The leaves of the nettle are medicinal. Medicinal properties and contraindications of nettle

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The medicinal properties and contraindications of stinging nettle and stinging nettle have been known since ancient times. Caesar's legionaries whipped themselves with nettles to relieve pain and keep warm. The Greeks added extracts of nettle to love potions to increase potency. And in Russian herbalists, this herb was credited primarily with wound healing and hemostatic properties. On Ivan Kupala it was customary to beat each other with nettles to "burn out" the disease. If we consider the magical meaning of the herb, then it is a symbol of unhappy fate and love, with injections, "burning", suffering. In the folk traditions of the Slavs, nettle is a strong amulet that protects against negative energy. In Russia, they not only steamed with nettle brooms to drive out evil spirits from the body, but they also swept the floors in order to drive out evil spirits from the house.

Features of a medicinal plant

Healers note that among the variety of medicinal herbs it is difficult to find such a plant that can be compared with nettle in biological activity and beneficial effect on the human body. It is not for nothing that this plant symbol is so often found in legends, fairy tales, beliefs, proverbs and sayings.


Stinging nettle is a perennial medicinal plant. Distributed in the Southern and Northern Hemisphere. Loves a temperate climate. The herb can be found throughout Europe, in Siberia, the Far East, Asia, the Caucasus, northern Africa and even Australia. It grows well on nitrogenous soils. Refers to hard-to-eradicate weeds. The grass grows along roads, fences, wastelands, in ravines. Loves damp forests, clearings, meadows, river banks. Often forms dense thickets. The area of ​​stinging nettle is the same as that of dioecious.

How to distinguish stinging nettle from stinging nettle

  • Dioecious. Perennial plant, height can reach 2 m. Forms large thickets.
  • Burning. An annual plant, the height can reach 50 cm. It is distinguished by strongly stinging hairs on the leaves and stems. Does not form large thickets.


Stinging nettle is also harvested as a medicinal raw material. In terms of medicinal properties, it is not inferior to stinging nettle. And, for example, only stinging nettle is used in homeopathy. Most often, its young leaves and shoots, as well as roots, are harvested. It is a useful multivitamin supplement for the spring diet. Salads and soups are prepared from young leaves. Dried stinging nettle is used as a seasoning.

Healing action

What are the health benefits of nettle?

  • Toning.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Blood-purifying.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Vasoconstrictor.
  • A mild laxative.
  • Multivitamin.
  • Wound healing.
  • Anticonvulsant.
  • Choleretic.
  • Expectorant.
  • Pain reliever.

Chemical composition:

  • multivitamin concentrate: vitamins C, A, K, B;
  • organic acids;
  • phytoncides;
  • glycosides;
  • chlorophyll;
  • gum;
  • minerals (especially a lot of iron, nickel, silicon, copper, manganese);
  • tannins;
  • cellulose;
  • starch;
  • glucokinins (lower blood sugar);
  • histamine (in stinging nettle hairs);
  • fats and proteins;
  • Sahara.


Under what diagnoses and symptoms will nettle treatment be effective?

  • Gynecology. Often used to stop uterine bleeding, with reduced uterine tone, in the postpartum period.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract... Used for diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines. It is useful to take orally for constipation, hemorrhoids, gastritis with high acidity, flatulence, appetite disorders. The herb is also effective for dysentery, acts as an antiseptic.
  • urinary system... The drug improves kidney function, it is prescribed for urolithiasis, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, as a diuretic for urinary retention and edema.
  • Respiratory system . It is useful to drink for colds, bronchitis and pneumonia, helps with tuberculosis (stops hemoptysis).
  • Allergy treatment... An effective remedy for urticaria and itching is the homeopathic drug Urtica urens, which is made from stinging nettle. In addition to allergies, they are also treated for burns, urolithiasis, dilated capillaries, hemorrhages, gout and other diseases.
  • Hemostatic agent... Vitamin K promotes rapid blood clotting. Therefore, for a long time, the herb has been taken for various bleeding - nasal, hemorrhoidal, uterine, renal, intestinal, pulmonary (hemoptysis).
  • Diseases of blood vessels and heart... The herb has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels, helps with varicose veins, strengthens, narrows the walls of blood vessels, and stimulates the muscles of the heart.
  • Diseases of muscles, bones and joints... Inside and out, the agent is used for gout, radiculitis, rheumatism, osteomyelitis, arthritis.
  • Cleansing the blood. The herb has a beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism in the body. It is prescribed for diabetes mellitus, and is also drunk for weight loss (especially for losing weight on the abdomen and sides). The herb increases the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Chlorophyll contained in nettle has a stimulating effect on the immune system, increases the tone of the respiratory, digestive, and vascular systems. Acts as an antioxidant agent, removes toxins and toxins from the body.
  • External use... In dermatology, it is used for lichen, boils, acne, purulent wounds, including chronic varicose veins. Lotions and compresses are made from decoctions and infusions for burns, rheumatic pains.

