The benefits and harms of pecans, its impact on health. What is useful pecan pecan plant

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Relatives from Georgia brought unusual nuts as a gift to a friend. I accidentally saw them in his car and asked him to give me a few pieces for breeding. Since we live in the south, in the Krasnodar Territory, I thought that perhaps our climate would also be suitable for growing this interesting crop.

Pecan or mysterious culture

For a long time I could not even find out the name of the plant whose nuts I got. Outwardly, they are similar to walnuts, but more oblong and slightly pointed at the ends. The shell is smooth, thin, there are no partitions inside. The kernels look like those of walnuts, but the folds on them are not as sinuous.

The taste is softer and sweeter. Having reviewed more than one reference book and determinant, I realized that this is an ordinary pecan (or hazel illinois). Culture is able to bear fruit for 300-400 years! Belongs to the genus hickory of the walnut family. It is a spreading deciduous tree up to 60 m in height. Their leaves are like those of mountain ash, but larger - up to 50 cm in length and without notches along the edges.

On an industrial scale, pecans are grown in Central Asia and the southeastern United States. In our country, there are small plantings of it in the Caucasus and in the Crimea.

Pecan nut - 200 kg per tree!

The culture blooms in May-June. Pollinated by the wind. Male walnut flowers - earrings. Women are collected in inflorescences-spikelets - up to 11 pcs. in everyone.

Nuts are 8 cm long and 3 cm wide. They weigh up to 20 g. They ripen in September-October. The yield of old trees reaches 200 kg per tree. Young produce less fruit. Nut kernels are high in fat and can go rancid if stored too long. Pecans are eaten fresh and fried, used in cooking and in the confectionery industry.

Anyone who decides to grow these trees should take into account their impressive size. That is, under the pecan you will have to take a large part of the garden. Moreover, for fruiting, a culture requires at least 2 trees.

Winter Pecan Planting

Nuts before sowing need stratification. They are soaked for 3 days in water, and then planted before winter in pits with sand. Sprinkle with compost.

But the nuts fell into my hands before the New Year, when it was already snowing. So after soaking, I put them in a pot of wet sawdust and put them in the fridge. And in April I planted it in the country, deepening 5-7 cm into the soil. A month later, 5 strong seedlings sprouted. Now they are a year old. If you believe the information that I found, the seedlings will begin to bear fruit only at the age of 8-11 years.

In the south, pecans are also propagated by budding, grafting onto other varieties of the same crop, and cuttings. And then the trees begin to bear fruit after 4-5 years.

In a greenhouse or in a room?

The culture grows both in the sun and in partial shade. Likes fertile, loose, well-drained soils. Withstands a short-term decrease in temperature in winter to -30°C. Responsive to abundant watering, although it also tolerates drought.

Around young trees, it is necessary to weed, fertilize, loosen and mulch the soil. Seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent place from the age of one. At first, they do not grow quickly - 20-30 cm per year. Then their growth accelerates.

You can also grow pecans in a room, in a greenhouse, in a greenhouse. Only in dry apartment air, trees should be sprayed regularly. And in winter (from November to March), keep the plants in a cool room at a temperature of 8-12 °. During the dormant period, do not fertilize them and reduce watering.

Personally, I plan to sell 3 of my seedlings, and plant 2 in front of the country house. When they grow up, they will shade the yard in the summer heat.

If I am lucky enough to find pecan seedlings in nurseries, I will buy 2 more for planting behind the house so that cross-pollination occurs with my seedlings. If only the seedlings of the same variety as mine did not come across. Although this is unlikely, because more than 150 varieties of pecans have been bred. Among them, for the Russian climate, as I found out, they are considered the most suitable: Major, Textam, Green River, and Indiana. Stewart and Success.

Oleg Yaroshenko, Krasnodar Territory

Most likely, many have heard that the fruits of the pecan nut are very useful, so the fact that such a tree can be planted in your summer cottage, and even harvest considerable crops, will please many. It should be noted right away that you will have to stock up on strength and patience, since planting and caring for an exotic nut is not an easy task. Let's look at everything in order.

