How to make rosehip wine at home. Homemade rosehip wine according to a proven recipe: tips from experienced winemakers

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Below are a few recipes for homemade rosehip wine with yeast.

Delicate rosehip wine.

Ingredients: 1 kg of rose hips, 3.5 kg of sugar, 100 g of yeast, 8 liters of water.

Before preparing a delicate rosehip wine, we clean the ripe berries, wash them, place them in a 10-liter bottle, add sugar and pour boiling water over them.

When the contents of the bottle have cooled down, add the yeast.

We tightly cork the bottle with a cork with a water seal and leave it in a warm room for 3 months.

After the end of fermentation, we drain the wine from the sediment, filter it and bottle it.

Rosehip wine with the addition of citric acid.

To prepare this rosehip wine recipe, you will need 3 kg of fresh rose hips, 1.5 kg of sugar, 12-15 g of citric acid, 20 g of yeast, 17-18 liters of water.

We sort out the rose hips, pour them into a container for fermentation. Fill with syrup made from sugar, water and citric acid. We add yeast. The bottle is left for fermentation at room temperature for 8-10 days. When the drink acquires a pleasant tart taste, it is ready to drink. Then the wine is filtered and bottled.

Rosehip wine with wine yeast.

Ingredients: 5 kg of ripe rose hips, 1.2 kg of sugar, 15 g of wine yeast, 4 liters of water.

We sort out the berries, wash them, pour them into a bottle of such a volume that it is no more than 1/2 full. We prepare syrup from water and sugar, cool it and pour the berries. Add wine yeast. We close the container with a lid with a water seal and set it for fermentation for 3-4 months.

When the process of active fermentation stops, the wine is removed from the sediment, filtered and bottled. Before use, we keep the wine in a dark, cool place for 3-4 months.

Rosehip wine recipe at home without adding yeast

Homemade wine from frozen rose hips.

Ingredients: 2 kg of frozen rose hips, 2 kg of sugar, 5 liters of water.

We clean the wild rose stuck by frost, wash it, put it in a bottle. From water and sugar over low heat, cook the syrup, stirring constantly and removing the foam, then cool it.

Pour the berries with sugar syrup, close with a fermentation cork and leave for 3-4 weeks. Then the liquid is drained, filtered, bottled and put in a cool place to ripen for 6-7 months.

Aged rosehip wine.

Ingredients: 1 kg of ripe rose hips, 1 kg of sugar, 3 liters of water.

We wash the rosehip, cut off the tails, remove the seeds. Pour the fruits into a 5-liter bottle, pour in chilled sugar syrup, close with a cork made of cotton wool or paper and put in a warm place for 90-100 days.

Shake the contents of the bottle periodically. We filter the finished wine, bottle it, cork it and keep it for 3-6 months in a cold room. The longer the wine stands, the more intense its taste will be.

Recipe for making dry rosehip wine

Ingredients: 1 kg of dry rose hips, 1 kg of sugar, 3 liters of water.

To prepare a wine recipe from dry rose hips, we select dense ripe fruits of orange and red colors, dry them in the open air, in the oven or in an electric dryer.

Ready dried rose hips are poured into a glass bottle. Mix sugar with water, put on low heat and cook the syrup. Pour the prepared rose hips with the cooled syrup.

We tie the bottle with a cloth and leave it to ferment in a cool room. After the cessation of fermentation, we filter the wine, filter it, pour it into a clean container, close it and leave it for another 10 days. Then we drain from the sediment, bottle and cork.

Most often, of course, wine is made from grapes. And only a few know that such a useful berry as rose hips can also make a delicious alcoholic drink. How to make wine from rose hips, now you will learn.

Rosehip wine at home - recipe


  • fresh rose hips - 3 kg;
  • unwashed - 100 g;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • drinking water - 10 liters.


We crush the rose hips with a wooden rolling pin. If using dry berries, then divide them in half. In this case, the bones can not be removed. In a saucepan, mix 2 liters of water with 2 kg of sugar, let it boil and boil over low heat for about 5 minutes, stirring and removing white foam. Let the syrup cool down to 30 degrees.