In addition, the herb belongs to multivitamin preparations, which are prescribed for the prevention of hypovitaminosis, spring vitamin deficiency, scurvy and anemia. The tool is recommended to be taken during an epidemic of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

What are the contraindications for stinging nettle? Renal failure, individual intolerance, increased blood clotting, hypertension, atherosclerosis, cancer, benign tumors, thrombophlebitis and a tendency to develop it. It should be used with great caution in the elderly and children. Due to a number of contraindications, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using the herb.

Cooking and using nettles at home

How is nettle used in traditional medicine? What medicines can be prepared from it at home? What drugs are available at the pharmacy?

Pharmacy preparations

  • Butter . Most often it is used externally in dermatology and cosmetology for skin and hair care. You can make an oil extract from nettle at home.
  • Dry extract of nettle... You can buy dietary supplements in the form of tablets and capsules that are made from dried nettle root. A powder made from dry extract of leaves and roots is also sold. It is used for making infusions at home.
  • Liquid extract. Sold in bottles of 100 ml. The indications for use indicated in the instructions are diseases of the urinary system and joints, iron deficiency anemia, inflammation of the prostate gland, uterine bleeding, menstrual irregularities. The herbal preparation is prescribed in combination therapy with synthetic drugs. It is taken in a strict dosage - no more than 30 drops 4 times a day.
  • Dry vegetable raw materials... The instructions for using nettle leaves indicate age restrictions - the herb is allowed for children from 12 years old. Overdose can cause an allergic reaction and increased blood clotting. Therefore, it is so important to observe the doses during the preparation of the infusion: no more than 2 tbsp is taken for 200 ml of water. tablespoons of dry raw materials.


Nettle tea can be made from leaves, roots, and seeds.

Making a decoction from the leaves

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water over.
  2. Boil for 1 minute.
  3. Insist half an hour.

They drink with all the diagnoses listed above. Outwardly, decoctions and infusions are used in the form of baths, lotions, warm poultices, compresses.

Making a decoction from the roots

  1. Take 1 tsp. ground roots.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over.
  3. Boil for 1 minute.
  4. Insist half an hour.

This broth is useful for cleansing the blood of toxins, it is drunk with furunculosis, swelling, hemorrhoids, heart diseases. Outwardly, it is used for skin lesions - eczema, lichen, urticaria, burns. There is also a recipe for making roots in syrup. It is an effective cough suppressant.

Making a decoction from seeds

  1. Take 1 tsp. seeds (preferably crushed).
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over.
  3. Boil for 1 minute.
  4. Insist 1 hour.

This broth is useful for men - it increases potency, enhances sexual activity. You can also insist seeds on red wine, add honey to infusions.

How to drink a decoction of nettle?

  • Be sure to filter before use.
  • Take in the following dosage: 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.
  • The decoction from the roots can be taken in a larger dosage - ¼ cup 3 times a day.
  • The course of treatment depends on the diagnosis and the age of the patient and is prescribed by the doctor.
  • Long-term use should be limited in old age to prevent thrombophlebitis.
  • The prepared broth can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.


What is the use of nettle infusion? This remedy is effective for all of the above indications. The infusion is especially useful for stopping bleeding. It is also a great multivitamin drink. To prepare the infusion, you can use chopped leaves or nettles in sachets from a pharmacy.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over.
  3. Insist 1-2 hours.
  4. Strain.

It is also a good tonic, tonic, lactogonic agent. It is often drunk with rheumatism. The infusion is used externally in the same way as the decoction. For external use and skin cleansing, an infusion of celandine and nettle is recommended.

Preparation of fortified infusion

  1. Take equal parts of nettle, rose hips, currants, carrot root.
  2. At 2 tbsp. l. mixture, take 2 cups of boiling water.
  3. Insist 1 hour.
  4. Strain.


