Black rowan recipes for winter. What to cook from chokeberry for the winter - I share useful recipes! Chokeberry juice

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On long winter evenings, we enjoy in our warm homes everything that we managed to prepare in the summer. And we not only strive to cook something tasty. It is also important for us to take as much as possible from any vegetable, fruit, or berry.

The group of the most useful berries from which a huge variety of winter preparations can be prepared includes chokeberry and chokeberry. Its most useful qualities are preserved in a variety of forms. . There is drying, pickling, etc. It occupies a special place. So today we will practice with this beautiful, modest-looking, but real treasure trove of vitamins, berry.

How to dry chokeberry?

Very simple. There are several methods. Having removed the stems from the bushes of ripe berries, we send them to dry on wire racks. After that, spread it in a layer (2 cm) on parchment laid out on a tray and dry it outside or in the oven. If we dry it in the oven, it will take about 30 minutes, at a temperature of 30-40 degrees. When the berries have cooled and no juice is released from them, increase the temperature in the cabinet to 55 degrees. But we make sure that everything useful does not perish, for which we started everything. The brown color of the berries is a signal of their readiness. Or, tying rowan umbrellas into bunches, we will hang them in the kitchen, where there is good ventilation. An electric dryer dries quickly and with maximum preservation of vitamins.

Application : baked goods, teas, jellies, compotes, etc.

Making chokeberry jam for the winter

Important! 100 grams of berries will enrich our body with iron, manganese, and iodine. Thanks to the consumption of chokeberry berries, we can prevent atherosclerosis and hypertension, we will sleep soundly, strengthen the immune system, and remove radioactive substances from the body. And vitamin P will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and this is one of the key advantages of these fruits.

The jam made from this original berry with a specific taste is incomparable. Like other berries, it can be cooked in several ways, with the addition of other fruits, grated, simply boiled, etc.

Recipe No. 1


  • Sugar – 1 kilogram
  • Water - 1 glass.


Let the water drain from the washed berries. Let's cook the syrup and put the berries in it. It would be good to leave the jam overnight (for 8 hours), then in the morning you could complete the process without having to wait the whole day. Bring to a boil and remove from the stove. Let it sit for a few more hours. Continue cooking until the chokeberry sinks to the bottom of the vessel in which it is cooked. Then the jam can be rolled into jars.

Recipe No. 2


  • Chokeberry – 1 kilogram
  • Sugar – 1 kilogram
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Apples – 1-2 pcs.
  • Cherry leaves - a couple of handfuls


Make syrup from washed cherry leaves. To do this, put them in a vessel, fill them with water and bring them to a boil over low heat. Let's strain the infusion and cook the syrup. Let's boil it and put the sorted and clean berries into it. About 15 minutes before readiness, add finely chopped apples. You can wipe it, or you can close it like that.

Application : filling, pastries, desserts, drinks, etc.

Recipe No. 3


  • Chokeberry – 1 kilogram
  • Sugar – 1 kilogram


The berries need to be washed, drained, covered with sugar and allowed to boil. Let it cool and return to the fire for 2-3 minutes. Let it cool again, and so on 3-4 times. If it's sweet, you can add a few drops of lemon juice. Then, while boiling, roll it into sterile jars. The berries will be intact!

Making delicious chokeberry jam

Important! Yes, the berries, although inconspicuous in appearance, also taste tart. But we are not in a hurry to be indignant, saying, what kind of jam can come out of chokeberry!

After all, you will receive not just jam, but a product saturated with a unique chemical composition in the form of organic acids, vitamins B2, B9, E, PP and C.

Recipe No. 1


  • Sugar - 1.5 kilograms
  • Water - 1.5 cups


Steam the berries, ripe and prepared, in a saucepan with water under a lid until they soften. Then the fruits are ground through a sieve, we need to get a puree. After placing it in an enamel bowl, add sugar and stir until it completely dissolves. Cook in one go and, placing hot in clean jars, pasteurize for 20 minutes.

Recipe No. 2, with the addition of apples


  • Chokeberry - 1 kilogram
  • Apples – 400 grams
  • Sugar – 1.5 kilograms
  • Water – 2 glasses


Add a glass of water to the mountain ash and steam the berries. When they become soft, pass through a sieve. In the same way, let’s steam the apples, cut into slices and filled with a second glass of water. We will also rub this mass through a sieve. Add sugar to the mixture of both purees and cook, stirring everything, in one go. In this case, we also pasteurize the prepared jars filled with hot jam for about 20 minutes.

