Strawberry confiture recipe for the winter. How to make strawberry jam for the winter: proven recipes, step-by-step instructions

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I offer a good recipe for delicious thick strawberry jam. Now is the strawberry season and I want to make some delicious preparations to enjoy in the winter. I usually freeze it and make jams, preserves and compotes.

I was attracted to this recipe for strawberry jam for the winter because of its ease of preparation and short cooking time, after which the maximum usefulness will remain in it. And if you don’t know how to work with a seaming wrench, this is no longer a problem, since there are jars and lids that can simply be screwed on by hand.

Next, I’ll tell you in detail how to make strawberry jam so that it doesn’t spoil over the winter and is thick, aromatic and tasty. Even if you have never prepared for the winter, this is not a problem and everything will work out the first time. I also advise you to look at it without a thickener, which turns out to be more liquid, but incredibly tasty.


  • Strawberries – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 700 g
  • Pectin (gelling mixture based on pectin) – 12 g
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp
  • Strawberry liqueur – 1 tbsp (optional)

How to make strawberry jam at home

To begin with, I rinse the strawberries in a colander, and only after that I tear off the stems. I also let it dry a little so that there is no excess liquid.

Since I want strawberry jam with strawberry pieces, I now crush it with a masher for puree. And if you want a more homogeneous mass, pass the strawberries through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.

I pour the berry puree into a saucepan and cover them with sugar, but not all of them, but only 600 grams, setting aside the remaining 100 grams for now. Stir until smooth.

Pour the remaining sugar into a small container and add pectin to it. After which I stir well and set aside for now.

Now I put the saucepan on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook for 5 minutes. After this time, I add the remaining sugar with pectin, lemon juice and liqueur or other alcohol, if desired. During the boiling process, do not forget to remove the resulting foam.

After this, you need to let the mixture boil for about 2 – 3 minutes and it’s ready. This recipe for delicious strawberry jam, as you can see, is very simple to make. By this time, all the jars should be ready and sterile, and I’ll write below on how to do this.

I wash all the jars well, then place them over boiling water in a saucepan on a wire rack. 2 minutes is enough for one jar and I do the same with the lids. And then I pour only the hot jam removed from the heat into jars. Don't turn off the jam before you have your jars ready.

As a result, from these ingredients I got 1 liter 300 ml of jam. I sealed it in 4 jars, three of them were 380 ml, one was 250 ml and there was still a little left, we ate it with pancakes.

Here is a simple recipe for delicious thick strawberry jam with pectin. The jam turns out to be very aromatic, the consistency is just perfect and tasty. It will last well all winter and will be a great addition to your desserts or just tea. Bon appetit!

The most popular berry in the world is undoubtedly the strawberry. Its unusual aroma, sweet and sour taste and soft texture delight many. One of my favorite desserts is considered strawberry jam, the recipe of which is simple and every housewife can cook. How to do thick strawberry jam for the winter, using simple recipes described in this article.

Strawberry jam is very useful, especially in winter, when vitamins are so lacking. Prepare jam can be done in several ways: traditional, in a slow cooker, in a bread maker, with gelatin and with pectin. Each of them has a different preparation method, but the jam always turns out tasty and aromatic.

Cooking secrets homemade strawberry jam

Classical simple recipe for the winter

This method is the easiest and most widely used. In order to make delicious and aromatic strawberry jam, you will need three ingredients:

  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • juice of half a lemon;

How to make jam:

  1. The berries should be washed, sorted and sprinkled with sugar, after which they should be left for 2-3 hours so that the strawberries begin to release juice.
  2. The resulting syrup should be poured into a large container and put on fire.
  3. When the liquid boils, add berries and sugar and boil for 10 minutes. Next, you should add lemon juice to give the dessert a piquant taste and remove excess sweetness.
  4. If you want a more uniform consistency, cool the berries boiled in syrup and grind them in a blender, after which the resulting mass is put on fire and cooked for another 20-30 minutes.
  5. The finished jam should be poured into dry and sterilized jars.

Watch the video! Strawberry jam for the winter in five minutes!

Five-minute strawberry jam

This recipe is one of the most common and easiest methods for making jam. This method is used by many housewives because it is simple and fast.

  • sugar 0.8 kg;
  • strawberries 2 kg.

How to cook:

  1. The berries should be washed, sorted, and peeled.
  2. Using a meat grinder or blender, grind the strawberries into a puree and add sugar.
  3. Place the finished mixture on the fire, wait until it boils, skim off the foam and cook for about 5 minutes.
  4. Then the mass is cooled and the procedure is repeated twice to make the jam thicker.

