Dry mix for adult nutrition. Weight loss with enteral nutrition

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The choice of enteral formula depends on a number of factors. Note that a high-quality enteral mixture should:

Have sufficient energy density (at least 1 kcal / ml);

Have a low osmolarity (no more than 300-340 mosm / l);

Have a low viscosity;

Do not cause excessive stimulation of intestinal motility;

Currently, mixtures prepared from natural products or recommended for infant nutrition are not used for enteral nutrition due to their imbalance and inadequacy to the needs of adult patients. In previous years, Spasokukotsky's breakfast and the Zond mixtures developed by Professor E.P. Kurapov (1974) were used for these purposes.

Currently, the following types of mixtures for EP are distinguished (Table 14.1):

1. Standard.

2. Semi-element mixtures.

3. Modular mixtures.

4. Directional mixtures.

Types of mixtures for enteral nutrition

Table 14.1
Standard Blends Berlamin Modular, Isokal, Clinutren, Nutricomp ADN standard, Nutrilan, Nutrien Standard, Unipit, Epshur
Semi-element mixtures Peptamen, Nutrien Elementad
Modular mixtures Protein module, MCT module, Carnitine module
Mixtures of directional action for a specific pathology:


Nutrien Hepa, Gepamine
kidney failure Nutricomp ADN Renal, Nutrien Nefro, Renamin


Nutrien Pulmo
immune disorders Nutrien Immun, Stresson
diabetes Nutricomp ADN diabetes, Nutrien Diabetes, Diazon
pregnancy and lactation Dumil Mama Plus, Femilak, Enfa Mama

Standard mixtures - contain all the necessary macro- and micronutrients in accordance with the daily needs of the body. Proteins are contained in a whole, non-hydrolyzed form (milk, soy). Fats are represented by vegetable oils (sunflower, soybean, corn, etc.). Carbohydrates - in the form of maltodextrins (starch hydrolysates).

Standard mixtures are used in most clinical situations where there are indications for enteral nutrition, with the exception of severe disorders of digestion and absorption of nutrients, as well as organ pathology (hepatic, renal, etc.).

Semi-elemental mixtures are also fully balanced nutrients, in which proteins are presented in the form of peptides and amino acids (protein hydrolysates). They are prescribed for severe disorders of the digestive and absorption functions (malabsorption, diarrhea), including in the early postoperative period.

In our country, semi-elemental mixtures of Nutrien Elemental and Peptamen are used.

Modular mixtures contain only one of the nutrients (protein, fat) or individual amino acids (glutamine), metabolism regulators (L-carnitine). They are used to supplement the diet of artificial or conventional medical nutrition.

Protein modules (protein hydrolysates) are aimed at increasing the protein quota in the daily diet and are used when protein requirements increase or protein is lost. The energy module (consisting of maltodextrin) allows you to increase the energy value of the diet.

The module of medium chain triglycerides (MCT - medium chain triglycerides) contains fatty acids with 6-12 carbon atoms (caproic, caprylic, etc.), which are absorbed without the participation of lipase and bile acids and are absorbed in the small intestine into the blood of the portal vein, and not into the lymph . This module is prescribed for disorders of digestion, absorption and absorption of fats.

The L-carnitine module promotes fat oxidation in cell mitochondria. In ordinary food, only meat products contain carnitine. It is prescribed for exhaustion of any origin, during pregnancy and lactation, against the background of unloading and vegetarian diets, in sports nutrition.

Modular mixtures can be used to enrich the usual oral diet and added to natural products (cereals, soups, etc.)

Targeted mixtures are created in such a way as to correct metabolic disorders typical for this pathology (hepatic, renal, respiratory failure, immune disorders, diabetes mellitus).

In case of liver dysfunction (liver failure, encephalopathy), mixtures with an altered protein component are prescribed, in which the content of branched-chain amino acids (valine, isoleucine, leucine) is increased and the content of aromatic amino acids (phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan) and methionine are reduced.

In our country, hepatic mixtures for EP Nutrien Gepa and Gepamine are used.

In case of impaired renal function (acute or chronic renal failure), mixtures with an altered protein component, mainly represented by essential amino acids and histidine, and a reduced content of potassium, sodium, chlorides, phosphorus and vitamin D are prescribed.