Put the rose hips in a suitable container, pour in the sugar syrup, the remaining water and raisins. You can’t wash it, because there are wild yeasts on the surface, which we need for fermentation. We mix the contents of the container, tie the neck with gauze and put it in a dark place for 3-4 days. Stir once a day. When the first signs of fermentation appear, immediately pour the mixture into a fermentation tank. We put a water seal or a rubber glove with a hole in the finger. We place the bottle in a warm dark place.

A week later, we filter the wort through gauze, separating the pulp. Add the rest of the sugar to the fermented juice and install the water seal again. After about 4-6 weeks, the glove will deflate or the water seal will not bubble. Sediment can be seen at the bottom, and the wine will brighten. This means that the process of active fermentation has already ended and you need to move on to further actions.

So, young wine is poured through a tube into another suitable container. This must be done carefully so as not to touch the sediment. If desired, add more sugar or fix with vodka. We fill the storage containers to the top, cork tightly and transfer to a cool dark place for aging. After about 3 months, we drain the wine from the sediment into prepared bottles, and then seal it hermetically and put it in the cold.

Rosehip wine with yeast


  • fresh rose hips - 1 kg;
  • fast-acting yeast - 10 g;
  • purified water - 7 liters;
  • citric acid - 2/3 tsp.


Ripe rose hips are washed under running water, crushed and placed in a bottle. We prepare a syrup from water and sugar, cool it to about 20 degrees, fill it with rose hips and add yeast. At room temperature, we insist the drink for a week, then we filter it well and distribute it into bottles. Store wine in a cool place.

Making rosehip wine


  • drinking water - 3 liters;
  • ripe wild rose - 800 g;
  • sugar - 800 g.


Ripe rose hips are thoroughly washed. We remove the bones and put it in a jar with a capacity of 5 liters. Top with cooled sugar syrup made from 3 liters of water and 1 kg of sugar. We cover the jar with a cloth and leave it for 3 months. At the same time shake the jar periodically. After that, we filter the liquid, distribute it into bottles, cork tightly and send it to the cellar. The longer the wine sits, the tastier it will be.

Useful properties of wild rose are known to all. These fruits are rich in various vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances. Healing decoction of these berries: restores the immune system, promotes a speedy recovery from colds, promotes better metabolism.

But not all people know that fragrant wine can be made from rose hips. It will be not only amazingly tasty, but also useful.

How to make a fragrant alcoholic drink at home will be described further.

Raw materials for cooking must be harvested before the first frost. Berries are best picked at the end of September and until mid-October. It is during this period that they contain many useful substances. And with a sharp cold snap, rose hips lose most of the vitamin.

Important! When picking berries, you should pay attention to their ripeness, lack of spoilage and elasticity. To make a delicious wine, you need to select rose hips without rot and signs of damage.

After harvesting the berries, they must be dried. Under the negative influence of ultraviolet rays, rose hips also lose their beneficial qualities. Therefore, it is necessary to dry it in a shady place or in a well-ventilated area.

If overripe berries were collected, it is not recommended to store them for more than 1-2 days.

Important! All useful trace elements are preserved in dry and frozen berries. So that pests do not start in a dry rosehip, it is better to pour it into a glass container or a bag of thick linen.

How to painlessly collect rose hips is described in the video:

Tank preparation

Making homemade wine is impossible without a special fermentation tank. The taste of the future drink will depend on the quality of this container.

It could be:

  • Metal container. But keep in mind - copper, aluminum and iron oxidize with high humidity. This will give the drink an unpleasant aftertaste. If you want to cook wine in a metal container, it must be stainless steel. But due to the fact that such products are expensive and are used mainly in industrial production.
  • Glass container, with a volume of 10-20 liters. Its advantages include the fact that it does not enter into any chemical reactions, and due to the transparency of the material, it is possible to observe the fermentation process. Keep in mind that if not handled carefully, the glass can easily break.
  • Plastic. But for these purposes it is worth choosing high quality dishes. Plastic should not emit any harmful substances and should be food grade.
  • Barrel made of natural wood. This material is durable and environmentally friendly. Having opted for a wooden container, keep in mind that it absorbs odors well. If other foodstuffs were previously stored in the dishes, this can spoil the future wine.

After you have decided on the container, it must be thoroughly rinsed with soda solution and dried. Then mold and harmful microorganisms will not appear in the wine.

A simple recipe for cooking based on 20 liters

After preparing the berries and containers, you can start making wine. Dry, fresh or frozen berries are suitable for this.

