Why do you dream about a knight? Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a Knight, to see a Knight in a dream, what does Dream Interpretation knight mean?

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Knight- symbolizes some noble, selfless personality. Sometimes the dreamer himself. Portends success in love, victory in competitions.

Dream book for a bitch

Knight- people around you have appeared who envy you and are capable of meanness and betrayal.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

If you are a knight- love jealousy; watch the battle of knights– sweet unrealistic romantic dreams.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Knight- love trap.

Knight armour- expects a high position.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Dream about an ancient knight in armor- predicts a test of spiritual qualities; betrayal, revenge and envy from others; honor and joy; protection and patronage.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Why do knights dream?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The knight is a love trap.

Knight's armor - a high position awaits.

Why do knights dream?

The newest dream book G.

Why do you dream about a Knight according to the dream book?

If you are a knight - love jealousy; watching the battle of knights is a sweet, unrealistic romantic dream.

Why do knights dream?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Knight – Love Trap

Why do knights dream?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Knight - protection, patronage.

Why do knights dream?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

betrayal, envy and malice from others.

Why do knights dream?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Knight - You see a knight in armor in a dream - the dream suggests that out of envy someone is cherishing revenge on you, but you are not protected; you are a sincere person, a noble nature, you are too open for the society in which you are forced to move.

Why do knights dream?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

A foot knight is a strong, noble person in your environment / a certain fear / guardian.

A knight on a bareback horse - a fusion of spiritual and physical forces in the struggle to achieve a goal / the need to abstain in sexual life.

A knight on a horse - your enthusiasm, cheerfulness, inspiration, strength leading you forward.

With your visor down - misfortune, a test sent to you by fate.

Why do knights dream?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does a Knight mean in a dream - a brilliant future awaits you. Imagine that the knight is your close friend. You walk with him through the flowering valley.

Why do knights dream?

Big dream book

Why do knights dream?

Astrological dream book

If you dreamed of a knight, then you have an important duel with your enemy.

Why do knights dream?

Dream interpretation book by S. Karatov

If you dreamed of a knight who valued his honor, then soon you will have to test your spiritual qualities.

See also: why do you dream of a sword, why do you dream of a helmet, why do you dream of a battle.

Why do knights dream?

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

If you dreamed of a knight, then you are a noble and brave person.

Such a dream suggests that you will have good luck in love and win in some exciting competitions.

If you saw in a dream a knight who offered you his hand and heart, then you need to be wary of a love trap.

If in a dream you put on knightly armor, then you will achieve a high position in society.

Why do knights dream?

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does a Knight mean in a dream 1. A knight appearing in a dream, especially in a woman's dream, has an obvious connection with our understanding of romantic communication - a knight in shining armor. In fact, for a woman, this is a manifestation of her own Masculine principle (see Introduction), her own inner masculine component, and it is associated with the dreamer’s search for perfection. In a man's dream, this may be the search for the Hero in himself (see Archetypes). 2. From a psychological point of view, a knight in a dream represents the guiding principle. It is that part of ourselves that is known as the Supreme Being or the spirit that controls the body. The Black Knight is the embodiment of evil. It is noteworthy that the white knight always appears in a dream with his visor raised, while the black knight always appears with his visor down. 3. Starting to develop your best qualities.

Why do knights dream?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Knight - Symbolizes some noble, selfless person. Sometimes the dreamer himself. Portends success in love, victory in competitions.

Why do knights dream?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of a Knight - a symbol of a strong man.

Why do knights dream?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Knight - fight for your dignity and honor; doom yourself to loneliness for the sake of an idea.

Why do knights dream?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Knight - A symbol associated with Logos and rationality, which governs the unconscious, chthonic. Uniting spirit and body in the fight against opposing tendencies (good or evil). Hero.

Why do knights dream?

Universal dream book

Knights are associated with heroism and devotion. Does the knight symbolize your desire to save someone or to be saved?

A knight hides a tender heart behind tough armor - do you want to protect your vulnerable spots with a bulletproof vest?

Why do knights dream?

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

A dream about an ancient knight in armor predicts a test of spiritual qualities; betrayal, revenge and envy from others; honor and joy; protection and patronage.

If a woman sees her husband in knightly garb, she will receive serious confirmation of his fidelity.

If an unmarried man puts on knightly armor in a dream, he will soon get married in reality; married - will receive an invitation to the wedding.

Why do knights dream?

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

The knight is a symbol associated with Logos and rationality, which governs the unconscious, chthonic. Uniting spirit and body in the fight against opposing tendencies (good or evil). Hero.

Why do knights dream?

Fairytale-mythological dream book

Knight - favorable changes, help, patronage.

Why do knights dream?

Dream Interpretation Tarot

A knight on the hunt means successful execution of the plan.