It is a good sedative for nervous disorders, apathy, drowsiness, lethargy. It acts as a tonic, so it is not recommended to take it in the afternoon. Also, the tincture is used for rubbing for joint, muscle pain. It is taken orally for whooping cough, diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Tincture of red wine with the addition of honey also helps against coughs.

Preparation of vodka tincture

  1. Take 1 part dry leaves.
  2. Cover with 5 parts vodka.
  3. Soak 2 weeks in the sun.
  4. Strain.

The tincture can also be prepared from the roots.


Syrup with nettle and upland uterus extract is sold in pharmacies. It is used for hormonal disorders, a number of gynecological diseases, infertility, mastopathy, to strengthen the immune system. But you can also make the syrup yourself.

Syrup recipe

  1. Pass 1 kg of fresh leaves through a meat grinder.
  2. Add 3 cups of water.
  3. Boil for 2 minutes and strain.
  4. Add ½ kg of honey and stir well.

Store the syrup in the refrigerator. It is a good multivitamin, general tonic. You can take 1 tsp. Also, delicious fortified drinks are made from this syrup.


Fresh nettle juice can replace decoction and infusion. It is used internally and externally. Drink 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day for 1 teaspoon. Effective for kidney and gallstones, uterine and nosebleeds, iron deficiency anemia, hypovitaminosis. The juice is drunk to stimulate the nervous system, in case of toothache. It is used as an antiseptic for diseases of the oral mucosa and skin inflammation.


What are the benefits of nettle for hair and skin? The herb contains minerals, organic acids and vitamins that provide anti-inflammatory, nourishing, anti-aging, antioxidant effects.

  • For problem skin... Used externally in the form of decoctions and infusions. Alcohol tincture can only be used diluted for oily skin. Well cleanses the skin with acne, purulent wounds. With furunculosis, the herb is also taken orally.
  • For hair . In case of hair loss, oily hair, dandruff, it is recommended to rinse your head with broths. For oily scalp, you can rub the tincture. Herbs are often used with the addition of chamomile, burdock root, and oak bark. Read more about the application in our other article.
  • Nettle bath... It is not only a cosmetic but also a medical procedure. It cleanses the skin well, renews cells, relieves puffiness, helps with female diseases, nervous disorders. From decoctions of nettle and sage, they make baths for hands and feet, which soften the skin well, eliminate sweating of the palms and feet, and strengthen the nails.

Oil preparation

  1. Take 1 part of the crushed root.
  2. Pour in 2 parts olive oil.
  3. Insist 2 weeks.
  4. Strain.

The oil is widely used in cosmetology: it is rubbed into the scalp, rough, chapped skin, cracks, wounds and scratches are treated with it. It is also effective in dermatology, in the treatment of burns.

Learn more about the benefits of nettle for women

Why is nettle good for women? For what symptoms and diagnoses is it prescribed?

  • Menstrual bleeding... How and how many days to drink nettle with incessant menstruation, it is necessary to check with the attending gynecologist. Self-medication with such a serious symptom can lead to even more dire consequences.
  • Itching with infectious diseases... This unpleasant symptom can be relieved with the homeopathic remedy Urtica urens and nettle decoctions, which are applied externally for douching.
  • Climax. For women in menopause, the herb is useful for the nervous system, with hormonal disruptions. In nettles, substances have been found that are similar in their effect to female sex hormones.
  • After treatment with radio wave therapy... Most often, this method of treatment is prescribed for cervical erosion. After it, minor bleeding is possible. Nettle is used to stop them.
  • Nettle during pregnancy... It is strictly prohibited due to the effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus, hormonal properties. External use is acceptable.
  • Lactation period. The herb is prescribed to increase milk production. Therefore, if a woman wants to stop breastfeeding, nettle is contraindicated. To enhance lactation, nettle is drunk in combination with other herbs after consulting a doctor.

There are many positive reviews about the treatment of female diseases with nettle. But we emphasize once again: only a doctor can prescribe treatment. After all, the cause of bleeding can be fibroma, uterine fibroids, and other tumors. These diagnoses are a strong contraindication for nettle.

Economic value

Young nettles are widely used in cooking. Cabbage soup is cooked from its leaves and shoots in spring, added to salads and filling for pies. Old leaves are suitable for fermentation and preparation of dry seasoning. Nettle is often found in Caucasian dishes. Here it is salted, pickled, fermented, consumed fresh. Also, the leaves are used as a top dressing for livestock and poultry. The plant is used in the cosmetic industry.

