Pisces guy Virgo girl. Pisces man and Virgo woman: love compatibility of opposite signs

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Union Virgo-woman - Pisces-man, the compatibility of these opposite signs raises some doubts. It is unlikely that this relationship will last for a long time. It will consist of continuous conflicts and misunderstandings.


The Pisces man is dreamy, very emotional, impressionable and sensitive. He has a constant change of mood. By nature, he is kind, undemanding, but unstable and contradictory. Only a truly loving woman can understand him. He is constantly in the realm of his illusions. He is prone to drug addiction, breaking the law, and alcoholism. Being very impressionable, he easily adopts the habits of others. It is interesting to talk with him, as he understands poetry, art, and music. Money constantly slips through his fingers, as he spends it recklessly. Alone, he cannot cope with his misfortunes, so he needs a woman who will help him in everything. He lacks self-confidence, and therefore he attracts those occupying leading positions and the Lady should not count on his devotion. He cannot be like that, since he is very receptive and easily influenced.

Virgo woman - Pisces man: compatibility in business

Such a union of Virgo and Pisces may have weak and They work normally together, they are efficient, but minor clashes may arise between them. They are both prudent and careful, but it is almost impossible to combine the intuition of Pisces and the rational thinking of Virgo. In addition, they both love to gossip, and because of this, the atmosphere in the team may suffer. It is extremely rare for these signs to have common business, since none of them wants to take responsibility.

Virgo woman - Pisces man: sexual compatibility

A Pisces man will feel good only with a woman who is aware of her sexual needs and knows how to tactfully hint to him about what she likes. In sex, everything unconventional excites him. Thanks to intimate relationships, he can become close to a woman and unite with his soul. The partner should slowly undress him, admiring his body. His favorite position is sitting on a chair. The woman should be on top, their faces should be opposite. He will like it if she is married, as he is captivated by secret connections. By pleasing an unbridled woman, he himself receives pleasure. Virgo is very restrained in affection. She will reject the excessive sexual preferences of the Pisces man. The logical and practical Virgo will not get along with the extravagant tastes of her partner. They will never have a bright passion, with scenes of jealousy and carnal pleasures.

Virgo woman - Pisces man friendship compatibility

Demanding Virgo and vulnerable Pisces can be friends. They will be able to work in the same field and share their experience.

What if it's the other way around? Virgo man - Pisces woman

Help people with your work. Throughout his life, he rushes between the desire to help people and the desire for a quiet life. The Pisces woman lives by feelings. She falls in love easily and often does not know which man to choose. This woman dreams of a tough and strong partner, but marries a weak and soft one. She will be happy if she can combine her fantasies and reality.

Virgo man - Pisces woman: sex

Pisces women are skilled in love and overly sensitive. They like being on top. They often start relationships on the side. It is very difficult for a Virgo man to talk about how he feels. He is cold in the sphere of feelings and completely taciturn. He expresses his love in everyday activities and gifts that he presents to Pisces. But it may seem to her that her companion does not feel anything for her. This will make her suspicious and may cause a scandal. As a result, such an alliance may collapse forever.

The compatibility of these zodiac signs is not the best, but through the efforts of both parties it can become better and stronger. Virgo and Pisces are radically different personalities, and if they do not have a strong enough incentive to accept each other as they are, it is better to end this relationship immediately. Otherwise, representatives of both zodiac signs may withdraw into themselves, and there will simply be no chance of mutual understanding.

VIRGO man and PISCES woman

There is no clear leader in this relationship; in this couple no one strives to be in charge. The Virgo man is more practical than his companion, who often comes in dreams and is far from reality. He will have to take responsibility for the development of these relationships, thereby he will become more confident in himself. The Pisces woman will be pleased with this turn of events, but only on the condition that he does not constantly criticize her and try to remake her.

♍ + ♓: In love

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- If a Virgo guy is interested in a girl born under the sign of Pisces, most likely he doesn’t know her well enough. She is feminine, sweet and knows how to charm, but virgins are used to choosing with their minds and not with the call of their hearts. Having gotten to know his beloved better, the Virgo guy will begin to notice the difference between himself and this girl, and the difference in the perception of the world between them is as great as an abyss.