Why do knights dream?

Dream book for a bitch

Knight - people around you have appeared who envy you and are capable of meanness and betrayal.

Why do knights dream?

Slavic dream book

Knight - dreams of a duel. Aries and Mars.

Why do knights dream?

New dream book 1918

Why do knights dream?

ABC of dream interpretation

Knight - symbolizes some noble, selfless person. Sometimes the dreamer himself. Portends success in love, victory in competitions.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

The dream is associated with the dreamer’s state of mind, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, a frightening one promises the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people born on Monday, they are prophetic.

7th lunar day

Dreams are considered reliable. They are easy to decipher and make it possible to quickly apply the tips received from the Universe in practice.

Waxing Crescent

The dream speaks of new turns of events that will soon occur. It indicates areas of life and issues that need to be addressed in the near future. Dreams on the waxing Moon are prophetic.

A dream usually takes the sleeper into the world of his fantasies and unrealized hopes. This is an empty dream that means nothing.

Sleeping knight

Nikolay Levitov


A half-asleep knight comes in
either to prison or to a tavern.
He drops his sword with a clang
and instantly falls to the floor.

And crumble marble tiles
heavy crooked armor.
Couldn't they hold the daisy -
His paws were so tired.

His legs were so tired,
his muscles were so tired,
that after a long journey
he doesn’t feel like washing himself.

I don't want a glass of beer
no buns, no pork cutlets -
just sleep, curled up lonely,
sleep soundly until the end of the world.

Sleep without noticing anything:
no wars, no glory, and no gold,
not even your moo,
not even my own snoring.

Sleep. What an unprecedented thing!
What in the world is simpler and more accessible?
Lying down, renouncing life,
so that your feet just tremble.

Lying down, pretending to be a corpse,
like flirting with death
and how to challenge the stupid
movements of life. Everything in the world

despise the real estate of the body,
trample down earthly manifestations,
as if she really flew away
the soul is somewhere in the distance.

Enter nothing, dive, bury
in timelessness, like in hay, in mud.
The heavy knight lies
limbs spread out like a star.

Lies, attracted by the Earth,
with an invisible magnet.
Come quickly and you and I
Let's fall asleep - not in a place forgotten by God,

sublunary (or whatever?) world,
but as if outside it, outside.
We are knights too. Aren't we
Are we going to battle fully armed?

For life and against life too.
For being and for oblivion.
We are sleeping. We try on the skin
fatal keratinization.

Move over, knight. Give us space
curl up side by side.
Let friends wait and brides wait,
and unsolved problems.

Sleeping in fumes and grease
their seething organisms.
We would sleep even if we knew
that perhaps we are destined to turn sour

in a dream, you won’t wake up the next morning.
We would still fall down
to mattresses, to mattresses and to short clothes
pillows, cotton wool in a blanket.

Whether to wood or to iron
rest your tired forehead and the back of your head.
When, awakened, I get down
from prickly shavings and sawdust,

taking a sip of water from a can,
I will swear to anything
that there is nothing better in life than sweet
viscous sleep - continuous, free

Knight according to the dream book

I'm glad that soon
by the end of the day, breaking the shackles
existence, fence
unconsciousness I will close again.

I will enter unknown thickets,
exploding like magnesium.
Look, it's a sleeping knight,
like a lamb on the altar,

closing his eyes, he lies in front of you,
giving a damn about the world of passions and money.
Lies happiest of all, for now
there was no awakening.

Copyright: Nikolay Levitov, 2006
Certificate of publication No. 106040101793

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Dear Nikolai!
My seething body cannot withstand this, it is such an explosive mixture of both the comic and the tragic that I burst into Homeric laughter, but quietly, so that the Knight would not wake up!
Thank you! This is the Miracle of Poetry!

You’re so good at making a fuss about the squares, dear!

Galina Ashmyanskaya 02/10/2015 00:08 Report violation

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Dear Galya, do you see my grateful bows? No? I mean, how can it not?
Here I am - thank you and bow to you for your wonderful words of feedback. I myself love this old ironic poem. At one time I was very pleased to write it.

I haven’t tried fencing birdhouses yet. Now I’ll take the pose of the Sleeping Knight, since it’s already night, and tomorrow morning I’ll be behind the birdhouses!

Nikolay Levitov 02/10/2015 01:07 Report violation

Have you noticed the letter "SH" in birdhouses? I wrote it especially for you!
What a Knight you are, I admire you.
And building birdhouses is straight out of Chekhov.

with a smile

Galina Ashmyanskaya 02/10/2015 01:11 Report violation

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A knight is a master, Logos, a horseman (this is the meaning of the French word “chevalier”, knight), that is, a spirit that has risen above desires and passions - “having saddled a horse, the one sitting in the saddle directs it wherever he wants” (“Lancelot”). Chivalry means a path of a higher order, which helps transform an ordinary person (without a horse) into a spiritual person who controls his horse. A knight achieves perfection through mastery of his body and spirit. His qualities: strength, courage, moral perfection, knightly integrity.

