How to beautifully decorate a cake with blueberries. Cake with cherry filling, blueberries and cream cheese

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Decorating cakes with fruits is the most beautiful of the simplest ways to decorate baked goods. There are a lot of variations and I have collected photographs of the most (from my point of view) beautiful variations of decorating cakes with fruit. Below the photo I will list the fruits used. Some cakes are decorated using cake jelly. The easiest way is to buy semi-finished jelly in bags at the supermarket or prepare it yourself using the recipe described at the very end of this publication.

17 stunning fruit-decorated cakes

Fruit cake photo 1. Perhaps the simplest option. The outer circle uses tangerines and green grapes. And the rose in the center of the cake is made of canned mango (can be replaced with large canned peaches.

Fruit cake photo 2. Very beautiful and simple cake. Fruits used in decoration: strawberries, red currants (twigs) and black currants (berries). Colored powder looks very beautiful on a white cream background in combination with multi-colored fruits.

Fruit cake photo 3 ( Just a brilliant idea: a rainbow cake. There are many variations of this idea. Starting from the use of fruits and ending with the alternation of laying out colored sectors of fruits. The following fruits and berries are used in this recipe: raspberries, peaches, pineapple, kiwi, blueberries, strawberries. You can add currants and canned peaches and mangoes and more and more and more.

Fruit cake photo 4. This cake is for gourmets and aesthetes. Minimalism and grace. To my taste, it’s simply great: fresh raspberries with small mint leaves. It’s also very tasty; when you bite into a piece of cake, your tongue will feel the fresh, sweet mint-raspberry taste.

Fruit cake photo 5. What did you put on the dark layer of chocolate glaze? These are: strawberry, kiwi, mango. For greater convenience when “eating,” the strawberries can be cut and placed in halves.

Fruit cake photo 6. Red and green are a wonderful color combination. Strawberries and raspberries are a wonderful flavor combination. So just 3 fruits: raspberries, strawberries and kiwis...and such beauty!

Fruit cake photo 7. The most authentic homemade recipe, everything is simple and everything is accessible. Fan-sliced ​​large canned mango, kiwi and berries (blueberries or blueberries or black currants) placed in the center.

Cake with fruit photo 8. In this version of decorating the cake with fruit, the geometric arrangement of the fruit pieces is interesting. The fruit is fixed on a delicate buttery snow-white cream.

Fruit cake photo 9. This decoration is very suitable for huge cakes, which are cut into portioned square (or rectangular) pieces before serving. Used: pineapple, orange, grapefruit, kiwi and cherry.

Fruit cake photo 10. This is the depicted and embodied “Basket of Abundance”. A good and very varied selection of fruits: grapes, strawberries, currants, raspberries, blackberries, canned peaches, apples. All this abundance is “carelessly” filled with jelly for the cake.

Cake with fruit photo 11. This cake is for children! Cake side: kiwi and currants. Owl: strawberries, banana, canned peach and currants for the eyes.

Cake with fruit photo 12. Sponge cake, the sides of which are lined with finely chopped nuts, and the creamy top is decorated with fruit. The fruits used were strawberries, kiwi and peaches. When decorating cakes, it is better to use canned peaches. Along with a piece of cake, the canned peach will be soft to bite and enjoyable to eat.

Fruit cake photo 13. Perhaps if the snow-white cream had not been laid out so professionally, perhaps this simple set of fruits would not have looked so beautiful. But in this snow-white creamy wave, they look simply amazing: orange, kiwi, pineapple, mango, tangerine. Placed “cocktail cherries” soaked in sugar syrup in the center of the cake.

Fruit cake photo 14. Despite the fact that this cake is made from watermelon (yes, from the pulp of a cold watermelon), the decoration idea can be used on ordinary sponge cakes. Beautiful leaves and flowers are cut out of kiwi and mango using small cutters for children's creativity. You can see everything else in the photo yourself.

Cake with fruit photo 15. I can’t help but post such a masterpiece, although most likely such a fruit design looks so impressive on a multi-tiered cake. But look how gorgeous the colors are: red, black and blue. This is a fruit assortment of raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. All these berries can be bought in the supermarket in the frozen section. Although the raspberries used are fresh. And this is an important rule, since it is raspberries that lose their elastic and chic appearance after freezing. But you can buy blackberries and blueberries frozen (but of course good quality frozen ones).

The berries are also laid out seemingly simply, but very thoughtfully, maintaining uniformity of color and taste.

Try it and delight your guests with this berry fantasy!!!

Cake with fruit photo 16. It looks like all the same fruit, it looks like they just cut it up and laid it out. But an interesting solution: sides made of chocolate bars. And now it looks like a chocolate basket filled with fruit. Great solution! The only thing is, don’t get lost in search of white fruit with black dots. This is a Thai fruit called “dragon eye”. In general, it is not very tasty and not very juicy. Although it looks very bright. Replace it with something else.