In Russia, mixtures for EP in renal patients are used Nutricomp ADN Renal, Nutrien Nefro, Renamin.

In case of respiratory failure, mixtures are prescribed with an increase in the proportion of fats and a decrease in the proportion of carbohydrates, with the inclusion of antioxidants - vitamins E and C, p-carotene, selenium and taurine.

In our country, there is an enteral mixture for patients with respiratory failure "Nutrian Pulmo".

In case of impaired immunity, the threat of infection or sepsis, mixtures with a high content of glutamine, arginine, ribonucleic acid, u-3 fatty acids, L-carnitine are prescribed.

The first immuno-oriented mixture for EN was Impact (Switzerland). In Russia, mixtures of Nutrien Immun and Stresson are used.

In diabetes mellitus and hyperglycemic conditions, mixtures containing fructose, pectin and microcrystalline cellulose are prescribed.

In Russia, mixtures of Nutricomp ADN Diabetes, Nutrien Diabetes, Diazon are used.

For additional nutrition of pregnant and lactating women, mixtures containing the necessary pharmaconutrients for both mother and fetus, including growth factors (taurine, choline, carnitine, inositol), are used.

In Russia, for additional EP for pregnant and lactating women, mixtures of Dumil Mama Plus, Dumil Mama, Femilak, Enfa Mama are used.

A number of enteral mixtures are currently presented on the Russian market, differing in energy density, osmolarity, content of pharmaconutrients (Tables 14.2, 14.3, 14.4).

Table 14.2

Comparative characteristics of the main drugs for enteral nutrition (per 100 g of dry powder)
Berlamin Isokal Clinutren Nutrizon Nutricomp ADN standard Nutrien


Protein (g) 14,4 15,3 18,4 18,8 16,2 18,0
Fat (g) 14,8 19,7 17,5 18,3 18,0 16,0
Carbs (g) 64,2 59,0 58,2 57,2 59,8 58
Energy (kcal) 448 470 462 468 466 448

Table 14.3

Comparative characteristics of some drugs for enteral nutrition (per 100 ml of the finished mixture)
Protein Fats Carbohydrates Energy Osmolality
(G) (G) (G) (kcal) (mosmol/kg)
Nutricomp A DN standard 3,6 3,9 12,0 100 216
Berlamin Modular 3,8 3,4 13,8 100 270
Isokal 3,2 4,1 12,6 100 300
Clinutren 4 3,8 12,6 100 300
Nutrizon 4 3,9 12,2 100 325
Nutrien Standard 4 3,6 12,9 100 360
Nutridrink 6 5,8 18,4 150 440

Table 14.4

Comparative characteristics of specialized dry mixes for enteral nutrition on the example of preparations of the Nutricomp series (per 100 g of dry matter)

Nutricomp ADN standard Nutricomp ADN fiber Nutricomp ADN Renal Nutricomp ADN diabetes
Specialization Standard Fiber Enriched Blend With chronic renal failure With diabetes


Essential Balanced Blend of Medium Chain Triglycerides Essentially Balanced Blend of Medium Chain Triglycerides and Dietary Fiber Mixture with protein content of high biological value. Increased content of essential amino acids and folic acid. Reduced content of potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium Mixture with


carbohydrates and



Energy (kcal) 466 435 501 486
Protein g (kcal) 16,2 (64,7) 15,5 (61,7) 18,4 (75,15) 20,5 (75,15)
Fat g (kcal) 18,0 (162) 17,1 (153,99) 25,3 (225,45) 27,5 (225,45)
Carbohydrate g (kcal) 59,8 (239) 54,8 (219,24) 49,8 (200,4) 39,2 (200,4)
Nitrogen/non-protein calories ratio 1: 150 1: 150 1:145 1: 145
Total fiber / insoluble fiber, g 6,5/5,1 6,8/5,3
Osmolarity (osmolality) of the finished drink 20% -216 mosm/l (260 mosm/kg H 2 O) 20% -210 mosm / l (253 mosm / kg H 2 O) 22% - 235 mosm/l (282 mosm/kg H 2 O)

Note that none of the mixtures for complete EN contains enough free water to meet the patient's daily fluid requirement (usually 1 ml/kcal). Most mixtures with an energy value of 1 kcal / ml contain approximately 75% of the required water. Therefore, in the absence of indications for fluid restriction, the amount of additional water consumed by the patient should be approximately 25% of the total diet.