This plant belongs to the genus and family Walnut. Its maximum height is 60 m. The tree has a wide spreading crown, the diameter of which reaches 40 m. Its trunk is even, covered with gray-brown bark.
The branches are brown, initially pubescent, then become smooth. They have large, glossy, bright green leaves.

Pecan flowers can be male or female, and are pollinated by wind and insects. The flowering period falls on May - June, but it can shift depending on climatic conditions and in the northern regions it begins in June and ends in July.

Important! The average lifespan of a pecan is approximately 400 years.


The homeland of the pecan is considered to be North America. It is grown on an industrial scale in the southeastern United States and in Central Asia. Also, the plant can be found in Kazakhstan and the Caucasus. Very rare, but still you can see them on the Crimean Peninsula.

These two plants have a lot in common, and at first glance it may even seem that they are identical, but this is not entirely true. not as capricious as pecans, they do not require constant care and reverent attitude after planting.

Despite the outward similarity, the fruits of these plants have different taste qualities, pecans are much sweeter and more delicate in texture, and for this they are very much appreciated in cooking.
Walnut and pecan fruit (left to right)

Did you know? Regular consumption of the nuts of this tree can tone the body, and is also an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases and oncological formations.

They are also famous for their richer content of nutrients. Pecans are almost perfectly shaped, look very neat and vein free, and have a softer skin. The difference in price for these fruits is also noticeable, walnuts are 3-4 times cheaper than their overseas relative.

There are more than 150 varieties of pecans, of which only a few are suitable for planting in Russia, namely the varieties: Green River, Stuart, Indiana, Success, Major and Textam.
In order to succeed and get the desired harvest, you will need to study some of the features and preferences of this plant.

Choice of location and lighting

For this tree, you need to select the brightest and sunniest corner in your garden. It is desirable that it be protected from wind and drafts.

Of course, regions with a mild climate with warm or even hot summers are a priority for planting, but experienced gardeners say that even a short heat for 2-3 months is more than enough for this nut to grow successfully.

Important! In order for the pecan to bear fruit regularly and abundantly, it is necessary to plant at least two such trees in the garden.

When choosing a place to plant, it is worth remembering that the tree grows to an impressive size, and it will need a lot of space.

Pecans should be planted in well-drained, fertile soil. If the soil is not nutritious enough, the chances of successfully growing this plant are reduced to zero.
Experts recommend preparing a landing site in advance and saturating it with compost and humus at least six months before the intended planting.

The soil should not be too acidic, and if there is a problem with increased, then it can be easily corrected with lime.

The pecan nut propagates in three ways: seeds, seedlings and grafting.

Ripe for seed propagation, those that have fallen to the ground are collected and either planted immediately, that is, in the fall, or leave planting material until spring. The autumn period is considered more favorable, since during the winter the seeds are mastered in the ground, and shoots appear in the spring.
In order to plant pecans at this time, it is enough just to dig holes 10-15 cm deep, place planting material there, cover with soil, water well and put mulch on top. Already in the spring you will be able to observe the sprouts of future trees.

Landing in the spring involves a number of preparatory work. First, you need to prepare the seeds themselves. They are recommended to be soaked for 48 hours in water, and then placed in a container with wet sawdust and stored in a cool room for 40-60 days.

As it dries out, watering should be carried out. 2-3 weeks before planting, the container is brought into a warm room. Prepared seeds are planted in late April - early May. You also need to prepare the soil for planting; for this, it is advisable to add compost to it in the fall.

Video: Pecan Seed Stratification Experienced gardeners recommend planting 10-15 nuts at once, since less than half of them will germinate.

When planted with seeds, pecans begin to produce crops no earlier than 10 years later.

Important! Pecans grow very slowly, it is necessary to transplant seedlings to a permanent place no earlier than after 3 years.

If you don't want to spend so much time growing your own seeds, this might be the way to go. another way to propagate is to buy seedlings. First of all, it must be of good quality, and you should buy it only from trusted sellers.

The most important thing is that the seedling must have a strong root system, which means that its age must be at least 3 years old.