For a Pisces girl, this young man is attractive for his reliability and intelligence, but over time his practicality will begin to seem boring to her. In addition, Pisces are very emotional people who take everything to heart; they tend to constantly express their feelings. The Virgo guy has a calmer temperament, but his chosen one may regard this as coldness towards herself. The girl will begin to resent and demand attention, and this will confuse the guy. If the lovers fail to overcome this crisis in the relationship, the couple will break up.

♍ + ♓: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION- Having gotten married, this couple will greatly surprise everyone around them, because in everyday life they simply cannot have agreement. The Virgo man approaches everything rationally, he does not accept unnecessary expenses, he loves order in the house and in business, and in relations with loved ones, everything should be transparent for him. A Pisces woman will forever remain a mystery to him, even if they live together all their lives. She does not have clear plans for the future and tends to change her opinion about people and her views on the same situations several times. She also has a unique idea of ​​order in the house. She loves cleanliness, she always knows where and what she has, but according to her husband, she has no logic in arranging objects and no approach to cleaning. Of course, not all of life comes down to washing pots, but in the relationship between spouses this is far from the only disagreement.

Both spouses have different attitudes towards shared money, the wife is not inclined to save, and the husband tries to save for a rainy day. The Pisces woman’s friends and acquaintances seem dubious to her husband; he prefers to spend time at home with his family.

There is almost no compatibility in intimate life. The wife in this family loves gentle caresses and hugs, but the husband is not so sensual and emotional. The Pisces woman will think that the reason is in her; she will regard the coldness of her husband as indifference. If spouses do not talk openly and share their deepest feelings with each other, the marriage can crack at the seams.

♍ + ♓: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION- This couple will find common topics for conversation, their conversations can be long and exciting, but there cannot be trust between these people, and therefore is excluded. The Pisces girl is seen by a friend as talkative and unreliable, and he will burden her with his pedantry. The Virgo guy is inclined to criticize people, and the Pisces girl will think that he discusses her shortcomings and talent for getting into awkward situations with others. Each of the couple will withdraw into themselves, there will be no more reasons for communication.

PISCES man and VIRGO woman

Next to a Virgo woman, a Pisces man will never be able to relax and be himself; she will not give him such an opportunity. According to the woman, he is an irresponsible person who is constantly dreaming, which she will definitely tell him about. The Pisces man will have no desire to be frank with the virgin, and most likely he will soon begin to avoid her company.

♓ + ♍: In a love relationship

UNDESIRABLE UNION How these people even noticed each other remains a mystery to everyone around them. A practical and even calculating girl and a guy guided by emotions and romantic impulses cannot form one whole. There will be contradictions in everything, and this despite the fact that living together does not yet connect them.

A crisis in this relationship will come soon. The Pisces guy openly expresses his feelings, and expects the same from his beloved. The Virgo girl is not so romantic, one might say, she can even be cold. The guy will suffer, but not for long. Most likely, he will continue to search for his beloved in order to quickly forget this painful relationship for him.

♓ + ♍: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION- If in a love relationship this couple has no compatibility, but there are no conflicts, quarrels will begin in family life, and almost immediately.

A Pisces man can spend a significant part of the family budget on a wonderful romantic evening with his beloved wife, or on a pleasant but expensive trip on an excursion or vacation. This will cause real anger in the virgin’s wife, but he wanted to surprise her!

The wife in this marriage is economical and does not consider it necessary to spend money on pleasure. On the one hand, this is a good quality, because she always stocks up with the necessary products and seasonal clothing in advance, the family will be well-fed and well dressed. But there is one significant drawback - this woman’s husband is not interested in living like this.

Intimate life is very far from harmony. An emotional and affectionate husband, and a wife who, it seems to him, perceives him not as a beloved man, but as a set of functions... It is likely that the Pisces man will very soon decide to cheat, he will be drawn into it, and how it will all end is anyone’s guess .