Important! If you decide to use frozen rose hips, it must first be thawed at room temperature and dried. Dried berries are carefully sorted and inspected for mold. Before cooking, they are finely chopped.

Since rose hips do not contain yeast, you need to add a little unwashed raisins and grapes.

We prepare the necessary ingredients for making wine:

  • 9 kg of wild rose (if dry berries are taken, 6 kg are needed);
  • 9 kg of granulated sugar;
  • · 30 liters of water;
  • 300 gr raisins or grapes.

With these proportions and with the right technology, you will get 20 liters of delicious wine with a strength of 11 to 13 degrees.

Watch a video that shows how to make fragrant rosehip wine at home:

Steps for making wine:

  1. Grind the prepared rosehip with a wooden pusher. Finely chop dry berries and remove seeds.
  2. We take a pan with a volume of at least 10-12 liters, pour 6 liters of water into it and pour 6 kg of granulated sugar. Put the saucepan on a slow fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes, stirring constantly so that the sugar does not burn. We remove the resulting foam in time.
  4. Set aside the syrup for a while and cool it to 30 degrees.
  5. Pour the syrup into the prepared container and add finely chopped berries, unwashed grapes or raisins.
  6. Pour the remaining water (24 liters).
  7. We mix all the ingredients and tie the neck of the container with dry gauze.
  8. We remove the container in a dark place for 72 hours. Once a day, the mixture must be stirred.
  9. With the appearance of the first signs of fermentation, pour the mass into another container for fermentation. Here it is important to ensure that the container capacity is filled no more than 2/3 of the total volume.
  10. We put a water seal on the container (in its absence, a rubber glove with a cut hole in the thumb area is suitable) We put the wine in a dark place for another week.

  1. After 7 days, filter the wort through cheesecloth. And add the remaining 3 kg of sugar to it and put on the glove again.
  2. After a month or two, the fermentation process should be completed. This can be observed by a deflated glove. Now we separate the sediment. Using a tube, pour the mass into another container. At this stage of preparation, you can taste the resulting drink, and if necessary, add a little sugar to it.
  3. To prevent contact with oxygen, we fill the dishes under a tight lid. Next, we leave the wine to ferment in a dark place, where the temperature ranges from 5 to 16 degrees.
  4. After 2-3 months, the wine will be ready to drink. To do this, pour it into the prepared container without sediment, close it with a cork and put it in the cellar.

reference! Subject to storage conditions, and with proper manufacture, homemade hawthorn wine can be stored for several years.

Reuse of wine material

Many winemakers are in no hurry to throw away used wine material.

Once the wine has been removed from the must, it can be reused. For this:

  1. The remaining sediment in the bottles is covered with several kilograms of sugar and filled with water. Add fermentation material (unwashed raisins or grapes) to the bottles.
  2. We put on the shutter (rubber glove with a hole in the thumb area).
  3. We install the container in the same dark place.
  4. All further manipulations are carried out as in the primary production of the drink: the sediment is removed, filtration is carried out.

Of course, the secondary product will no longer be so fragrant and healthy. But nevertheless, it will be much better than purchased products.

reference! For lovers of experiments, you can combine rose hips with other berries, such as raspberries. To do this, you can use fresh or frozen berries, and even jam. Rosehip also goes well with blackcurrant, mountain ash and various wild berries.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that making delicious and healthy rosehip wine at home is quite simple.

To do this, you need to properly collect and prepare the berries, pick up containers for fermentation and preparation of the drink and follow the advice of experts.

As a result, you will get a fragrant drink and a delicate and pleasant taste.

Collecting completely inconspicuous and not edible at first glance rose hips, few people think what a treasury of vitamins and nutrients this berry is.

One of the most popular autumn drinks is rosehip wine, which can strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to infectious and viral diseases. Preparing a healing potion at home is very simple, the main thing is to be patient and have a great desire.

In order for the rose hips to retain their natural value and not lose their juiciness, they are harvested in September-early October, before the onset of cold weather. Wine produced at home requires ripe berries of dark red color.

The most suitable time for collecting wild rose is the beginning of October.

Despite the rare spoilage, the fruits are carefully sorted out, any rotten and moldy specimens are removed. Even one spoiled berry can worsen the taste of the drink and infect the wort.

