Constant and pulsed light sources, what's what and why. Pulsed light in the studio: how to work Pulsed light how

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There are occasional debates online about what type of lighting to use. Traditionally, photography has always used different types of pulsed light because constant light studio lights were very heavy, very expensive, and consumed a lot of electricity.

But now, as the cost of constant light begins to come down and we see more and more powerful, even spectrum, daylight-matched lighting products hitting the market, the question of the benefits of constant light is once again becoming relevant.

“Light painting”, but how much light is enough?

Perhaps you are new to lighting and want to get the most out of your money on light purchases, or at least get a brief introduction to the topic. In this article I will try to give a brief overview of the possible options and criteria for making a decision. Today we will compare the advantages of each system.

Pulsed light

1. Power!

Pulsed light sources will give you much more light output than constant lights at any comparable cost, size, or any other parameter. Why is that? Because a constant light source must reflect photons from objects into the lens as long as the shutter is open. A pulsed source can instead store as much energy as needed in a relatively short time, and then release large amounts of energy easily and instantly.

Let's use a little arithmetic to demonstrate this idea. Let's say you have five 60-watt halogen lamps. You get about 5500 lumens of light, 17-18 lumens per watt of power consumption. Since the light is constant, every second this 300-watt source will emit 5,500 lumen-seconds of light. Lumen seconds can measure the emission of light regardless of duration.

1sec., f/9, ISO100. The white balance of the light source is from 3500K to approximately 2950K. The dark strip has the same view illuminated by natural light.

Take a pulse source with a xenon gas discharge tube that produces about 100 lumens per watt. We use a relatively weak 60-watt pulse and assume that the manufacturer did not cheat with the indicators and the flash electronics are highly efficient. If we multiply lumens/watts by watt-seconds, we get lumen-seconds. So the lumen-second output would be around 6000.

Well, it's quite a bit higher than constant light! Yes, but keep in mind that all those lumen-seconds will actually be emitted in about 1/2500 of a second. Let's take lumen seconds, divide by seconds, what do we get?

6000/ 1/2500 = 6000*2500 = 15,000,000 lumens! In reality the light output will be closer to 10,000,000 lumens due to optical and electronic losses. This makes it easy to overpower the sun, illuminating large rooms or hills or waves for a short moment. After all, we are engaged in photography - so we only need a short moment to take a picture.

1 sec.,f/9, ISO 100. You could use 1/250 sec. with approximately the same result. Compared to the previous photo, this one is 3.4 stops brighter!

Since energy is the product of force and time, a 160 Watt-second monoblock stores 160 Joules in capacitors, and a 300-Watt fluorescent tube uses 300 Joules of energy in one second. Twice the power and ten times less light!

So if you need a lot of power for a big job or want to overpower daylight - the best option is to use a flash light.

size 2

Pulsed light allows you to have the sun in a package the size of a coffee can. You can light up a room like on a sunny day with a source that fits in your hands and weighs a hundred grams. If you are doing or planning to shoot outdoors, pulsed light is much more convenient.

To create a constant light of about the same power as a pulsed one, you will need to use several powerful Fresnel lamps, which consume approximately 4-20 kilowatts, weigh about 25 kg each, and cost thousands of dollars, but nevertheless produce an output of about 100,000 - 500,000 lumens. It's this combination of power and convenience that makes pulsed light something that won't be replaced any time soon.

They are not as huge as cinema lights. Although there are even fewer.

In terms of compactness, long fluorescent tube lamps do not fold down to travel size and definitely need shock protection in addition to the set. On the other hand, a meter-long softbox can easily be disassembled into a truly compact size.

3. Battery powered

For both pulsed light and flashbulbs, small self-contained batteries are a common power source. LED light is constantly being improved, so that there are already real battery-powered constant light sources, but the power of their light is not yet comparable to the power of pulsed sources. With batteries, you can go anywhere with three, four or five spot lights. For work on the road, this is indispensable.

Look - no wires! Many editorial photographers use flash kits for shooting in any conditions.

Flash units use AA batteries, or you can connect a high-voltage booster to speed up recharging. Lithium battery packs with a built-in inverter allow you to take your studio light anywhere, just like camera flashes. This is especially appropriate for small, rugged all-in-one PCs like the AlienBees.

4. Color

The spectral emission of xenon discharge tubes is such that they have a color rendering index (CRI) of about 100. CRI is a measure of how well the light illuminates colors without altering them due to peaks or valleys in the spectrum of the emitted light.

The closer it is to the continuous spectrum (regardless of color temperature), the better. The index for incandescent lamps is also 100, but for other constant light sources such as halogen lamps, fluorescent lamps or LEDs, it is no more than 95. By the way, if you are looking for constant light, know that a factor of 80-90 is “good” , and 90-100 is “excellent”. In general, it is better to choose light with a coefficient of 91 or higher.

CRI>93, but at $8 per lamp. Color accuracy doesn't come cheap. And it still falls short of a regular flash.

