Spiced pumpkin with caramelized walnuts. Recipe: Pumpkin in lemon caramel - Even pumpkin lovers will like it Caramelize the pumpkin in a frying pan

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Most of us are interested in easy and quick to prepare dishes. Of course, they also have to be delicious! Editorial "So simple!" I decided to offer you something original, sweet and healthy - a recipe for pumpkin baked in lemon caramel. This dessert is so delicious that even those who hate pumpkin will fall in love with it.

In this article you will find out how to cook delicious pumpkin so that everyone likes it. At the same time, you don’t have to spend any effort on preparation: this recipe is just from the category “it couldn’t be simpler.” As a result, you will get a very tender and aromatic delicacy that tastes like canned pineapple or zucchini jam.

Delicious pumpkin in the oven


  • 1 kg pumpkin
  • 1 large lemon
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara

The pumpkin pieces are sweet on the inside and slightly sour on the outside. In addition to lemon, you can also add tangerine, orange, lemon zest, dried fruits, nuts, cinnamon - whatever your heart desires!

The shelf life of pumpkin in the house is very long - 5–7 months. If you want to enjoy the healthy, bright fruit in the cold season and before the first warm weather, prepare delicious pumpkin jam according to our recipe. Imagine how an ordinary tea party will turn into a real holiday if there are pieces of orange sweetness in the bowl!

It’s not for nothing that they say that pumpkin is a symbol of life, health and longevity. Whenever possible, try to include it in your daily menu more often. Several useful recipes from our arsenal will help you.

Don’t torment yourself with a long wait, but rather try making pumpkin in lemon caramel and offer it to your friends! Be sure to tell us about this method of preparing an exquisite dessert on your page.

I usually buy pumpkin; somehow neither we, nor our relatives, nor our friends have ever grown it. And this year my brother and his wife brought us a “little” surprise; it was my brother’s wife’s mother who gave my son a gift in honor of his “entry” to kindergarten.

In my opinion, it's just a great gift. After all, pumpkin is a very healthy berry. It contains a huge amount of valuable substances. For example, pumpkin contains 5 times more carotene than carrots, which is why many ophthalmologists recommend eating pumpkin for people with visual impairments. It can also be called a champion among vegetables in terms of iron content. Pumpkin is valuable for preventing kidney and liver function. The pulp of its fruits improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, removes excess water, toxins and bad cholesterol from the body. You can talk a lot about the beneficial and medicinal properties of this berry-vegetable, but you don’t really want to eat it raw, and why would you, when there are many pumpkin dishes, some tasty and some not so tasty. Well, let's get to the point.

For this simple dessert we will need:

1 kg peeled pumpkin,

0.5 cups sugar,

1 large (1.5 small) lemon.

Peel the pumpkin and remove seeds and cut into cubes of approximately 2 cm.

Remove the peel from the lemon (of course, you don’t need to throw it away; you can, for example, brew some tea) and cut it into small cubes.

Place the pumpkin in a mold, add sugar and lemon.

Mix everything, cover with a lid, if available, or with foil and place in the oven, preheated to 175 degrees for 30 minutes.

We take it out, mix it and put it in the oven again, just without covering it.

My pumpkin was ready in another 20 minutes.

As I already said, my pumpkin is not covered with a caramel crust, but simply “floats” in a delicious sweet and sour sauce, but I even like it. Perhaps if we added more sugar, the result would be more caramel, but it seems to me that it would be too sweet, otherwise everything is in moderation, the pumpkin pieces are soaked in this sauce and no longer acquire a pumpkin taste. My son devours these pumpkin wedges, both with and without sauce. And today, for example, I poured this sauce on his porridge; during illness, like many children, he refuses to eat, but not in this case.

To prepare this dessert you will not need very many ingredients: pumpkin, walnuts, herbes de Provence, sugar and butter. Peel the pumpkins and cut into circles no more than 1 cm thick.
Grease the pumpkin circles with oil, sprinkle with herbs, place in a greased baking dish and place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Heat a dry frying pan. Pour sugar into a hot frying pan and wait for it to turn into caramel (no need to stir or mix).

Chop the walnuts a little, add to the pan with the caramel and stir.

Place one baked pumpkin circle on a plate.

Place some caramelized nuts on top (you need to do this quickly before the caramel hardens).

Repeat layers, alternating pumpkin and butternut squash, until desired height. The top layer is caramelized nuts. An appetizing, bright, tasty dessert is ready. Be sure to try it, because spiced pumpkin goes well with caramelized nuts.