Recipe No. 2, with the addition of quince


  • Chokeberry – 1 kilogram
  • Quince – 400 grams
  • Sugar – 1.5 kilograms
  • Water – 2 glasses


First, let's soften the quince - it is harder than mountain ash. Fill the quince pieces with water and heat them on gas. We will do the same with prepared rowan berries. Let's steam them until soft. Add sugar and cook for 10 minutes. Add steamed quince and cook in one go until tender. Pound the mixture through a sieve and place it hot in sterilized jars. Let's pasteurize the jars for about 20 minutes.
Application: Baking, desserts, baked goods, etc.

What about chokeberry drinks?

This berry is also incomparable in drinks. The color is simply unique. The taste is very original. And if you take into account the usefulness of mountain ash, you can prepare more drinks, and in different types. Let's start with compotes, they say they quench thirst well and help with hypertension!

Important! How much vitamin P is in 100 grams of fruit? Let's compare. 4000 mg! While orange and lemon contain 400-500 mg, black currants - up to 1500, cherries and cherries - up to 900, gooseberries and lingonberries - up to 650 mg.

Recipe No. 1. Black rowan compote


  • Chokeberry - 2 kilograms
  • Sugar – half a kilogram (to your taste)


Dip the washed and removed rowan from the branches into boiling water, and after a couple of minutes place it in the prepared jars, filling one third or half. It all depends on the purpose of the twist. If you drink it right away, you can fill a quarter of the jar with berries. Add sugar to taste to boiling water, pour it over the berries and swirl. This carousel of tartness with sweet and sour is a lot of fun!

Recipe No. 2, with the addition of apples

Important! You will also be pleasantly pleased with the presence of a lot of iodine compounds in the pulp of mountain ash. In this regard, these fruits are second only to feijoa.


  • Chokeberry - 5 tablespoons
  • Apples – kilogram
  • Water – 4.5 liters
  • Sugar – 4.5 cups


It is better to choose small apples. If the specimens are large, then cut them into slices. Let's put everything in bottles (liter, two or three liters) and cook the syrup. Then pour this boiling syrup over the apples and berries. Turning them upside down, wrap them well in something warm and leave them until the morning. This quantity of products is designed for two 3-liter jars. The excellent concentration of compote can even be stored at home, not in the cold. By the way, you can combine mountain ash with other fruits and different berries.

Recipe No. 3


  • Sugar


Soak the finished berries for a couple of days, not forgetting to change the water. Let's put them in jars and fill them with boiling sugar syrup prepared in the usual way. Sterilize for 25 minutes. - liter, 50 - three-liter.

Recipe No. 4


  • Chokeberry
  • Sugar


Sterilize jars with lids. Boil the berries in boiling water for a few minutes. Salt the broth, put it in jars, cover with lids. Add sugar (to taste) to the broth, bring to a boil and pour into jars. Let's do this one more time and tighten it up. We put as many berries as we wish - the more there are, the greater the concentration.

Application : for puddings, cereals, for drinking.

Making chokeberry liqueur at home

Unique! Unique! Incredibly delicious! The list of compliments for alcoholic beverages made from mountain ash can go on and on. A big plus of liqueur is that you can drink it on holidays, at dinner, and serve it to unexpected guests. By the way, you can’t drink a lot of it, it’s so concentrated!

Recipe No. 1


  • Chokeberry - 1 kilogram
  • Sugar – 500 grams
  • Vodka – 1 liter
  • Cloves – 2-3 pcs.


We wash the berries picked from the branches, let them dry and crush them in a convenient way. If only it came out puree. Let's put everything in a clean jar (3 liters), put sugar and cloves in it. By shaking the contents, we will achieve the distribution of sugar. Close the lid and set aside for a couple of days. Having poured vodka in here, just like that, close the lid, and forget about the drink for a couple of months. But shake it slightly regularly. After straining, pour into bottles.

Recipe No. 2


  • Chokeberry – 500 grams
  • Cherry leaf – 100 grams
  • Sugar – 800 grams
  • Water – 1 liter
  • Vodka – 0.5 liters
  • Citric acid – 2 tsp.


In a bowl, crush the berries with leaves. Pour water into the mixture and boil for 10 minutes. Then, pour in sugar, citric acid, and another min. 20 cook over low heat. Once it cools down, strain the drink, pour it into bottles and add vodka.

We put homemade chokeberry wine

Important! Rowan is very popular not only in summer or winter. They also love her in the off-season. Berries or products made from them are especially relevant as a multivitamin for fatigue. So, just pour 30 g of dried berries with boiling water (2 cups) and leave overnight in a thermos. And then drink half a glass three times half an hour before meals. Chokeberry wine is also beneficial.