Recipe for cooking in a slow cooker

Nowadays, working in the kitchen is greatly facilitated by modern appliances. You can make very tasty jam in a slow cooker. This device will not only allow the housewife to save a lot of time, but will also change the usual consistency of the treat, making it tender, dense and rich.

To prepare you will need:

  • sugar – 0.7 kg;
  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • citric acid – 0.5 tsp;
  • gelatin – 1 tsp (gelatin should first be diluted in 100 ml of warm water).

The cooking principle itself remains the same as when using a simple pan (described above). With one difference:

  • Strawberry puree should be prepared in a separate container, and only after that transfer the mixture to the slow cooker.
  • Then you need to select the “Extinguishing” program and leave for 1 hour.
  • Gelatin is added as desired to make the jam thicker.
  • The prepared jam is poured into pre-prepared jars.

Strawberry jam prepared according to this recipe can not only become a decoration for any dish, but also an independent dessert that will fill the cold season with the aroma of summer and warmth.

Watch the video! Strawberry jam in a slow cooker - video recipe

Delicious and thick strawberry jam with orange

Very often, housewives use to make strawberry jam not only standard ingredients, which include strawberries, lemon juice and sugar, but also other components that will make the taste original and unusual. The most commonly used components are:

  • orange;
  • apple;
  • mint;
  • White chocolate.

Advice! You shouldn’t add all these ingredients at the same time, as they can greatly interrupt each other’s taste.

You can use the following recipe:

  • sugar – 1kg;
  • strawberries – 2 kg;
  • orange pulp – 0.5 kg;
  • gelatin – 40 g, previously diluted in 100 g of warm water.

The preparation of thick and very tasty strawberry jam is as follows:

  1. Berries should be prepared: remove rotten and wrinkled fruits, remove stems and green leaves, and wash.
  2. Oranges must be peeled and chopped in a blender.
  3. Strawberries are crushed to a homogeneous puree.
  4. Before cooking, add orange pulp and sugar to the puree, then put on fire and cook for about 20 minutes.
  5. To ensure that the mixture heats evenly and the sugar dissolves faster, it should be stirred constantly. You can then add additional ingredients as desired.
  6. Then the container should be removed and covered with gauze or a towel so that the fabric absorbs excess moisture and the jam becomes thicker. It is recommended to carry out the cooking procedure 2 times to obtain the optimal consistency. At the time of the last cooking, you can add gelatin in a thin stream, stirring constantly.

Watch the video! Strawberry jam with orange

Recipe with gelatin

The jam prepared according to this recipe is 100% thick. Gelatin will not spoil the taste at all and will help give the jam the necessary consistency.

To prepare you will need:

  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • gelatin – 1 sachet (20 g).

How to make homemade strawberry jam with gelatin.

The principle of making jam is quite simple:

  • The berries should be washed and sorted, then ground or twisted in a meat grinder.
  • In a cooking container, mix strawberry mass, sugar, gelatin.
  • The mixture is placed on the fire and wait for it to boil. Do not forget about constant stirring so that the jam does not burn.
  • When the strawberry-sugar mixture begins to boil, reduce the heat to low and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  • Remove the jam from the heat.
  • You can check readiness by dropping jam onto a cold plate. If the drop shape is maintained, then the jam can be poured into jars. As it cools, the jam will thicken even more.

Homemade jam from wild strawberries for the winter

Wild strawberries have a wonderful aroma and taste. In winter, such a dessert can be a good addition to tea drinking.

To make wild strawberry jam you will need:

  • Wild strawberries – 3 kg;
  • sugar – 3 kg.

Cooking process:

  • The prepared berries are ground in a large container with sugar, using a sieve or meat grinder.
  • Strawberries are a very juicy berry, so you shouldn’t add water to the mixture.
  • Place the jam on low heat and wait for it to boil, stirring constantly.
  • After this, cook the jam for 20 minutes, remembering to stir and skim off the foam. Then cool. It is recommended to carry out the cooking procedure 2 times. The mixture should boil down sufficiently and acquire a thick consistency.
  • Jam jars should be prepared in advance.
  • After boiling, the hot mass is placed in jars, twisted, covered and left to cool.

Recipe without cooking

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 1 kg sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. The berries are sorted, only strong fruits are selected.
  2. Next, wash the strawberries several times and dry them on a towel.
  3. Only after this they are cleared of green tails. With a different sequence, the strawberries will be watery.
  4. Blend the berries with a blender into a homogeneous mass.
  5. Pour the puree into a bowl and add sugar.
  6. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for half an hour.
  7. Mix and transfer the finished jam into dry, sterilized jars and screw on the lids.