This is perhaps the most controversial and shocking method used in special clinics for weight loss, but it is worth recognizing that ketogenic enteral nutrition (KEN) is gaining more and more admirers among those who want to lose weight.

With this kind of diet, you will not eat in the usual sense of the word. For 10 days, proteins and other nutrients needed by the body will be delivered directly to the stomach through a tube through the nose. To help them in this will be a pump operating around the clock from an autonomous power source. (During the day, the volume of pumped nutrient fluid is 2 liters).

Using KEN does not interfere with normal life at all. The only thing is, if you leave the house, you will have to take a pump and a two-liter bag of food with you, and hang this “equipment” next to your bed at night. The only time when it is allowed to disconnect the system for an hour is when bathing.

With enteral nutrition, you can still drink and eat whatever you want, but the secret is that in two days you will be so full of nutrient fluid that you will not want to do it.

KEN, on the one hand, allows you to control the feeling of hunger, on the other hand, it forces the body to break down its own fat for its energy needs. The effect comes very quickly. Each ten-day cycle allows you to lose up to 10% of your weight, without hunger and visible loss of muscle mass.

This extreme type of food originated in Italy. Developed and implemented by Gianfranco Cappelo, Associate Professor of the Department of General Surgery (La Sapienza University, Rome). To date, according to the inventor, there are already more than 40,000 patients successfully treated according to his method.

But KEN also has detractors. For example, Elena Bond of the British Dietetic Association says:

"It shocks me that people are willing to have nasogastric tubes just to do nothing to lose weight. It's the most bizarre way to get rid of fat that I know."

"Of course, you quickly lose weight from a sharp restriction in the number of calories, but this has its negative side - the faster the weight goes off, the sooner it returns. We recommend losing weight about 600 grams per week, but for a long time. During this time, the body gets used to this food and it becomes the norm for him."

I do not agree with the representative of the association of nutritionists, Dr. Shidravi, who is going to open a KEN clinic in London. He believes that ketogenic fat burning is more effective and more natural than the carbohydrate diet that prevails today. In addition, it is completely harmless, since it lasts no more than 10 days. According to Gianfranco Cappelo's patients, 60% of weight loss on KEN is fat tissue, 30% water. Muscle and organic tissue do not suffer with such weight loss, which cannot be said about other diets.

Almost everyone can afford to lose weight with KEN, except for people with kidney failure and allergies to milk protein. Unlike the Atkins protein diet, it is not contraindicated for people with heart disease.

The main side effect of this method is constipation, which is explained by the complete absence of plant fibers in the diet. Against this, the course of treatment includes mandatory laxatives. The second side effect is bad breath common to all protein-type diets.

Dr. Shidravi agrees that the diet is not as rosy as her Italian colleagues make it out to be:

“On a diet, you don’t feel hungry, but you are terribly tired. My wife went through one complete cycle. In 10 days she lost 5 kilograms, but at the same time she could not do anything around the house due to a breakdown.”

"I know that people are afraid of pipes. But we use ultra-thin, children's pipes that do not interfere with everyday life at all"

"It is believed that rapid weight loss leads to an equally rapid weight gain, but Dr. Capello's data suggests otherwise. Of 1800 patients, 85% did not return to their previous weight within a year."

"Of course, KEN cannot stop weight gain after losing weight, but we gain weight with age without dieting. KEN, on the other hand, can, within ten days, help get rid of what you have gained in a year. That is, you can slowly gain weight throughout the year, and then get rid of it, thereby remaining at the same level.

It is worth noting that in the clinic established by Dr. Shidravi, the price for installing a 10-day kit is 1000 pounds for the first cycle (the price includes the price of the pump), 375 for the second and 350 pounds for the subsequent ones.

Nutrition for bedridden patients: first we study - then we buy

Nutrition is an important factor determining the success of the treatment of bedridden patients and their recovery from the disease.

The position of a lying patient leads to numerous undesirable consequences:

  1. the abdominal muscles weaken, the work of the intestines is disturbed;
  2. lack of activity and mobility, lack of positive emotions leads to loss of appetite;
  3. in many cases, the process of swallowing food is difficult.

