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5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is a chemical byproduct of an amino acid that is involved in the formation of the neurotransmitters melatonin and serotonin, which improve mood and reduce hunger.

It is extracted from an African shrub known as Griffonia simplefolia. 5-Hydroxytryptophan is produced commercially and is often included in many appetite suppressants and fat burning medications.

5-HTP is recommended for use by people suffering from sleep disorders, insomnia, anxiety disorders, depression, and migraines. 5-HTP also helps with headaches, obesity, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Parkinson's disease and menstrual irregularities.

First of all, this substance is responsible for the production of serotonin in the brain.

To understand how 5-HTP works, you need to understand how serotonin works.

Serotonin is one of the main neurotransmitters designed to improve mood and fight depression.

A decrease in serotonin levels in the body can lead to a number of psychological disorders, including depression and nervousness. This is where 5-HTP comes into play. It increases serotonin levels in patients whose diseases are associated with low levels of this neurotransmitter.

It affects the brain and central nervous system, stimulating the secretion of serotonin. Taking 5-HTP can improve sleep patterns, reduce appetite, improve sexual behavior and reduce pain.

The recommended dose of 5-HTP is 300-500 mg. The drug can be taken once a day or divided into smaller doses and taken throughout the day. When using 5-HTP in combination with similar drugs, the dosage may be reduced.

If you are going to use 5-HTP as an appetite suppressant for weight loss, the supplement should be taken with meals.

When used as part of the treatment of psychological or neurological disorders, use extreme caution when taking 5-HTP with other drugs. Some reckless combinations can lead to catastrophic consequences. For example, concomitant use of 5-HTP and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can be fatal. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor first.

Health Benefits of 5-HTP

Participation in the secretion of serotonin makes 5-HTP an incredibly useful treatment for various disorders. In addition to practical benefits, there are a number of theoretical advantages that are being actively tested by scientists.

Depressive disorders

The use of 5-HTP as the sole therapeutic agent for the treatment of depression is the subject of active debate. Although 5-HTP's effect on serotonin production theoretically makes it useful in treating depression, there is limited clinical evidence to support this theory.

Scientists from the Cochrane Collaboration came to this conclusion in 2002. After a thorough analysis of 108 patients, they found that 5-HTP was better than placebo in treating depression. However, the evidence obtained from this study was considered insufficient. ()

Obesity and weight loss

Many researchers have studied the effects of 5-HTP on hunger suppression and weight loss.

In one study, 20 overweight or obese women used a spray containing Griffonia simplefolia extract, a source of 5-HTP, five times a day. After 4 weeks of observation, the scientists noted that the subjects began to overeat significantly less often, which led to weight loss in the group. ()

A number of other studies also suggest a relationship between 5-HTP use and weight loss. ( , , , )

It is safe to say that regular use of 5-HTP helps reduce appetite, which in turn promotes weight loss.

Sleep disorders

Taking 5-HTP supplements may also help treat sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep disturbances. This is because the release of serotonin caused by 5-HTP intake helps improve sleep quality.

At least one scientific study confirms this. In this study, patients with sleep disorders took a neurotransmitter depressant in combination with 5-HTP. As a result, there was a significant reduction in the time it took patients to fall asleep. Additionally, the treatment resulted in improved quality and duration of sleep, as measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). ()

Other uses

5-HTP has been found to be effective in relieving alcohol withdrawal symptoms. It also helps reduce anxiety and panic attacks.

In addition, 5-HTP has been shown to be effective in reducing pain, weakness, fatigue and anxiety in patients with fibromyalgia.

In patients with Parkinson's disease, 5-HTP reduces tremors, but the effect only lasts for 5 months. Some drugs containing 5-HTP have been shown to improve symptoms of schizophrenia in young people.

Side effects of 5-HTP

Although there are no mandatory side effects, in some cases 5-HTP may have negative effects on certain groups of people.