♓ + ♍: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION- Mutual distrust will prevent this couple from creating a strong friendship. The Pisces guy will never fully open up to this girl, the reason is the Virgo’s tendency to criticize. Apart from small talk about nothing, nothing unites this couple. They are too different in their perception of the world, and they will never share each other’s opinions. Friendly relationships are possible, but not strong.

Video: VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

The compatibility of a couple seems to distort a distorting mirror: everyone recognizes their own dark side in their partner, the very traits that they are trying to overcome in themselves. The Pisces man primarily notes chronic dissatisfaction, pessimism, and crude sarcasm; the Virgo woman is infuriated by disorganization, slowness, and thoughtfulness.

Character compatibility of Virgo woman and Pisces man in the family

It is noteworthy that neither the Virgo woman nor the Pisces man usually makes such exaggerated demands on others. Of course, you don’t have to live in the same territory with them, as with your other halves. What the Pisces man calls artistic disorder, for the pragmatic representative of the Earth element looks like sloppiness or carelessness.

Knowing firsthand how important it is to find things in their place, Virgo does not recognize this right for her companion. The poor guy is forced to hide his clothes in secluded places so as not to find the essential item in the laundry - how can he feel at home here?

Despite such annoying little things, the Pisces man is, in principle, satisfied with the way his wife confidently runs the household, and how her innate practicality allows her to easily solve current issues, which often pose a serious, sometimes insurmountable obstacle for him. She, in turn, is impressed by his honesty, understanding, and willingness to lend a shoulder. Both are interested in self-improvement, intellectual conversations, and in each other they find interesting interlocutors.

Compatibility at work

In collaboration, the difference in worldviews often works in their favor: a rich imagination combined with skeptical rationalism balances each other out perfectly. As a result, unexpected but effective strategies are often developed and brilliant results are achieved. These signs get along well with each other. The only thing that can destroy a good business relationship is the irrepressible suspicion of the Virgo woman: as soon as she doubts the integrity of her partner, she immediately breaks off all ties.

Every employee secretly dreams of a boss like a Pisces man. Minimum demand, understanding, ability to take responsibility - these are his inherent qualities. The Virgo subordinate is very comfortable in such conditions; she works with complete dedication.

Difficulties in business compatibility may arise if a lady occupies a leadership position. There is a high probability that a strict boss will create an unbearable environment with constant control, comments for negligence, and unfair application of disciplinary measures. It is possible that Pisces will have to bear responsibility for its miscalculation.

How a Pisces man can conquer a Virgo woman

As a rule, the Pisces man is popular with representatives of the opposite sex. But if the woman he decided to conquer is Virgo, according to the horoscope, relying on past rich experience is pointless: her resistance to classical seduction is too high.

If a man is unattractive, intelligence, kindness, wealth will no longer matter - a capricious girl simply will not learn about these advantages, because she will refuse to continue acquaintance. Along with image, the importance of competent speech and pleasant manners cannot be underestimated; communication with an ignoramus also threatens to be short-lived.

Nothing will escape close attention: not a few minutes of delay, not the lack of the expected gloss, charm, gallantry. Don't try to compensate for your mistakes with generosity: such a gesture will disappoint her even more. Rational handling of finances is an important criterion for the Virgo woman, who knows how to highly value, if not rich at the moment, but independent promising men. If you notice such qualities in herself, it will be the best compliment.

Be prepared for the gradual development of the relationship. First dates are best spent at the theater, at an exhibition, or other cultural events. Do not wait for initiative on the part of the reserved lady, and at the same time, do not try to speed up the development of events.

How a Virgo woman can win a Pisces man

The Virgo woman is initially quite attractive to a chosen one born under the constellation Pisces. A smart, slightly ironic look, a craving for beauty, a desire to care and understand - these are the best decorations.

