Torture tickling history. In the delicate captivity of a terrible fat sadist

home / Divorce

Technical description

Artistic description

Spanish tickling

It was widespread during the Middle Ages to punish thieves and unfaithful wives. The Spanish Inquisition instructed the atheists in this way.

"Cat's paw" is an unpretentious device, but very effective and well thought-out. It consists of a plate with four curved thorns-claws, which, for convenient tools, was mounted on a wooden stick. Thus, she became an extension of the torturer's hand.

The gaze of the crowd watching the torture was an eerie and bloody sight. The offender was hung by the wrists and tortured, methodically tearing off flaps of flesh on various parts of the body (back, chest, arms, legs). The claws dug so deep that they separated the muscle cover from the bones. All this gave the victim unbearable torment, but death came mainly from blood poisoning, since the teeth were hardly washed.

Artistic description

Are you ticklish? People say that this is a sign of a jealous nature. Nothing like this! This is a reaction of the nervous system to unwanted touch.

See this woman with her hands and feet tied? She committed a double crime - she cheated on her husband and stole his gold. Nobody will ask her for sure before tickling her. If not for the bruises and bruises on her face and naked body, she could be called beautiful. The executor attaches the "cat's paw" to a long wooden shaft. First, he lightly runs iron "claws" on the skin of an adulteress, and tells a traditional anecdote about unfaithful wives. The unfortunate woman's belly and ribs are covered with beads of sweat, her chest heaves with rapid, ragged breathing. Without stopping laughing at the anecdote, the executioner abruptly, with one perfected movement, plunges the bent thorns into the thigh of his victim, and begins to slowly lead down. Rusty metal traces four ragged stripes across the pale skin, revealing pink muscle fibers. The woman bangs her head against the boards, squeals so that her ears are blocked, but the torture does not stop. The "cat's paw" reluctantly emerges from the scratched flesh. Torn skin flaps sway slightly in the chilly basement draft. The next dose of "tickling" exposes the rib bones. The executioner throws a bucket of salty water onto the exhausted woman, and while she wriggles from the torment that corrodes her consciousness, he tries on the "cat" on the left breast.

"Enough!" a trembling voice is heard. The deceived husband can not stand it first.

She was the wife of a very influential and powerful person, so she used to feel safe.
The husband left early in the morning, and she was alone in the big house. Suddenly she fancied some kind of rustling. She cried out in fright: two masked men were in the room. It can't be, how did they get here?
“Madam, how we got here is irrelevant. I think it is in our common interest that we disappear from here as soon as possible.
- Who you are? What you need?
- Who we are is absolutely not important, but we just need to take some papers from your husband's safe.
“Even if I wanted to help you, I don’t know the code. And I’m even scared to imagine what my husband will order you to do if even one hair falls from my head.
- U.S. too. Better not to imagine, so we don't want to harm you. However, we know for sure that you know the code.
- Let's say, I emphasize, let's say I know. But why did you decide that I will tell you it?
- We assumed that you would not want to inform us, so to speak, voluntarily. Therefore, we have prepared for this option. We will torture you until you tell us.
Everything inside her clenched, but she tried to appear calm.
“You said you’re not going to touch me?”
- We said that you will be alive and well. But you will have to touch you a little, unless, of course, you immediately tell the code.
- Something I do not quite understand: you are not going to harm my health, but you are sure that I will tell you the code. How are you going to achieve this?
- Now you will see. The last time we ask is: will you tell me the code?
“I don’t know him (she lied, she knew the code, but she continued to hope that she would be able to cheat them).
- Okay, then let's get started. Take off your clothes and go to bed.
- What are you going to do?
- The conversations are over. However, as soon as you tell the code, we will stop right there. Take off your clothes or we'll help you do it.
She slowly pulled off her clothes, subconsciously trying to buy time. There were only panties and a bra.
- Take off everything and lie on your back.
She realized that it was useless to resist, took off her last clothes and lay down on the bed. Are they going to rape her? They came from different directions, took her hands and instantly tied them behind her head. Then they took their legs and, spreading them as wide as possible, tied them on the other side. She noticed that they used some kind of soft straps that did not cut into the skin - probably so that no marks would remain. But, nevertheless, she could not move.
- Well, let's get started. With these words, they took out a pen each. Tickling is a great way to loosen your tongue. No one has yet been able to resist this.
She was never particularly ticklish. But in this position ... They settled down on different sides and began to lightly move their feathers over her body. Gradually, she began to shake with continuous laughter. It was especially unpleasant that they tickled at the same time in different places - this did not allow to relax. They paused briefly to ask the same question: code? She still hoped that she could endure, but these hopes were not destined to come true. They knew their business very well. Now they changed tactics: one tickled her nipples and under her breasts, and the other nestled between her legs. When he began to run the pen along the inner thighs, it seemed to her that she would go crazy. But this was only the beginning, then he moved to her crotch. Oh my God, no, don't, stop - the words were drowning in continuous laughter. As if on purpose, her husband had always liked a clean-shaven pubis, and now she wished she had any hair that would have protected her even a little from this merciless instrument of torture. The apotheosis was the moment when he began to tickle the most sensitive part of her body - the clitoris. A few minutes later she could not resist: "Stop, please stop - I'll tell you the code."
She lay there, breathing heavily and slowly coming to her senses, while one of them went to the safe.
- Order. She told the truth. We can leave.
- And what to do with her? You can't leave her like that.
- Let's untie her, and let her figure out how to explain everything to her husband.
They let her go. She couldn't believe it. They really let her go. Thank God I was saved. But ... these bastards didn't even remember that she was a woman. Bastards. They didn't need anything else besides this stupid safe. How many times in her erotic fantasies she imagined two men burst into the bedroom and brutally raped her. And now, when it seemed that this dream would finally come true ... they leave. They are not at all interested in her. Why why?