Store the jam in a cool place. You can also place them in plastic containers and freeze them.

Watch the video! Strawberry jam without cooking

Bon appetit!

Jam, preserves, confiture - you can get lost in these sweet wilds! The concepts are similar, but still different and each has its own application. Today I will prepare the most delicious strawberry confiture for cake or pastries, and also tell you how it differs from jam or preserves. The recipe is so simple that step-by-step photos may seem unnecessary. But what can you do, the force of habit takes over! And now I take pictures of everything I cook in my kitchen.

The simplest confiture recipe:

  • Fresh or frozen strawberries - 100 g
  • Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Corn starch - 1 tsp.
  • Water for diluting starch - 2-3 tbsp. l.

How is confiture different from jam and preserves?

In berry jam, the berries are boiled into a thick, sweet mass and simmered over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Confiture is considered a type of jam; it should also be jelly-like, but it also includes pieces of berries and fruits (as opposed to jam).

What is the difference between confiture and jam? In jam, the berries must retain their shape, so the heat treatment is short.

Confiture is ideal for layering cakes and filling pies! It has a fresh taste, a uniform structure in which there are pieces of berries.

How to prepare strawberry confiture for cakes and pastries (step-by-step recipe with photos)

For the Queen Victoria sponge cake, I need a very small amount of jam in the layer, so I tell the recipe using a minimum amount of ingredients. You can increase them in proportion to the list, based on how much jam you need for dessert.

You can use any berries, including frozen ones. Place strawberries (100 g) in a saucepan, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar and place over medium heat. If using fresh berries, add a little water to the bottom of the pan to prevent them from burning.

With every minute, the berries will release juice more and more intensely; after five minutes, many of them will break into several parts, this is a normal phenomenon. Some puree the berries with an immersion blender, but this is not necessary. Personally, I like it when there are halves of berries in the confiture.

Place a teaspoon of cornstarch in a glass. You can also use potato, but in this case take twice as much.

Pour 2-3 tbsp. l. cold water into the starch and stir until smooth.

Pour the starch mixture into the confiture, stirring and boiling for 1-2 minutes.

The confiture will thicken a little while hot, and after cooling it will become even thicker.

Recipes for strawberry jam for the winter

Preparing strawberry jam for the winter is a simple process, but the desired result can only be achieved if the recipe is strictly followed! How to cook

8 hours

285 kcal

5/5 (1)

The name "confiture" is translated from French as "jam" or "jam", but such preservation has more thick, jelly-like consistency. In strawberry confiture, more benefits are retained than in the usual cooking of jam, and the berries also retain their shape better.

Preparing strawberry jam for the winter is a simple process, but the desired result can only be achieved with strict adherence to the recipe and careful adherence to recommendations on preparation. Preservation in the classic version is prepared exclusively from strawberries, but, if desired, it can be diversified with other berries.

For this preservation, berries should be carefully selected. They should be:

  • ripe;
  • quite hard;
  • rich color;
  • without the slightest damage;
  • without signs of rot or damage.

Prepare the berries as follows:

  • sort through;
  • cleaned of leaves and stalks;
  • rinse first under running water to wash away the remaining stuck earth, and then in a basin to get rid of those leaves that were not washed off earlier;
  • After pre-processing, large strawberries are cut into two parts, and small ones are left whole.

Step-by-step process of preparing strawberry jam for the winter

To make classic confiture you will need:

How to cook strawberry jam for the winter?

  1. Pre-prepared strawberries are covered with half the sugar, all the salt and citric acid, and filled with vodka. The mass is left for 6-7 hours to release the juice.
  2. After this time, pour the remaining sugar into the mixture and place the container on the fire.
  3. Now It is important to carefully monitor the boiling mass- as soon as the berries begin to rise, the heat should be reduced to a minimum and wait until the strawberries sink, and then increase the heating speed again. This procedure is repeated for 20-22 minutes.
  4. The finished product is left and placed in jars, then rolled up and stored under appropriate conditions.

To prepare high-quality confiture, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Cook the preserved food only in an aluminum container, and stir it with a wooden spatula or spoon.
  2. To give the dish an original taste, you can add vanillin from a bag or pod (before cooking, the grains are poured into the berries and the pod itself is thrown in, but before pouring the confiture into the container, it is removed).
  3. If you like preserves with a fresh, bright taste, then add the zest from one medium-sized lemon to the berries when cooking - to get it, just wash the citrus and grate its yellow peel on the finest grater.
  4. The jars into which the finished product will be placed must be sterilized, and the lids must be boiled for at least 5 minutes.

