Who is Theodor Herzl? Theodor Herzl biography

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HERZL Theodor (Benyamin Zeev; Theodor Herzl; 1860, Budapest - 1904, Edlach, Austria), founder of political Zionism, herald of the Jewish state and creator of the World Zionist Organization.

Herzl's activities as the founder and leader of the Zionist movement lasted less than ten years, but already during his lifetime his personality became legendary. He combined the features of a prophet and a political leader, a dreamer and a prudent administrator, a romantic writer and a sober practitioner, a refined feuilletonist and a persistent fighter for the implementation of his ideas. Herzl notes in his diary that while working on the book “The Jewish State,” he heard the rustling of mysterious wings, which did not prevent him from developing a detailed plan for the creation and activities of the “Jewish Society” and the “Jewish Financial Company.” Deeply believing in the correctness and feasibility of his ideals, he ignored the ridicule of others and, despite incredible difficulties, firmly followed the intended path. The very appearance of Herzl on the political arena produced a revolutionary shift in the national self-awareness of the Jewish people, which, in turn, stimulated a heightened sense of self-worth and self-respect in every Jew.

For the first time in the history of the Jewish Diaspora, Herzl created a worldwide representation of the Jewish people, gave new meaning to the Jew’s belonging to his nation, thus returning many circles of assimilated Jews to Judaism. He made the main goal of national activity not the alleviation of the suffering of the Jewish people, but the improvement of the situation of Jews in a particular country and the resolution of the Jewish problem on a global scale.

Herzl's aristocratism, his calmness and self-control aroused admiration and sometimes reverence not only among his followers, but also among such opponents of his political concept as Ahad-h-'Am, who after the 1st Zionist Congress wrote that Herzl embodied the turn of the 19th century and 20th century the greatness of the prophets of ancient Israel. The Jewish masses of Europe saw in him a “royal tribune” called upon to return the people to the greatness of antiquity. In the eyes of non-Jews, the appearance of Herzl destroyed the stereotype of the Jew, which had been created for centuries in the Christian and Muslim world. Therefore, the rulers of the powers - the Turkish Sultan, the German Kaiser, nobles and ministers, the Pope - accepted the young Viennese journalist as a recognized representative of the entire Jewish people, despite the fact that he did not and could not have any powers and almost no public support. The World Zionist Organization he created was at first a small minority among the Jewish people. Inspired by the idea of ​​a Jewish state, Herzl, through the power of his logic and conviction, was able to assure many that anti-Semitism is not only a terrible evil for Jews, but also a serious illness that will not stop plaguing European society until the Jewish people have their own corner on earth , where he could again create spiritual values ​​and enrich, as in the past, the culture of the whole world.

After his death, V. Zhabotinsky wrote: “And the day of the end was the day of his heyday, and thunder struck, and the song was not finished - but for him we will finish the song!”

The State of Israel was proclaimed in May 1948, only a few months later than the date predicted by Herzl after the 1st Zionist Congress.

I used to think that no one except me realized that the herald of the state of Israel, the founder of practical political Zionism, was a Christian, and not a Jew, as is commonly believed. But in the magazine "Ogonyok" I found like-minded people:

Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) The creator of political Zionism, a movement that aimed to establish a Jewish state in the land of Israel. Herzl was born into a wealthy Christian family with Jewish roots http://www.kommersant.ru/doc-y/1771667
Theodor Herzl was a journalist, writer, and doctor of jurisprudence.

The city of Herzliya in Israel, the central streets and squares in all cities of Israel are named after Theodor Herzl. His ashes and the ashes of his baptized children were transferred from Europe to Israel and buried on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. This is Israel's main memorial site, similar to the Kremlin Wall in the Soviet Union.