  • Chokeberry - 1 cup
  • Cherry leaf – 50 pieces
  • Water – 1 liter
  • Sugar – 250 grams
  • Citric acid – half a teaspoon
  • Vodka – half a liter


Place clean mountain ash in water, add sugar and cherry leaves. Let it simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Strain after it has cooled, add citric acid and sugar. Stir thoroughly and cook again on low heat for a quarter of an hour. After cooling, pour in vodka. Let well-closed bottles of wine sit in a dark place for a couple of weeks. We always taste it while cooking.

A simple recipe for chokeberry tincture with honey

The tincture will be good for a regular meal or for any holiday. In addition to pleasant relaxation, we will also recharge ourselves with a lot of vitamins and minerals. On cold March days this will be a good cure for colds!


  • Chokeberry - 2.5 cups
  • Honey – 3 tablespoons
  • Vodka – 1 liter
  • Oak bark – 1 pinch


Even though the drink takes a little time to prepare, it’s worth it! We will prepare the berries by sorting, washing, and placing them in jars. Pour the honey melted in a water bath into a bowl and add clean oak bark. Fill it with vodka and put the future drink away for 3-4 months. But sometimes you need to shake it a little. After the required time has passed and after filtering, we bottle it into beautiful bottles. Tart and not sweet tincture, even with tea - super!

Application : for tea, for the festive table.

Candied chokeberries for the winter

Important! If you prepare candied fruits from these fruits, people with diabetes will receive an ideal product with a sugar substitute, sorbitol. Substances found in the leaves improve liver function. The candied fruits turn out to be incredible!

Recipe No. 1


  • Chokeberry – 1 kilogram
  • Sugar – 1 kilogram
  • Water – 1 glass
  • Citric acid – 1 teaspoon
  • Vanillin – 1 sachet


After the berries have stood in water for two days (we drain them a couple of times a day), prepare the syrup and add the rowan berries into it. Cook for an hour, at the end add vanillin and citric acid. The berries should then sit in a colander overnight. Then we scatter them on paper and let them dry for another day. Will be stored well in a glass jar, sprinkled with sugar. Don't pour out the syrup - it's great in tea!

Jelly is a magnificent, delicately flavored dessert that many simply adore in combination with various pastries, but most still prefer to enjoy this delicacy straight from a glass jar. Therefore, we suggest replenishing your stock of preserves with incomparable jelly and preparing it from berries, and we will tell you in detail how to do everything correctly.

Chokeberry jelly with apples, without gelatin - a recipe for the winter


  • rowan (chokeberry) – 1.2 kg;
  • sweet and sour apples – 800 g;
  • granulated sugar – 1.6 kg;
  • clean water – 1.2 l.


We thoroughly wash the rowan and place it in a large saucepan, and then, using a large spoon, crush all the berries a little so that they crack. We chop the apples into small slices, after first removing a layer of peel from them and clearing the core, and then place them in a container with black rowan. Fill the contents of this pan with boiling water and place everything on the gas stove. Cook the berries and fruits for about 15 minutes. Next, we strain it all through a colander lined with clean gauze, and then we collect its edges into a knot and squeeze out the fruit and berry mixture. Pour all the required amount of granulated sugar into the strained, concentrated broth and set this container to simmer over low heat for 18 minutes. Pour the finished apple-rowanberry jelly into jars pre-fried in the oven and seal them hermetically.

Chokeberry jelly with gelatin for the winter


  • chokeberry berries – 800 g;
  • fine sugar – 650 g;
  • instant - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • drinking water – 1.2 l.


Place the prepared clean berries in a deep saucepan and mash them well with your hands. Carefully drain the black juice, pour the remaining cake in the pan with boiling water and place this container on the switched-on stove burner. After everything has boiled for about 15 minutes, remove from heat and strain through a sieve lined with gauze. Next, add fine white sugar into the container with the broth and put it back on the burner. 7 minutes after boiling, pour a glass of compote and carefully dissolve all the gelatin in it, and then pour it all back. Next, add the juice squeezed out at the beginning of preparation and continue cooking this wonderful chokeberry jelly for another 5 minutes. We distribute it among the jars that are properly prepared for preservation and roll them up until it stops.

Good afternoon, dear friends and guests of the site “I am a villager”!
Today we will make delicious preparations for the winter from chokeberry. In the previous article we learned about it, it will be great if you prepare this healthy berry for the winter.

I especially recommend that people suffering from high blood pressure stock up on this healing berry.

The most useful preparation for the winter of chokeberry is drying. Dried berries retain their beneficial properties.

You can store the berries for 2 years, packed in a cardboard box or glass jar, covered with parchment paper. Store in a dry and dark place. Dried chokeberry berries are used to prepare vitamin teas, compotes, jelly, bake pies and make medicinal infusions.