The catering of a bedridden patient plays a therapeutic and psychotherapeutic role: if it brings pleasure and relief, the patient's condition improves faster.

Nutrition Features

The nutrition of bedridden patients should be planned, agreed with the attending physician and organized in accordance with the following principles:

  • balance of the main components that ensure the functioning of organs and tissues;
  • a large amount of protein that helps to avoid exhaustion, providing the body with the necessary energy;
  • the use of slowly processed carbohydrates that provide the patient with energy (the use of cereal products, potatoes, vegetables in dishes);
  • the use of a limited amount of fat;
  • the presence in the composition of food B, C (the use of vegetable and fruit dishes, multivitamin complexes);
  • the mandatory inclusion in the diet of fiber, which stimulates the work of the digestive organs (vegetable and fruit dishes, cereal products);
  • fluid intake in sufficient quantities to remove toxic substances from the body (water without gas, home-made juices).

Food for a bedridden patient is served in small pieces that facilitate chewing. Dry and hard foods that are difficult to chew and swallow should not be offered.

The best form of dish for bedridden patients is puree. Therefore, vegetable, meat and fruit purees, jelly, puree soups are recommended.

A bedridden patient should be offered warm food (50 ° C), and if the process of eating is long, the cooled dishes should definitely be warmed up.

Calorie content and vitamins in food

The nutrition of a bedridden patient should include one hundred and twenty or more grams of animal or vegetable protein. Therefore, the diet should contain meat, fish, cottage cheese dishes, as well as high-calorie drinks, nectars and juices.

But the amount of fat should be minimal, no more than one hundred grams per day.

The amount of carbohydrates in the daily menu - 500 gr

Carbohydrates play an important role in the nutrition of a bedridden patient, as they serve as a source of energy.

The nutrition of a bedridden patient necessarily includes vitamin complexes, especially vitamin C, therefore, fresh herbs, syrup and rosehip broth, sauerkraut are introduced into the diet of bedridden patients.

Protein nutrition

A complete food rich in protein provides the patient with energy, stimulates the growth and development of muscle and skin cells, helps them regenerate, in particular, promotes.

One to two servings of commercially manufactured liquid nutrition is usually added to the diet.

Amount of food and frequency of meals

There are important rules for feeding a bedridden patient: do not force feed, but try to excite the patient's appetite and ensure that all the necessary substances are received.

In the daily regimen of a bedridden patient, there should be six meals offered in small portions and as much as possible corresponding to the desires and preferences of the patient.

Patient's position during meals

The optimal position during meals is sitting or half-sitting.

It is dangerous to eat and drink the patient in the supine position, as the patient may succumb or choke, in addition, he must see the dishes that are offered to him, which contributes.

In the sitting position, it is important to ensure comfort: make sure that the legs hang off the bed without reaching the floor, and install a footrest for support.

The patient's hands, even if he cannot hold cutlery, must be washed and wiped, and also controlled so that the patient does not interfere with the hair.

If the patient is fed from a spoon, it is filled three-quarters and first brought to the patient's lower lip, which allows him to feel the taste and smell of the dish, then feeding is carried out slowly, taking breaks, achieving diligent chewing and stimulating the patient to eat.

For the convenience of the patient, special devices and devices are used:

  1. orthopedic collars that support the head in the desired position;
  2. tables mounted on the sides;
  3. portable coasters for dishes with legs that can be placed on the bed in front of the patient;
  4. bedside tables;
  5. tables with sides and a movable surface;
  6. devices that support the forearm;
  7. belts that support the body, head and arms of the patient;
  8. prosthetic devices that provide movement of the patient's arm.

How to feed a patient through a tube

One of the most compelling arguments for tube feeding rather than drip is the fact that dormancy of the gastrointestinal mucosa causes complete atrophy of the gastrointestinal tract.

As a result, the mucosa simply sticks together and grows together, which is then difficult to eliminate even surgically.

Tube feeding indications

Full tube feeding should be used in the following situations:

  • People with large facial burns;
  • After extensive (90% or more) bowel resection;
  • People of a well-fed physique, starving from 7 to 10 days;
  • Emaciated patients who have been malnourished for the last 5 days;
  • Persons who are unconscious;
  • Patients who have undergone;
  • Patients with injuries of the larynx and esophagus;
  • Persons after surgery on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Premature babies without a swallowing reflex.