The Herzl Museum was built not far from his grave. The day of Herzl's death according to the Jewish calendar, the 20th day of the month of Tammuz is celebrated in Israel as a national day of his memory. He was revered by Zionist Jews almost as the Messiah, the son of David. Here is how it is described in the Jewish Encyclopedia:

In order for the congress to take place successfully, Herzl had to work without respite. For months he constantly conferred with Zionist leaders in different countries to ensure their attendance at the congress. He went into every detail. Everything was ready in its luxury and splendor, and hundreds of delegates from all over the world arrived for the first World Zionist Congress. The delight of the participants during the opening knew no bounds. The delegate from Russia, writer M. Ben-Ami, gave a characteristic description of the feelings that gripped everyone at this historical event.
"Suddenly everything became quiet in the hall. solemn silence... A completely calm Herzl came onto the stage. I looked at him hungrily. What is this? Isn't this the Herzl I already know?.. This amazingly vivid image of the royal offspring with a deep, concentrated gaze; at the same time sad and beautiful... One from the House of David, which suddenly rose again in all its fabulous splendor. The whole hall shook as if a miracle of history had happened before us... The hall trembled with joyful shouts and applause... It seemed that the great dream of our people, which lasted two millennia, had now come true, and the Messiah, the son of David, stood before us, "
Herzl quite rightly wrote in those days: “If I had to sum up the Basel Congress in one short sentence, I would say: in Basel I created the Jewish State!”
In those days they talked about a certain rabbi who, in order to cool his enthusiasm for the appearance of Herzl. they said that the latter is not a religious person at all. To this the rabbi answered joyfully:
“It’s my happiness that he is like that; otherwise, if he were also a believer, I would already be running through the streets and announcing that he is the Messiah.”

During the closing of the second congress in 1898, the presidium received a telegram of gratitude from the Sultan, in response to the congratulations sent to him.

In those years, the power closest to Turkey was Germany, and Herzl decided, armed with the recommendation of the Duke of Baden, to turn to the German Kaiser Wilhelm II. After an exchange of consultations with those close to the Kaiser, it was decided that the Kaiser would receive Herzl twice: in Constantinople and in Jerusalem, during his trip to the Middle East at the invitation of the Sultan.

Previously, Herzl achieved great success during a mass meeting in London, where he was welcomed ten thousand people, and Salisbury, the head of the British government, declared in his welcoming speech: “The Zionist movement has a great chance of success. The Jews will create a state to the surprise of everyone... The Jewish people, who have withstood so many storms for two thousand years, will have the courage to carry out this idea "(from the Jewish Encyclopedia)

In Israel there is an expression: “A Jew is one whose children are Jewish.” Not only Theodor Herzl himself was born into a Christian family, but also his children:

Today in Jerusalem a solemn ceremony took place for the reburial of the children of Benjamin Ze'ev (Theodor) Herzl, the founder of political Zionism and the visionary of the State of Israel. The coffins containing the remains of Hans and Paulina were buried on Mount Herzl.

Theodor Herzl in his will asked to bury him and his children in the Jewish state, the creation of which he had no doubt. His body was reburied in Israel in 1949. However, only a few weeks ago, Israel's Sephardic Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar decreed that baptized Hans and Paulina are considered Jews, after which the government and the Jewish Agency (Jewish Agency) immediately began the procedure for the reburial of Herzl's children in Israel.

The ceremony on Mount Herzl was attended by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik, head of the Jewish Agency Zeev Belsky, Minister of Absorption Zeev Boym and other political and public figures. President Moshe Katsav was not present at the ceremony http://newsru.co.il/israel/20sep2006/gerzl.html

Curious. According to the Law of Return, baptized Jews are not considered Jews and are prohibited from repatriating to the country created by the Christian Herzl. And the first person who was not recognized as a Jew at the state level was the active Zionist anti-fascist Jew Oswald Rufeisen, who was born into a Jewish family. (details here http://sites.google.com/site/levhudoi/iudeyam-i-ateistam-o-hristianstve/rufaizen_ulitskaya). Even the Supreme Court of Israel said about him verbatim that Jewishness vomited him out of himself.

But, for some reason, Herzl’s baptized children can be buried in the holiest place of the same Jewish state of Israel.