For example, in some patients, taking 5-HTP has led to the development of eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS). This is a serious disorder, the symptoms of which are excessive muscle weakness and impaired blood formation.

However, it should be noted that there is no scientific evidence to suggest that 5-HTP alone can lead to EMS. It is possible that this condition is caused by some impurities or minor substances included in the preparations with 5-HTP.

Other possible side effects include heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, impaired muscle tone, abdominal pain and drowsiness.


  1. First of all, 5-HTP affects the production of serotonin and melatonin.
  2. Because serotonin improves mood, medications containing 5-HTP may be used in the treatment of depressive disorders.
  3. It is also an effective treatment for obesity as it reduces hunger and increases satiety.

Anna Streltsova

04.04.2018 04.12.2018
Good afternoon I am a nutritionist and the site's editor-in-chief. My practice is located in Riga, and the lecture can be heard in the city of Jelgava. An excellent team of professionals works on our articles.

I promised to tell you tryptophan 5-htp - a supplement that relieves stress, irritability and increased appetite with a bang. This is an excellent amino acid 5-htp from Solgar, which has a mega positive result! =)

As I wrote, I always have 2-3 capsules of 5-htp with me in a spare bag.

I don't drink them all the time, but as soon as I feel a stressful situation approaching, or long before it (negotiations, problems at work, I want to eat something), I take it out and drink one or two things. Or you wake up on the wrong foot in the morning, and immediately take a couple of tryptophan capsules so that the day starts and goes well. Usually after 15 minutes he lets go, and life plays with new colors))

What is 5-htp tryptophan

5htp is 5-hydroxytryptophan: a form of tryptophan. This is a natural amino acid that effectively relieves depression, improves sleep and relieves increased anxiety. In fact, this is an effective substance that will give odds to any pharmacological drug.

Some doctors called it the best sleeping pill that cannot be found in pharmacies. For me, its advantage is that tryptophan surprisingly lifts the mood and relieves anxiety!

The secret of its effectiveness is that it is able to influence biochemical processes in the brain. This amino acid increases serotonin production in the brain, the main calming hormone that creates a feeling of emotional well-being.

That is why tryptophan is so effective for depression, unlike antidepressant medications, which act differently, slowing down the breakdown of serotonin in the brain and have a bunch of side effects.

Tryptophan is also effective in cases of irritability, aggressiveness and hostility, especially during PMS. They also successfully treat eating disorders (gluttony, bulimia), just what we need so as not to break down and not eat everything indiscriminately.

We need the effect of calm, joy and happiness, and not extra pounds =))

How much to drink, dosage

Effective daily dose of 5-htp is 300-400 mg per day.

For insomnia, the bulk of the dose is best taken before bed, but for depression, anxiety and uncontrollable passion for food, divide it into several doses and take throughout the day.

I usually drink when I feel bad or anxious, that is, not every day, although sometimes it happens every day, yes.

Or during a diet - when leaving home from work, I drink 1-2 capsules of tryptophan, so that when I get home I can eat cottage cheese or salad for dinner, and not a bunch of fatty and unhealthy things)) That is, I usually get 200 mg per day, very rarely when 300-400 mg of tryptophan.

How to drink 5-htp correctly

It is best on an empty stomach, before meals, since 5-htp is delivered directly to the brain by the amino acid delivery system, and after eating, this system will be busy delivering amino acids already received with food.

That is, you can do this - we get up in the morning, drink several glasses of water and one or two capsules of tryptophan.

What is good about tryptophan from Solgar?

Maximum efficiency take tryptophan along with B vitamins, which prolong the effect of tryptophan, maintaining a joyful mood and a relaxed state throughout the day.

Therefore, the Solgarovsky 5-htp complex is very cleverly built!

It combines tryptophan not only with B6 but also with magnesium, which helps cope with sudden fluctuations in blood sugar levels, preventing acute hunger and uncontrolled appetite.

