets, teachers, inspirers; friendly, dreamy, passive; students; trainers; sometimes with homosexual inclinations. Those who prefer to achieve results alone.

In a different sense - a fraudster, an amateur, dispersed in many directions, he will have to face many trials before he adequately evaluates himself.

The Page of Cups has one interesting feature - a fish peeps out of its cup. Waite himself believed that the fish embodies the thoughts of the Page of Cups, which have taken shape. There is, however, an opinion that the stable phraseological unit “drink like a fish” can be applied to the Page of Cups.

Markus Katz and Tali Goodwin in the book "Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot" introduce a parallel between the Page of Cups and the image of Falstaff, a character in Shakespeare's play "Henry IV". Let me remind you that we see the image of the aged Falstaff on the map of 9 Cups.

And if you indulge in completely violent fantasies, then you can see an allusion to the miracle of Christ with the loaves and fishes. But no one knows for sure what the fish in the Page of Cups cup really means.

Describing the card, Waite mentions that the Page of Cups is "a bit feminine". In my opinion, this is not at all obvious.


  • news
  • Attachment
  • Innocence
  • Love
  • naivety
  • Romanticism

Key Ideas

  • The world after the quarrel
  • Conflict resolution
  • Inability to focus on one
  • Intuition

Basic meaning

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In the meaning of the Page of Cups (Cups) tarot card, Waite plays on the classic perception of the page as a servant. He describes Kart as a young man ready to serve just about anyone and everyone. The second classical understanding of the Page of Cups, connected with news, is also reflected in Waite: news, messages, news.

The Rider-Waite meaning of the Page of Cups reversed tarot card is described as taste, inclination, affection, seduction and deceit.

The modern meanings of the Page of Cups are very different from Waite's. Today, the Page of Cups is perceived as an indication of a romantic relationship, falling in love, tenderness, sentimentality. In this regard, it is quite close to the Jester card from the Major Arcana.

Video: the meaning of the Page of Tarot Cups

Meaning in relationships

Open - closed card

The Page of Cups lives in the world of dreams, and therefore it can be perceived as a hole card. But at the same time he is very open, vulnerable, unprotected. And that makes him an open card.

Relationship Intensity

The Page of Cups indicates strong emotional experiences. This is a very intensive process, but it is not always visible from the outside.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the scenario “a small dog until old age is a puppy” plays out in the card. The Page of Cups easily gives control, does not pretend to be a leader. Does not seek to take responsibility and make decisions.

The meaning of the Tarot card Page of Cups (Bowls) in relationships and love indicates falling in love. And often this is a one-sided relationship - unrequited love. The Page of Cups tends to idealize the object of love. Actually, this is common to all lovers. This is a natural and logical stage in the development of love relationships. Problems begin if a person does not move on to the next stage, for example, to the Queen of Cups.

By itself, the Page of Cups card in a relationship indicates that people are in a kind of nirvana, cut off from reality, have weak ties with the material world. This existence usually lasts until the first serious crisis.

Combined with the Major Arcana

The Page of Cups combined with the Major Arcana
  • in combination with a card: Inharmonious combination. The conflict between mercy and the severity of the law
  • combined with the card: Ignoring objective reality leads to disaster
  • in combination with the card: Children's happiness and the happiness of children

Psychological condition

The Page of Cups card can indicate two emotional states. Firstly, it is happiness, and secondly, melancholy and sadness. It all depends on how the environment treats him. This is a very passive card. The Page of Cups does not act, it is itself the object of action. Forgotten book, drunk wine. "How will they love me?" (passive voice, passive verb: he was fired from work).

Combined with the suit of Wands

Page of Cups combined with the suit of Staves
  • combined with : Man out of place
  • combined with : Get stuck in your illusions
  • combined with : Protect your delusions

Significance in matters of health

The Page of Cups in matters of health can manifest itself in two ways. On the one hand, he points to a person prone to depression, alcohol abuse, suicide - the so-called "lunar" version of the Page of Cups. The "sunny" option speaks of a happy, cheerful, cheerful person who is in a psychologically comfortable situation.

Combined with the suit of Cups

Page of Cups combined with the suit of Cups
  • combined with: Falling in love with a close relative
  • combined with : Leave to grow up
  • combined with : Big love

Business and finance, professional activities

Stability, manageability, controllability

Sufficiently stable situation, but not very positive for finances. You can only track its changes (and even then not all), but not manage. More precisely, command and control is extremely unlikely.

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

The Page of Cups is not associated with an increase in income. Rather indicates losses.

The Page of Cups is not focused on making money. But he has a way of getting small handouts: the ability to beg and arouse pity. You can use these abilities in any volunteer and charitable organizations, animal shelters. But it still won't bring in big profits.

General state of finances and trends

The meaning of the Page of Tarot Cups in finance suggests that the state of finances is none. No state. Between minus and zero. At best, everything will remain as it is.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The question of how pages can influence the increase in income is rhetorical. You can, of course, focus on the implementation of the most attractive features of pages, but this still has the most remote relation to business. However, let's call it: The Page of Cups is cute. Despite the fact that the lack of ambition and motivation, unwillingness to take responsibility and fear of making a mistake, cut at the root of any action in the financial field.

Combined with the suit of Swords

Page of Cups combined with the suit of Swords
  • combined with : To act thoughtlessly under the influence of emotions
  • in conjunction with : Cunning, demonstrating false weakness
  • combined with : Painful experience of the collapse of illusions

The meaning of the card of the day The Page of Cups Tarot says the following: be carefree

Card of the day Caution

You are too trusting

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

Page of Cups combined with the suit of Pentacles
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