How to store strawberry jam

For long-term preservation, it is worth storing ready-made and rolled strawberry confiture after cooling. in a cool place where there is no regular access to sunlight and other lighting. The cellar, bottom shelf of the refrigerator, or pantry are perfect for this purpose.

After opening the can The product should be placed in the refrigerator and covered with a plastic lid so that it does not become saturated with foreign odors. The shelf life of opened confiture is no more than a week, but, as a rule, it is eaten much faster.

When summer comes, it becomes possible not only to enjoy fresh berries and fruits, but also to extend this pleasure for the whole year.

Most of us try to stock up on something tasty so that during the winter cold or a rainy evening, over a cup of coffee or tea, we can remember the warm touch of the sun and the aromas of just ripened fruits.

Fruits and berries can simply be frozen. But they are no less tasty in the form of preserves, jams or confiture.

When processing berries and fruits with sugar, you don’t really think about what the end result will be. All home-produced products are often simply called jam. That’s right: it is the most favorite delicacy, the most common and popular.

But the recipes used are different. Therefore, the bins of most housewives are filled not only with jars of various types of jam, but also with more refined dishes: jams or confitures.

Confiture is a French variation of jam. This sweet dessert is prepared by boiling whole or crushed berries in sugar. At the same time, the fruits are evenly distributed in the sweet liquid, retaining their healing properties.

Strawberry confiture is especially tasty. It serves as a wonderful preparation for pies and pies, cakes and sweet sandwiches. Strawberry confiture is a ready-made dish in itself. It won't be difficult to cook it. With a little effort, you can stock up on surprisingly aromatic and tasty food.

Thanks to the confiture, the house will be especially cozy and sweet.

Strawberry confiture - general principles of preparation

Strawberry confiture is distinguished by its unusual taste, rich color and peculiar translucent jelly structure.

Its consistency is denser than jam. This is achieved by adding gelling substances to the dish, such as gelatin, pectin, agar-agar and gelatin.

Pectin is especially often used. It helps to prepare confiture very quickly, which means that all vitamins are preserved in it as much as possible. The jelly structure that pectin creates is especially pleasant.

To make the jam sweeter, it is better to use fresh and ripe strawberries.

The berries need to be sorted. Slightly rotten parts can be cut off with a knife. Then wash the strawberries and carefully remove the stems.

To prepare the dish, the berries are boiled whole or chopped into small pieces. Strawberries are often pureed before cooking. You can use a blender for this.

The other main ingredient in strawberry jam is sugar. Most often, its amount is equal to the weight of the peeled berry.

You can add lemon, vanilla sugar, starch, liqueur, vodka and even basil to the jam.

If a sweet dish is being prepared for the winter, then it must be poured hot into sterile jars and screwed on with a lid. It is advisable to place the container with strawberry confiture upside down and leave it until it cools completely. Then the jars are put away in a dark pantry or cellar.

Confiture, which will be used immediately, is also poured into glass containers and closed loosely. In this case, the sweet dessert must be stored in the refrigerator.

To prepare confiture, use dishes with a thick bottom. The sweet dish will not burn in it.

Using proven recipes, you can easily and happily cook several types of aromatic and delicate strawberry confiture at once.

Recipe 1. Strawberry confiture with lemon and liqueur


One kilogram of strawberries;

Half a kilogram of sugar;

One lemon;

Three tablespoons liqueur (any kind).

Cooking method:

    Cut the strawberries into small pieces and place them in the prepared bowl.

    Peel the lemon, remove only a thin layer of zest. Let's cut it into strips.

    Squeeze the juice out of the lemon.

    Add sugar, lemon zest and fresh juice to the strawberries. Mix all the ingredients.

    Cook the jam and be sure to stir it periodically.

    Bring the sweet dish to a boil and turn off the heat after three minutes.

    Then pour in the liquor. It can be not only strawberry, but also cherry and raspberry.

    Pour the jam into the jars and screw the lids on tightly.

Recipe 2. Strawberry confiture “Waiting for winter”


Three kilograms of strawberries and sugar;

45 gr. zhelfixa;

Three tablespoons vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

    Place the prepared strawberries in a large bowl. If there are large berries, cut them in half.

    Grind the strawberries using a meat grinder, choosing the largest attachment. The berries can simply be cut into small pieces with a sharp knife.

    Measure out half the sugar and pour it into the strawberries, mix and leave for four hours in the corner of the kitchen. You can place it on the refrigerator shelf until the morning.

    When the specified time has passed, add sugar (reserve half a glass) and cook for one hour.

    At the very beginning of cooking, mix vanilla sugar, jellyfix and half a glass of the usual sweet ingredient.

    Add to the strawberry confiture and stir with a whisk for about five minutes.