How is the feeding process

To get started, prepare:

  1. Probe, diameter not more than 8 mm;
  2. Syringe for the introduction of food;
  3. Chopped food.

Be sure to sterilize all items that are used during the introduction of the probe and feeding the patient. On the body of the probe it is necessary to put a mark to what depth it will be immersed in the patient's body. 40-45 cm is required to enter the stomach, 30-35 to the intestines and 50-55 to insert the tube into the duodenum.

When installing, it is necessary to monitor its exact entry into the digestive tract, and not into the respiratory tract. The tube should be well smeared with glycerin and inserted through the nasopharynx.

After 15 cm, it is necessary to give the patient's body a vertical position (if possible) and feel the tube in the mouth. After that, press it against the far wall of the pharynx and continue the introduction. This is necessary in order for the device to accurately enter the gastrointestinal tract.

This should be done by a person with a special education. To check the correctness of the introduction, Janet's syringe with the piston removed should be attached to the end, and a phonendoscope is applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe obvious process.

After a sharp removal of air from the syringe, a splash should be heard in the phonendoscope. Once the installation is completed, you should start introducing food.

Food should be chopped and heated. A syringe is attached to the end with a small amount of the injected solution, which should be poured in gradually. The volume of the injected solution should not be more than 1 sip at a time, it should be administered very slowly.

After feeding, the syringe is removed and the tube is attached to the patient's head until he can feed on his own.

It should be remembered that feeding the patient in this way requires mandatory sterility, and compliance with all the rules for eating.

In other cases, it will not be possible to avoid serious consequences for the body.

Cutlery and drinkers

The bedridden patient should be offered to hold the spoon and fork independently.

If the patient's hands are weak or it is difficult for him to hold the instruments, orthopedic spoons, forks and knives with thickened soft plastic handles equipped with rims are used.

Utensils are also used specialized:

  • plates with high edges;
  • deep bowls with anti-slip coasters;
  • plates with suction cups;
  • small drinking bowls with handles;
  • cups with cutouts for the chin;
  • non-spill cups with a spout and a tight lid, etc.

Instead of special dishes, ordinary ones with a straw can be offered, which also provides convenience.

For drinking, you must have two containers: for cold and for hot drinks. The patient is offered to drink often, in small portions.

Nutrition mixes

For severe patients with difficulty swallowing and complete lack of appetite, special mixtures are produced in dry and liquid form, which can be fed in a bottle, drinking bowl, from a spoon, and also through a probe.

Mixtures are also used as basic and supplementary nutrition for bedridden patients.


Liquid protein nutrition is easily digested and stimulates the recovery processes, as well as the healing of bedsores.

Liquid mixtures are effective, easy to use, do not give undesirable side effects, and allow complete nutrition of the patient. Liquid mixtures are prescribed to patients with a decrease in appetite, with signs of depletion of the body.

Among the liquid mixtures, there are several:

1) Nutridrink is a high-calorie liquid mixture containing a large amount of milk protein, designed to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, trace elements, carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

This mixture is prescribed after injuries, operations, during treatment, for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system (ulcers, gastritis, etc.). This mixture is available in different flavors (coffee, strawberry).

2) Nutrizon- a liquid mixture containing vital trace elements, easily digestible milk proteins, fats, vitamins, antioxidants, carbohydrates. The difference between the drug and others is the absence of lactose, so Nutrizon is suitable for patients with individual intolerance to this substance.

Nutrizon is used for anorexia, diseases of the digestive system.

Dry mixes

The advantage of the dry mixture is economical consumption: the amount of dry powder required for one meal is taken from the package, which is diluted in accordance with the instructions with ordinary boiled water.

The dry mixture can be diluted by changing the concentration:

  1. hypo-breeding;
  2. hyper-breeding;
  3. standard breeding.

Nutrizon -dry mix designed for quick preparation of liquid mixes with a high content of protein and nutrients.

Nutrizon includes fruit sugar, natural digestive enzymes, but does not contain gluten, cholesterol and lactose.

modular is a mixture suitable for patients with inflammation of the digestive system, containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3, etc.).

It does not contain gluten and lactose.

Modern industry produces a large number of specialized mixtures in liquid and dry form.


Nutrition of a bedridden patient is a condition for his successful treatment and recovery.