The healing properties of stinging nettle and stinging nettle are recognized in folk and traditional medicine. This remedy is used primarily to stop various internal bleeding. Also, the herb helps with diseases of blood vessels, bones, heart, joints, skin, digestive organs. It is an antioxidant that is used to cleanse the blood. In addition, nettle is a natural multivitamin concentrate.

general characteristics

Nettle leaves contain ascorbic acid, carotenoids, vitamins B, K and E, coumarins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, tannins, phytoncides, amines, urticin glycoside, chlorophyll, iron salts.


Nettle leaves, crushed raw materials. Release form. Chopped raw materials 50 g or 100 g in a pack.


Pieces of thin, rough-haired leaves of various shapes, passing through a sieve (5600), are dark green in color. The smell is weak.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Other hemostatic agents.

Pharmacological properties

Herbal remedy. Infusion of nettle leaves has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, increases the tone of the uterus.

Indications for use

Inside: as a diuretic in the complex therapy of mild inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis); symptomatic therapy of joint pain in arthritis and arthrosis; as part of the complex therapy of heavy menstrual bleeding after consulting a doctor.


Hypersensitivity. Increased blood clotting, a tendency to thrombosis; glomerulonephritis; bleeding caused by a cyst, polyps, tumors of the uterus and its appendages. Diseases that require restriction of fluid intake (for example, severe heart or kidney disease). Pregnancy, lactation, children under 12 years of age.

Method of administration and dosage

Inside. 4 g (1 tablespoon) of the leaves are placed in an enamel bowl, 200 ml (1 glass) of boiled water at room temperature is poured in, covered with a lid and heated in boiling water (water bath) for 15 minutes. Cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, filter. The remaining raw materials are squeezed out. The volume of the resulting infusion is brought up to 200 ml with boiled water.

Adults and children over 12 years old are taken orally warm, 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the disease, the achieved effect and the tolerability of the drug.

Side effect

Allergic reactions (itching, skin rash, urticaria), moderate gastrointestinal disturbances (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), hypercoagulability are possible. In case of adverse reactions, including those not listed in this instruction, you must stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.


Information is absent.

Application in children

Due to the lack of adequate data, it is not recommended to use in children under 12 years of age.

Application during bpregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug has a uterotonic effect. Due to the lack of safety data, use during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended.

Interaction with drwith drugs

There is no information available on possible interactions. If you are taking other medicines at the same time, you should consult your doctor.

Precautionary measures

If symptoms persist or deterioration occurs when using the drug, discontinue use of the drug and consult a doctor. If joint pain is accompanied by joint swelling, skin redness, or fever, you should see your doctor. If, while taking the drug, symptoms such as fever, urinary disorders, spastic pains or blood appear in the urine, you must stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Nettle decoction is a drink that is unique in its beneficial properties, which allows you to get rid of the symptoms of many diseases and improves the state of the body. Want to know more about the plant? Read our review - we have collected interesting and useful information about the drink. You will learn how to prepare it, why you need it, study the benefits and contraindications in order to make an informed decision about its use.

Composition and application

To understand why nettle decoction is useful, you need to carefully study the chemical composition of the plant. Do not mistake it for a useless weed - it is a real storehouse of useful vitamins, elements and other components.

Let's study them in detail - they include:

  • Vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • Vitamin A (retinol), which stimulates kidney and liver function;
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) - normalizes the condition of the skin and hair;
  • Vitamin K has regenerating and hemostatic properties;
  • B vitamins improve sleep, strengthen the nervous system and normalize the body;
  • Carotonoids improve vision.

In addition, the following elements are concentrated in the nettle:

  • Glycosides and Chlorophyll;
  • Flavonoids and Histamines;
  • Phytoncides and organic acids;
  • Zinc and Copper;
  • Molybdenum, Calcium and Potassium;
  • Manganese, sulfur, aluminum;
  • Barium, iron and chromium.

Below we will tell you in detail what the nettle decoction helps from - but for now, we will briefly note the main areas of use of the drug:

  • Ingestion as a drink;
  • Washing face and body;
  • Rubbing into the scalp in cosmetology;
  • As compresses;
  • In cooking.

Let's discuss the indications for the use of nettle decoction - for this you need to carefully study the list of beneficial qualities of the plant.