    Pour the finished dish into sterilized jars, close very tightly and hide away.

    The best time to enjoy strawberry confiture is in winter.

Recipe 3. Strawberry confiture “Homemade”


600 ml water;

Two cups of sugar;

Four tablespoons potato starch;

A kilogram of fresh strawberries.

Cooking method:

    In a saucepan, combine sugar and 400 ml of water. We send it to the fire.

    Puree the strawberries in a blender.

    Add potato starch to the remaining water and mix thoroughly. Each lump should completely dissolve.

    Add the mixture to the hot sugar syrup. Stir and bring to a boil.

    Add strawberries to the boiling mixture. Stir again and leave until it boils.

    As soon as the first bubbles appear on the strawberry jam, turn it off.

    Pour the dish into jars and screw the lids on tightly.

    One jar can be loosely covered and stored in the refrigerator so that you can use the confiture now, without waiting for the winter cold.

Recipe 4. Strawberry confiture with pectin


One kilogram of peeled strawberries;

One kilogram of sugar;

A packet of pectin.

Cooking method:

    Pour a packet of pectin into the strawberries and stir.

    We send the vessel to a small fire. Stir the berries so they don't burn.

    As soon as the strawberries release juice, you can increase the heat.

    Cook the berries until large bubbles appear - the mixture has boiled.

    Add granulated sugar a little at a time. In this case, you need to constantly stir the almost finished confiture.

    When all the sugar has been added, bring the confiture to a strong boil.

    After exactly a minute, remove the foam and pour the finished dish into jars.

Recipe 5. Strawberry confiture “Sandwich”


A kilogram of berries;

800 gr. sugar;

A glass of water;

Two tea l. with a slide of agar-agar.

Cooking method:

    Place the berries in a blender and turn them into puree.

    Pour it into a bowl and turn on the gas.

    When the berries boil, start adding sugar little by little. At the same time, we do not stop stirring the confiture.

    We dilute agar-agar in cold water and pour it into strawberries.

    When the sugar dissolves, foam will appear. Remove it with a spoon and continue cooking for another five minutes.

    When the time is up, you can pour the strawberry confiture into a pre-prepared bowl.

Recipe 6. Strawberry confiture “Sweet Evening”


One and a half kg of strawberries;

150 gr. vodka;

10 grams of citric acid;

2 gr. salt;

Three kg of sugar.

Cooking method:

    Place half the sugar in a bowl, mix it with citric acid and salt.

    Place a ball of strawberries at the bottom of the saucepan: about a quarter of it. Sprinkle the berries with vodka.

    Fill the strawberries with a fourth of sugar, acid and salt.

    Place the next ball of berries on top and repeat the process: add a little vodka and sugar. Thus, we form four balls of strawberries with sugar and vodka.

    We send the berry mixture to a quiet place for twelve hours (you can also put it in the refrigerator).

    The next day, put a saucepan with berries to cook, add sugar. Pour it completely over the strawberries and mix.

    After the strawberry confiture boils, cook it for about twenty minutes and roll it into jars.

Recipe 7. Strawberry confiture with basil


One kg of berries;

0.7 kg +0.1 kg sugar;

20 gr. pectin;

100 gr. lemon juice;

15 gr. basil (leaves).

Cooking method:

    Prepare the strawberry, cut the large berries in half. Mix with 700 grams of sugar and put on medium heat.

    Combine the remaining sweet ingredient with pectin and stir with a whisk.

    When the sugar dissolves, increase the heat. Mix the strawberry mixture thoroughly.

    Add a mixture of sugar and pectin.

    Cook the strawberries until they boil, stirring constantly.

    Finely chop the basil and put it in the confiture. Pour in fresh lemon juice.

    Let it boil again and remove from heat.

    Pour the confiture into sterilized jars and screw tightly.

    Using fructose instead of sugar will not only make confiture accessible to diabetics. It is much sweeter and therefore its amount in the dish is half as much.

    To determine the readiness of the confiture, you can put a drop of it on a plate and cool. When the surface is covered with a wrinkled film, the dish is ready. In addition, we pour the confiture into jars if it does not just drip from a spoon, but flows down in a thin stream.

    Some sugar, for example, 200 grams, can be replaced with liquid glucose. This will give the confiture a creamy structure and prevent it from becoming sugary.

    Even if the sweet dish will be used immediately, you need to take care of the cleanliness of the container. This will ensure that the aroma and taste of the dish is preserved.

    It is better to cook confiture in small portions. The maximum number of berries is 1.5 kilograms.

    Strawberries picked from the garden in the morning are much juicier and last longer.

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