Timati and Bilan conflict because of what. Ramzan Kadyrov intervened in the war between Timati and Bilan

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The artists exchanged mutual barbs. Spectators in shock

On November 5, Dima Bilan's concert was disrupted in Nizhny Novgorod. The reason for this was the poor health of the artist. It happens to everyone, and it is unlikely that this story would have continued. But the famous "truth-teller", rap singer Timati accused the pop artist of drug use. And it started - each of the parties began to throw insults at the enemy on the verge (and in some places beyond) a foul. "MK" gave the floor to both, hoping that the guys will let off steam and calm down. But it was not there!

First, about what happened in Nizhny. Here are eyewitness accounts. “He grabbed his side and began to wheeze. Before that, everyone noticed that Bilan could barely stand on his feet, as if his strength was leaving him, he also sang strangely - he spoke more, ”this is how the audience described what was happening that day on stage at the GAZ recreation center. At the city forum of Nizhny Novgorod, Bilan's fans also vigorously discuss what happened: “Bilan sang that day really live, but through the sleeves and stayed relaxed. During the performance, he sipped liters of water. Late by 30 minutes. Then he left somewhere else for half an hour - at that time a Nizhny Novgorod group entered the stage .... As a result, we paid money for nothing - he did not even last half the declared time of the concert.

Bilan himself commented on the incident as follows: “I understand that an artist should not cancel a concert, sometimes even stones from the sky - you must continue to serve. I found the remnants of strength in myself and went out to you, despite the fact that it was not easy to breathe. Everything worked out and we did a concert with you, it turned out to be touching ... Thank you for your support and understanding.”

But not everyone supported and understood Bilan. Rapper Timati turned to the artist's producer Yana Rudkovskaya via the Internet: “Yanochka, aren't you ashamed of your artist? The fact that he is “rear-wheel drive” is not so bad ... but the fact that he does not hesitate to go on stage, sniffed in the trash to a young audience at evening concerts, where there are a lot of children in the hall, is disgusting in my opinion! If suddenly there is a problem with money, I can help determine Dima in any, the best rehabilitation center in the country ... "

The answer was not long in coming. Here is what Bilan said (more precisely, wrote) on the Internet.

“Hello, the indispensable “orderly of the forest”!

I didn't get involved in all this gossip. As a grandmother, I don’t poke around in your life, I don’t do “beggarly nonsense” in the form of picking up baseness! He remembered the brilliant Vysotsky "there are rumors here and there, and toothless old women spread them around the minds" ... So I recognized you, you are one of them! I always thought that gossip is the lot of mentally unbalanced, hysterical people, well, or those who are trying with all their might to catch the last luck by the tail and promote their concert! I've noticed this trend for a long time! Or have you forgotten your party, in which I had a chance to communicate at the very beginning of my career! Dino ms47, the Vashchekins, and I'm in love with your girlfriend from the party - Lyalya, who lived with her for 2.5 years! Just don't act like you don't know! Or maybe it doesn’t give you rest and you are somehow uncomfortable from the fact that back in the early 2000s you already starred in the extras of my video “night hooligan”, in which I introduced you with Aizenshpis!

Just shut up! I believe that the love of the viewer, the listener must be earned every day - this is a hell of a job! I don’t think, or rather, I’m almost sure that your obvious obsession with yourself allowed you to experience this at least once! You have no conscience! Although I hate all this gossip-PR nonsense, which apparently becomes your main profession, and turns out when you write every word now, just like recently at a concert in Nizhny Novgorod in a city that has become the peak of my fatigue! I'll go to the shower! Tired of ... "

Yana Rudkovskaya also supported her ward: “Timochka, I am proud of my artist and friend, like the whole country. I wouldn’t want to offend you, dear, we haven’t heard or seen you anywhere for a long time, we thought that you had grown wiser over the years, but apparently your mind didn’t increase. Let's go in order then. 1) "Rear-wheel drive" - ​​how is it? I personally don’t understand why you keep talking about this all the time, apparently for you this is the most relevant and painful topic. Well, we all understand why. So do not anger God, Timan, we know all your "drive".... Alas.... And this is far from a secret, or rather, "an open secret." 2) You act so nasty with your colleagues... If only we knew the reason before, apparently, it's time for everyone to find out.... Ponte and fake - your way of life and creativity, or else they say - "a wallet without money" .. ..You already complained about me in 2008, and I recommended you to wear a skirt to fight a woman. You turned on the back. I won’t be surprised that you have already prepared a song with claps and stomps on this topic, you won’t break the jackpot, you won’t earn much, no matter how much you want to! She will not go down in history. Well ... Come on, goodbye))), but no ... Come on, until the COURT!

"MK" managed to contact the participants in the public controversy.