Having strengthened the body and soul, developed the senses and mind, and received an education, the knight could take his proper place in the world hierarchy - from baron to king - reflecting the heavenly hierarchy. There is a known tendency to bring together the image of a knight and a saint, a king and a knight (in the image of King Arthur), a king, a knight and a saint (Saint Louis IX), a knight and a wanderer in the image of the knight errant Don Quixote.

Chivalry is a force that contributes to the transformation of an ordinary person (that is, one who has not ridden the horse of passions) into a spiritual person. The chivalric ideal is embodied in the famous Knights of the Round Table, in the saints (“When the Epistles of St. Paul are read during Mass, the knights stand to salute him, for he too was a knight”).

“Why does a knight dream in a dream? If you see a Knight in a dream, what does it mean?

An essential part of knightly ideology was the cult of the beloved, since love, in its highest form, was invariably considered the highest value of human existence.

The knighting ritual looked like this. An older knight would hand over a weapon to the initiate, girdle him with a sword, and then hit him on the back of the head or on the cheek. This is the only blow that the newly initiated knight had to leave unanswered (from which the ceremony got its name, which literally means “strike”).

It was believed that in this case, a certain impulse passes bodily from the dedicator to the dedicatee, just as grace passes from a bishop to a clergyman when the latter is ordained as a priest. Sometimes the ceremony included a purifying bath and a vigil over the weapon (which was usually blessed by the priest).

Knighting is, at its core, one of many rites of passage; according to Tacitus, even among the Germans there was a ritual of handing over weapons as a way of introducing a young man to the military class.

The Church sought to transform chivalry into a Christian institution, into a sacred community. In the Middle Ages, the community of knights began to be called an order - as an ordered, strictly limited one, likened in some way to monastic orders. Piety was considered an integral attribute of the knight, his sword had to be drawn in the name of protecting the holy church, to fight the infidels (cf. the text of the knight’s prayer: “You allowed the sword to be used on earth to destroy the tricks of evil and defend justice, for the sake of protecting the people you wanted to create order of knights...").

Find out from the online dream book what the Knight is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why does a knight appear in a dream?

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why does the Knight dream?

Knight - Revenge, envy.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Knight - Love Trap.

Astrological dream book

Knight see what does it mean?

Knight - To the duel. Aries and Mars.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Knight - Protection, patronage.

Unique dream book of Tatyana Radchenko


Knight - A symbol of a strong person.

Mythological dream book

Knight - how to understand the symbolism

Knight - Favorable changes, help, protection.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand what a Knight means in a dream?

Knight - Fight for your dignity and honor; doom yourself to loneliness for the sake of an idea.

Astrological dream book

Knight see what does it mean?

Knight - If you dreamed of a knight, then you have an important duel with your enemy.

Dream Interpretation of Sergei Karatov

Knight - dream interpretation

Knight - If you dreamed of a knight who valued his honor, then soon you will have to test your spiritual qualities.

See also: sword, helmet, battle.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream of a Knight?

Seeing a knight in a dream means a bright future awaits you. Imagine that the knight is your close friend. You walk with him through the flowering valley.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Knight, what does it mean?

Knight - Symbolizes some noble, selfless person. Sometimes the dreamer himself. Portends success in love, victory in competitions.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

If you dream of a Knight, what does it symbolize?

Knight - A symbol associated with Logos and rationality, governing the unconscious, chthonic. Uniting spirit and body in the fight against opposing tendencies (good or evil). Hero.

Lewis Encyclopedia of Dreams

Knight - The image of a knight may mean that the dreamer is looking for a “knight in shining armor” as a comrade or deliverer. In addition, a knight may mean that the dreamer has impeccable qualities that were revealed to him in a dream.

Great modern dream book

Knight - why does the dreamer dream?

Knight - You see a knight in armor in a dream - the dream suggests that someone is cherishing revenge on you out of envy, but you are not protected; you are a sincere person, a noble nature, you are too open for the society in which you are forced to move.

Modern dream book of Elena Avadyaeva

Why does the Knight dream?

If you dreamed of a knight, then you are a noble and brave person.

Such a dream suggests that you will have good luck in love and win in some exciting competitions.

If you saw in a dream a knight who offered you his hand and heart, then you need to be wary of a love trap.

If in a dream you put on knightly armor, then you will achieve a high position in society.

In romance novels, a knight appears as an ideal gentleman, capable of coming to the aid of those in need and protecting his family and friends from enemies. Why do you dream of a warrior with armor? This courageous hero in a dream, according to dream books, is the personification of the wealth, prosperity and prospects of the sleeping person.