In addition to excellent color rendering, xenon gas discharge tubes have a coating that gives them a daylight color temperature of about 5500 K, which ensures their applicability in a wide range of situations and adds another advantage to those already described.

5. Price

The cost per lumen-second (or watt-second) is much lower for pulsed light. The same applies to a large extent to the power and color requirements, which are also difficult to achieve today at a reasonable price with constant light.

Fluorescent light appears to be most effective with T-5 bulbs, which produce 5,200 lumens with a CRI of 93, and compact fluorescents, which produce 4,800 lumens with a CRI of 91.

You can buy two flashes for the price of the lamps and ballasts in this picture!

A good manual flash can be purchased for less than $100, and with TTL it costs about $200. Four powerful T-5 lamps will cost about $35, not counting the lamp itself and the electronics to operate it, which will add another $150 to the cost. This is if you collect everything yourself.

Cool Lights and KinoFlos costing between $500 and $1500 are no brighter than a flash. A 160-watt pulse monoblock costs less than $250. Adding the cost of a 12x48-inch stripbox, even from an expensive manufacturer like Lastolite, still won't match the cost of a quality fluorescent light.

Constant light

It appears that pulsed light is superior to continuous light in all directions. But is it? We haven't considered all the factors yet. Let's look at the benefits of constant light.


“What you see is what you get” (from the translator - this is what the abbreviation in the title stands for). With constant light there is no need for a modeling light, which generates a lot of heat and may limit you from using some light modifiers. You will immediately see exactly what the camera sees.

This can be a great help when learning to work with artificial light as you can move the light around and immediately see the result without having to shoot the shot at all.

It so happened that I used a modeling light as a permanent light in this shot, but any old-fashioned table lamp could have taken its place.

The ratio of light from sources directly in front of your eyes. No flash meter, no need to shoot in manual mode, just switch light settings until you like the result. And then adjust the aperture and ISO on the camera. One can only dream of such a learning process!

And your model will see what happens. Without sudden flashes of light everywhere - she may just have to get used to the high light levels.

2. Do it yourself

If you like to do everything yourself, then it will be much easier, safer and perhaps even cheaper to follow the path of constant light. A homemade fluorescent source can be assembled for about $150-200. A flashlight with several powerful compact fluorescent lamps in a large housing will cost about $200-250.

Compared to buying a pulsed light, the price is comparable. Compared to trying to disassemble, remodel, or make one yourself, a pulsed light source is a safety factor like night and day. No high wattage, no high voltage, no capacitor banks to worry about, no discharge channel.

Although in principle it is possible to assemble an inexpensive pulsed light source yourself, if you are not an electrical engineer, it is better to leave this to specialists. And don't forget that fluorescent lamps contain mercury vapor!

Almost everything you need for self-assembly - almostKinoFlo. Of course, not for $200, but still cheaper than the four-digit price of the original.

Even if you are not a DIYer, constant light still has huge potential for “alternative uses.” Want KinoFlo? Buy a greenhouse light for $150. Want as much light as possible? There are countless old lamps and lamps being sold for a couple of dollars. Unlike pulsed light, there is no reason to only use light specifically designed for shooting. Although pulsed sources may be more useful for photography, they are quite a significant investment.

3. Advantages of low power

Lower constant light output is not always a disadvantage. If you like to take bright pictures, but with an open aperture and a shallow depth of field, then constant light will suit you well.

If you're shooting food, produce, still life or other static subjects, aperture won't be an issue since you don't need to use motion-stopping shutter speeds. The light can be adjusted to your liking and the shutter speed won't matter much. This can be done with pulsed light using a neutral gray filter, but it's still good to see what's in focus!

Straight from the camera. Is it possible to determine whether the shutter speed here was a full second long or 1/250 s? I can not.

4. Light quality

This is a very subjective point and we can only talk about personal impressions, but perhaps you have noticed that there is some difference in the quality of softened pulsed and constant light? Personally, I have always found the quality of constant light more pleasant.

Perhaps because there is “real” dispersion with constant illumination over the area, and not falling towards the edges as with pulsed light with software. This, of course, applies primarily to long fluorescent lamps. LED panels are usually not big enough to see this effect, but I think it's the same.

Others say that light is light and from a physics point of view I agree with them. But the constant light also has a certain soft clarity that I cannot explain.

5. Video

The video capabilities of constant light should also not be overlooked, especially today, when more and more photographers are asked to shoot video with DSLRs. The ability to use existing light for video shooting can be a competitive advantage for a potential client with extensive needs.

You can also experiment with using a constant light source on your camera to see how the lighting of your subject changes as you move around it, giving you an advantage over flash photographers.

Which light to buy

Actually... I'll say both. Each of them is a separate tool for its tasks and as you can see from the illustrations, I am currently working on using a permanent one. Sometimes it is even possible to use both types at the same time: for example, setting a light pattern using constant light together with freezing the characters with a pulsed source on the second curtain. Another example would be shooting portraits with fashionable constant main light sources that provide comfort for the eyes of the portrait subject, while backlighting with a pulsed source.