The disadvantages of such a planting include the fact that pecan roots are very vulnerable to damage, and the slightest error in transplantation can lead to the death of the plant.

Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to prepare pits 50-60 cm deep, the plant is carefully placed in them, the roots are straightened, and then they are gradually covered with soil and watered abundantly. The final stage of planting is the mulching of the trunk circle with foliage, sawdust, needles or humus.

Seedlings are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.
The disadvantages of such a planting include the fact that pecan roots are very vulnerable to damage, and the slightest error in transplantation can lead to the death of the plant.

Grafting is also used to propagate this tree., but this requires a stock, namely a white pecan. In this case, the plant begins to bear fruit after 4-5 years.

Did you know? Old pecan trees are capable of producing 200-250 kg of fruit annually.

Watering and humidity

Young trees need regular water procedures, special attention should be paid to soil moisture in hot weather. This does not mean at all that they need to be flooded; stagnant moisture is just as detrimental to the plant as drought. Therefore, it is important to drain the soil well before planting.

Pecans need regular pruning and crown shaping, especially when young. For this, sanitary pruning is carried out in the spring, which includes the removal of dried, broken and frozen branches.

Fertilize such nuts twice a season, namely in spring and autumn. In the first case, they are introduced, and in the fall - potash and.
Trees that are more than 15 years old should also not be left unattended, suitable for them, and

Pecans... heard of this one? The pecan is rightfully considered a superfood. Today you will learn about the benefits and harms of this amazing product for the body. Pecans are one of the most popular edible nuts in the United States and are native to North America and Mexico. Pecan trees, native to South and Central North America, were used as a food source by Native Americans for many centuries before the arrival of the colonists. Until the 17th century, pecans were not domesticated, the first plantations of this plant appeared in Mexico. The pecan tree is a large deciduous tree belonging to the walnut family that can bear fruit for 300 years. Nuts appear in autumn.

What does a pecan look like

In appearance, the pecan resembles the familiar walnut to all of us, only the size of the pecan is larger. The nut itself has an elongated oblong shape and a smooth surface of the shell. Behind the golden brown shell is a beige core with a corrugated surface. The core occupies from 40% to 60% of the internal space of the nut. Nuts have a characteristic creamy, buttery flavor and texture due to their high content of monounsaturated fatty acids. The rich buttery flavor makes them suitable for both sweet and savory recipes. The famous pecan pie is a classic South American dish that features pecans as the main ingredient. Raw pecans can be salted or sweetened and used as a healthy snack. In America, pecans are widely used in the confectionery industry as an additive to cookies, sweets, pastries, and cakes.

What are the health benefits of pecans?

Pecan Benefits: The Amazing Benefits of Pecans for Skin, Hair and Health

Like most nuts, pecans contain a variety of nutrients, minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins that contribute to the wonderful health benefits of this nut.

1. Benefits for the cardiovascular system:

Pecans are rich in healthy dietary fiber, which lowers bad cholesterol levels in the blood and improves heart health by reducing the risk of coronary disease, and also has a preventive effect on certain types of cancer. The oleic acid (monounsaturated fat) found in pecans, combined with phenolic antioxidants, also supports healthy heart function by preventing unwanted oxidation of blood lipids, helping to prevent coronary artery disease and strokes.

2. Benefits for Digestion:

Useful dietary fiber contained in pecans normalizes bowel function and improves peristalsis. This allows the intestines to work more efficiently by cleansing the digestive tract. In addition, pecans prevent constipation, reduce the risk of colitis, colon cancer and hemorrhoids.

3.Helps in weight loss:

Studies have shown that a diet containing nuts such as pecans helps in weight loss. This is because the consumption of nuts increases the feeling of satiety and boosts metabolism.

4. Reduces the risk of developing breast cancer:

5. Benefits of nuts for bones and teeth:

Pecans are rich in calcium and phosphorus. Phosphorus is one of the most abundant minerals in the body after calcium. About 85% of phosphorus is found in bones and teeth, while the remaining 15% is found in cells and tissues. Phosphorus, along with calcium, promotes healthy bones and teeth. This mineral is vital for the growth and repair of cells and tissues, as well as for the production of DNA and RNA. And finally, it prevents muscle pain that can occur due to high physical exertion.