With the spread of Magyar anti-Semitism, the boy was transferred to the Budapest evangelical gymnasium, the majority of students were of Jewish origin

Contrary to popular beliefs among Jews, the reality looks like this:

1) Herzl studied at a Christian school;
2) In the same place,
in a Christian school, not in a Jewish one,many Jews studied;

3) exactly there,at a Christian schoolthere was no anti-Semitism;

Christians in Israel and around the world chew snot, do missionary work among Jews “carelessly,” a teaspoon per hour. But the symbol of the Jewish state was cut from the shoulder with a backhand.

Having received a doctorate in law from the University of Vienna, Herzl continued to believe until the mid-1890s that assimilation or full equality would provide Jews with security in a non-Jewish environment. In 1895 he wrote in his diary:

About two years ago I wanted to solve the Jewish question, at least in Austria, with the help of the Catholic Church. I tried to get guarantees from the Austrian bishops and through them to get an audience with the Pope to tell him: help us in the fight against anti-Semitism, and I will create a strong movement among the Jews so that they will freely and honorably accept Christianity.

Free and worthy in the sense that the leaders of the movement, including myself, will remain Jews and, based on Jewish teaching, will promote the adoption of the dominant religion.

In the light of day, at noon, the conversion to another faith will open with the ringing of bells with a solemn procession to St. Stephen's Cathedral (in Vienna). Not bashfully, as only a few did before, but with their heads held high. The fact that the leaders themselves, remaining within the framework of Judaism, lead the people to the threshold of the church, while they themselves remain outside, will elevate the whole matter and give it deep sincerity. ...

As usual, I imagined this matter in every detail. I already saw myself in negotiations with the Archbishop of Vienna, in my thoughts I was already standing before the Pope...”http://www-r.openu.ac.il/radio/ahad_haam.html

There are also many other references to this fact - half the Internet, I won’t be able to copy it in a year.

Needless to say, Christ and the apostles can only “smoke on the sidelines” next to such a monster of evangelization.

1. The symbol of the Jewish state is characterized by complete disregard for religion. He considers this to be pure convention.

2. The symbol of the Jewish state does not see anything bad in Christianity.

Personally, I consider him an outstanding genius, kindest, sincere person.

But I don’t understand what Herzl says:

Free and dignified in the sense that the leaders of the movement, including myself, will remain Jews and, based on Jewish teachings, will promote the adoption of the dominant religion
Moreover, this

The fact that the leaders themselves, while remaining within the framework of Judaism, escort the people to the threshold of the church, while they themselves remain outside, will elevate the whole matter and give it deep sincerity

Forward, eagles, and I'll follow you!

I was joking, fly yourself!

1. What does it mean “based on Jewish teaching” to promote the adoption of the dominant religion? Where in Jewish teaching is there a basis for advocating acceptance of the mainstream religion? - in my opinion, Herzl by “Jewish teaching” does not mean what is called Jewish teaching in our time, but the true Judaism of biblical times. After all, Christianity arose only among Jews when the book “New Testament” was not written. The first Jewish Christians understood that the Jewish Messiah had already come based on the words of the Jewish prophets in the “Old Testament” or Tanakh in Hebrew.

2. Why should all the Jews accept the “mainstream religion”, except for Herzl and several other “leaders”? Probably Herzl did not advertise that he was already baptized, so as not to embarrass the Jews. If the leaders of Zionism publicly accept Christianity, then for other Jews they will already be strangers.

3. Why will Herzl and the leaders remain Jews, but will promote another religion? Some kind of absurdity. How can you propagate another doctrine that you yourself do not profess? - in my opinion, Herzl assumes that these leaders will be the last to convert to Christianity. Obviously, Herzl follows the “instructions” of the Apostle Paul:

19 Being free from everyone, I made myself a slave to everyone, in order to gain more:

20 to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win the Jews; to those under the law he was as one under the law, in order to gain those under the law;

21 To those who are strangers to the law, as one who is stranger to the law, not being a stranger to the law in the sight of God, but under the law of Christ, so as to win those who are strangers to the law;

22 He was like one who is weak to the weak, that he might gain the weak. I became everything to everyone, so that I could save at least some.