The easiest way is to scatter the berries on a baking sheet in one layer and dry them in a well-ventilated area, stirring as you go. When the berries stop shrinking and become wrinkled, they can be stored.

If you cannot dry the berries in the air, dry them in the oven, placing them for a while at a temperature of no more than 60 degrees. The berries should not lose their color and smell.

Dry the berries in the oven, spread them on a baking sheet, stir, the temperature is first 40 degrees, and when they begin to wilt, increase the oven temperature to 60 degrees.

I really like drying chokeberry berries in brushes. We cut off the bunches of berries with scissors and hang them on a thread stretched in the attic, balcony or veranda. In winter, I removed the brush and ate it. Vitamins are always at hand.

Chokeberry pureed with sugar

The healthy product, without being subjected to heat treatment, preserves vitamins and beneficial compounds. It is recommended to use during cold epidemics and the onset of vitamin deficiency.

For 1 kg of berries we take 800 grams of sugar. Grind the berries through a meat grinder twice. You can grind it with a blender.

Add sugar and stir thoroughly, let stand and stir again. Try it, if the sugar has dissolved, place it in sterile jars and cover with plastic lids. Store in a cool, dark place.

Aronia jam with apples

I made jam for the first time this year, and it turned out delicious. I advise you to cook according to my recipe.

  • 3 kg of rowan berries,
  • 4.5 kg sugar,
  • 1 kg ,
  • 0.4 g walnuts (can be replaced with cinnamon, half a teaspoon),
  • 3 glasses of water,
  • 2 large lemons.

Pour boiling water over the berries, leave for 12 hours, and drain the infusion. Prepare syrup from 3 glasses of infusion and sugar. Add berries, peeled and seeded apples, lightly chopped nuts to the syrup, cook for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Let cool until warm and cook for 10 minutes from the moment it boils. Add the chopped lemons and cook for another 15 minutes. Don't forget to remove the foam.

Remove the jam from the heat, let it cool slightly and pour into sterile jars, close with simple lids and put away for storage.

You can take a small amount, I just have a large harvest of berries, so I make a lot of jam.

Chokeberry raisins

  • 1.5 kg of berries,
  • 1 kg sugar,
  • 2 tbsp water,
  • 1 teaspoon of citric acid.

We make syrup from water and sugar. Dispense the berries and citric acid into boiling syrup and cook for 20 minutes. Cool and place the berries in a colander, let the syrup drain and place the berries on a baking sheet to dry on parchment paper. Stir occasionally while drying. We dry for 3-4 days. Store in a paper bag or glass jar under a gauze tie.

It will be very tasty if you sprinkle the berries with powdered sugar before putting them to dry.

The syrup left over from cooking the berries is poured into a sterile container and stored for making drinks and jelly.

You will get a very tasty drink - liqueur, if you mix syrup with good vodka 1:1. I tried it, it’s a wonderful, beautiful and tasty drink.

Universal berry for compote

The chokeberry berry gives a very beautiful color to the compote and goes well with any fruit and berries. One handful per three-liter jar is enough to paint a pleasant, rich color.

For 1 three-liter jar of compote we take 0.5 kg of sugar. Pour chokeberry berries into the jar, filling it 1/3 full, add apples or any other fruit (you can use just one handful for taste).

Cook the syrup, add 0.5 sugar to 2.1 liters of water, carefully pour boiling syrup into the contents of the jar and immediately twist it, put it under a fur coat until it cools.

Compotes are stored for a very long time, several years.

Compote is very easy to prepare with it!

Still, no matter how you preserve it, frozen berries are the healthiest berries. It retains up to 75% of all beneficial properties and compounds.

Simply freeze (spread out on a baking sheet), place in a bag and seal tightly, it's ready to freeze.

A delicious wine is made from chokeberry, this year I’ll try to make a little, what comes out of it, I’ll report back next year.

Once again I want to remind you that chokeberry is a very healthy berry, do not ignore it, it is especially useful for hypertensive patients and diabetics. Eating rowan berries strengthens the immune system and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

Dear readers, the site “I am a villager” wishes you good health and good mood!

Watch the video recipe for making chokeberry juice.

Preparations made from chokeberry for the winter have many beneficial properties. Rowan berries were used very widely by our ancestors: not only as food, but also as decoration and medicine. Today, rowan is not so popular, but preparations made from it do not lose their relevance.

Chokeberry (chokeberry) is a fruit tree with sweet and sour black berries that have a specific tart taste. Harvest occurs in September and October.

Rowan berries contain vitamins A, B, C, E. They are also rich in iron, magnesium, iodine, fluorine and other microelements. The calorie content of berries does not exceed 50 kcal per 100 g.