Fruit cake photo 17. The cake is decorated with citrus slices: lemon, orange and blood orange. Sprigs of mint were added as a contrasting color. It will be even more beautiful if, before placing the slices on the cake, you dip them in a special gelatin composition (cake jelly). The fruit will shine!

Fruit cake photo 18. Shortcrust pastry cake (possibly with filling). The laid out fruits are covered with a special jelly for the cake. It gives shine and tenderness.

Fruit cake 19. These delicate roses that cover the cake are made from orange peels. It is absolutely not easy to make. The only thing is that you may need time to “wind up” so many roses. The cake will also be fragrant.

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Cream cheese, aromatic berries, moist nut sponge cake - here it is, the formula for a bombishly delicious cake from our regular author Veronica Ivanenko.

Almond chiffon sponge cake:

  • 16 yolks;
  • 230 g sugar + 220 g sugar;
  • 130 g almond flour;
  • 170 g wheat flour;
  • 170 g corn starch;
  • 2 tsp baking powder;
  • 4 g vanilla;
  • 130 ml vegetable oil;
  • 60 ml warm water;
  • 10 proteins;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • butter for greasing the mold.


  • 200 ml water;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l rum or rum essence.

Cherry filling:

  • 600 g frozen cherries;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. starch;
  • 4 tbsp water.


  • 1.5 kg of cream cheese (Philadelphia, Cremette hohland, Karat);
  • 500 g mascarpone;
  • 200-300 g of powdered sugar (+ - to taste);
  • 20 g vanilla sugar.

External smoothing cream:

  • 300 g softened butter;
  • 300 g white chocolate.

Pink glaze:

  • 300 g white chocolate;
  • 100 g heavy cream;
  • pink dye.


  • 150-200 g fresh blueberries for filling;
  • flowers and macaroons for decoration.

How to cook:

Almond chiffon sponge cake

Step 1. Divide the ingredients into 2 molds. It is better to bake them one at a time. Beat the yolks with sugar (230 g) at low speed until thick.

Step 2. Reduce mixer speed to medium and add water, oil, vanilla while continuing to beat.

Step 3. Increase speed and beat until thick.

Step 4. Mix separately sifted almond flour, wheat flour, starch and baking powder. Pour the flour mixture into the yolk mixture. Do not stir, leave.

Read also Honey cake with spinach

Step 5. At medium mixer speed, beat the whites with salt until they form a stable foam and, without stopping the mixer, gradually add sugar (220 g) and beat until stable, smooth peaks form. But don't interrupt!

Step 6. Add 1/4 of the whipped whites to the yolks and flour and mix with a spatula from bottom to top, also add the remaining whites in 2 stages.

Step 7 Pour the dough into a greased mold. Bake in a preheated oven at 170C for 40-45 minutes until the toothpick is dry. Do not open the oven often when baking!

Step 8 Cool the biscuit. Cut into 2-3 equal layers. The quantity depends on how tall you want the cake. I cut it into 3 layers, using the 2 that are the smoothest.


Boil the syrup. Bring water with sugar and rum or essence to a boil. Keep warm.

Cherry filling

Step 1. Cover the cherries with sugar and place on the stove over low heat. Bring to a boil, boil until the sugar dissolves and add starch diluted in cold water. Keep on fire until the juice begins to thicken.

Step 2. Remove from heat and cool.


Beat cream cheese with mascarpone, powdered sugar and vanilla sugar, crushed into powder.

External cream

Melt white chocolate and beat with butter until fluffy. Use the cream immediately.


Melt the chocolate, heat the cream and mix the ingredients, add coloring, mix again. Use immediately.


Step 1. Soak the first cake with hot syrup,

Step 2. Add cream, cherry filling and a little more cream.

Step 3. Place the next cake layer on top, soak it in syrup and spread the cream.

Step 4. Then again sponge cake with syrup, cream and fresh blueberries.

Step 5. Cover the cake with the last sponge cake and soak in syrup.

Step 6. Place the outer cream on the cake and smooth it with a spatula.

Or you can bake it in the oven, for this I Beat eggs with sugar until the consistency of sour cream. Then add baking powder and mix well. Then gradually add flour and stir thoroughly until smooth. Bake the biscuit at a temperature of 180-190 °C for 30-40 minutes. Cool the finished cake and cut it in half.

Preparing the soufflé

Pour gelatin with water and leave to swell for 20 minutes.

Whip the cream until a strong foam forms so that it holds its shape. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath and pour into the whipped cream, mix thoroughly. Then you can add powdered sugar to taste.

Melt the gelatin in a water bath and pour it into the cream, stirring quickly.

Place one half of the sponge cake on the bottom of the springform pan, pour in half of the soufflé, cover with the second sponge cake and pour in the remaining soufflé. Place the cake in the refrigerator until completely frozen.

We decorate the finished cake using tubes placed on the sides of the cake, and decorate the top with blueberries and mint.

The cake turns out very tasty, light and certainly beautiful!

Make your loved ones happy. Bon appetit.