For the production of natural wine from wild rose, fresh, dried and frozen fruits of any variety, whether it be needle, May or Dahurian, are suitable. They do not need to be cleaned and pitted. Before cooking, frozen berries must be brought to room temperature, and dried fruits are cut into two parts.

Attention. When drying rose hips, it is necessary to take into account the fact that ultraviolet rays have a detrimental effect on them. Does not bear any benefit and thermal drying in the oven. Harvested berries are ideal to dry in the fresh air without direct sunlight or in a cool, well-ventilated room.

Since there is no own yeast on the surface of the rose hips, raisins or grapes are added to the drink recipe for effective fermentation. It is important that these components are unwashed.

The quality of wine depends not only on the products used, but also on the container in which the drink will be infused. Oak barrels are considered ideal for storage, but in modern conditions it is quite difficult to find them. For use in home winemaking, glassware is optimal.

The best container for aging and storing homemade wine is an oak barrel.

Avoid copper, iron and aluminum containers that can cause oxidative reactions, which will spoil the taste and color of the drink. Wooden utensils made of resin wood species are also dangerous: wine, reacting with this material, loses its taste.

To prevent pathogens and molds from entering the wine, all inventory must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Wooden barrels are washed with cold water, doused with boiling water and treated with sulfuric smoke.

Glass containers after washing with water are cleaned with soda solution and rinsed. All utensils must be boiled. Vessels must be perfectly dry before use.

Classic rosehip wine recipe: step by step technology

This simple recipe uses yeast-free sourdough.

The following ingredients are required for production:

  • rose hips - 3 kg fresh (or 2 kg dried);
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - 10 l;
  • raisins (or fresh grapes) - 100 g.
Rose hips are washed well and crushed with a rolling pin.

Rose hips are crushed with a rolling pin along with seeds, if dried berries are used, they are first cut in half. Unwashed raisins (grapes) crush with your hands or also chop with a rolling pin.

Next, a syrup is prepared: 2 kg of granulated sugar is mixed with 2 liters of water, after which the mixture is brought to a boil and cooked for another 5 minutes. It is important to constantly stir the mass and remove the resulting white foam. Ready syrup is cooled to room temperature.

All the ingredients are combined in a wide-mouth bowl: grated rose hips, raisins (grapes), sugar syrup and 8 liters of water. The contents are thoroughly mixed, the container is covered with gauze and cleaned in a dark room with a temperature not higher than 18-25 degrees. For 3-4 days, the mixture is stirred regularly.

When the first signs of fermentation appear - foam, sour smell, hiss, the wort is poured into the fermentation tank. It must be filled no more than ¾ to ensure full fermentation.

A water seal is installed on the neck of the tank, in the absence of one, you can use a medical glove with a pierced finger to allow carbon dioxide to escape unhindered. The container is sent to a dark warm place with a temperature of 18-29 degrees, where the drink will ferment for 7 days.

After the specified period, the wort is filtered from the pulp (solid parts of the ingredients) using gauze. 1 kg of sugar is introduced into the fermented liquid, and a water seal is again put on the container.

The fermentation process will last from 4 to 6 weeks: during this period you should not disturb the drink, but it should be carefully monitored to prevent the wine from turning into vinegar.

Rosehips, water, sugar syrup and raisins are combined in a container.

Important. If the fermentation process lasts more than 50 days after the start of production, the wine must be drained from the sediment and left to ferment under a water seal under identical conditions. Otherwise, the drink will be bitter.

When the fermentation process is over, as evidenced by the fall of the glove and the cessation of gas formation, the wine must be drained from the sediment. To do this, the vessel is placed on a dais, and the wine is carefully drained using a siphon tube, without disturbing the sediment.

The storage container must be filled to the top to prevent contact with oxygen. If necessary, sugar is added to the drink, after which the container is sealed with a lid and placed in a cool place with a temperature of 10-16 degrees for aging.

The duration of exposure varies from two to three months: during this period, the wine is removed from the sediment several times. The finished product is bottled, hermetically sealed and placed in a refrigerator or cellar.

The result is an amber rosehip wine with a slightly tart taste and a strength of 11-13 degrees.

Some interesting rosehip wine recipes

There are more complex recipes in terms of the selection of ingredients. In general, making homemade wine is a space for imagination, and the most unusual products can be used.

A variety of ingredients can be used to make rosehip wine.