23 But I do this for the sake of the gospel, that I may be a partaker of it (1 Cor. 9:18-27)

4. How will the fact that the leaders themselves lead the people “to the threshold of the church”, while they themselves remain outside, will elevate the whole matter and give it deep sincerity? - it seems to me that the sincerity is that Jewish leaders are promoting Christianity not because they themselves are Christians and “every sandpiper praises his own swamp.”

And one more important point. Few people know that religious Jews were Herzl's main enemies in his Zionist activities. And the most active and sincere helper was the Christian priest, missionary and fighter against anti-Semitism, William Hechler, then revered throughout the world - he did more than Herzl himself and did for free:

In the 19th, and especially in the 20th centuries, the Christian Zionist movement expanded. Its most prominent representative was William Hechler (1854-1931), chaplain at the British Embassy in Vienna, who worked closely with Herzl and did much to legitimize Zionismhttp://www.machanaim.org/tanach/_weekly/ba_zav.htm
The most important role in the development of not only Christian, but also Jewish Zionism was played by William Hechler, an Anglican priest of German origin.
In 1897, after a terrible disappointment from a meeting with the Turkish Sultan, Theodor Herzl began to doubt the future of Zionism.

However, at this moment Hechler, who had read Herzl’s “The Jewish State” and searched all over the world for it, found the leader of the Jewish Zionists and inspired him to make new attempts.

He organized a meeting between Herzl and the Kaiser. Herzl prepared for this meeting for several weeks, collecting arguments for the German monarch, but when it began, he did not have time to utter a word as he was present there Hechler opened the Bible and began discussing Bible prophecies regarding the fate of Israel with the Kaiser. Herzl was sure that this opportunity had been missed, however, to his utter surprise, The Kaiser was convinced by biblical arguments and supported the Zionist project. Hechler continued to actively support Herzl, organizing his meetings with representatives of the British government; He spent 30 years of his life implementing Zionist ideals.

There is another source about Hechler:

A memorial ceremony was held in London on Monday to mark the 80th anniversary of the death of Anglican priest William Henry Heckler. The ceremony was attended by Israeli officials and leaders of the British Jewish community.

Heckler was a children's tutor and personal friend of Grand Duke Frederick I of Baden. In 1896, Heckler, who was serving as a chaplain at the British Embassy in Vienna, read Herzl's essay The Jewish State. Heckler immediately came to the conclusion of the importance of Herzl's work, since he himself believed in the biblical prophecies that at the end of time the Jews would return to Palestine.

Thanks to the assistance of Heckler and the Grand Duke of Baden, Herzl was able to meet with the Turkish Sultan Abdul Hamid II in 1896 and with the German Emperor Wilhelm II in 1898.

Heckler was born in 1845 in India and died in 1931 in London, spending his last years alone and in poverty.

Last year, Heckler's grave in New Southgate Cemetery was discovered by Jerry Klinger, president of the American Jewish Society for Historic Preservation. “I, as a Zionist, could not do otherwise,” explains Klinger. — Heckler was Herzl’s friend and ally until the latter’s death in 1904.

When Herzl died, he urged his supporters not to forget Heckler's contribution to the Zionist cause.

And you can see it: we haven’t forgotten!”

Klinger also noted that it is possible Without Heckler's support, Herzl would have remained an odd Viennese journalist, and Zionism, as a political movement, would never have received mass support.