The Pisces guy is not indifferent to the warmth of the home and cleanliness, so it would be a good move to invite him to visit in order to fully demonstrate his ability to create coziness, as well as his culinary skills. Of course, under a plausible pretext, for example, organizing a party for the entire honest company.

It should be remembered that Pisces is one of the most touchy characters, sensitive to criticism and tactlessness. The aura of romantic mystery contributes; a dreamy chosen one is easily intrigued by a story about the unknown, a conversation about art or higher matters.

Who and how raises children in a family?

Pisces and Virgo are very peculiar parents. In this couple, the woman teaches discipline and pragmatism, and the man gives unconditional love. Through joint efforts, parents provide the younger generation with full-fledged practical and emotional development.

The Virgo mother is very demanding of herself and her children. The house should be in exemplary order, there should be healthy food on the table, the wardrobe should be sparkling clean, and the diary should have excellent grades. Using her own example, she shows how to achieve primary and large-scale goals with your own work: polish your shoes in the evening, prepare pickles for the winter, do your homework one after another. Children from an early age get used to taking care of their health and even learn the basics of traditional medicine.

The Pisces dad is made happy by the very fact of fatherhood. The news of your wife’s pregnancy is not just joyful - it makes wings grow behind your back, it is a powerful incentive to do the previously impossible for the family and a reason to blow off specks of dust from the expectant mother with even greater trepidation. It’s not so important what the little ones can do or how they behave - the main thing is that they exist. For the sake of these little people, you can make any sacrifice; they don’t even regret getting their children’s toys from the attic, inherited from their parents, or even from their grandparents.

Children surrounded by care and support have good self-esteem. They move through life more confidently than many of their peers, feeling a reliable support, often achieve success, and grow into versatile personalities.

Intimate compatibility between Pisces man and Virgo woman

The couple's intimate compatibility is going well. The Pisces man is similar in temperament to the Virgo woman; for both, the emotional side is more important than the physiological one. Trust and a sense of unity create a romantic mood.

The Virgo woman rarely demonstrates feelings, so in an intimate setting, every frank gesture seems unusually erotic. They are characterized by long foreplay, caresses, conversations about love and sex. Both care about the surroundings: twilight in the bedroom, the aroma of fresh sheets, a switched off phone. The scene can be a bath with rose petals, candles, and relaxing music.

No one strives to experience everything at once; experiments are decided upon by mutual consent when the thrill and novelty are desired. The Virgo woman is gradually freeing herself from stereotypes and taboos; usually she directly communicates what experience she is not yet ready for. The number of prohibitions decreases every time. The Pisces man admires her chastity, self-respect, and cleanliness in relationships.

Pros and Cons of Pisces men and Virgo women

Attempts to correct a partner can become an obstacle to achieving harmony. Some Virgo women mistakenly believe that their husband would be much more attractive to them if he were a little more courageous. Perfectionists take on educational work with the usual enthusiasm: any manifestations of naivety, idealism, or gentleness are first subjected to mocking criticism, then to long explanatory lectures.

It is not surprising that the Pisces man, who, it turns out, did not plan to change anything about himself, begins to move away. It’s incomprehensible how it was possible to fall in love with such a callous and cold person? The Virgo woman is indignant: probably not enough has been done, she needs to criticize more intensely. Fortunately, this is a fairly intelligent sign; most, noticing the opposite result, change their strategy.

There are many positive factors that enhance compatibility. The spouses are united by a love of travel, joint trips to theaters and museums, and sometimes creativity. The Pisces man offers interesting ideas for a joint holiday, and the Virgo woman is happy to think about how to implement them optimally and economically. Showing tolerance towards your other half. Everyone becomes less critical of themselves, adopts and develops new qualities.

What is the likelihood of compatibility between a Pisces man and a Virgo woman?

Astrologers note that couples who did not break up when faced with the first obstacles to compatibility have very encouraging prospects. In the family, there is equal parts practical approach and emotional support. Disagreements continue to arise from time to time, but great patience and the desire for mutual understanding help to overcome them.