Either way, it depends on your specific needs. Are you looking for power and portability above all else? Choose pulsed light. Do you shoot in a studio and rarely stop down to more than f/3.5? Then I will recommend a permanent one. Your specific situation may be more ambiguous, so I won't be able to give one-size-fits-all advice. However, I hope that this article will give you some general understanding of the topic and help you make the right decision.

At some point, every new amateur photographer will face the problem of insufficient lighting. It doesn’t matter for what purpose - the desire to develop or the need to create quality content for sale, but he will have to get acquainted with artificial lighting.

The most common in 2019 is pulsed light for photo studios. Its main advantage is cost-effectiveness.So, for example, a constant light is always on (and accordingly consumes electricity), while a pulsed light is triggered precisely at the moment you press the camera button. However, this plus turns into a minus when shooting video (where light is constantly needed), which must be taken into account when choosing equipment, and the rating of pulsed light for a photo studio will help with this.

Most beginning photographers in 2019 are faced with a lack of finances to purchase professional (and therefore expensive) equipment. At the same time, permanently renting someone else’s property brings a lot of inconvenience and costs, which can safely be called inappropriate. Therefore, it makes sense to purchase ready-made lighting kits that are perfect for both stationary and mobile studios. The key feature of the sets is the ability to choose only what is really needed; below are the most interesting options for inexpensive light.

Mini Master K-150A Godox

Price: 3800 rubles

The first representative of the budget segment is distinguished by enviable functionality (used for shooting portraits, full-length photographs, product photography) and is suitable for both a home photo studio and outdoor events. The set is especially good for shooting in kindergartens and schools, where good lighting is not always available, but ideal quality is not required.

The kit usually consists of a pair of Mini Master K-150A Godox studio flashes, with the following characteristics - a 75 W halogen lamp and a 150 J flash lamp. For fixation and convenience, mounts for a stand and an umbrella are provided, as well as adjustable mounts for softboxes (30 - 90 cm ). The umbrellas themselves (white) are used instead of a softbox, since a special translucent fabric can distribute lighting well and achieve the effect of soft shadows. The studio stand (three-section) is suitable for any lamps and flashes, the size in the packaged state is 73 cm, in the working state - 2 m.

Features include a viewing angle of 60 degrees, a recharge speed of up to three seconds, and a built-in photosynchronizer.

Mini Master K-150A Godox


  • Price;
  • Convenient transportation;
  • Easy setup;
  • Versatility.


  • Power;
  • Long recharge.

Conclusion: excellent, inexpensive, but at the same time high-quality and efficient model. Perfect for beginners, as it has all the characteristics suitable for them.

Arsenal - VT-200

Price: 6755 rubles

The Arsenal company is well known in the market of manufacturers of various equipment for photographic studios. Moreover, it provides both amateur and very respectable models, taking into account the most popular selection criteria for modern studios. The VT-200 model is designed specifically for beginners and has an affordable price and corresponding characteristics. So, this pulse device has digital control, and the flash power of the lamp is 200 J. Like the previous model, it has universal mounts and is great for photographing documents or items for catalogs or online stores. There is also a modeling light with a power of 75W (like its competitor from Godox). But the readiness time is better here – up to 1.8 seconds.

Arsenal - VT-200


  • Price;
  • Convenient transportation;
  • Versatility;
  • Convenient control;
  • Availability of sound alerts (readiness indication).


  • Power.

Conclusion: a good pulsed light that stands out favorably in terms of quality and price from its competitors. Indispensable when creating an on-site studio, as it has small dimensions.

Godox Mini Pioneer -300 DI

Price: 6330 rubles.

Power and compactness are the main features of this popular model from the Chinese manufacturer Godox. At a lower price, it features a more powerful 300 J flash, but the halogen light remains unchanged, and its power is still 75W (though adjustable). The mounts for the umbrella and the stand are universal, the controls are simple, which allows us to talk about the ease of mastering this device. The flash readiness speed is up to 2 seconds, which is generally not bad for a device at this price.

This model was developed as a flash for mini-studios, with the ability to be easily transported and quickly mastered, which turned out to be completely justified in reality. Its potential allows you to create high-quality images, but do not forget about caution - the model is prone to mechanical breakdowns during careless transportation.

Godox Mini Pioneer -300 DI


  • Price;
  • Power;
  • Easy setup;
  • Convenient transportation;
  • Flash quality.
  • Versatility.


  • Reliability (requires careful handling).

Price: 7800 rubles.

Monoblock pulsed light, which became the pinnacle of development of the SS-250 series. The older brother received even more compact dimensions and an updated design, and the body is ready for transportation.

The flash power is 250 J, which allows it to be used as the main light for beginners, and as an additional light for professionals. And the main direction of use of light is shooting objects and portraits.