Deputy Chairman of the World Zionist Organization David Breakstone attended the ceremony. “We are gathered here to pay our respects to the Rev. William Heckler. We also note the significant contribution that Christian believers and Christian organizations have made and continue to make in support of Zionism,” he emphasized.The Israeli Ambassador to the UK, Ron Prozor, also spoke at the ceremony: “The Zionist movement and the Jewish Yishuv in Palestine enjoyed widespread support in Great Britain long before the proclamation of the State of Israel. This is largely due to Christian Zionists, including Reverend Heckler. William Heckler's support for Herzl was a consequence of his deep belief in the inextricable connection between the Jewish people and Eretz Israel."The head of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain, Alan Aziz, said: “It is extremely important for Israel, for the international Zionist movement and for all Jewish people to recognize the support given to us by our Christian friends. The Zionist Federation has strong ties with the Christian community, which we value extremely highly.”“Today, when the very legitimacy of the Jewish state is increasingly being questioned, it is especially important to emphasize the loyalty of our Christian friends to our cause,” said David Breakstonehttp://www.jewish.ru/history/facts/2011/02/news994293280.php

Another source:

William Heckler, an Anglican priest, the son of a Hebrew scholar, based on his study of Bible prophecy, became convinced that 1897 should be a critical year in the restoration of the Jewish state. Therefore, when he read Herzl's book, Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State), three weeks after its publication, he came straight to Herzl and offered himself at Herzl's disposal to help him realize his dream.

Although Heckler himself was not a pleasant person, he had impressive connections. Earlier in his career he was tutor to the children of Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden, who was Kaiser Wilhelm's uncle. Moreover, he convinced the Grand Duke and members of the German royal house that the Jewish state should be restored; he showed them his Bible maps and graphs. He offered to open the doors for Herzl.Herzl was not a religious man. He knew little about prophecies. But he was a pragmatist. He realized that if he wanted to gain the confidence and support of his fellow Jews, he needed to gain the confirmation and support of secular rulers. Moreover, Heckler was an Englishman, and Herzl knew that the Christian restorationists of England were perhaps the strongest allies in his cause that he could find. So he accepted Heckler's offer. Within one month of their first meeting, Heckler arranged for Herzl to have a two-hour audience with Grand Duke Frederick, and he himself spoke directly with Kaiser Wilhelm in Herzl's favor. Frederick approved of Herzl's plan, and used his influence to organize his meeting with the Kaiser, which actually took place in October 1898 in Constantinople and Jerusalem.

The other helper is also a Christian, a secular person. He carried out Herzl's instructions for money.

Without these two Christians there would be no Zionism and Avigdor Lieberman would now be living in his native Moldova. In general, it seems that Herzl was baptized by this Hechler, or Herzl was baptized while still in the evangelical gymnasium, but hid it so that the Jews would believe him and not consider him a traitor.

Especially considering that his children were definitely baptized and he was terribly at enmity with the Jewish authorities, he was cursed by them, they wrote denunciations against him to the police.

And who was the enemy of Herzl and Hechler? Of course, religious Jews! This is what neither the Christian nor the anti-Semitic encyclopedia writes about this, but, attention!!! Official Jewish State Encyclopedia http://eleven.co.il/article/15542#:

One of main sources of anti-Zionism in the Jewish environment was and remains Orthodox Judaism, many adherents of which see in Zionism, based on the concept of natural self-deliverance of the Jewish people, regardless of the Divine will, expressed in the coming of the Messiah to Zion. ... Already the first speeches of Ts. Kh. Kalisher and his few supporters caused a negative reaction from the overwhelming majority of the Orthodox.

One of their spiritual leaders, Rabbi S. R. Hirsch, recognizing that “the Jewish people... will not find their table and their lamp anywhere [will not achieve economic prosperity and spiritual perfection] except in the Holy Land,” he emphasized the same time that Eretz Israel itself and the state created in it were and will be given to the Jews only from above, as a tool for fulfilling the commandments of the Torah

With the emergence of the first Hovevei Zion cells in Russia, Poland, Romania and a number of other countries Orthodox opposition to the nascent Jewish national movement became more vigorous.

The ultra-Orthodox of Galicia, led by the rabbi of the city of Kolomyia, H. Lichtenstein (1815–91), waged the most irreconcilable fight against him. The spiritual leaders of the Hasidim (see Hasidism), as a rule, strictly forbade their adherents to collaborate with Hovevei Zion, and later with Zionists, especially religious ones.