Beneficial features

The benefits of a decoction of nettle for the body are undeniable - thanks to the rich composition, we can extract the maximum benefits and get rid of some diseases. Let's take a closer look at in which cases a drink can have a beneficial effect:

  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the liver, kidneys and gallbladder;
  • Allows to block blood circulation and is used as a prophylactic agent to prevent the occurrence of oncological diseases;
  • Removes cholesterol and lowers sugar levels, used in diabetes mellitus;
  • Improves the activity of the urinary system, allows you to remove sand and small stones;
  • Facilitates the course of prostatitis and kills disease-causing bacteria;
  • A decoction of nettle with bleeding of a different nature allows you to stop the harmful process;
  • Used for severe allergies - histamines help stop a negative reaction to an irritant;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Allows you to get rid of worms;
  • A decoction of nettle for the face helps to remove the manifestations of eczema and psoriasis;
  • Enriches the blood with oxygen and nutrients, including hemoglobin;
  • Eliminates back pain, neck and back pain;
  • Dries up external inflammations, relieves suppuration;
  • Helps get rid of acne and cellulite, severe wrinkles and vascular network;
  • Normalizes sweating;
  • Stimulates hair growth and fights hair loss;
  • Used for the treatment and prevention of impotence, increases libido and stimulates the reproductive system;
  • Normalizes sleep, relieves psycho-emotional fatigue, calms the nervous system;
  • Cleans the liver from toxins and toxins.

Separately, we note how the drink affects young children, in which cases it can be used:

  • Eliminates stomach pain;
  • Relieves cough;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Relieves inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • Used for anemia to normalize iron levels;
  • Helps cope with allergic reactions.

In order not to encounter contraindications for a decoction of nettle, you should first agree on the reception of the drug with a pediatrician.

Pregnancy and lactation is an important stage in a woman's life, during this period any medicines, even natural ones, should be taken with caution. We will tell you in what cases nettle helps - but do not forget about consulting a gynecologist:

  • Improves mood, helps relieve headaches;
  • A decoction of nettle after childbirth and during pregnancy relieves depression and gives strength;
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system;
    • Eliminates puffiness and has a positive effect on kidney function. Also, read how to take during pregnancy in our other article.

Figured out why to drink a decoction of nettle, we hope that you have no questions left? Now it is worth discussing the possible harm - do not disregard this information!


You have studied how useful is a decoction of nettle - agree, the list of the plant's advantages is impressive? It's time to discuss the possible harm - any drug has certain contraindications, which are important to consider before use.

You should not drink the broth in the following cases:

  • With a history of high blood pressure;
  • People suffering from varicose veins;
  • With atherosclerosis;
  • If you suffer from heart failure.

A decoction of nettle during breastfeeding and during pregnancy is prescribed only by a doctor.

Please note that the information provided can only be used for information purposes - we do not give any advice. Only a specialist can give an appointment, determine the dosage and methods of ingestion. Be sure to seek advice before use and do not drink the drink without restrictions, follow the measure!

And what is it for? Read the information in the article at the link.

Where to get nettles

You can buy dried leaves at a pharmacy or a major store - products are dispensed without a prescription and restrictions. If you want to harvest the plant yourself, you should follow these tips:

  • The most fully useful properties are revealed in May - choose this time for collection;
  • Collection time - after the dew has dried, but before sunset;
  • It is better to look for leaves in ecologically clean places. The plant spreads easily - it can be found in almost any yard, but it is better to refrain from such collection. Choose remote places - forests, clearings, away from roads and houses;
  • Dry the leaves in the shade, in a well-ventilated area, spread out one at a time on a flat surface;
  • After drying, the leaves are placed in a jar with a tightly screwed lid and stored in a dark place.


Now let's discuss how to make a decoction of nettle, whether it is a purchased plant or leaves you have collected:

  • Pour 0.2 liters of water over one tablespoon of leaves;
  • Boil;
  • Leave under a towel to brew for an hour;
  • Strain and cool.

How to drink a decoction of nettle for various diseases?

Nettle is not only a well-known burning plant, but also a folk healer. She is able to save a person from many diseases. It is especially useful. Indications for use are recommended to drink it after winter, to restore immunity. Healers say that it gives strength to the body, normalizes the work of the heart and eliminates stomach pains. Improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Nettle tea: chemical composition

The usual decoction of nettle has many valuable medicinal properties. Indications for use recommend using it for cosmetic purposes, for hair growth and strengthening. The unique qualities of the broth are due to the chemical composition of the plant, which is rich in minerals and trace elements, as well as organic matter. First of all, these are manganese, potassium, nicotine, calcium, copper, barium and silicon. The herb contains iron salts, histamine, sulfur, titanium and many other useful elements.