Tickling. This very feeling is pleasant to another, to another disgusting.
(V.I.Dal. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language)

Someone is tickled easily and even experiences a certain pleasure from it, someone is afraid of tickling. Both, as a rule, giggle nervously during the tickling process. There are, however, those who do not react to being tickled, but there are not many of them.

What is tickling and why do people react to it in this way? One of the hypotheses says that tickling is a reflex reaction of human skin to small animals and insects inherited from our distant ancestors. American popular science writer I. Johnson believes that tickling is perceived by the skin and transmitted to the brain as a kind of threat signal. In principle, this theory has the right to life, especially since the most "delicate" are the most delicate parts of the body: neck, armpits, sides, groin, soles of the feet. However, insects bite not only in these places. Giggling during tickling Johnson explains that "when the instant fear passes and the person realizes that there is no threat, he bursts into a nervous laugh with relief." The stronger the tickling, the more the fright and the stronger the laughter.

According to another version, tickling is a built-in "good mood generator". Its task is to stimulate the internal resources of the body (nerve cells, secretions), which begin to work more actively replenishing the blood with various substances that increase stress and virus resistance. And people who are not ticklish are probably not deficient in these substances. However, scientists from the University of California recently discovered that tickling cannot improve mood: experiments conducted by American researchers have shown that the convulsive twitching of a person who is tickled has nothing to do with fun. Making sounds similar to laughter, a person, without realizing it, shows that this type of influence - tickling - is unpleasant to him and he would like to stop it.

There is another, rather amusing theory, which suggests that tickling is a way of communication that we inherited from monkeys, which in this way express sympathy for each other. But when an experiment was put on several volunteers, it turned out that people absolutely do not care who tickles them - a person or a robot.

But a person cannot tickle himself. This is stated by professor at the University of London Sarah-Jane Blakemore, who in 2000 released a report on tickling and the attitude of people to this process. According to Ms. Blakemore, the mechanism of the human body and especially the nervous system is designed in such a way that he practically does not react to tickling, "self-torture", but few people manage to avoid laughing if someone else tickles him. Apparently, the cerebellum plays the role of a "fuse": so that a person does not become a "tickler".

Well, maybe there is a rational grain in this, because lovers of non-traditional erotic entertainment claim that tickling is a separate type of sex: a partner can be tickled to orgasm. In sexual practice, tickling was indeed used quite often. Different peoples have approached this process in different ways: Africans, for example, prefer the tickling technique with pressure, and Indians say that it should be like the dance of a bee, which first curls and then bites again. The erotic tickling technique uses different zones of sensitivity. The Chinese believe that the best way to arouse a lover is to gently touch the foot. Arabs cannot resist being tickled by their hair, which they call "a thousand fingers." In Japan, tickling is a purely female occupation, and a woman must have a fan with her, because those around her should not guess about anything. By the way, the Japanese tradition forbade those who did not know the "art of affection" to become geisha. In this case, affection meant various types of touch, including tickling, supported by knowledge of the areas of its application.

Tickling, however, can not only be enjoyable, it can also be terrifying torture. Which was successfully used during interrogations and punishments. The fact is that with prolonged tickling, a person's nerve conduction increases so much that even the lightest touch first causes twitching, laughter, and then turns into terrible pain. If the process is continued for a long time, then after a while spasms of the respiratory muscles occur, and in the end the tortured person dies from suffocation. It is no coincidence that the expression "tickle to death" exists. The "ticklish" tortures were very varied. In the simplest version of torture, the interrogated was tickled sensitive areas either with his hands or with hair brushes, brushes and hard bird feathers. The executioners tickled the heels, nipples, groin folds, genitals, under the armpits, and women also under the breasts. Torture was often used with the use of animals that licked some tasty substance from the heels of the interrogated. There was also a form of tickling torture with the help of a beetle, the most common in India: a small beetle was planted on the head of a man's penis or on a woman's nipple and covered with half a nut shell. After a while, the tickling caused by the movement of the insect's legs over the living body became so intolerable that the interrogated confessed to anything.