Briefly: why take 5-HTP

  • uncontrollable increased appetite, eating to lift your mood
  • effective safe sleeping pill
  • with PMS
  • improves mood, relieves stress
  • seasonal depression in spring and autumn
  • irritability, aggressiveness, hostility
  • chronic fatigue syndrome

Where to buy tryptophan 5-HTP

I buy Solgar's tryptophan here on iherb:

  • Tryptophan Solgar 100 mg

If you choose a smaller dosage, 50 mg, I can recommend these:

  • Nutricology 50 mg, 150 Veggie Caps(the best prices are the best)
  • Thorne Research, 5-Hydroxy-Tryptophan(there are fewer capsules here than in the previous ones, but vitamin B6 is added, which prolongs the effect of tryptophan).

The instructions will help you order, also see from this store, there are many other supplements and organic nutrition.

Have you tried 5-htp tryptophan? What are your reviews about the supplement?

Hello! Today we will talk about L tryptophan, or, as it is called, 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan (5-HTP for short). A very interesting supplement that can make you a little happier.

L tryptophan or 5-HTP. What it is?


This amino acid is a substance (precursor) leading to the formation of serotonin.

Many will ask: “So what? What's so special about this supplement?

And the fact, dear friends, is that SEROTONIN, first of all, is able to influence our mood (make it better).

Also, there are other very important functions.

Functions of serotonin

Serotonin affects SO MANY functions in the body.

  1. As I said above, serotonin contributes to QUALITATIVE IMPROVEMENT OF MOOD! It’s not for nothing that it is called the “hormone of joy” or “hormone of happiness.” One of the most important functions, I think. In many countries it is used as an antidepressant.
  2. Improves sleep quality. This is a very important function for both athletes and ordinary people. You sleep much more soundly, get enough sleep in less time, and begin to see beautiful dreams.
  3. For example, when serotonin levels decrease, the sensitivity of the body's pain system increases, i.e. even the slightest irritation can cause pain. For us, those who play sports, this situation is not very suitable, because... We already constantly struggle with muscle pain, pain from restrictions, etc. We don't need any additional pain.
  4. Serotonin, by stimulating certain serotonin receptors in the liver stimulates increased synthesis of blood clotting factors.
  5. Serotonin is involved in the process of contractility of the uterus and fallopian tubes in women, as well as in the coordination of childbirth.
  6. Serotonin is involved in the ovulation process.
  7. Takes part in the stimulation of the genital organs (which entails improved erection and blood flow to the female genital organs).

All of these above functions can be attributed to this supplement, because... 5- HTPis a SEROTONIN PRECURSOR!

The scheme is extremely simple:

TRYPTOPHAN => 5- HTP => SEROTONIN(good mood) + MELATONIN(good dream)

My impressions of using 5-HTP

I have been using this supplement relatively recently. I only tried it this summer of 2017.

I noticed sensations from its use after about 2 weeks.

  • I became calmer. I can handle stress much easier. It's harder to lose your temper.
  • I don’t consider myself a depressed person anyway, but periods of good mood began to “roll” more often.
  • Erection. It's difficult to explain, because... There are no problems with her anyway, but some new sensations have appeared. The blood flow is even better, the desire to do “this” more often, etc. I think the effect is good =)
  • Sleep has become much better. Sometimes you get overexcited, overworked, a lot of things pile up, and insomnia sets in. This has never happened before with this supplement. The sleep is very deep. It is very difficult to wake up) I began to sleep very well. This also adds to the mood.

Dosage in 1 capsule: 100 mg 5-HTP. This is a very good dosage. In our pharmacies I only saw a dosage of 50 mg, but it was much more expensive.

Dosage: 1 capsule per day for prevention (if you are in a depressed mood, you can drink 2-3 capsules per day).

Time of receipt: I drink it in the morning during breakfast. I do this to correct my mood. Or you can drink before bed (for even better sleep).