Nettle leaves and stems are saturated with essential oils, starch, phytoncides, phenol carboxylic acids and porphyrins. The stinging hairs covering the plant contain nitrogen-containing acids, including formic acid, acetylcholine. It is these substances that cause the burn. and rhizomes contain a lot of vitamin C and fatty oils.

The plant contains urticin lycoside, as well as vitamins: B1, B6, B2, PP, K, C and E. In addition, the herb contains chlorophyll and carotenoids. In terms of protein content, nettle can easily compete with legumes.

Nettle decoction properties

Nettle decoction is highly valued in folk medicine. Indications for use (the properties of nettle are due to its valuable composition, thanks to which it cures many diseases), it is recommended to use the plant for problems with the stomach and intestines. The herb is often used as an antiseptic, hemostatic and diuretic. characterized by choleretic, tonic and anti-inflammatory qualities. Promotes early wound healing and relieves cramps.

Chlorophyll, which is part of the plant, activates metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the respiratory system, has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, as well as on the intestinal tract. Nettle also increases hemoglobin and the level of red blood cells in the blood. Normalizes carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. The presence of vitamin K endows the plant with a pronounced hemostatic property, thereby stimulating the production of prothrombin.

In addition, a decoction of nettle stimulates regeneration processes, tones the uterus and the entire body as a whole.

It should be taken into account, before drinking a decoction of nettle, indications for use. Despite the fact that the properties of this plant have been known for a long time and have been subjected to clinical studies more than once, before using the plant inside, you should consult your doctor.

Nettle decoction: indications for use

The medicinal properties of the plant have found their application in the treatment of many diseases. First of all, these are bleeding of various genesis: pulmonary, hemorrhoidal, intestinal, as well as metrorrhagia and hematuria. It is advised to drink a decoction of nettle for hypovitaminosis.

Indications for use inside indicate that the herb should be used for ulcers of the gastric organ and duodenum, atherosclerosis, constipation and enterocolitis. The appointment for the use of nettle is iron deficiency anemia, pulmonary diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis), gout, tonsillitis, diabetes mellitus, myalgia, polymenorrhea.

A decoction of the plant is applied locally for non-healing purulent wounds, furunculosis, bedsores, acne and trophic ulcers. The herb is widely used to strengthen the gums and stimulate hair growth.


All contraindications should be taken into account before drinking a decoction of nettle. Indications for use (the harm and benefits of using the plant completely depend on how wisely the broth is drunk and in what quantities) without a doctor's instructions are not a reason for using a medicinal plant.

Nettle cannot be used in the first trimester of pregnancy if antidepressants and medications are being used to help eliminate insomnia, since the plant will enhance their effect on the human body.

A ban on the use of nettle broth is thrombophlebitis, as well as varicose veins. You should not be treated with this herb with increased blood clotting and with atherosclerosis. In these situations, the plant will contribute to an even greater thickening of the blood, which can cause the development of a variety of pathologies.

Doctors do not recommend drinking a nettle decoction for hypertension, as it tones up the blood vessels, which will lead to an increase in blood pressure. Nettle is not prescribed for uterine bleeding caused by the formation of cysts, polyps and other tumors. Contraindications for use are kidney disease.

How to prepare herbal decoction?

What else is known about a drug such as nettle decoction? Indications for use indicate that it can be used in complex therapy for any bleeding. But you should know how to prepare this broth correctly.

All parts of the plant are used to prepare the broth. For bleeding, rheumatism of various genesis, edema, gout and furunculosis, a tablespoon of dry finely ground herbs is poured into 300 ml of water. Stirring, cook over low heat for about ten minutes, then insist for an hour and filter through cheesecloth. Drink a tablespoon up to four times a day.

If the broth will be used for compresses, rinses or for strengthening the hair, then it is prepared in a different way. One hundred grams of dry medicinal herb is poured with one liter of water and boiled for ten minutes.

For rheumatism, joint pains, tumors and gout, take 300 g of plant roots and fill them with three liters of water. Cook for twenty minutes and insist for two hours. For tumors, add 100 g of dry grass to the roots.