The same position was taken by the Machzikei Hadat organization, created by the Orthodox rabbis of Galicia and Bukovina in 1878 (initially to combat assimilators and maskilim). Even the liberal-minded rabbi of Vienna, A. Jellinek, decisively rejected the offer to join Hovevei Zion, conveyed to him by L. Pinsker, and entered into a public controversy with him. The Orthodox, who formed the backbone of the “old” Yishuv, were extremely hostile towards the participants in the first aliyah.

Managers largest orthodox communities in a decisive manner condemned the ideas of T. Herzl and plans for the convening of the Zionist Congress ( the orthodoxies of Munich prevented it from being held in that city), and in some countries (for example, the Netherlands) even Believers were forbidden to join Zionist organizations under penalty of herem.

Group orthodox Mitnagdim rabbis established in Kovno the so-called “Black Bureau” (“Ha-Lishka Hashkhora”), which issued anti-Zionist literature.

Two of the five Protestrabbiner who signed the strongly anti-Zionist declaration in 1897 (see Zionism), which a year later was supported by the Association of German Rabbis, belonged to Orthodoxy; the very fact of the emergence of the Protestrabbiner group, which included both the orthodox and their opponents from the reformist camp, showed that anti-Zionism became one of the points of contact between them.

Even in our time, religious Jews living compactly in small settlements in Israel is renaming Herzl streets in their towns after various rabbis.

So, if religious Jews had not been clever, had not relied on the Talmud, but had listened to Christians Herzl and Hechler, then there would have been no Holocaust - the Jews would have created their own refuge state even before Hitler. There was enough time left.

The historian Walter Lacker wrote about the relationship between Judaism and Zionism in his book

"HISTORY OF ZIONISM". (Moscow. "Kron-press". 2000)

Page 139:

CHIEF RABBI Viennese Gudemann sharply ridiculed Herzl, calling him " Cuckoo"Jewish nationalism. Claimed that Jews are NOT A NATION, that they are united only by faith in God and that Zionism is not compatible with Jewish beliefs (Moritz Gudemann. Nationaljudentum. Leipzig and Vienna, 1897).
Page 142:
Herzl's closest assistant was Wilhelm Hechler, a priest (*Christian, of course*) of the British embassy in Vienna
Page 135:
Herzl was against any form of theocracy: “Priests should not be allowed to interfere in government.”
Page 147:
In October 1896, Herzl wrote in his diary: “In Germany I have only opponents
Page 148:
The leaders of the Munich community declared that the Jewish question does not exist, it certainly does not exist either in central or Western Europe

Here is what Herzl wrote in his book about the future Jewish state:

But maybe we will eventually have a theocratic government?
Let's say we can answer this negative.
Religion unites us, but conscience sets us free. We will not even allow the powerless desires of our clergy to arise. By giving them our churches, just as we give our police barracks, we will give them as much rights and respect as the duties of both deserve and require.

Please note that Jewish anti-Zionism is based precisely on the religious dogmas of Judaism. For the adherents of Judaism

see in Zionism, based on the concept of natural self-deliverance of the Jewish people, regardless of the Divine will, expressed in the coming of the Messiah, a break with the religious tradition of Jewry, which consolidated the eschatological interpretation of the return to Zion.

The most disgusting concrete act was committed by the Jews at the end of the 19th century, when they disrupted the very first Zionist congress, which was supposed to take place in, perhaps, the most Jewish city in Europe - Munich. The Jews reported a false denunciation to the police against Theodor Herzl, Hechler and their associates. As a result, the congress had to be moved to a later date in a city where there are not many Jews - in Basel, Switzerland. Time was lost, and most importantly, the broad Jewish masses were deceived by the rabbis and turned away from the Zionist movement. The same Jewish encyclopedia notes:

In 70, the army of Titus Vespasian surrounded Jerusalem, but unexpectedly retreated for unknown reasons. The Christians of Jerusalem obeyed their Teacher and quickly left the city, “fleeing to the mountains,” while the Jews who did not believe in Jesus remained. The Christians were saved, but the Jews died or were taken into captivity. Haredim wrote on each of them "Pagan".