Virgo Woman Compatibility

Virgo woman and Pisces man

Love compatibility

The difference in behavior and perception of life interferes with the development of compatibility of such zodiac signs as Virgo woman and Pisces man. A partner who falls into periodic depression needs either a warm blanket and hot tea, or someone as melancholic as himself. Virgo is pleased to be needed, even irreplaceable, but she does not intend to constantly “rent out” her ability to protect and build a house from the inside. Should I register her as a mother? After all, she is, first and foremost, a Woman, and she is also so well-groomed and beautiful! Probably, Pisces were able to attract such a romantic and eternally thirsty nature due to their sophistication and mystery.

But once the spark has flown, the partners will have to close their eyes for the shortcomings. The wife should be a little more assertive, because Pisces often pretend to be incompetent. In fact, they are quite artistic and can take a creative approach to solving everyday problems. A husband should sometimes admire his wife openly and be more confident. With such a companion this will not be difficult. These signs have good compatibility in marriage, but to do this, they will either learn to live as one. Or constant arguments that you are right will force you to exist alone. But together it’s better, especially when partners have something to tell each other.

Sexual compatibility

Pisces have nothing to fear from boredom and monotony when it comes to testing their physical compatibility with Virgo. This woman embodied the ability to be different - both the main one and the subordinate.

The man of the Water Zodiac likes this, since he himself is from the “breed” of the dual sign. The compatibility of a Virgo woman and a Pisces man can help them better understand themselves and understand who is who. By combining various options, such a couple is able to saturate sex with emotional emotions or, conversely, “play” it according to each other’s rules. The main thing is not to get lost in a large series of images and moods.

At work and at home

You can immediately believe the stars and not build illusory illusions about excellent understanding based on lack of spiritual similarity. The compatibility of Virgo and Pisces is not as great as we would like. These people are far from each other both in their work style and in their approach to completing assignments. Virgos, for example, always care about when the report needs to be submitted and how to accurately carry out the calculations.

Pisces, on the other hand, always have to “push” projects, staying up until midnight at the last moment because they were sad or lacked inspiration. The “water” man wants either a holiday or silence; he is depressed by the work schedule and the desire of his superiors (or subordinates) to work every day. Virgos simply don’t understand how one can live so unstable and without confidence in the future. Together they will work well if Virgo tries to “turn on” the coach and lead a little. Why not try it?

Virgo woman is practical and disciplined, most of all in life she loves order. The Pisces man dreams in reality and lives in his own world, which is not similar to the real one.

But it’s not for nothing that there is a catchphrase “Opposites attract” - these two are so drawn to each other, and neither can resist.

A man charms a Virgo with tenderness and romance, care and gentleness. This relationship is reminiscent of the relationship between a child and his mother, because such a man is somewhat infantile and pliable. The woman will always be caressed and loved, he will try to surround her with tenderness. Often such a romance develops very quickly.

Love relationship between a Pisces man and a Virgo woman seem perfect - she enjoys every breath when he is nearby, and he cannot take his eyes off his chosen one. Care, tenderness, romance - this is what is associated with this union.

But everything would be too simple if this could go on forever. The cornerstone of relationships turns out to be, no matter how trite, everyday life. He is not as pedantic as she is, he does not value order as much, and does not always follow the lead. He is not going to change himself; it is much easier to dodge and lie, which makes his partner very angry and can lead to the end of the love idyll.

As a rule, such a union does not last long, because the woman I don't want to change Pisces and raise him, but she still makes attempts in this direction. She is irritated by his lack of ambition, while she herself is always striving upward. He is comfortable and good in his comfort zone, and he is not going to leave it. In such situation Virgo immediately breaks up with him, because he’s not going to carry everything on himself.

However, this is only the worst case scenario, because these people truly love each other and can make efforts to maintain their love.

If partners accept each other for who they are, the compatibility of this union increases.

Pisces man and Virgo woman have common hobbies, they can talk for a long time, go together to new unexplored places, and travel. A woman can tell her chosen one about all her worries, because he is very sensitive and will always advise something. The man is happy about this, because he loves to help and support his loved ones.