The beneficial properties of chokeberry for the body

  1. Has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Helps with gastritis, spasms, gallbladder problems.
  2. Due to its high iodine content, it is useful for diseases of the thyroid gland and endocrine system.
  3. Reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. Suitable for diabetics.
  4. Removes salts of heavy metals and radionuclides.
  5. Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
  6. Strengthens blood vessels, increases their elasticity.
  7. Reduces high blood pressure. Useful for hypertensive patients.
  8. Increases and strengthens immunity.

There are also contraindications to eating chokeberry berries:

  • constipation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • hypotension;
  • increased blood clotting.

Aronia berries can remain on tree branches for a long time. The best time to pick berries is late September or early October. During this period, they are already quite mature and are perfect for harvesting. Chokeberry preparations will diversify the winter table and help defeat various diseases. What can be prepared from chokeberry berries?

Preparations from chokeberry berries in natural form

  1. The easiest and most popular type of preparation is freezing. You just need to pick the berries, rinse them in running water and freeze them in the refrigerator. You should not freeze one large portion of berries. It is better to divide them into small parts, then you will not have to deal with secondary freezing.
  2. You can keep the berries fresh if you place them in a cool, dry place. Collect the berries along with the branches and hang them in the basement or attic, where the sun's rays do not reach. The storage temperature for this preparation option is 5°C.
  3. Another option is to dry chokeberry berries. Simply spread the fruits in an even layer on a baking sheet or tray and leave in the sun until completely dry. You must remember to stir the berries. The oven is not suitable for drying - the beneficial microelements of the chokeberry are lost.

Aronia compote

Chokeberry compote is well suited as a drink in winter. It is tasty and very healthy.

Making compote from chokeberry is not difficult. Rowan berries need to be peeled, washed and filled into pre-sterilized jars by a third. Sugar and water are taken in a 1:2 ratio. The sugar syrup is boiled for 10-15 minutes, then poured into jars with berries.

You should only seal jars with sterile lids. After twisting, turn the jars upside down, cover with a blanket and leave overnight. The next morning, check the lids for tightness and transfer the jars to a cool storage place.

You can boil the syrup together with the berries, but then many of the beneficial properties and vitamins contained in the chokeberry are lost. You can also add various fruits: apples, oranges, lemons, cherries.

Jam is one of the most common preparations for the winter. Before making chokeberry jam, the berries must be thermally treated. Place the berries in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, and then in cold water. Let cool. After this you can cook.

Rowan jam can be prepared in different ways, even without sugar. This recipe will be more complicated than usual, but several times healthier!

To make delicious chokeberry jam, you will need a large container that will fit the jars. It is better to put a rag at the bottom of this container to prevent burning.
Bring the water in the container to a boil, place jars filled to the brim with berries. Boiling water should not get into the jars, but only reach the neck. The cooking process lasts approximately 30-40 minutes. After this, we roll up the jars with sterile lids. You can also improvise and add different fruits and even vegetables.

You can make jam the traditional way - with sugar. To do this you will need berries, sugar, water (in a 1:1 ratio). All ingredients are mixed and simmered over low heat for 35-45 minutes. Pour the aromatic jam into sterile jars and roll up the lids (not metal).

It is better not to use a multicooker - the process may take a long time. You can simply grind the chokeberry berries, add a double portion of sugar and pour them raw into jars. Sprinkle an extra layer of sugar on top to prevent mold. This jam has a shorter shelf life, but all the vitamins are preserved in it.

Chokeberry liqueur

The recipe for the alcoholic drink is simple. Pour chokeberries and sugar into a jar (3 liters). The total amount of berries and sugar should be 2/3 of the jar or more. Pour this mixture with vodka, leaving 2 cm to the edge. You will need about 1.5 liters of alcohol.

After this, seal the liqueur with a simple lid or parchment and place it in a dark, dry place for 2 months. After the time has passed, pour the finished liqueur into bottles and seal. The liqueur prepared in this way is stored in the basement or other suitable place.

To ensure that the berries do not go to waste after consuming the liqueur, they can be used to bake a cake. A delicious and savory cake will decorate and diversify your table.

Chokeberry wine and juice

What else can be prepared from chokeberry? Wine is a tasty and moderately healthy drink. The main thing is not to abuse it. A glass of wine a day will help you get a whole complex of vitamins, normalize blood pressure, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pour 4 kg of chopped berries and 2 kg of sugar into a bottle (10 l). If desired, add raisins, they promote the fermentation of wine yeast. Place a rubber medical glove on the neck and prick one finger in it. Shake the bottle well every day. You shouldn't open it often unless necessary.