I bought it at a very good price right here. I have never seen it cheaper anywhere!

I often order supplements from this site. So far everything is good. Fast delivery, excellent quality, working dietary supplements. If I find something even better, I will definitely tell you.

And so, for now there is no better price, and, probably, there is no offer anywhere.


So, let's summarize the above a little.

  • 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan(or oxytriptan) is an amino acid that is part of proteins.
  • This amino acid is a precursor to serotonin.
  • Serotonin affects many body functions. Helps create a good mood and quality sleep.
  • TRYPTOPHAN => 5- HTP => SEROTONIN(good mood) + MELATONIN(good dream)

And that’s all for today, friends. I hope this information is useful to you.

I really like to experiment and do different experiences. Sometimes this gives very interesting results.

"The search for truth is more important than the possession of truth"(Albert Einstein)

See you later, friends.

Subscribe to my Instagram, where I publish all sorts of photos almost every day: https://www.instagram.com/volkovkit/

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse.

With respect and best wishes,!

The dietary supplement 5-hydroxytryptophan has recently become more in demand. But what kind of drug is this, how does it affect the body, how to take it correctly and are there any warnings for its use?

What it is?

This supplement is called 5-htp in short. This is a chemical form of tryptophan, a natural amino acid, and is used as a dietary supplement. The raw material for its production is the seeds of the Griffonia simplicifolia plant.

The amino acid 5-htp helps our body produce serotonin, it is called a calming hormone because it has a positive effect on emotional state. At the same time, a lack of serotonin has a detrimental effect on sleep, mood and leads to appetite disturbance (there is a desire to constantly chew something). Therefore, today the 5-htp dietary supplement is used to improve sleep, improve mood, reduce migraines and even lose extra pounds.

Useful action

First of all, 5-hydroxytryptophan is a sedative that can be taken during depression, panic attacks and neurosis. In addition, doctors recommend it for insomnia. It can provide more noticeable results than antidepressant medications.

This remedy can also provide relief from migraines and premenstrual syndrome (if you feel irritability, aggression and low mood). But if you are being treated with antidepressants, you can start taking this dietary supplement only after your doctor’s approval, since unexpected reactions of the body are possible.

5-hydroxytryptophan: instructions for use

To feel the effect of taking this dietary supplement, the daily dose should be 100-300 mg. It is best if the daily intake is lower at first, for example 70-150 mg. For insomnia, the main dose of the drug should be before bedtime. If you want to get rid of depression, anxiety or passion for food, then the daily intake should be divided into doses throughout the day.

But you can take this drug not systematically, but only at those moments when problems with mood arise. If you are taking 5-hydroxytryptophan to curb binge eating, you can take a capsule before work. This will help you in the evening, when you return home, not to overeat, but to get by with just a snack.

It is best to take the supplement on an empty stomach, before meals. This will allow the drug to get into the brain faster. Therefore, it would be good to drink a capsule immediately after waking up, and another one in the evening before dinner.

When will the result appear?

You can feel the effect of taking the dietary supplement immediately. 15 minutes after you drink the capsule, you will feel a surge of good mood, which will not be spoiled by minor troubles. In addition, 5-hydroxytryptophan accumulates in the body, so after taking the drug, the effect will continue. So, if you are on a diet and the dietary supplement has already run out, you will still control the desire to “chew”, since the brutal appetite will not return soon.


Although the drug is of plant origin and is practically harmless in comparison with pharmaceutical drugs, it still has a number of side effects. In order not to harm the body, it is important not to exceed the permissible dosage. Side effects may include flatulence, constipation, colic, heartburn, feeling of excessive satiety, nausea, fluid retention and vomiting. Headaches, rashes and delirious dreams also sometimes occur.

But in addition to side effects, 5-hydroxytryptophan can worsen the condition of the following diseases: hypertension, anorexia, irritable bowel syndrome, peripheral neuralgia, peptic ulcer, hemophilia, and myalgia. Those who have diseases of the hepatobiliary and respiratory systems, as well as Crohn's disease, need to think about whether to take the drug or not.