As mentioned above, the body is made of high-quality plastic, which allows you to use the brainchild of one of the best studio light manufacturers every day. And for ease of carrying there is a special handle, while the main controls are located on the back cover.

Also, this device can connect to other devices using a sync cable, which makes it not only practical, but also convenient.

The halogen lamp is inferior to competitors from Godox and Arsenal in power (which was 50 W), but there is a preliminary light assessment system that will help you understand whether the light is chosen correctly or not. And the ability to control the pilot light will never be superfluous and will help you choose the lighting that is really needed at the moment.

Installation is carried out using standard fasteners that can be installed without much difficulty. Recharge time – up to 2 seconds.


  • Reliability;
  • Convenience;
  • Versatility;
  • Convenient transportation;
  • Easy setup (with all the necessary functionality).


  • Price;
  • Power;

Conclusion: a reliable model, with a slightly inflated price, which in general can be called justified. The build quality and flash quality are excellent, and together with the functionality provided, the model fully answers the question of what is the best flash to buy for a novice amateur.

ModelBrief characteristicsaverage price
MINI MASTER K-150A GODOXRecharge time – up to 3 s. Power – 150 J. Halogen – 75 W. Price.
3800 rubles
ARSENAL VT-200Recharge time – up to 1.8 s. Power – 200 J. Halogen – 75 W. Availability of sound alerts (readiness indication).
6755 rubles
GODOX Mini Pioneer-300DIRecharge time – up to 2 s.
Power – 300 J. Halogen – 75 W. Flash quality.
6330 rubles
Falcon SS-250HRecharge time – up to 2 s.
Power – 250 J. Halogen – 50 W. Reliability.
7800 rubles

Price and quality

Even among budget models there are quite decent examples for small studios. However, they will not be able to satisfy the needs of a person who has seriously taken up photography (except as spare or additional light sources). Then generator systems or monoblock flashes come to the rescue. They are more productive, but their price is higher.

Arsenal - VS ARS-500

Price: 24,000 rubles

As mentioned above, Arsenal knows how to make good devices (not only flashes, but also components, so you can always replace a broken part), and one of them is this model. Its power is 500 J, and the time spent on recharging rarely exceeds the limit of 1.5 seconds. High quality components ensure long service life. The power of the modeling light is 250 W, which is a very good indicator. Among the features we can highlight the presence of a sync cable and a photosynchronizer (built-in).

The scope of application of this device is wide - from organizing a home to a professional photo studio for various types of filming. And its compactness and ease of installation allow you to transport equipment without much effort.

In terms of weight, the device is twice as heavy as its state-priced competitors (weight – 2.8 kg). However, the class requires a cooling system (here it is a fan) and protection against overheating, which is not provided in inexpensive models. Also, the VC ARS-500 was distinguished by the presence of light and sound readiness indicators.

Arsenal - VS ARS-500


  • Power;
  • Practicality;
  • Protection and cooling systems;
  • Reliability;
  • Availability of sound and light alerts (readiness indication).
  • Convenient transportation;


  • Weight (despite the ease of transportation, it is difficult to use as a portable light);

Conclusion: in the average price range, Arsenal products look very attractive due to their excellent characteristics and affordable price.

Godox - EX 600

Price: 36,000 rubles

Generator flashes are designed to work far from the benefits of civilization - picturesque meadows, outdoor weddings, fashion photography in exotic places. And Godox flashes - EX 600 - for professional photography without problems. They are equipped with powerful 600 J flashes, high-quality batteries (giving the ability to make about two hundred flashes from one charge) that can be charged from a car’s cigarette lighter. At the same time, they are completely safe and have good stability.

Features: recharge lasts up to 2.5 seconds, and nine power levels can be seen on the display. The Ace/Bowens mount allows for support for a variety of accessories. A radio synchronizer is usually included in the basic package, but if necessary, it can be purchased separately. The lighting angle is 65 degrees.

Godox - EX 600


  • Power;
  • Practicality and autonomy;
  • Convenient transportation;
  • Versatility;


  • Price (having similar characteristics to the previous model, it is much more expensive due to the presence of a battery);
  • Reliability (if the battery fails, replacing it will cost a fair amount).

Conclusion: an ideal option for outdoor shooting – excellent battery life and light quality. In terms of its characteristics, it is in no way inferior to competitors from generator systems.

Arsenal ARS-1000

Price: 31,000 rubles.

This flash has an astonishing 1000 joules of power and can be used on its own without attachments. Thanks to the ability to work with large softboxes, the ARS-1000 allows you to perform the most complex creative tasks, both in portraits and in product photography. And a flexible system of power settings will allow you to select the tone of illumination as accurately as possible. This is also facilitated by a 250 W modeling lamp with three operating modes.

Recharging lasts up to 3 seconds, which is very good for a device of this power, and automatic reset allows you to configure it without pressing the “test” button. A radio synchronizer is also supported, which is purchased separately. The cooling system is active (fan), helps protect against overheating. There is also protection against power surges.