The marriage of a Pisces man and a Virgo woman is not easy.: she will always think that her husband has his head in the clouds, she will not be able to rely on him, but he cannot and does not want to change his essence. It seems to a man that everything is fine, that this is how it should be, and does not pay attention to signs that indicate the opposite. From this Conflicts and misunderstandings grow.

Children also do not strengthen such a marriage, because the views of the spouses on their upbringing are also different. Although the man will also contribute to their development - from him they will receive affection and several life lessons. But if the spouses do not reconsider their views on life and do not try to accept each other, most likely they will divorce. The only thing that can help them is compromise, especially on his part.

If spouses adapt to each other, then their marriage will be very strong: they know each other well, do not argue over trifles, are calm and reasonable. Their responsibilities will be distributed; scandals in the house of such a family almost never happen. The Virgo woman will be a hardworking housewife, marriage will make her kinder and more sincere, and the Pisces man realizes here such qualities as sensitivity and friendliness.

Everyday life will be carried out mainly by the wife, and the husband will greatly appreciate this. In order to save a marriage, spouses need:

  • Accept each other as they are. Attempts to remake an already formed personality never lead to anything good. Love and understanding are the key to a successful relationship.
  • Forgive each other minor weaknesses and unpleasant character traits. If a man is born under the sign of Pisces, he will never become like a punchy Leo or a stubborn Aries. What can you do - you need to forgive him for some immaturity and continue to love him for the wonderful qualities that he has.
  • Don't be offended. Virgo woman can sometimes be overly critical, and the man begins to run away from home, stay with friends, offended and avoiding claims. It is worth understanding that she is not doing this to offend, but really with the best intentions.

The family life of these two people is quite multifaceted and specific. Usually they start living as a family long before the stamp in their passport. The woman usually insists on legitimizing the relationship, because order in everything is so important to her. But the man himself is ready to get married almost from the first weeks of the relationship. There is peace and quiet at home, because neither of them likes to show emotions with noise and screams.

Virgo woman pays a lot of attention to order in the house, and she may be annoyed with Pisces for the chaos on his table, for example, or for scattered socks. But you shouldn’t constantly grumble and itch - this is unlikely to help a man fall in love with order, but it can discourage him from being at home. Virgos are very practical and have the character of a leader, so the wife may overtake her husband on the career ladder. She can reproach him for this, but this will also not lead to anything good.

The Pisces man is very impressionable, he is a true esthete, and he will not tolerate such rude attempts to remake him.

With enough wisdom and the desire to preserve the relationship, the wife will accept him for who he is, and the marriage will be strong.

But it also happens that the man in this couple earns money, and the woman only takes care of the house - this option is preferable for this couple. In this case Virgo arranges the perfect order, and Pisces can only bring funds to the family and give them to the wife.

Pisces men and Virgo women find it difficult to live together, but if they can make an effort on themselves and try to maintain the relationship, they may succeed. The solution for them is long heart-to-heart conversations, during which they can get to know each other better, find common interests and become spiritually closer. Without such confidential conversations, they are unlikely to have a strong family.

Paired with Virgo women and Pisces men sex life is normal. He brings romance, tenderness and care to intimate relationships; his partner attracts him with sensuality and relaxation.

Both want to achieve maximum pleasure, but if Virgo will be satisfied with the simplest options his achievements, then The fish will look for more and more new ways, conduct experiments and be original. His efforts will be aimed at satisfying both sides - he never forgets about his partner.

When there are problems and misunderstandings in other areas of relationships, these signs often find an outlet in sexual relationships. It is easier for them to make peace in bed than to try to cope with difficulties through talking. In order to enjoy intimacy, they do not need candles, massage, etc. - just two bodies are enough. Thanks to sex, a man will understand his partner better, he will be ready to do anything for her pleasure. Virgo, in turn, also wants to please him, but does not liberate herself right away. It is important that the man does not put pressure on her, then over time she herself will be ready to learn all the new facets of love.

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