For this patient to be surrounded by a friendly and calm environment, food should be varied and pleasant in appearance, smell and taste.

Video: Feeding a bedridden patient

"Nutrison" (dry mix) is a universal complete balanced nutrition, which is used for introduction by means of a tube into the gastrointestinal tract or for oral administration. It can be used for children after a year and for adults. "Nutrizon" (dry mix) can be the only source of nutrition. It does not contain gluten, dietary fiber and a significant amount of lactose. "Nutrison" (dry mix, 322 grams) is packed in oxygen-free bags. Sold without license. This item is non-returnable.

"Nutrizon" (dry mix): composition

The composition of the mixture includes high-quality, easily digestible milk protein (casein), which has a high biological value and meets the needs of the body. Casein contains Only vegetable fats are present, as they are easier to digest and digest compared to animals. The composition includes essential fatty acids (A-linolenic acid, linoleic acid).

There are carbohydrates, which are represented by maltodextrin and glucose. They are easily digested and well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, despite the atrophy of the villi. In general, in a mixture, protein provides 16% of energy, fats - 35% of energy, carbohydrates - 49%.

The composition also includes potassium, calcium, zinc. There are also minerals such as magnesium, iron, molybdenum, copper, manganese, fluorine, chromium, selenium, iodine, chlorides, carotenoids. There are vitamins A, D3, E, K, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid, choline, niacin, cyanocobalamin (B12), biotin, vitamin C. The mixture has a fairly high energy value. 100 grams of it contains 4 g of protein, 3.9 g of fat, 12.3 carbohydrates; energy value - 100 kcal. The osmolarity of the mixture in finished form is 320 mosm/l. The need of the human body to cover approximately 2 packs of the mixture of 322 g (3000 kcal).


Nutrizon is used:

In preparation for surgery and during the postoperative period.

In critical conditions of patients (sepsis, burns, multiple injuries, pressure ulcers, especially in stages 3-4).

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (chemotherapy, radiation enteritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, fistulas).

With mechanical obstacles to the passage of food. These can be injuries and tumors of the neck and head, violation of chewing and swallowing, various obstructions of the gastrointestinal tract and strictures.

If the person is in a coma.

In conditions that are associated with loss of appetite, or when a person refuses to eat (neurological, oncological diseases, mental disorders, liver disease, AIDS, sensitivity disorders, stress).

With malnutrition.

Use during pregnancy

Doctors do not prohibit the use of the Nutrizon mixture during pregnancy in order to restore protein deficiency. Then the dosage is prescribed by the gynecologist. In case of taking multivitamins, she should tell the doctor about it. In general, during pregnancy, Nutrizone is prescribed in an amount of 1 to 2 glasses per day.

Cooking schemes

To prepare a hypocaloric mixture (0.7 kcal per 1 ml), you need to take 89 ml of water and 16 g of a dry mixture.

An isocaloric mixture (1 kcal in 1 ml) requires 90 ml of water and 21.5 g of dry mixture.

In order to prepare a hypercaloric mixture (1.5 kcal per 1 ml), you need to add 30.7 g of dry mixture to 75 ml of water.

All the above schemes are focused on obtaining 100 g of the finished drink. Schemes for the preparation of the dry mixture "Nutrison" are determined by the doctor. For ease of preparation, there is a measuring spoon inside the package, which is designed for a certain amount of powder (4.3 g).


"Nutrizon" (dry mix) cannot be used for children from birth to a year. And from 1 year to 6 years it is undesirable to use it as the only source of nutrition. This is because the excretory and digestive systems of children are not mature enough to handle the large amounts of protein found in formula.

A person suffering from a hereditary disease of galactosemia, in which lactose is not absorbed, cannot use the Nutrisone mixture. If the patient has intolerance to at least one of the components included in the mixture, then its use is unacceptable. Do not use in complete obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract. There are no contraindications during pregnancy.

Side effects

Usually people who use the Nutrizon mixture tolerate it well. It can be appointed even for a very long period of time, including for life. Side effects were not revealed, regardless of the period of use of the mixture and its doses. Although sometimes there are allergic reactions.

"Nutrizon" (dry mix): instruction

Before use, you need to make sure the integrity of the package. It is necessary to dilute the mixture right before use, using boiled drinking water. The finished drink should be used warm (no more than 38 ° Celsius) or at room temperature, after shaking well. Never add drugs or other foreign substances.