The flash body is made of metal and rubber (high-quality and durable), all fastenings are convenient and accurately fix the equipment. Bowens type mounts provide a large number of compatible components.

Arsenal ARS-1000


  • Price;
  • Quality;
  • Power;
  • Versatility;
  • Protection and cooling systems;
  • Fine tuning.


  • Weight (3.3 kg).

Bottom Line: Affordable, powerful, customizable - with the ARS-1000, everyone now knows how to choose the perfect flash light for a professional studio.

Price: 35,000 rubles.

One of the best middle peasants has simply amazing characteristics. Thus, a representative of the updated GM series (after a number of improvements to the housing and remote control systems) boasts a power of 1200 J and an incredibly fast recharge of up to 1 second. In addition, it has modern protection systems against overheating, power surges and work with digital cameras. And all control is carried out thanks to the remote control and the built-in 3G module (which also acts as a synchronizer and supports the simultaneous operation of 8 flashes).

And the updated design affected not only the appearance, but also the heat-resistant cap that appeared. And the quality of the case can withstand active daily use.


  • Power;
  • Reload speed;
  • Reliability;
  • Protection and cooling systems;
  • Price;
  • Remote control.
  • Versatility (Bowens mount).


  • Remote control (strangely enough, a plus can also be a minus - remote control devices tend to break or not work correctly due to frequent transportation or careless handling).

Conclusion: there is practically no alternative option in its price category, not only for small studios, but also for serious projects - the ideal price/quality ratio.

ModelBrief characteristicsaverage price
ARSENAL - VC ARS-500Recharge time – up to 1.5 s. Power – 500 J Protection and cooling systems. Sound and light alerts.
24,000 rubles
GODOX - EX600Recharge time – up to 2.5 s. Power – 600 J. Practicality and autonomy; Generator system.
36,000 rubles
Arsenal ARS-1000Recharge time – up to 3 s. Power – 1000 J. Price. Protection and cooling systems.
31,000 rubles
MENIK GM-1200Recharge time – up to 1 s. Power – 1200 J. Price. Remote control. Protection and cooling systems.
35,000 rubles

Expensive and even more expensive

Looking through the ratings and analyzing which company's products are better, it is sometimes quite difficult to make a choice. But not in the top segment - here the leadership has been held by the German company Hensel for many years (more than 30). Yes, they have competitors, and they also provide high-quality and in-demand products, but experience and long-term leadership in the market do their job - German studio equipment is one of the best. All that remains is to figure out which models deserve more attention.

Hensel Integra Mini 300

Price: 42,000 rubles.

Let this “baby” not confuse beginners with its dimensions and power of 300 J (the halogen lamp is also 300 J). Hensel has long understood that it is not worth chasing power, it is worth improving quality. This is how the Integra Mini 300 appeared - a device that costs much more than its more sophisticated competitors, but at the same time allows its user not to worry about the type of shooting. There are no restrictions - the flash (with a recycle time of up to 1.2 seconds, it is worth noting) will allow you to shoot absolutely everything: from promotional items to wedding or industrial themes. And fine adjustment of power will allow you to adapt to any conditions and will please the most demanding photographers.

The body is made of aluminum, which makes it durable and gives an attractive design. The fastenings are removable and adjustable. There is an energy-saving mode and a cooling system (the fan runs silently). And travel enthusiasts will definitely appreciate two of its advantages: small size and the ability to operate on voltage in the range from 110 to 230 V.

Hensel Integra Mini 300


  • Reliability;
  • Cooling system (silent);
  • Dimensions;
  • Sturdy body;


  • Price.

Conclusion: If you forget about prices and characteristics and are guided only by quality and reliability indicators, then the Integra Mini 300 is an excellent option for constant and trouble-free operation. But, unfortunately, the price outweighs many of its advantages, but you always have to pay dearly for quality (especially German).

Price: 48,000 rubles

A striking example of Hensel's competitors, however, Menik still pays more attention to entry-level devices (and the popularity of the Germans is higher).

The first thing that should be highlighted is the innovative power supply (the flash works from the mains, from batteries, and even from the car’s cigarette lighter). The battery capacity allows the photographer to continuously shoot 500 pulses, and the depth of power adjustment is amazing - you can “catch” even the fastest moments. The FN-1000 (flash power is 1000 J, and the halogen lamp is 5 W) can be controlled using the remote control. There are also no problems with the settings - everything is clear and crisp on the display. And the Bowens mount allows you to install a wide variety of accessories.

The fasteners are made of metal, which ensures their reliability. The FN-1000 also has a cooling system and intelligent overheating protection. Its versatility makes this model an excellent option for on-site and home studios.


  • Autonomy;
  • Versatility and practicality;
  • Unpretentiousness in power supply;
  • Power;
  • Price;
  • Cooling system and overheat protection.