What is hydroxytryptophan? This miracle pills with an unpronounceable name, which successfully relieve irritability and stress, and also completely destroy the desire to immediately eat half the refrigerator! We are talking about tryptophan, which our body needs, and its derivative - 5-hydroxytryptophan, or, for short - 5 - HTP.

What is it and why should you drink it?

5htp, or 5-hydroxytryptophan, is one of the chemical forms natural tryptophan, which effectively relieves symptoms of depression, neutralizes stress and improves sleep. This extremely safe and effective substance easily outperforms any vaunted pharmacological drug. Many doctors call it that - the best sleeping pill that you will not find in pharmacies. Although, perhaps, this is not even the main advantage of 5-hydroxytryptophan - that it, without any side effects, including drowsiness, gives good and restful sleep. And the fact that it perfectly lifts your mood and effectively relieves anxiety!

The secret of tryptophan's exceptional effectiveness is that it can influence ongoing biochemical processes in the brain. This amino acid is a substance natural to the body, and in a very natural way, it increases the production of serotonin in the brain - the main calming hormone, which is directly responsible for the internal feeling of emotional well-being. Thanks to these properties, tryptophan is so effective in overcoming depression, in contrast to chemically synthesized antidepressant drugs, the mechanism of action of which is completely different: they slow down the breakdown of serotonin in the brain and at the same time have a lot of negative side effects, but we don’t need them at all !

Tryptophan exclusively effective with manifestations of irritability, hostility, aggressiveness, from which women especially suffer during PMS period. It is tryptophan that successfully treats eating disorders such as bulimia or gluttony. Agree, how many times have you already flown home after a hard, nervous day at work and indiscriminately ate everything you could find in the refrigerator - without even feeling particularly hungry, simply because your raging nerves demanded to somehow calm them down!

How much to drink?

The effective daily intake of 5-hydroxytryptophan is 100 to 300 mg per day. If you suffer from insomnia, it is best to take the bulk of the dose immediately before bed. If you suffer from depression, anxiety and an uncontrollable passion for food, then the daily dose should be divided into several doses and consumed throughout the day. These are general recommendations from specialists working with nutraceuticals.

Ideally, it is optimal to start with a dosage of 70-150 mg, and take 5-htp 1 capsule immediately before stress or when you feel that “here it is, it’s coming and it’s overwhelming.” You can drink 5-hydroxytryptophan not systemically, but only when you feel a bad mood or anxiety. Or during
diets - just in the morning, when leaving for work, drink 1-2 capsules of tryptophan, so that later, when you return home, you can eat healthy cottage cheese or salad for dinner, and not empty the refrigerator and load up on all sorts of fatty, fried, unhealthy foods.

The effect of taking 5-hydroxytryptophan comes very quickly, after 15 minutes the mood is excellent and joyful, and neither traffic jams, nor the neighbor saleswoman, nor queues, nor rain can spoil it! The effect of hydroxytryptophan is cumulative, which is due to the essence of the chemical reactions occurring in the body. After stopping the product, your appetite will not become brutal again, as happens after stopping the vast majority of pharmaceutical drugs that work to suppress appetite.

How to drink?

It is most effective to drink 5-hydroxytryptophan before meals, on an empty stomach, since in this case 5-htp will be immediately delivered to the brain by the amino acid delivery system operating in the body, and after eating, this system will be busy delivering completely different amino acids - those that came with food. That is, the ideal regimen for taking 5-hydroxytryptophan is as follows: in the morning, after waking up, we drink one or two capsules, and in the evening before dinner, another one, so that after a hard day you don’t overeat at night (this is especially true for those who are watching their weight) .

So, 5 reasons to take 5-hydroxytryptophan:

Good luck and have a great mood!

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