Descartes attributed a metaphysical nature to tickling, believing that tickling occupies a borderline position between the spiritual and the physical, for it is "pleasure that does not deny suffering."

It was very popular to hang victims by various parts of the body: men - by the edge by a hook or by the genitals, women - by their breasts, after cutting them through and passing a rope into the through wounds. The last official reports of such atrocities came from Iraq in the 80s of the 20th century, when massive repressions were carried out against the insurgent Kurds. People were also hung as shown in the pictures: by one or both legs, with a load tied to the neck or legs, they could be hung by the hair.

Insect torture

Different peoples used different insects to torture their victims. The most common were flies (see TORTURE BY SUSPENSION, 1st picture) due to their ubiquity. The victim was tied up, coated with something “tasty” and left in “nature”. After a while, swarms of flies and gadflies merged to her and began their feast.

The American Indians fired ants into the liver.

The Soviet NKVDists used the bug box. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of bedbugs in a dark plank closet. The jacket or tunic is removed from the planted, and immediately hungry bugs fall on him, crawling from the walls and falling from the ceiling. At first he fiercely fights them, chokes on himself, on the walls, suffocates from their stench, after a few hours he weakens and resignedly gives himself up to drink.

Torture by sound

In Muscovy under Ivan the Terrible, people were tortured like this: they put them under a large bell and began to ring it. A more modern method, the Music Box, was used when it was undesirable for a person to injure. The convict was seated in a room with bright light and no windows, in which "music" played continuously. The continuous set of unpleasant and in any way melodically unrelated sounds gradually drove me crazy.

Tickling torture

Tickling. Not as effective as the previous ones, and therefore was used by the executioners when they wanted to have fun. The convict is tied or crushed by his arms and legs and tickled in the nose with a bird's feather. The person soars, he feels as if the brain is being drilled. Or a very interesting method - a tied convict is coated with something sweet on his heels and pigs or other animals are launched. They begin to lick their heels, which is sometimes fatal.

Cat's paw or Spanish tickling

A simple device made in the image and likeness of an animal's paw. It was a plate with four or more iron claws. The paw was fitted on the shaft for ease of use. The device was used to rip the victim's flesh into shreds, rip meat from bones on different parts of the body: back, chest, arms and legs.

Heretic's Fork

A four-pronged, double-sided fork was used during interrogations as shown in the figure. Penetrating deep into the flesh, she hurt at any attempt to move her head and allowed the interrogated to speak only in an illegible, barely audible voice. The fork was engraved: I renounce.

Skull grinder

The victim's head was inserted into this device and crushed by means of a screw mechanism. Modifications were created with a sharp pin inside the cap, which, when the screw rotated, first bit into the skull and did not allow it to fidget, while bringing additional torment to the victim.

Mixed torture

Just as no classification in nature has rigid partitions, so in torture we will not be able to clearly separate the mental from the physical methods. Where, for example, include such methods (the arsenal of the NKVD):

1) Sound method. To plant the person under investigation six meters away. for eight and make everyone speak and repeat loudly. It is not easy for an already exhausted person. Or make two horns out of cardboard and, together with the comrade investigator who approached the prisoner, coming close to the prisoner, shout in both ears: "Confess, you bastard!" The prisoner is deafened, sometimes he loses his hearing. But this is an uneconomical way, it is just that the investigators also want to have fun in their monotonous work, so they come up with who is in what.

2) To extinguish a cigarette on the skin of the person under investigation.

4) Light method. A sharp round-the-clock electric light in a cell or box where a prisoner is being held, an exorbitantly bright light bulb for a small room and white walls. The eyelids become inflamed, it is very painful. And in the investigative office, room spotlights are again directed at him.

5) Such a notion. Chebotarev on the night of May 1, 1933 in the Khabarovsk GPU all night, twelve o'clock, was not interrogated, no: he was taken for interrogation! So and so - hands back! They took me out of the cell quickly up the stairs to the investigator's office. The lead-out is gone. But the investigator, not only without asking a single question, and sometimes without letting Chebotarev sit down, picks up the phone: take it out of 107! They take him to the cell. As soon as he lay down on the bunk, the castle thundered: Chebotarev! For interrogation! Hands back! And there: take it from the 107th! In general, methods of influence can begin long before the investigation office.

6) Prison begins with a box, that is, a drawer or a closet. A person who has just been captured from freedom, even in the summer of his inner movement, ready to find out, argue, fight - at the very first prison step, they slam into a box, sometimes with a light bulb and where he can sit, sometimes dark and such that he can only to stand, also crushed by the door. And they keep him here for several hours, half a day, a day. Hours of complete obscurity! - maybe he's walled up here for life? He has never seen anything like it in his life, he cannot guess! His first hours go by, when everything in him is still burning from the unstoppable vortex of the soul. Some are discouraged - it is here that they should be interrogated for the first time! Others get embittered - so much the better, they will now insult the investigator, allow imprudence - and it will be easier for them to wind up a case.