In addition, hooligans burned the Israeli flag, thus demonstrating denial of the very idea of ​​​​the founding and existence of the State of Israel http://www.strana.co.il/news/?ID=51484

I'm not sure, but by "pagan" they most likely meant "Christian" because they apparently know from their sources who he is.

Another note on this topic http://www.7kanal.com/news.php3?id=12186:

The Bnei Brak municipality decided to rename Herzl Street to Rabbi Shah Street.

Life is full of surprises. It happens that someone’s most seemingly impossible idea unexpectedly finds its embodiment in some incredible way. It was this idea that once radically changed the life of the Austrian journalist Theodor Herzl.

To find your purpose, you need to decide on your goals.

This happened in December 1894. Theodor Herzl covered the Dreyfus trial in Paris in his newspaper. Observing the growing wave on this basis, he came to the conclusion that the only true path leading to solving the endless problems of the Jewish people was the creation of their own state. And this idea took hold of him so much that it literally turned his entire future fate upside down.

Within a year, he developed the program, and its goals found response and support among many Jews scattered around the world. This was especially evident in Russia, where their rights were most limited and they experienced great oppression. This was the beginning of a movement that later became known as Zionism. At the two congresses that followed, political and economic decisions were made that gave this movement official status. Methods for implementing these decisions were also developed there.

Next, there was intense, never-ending work: negotiations with political leaders and, the opening of an international bank and the formation of the structures of the World Zionist Organization, the purchase of lands in Palestine and Jewish emigrants on them, the search for allies and endless disputes with opponents.

Half a century later, after these events, an independent Jewish state was created in Palestine.

So how did Theodor Herzl change the world?

Indeed, at first glance, he was trying to solve a purely national problem. But look - today in all media it is mentioned much more often than any other. Since its founding, regardless of the relationship to Israel and the Jews, the events taking place on this land have aroused the keenest interest of everyone. And, in the end, the issue of creating this state was decided by the entire world community.

We are not able to understand what is hidden beyond the boundaries of our reality, but even from the perspective of this world it is obvious that the very existence of the Jewish state influences a variety of events and processes that we observe in the modern world.

The impossible becomes possible when you start living for your neighbors

It is not surprising that unrealistic ideas sometimes find their place in life - this happens if such an idea affects the interests of many. Therefore, the wider the circle of those interested, the greater the likelihood of its implementation, and if this concerns all of humanity, then Nature itself begins to contribute to this.

Of course, the person who brings this idea to life matters. If he is passionate about this idea and gives himself completely to it, there are always people nearby who are also passionate about it and bring it to the intended goal.

Theodor Herzl died on July 3, 1904 – his heart gave out. He was 44 years old. The last words he spoke were “The bell is tolling for me. I am not a coward, and I can calmly face death, especially since I have not wasted my last years.”

Theodor Herzl - writer, journalist, founder of political Zionism. His name is the main symbol of modern Israel, as well as all of Jewish history. Theodore created the World Zionist Organization. Many boulevards and streets in Israeli cities are named after him. This article will describe a brief biography of the writer.


Theodor Herzl was born in Budapest in 1860. The boy grew up in an assimilated family, which was not alien to Jewish traditions. Moreover, Theodore’s grandfather was a Jew and studied with Rabbi Alkalay Yehuda. The boy's mother and father did not particularly observe Jewish customs. Although young Herzl was bar mitzvahed and circumcised, his commitment to Judaism was rather superficial. He knew neither the language nor the elementary customs of Israel.


From a young age, Theodor Herzl loved to read literature and write poetry. While studying at the gymnasium, the boy published his reviews of plays and books in a Budapest newspaper. Soon, Theodore left the gymnasium, offended by the teacher’s anti-Semitic explanations.

In 1878, the Herzl family moved to Vienna, where the young man entered the university to study law. Six years later, Theodor received his doctorate and worked for some time in the courts of Salzburg and in the Austrian capital. But soon the future writer gave up on jurisprudence.