During preparation and administration, asepsis rules must be strictly observed. It is necessary to rinse the probe every 4 hours and replace the injection system. An open jar should be tightly closed with a lid. Only the doctor should determine how much mixture should be administered during the day, the type of dilution, the speed and method of administration. Recommend the rate of introduction through the probe 0.25-1.5 ml/kg/h. It all depends on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract of the patient in need of nutrition. Detailed instructions are included with the product.

If possible, the patient can drink the mixture in the form of a drink in small sips from a cup or add it to food (soup, cottage cheese, porridge). "Nutrison" has a neutral taste, so there is no discomfort when ingested.

In no case do not boil the prepared drink! When interacting with drugs in the gastrointestinal tract, the drug "Nutrison (dry mixture) may coagulate. The price varies depending on the region and ranges from 427 to 630 rubles per can.

Storage conditions

An opened pack of the mixture should be stored at an air temperature of 5-25 degrees Celsius in a dry place and consumed within seven days. Cooked food can be stored for no more than a day in the refrigerator, but not frozen, like a dry mix. An unopened package of Nutrizone is valid for 2 years.


dry glucose syrup, milk protein (sodium caseinate), vegetable oils (palm, coconut, rapeseed, sunflower), potassium citrate, sodium citrate, sodium chloride, soy lecithin, magnesium hydrogen phosphate, potassium hydrogen phosphate, magnesium chloride, choline chloride, calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, sodium L-ascorbate, flavor (vanilla), iron sulfate, L-ascorbic acid, zinc sulfate, magnesium dicitrate, DL-?-tocopherol acetate, manganese sulfate, nicotinamide, D-biotin, copper sulfate, calcium-D -pantothenate, folic acid, sodium fluoride, DL-?-tocopherol, thiamine hydrochloride, pyridoxine hydrochloride, carotenoids (?-carotene, lutein, lycopene), retinol palmitate, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, cholecalciferol, chromium chloride, sodium molybdate, potassium iodide, sodium selenite, phytomenadione


A specialized product for dietary nutrition - dry full-fledged low-lactose mixture Nutrizon Advance Nutridrink.

Nutridrink Advance Nutrison is a universal complete balanced nutrition for introduction into the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) using a tube or for oral administration.

Can be used in children older than one year and adults. May be the only source of nutrition.

Nutridrink Advance Nutrison is free of gluten and clinically significant amounts of lactose.

Hypo-, hyper- and standard dilutions are possible, which allows it to be used for adaptive and main stages of enteral nutrition.

Detailed instructions for Nutridrink Advance Nutrison are in the package and contain all the necessary information.

Product without dietary fiber.

Packed in anoxic conditions.


High nitrogen blend enriched with natural carotenoids.

It has a rich mineral composition.

It has a high * content of potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, selenium, iodine and chromium.

Does not contain gluten, cholesterol, dietary fiber and genetically modified components.

Can be used for type 2 diabetes. Contains 1 bread unit per 100 kcal.

Nutridrink Advance Nutrisone can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

Selling Features

Without a license

Special storage conditions

Use an opened jar within 30 days. Store prepared food in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.

Special conditions


Do not administer parenterally.

Caution should be exercised when using the product in children from 1 to 6 years of age.



Preparation for surgery and postoperative period.

Critical states:


Multiple trauma;


Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT):


Enteritis of various etiologies, including those caused by radiation and chemotherapy:

Cholecystitis, pancreatitis, fistulas.

Partial obstructions to the passage of food:

Tumors and injuries of the head and neck;

Swallowing and chewing disorders;

Strictures and obstructions of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Conditions associated with loss of appetite and / or refusal to eat:

Oncological diseases;

neurological diseases;

Mental disorders;

Liver disease;

Cardiopulmonary failure;

HIV infection in the stage of AIDS;

Inability to eat independently;

Nutritional deficiency (malnutrition)


Age from 0 to 12 months. Congenital galactose intolerance.

From 1 to 6 years of age, use according to age needs and tolerance (the digestive and excretory systems of young children are not mature enough to cope with an increased amount of protein).

Do not administer intravenously.

Individual intolerance to the components of the product.

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