7) When there were not enough boxes, they did it again. Elena Strutinskaya in the Novocherkassk NKVD was put on a stool for six days in the corridor - so that she would not lean against anything, would not sleep, would not fall and would not get up. This is for six days! And you try to sit for six hours. Again, as an option, you can put the prisoner on a high chair, like a laboratory one, so that his legs do not reach the floor. then they go numb well. Let him sit for eight to ten hours. And then during interrogation, when the prisoner is all in sight, put him on an ordinary chair, but like this: on the very tip, on the rib of the seat (still forward, still forward!), So that he just does not fall off, but that the rib crushes him painfully the whole interrogation. And not allow him to move for several hours. Is that all? Yes, that's all. Try it out.

8) According to local conditions, boxing can be replaced by a divisional pit, as was the case in the Gorokhovets army camps during the Great Patriotic War. In such a pit, three meters deep, two meters in diameter, the arrested person collides, and there for several days in the open air, for an hour and in the rain, there was a cell and a toilet for him. And three hundred grams of bread and water were lowered there on a string. Imagine yourself in this position, and even just arrested, when everything in you is bubbling ...

But if in the first part I gave relatively widespread methods, then in the second part I tried to compose a kind of TOP 10 EXOTIC;) How I did it - for the reader to judge. "/>

The first part was supposed to introduce the reader a little into the excursion of torture. Now he already knows that the massive use of the rack has led to such a moment as the actual association of this device with torture and suffering.
But if in the first part I cited relatively common methods, then in the second part I tried to compile a kind of TOP 10 EXOTIC;) How did it come out for me is for the reader to judge.
And I'll start with a simple and, contrary to the given topic, popular torture.

10. Torture with a whip

The main instrument of corporal punishment in Russia was the whip, adopted by the country from the Tatars. It is the most terrible punishment instrument ever invented by mankind.
Descriptions of the whip differ from one another. In summary, it is made up mostly of a dense, heavy leather strap, approximately eight feet (2.5 m) long; attaches this strap to a two feet long wooden handle. The belt itself looks like a rather wide ribbon, bent in such a way that its sides are two sharp edges. There are whips covered with wire, ending in a small hook. Each time this terrible weapon is struck, its sharp edges rend the back of the punished person to such an extent that one gets the impression of being hit by a double-edged knife; in addition, the executioner never lifts the whip from his back, but slowly pulls it over the skin, as a result of which a small hook at the end of the belt breaks off thin pieces of meat each time.

Mothrain (1820) described the whip as a whip made from the skin of an old donkey; its width is approximately one inch (2.54 cm). Before use, the skin is boiled in vinegar and processed with mare's milk.
Count de Lagny (1840) said: "The whip consists of a thick leather belt cut into a triangle; it is three to four cubits (90-120 cm) long and one inch wide. One end is wider, the other narrower. and is attached to a handle that is two feet (60 cm) long. "
One of the country's reformers-rulers limited the number of blows with a whip to one hundred and one, but since none of the punished could endure such a number, this number had to be gradually reduced. In his essay dating back to 1852, Baron Harthausen reports that the use of the whip was completely abandoned during his stay. A person who was undeservedly punished with a whip had the right to receive 200 rubles from the sum of the court for each blow inflicted on him. To make the punishment even more sensitive, the offender was supposed to lie under the whip in only one pair of pantaloons.