Everything I wanted to answer Timati, I already wrote on Instagram, - said Dmitry Bilan. - I am now being overwhelmed with questions: “Will I go somewhere with him?” Listen, I’m not some kind of real estate to take and call me somewhere, invite, just take and move ... Well, wow, I have to go somewhere with them! .. Thank you very much, I choose myself, with who, where, when should I go. Especially after this attack, I am with a man, as they say, "I will not go out into the field alone." I do not consider it necessary to speak more on this subject. Sorry, I'm in the frame now, I have a cinematic death ... ". (Dima Bilan starring in a historical film - approx. Auth.).

Here is how Timati commented on the incident.

I watched videos from Dima Bilan's concert in Nizhny Novgorod several times. I can see with the naked eye that the artist is in an inadequate state. I believe that Yana Rudkovskaya, being the producer of Bilan, should have taken measures a long time ago and prevented such behavior of her artist in public places. You know, we, in principle, do not have any claims against Dima. He is really a talented singer. But I am categorically against the fact that artists perform in front of an audience in this form. An artist should set a good example for the younger generation. As a rule, young people are guided by their idols, trying to imitate them. And public people should carry something good ...

Just let him take tests in several independent clinics. Because if desired, the results can be corrected. By the way, I myself am also ready to undergo all the examinations, if someone needs it.

And the astonished audience is now wondering: what was it? Since practically not a single scandal in our country flares up “just like that”, it is doubtful that in this case, Timati, for no reason at all, began to fight for the purity of the domestic pop scene. But the furious rebukes of Bilan-Rudkovskaya do not look too convincing. In any case, such a way of clarifying the relationship is not to the face of both artists - whoever turned out to be right in this situation.

The verbal skirmish between rapper Timati and singer Dima Bilan on Instagram on the topic of drugs, a healthy lifestyle and popularity has been going on for several days, involving more and more representatives of show business, athletes and politicians and is turning into one of the main topics for the Russian media. Medialeaks followed the development of the scandal.

The conflict began with Timati's Instagram post addressed to Bilan's producer Yana Rudkovskaya. He pointed out the strange behavior of the singer at a recent concert in Nizhny Novgorod, called him a drug addict and "rear-wheel drive", obviously hinting at the artist's sexual orientation.

“Yanochka, aren’t you ashamed of your artist yourself? The fact that he is “rear-wheel drive” is half the trouble (and, in principle, his own business in general), but the fact that he does not hesitate to go on stage sniffed in the trash to a young audience at evening concerts, where there are a lot of children in the hall, in my opinion looks disgusting!!! If suddenly there is a problem with money, I can help identify Dima in any of the best rehabilitation centers in the country, ”Timati wrote, accompanying the post with an excerpt from the video from the concert.

He stated that he "does not pretend to be a saint, and admitted" jambs in childhood.

“Your reference to my photo from 15 years ago is no longer relevant. In youth, we all make mistakes, but I made my choice a long time ago and I am responsible for my actions - for more than 10 years, I have been promoting a healthy lifestyle - I don’t drink, I don’t smoke and I don’t use. DO NOT TAKE THE TOPIC - Bilan is a drug addict, I declare this openly - all colleagues in the show biz have now shyly bowed their heads, hushing up what we regularly see at performances, filming TV shows, etc., ”Timati writes.

People's Artist of Chechnya

And then the heavy artillery went into action. Against the backdrop of threats of litigation in defense of Timati spoke out Ramzan Kadyrov, known for his love of Instagram, announced that he had been awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Republic.

“I am closely watching the dispute between Timati and Bilan, in tandem with which Rudkovskaya speaks. Timati is my friend! I respect him for his creativity, for his position in life, for his patriotism. Timati leads a healthy lifestyle. He does not drink, does not smoke, plays sports at the professional level, ”he writes.

Kadyrov supported Timati's version of Dima Bilan's addiction to drugs, but did not directly name him.

“Unfortunately, some representatives of our show business do not have such qualities. In pursuit of the public, they seek to imitate Western musicians, many of whom are openly proud of the so-called. gay, stay in drug clinics for years, and eventually die from an overdose or infection. An actor and artist who claims to be the idol of youth should have the moral right to do so, and not lead the youth to lack of spirituality. This is the path to national degradation, which is not acceptable for Russia and its peoples,” Kadyrov said.

Even the soloist of the Leningrad group Sergey Shnurov did not stand aside, who compared Timati with the famous thinker Immanuel Kant, and Dima Bilan with the equally famous Jean Jacques Rousseau.

“Kant, as you know, highly appreciated Rousseau, but could not agree with him in everything because of a different mindset and character. It is known that Immanuel, like Timati, led a healthy lifestyle, Jean-Jacques, on the contrary, did not deny himself anything, well, the spitting image of Bilan. If, according to Rousseau, human nature is perfect, and the less we influence it, the more we will provide a person with the opportunity to improve. Then, according to Kant, man is by nature an animal with all evil instincts, so he needs to be taught discipline. As far as I understand, about the same thing, but in other words, pop singers discuss which day, ”he explains.

Timati himself believes that the artists took Bilan's side only because they "also do not lead a healthy lifestyle" and are afraid of being exposed. He stated this to the portal Super.ru.