After 3 days, open the container and add a glass of sugar and 2 liters of cold boiled water. Leave for another 10 days and then repeat the procedure. After 10 days (a total of 33 days must pass), the wine can already be drained.

If the glove is inflated with gases from fermentation, then the wine is not ready yet. Wait 2 more days.

Pour the wine into another container and let it brew for 2 days. Then pour the wine into another bottle, without touching the sediment, and leave for another day. Do this procedure 1-2 times until the liquid becomes clear.

The wine drink should be stored in a cool place, sealed with a lid. You can experiment and add various berries and fruits to chokeberry. Wine made from assorted berries will be even tastier and richer.

A favorite drink for children may be chokeberry juice. It can be drunk fresh without sugar or stored in jars for the winter.

Pass the rowan berries through a juicer or meat grinder, which separates the seeds from the pulp. Dilute the resulting juice with a small amount of water. Add sugar to taste and cook for 10-15 minutes. Pour the finished juice into sterile jars and cover with boiled lids.

These are just a few options for chokeberry preparations. Using your imagination, you can come up with many other recipes. Winter preparations from chokeberry berries will become favorite dishes on your table.

Chokeberry is rich in various vitamins, minerals and is very beneficial for the human body. Therefore, many housewives try to prepare these fruits for the winter, fresh or canned.

Chokeberry is included in preserves, jams, juices, candied fruits, marmalade and even excellent sauces for meat dishes. Berries can be dried and frozen to increase shelf life, and if necessary, put them into use.

Chokeberry fruits are prepared for the winter in different ways. At home, you can preserve the berries in their natural form by freezing or drying.


The easiest way to preserve tasty and healthy fruits is to freeze them. The rowan must be sorted, the leaves with stalks removed, washed and dried. Then lay the berries in a thin layer on a flat surface and place in the freezer. Freezing takes about two hours. All that remains is to transfer the berries into containers or special bags and put them in the freezer drawer.


In second place is the drying of chokeberry. To do this, use a special dryer, oven, or use a natural method of drying the berries.

The temperature in the dryer is set to 50 degrees and the berries are placed for 2.5 - 3 hours. Then you need to reduce the power to 45 °C and wait until cooking is complete. Readiness is determined by pressing on the berries; they should not produce juice.

When using the oven The rowan is laid out in a thin layer on a baking sheet, the temperature is set to 40 degrees and the berries are sent to the oven. After 30 minutes, increase the power to 60 and complete the process.

The natural way Drying takes the longest, taking several days. The berries are laid out on a flat surface and placed outside in the sun. At night, the trays are removed indoors, and in the morning the procedure is repeated, and so on until the desired result is obtained.

Another option Harvesting berries is not a very complex process, but you still have to put in some effort. Using a needle, rowan berries are strung on threads and these “beads” are hung in a dry room. Readiness is determined by pressing on the fruit; no juice should be released.


There are a huge number of wonderful ways to make healthy chokeberry jam. Let's take a closer look at the most popular recipes.

Chokeberry makes a dessert that tastes good and has a beautiful dark ruby ​​color. The vitamins in it are practically not destroyed. And one tablespoon of this dessert satisfies the daily requirement for vitamin P.


  1. Wash fresh berries (1 kg) and boil until softened for 3-5 minutes. Then cool in cold water, place in a sieve and allow excess liquid to drain. Then transfer to a cooking container.
  2. Boil syrup from 1 glass of water and 500 g of sugar. Pour hot syrup over rowan berries, boil and cook for 3-5 minutes with constant stirring. Then remove the container until it cools completely.
  3. Then add the remaining sugar (800 g), stir and cook until tender over low heat.
  4. Place the cooled jam into clean jars, seal tightly, and move to a permanent storage location.

To prepare two liters of jam you will need the following products:

  • ripe apples – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – ½ kg;
  • chokeberry - 0.3 kg;
  • cinnamon – 1-2 sticks, or a few pinches.

Culinary process:

Pour 2 glasses of water into a container of a suitable size and add sugar to prepare syrup. Place the pan on the fire, boil and add cinnamon;

After boiling, add apples. First, the fruits are peeled, the core is cut out and chopped into pieces. The fruits are boiled for half an hour;

As soon as the apples soften and darken, you can add rowan.Cook everything together for 20 minutes with occasional stirring;

Remove the jam from the stove, transfer it to sterilized jars, and screw on the lids. Turn the containers over and leave them in a warm blanket for a day;

Place the workpieces in the designated storage area.

Note to the cook. To make chokeberry berries softer and more tender, it is recommended to pour boiling water over them several times. For jam, it is better to use apples of firm and late-ripening varieties, without broken places.