The execution procedure was carried out as follows. The sentenced person was laid on a wooden bench with his stomach down, his arms and legs were neatly stretched out and fixed to rings nailed into the transverse edges of the bench. The head was pressed so hard against the tree that the victim had no opportunity to scream, which greatly increased the pain sensation. The correct and skillful use of the whip required a lot of study, as well as strong nerves and muscles.
One of the criminals was constantly appointed to the executioner, sentenced to the same punishment that he carried out after his pardon for others. After twelve years of service, he was released and escorted to his homeland, but while performing the duties of an executioner, he was kept under strict confinement and released from the cell only when it was necessary to execute a criminal sentenced to corporal punishment. In prisons, however, experienced executioners trained students and taught their craft to future torturers. The exercises were performed daily, for which purpose a human figure was used from rags stuffed with straw or horsehair. Pupils were initiated into all the secrets of the executor's art and received instructions from their mentor about how it is possible to deliver sometimes terribly strong, sometimes even weak blows.
The application of one degree or another of severity depended not only on the qualifications of the crime committed by the victim, but also - and, perhaps, most of all - on the size of the gift the executioner received before the flogging in the form of bribery.
The students were taught numerous combinations: how to whip on the thighs, how to treat a robber, how to punish for petty crimes, how to cause immediate death, make the victim twist the back of his head, how to whip so that the offender dies on the second or third day after the execution, how to do this a whip or whip should be brought around the torso and thus seriously injure the chest or vital organs located in the abdomen ...
Skilled executioners, who have perfectly mastered their craft, showed an amazing art, being able to capture with a whip only a circle the size of fifty dollars, without touching the nearby parts. Some of them, with one stroke of their terrible tool, literally turned bricks into dust.
Evdokia Lopukhina survived the whip punishment. The story of her life is found in many descriptions. She was reputed to be one of the most beautiful women at the ruler's court and was convicted of allegedly taking part in the preparation for high treason, hoping for the protection of her lover, who served as one of the foreign envoys.
According to the first sentence, Lopukhina was sentenced to cutting off her tongue, followed by wheeling, but the ruler commuted the sentence, if it can only be called mitigation, and replaced it with a whip and exile.
Lopukhin. appeared on the scaffold in a complete negligee, but this only increased her indescribable beauty. Until the last moment, she was firmly convinced that one of the many friends who admired her beauty and wit would unexpectedly come to her aid. But her pleading gaze met either completely indifferent or curious faces everywhere. When the executioner touched her clothes, she made an attempt to remove him. In vain! A few moments later she was naked to the waist, and when looking at the unfortunate woman, half-dead with shame and despair, a murmur of compassion was heard in the crowd ... Nevertheless, one of the executioner's assistants grabbed her hands and quickly turned around, so that the victim hung from him on her back, and the beauty's legs dangled in the air. At the first blow, a strip of skin separated from the very back to the thighs. In a few moments, the entire back of the unfortunate woman was swollen, and streams of blood flowed from the wounds. After being punished with a whip, her tongue was cut out, and the one deprived of the gift of speech was sent to a distant exile, so that there until the end of her days she could drag out the most miserable existence. Despite such terrible ordeals, Lopukhina survived them and, under the next ruler, was returned from exile - a rare case for a woman to endure such a punishment, during the execution of which men usually died, who were distinguished by both greater endurance and a stronger body structure. Moreover, being at court, she could even speak, in those days many interpreted this as God's mercy, speaking of her innocence, but, let's be realistic, rather someone managed to bribe the executioners.
Often, the punished were placed between two pillars with a crossbar, tying them by the arms raised up and often by the legs. This position made it possible to hit all over the body.
Often, to intensify the torture, the whip was soaked in saline or vinegar after each blow. Described were whips, sewn from two leather strips, into one of which small nails were driven in before sewing and, then, the caps were closed with a second strip. Such a whip, when struck, twisted around the body of a standing victim, then, when it was pulled back with a jerk, the gripping nails tore the body of the interrogated to shreds. This "miracle" was invented in Muslim Egypt. As the historian says, no one survived the tenth blow of such a whip. I must say that no exceptions were made for women.
The English writer mentioned above in one of her essays reports on a student who was punished with a whip for beating up his professor. Twice this young man, distinguished by remarkable talent, but also by extreme poverty, wrote with great assiduity an essay for the prize and deserved the latter, but did not receive anything, for one of the professors was jealous of a woman and did not find a more suitable way to annoy him with anything. to your opponent. The student made a third attempt, despite the fact that he lived under terrible conditions and literally starved for days. Not paying attention to the difficult life situation, the young man worked diligently, since his entire future career depended precisely on receiving the award. All the professors recognized him as worthy of the award, with the exception of one, whose voice, unfortunately, was decisive. Disagreeing with colleagues for nothing, this callous man did not stop at meanness and cast a shadow on the student's reputation.
In a fit of despair, the unfortunate young man, the son of a widow who existed without any means of livelihood, with starvation in the future, deprived of any hope, pounced on his tormentor and beat him. The student was put on trial, reported about his act to the ruler (it happened during the time of Peter I), who personally ordered to punish him with a whip. According to the order, all professors and students of the university were to be present at the execution, and long before the end of the tragedy, many of them fainted. The condemned died shortly after the first blows, but nevertheless the prescribed number of blows was inflicted on his corpse.
It should be noted that the whip was also widely used as an instrument of torture during interrogations. It is not for nothing that the expression "true truth" appeared in Russia, although it was received under the blows of a whip - "long-length". When a woman fell into this barbaric torture, then, if she did not confess from the first blows, the torture was intensified, beating the unfortunate woman on the breasts, trying to beat her nipples more often.
Often, the victim was hung by the legs wide apart to the sides, head downward, in order to strike at the genitals. This was especially done with women. And not only in Russia, Europe brought the whip from the Crusades to the East and the Inquisition never disdained them.
In general, it must be said that punishment with a whip, as a rule, led to death or made the convicted person a cripple for the rest of his life.
Here's just one example:
In 1823, seven Tatars, who were engaged in robbery and murder in the described country, were sentenced to punishment with a whip. By the verdict of the court, the punishment was to be carried out precisely in those cities where the robbers committed crimes. Thus, they were first beaten in one city, and then brought in chains for further execution in another. The whipping took place in market squares in the presence of hundreds of curious spectators. The criminals were alternately tied to a pillar with a ring at the top of it; in the latter, the head was threaded and fixed at the same time so that the victim was deprived of the opportunity to scream. Then the arms and legs were also tied to the pillar, and the plaster, glued to the wounds after the previous execution, was necessarily torn off.
A Tatar priest, invited to the place of execution, listed the crimes committed by those sentenced to punishment with a whip, and also read out the full sentence of them. This lecture lasted about half an hour. The whip's strap was very thick, almost the size of an adult's hand. With such a tool, after the priest, the executioner approached his victim, and the whistle of the first blow was heard. Then the executioner retreated forty steps back and again approached the criminal. This continued until the prescribed number of blows was counted out completely. Blood splattered with each impact, but thanks to the above measures, not a single scream or moan was heard. After the first came the turn of the second, and so on. Then all the punished were untied from the post, pasted over with a plaster and put on a cart, where each waited for the end of the punishment over his comrade.
Already in the second city, one of them died, while none of the other six survived to the last stage.
In our century, the whip was widely used by the Nazis in concentration camps, here is one example - Treblinka, an eyewitness recollection: "During the check, Frau Utah shouted" Rais "and, choosing a young, healthy and beautiful girl, forced her to take off her clothes and, knowing everything well sensitive places, with all her might hit the unfortunate "paychem" (a whip made of a bare metal wire) right on her bare breasts, in the very nipples, so that she overturned, When the girl managed to get up on her knees, Frau Utah again removed her between her legs, and then , kicked her boot in the same direction. Finally, the girl was allowed to pick up and she went, barely breathing, and in that place there was a pool of blood. "
They did not hesitate to psychologically intensify this torture. When a mother and daughter were tortured in Dachau, they were beaten with a whip in front of each other, so that the suffering of one would increase the pain of the other.
I think comments are superfluous here.
It is unlikely that even today this cruel instrument of torture and punishment has sunk into oblivion.