The use of nettle decoction in gynecology

Has widespread use in gynecology nettle decoction. Indications for use during menstruation speak of soreness during the cycle, its irregularity and profuse bleeding. The latter factor indicates an inflammatory process in the small pelvis. Nettle has an anti-inflammatory effect and therefore can relieve the inflammatory process. The broth inhibits the development of tumors, heals erosion. In this situation, the plant is applied both internally and topically (they douche it twice a day).

Sometimes tea with the addition of nettle leaves is prescribed for pregnant women in the II and III trimester. It is recommended to drink a decoction of nettle to stop bleeding after delivery. For the same purpose, it is used after abortion and caesarean section.

A decoction of nettle is useful during lactation. It increases the level of hemoglobin and stimulates the immune system, helps to recover after childbirth.

Nettle decoction in cosmetology

Nettle decoction is also successfully used in cosmetology. After washing the hair with a detergent, the strands are rinsed with it. The B vitamins contained in the broth strengthen the hair. Vitamin C gives shine and silkiness to curls. The minerals that make up the plant help to strengthen them, reduce fragility. Regular rinsing with nettles will eliminate split and stimulate hair growth.

Nettle decoction is no less useful for skin, especially problematic. They can simply wipe the face several times a day, and also mix with liquid honey in a 1: 1 ratio and apply on the face as a mask. These treatments eliminate acne and leave your skin looking clean and beautiful.

Possible side effects

Nettle tea rarely causes side effects. In isolated cases, an allergic reaction to this plant is possible or an individual intolerance to a decoction of the herb is possible.

When is the plant harvested?

In order for the nettle decoction (indications for use include the possibility of using the plant to heal all kinds of wounds and cracks) was as useful as possible, the grass must be collected from June to August and only in clear weather. The roots are harvested in spring or autumn, it is believed that during this period they contain the greatest amount of valuable substances.

It is not necessary to collect along highways and at industrial enterprises. For these purposes, you should choose environmentally friendly places.

Pieces of nettle are dried in a well-ventilated area, protected from direct sunlight. After drying, they are placed in glass jars with a tightly closed lid or in paper bags.

The seeds are harvested two weeks after the flowering of the plant. They ripen at home, then they are threshed and put in paper bags.

You should definitely consult your doctor before using nettle decoction. The instructions for use are described in detail. Here you can read about the method of administration and dosage.

It should be noted that to maintain the maximum amount, you should not boil for a long time. The dosage should be chosen based on the type of disease. The exact amount of the use of a medicinal plant can only be said by a doctor. Although stinging nettle is an herb, you should not self-medicate, especially during pregnancy and lactation.

You should not prepare the broth for several days in advance, since during this long time the product will lose many useful substances.

Nettle leaves are a herbal hemostatic agent.

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in the form of crushed plant materials, which is a mixture of leaf blades and, in rare cases, petioles (35, 50 or 100 g each in cardboard boxes with an inner paper bag; 1.5 g each in filter bags, in a cardboard box 10 or 20 packages).

Nettle leaves contain vitamins of groups B, C, K, flavonoids, carotenoids, iron and silicon salts, chlorophyll and other biologically active substances.

Indications for use

  • Physiologically heavy menstrual bleeding;
  • Insufficient bleeding in the postcoagulation period of treatment of cervical erosion.


The phytopreparation is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Bleeding with tumors;
  • Bleeding in diseases requiring surgery;
  • Increased blood clotting;
  • Children under 12 years of age;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Individual sensitivity.

The agent should be used with caution in case of renal failure.

Method of administration and dosage

A decoction is prepared from nettle leaves. To do this, 4 filter bags are placed in an enamel or glass dish, pour 1 glass (200 ml) of boiling water, cover with a lid and insist for 15 minutes, periodically pressing the bags with a spoon. If medicinal raw materials are used, 2 tbsp. pour 1 glass of boiling water, close the lid and insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes.

Then the bags / raw materials are squeezed out, the volume of the infusion is brought to the original with boiled water.

The drug should be taken inside in a warm form, 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. Shake the infusion immediately before taking it.

Side effects

Nettle leaves are generally well tolerated by the body, in some cases allergic reactions are possible. The possibility of hypercoagulation is not excluded.

special instructions

If indicated, the phytopreparation can be used during lactation.

Drug interactions

There is no information on interactions with other medicinal products.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dry, dark place and out of reach of children.

Shelf life of plant materials - 2 years, prepared infusion - 2 days, provided that it is stored in a cool place.

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