What is Mr. Miller talking about?

The dreaming knight is compared by a psychologist to a person with whom you will develop a strange relationship. Seeing yourself in the role of a medieval warrior means that in reality, your actions and behavior will not be understood by others.

Pleasant moments are coming

The modern dream book predetermines an unusual incident that will bring you a lot of joy, explaining why the knight is dreaming. To be a cavalier with armor in a dream means that your merits will be appreciated by a leading person.

Get ready for a fight!

Those who happened to put on armor in a dream will have to defend their honor and good name in reality. If you dreamed that you were taking them off, it heralds the end of a long confrontation, an inveterate enmity.

Seeing many medieval warriors in a dream warns esotericists about betrayal. For young ladies, a vision in which a character kisses the dreamer’s hand has a similar meaning.

About personal qualities...

Medea’s dream book describes those who happened to be a knight in a dream as noble, selfless individuals. Seeing yourself galloping on a knight's horse portends victory against competitors.


The dream book for the Bitch warns of betrayal, explaining why a knight dreams. Envious people have accumulated behind your back, capable of any vile act. Aesop associates the interpretation of sleep with the need to take a defensive position in order to protect yourself and your loved ones from the malicious attacks of ill-wishers.

Financial troubles are approaching

If you dreamed that you picked up a knight’s helmet and tried to put it on - get ready to experience material difficulties in reality. The modern combined dream book advises you to carefully consider your decisions in order to avoid additional waste.

For young ladies, the Eastern Women's Dream Interpreter reminds them of the need to take control of the family budget. Perhaps planning for embezzlement will help in the situation that arises to survive severe financial hardships.

Lovely moments...

For a man to be a knight in a dream, heralds reckless jealousy, which can lead to a long-term conflict with his other half. It’s easy to guess why a girl dreams of a knight on a horse. The Dream Book of Lovers predetermines a meeting with an interesting young man who is capable of becoming the head and protector of the family.

A dream about a knightly tournament, where you get to watch the battle of knights, symbolizes unrealistic romantic dreams. For an unmarried young lady, night vision predetermines a fight between several admirers for the dreamer’s favor.

A dream about him foretells you an unusual incident that will bring you a lot of joy. Sometimes such a dream foretells that your merits will be appreciated. A dead knight in a dream is a harbinger of failure, shame, desecration, disrespect. Knight's armor in a dream is a sign that you will have to defend your honor. Seeing many knights in a dream means that you should be wary of betrayal. You should also be wary of a knight gallantly kissing your hand. See interpretation: hands.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Mosque

This story was told to us by Abdullah ibn Hamid al-Faqih from the words of Abdul-Aziz ibn Abu Daud, who said that in the desert there lived a man who built himself a place for prayer, in the center of which he installed seven stones. When he prayed, he said: “O stones! I testify that there is no god but Allah.” One day he fell ill and died, and his spirit ascended. I saw him in a dream and he told me to go into the fire. And I saw one of those very stones, which suddenly became very large and closed the gates of the underworld, and the other stones also closed the other gates of the underworld."

This story is from Abu Said, who said: “If someone dreams of a solidly built mosque, visited by parishioners, then the mosque symbolizes a learned person, in whom people gather for a good good deed to praise Allah Almighty, according to Him, He is Great and Glorious: "....in which the name of Allah is mentioned a lot."

If someone sees in a dream that he is building a mosque, then he will achieve mercy and gather people to do a good deed and build a mosque, and this also indicates victory over enemies in accordance with the words of the Almighty: “Those who prevailed said in their case: “We will build a mosque over it!”

If someone dreams that an unknown person became an imam over people in a mosque when the imam of that mosque fell ill, then he will die. A dream about how a mosque turned into a bathhouse indicates that a hidden person is committing unrighteous deeds.

If someone dreams that his house has turned into a mosque, then he will achieve honor and begin to preach the Truth against lies to people. And if he sees that he entered the mosque with a crowd of people, and they dug a hole for him, then he will marry. Abandoned mosques indicate the omission of the Ulama and their cessation of commanding what is good and prohibiting what is blameworthy. Entering the Masjid al-Temple in a dream means safety and the fulfillment of a promise. A cathedral mosque in a dream symbolizes a place where people strive to make a profit and from where they leave with benefits, according to their degree and money (like a market, etc.). It also points to justice for those who came to this place offended and oppressed. In general, seeing a mosque in a dream promises the rapid acquisition of new knowledge in Islam, piety and piety. Seeing a mosque collapse means the death of a good alim, or an acquaintance, or a creditor. Praying in a mosque means you will soon receive good news. For a woman, such a dream promises the imminent birth of a child.

Interpretation of dreams from

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