  • Quality (good, but inferior to German).

Conclusion: a device with a considerable price and excellent characteristics, in terms of which it is ahead of its closest competitors, but it is still far from being a leader in quality.

Hensel Integra 500 Plus

Price: 65,000 rubles.

One of the most expensive professional flashes. Excellent quality and easy to learn (many don't even need instructions). It has the following characteristics and capabilities: power – 500 J (halogen lamp – 300 W), smooth power adjustment, active cooling (fan), built-in radio and freemask system (cut-out masks are available directly at the time of shooting). Operates from the mains (100 - 200 V), recharge time - up to 2.2 seconds, automatic energy reset and Hensel mounts.

Hensel Integra 500 Plus


  • Reliability;
  • Versatility and practicality;
  • Cooling system;
  • Unpretentiousness in power supply;


  • Price.

Conclusion: a professional device for those for whom every little detail is important and the quality of the pictures is more important than the high price.

ModelsBrief characteristicsaverage price
Hensel Integra Mini 300Recharge time – up to 1.2 s. Power – 300 J. Reliability;

42,000 rubles
MENIK FN-1000Recharge time – up to 3.5 s. Power – 1000 J. Autonomy;
Unpretentiousness in power supply; Cooling system and overheat protection.
48,000 rubles
Hensel Integra 500 PlusRecharge time – up to 2.2 s. Power - 500 J. Reliability;
Unpretentiousness in power supply; Cooling system.
65,000 rubles

To each his own

As can be seen from the 2019 flash rating, there are many interesting models on the market, each of which will perform its own functions and delight its owner. You shouldn’t chase price and power (with rare exceptions), because often many people don’t need such advanced devices. However, it doesn’t hurt to know the industry leaders and their closest competitors and, based on this, make a choice. Knowing where it is profitable to buy equipment, that the number of monoblocks is growing every year and that having studied all these factors, you can not make a mistake in purchasing, also plays an important role.

More and more often, debates arise about what type of lighting to choose for studio lighting: constant or pulsed? Previously, mainly only pulsed light sources of various modifications were used, and constant light sources were huge and expensive.

But today, the cost of permanent studio lights is starting to fall and their sizes are already comparable to similar pulsed ones, so this type of lighting has become increasingly used for studio lighting. In order to understand which light source is better, you need to understand in more detail the advantages of each type of lighting.

Pulsed light and its advantages:

1 . Great power. Pulsed light is much more powerful than constant light, this is due to the fact that with constant light the source reflects photons the entire time the shutter is open, and pulsed ones are able to accumulate a large amount of energy and release it in a split second until the flash fires. Therefore, under any circumstances, pulsed light sources will always produce more power.

2. Small sizes. The power of pulsed light does not depend in any way on its size; you can place the brightest lighting comparable in intensity to the sun in a 100 gram box. While constant light sources directly depend on size, the brighter the lighting, the larger the equipment.

3. Power supply. For both types of light source, the usual power source is batteries. Photo flashes can receive energy from ordinary AA batteries, but constant light sources are also regularly upgraded, so there are now battery-powered constant studio light sources on sale, although their power is not comparable to pulsed ones.

4.Color rendition. The color rendering index of pulsed light sources is about 100, while for constant ones it fluctuates around 95. Naturally, the higher this indicator, the better the lamp illuminates colors. Also, xenon lamps have a good color temperature of about 5500 K in daylight, this is a significant advantage.

Constant light and its advantages:

WYSIWYG – this acronym literally means “What you see is what you get.” This function is almost the key to the benefits of constant light. Because a photographer doesn’t even need to take a photo to understand how the photo will turn out. The artist immediately sees the lighting and, if necessary, can immediately correct it.

Advantages of working with light sources with low power.

Low power is not always a disadvantage; sometimes it “plays into the hands of the photographer.” For example, for photographs of still life or food, you can safely shoot without using shutter speed and get good, bright photographs as a result. Quality of light. Constant light is softer and has a slightly better quality than pulsed lighting; more precisely, it is more natural. Ability to work with video. Of course, we must not forget the fact that with constant light sources you can shoot good quality videos. As you can see, both studio light sources have their advantages and disadvantages. Today, the consumer chooses from three types of constant light.

If you work in a studio, you will definitely come across a wide variety of lighting fixtures. The most common type of studio lighting is flashes, pulsed light sources. It is important to note that studio flashes are most often used in studios. They are very similar to regular on-camera flashes, but have some special features. In addition, studios often use constant light sources and various modifiers, but this is a topic for a separate discussion, and now let’s focus on flashes, their varieties and choice.

In studio photography, pulsed light is most often used. There are many reasons for this, but constant light sources are also often used. Spotlights and lanterns are used for constant light. with powerful halogen lamps. This type of light is most often used when shooting video. It gives an obvious advantage for photography. You immediately see how the shadows lie and their character. At the same time, constant light sources are very bulky, require special power and do not always produce sufficient power. A huge amount of heat is also released. In photography, they usually make do with conventional pulse devices, which are much more compact. Flashes are capable of briefly emitting a powerful pulse of light when the shutter is released. The energy consumption of such devices is not too high. Their sizes are small compared to constant light.