Rosehip wine with basil and citrus

This yeast recipe includes:

  • dried rose hips - 175 g;
  • fresh sweet basil leaves - 1 kg (you can use 600 g dried);
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • oranges and lemons - 2 each;
  • pectin enzyme, tannin, tronozymol - 5 g each;
  • wine yeast - 5 g.

Basil leaves are cleaned under running water and coarsely chopped. They are combined in a saucepan with rose hips and 2 liters of boiling water are poured. The mixture is brought to a boil, removed from heat and left overnight to infuse.

The limp leaves of basil and rose hips are squeezed out, and the resulting liquid is poured into the fermentation tank. Sugar syrup and 0.5 liters of water, and juices squeezed from oranges and lemons are also added there.

Gauze is pulled over the neck of the container, the composition is cooled. After that, pectin enzyme, wine yeast diluted with a little sugar, tannin, tronozymol and zest are added.

The fermentation tank is covered and placed in a warm room. For 7 days, the wort is regularly stirred, after which it is poured into another bottle, diluted with cold water by ¾, sealed with a rubber stopper with a hole and a gas outlet tube.

To make a delicious wine, you need 1 kg of sweet basil leaves.

When the wine drink acquires a light shade, it is removed from the sediment. Then a tablet of Campden is added - sulfur dioxide to sulphate the wine, and the drink is aged for several more months.

With citric acid

For this recipe you will need:

  • fresh rose hips - 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • citric acid - 10-15 g;
  • baker's yeast - 20 g;
  • water - 15-18 liters.

Rose hips are crushed into gruel and placed in a container for fermentation. A syrup is prepared from sugar, water and citric acid and poured into the berries. Yeast is added to the resulting mixture. The fermentation vessel is left in a dark room at room temperature for 8-10 days. When the drink acquires a pleasant tart taste, it is filtered and bottled.

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Today we will prepare a warm, warming the body and pleasing the soul - a sunny drink!

That's it! Let's talk about wine! Moreover, - about rosehip wine!
For most connoisseurs and admirers of this wonderful noble drink, this may be a novelty. After all, the classic of the genre is wine made from juicy berries and fruits ... Ah, my student years! But in the late 80s we made “wine” from tomato paste ...! Nevertheless, rose hips make a real excellent wine! It has a noble amber color and astringent taste of old Madeira...
And the wild rose this year is apparently invisible! They say - to the harsh winter ...

In general, there are many types of wild rose in nature. Botanists know ... Some species are very rich in vitamins (especially vitamin C). In others, there are fewer vitamins ...
If anyone is interested, in “high-vitamin” rosehip varieties, dried pedicels stand upright - parallel to the berry itself. And in ordinary varieties - they are “splayed out” like an open flower itself. By the way, the fruits of all varieties of wild rose are both healthy and tasty.

It is recommended to collect wild rose after the first frost, when the frost touches the fruits. At that time, rosehip bushes burn with ruby ​​drops against the background of scorched and withered steppe grass. Naturally, it is better to collect wild rose - away from the noise of the city ... In ecologically clean places. We (on the Don) - it grows everywhere. There is a lot of it in the steppes of Donbass and in the Crimea! Ordinary, I'll tell you, a plant ...
Berries should be ripe and firm. It is better to immediately determine the collected berries for drying. They are best kept dry! From them you can make a wonderful drink - uzvar. Pour a couple of handfuls of dry fruits into a 1.5-2-liter heated thermos - and pour boiling water over everything. Infuse for a couple of hours (you can - and longer ...). And drink! With sugar. To taste, you can dilute with boiled water! In winter - a "dose" of natural vitamins is provided ...

So, to prepare the original rosehip wine, we need:

1. Rose hips. Fresh or dry. Better, of course, fresh! But dried ones are also quite suitable ... You need them - about 2.5 - 3.5 liters.
2.Sugar-sand (only 3 kg.)
3. Drinking water (better - spring water). "From the tap" - I strongly do not recommend for obvious reasons ...
4. 10 liter glass bottle. You can, in principle, use any suitable "food" container ...
5. Water seal. He is also a “water sheet pile”, he is also a “bulbulator”
6. Direct hands, kind heart and ardent desire to create beauty! (not to be confused with "burning" pipes ...) First, let's prepare the berries ... Contrary to the canons of winemaking, which prohibit washing fruits (grapes - in particular ...) - it is still better to wash our rose hips. Pour it into a bowl and wash under running water. Immediately, all the available "slag" floats to the top. Well, you understand me... Everything bad always comes to the surface...