9. Torture by fire.

The next earthly element, widely exploited by the bodies of inquiry, is fire. The inquisitors used it in the following way: the heretic's feet, clamped by a shoe, were oiled, then an open fire was brought to them, and so on until the child of burnt meat and naked bones.
In other cases, a person was put on a grate, under which a fire was made, or hung over a fire in an iron cage, or done as shown in the picture (they put a person on a special chair, and a fire was made under it). Torture by fire was widely used at all times and in Rome. , and in Madrid, and in Moscow, and in Beijing, and in the forests of America, and in the African jungle.
In addition to fire, the use of coals and especially hot iron was also widespread. This was explained by the convenience of its use in comparison with an open fire. It became especially widespread when branding criminals and burning eyes. There were also more exotic rituals, such as putting a red-hot iron helmet on the victim's head (see picture).

8. Torture by hanging.

It was very popular to hang victims by various parts of the body: men - by the edge by a hook or by the genitals, women - by their breasts, after cutting them through and passing a rope into the through wounds. The last official reports of such atrocities came from Iraq in the 80s of the 20th century, when massive repressions were carried out against the rebellious Kurds.

People were also hung as shown in the pictures: by one or both legs, with a load tied to the neck or legs, they could be hung by the hair. Also, after being hung up, the victims could be beaten with all kinds of rods, hammers (see picture), etc.

7. Torture with a skull crusher.

The victim's head was inserted into this device and crushed by means of a screw mechanism. Modifications were created with a sharp pin inside the cap, which, when the screw rotated, first bit into the skull and did not allow it to fidget, while bringing additional torment to the victim.