Studio flash design

All studio flashes consist of several units. The most important element is the lamp, which creates a short-term pulse of light. Halogen lamps are used, the power and light temperature of which may vary. The lamp is installed in the flash head, which has a reflector. It allows you to create a directional light flow. A transparent element is installed in front of the lamp, which slightly scatters the light flux, making it uniform over the entire surface. You can install various modifiers on it: diffusers, softboxes, honeycombs and light filters.

Studio flashes are also equipped with a modeling light. It helps you evaluate how the shadows fall and the model is illuminated before the main light is triggered. When the flash fires, the modeling light turns off so as not to interfere with the main flash. For modeling light, low power lamps are used.

To control the flash, an electronic unit with buttons, dials and a display is used to display parameters. It allows you to adjust the flash power and pulse duration. You can also adjust the recharge speed, setting the modeling light. Another important setting is synchronization. The flash should fire at the right moment. There are four types of synchronization in total:

  • IR sync. An infrared transmitter is installed in the camera's hot shoe. The second device, the receiver, is mounted on a tripod. A flash is attached to it;
  • Sync cable. In this case, the signal from the camera to the flash is transmitted via wire. It is important to ensure compatibility between the flash and the camera;
  • Radio synchronizer. It works the same way as infrared synchronization, only the signal is transmitted by radio waves. In this case, there is no need to place the devices in line of sight. Walls are not a hindrance;
  • Triggered by built-in flash. In this case, the studio flash must be equipped with a light trap. She is configured as a slave. When the trap catches a certain light pulse, it will fire the main flash. This method is highly susceptible to interference.

Depending on the model, the electronic unit can be part of the flash and be connected to it in the same housing, or it can act as a separate device and connect to the flashes with a cable. The first version of the flash is usually called a monoblock. When using the second option, the external unit is a generator. The generator can control multiple flashes. The characteristics of flashes with a generator are better than those of monoblocks. The flares are not that severe. They are easier to install in different positions on a tripod.

Monoblock flashes are cheaper and more compact.

All types of flashes can operate not only from batteries, but also from the electrical network.

Each flash has its own cooling system. When the lamp is activated, a huge amount of heat is released. When triggered repeatedly, the heat must be effectively dissipated, otherwise the lamp itself may burn out and damage the electronics. Depending on the flash capability, either radiators or fans are used.

Characteristics of studio flashes


Power is the most important flash parameter. This term is not entirely correct. Typically, the power of electrical appliances is measured in watts. When working with pulsed light, it is important to know not how much energy the lamp consumes, but what kind of light flow it creates, so the measurement is carried out in Joules. This parameter characterizes the amount of energy allocated per unit of time (Watt per Second). Most often you can find flashes with a power of 150 to 1000 J. As follows from the definition, the higher the power, the brighter one short-term pulse can be. More powerful flashes are large in size and weight, and also quite expensive.

The power of the modeling light is measured in Watts. In this case, halogen lamps are used, which are quite compact and can produce power from 50 to 1000 W.

Pulse duration

Another important flash parameter is the pulse duration. This parameter indicates the time during which a sufficiently powerful stream of light will be emitted.

When the flash fires, the burst to maximum brightness occurs almost immediately, but then there is a decay period that lasts for some time.

The effective flash duration is the period of time when the flash power is not lower than half the maximum power. Look at the graph and everything will become clearer. It is believed that this period of time should be as short as possible. The thing is that objects in the frame can move. Residual light exposure can lead to blurry images. If an impulse flares up and dies out in one instant, then the motherboard will record exactly this instant. If the light continues to burn for some time, then all this will be reflected on the matrix. Of course, this also depends on the shutter speed, but still the flash must meet the requirements. The pulse duration is measured in fractions of a second. The cheapest flashes have a duration of about 1/800 of a second. Professional devices boast a value of 1/2500 of a second.

Guide number

On built-in flashes for cameras and external flashes for reportage photography, there is a parameter that is used to evaluate the range of the flash. In studio photography, this parameter is less significant. It's just that studio flashes are rarely used one at a time. Typically these are groups of flashes that can be moved freely regardless of the camera's position. Also, studio flashes use various light modifiers, and this affects the guide number. In studio photography, the meaning of this parameter is not important. When calculating the correct exposure, a flash meter is usually used. This is the same exposure meter that measures the intensity of illumination with pulsed light. The guide number in studio photography is only taken into account when comparing several flashes that operate under the same conditions.

Recharge time

To create a powerful flash, the flash must be charged. Reload time plays a big role in reportage photography or when shooting moving models. When using monoblocks in the studio, you can expect a recharge time of 0.6 to 2 seconds. The simplest flash options can recharge in up to 6 seconds. This is a very bad indicator.