6. Anti-inflammatory properties of pecans:

Pecans are rich in magnesium, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that increased magnesium intake reduces indicators of inflammation in the body, such as CRP (C-reactive protein), TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor alpha) and IL6 (interleukins 6). Helps reduce inflammation in the walls of arteries, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease and other inflammatory diseases.

7.Reduces blood pressure:

The magnesium present in pecans helps lower blood pressure. While pecans cannot cure hypertension, they can help reduce its symptoms.

8. Reduces the risk of stroke:

Studies have shown that consuming 100 milligrams of magnesium per day reduces the risk of stroke by 9%. Pecans can be a good source of magnesium if included regularly in your diet.

9. Anti-cancer properties of pecan:

Pecans are rich in phytochemicals such as polyphenolic antioxidants, ellagic acid, vitamin E, beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. These compounds play an important role in removing toxic free radicals from the body, thereby protecting it from disease, cancer, and infections. Ellagic acid has antiproliferative properties, inhibits DNA binding to carcinogens such as nitrosamine and polycyclic hydrocarbons, thereby protecting the human body from cancer.

10. Strengthens the immune system:

Pecans are high in manganese. This trace element is a powerful antioxidant. Manganese helps boost immunity and protects nerve cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Sufficient intake of manganese is vital for nerve conduction and brain activity.

Pecan skin benefits:

Pecans, like most other nuts, are rich in nutrients such as zinc, vitamin E, vitamin A, folic acid, and phosphorus, which play an important role in maintaining skin health. The main benefits of pecans for skin are:

11.Prevents Skin Problems:

The appearance of our skin depends on how we nourish it from the inside. Thus, proper nutrition is very important to maintain healthy skin and prevent skin problems. Toxins inside our body slow down the metabolism in the skin, disrupt the functioning of its cells, causing inflammatory rashes, acne, increased fat content, and an unhealthy complexion. Pecans are a good source of fiber, which can do wonders for our health and therefore our skin. Fiber helps in removing toxins from the body, thus improving the appearance of the skin.

12. Helps relieve inflammatory skin manifestations:

Due to the high content of zinc, which is also involved in maintaining healthy skin, it protects the skin from all kinds of infections. Vitamin A: acts as an antioxidant on the one hand, on the other hand it has a beneficial effect on the complexion.

13. Pecan prevents aging of the body:

Healthy skin and hair is a sign of a healthy body. Hair follicles require sufficient nutrients to keep them functioning properly and preventing hair problems. The nutritional value of pecans makes them beneficial for the health and beauty of hair.

14. Stimulates Hair Growth:

Pecans are an excellent source of L-arginine, an amino acid that, when applied topically, helps treat male pattern baldness as well as promote healthy hair growth. Strong blood flow to the hair roots is vital for healthy hair growth. L-arginine is helpful in this regard, the amino acid improves the condition of the artery walls, making them more flexible, reducing the tendency to form blood clots that can block blood flow.

15.Prevent Hair Loss:

Anemia is one of the most common causes of hair loss. It is caused by a deficiency of iron in the blood. Pecans, being a good source of iron, can be included in your diet to improve blood levels of iron and therefore fight hair loss.

Pecan nut useful video properties:

Pecan nutritional value

Pecans are quite high in calories, but most of these calories are 90% unsaturated fatty acids, in addition, pecans do not contain sodium. Let's look at the calorie content of pecans.

Pecan nuts are harmful. Side effects

Pecan nuts are safe for most people, with no side effects associated with its use. However, people with hypersensitivity to this product may have an allergic reaction to pecans. In the case of allergic reactions to pecans, the immune system reacts to the proteins contained in the pecan and causes symptoms such as hives, vomiting, swelling of the larynx, shortness of breath and dizziness. All these reactions are associated with the release of the chemical histamine.