Literary and journalistic activities

Since 1885, Theodor Herzl, whose quotes are still used by many Israelis, devoted himself exclusively to writing. He composed a number of philosophical stories and plays. In the early 1890s, the young man earned a reputation in Europe as a brilliant journalist. Theodore's forte was short essays and feuilletons. At that time, the only Jewish topic he addressed was anti-Semitism. Nevertheless, he defended a number of famous people of this nationality in Europe who converted to Catholicism. Herzl hoped that this would encourage other Jews to convert en masse and lead to the end of anti-Semitism. But then he came to the conclusion: such “euthanasia” has neither moral nor practical meaning.

Dreyfus affair

Soon Herzl, whose life story is known to any Jew, became a supporter of Zionism. This was due to the Alfred Dreyfus affair. The latter was publicly subjected to the rite of “civil execution”: the orders were torn from his uniform and his sword was broken. Theodore was present at this ceremony and was amazed by the screams of the French crowd. She called for Dreyfus to be killed.

Jewish state

Re-creation of the Jewish state - it was with this idea that Herzl caught fire. The writer's ideas required support. And he went to look for her from Baron de Hirsch and the Rothschilds - the richest Jews on the planet. However, this turned out to be a useless undertaking. But Theodore did not abandon his idea and wrote a pamphlet, “The Jewish State,” containing 63 pages. There he explained in detail why it was possible to create it and told how to do it.

Development of Zionism

About ten years passed between the humiliation of Dreyfus and the death of the writer. During this period, Theodore managed to found all the main structures of the Zionist movement. In 1897, the first congress of this community took place in Basel. Every year the number of its members increased. Jews saw in Zionism a real political movement capable of solving their problems.

During the first year of his activity, Theodore tried to enlist the support of the Turkish Sultan (Eretz Israel was under his rule). But long negotiations were unsuccessful. After this, Herzl decided to turn his attention towards a more far-sighted England. In 1917, when Theodore had been dead for 13 years, this country literally wrested control over Eretz Israel from the hands of Turkey. And then England released the Balfour Declaration, which supported the idea of ​​​​creating a Jewish state on this Israeli land.

Theodor Herzl about Russia

The hero of this article visited our country in 1903. In all Jewish places Theodore was welcomed as a messiah. Herzl also met with Russian officials and tried to convince them to put pressure on the Sultan so that the writer’s treaty campaign in Palestine would be successful. Herzl made the greatest impression on Plehve (Minister of Foreign Affairs). Perhaps Theodore’s most famous statement about our country is: “To conquer the world, you need to conquer Russia.” Here are a few more popular quotes: “Money is a good and pleasant thing, but people spoil it,” “The rich can make you famous; but only the poor can make you a hero,” “A nation is a historical community of people, united by the presence of a common enemy.”

Personal life

Herzl and his family had to pay a very high price for their passion for Zionism. In 1889, Theodor married Julia Nashauer. But, being an obsessed man, he paid very little attention to her. The wife's family included people with mental illness. This affected the fate of Theodore's children. Paulina (eldest daughter) died due to drug use. Son Hans committed suicide on the day of his sister's funeral. Truda's youngest daughter spent almost her entire life in hospitals, and ended it in one of the Nazi concentration camps. But she managed to give birth to a son. In 1946, Herzl's only grandson committed suicide. Thus, the writer had no heirs.


In addition to the intense struggle for Zionism, Theodor Herzl, whose biography was presented above, participated in fierce verbal battles with opponents. This led to an exacerbation of his heart disease. The situation was complicated by pneumonia. Soon the writer's condition worsened, and he died in July 1904 in Edlach (Austria).


In his will, Theodor Herzl asked to be buried next to his father in Vienna. And as soon as the Jewish people have the opportunity, let them transfer his body to Israeli soil. Theodore's remains were transported only in August 1949. Now the writer’s ashes rest in Jerusalem on Mount Herzl. The death day of the founder of Zionism is celebrated on the 20th day of the month of Tammuz.

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