It is worth remembering that if the flash does not fire at full power, its recharge time will be reduced.

Colorful temperature

This parameter is also conditional and is of little importance when working in a studio. Almost all flashes have a color temperature of 5500 - 6000 K and maximum power. The flash very rarely works alone, so the color temperature setting of the individual flash has little meaning. Diffusers and other attachments also bring their influence.

When using multiple flashes, care should be taken to ensure that their color temperature ranges are approximately the same as each other. In this case, you can look at the duration of the pulse. The larger it is, the warmer the light from the flash. This may make the color rendering uneven.

Choosing a Studio Flash

When choosing a flash, you need to approach the issue comprehensively. There are many parameters to think about right away. You need to evaluate the size of the room, the subject of the shooting, and the equipment you already have. Studio lighting is expensive, so you will also have to rely on financial capabilities.

Ideally, there should be about nine flashes in the studio. If it is not possible to purchase such a quantity of equipment, you can use 3-4 flashes and reflectors.

Depending on the scale of the shooting, you need to choose the flash power. If you photograph large spaces, then you need light that will illuminate it all. When shooting portraits, you don't need a powerful flash. You can simply place it next to the model. You also need to make sure you have a good pilot light. The low power of the lamps will not allow you to obtain accurate shadow reproduction and, in some cases, you will not even be able to achieve sharpness.

Next, you should pay attention to the ability to adjust the power. This parameter can be adjusted in steps or smoothly, digitally or analogue. Electronic regulators can allow very small adjustment steps, down to 1/16 or 1/32 of the maximum value. In some cases, only 1/8 is available, which is very bad for fine-tuning the light.

If you are organizing a small studio, then you can safely use monoblocks. When working with complex scenes, it is better to use generators, but if you lack finances, you can always get by with monoblocks. You will simply lose flexibility and convenience.

You should also take care of the nozzles. Sometimes a set may include a number of modifiers. At the same time, not all attachments from one flash will fit another, so the choice of bayonet for attaching filters and diffusers is not unimportant. You should pay attention to those devices for which it is not difficult to buy attachments. Otherwise, you will have to use adapters or invent fasteners yourself.

Sometimes in stores you can find ready-made sets of lighting equipment for the studio. Such sets guarantee maximum compatibility of all elements and a set of accessories for basic tasks. Any set can be supplemented by purchasing individual elements.

The success of any photo shoot depends 80% on the quality of light the photographer uses. With the help of good light you can create real masterpieces. A distant forest and field in the soft and gentle rays of sunset or a bright sunny day in a city park, a female portrait in soft colors or a male portrait with intense lighting. Every professional should be able to work with all types of lighting, and the first thing a novice photographer should do after purchasing a camera is to choose high-quality light sources that will be universal in relation to all lighting requirements. Let's try to understand what advantages and disadvantages pulsed and constant light sources have.

Constant light sources

Daylight or the LEDs on your flashlight are constant light sources. They provide lighting at any time that is convenient for the photographer, just turn on the device. Such devices have their own characteristics that should be taken into account when shooting.

The advantages of constant light sources include:

  • Possibility of higher quality creating exposure before shooting. The photographer independently moves the light to create all the necessary shades in the photo;
  • Save time. By using controlled constant light, you can create an exposure and capture it in one or two shots to create a masterpiece;
  • Can do not limit shutter speed. You can use both long and short shutter speeds of the camera, since the lighting is static;
  • No need every time before shooting change programs camera Once you adjust to the lighting conditions, you can create an almost unlimited number of images of the same quality.

However, there are also disadvantages. Artificial constant light sources consume more electricity than pulsed ones, and also emit significantly more heat, creating discomfort in a closed room. If you use a natural constant light source, be prepared for gradual changes in its characteristics. Twilight and bright sun are completely different modes that require a different approach to shooting. The quality of the images will be greatly influenced by cloudy weather, when the sun either appears from behind the clouds or disappears behind them. Sometimes for a photo shoot you will have to wait for special weather conditions (bright sun, fog, rain, twilight, night). These are conditions that are not created according to your desire.

Pulsed light sources

Such lighting can only be artificial. To understand what a pulsed light source means, just imagine a camera flash.

Advantages of pulsed light sources:

  • Mobility. Such light sources can be built into the camera, on-camera, or external, working using a synchronizer (for example, studio light). This variety of options means that you will always have the lighting that suits the situation with you;
  • Adjustment. You can set all the necessary characteristics at any time convenient for you;
  • Artificial pulsed light sources consume less electricity than their permanent counterparts. Closed room heats up much slower.

The disadvantages of pulsed light sources include limitations on shutter speed. You cannot set a shutter speed shorter than the synchronization time between the camera and the flash (usually no shorter than 1/200). You have to take several shots to adjust to the exposure because the shadow pattern is not visible. Such light sources do not always work, which means that due to a technical error you can lose a successful shot.

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