With orange

To prepare a delicious dessert with citrus fruits, you need to make sure you have the following products:

  • chokeberry – 1.3 kg;
  • orange - 1 piece;
  • granulated sugar – 1.1 kg;
  • water – 0.9 liters.

Cooking steps:

Place the pre-sorted rowan berries in a colander and rinse under running water;

Pour the chokeberries into a large saucepan and add enough water to cover the berries. Place on the hob, bring to a boil and cook for about 7 minutes, add sugar and continue the process for the same amount;

Remove the pan and place in a cool place for 4 hours;

Peel the orange, divide into slices and grind in a blender or finely chop;

Put the jam on the fire, and as soon as the sweet mass begins to boil, add the prepared orange;

Cook for about 6 minutes, then remove the pan and pour the dessert into sterilized jars, close the lids and leave until cool, place in a suitable place for storage.

With cranberries

Before you start cooking, you need to check the availability of the following products:

  • chokeberry – ½ kg;
  • cranberries – 0.1 kg;
  • apple juice – 0.1 l;
  • granulated sugar – ½ kg;
  • lemon juice – 1 tablespoon.

How to cook:

Sort out the rowan and put it in boiling water for 5 minutes, let the liquid drain and, if necessary, dry the chokeberry with paper towels;

Add apple and lemon juice, as well as sugar, to a saucepan of suitable volume. The syrup is heated until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved;

Add rowan and cranberry berries to the syrup, bring to a boil and continue cooking for another 15 minutes, turn off the stove and let the mixture cool under the lid;

Repeat the previous step 2 more times. For the third time after boiling, the jam, hot, is laid out in prepared containers.

This delicacy will appeal to people who follow various diets or those for whom sugar is contraindicated. Fructose is added instead. Gelatin, which is added during cooking, will help you get jam with a thick consistency.

Required Products:

  • chokeberry - 1 kg;
  • fructose – 0.65 kg;
  • water – ½ liter.

Culinary process:

Rinse the rowan, place in a colander and pour boiling water over it, allow the liquid to drain;

Pour water into a saucepan of a suitable size, add fructose, bring to a boil and add the berries;

After boiling, continue cooking for 7 minutes;

Let the jam cool, add gelatin and bring to a boil again;

Remove from heat, cool slightly, and pour into sterile jars.

How to make jam

In addition to chokeberry jam, many housewives make very tasty jams. We offer several options.

Getting an edible product with an unusual taste is quite simple. All you need to prepare is:

  • rowan fruits 1 kg;
  • water -1.5 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.

Cooking steps

  1. Sort the berries, remove stems and leaves, wash thoroughly and let the water drain.
  2. Grind the fruits in a blender so that small pieces of rowan remain.
  3. Pour water into a suitable container and put the berries, the resulting mixture is cooked for 7 minutes.
  4. Pour in granulated sugar, turn on maximum power for another 7 minutes, and then at minimum power, cook for another 5 minutes.
  5. The entire cooking process takes place with constant stirring. The consistency of jam should be greater than that of preserves, but less than that of marmalade. Transfer the resulting product into prepared sterilized jars, wait until they cool and store.

Jam made from apples and chokeberries is aromatic, tender and very tasty. And it’s very easy to prepare.

Required components:

  • chokeberry fruits – 1.5 kg;
  • apples – 0.6 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 2.3 kg;
  • water – 0.3 l.

How to cook:

Wash the apples, cut out the core and divide into pieces;

Place in a container of a suitable size, add a small amount, place on the stove, close with a lid and boil until soft;

The same actions are performed with chokeberry (no need to cut);

After softening, combine the fruits and berries, rub through a sieve and add granulated sugar;

Cook the puree over low heat until the desired consistency is obtained;

When hot, place in sterilized jars, close, turn over, wrap in a blanket and after 24 hours place in the chosen storage location.

Syrup made from chokeberry is not only tasty, but also healthy, and also serves as an excellent preparation for the winter. It can be served with various desserts or simply added to tea.

You need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • chokeberry - 2.5 kg;
  • water – 4 liter;
  • granulated sugar;
  • citric acid – 25 grams.

Cooking steps:

Rinse the entire amount of chokeberry, put it in a container of a suitable size and pour boiling water - 4 liters;

Add citric acid and stir until it dissolves;

Cover the pan with a lid and wrap it in a warm towel;

After 24 hours, strain the berries through several layers of gauze;

The resulting juice is measured into a liter container. For one liter of decoction, 1 kg of sugar is used;

Mix sugar with juice, put on the stove and heat for 10 minutes;

Pour the resulting syrup into jars and roll up.

Helpful advice. If you squeeze the chokeberry berries while straining, the juice will be more saturated in color. By the way, you don’t have to throw away the used rowan, but use it to make jam.