Not everyone has tried pecans, and even more so they know where such a nut grows in Russia. This culture is only gaining popularity in personal plots. Pecans are grown mainly in the south, but the frost-resistant varieties bred allow planting in the northern regions. Exotic is unpretentious in care, it reproduces in the same way as a walnut. If you look at the photo, you can see that the plants are similar in appearance.

The homeland of pecan is North America, where it is grown on an industrial scale. The walnut grows in Central Asia, in the Crimea and the Caucasus, the Stavropol Territory and the Rostov Region of Russia. Some varieties calmly tolerate thirty-degree frosts, are distinguished by drought resistance, stable fruiting and undemanding to the composition of the soil.

Pecan nut is a rather unpretentious plant.
  • Textan;
  • Success;
  • Indiana;
  • Major;
  • Stuart;
  • Greenriver.

Pecan wood is harder than oak and has an interesting structure - various furniture is made from it. Walnut oil and cosmetics are made from nuts, used for the preparation of confectionery. Pecans have a higher fat content than other nuts, about 10% pure protein, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Advice. Pecan is a vigorous large plant. It reaches a height of 60 m, with a crown diameter of 40 m. For pollination, several trees are required, since pollen is carried by the wind.

Planting and reproduction

The nut is propagated by seeds and vegetatively:

  • cuttings;
  • grafted onto white pecans;
  • budding.

Pecan fruit

Fruits that have fallen to the ground are considered ripe. Immediately after harvest, the fruits can be sown in the ground or stratified before planting. Make grooves up to 10 cm deep and sow nuts. A distance of at least 1 m is left between the rows. In the spring, absolutely all seeds germinate, and the seedlings are more hardy and viable.

In spring, nuts are sown at the end of April. Before that, they are stratified. Soaked for a couple of days in water, then placed in wet sawdust or peat and placed in a cool place for germination. Make sure that the substrate is constantly wet, and the room temperature remains at the level of 2 - 4 0C. After two months, they are taken out to a warm room. Sow in furrows, sprinkle with humus and water regularly.

A place for landing is chosen sunny and protected from the wind without stagnant moisture. If the seeds will be planted immediately in a permanent place, then fill the planting site with compost in advance.

pecan sprout

Pecan grows very slowly in the first years - it builds up the root system. The annual growth of the plant is only about 30 cm, by the age of three it reaches 50 cm and is suitable for transplanting to a permanent place. Planting pits 60 x 60 cm in size are prepared, if the soil is acidic, lime is used. Fill with a nutrient mixture of compost and earth. The roots must be placed so that they do not tuck, they are completely straightened to the sides. A peg is driven in, to which the seedling will be tied after planting. The root neck of the plant should be at the level of the soil, after planting, the soil is slightly compacted and watered abundantly. Top mulch with humus or any organic material. The distance between seedlings is about 15 m.

Young seedlings need watering, top dressing, protection from weeds. The fruiting of a seedling grown from a seed occurs in the tenth year of life. Grafted seedlings bear fruit earlier - at 4 - 5 years of age.

Advice. Before sowing, the nuts are soaked in water - the floating ones are discarded.

Pecan care, diseases and pests

Young plants need plenty of moisture and protection from weeds. Abundant watering is necessary in hot, dry weather. Pecans also need top dressing and shaping pruning. Pruning is carried out by forming young trees; adult plants no longer need such a procedure. In the spring, dry branches and branches are cut out that overly thicken the crown.

Culture loves regular watering.

Pecan is notable for the fact that it practically does not get sick. Its fruits are not affected by the nut moth, since the fruit has a whole shell, unlike the walnut, which has a soft layer between the halves of the shell.

Important. The pecan tree is a long-liver, bears fruit up to 300 years of age, and can live 500.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Fertilizers containing an increased dose of nitrogen are applied in the spring. Phosphorus and potassium are applied in the fall - they help the wood to ripen and contribute to the laying of the future crop. Mature trees that have crossed the thirty-year milestone can be fed with a mixture of potassium salt, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate.

Pecan nuts are visually similar to olives, which is why it is called the "olive nut". If you have a lot of space on the site, feel free to plant a pecan, and the tree will generously thank you with a harvest.

Pecan properties: video

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