Did you know that pumpkin makes delicious desserts? One of these is in front of you, this is pumpkin fried in a frying pan with sugar, apples and raisins. I think there’s no point in even talking about its usefulness, since everyone knows it. Someone may say that they doubt that it will turn out to be a delicious dessert, but this is really so. Moreover, even those who don’t like to eat it will like it. For a child, pumpkin with an apple is a good and healthy snack that the baby will not refuse. After all, the dessert combines caramelized pieces of pumpkin, apples, raisins and nuts. The taste is sweet and with a slight aroma of cinnamon. And small pieces become soft and tender.

If you're not sure whether you can roast pumpkin, rest assured that you can. Although I would like to clarify this point a little. The ingredients are first stewed under a lid until soft, and then fried a little more until the liquid evaporates. Cooking time in a frying pan takes 30 minutes until fully cooked.

In the recipe I will tell you in detail how to prepare a pumpkin dessert so that it is quick and tasty, and thanks to the photo, you will clearly see all the stages.


  • Peeled pumpkin – 500 g
  • Butter – 50 g
  • Apple – 3 pcs.
  • Sugar – 5 tbsp
  • Cinnamon - a pinch
  • Water – 100 ml.
  • Raisins – 50 g
  • Walnuts – optional

How to cook sweet pumpkin in a frying pan

To begin with, I need 500 grams of pumpkin, but this weight is already indicated for the pulp, without peel and seeds. Therefore, I first cut off one piece and peel it, which is very hard, so be careful not to cut your hands. Also cut out the inner soft part with the seeds, it is also not needed. For convenience, I use a large knife. I put the peeled part on the scales and weigh it; if there is not enough, then I cut off more and do everything exactly the same.

And now I’ll show you in detail how to deliciously cook and fry pumpkin in a frying pan. First, I cut the cut piece into small pieces. The smaller their size, the faster they will cook.

As a result, you get quite a lot of them, so for now I put them in a bowl and set them aside for a while.

Next, I peel the apples, cut them in half, remove the cores and seeds, and cut the rest into the same pieces.

Now see how and how long to simmer pumpkin in a frying pan. To begin, I throw 50 grams of butter into a frying pan and put it on the fire to melt it. Then I add pumpkin and apple preparations to it. I sprinkle 3 tablespoons of sugar on top of everything and sprinkle a little cinnamon.

Next, I simply mix everything and put it on the fire just below the highest one and cover them with a lid. First, I simmer it all for 25 minutes, until the pumpkin is soft. Then I add the washed raisins and the remaining 2 tablespoons of sugar. All this time, do not forget to stir periodically.

I don’t cover it anymore and cook until the liquid evaporates. It turns out that the pumpkin with apples will fry a little, but this will be almost unnoticeable, since thanks to the sugar, each piece becomes caramelized.

The pumpkin stew with apples and raisins is almost ready, all that remains is to pour everything into a beautiful bowl and sprinkle chopped nuts on top. You don’t need to chop it too much, just leave pieces of different sizes.

This is such a wonderful pumpkin dessert. It is delicious both warm and cold.

I hope I was able to convince you that fried pumpkin in a frying pan is a delicious dessert that will please even the most spoiled gourmets. I advise you to try it, I think you will also like it. Bon appetit!

Cooking time: 2 hours

Number of servings: 10

How to cook pumpkin in lemon caramel, step-by-step recipe with photos:

Step 1. First you need to wash the pumpkin and thoroughly clean it of seeds.

By the way, you don’t have to throw away the seeds, but dry them in the oven at a temperature of 100-120 degrees and then they will become a healthy and tasty snack!

Step 2. Peel the pumpkin and cut into small cubes approximately 1x1 cm in size.

Before you start cooking, make sure that the pumpkin is ripe, otherwise you simply will not be able to cut it. Ripe pumpkin has a bright orange hue and is quite easy to cut, like cheese.

Step 3. In a heat-resistant bowl, mix the pumpkin with sugar (sugar can be added to taste, if the pumpkin fruit itself is sweet, extraneous sweeteners may not be needed).

Step 4. Peel the lemon (it contains all the bitterness) and cut into small cubes.

It is thanks to lemon that the taste of pumpkin will not be so cloying and at high temperatures lemon juice and sugar will create that same caramel.

Step 5. Add finely chopped lemon to the container with the pumpkin and sugar and put it all in the oven, covered, to bake for 1.5 - 2 hours.

The baking time depends on the ripeness of the pumpkin; as soon as it has become soft and the syrup formed in the dish has boiled away, open the lid of the dish and let it crust in the preheated oven for another 10 minutes.

Step 6. It is better to cool the finished pumpkin in lemon caramel before eating, so the syrup will have time to thicken and this dessert will become even more refined and unusual!

Bon appetit!

And for lovers of second courses we have.

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