6. Torture by persecution by predators.

This extremely bloody form of execution enjoyed immense popularity in most countries due to its spectacularity. The spectators received great sadistic pleasure, seeing how defenseless, often tied, convicts were torn to shreds by the fangs and claws of predators. Since at all times the bulk of such spectators were men, it is natural that beautiful young women enjoyed special honor as such victims.
It became widespread during the Roman Empire, when slaves and captives from the conquered peoples were poisoned by predators in the circus arenas. Here is how Josephus describes the massacre of the emperor Titus over the inhabitants of defeated Judea: "African lions, Indian elephants, German bison were released against the captives. People doomed to death - some were dressed in festive dress, others were forced to put on prayer cloaks - white with a black border and blue tassels - and it was nice to watch them turn red. Young women and girls were driven into the arena naked so that the audience could watch their muscles play in the moments of death. "
Nero acted no better with the Christians, declaring them guilty of the burning of Rome. The following spectacle responded to his sadistic tastes: the most beautiful women were raped, then tied to poles, sometimes leaving one or both of their hands free and releasing tigers and lions on them. The Emperor took great pleasure in watching how, despite their pitiful resistance, the beast was tearing the beautiful body apart. From Nero came the famous aphorism: "Christians - to the lions!"
In those countries where crocodiles were found or it was possible to bring them, these animals were also used for such executions. The executioners were quite satisfied with the fact that the crocodile did not immediately attack the victim, watching her for a long time from under the water and then slowly creeping up to her along the shore. Thus, to the victim's suffering was added a long agonizing expectation of a terrible end.
When the cattle, which were used to feed wild animals for gladiatorial spectacles, became more expensive, Caligula ordered the animals to be fed from prison to criminals, without examining the measure of their guilt.
It looks like the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible was “having fun”. One of his favorite types of execution is to sew a convict into a bearskin (it was called “sheathe a bear”) and then hound him with dogs. This is how the Novgorod bishop Leonid was executed. Sometimes bears were set on people (naturally, in this case, they were not “sheathed with bears”).
Harassment by predators was not always used as an execution; it was also used as a form of barbaric torture. So, often interrogated were put in a cage and placed in the yard, where wild animals were released. Although the cage protected a person from predators, the terror inspired by them was so great that the prisoner confessed to any crimes that were imputed to him.
Often, as such torture, the interrogated person was tied up and approached, holding the beast on a leash and the threat to release the predator forced him to obey.
A similar form of interrogation was tying a prisoner to a post, when predators were placed around him on chains, the length of which was calculated in such a way that teeth and claws could not reach a person, but were in close proximity to him.
Some would-be male representatives used such torture to gain the favor of obstinate beauties. So Kostomarov described a case when a Russian nobleman, who was refused by a young peasant girl of rare beauty, ordered to strip her naked and tie her in the corner of the hut, where a fierce bear was on a chain. The unhappy woman spent the whole night, seeing the mouth of the beast in front of her face, although the chain did not allow him to get to the captive, but one can imagine what she went through. In short, in the morning she agreed to surrender herself to this admirer.
Naturally, large predators were quite expensive and, over time, became available to an increasingly narrow circle of dignitaries. However, until the abolition of serfdom in Russia, and for a slightly shorter period in European countries, landowners were poisoned by dogs, kept in huge numbers in their hunting grounds, to anyone who disturbed their peace. So, Dostoevsky describes a nobleman who hunted a peasant boy with dogs, who accidentally bruised his paw with a greyhound. After the capture of Liege, Karl the Bold ordered to take beautiful townspeople naked into the forest, giving them only a thick branch, which they held in front of them and arranged a hound hunt for them. Although in most cases everything ended in rape, sometimes even to mutual pleasure, but some women still did not escape the fangs of angry dogs.

In our time, prisoners were poisoned with dogs in Nazi and Stalinist concentration camps. Some of Treblinka's surviving female prisoners described how the SS men lowered dogs on them or kept them on a leash during interrogation.
This torture has not stopped even now, judging by the numerous articles about arbitrariness in our and other countries. In one of the Western newspapers there was an article about how one of the Colombian drug lords punished his mistress who had cheated on him. The couple were snatched from one of the hotels, brought into the deserted countryside. The leader first whipped the "adulterers" on the cheeks, then the guy was shot, and all the clothes were torn off the girl. Both the live and the corpse were thrown into the pit, where there were several, a couple of days not fed, ferocious dogs. The mafioso stood at the edge of the pit and enjoyed the sight of a girl distraught with pain and horror trying to fight off the dogs tearing her body off. When the pit bull tore the woman's throat, the jealous man calmly departed in an unknown direction.

5. Paw torture or Spanish tickling.

A simple device made in the image and likeness of an animal's paw. It was a plate with four or more iron claws. The paw was fitted on the shaft for ease of use. The device was used to rip the victim's flesh into shreds, rip meat from bones on different parts of the body: back, chest, arms and legs.

4. The torture of the Jews by the chair.

It would be more correct to call it impaling not on a stake (as in the execution), but on a special device - a wooden or iron pyramid. The accused was undressed and positioned as shown in the figure. The executioner with the help of a rope could regulate the force of pressure of the tip, could lower the victim slowly or with a jerk. Having completely released the rope, the victim with all his weight was put on the tip.
The tip of the pyramid was directed not only into the anus, but also into the vagina, under the scrotum or under the coccyx. In this terrible way, the Inquisition sought recognition from heretics and witches. To increase the pressure, a weight was sometimes tied to the victim's legs and arms.
Nowadays, they are tortured in this way in some countries of Latin America. For a change, an electric current is connected to the iron belt that wraps around the victim and to the tip of the pyramid.

3. Insect torture.

Different peoples used different insects to torture their victims.

The most common were flies (see picture, often used in conjunction with hanging) due to their ubiquity. The victim was tied up, coated with something "tasty" and left in "nature." After a while, swarms of flies and gadflies merged to her and began their feast.
The American Indians fired ants into the liver.
The Soviet NKVDists used the bug box. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of bedbugs in a dark plank closet. The jacket or tunic is removed from the planted, and immediately hungry bugs fall on him, crawling from the walls and falling from the ceiling. At first he fiercely fights them, chokes on himself, on the walls, suffocates from their stench, after a few hours he weakens and resignedly gives himself up to drink.