This is not the first time the artist has attracted attention with the help of scandals. In May 2012, Timati had a fight with Philip Kirkorov over the results of the Muz-TV award, also hinting at his sexual orientation. The result of the scandal was his video "Come on bye."

And Dima Bilan broke out into a scandal. It began with the fact that the leader of Black Star called the singer a homosexual and a drug addict. The reason for such accusations was Bilan's performance in Nizhny Novgorod, during which the artist did not look his best.

In support of his words, Timati posted a frame in which Dima can see something white under his nose. Blackstar offered a colleague the help of specialists, but Bilan rejected it. “Gossip is the lot of mentally unbalanced, hysterical people,” Dima said.

The conflict between Bilan and Timati continued after Yana Rudkovskaya stood up for her ward. She stated that the rapper's words were a complete provocation and threatened him with a court. “Yanochka, aren’t you ashamed of your artist yourself? The fact that he is “rear-wheel drive” is still half the trouble (and, in principle, his own business in general), but the fact that he does not hesitate to go on stage, sniffed in the trash to a young audience at evening concerts, where there are a lot of children in the hall, in my opinion, disgusting!" Timati answered.

The quarrel between Timati and Philip Kirkorov occurred after the MUZ-TV award ceremony in 2012. Then the rapper felt that some artists received their awards undeservedly. He expressed his opinion on social networks, where he ran into criticism of Philip Kirkorov. “Do you have any questions? The most honest? I didn't ask questions last year. There is professional ethics! OK! Remembered! - Kirkorov was indignant. Mutual insults turned into a real war. For several years, the artists did not even say hello to each other. The conflict was only resolved last year. Now Kirkorov and Timati are good friends.

Arman Davletyarov

The MUZ-TV award spoiled Timati's relationship with the general director of the channel, Arman Davletyarov. Already this year, after the ceremony had died down at the Olimpiyskiy, the leader of Black Star called the award a "cabal" and said that Davletyarov "got moldy in his own little self-imagined world."

Armand decided to respond to the attack. He stated that the channel has always supported Timati and his artists, but there was no return from the label. “But there were calls before the announcement of the nominees! So what is this friendship with the channel? When you need us, we are there, and when we need you, you can't. All your new musical projects began with our support, but it was like that before, ”said the general director of MUZ-TV. After the scandal, the Blackstar tracks disappeared from the channel's airs, and, oddly enough, after that Timati was supported by Philip Kirkorov.

Over the past few days, Timati's conflict with the Russian mixed martial arts fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov has been discussed on the Web. The bottom line is that the other day, due to the unstable situation in Dagestan, the concert of Yegor Creed was canceled. After that, Khabib posted a comment on social networks, the essence of which was that the disruption of performances was “a small loss.” In this situation, Timati could not remain silent. He posted a video message on Instagram, where he asked Nurmagomedov to contact him as soon as possible in order to discuss everything. In response to this, the Dagestan fighter, without embarrassment in expressions, once again expressed his opinion about the creativity of Timati's wards. At the very beginning of his message, he stated that "every creature will answer for his words," and then added that Black Star residents can hold their concerts anywhere, but he will remain with his opinion.

The journalists did not have time to properly prepare for the trial between the rap artist Timati and the pop singer Dima Bilan and his producer Yana Rudkovskaya, who promised many sensations, as unexpectedly, the conflict between the two artists has exhausted itself. This was reported by the performers themselves.


Almost simultaneously, Dima Bilan and Timati published photos of each other on their official pages on the social network Instagram, writing about the same thing. Bilan: "I withdraw all claims against Timati, the incident is over!!!" Timati: "All claims against Dima Bilan have been removed, our incident has been settled." What caused the sudden reconciliation, both artists chose not to specify.

Recall that the other day the rap artist published a video from a concert in Nizhny Novgorod, where Bilan became ill. Timati claims that the cause of the singer's malaise was not overwork, but drugs. The artist also accused Dima of non-traditional sexual orientation. For this, Yana Rudkovskaya promised to take the rapper to court, and send Bilan for examination.

Other stars intervened in the skirmish between celebrities. Rudkovskaya's husband, figure skater Evgeni Plushenko, advised Timati to watch his language and said that now the rapper is on his black list. The "golden voice of Russia" Nikolai Baskov did not stand aside either. The artist expressed confidence that after the scandal with Bilan and Rudkovskaya, their opponent would be left without friends in show business. According to the singer, the ex-manufacturer's harsh remarks about his stage colleagues can end badly for him - a boycott that show business will announce to him. TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva admitted that she was sorry for the parents of Bilan, who was called a drug addict by the rapper, and the leader of Leningrad, Sergei Shnurov, complimented his opponents by comparing them with Immanuel Kant and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

However the icing on the cake of the scandal was the response to the conflict of the stars of Ramzan Kadyrov. The head of the Chechen Republic, who has long been on friendly terms with the rapper, supported him and awarded him the title of Honored Artist.

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