In engineering, this process is called "flotation". So, the wild rose was washed, sorted out and cleaned as much as possible. Do not be alarmed if some leaves remain and fall into the wine. From them, the drink will acquire a unique tart bouquet.

If you are dealing with dried fruits ... - there is a little more work here. Well, firstly, these fruits can be washed. Then - dry them a little (rather, for comfort). Further - it is highly desirable to chop these fruits. But not “to the dust” on a blender or in a coffee grinder ... But to “pieces”. It is convenient to do this with a wooden pusher. But you need to make sure that it does not scatter to the sides ... And inside the fruits themselves - prickly "glass wool"! And I do not recommend taking them by hand ...
In general, our fruits are ready! And we take and fill them in a clean 10 (or whatever ...) - liter bottle. We fall asleep about 1/3 of the volume of the bottle! Maybe a little more...

"Informed" people can boldly and quite rightly stigmatize me. - Say, - it's better to dilute sugar in some water ... And ready to pour syrup! But! Firstly, - it is not known exactly how much water you need to take ... And secondly - well, I didn’t have such a container to dilute the syrup! And we have only 3 kg of sugar. And we used only 2! Exactly! We will add the remaining kilogram "in the process" ...

Next - pour into a bottle of the purest spring water (warmed up to room temperature) and mix everything thoroughly. Sugar should stir and dissolve (at least partially ...). After dissolving the sugar, when we see the final volume, we add water “up to the shoulders” of the bottle. Not higher! During the fermentation process, the wort will increase in volume and can squeeze everything up! It’s better to top up later ... When the violent fermentation passes. In general, according to the described composition, “at the exit” you should get about 6 liters of the drink ...

This is the real water seal, or - a fermenting water sheet. This device is integrated with a polyethylene cap for hermetic sealing of the bottle. The essence of the device is that it releases excess carbon dioxide from the bottle, but does not allow active oxygen from the air to penetrate into it. By type - a conventional valve. The mega-device shown in the photo was purchased on the regular market ... If there is no such thing, you can safely use any home-made one! For example: a cap with a hole + a tube + a medical hose from a dropper + a bottle of water ... Fans of originality can generally use a regular medical latex glove! We pull her sleeve over the neck of the bottle, tie it with a cord, and make a hole on one of the “fingers” with a needle! In the process of fermentation - the glove will inflate (it will be cool!) - and gas will gradually bleed through this hole. In fact, it is convenient and visual ... The glove “fell” - fermentation slowed down! We need to take a sample and, perhaps, add sugar ...

It’s the same with the “bulbulator” - the bubbles stopped bubbling - you need to control the process ...
If suddenly the fermentation does not "start" for a long time - you can pour a little bit of dry baker's yeast into the bottle! But this is a last resort...

It is better to put the fermentation bottle in a moderately warm place. Temperature around 20-24 degrees (Celsius…)
Well - and control the process!
Rosehip wine - "long-playing" ... Minimum - 40 days or more! Then you can take a "table" sample of young wine. But as “young” - it’s not very good for my taste ... Therefore, after fermentation is completed, it must be drained with a siphon tube into another container (tanks) and put into storage-ripening. The author - matured in ordinary 3-liter jars under plastic lids. Can also be bottled...
And in the remaining wort, you can again add 2 kg. sugar and add water. And there will be - the second series ... Of course, this is not the "highest" grade ... But I somehow did it. Then he mixed up both ... And he didn’t distinguish by taste!
A stored ripe wine can be tasted from February. The longer it sits, the better it gets! The wine that is in the decanter in the photo is “harvest of 2009” ... It has a wonderful warm gentle tone, astringent “madera” bouquet! Lovers of "stronger" - can reinforce up to a "degree" of real Madeira. But I assure you, it's pretty good.

Dessert and liqueur wine lovers can sweeten to their taste. Sweet, this wine is reminiscent both in taste and color of the Inkerman "Old Nectar" ... In general, the paths for creativity are open!
I add this wine (in small quantities) to the barbecue marinade ...
And no less wonderful drink is made from it, which received the name - "Balsam of the French Legion". But that's a completely different story...
Health to everyone! Good luck and warmth...

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