Making homemade marshmallows is quite a hassle, but it's worth it. The recipe below contains not only chokeberries, but also apples, and for culinary feats you will need the following products:

  • chokeberry – 1 kg;
  • apples – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking technique

  1. Wash the rowan without leaves and stalks, put it in a tray and put it in the freezer for 2 hours. Peel and cut the apples into small pieces to help them cook faster;
  2. Mix fruits, berries and granulated sugar in a bowl;
  3. Cover the container with a lid and place in a warm place for 5 hours to thaw the rowan berries;
  4. Transfer the mixture into a saucepan, put on fire, cook after boiling for 20 minutes, leave to cool;
  5. Using a blender, grind the mixture, boil, boil and cool. The procedure is repeated until the berry mass acquires the density of jam, viscousness and is easily separated from the walls;
  6. Drying marshmallows is done in the kitchen if there is enough space. It is necessary to spread cling film and baking paper on the selected surface, lay out a thin layer of marshmallow and leave to dry;
  7. In this form, the dessert will take several days to prepare. To speed up the process, use an oven or electric dryer;
  8. Place baking paper on a baking sheet, grease with oil (vegetable) and add fruit and berry mixture;
  9. Set the minimum temperature in the oven, put the marshmallows in and dry with the door open until completely cooked;
  10. You can check the readiness in a very simple way: just touch the central part of the dessert, it should not touch your fingers;
  11. Roll the pastille into a roll and put it in a clean, dry jar for further storage.

Culinary trick. If the marshmallow sticks to the paper, it will be very difficult to separate it. Here you need to turn the workpiece over and spray the sheet with water, and after a minute the paper will come off perfectly without damaging the pastille sheet.

Making chokeberry raisins at home is not difficult. In addition, this product contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. The dessert can be used for cooking compotes, filling for baked goods, or eaten as an independent dish.

Required components:

  • chokeberry – 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • citric acid – 1 teaspoon.

Cooking process

Make syrup by mixing water, sugar and citric acid. Add chokeberries and cook after boiling for 20 minutes;

Pour the berries into a colander and let the syrup drain;

Place the rowan berries in a thin layer onto a suitable flat container and place in the room to dry;

The drying process takes several days, and while it is going on, the berries need to be stirred periodically;

Place the finished product in jars, close the lids and store.

There is no need to pour out the syrup; it is poured into jars and placed in a cool place. It can serve as an excellent base for jelly, compote, and the concentrate is also diluted with water and consumed as a drink.


Preparing chokeberries in the form of compotes and juices for the winter is an excellent option to preserve the beneficial properties of the berries. After all, drinks at home always turn out healthier and tastier.


If you have a juicer, you need to fill the lower part of the machine ¾ full with water and place it on the stove. A mesh is placed on top to collect the juice, and a bowl of rowan berries is placed on it. Berries in an amount of 2 kg are mixed with granulated sugar (2 cups). Cover the pan with a lid, the juice supply hose should be blocked.

After the water boils below, the heating power is reduced to a minimum value, after 50 minutes the juice can be poured into sterile bottles and closed with lids. It remains to insulate the containers for a period of 24 hours.

A delicious drink is prepared from autumn apples and fresh chokeberry fruits. You need to prepare in advance:

  • apples in the amount of 1 kg;
  • rowan – 400 g;
  • granulated sugar – 800 g;
  • water – 1 liter.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the apples, cut into medium slices and remove the core. Then place in boiling water for 3 minutes.
  2. Wash the chokeberries, sort them and place them together with the apples in jars up to the level of the hangers. Then pour in the hot syrup and sterilize in boiling water for 25 minutes - liter jars and 45 minutes - three-liter jars.
  3. Screw on the lids, cool and store in the pantry.

This compote is ideal for the holiday table.

Chokeberry can be used to make not only sweet desserts, but also wonderful sauces for meat dishes.


  • chokeberry berries – ½ kg;
  • lemon – 1 piece (large);
  • garlic – 0.05 kg;
  • basil – 0.1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 0.1 kg;
  • salt – ½ teaspoon.

How to cook

  • Pass rowan berries, garlic and lemon through a meat grinder. The citrus should be left in the peel, but the seeds should be removed;
  • chop the greens;
  • add basil and sugar to the sauce and stir thoroughly;
  • leave to infuse for 30 minutes;
  • use as intended.

Candied chokeberries - video


The fruits of chokeberry are widely used in culinary recipes for preparing various desserts, delicious drinks and delicious sauces for meat dishes. The main thing is to cook in a good mood and then the preparations will turn out to be the most delicious and healthy.

We wish you successful preparations and bon appetit!

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