2. Tickling torture.

Tickling. Not as effective as torture with sound or insects, and therefore was used by executioners when they wanted to have fun. The convict is tied or crushed by his arms and legs and tickled in the nose with a bird's feather. The person soars, he feels as if the brain is being drilled. Or a very interesting method - a tied convict is coated with something sweet on his heels and pigs or other animals are launched. They begin to lick their heels, which is sometimes fatal.

And now, perhaps, it is worth suggesting options and let the reader choose, at his own discretion, what he finds the most exotic in the following list.

1. American Indians insert a thin reed with small spines into the victim's urethra and, holding it in their palms, rotate it in different directions; the torture lasts quite a long time and gives the victim unbearable suffering. Similar descriptions of torture came from ancient Greece.
Iroquois tie the tips of the victim's nerves to sticks, which rotate and wind the nerves around them; during this operation, the body twitches, wriggles and literally disintegrates in front of the admiring spectators - at least that's what eyewitnesses say.
In the Philippines, a naked victim is tied to a pillar facing the sun, which slowly kills her. In another eastern country, the stomach is ripped open, the intestines are pulled out, salt is poured into it, and the body is hung in the market square.
The Hurons hang a corpse over a tied victim in such a way that all the filth flowing from a dead decaying body falls on her face, and the victim gives up the spirit after long suffering.
In Morocco and Switzerland, a convict was clamped between two planks and sawed in half.
The Egyptians inserted dry reeds into all parts of the victim's body and set them on fire.
The Persians - the most inventive people in the world in terms of torture - put the victim in a round dugout boat with holes for arms, legs and head, covered the top with the same one, and ultimately worms devoured him alive ...
The same Persians rubbed the victim between the millstones or ripped off the skin from a living person and rubbed thorns into the skinned flesh, which caused unheard of suffering.
Disobedient or guilty inhabitants of the harem are incised in the most tender places and molten lead is dropped into open wounds; lead is also poured into the vagina ...
Or they make a pincushion out of her body, only instead of pins, they use gray-soaked wooden nails, set them on fire, and the flame is supported by the victim's subcutaneous fat.
In China, the executioner could pay with his own head if the victim died before the appointed time, which was, as usual, very long - eight or nine days, and during this time the most sophisticated tortures replaced each other incessantly.
In Siam, a person who has fallen out of favor is thrown into a corral with angry bulls, and they pierce him with horns through and through and trample to death.
The king of this country forced a rebel to eat his own meat, which from time to time was cut off from his body.
The same Siamese put the victim in a robe woven from lianas, and prick it with sharp objects; after this torture, his body is quickly cut into two parts, the upper half is immediately placed on a red-hot copper grate; this operation stops the blood and prolongs the life of a person, or rather a part of a half-person.
The Koreans pump the victim with vinegar and, when it swells to the proper size, beat it like a drum with sticks until it dies.
Emperor Tiberius was the undoubted author of such torture: the condemned were given a fair amount of young wine to drink, after which their penises were tightly bandaged, as a result of which they died a long and painful death from urinary retention.
Emperor Nero went down in history not only as an amateur artist and arsonist of the city of Rome, but also as an amateur executioner. Of all the means of slow killing, Nero preferred poisons and opening the veins. He liked to offer poison to the victim with his own hand, and then watched with interest how she writhed in agony. He forced other convicts to open their own veins, sitting in a bathtub filled with warm water, and to those of them who did not show the due decisiveness, he assigned doctors who provided "necessary help."
The Roman emperors took pleasure in contemplating the executions of young Christian virgins, who tore their breasts and buttocks with red-hot forceps, poured boiling oil or tar into the wounds, and poured these liquids into all the holes.
A person who has just been captured from freedom, even in the summer of his inner movement, ready to find out, argue, fight - at the very first prison step, they slam into a box, sometimes with a light bulb and where he can sit, sometimes dark and such that he can only to stand, also crushed by the door. And they keep him here for several hours, half a day, a day. Hours of complete obscurity! - maybe he's walled up here for life? He has never seen anything like it in his life, he cannot guess! His first hours go by, when everything in him is still burning from the unstoppable vortex of the soul. Some are discouraged - it is here that they should be interrogated for the first time! Others get embittered - so much the better, they will now insult the investigator, allow imprudence - and it will be easier for them to wind up a case.
Elena Strutinskaya in the Novocherkassk NKVD was put on a stool for six days in the corridor - so that she would not lean against anything, would not sleep, would not fall and would not get up. This is for six days! And you try to sit for six hours. Again, as an option, you can put the prisoner on a high chair, like a laboratory one, so that his legs do not reach the floor. then they go numb well. Let him sit for eight to ten hours. And then during interrogation, when the prisoner is all in sight, put him on an ordinary chair, but like this: on the very tip, on the rib of the seat (still forward, still forward!), So that he just does not fall off, but that the rib crushes him painfully the whole interrogation. And not allow him to move for several hours. Is that all? Yes, that's all. Try it out.

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