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As I previously wrote in a post about blueberry season, we are in full swing, so I didn’t think about what berry I would use, as they say, everything came together by itself. I first prepared this cake as a test, so to speak, it was just a test of the pen, but what a !!! I was 100% satisfied with the cakes, or rather, 1000% (believe me, this happens extremely rarely), and a weighty argument was the button’s request for more (and here’s the thing, my child is generally cold to cakes, for her it would soon be priority is cookies, pancakes or cupcakes, muffins and buns, if we talk about sweets.... (I won’t mention sweets here))... and so, the child gave the cake a verdict of “very tasty!”...

RecipeI had a cake in my bookmarks collecting dust for a year, otherwiseand more (wellt there are all the same recipes that you want, but it’s not always possible to implement it on time for various reasons..))) In the end, I made it anyway. The recipe is from Jamie Martin, but as always with his own adjectives... He calls it “Blackcurrant Delight”. In general, you can take your favorite berry as the basis for the soufflé and jelly and play with its color...

Definitely a cake not very easy atcooking, but if you correctly distribute the time and stages of preparation, then everythingit will be easy and simple...

What can you say about this cake?.... Starting from the color and ending with the taste - it’s airy and tender, and of course the brightness of the mousse is captivating. Since it’s blueberry season, I decided withmake mousse for her, and the dove herself- taiga raisins are a very beautiful berry,and what color does it give when you make juice, fruit juice and various confitures from it?, jelly and jam...mmm it’s just a fairy taleand the joy of impressionism, ohI will write confit and various variations of jelly in other we will talk about cake, this cakeI wanted to cook it for a long time, but I never got around to ithands, well, I’m finally tiredtime, and the occasion was serious, so cakethis one was in place and timely. Ifyou don't have blueberries, then calm downyou can make a cake from blueberries or blackberriesThe mousse has a wonderful color, and the taste of each of them is wonderful in its own way...currants, these berries will also give

For 8-10 servings we will need:

In my case I used lab biscuit - Vienna mass, it is more delicate in texture and seems to me more ideal as a delicate mousse.

I need a biscuitWe need a mold of 21-23 cm.
350-400 gr. blueberries

300 ml.sugar syrup

30g gelatin or about 8plate sheet gelatin

12 gr. milk powder/cream
½ vanilla pod
3 eggs
25g sugar
200 ml Cr ème de cassis liqueur (blackcurrant liqueur)
400-500 ml.cream 33-38%

For decoration:

Raspberries, gooseberries, blueberries, blueberries

(berries according to your taste and the contents of the refrigerator)

mint sprigs

For the syrup:
375 gr. Sahara
325 ml. water
30-40 ml. glucose or invert syrup
(the remaining syrup is good

stored in the refrigerator)

First, we prepare the sponge cake, it is better to prepare the sponge cake the day before, allowing it to “ripen” to form the cake, but you can prepare it 4-5 hours before assembling the cake. I prepared the sponge cake in the evening so that it ripened overnight and soaked; you can read the recipe for sponge cake - Viennese mass.

Cookingsugar syrup: mix everything in a saucepaningredients, stirring, bringuntil boiling. Cook the syrup for about 3 minutes, periodically removing the foam (there will be a lot of foam, don’t be alarmed).If you are using a sugar thermometer,the temperature should not exceedindicator 30 Baumé or 1.2624 on the density scale. Strainsyrup through a conical colanderand let it cool.

Wash and dry the blueberries. Using a blender or juicer, puree 50 ml of berry syrup. Then strain the resulting blueberry juice using a conical colander.

Preparing the mousse: Soak15 g gelatin or 4 platesgelatin in cold water,according to the instructions, about 10-15 minutes.4-5 tablespoons blueberry pureeset aside and put in the refrigerator for a while,and put the rest into the pan andheat, bringing to a boil with milk powder and vanilla pod. In parallel to the bowl, beat 3 egg yolks (Having previously separated the yolks and whites,We put the whites in the cold until the time of use). Carefully pour the boiling blueberry mixture into the yolks, we do this carefully so that the yolks do notcooked, stirring constantly, or rather whisking, then our entire mixturepour into a saucepan and heat the mixture, not letting it boil, stirring constantlywooden spatula. Remove from heat and add prepared gelatin,dissolving it into the mixture, removing the vanilla pod. Strain the mixture using a colander, cool itstirring occasionally.

Working with the biscuit: Place the biscuit on the bottom of the mold or on a serving plate. Mix 50 ml. sugar syrup with 1 tablespoonblueberry puree and 1 teaspoon caliqueurblack currant Cr ème de cassis or cognac.We coat the sponge cake and let it stand while we prepare the mousse.

Preparing Italian meringue: to do this, heat it in 100-150 ml sugar syrup in a saucepan,bringing to a boil. Beat cold whites with a pinch of salt until peaks form.

5-7, then carefully add sugar syrup in a thin stream and beat the meringue for 10-15 minutes, at low speed, gradually increasing it, most importantly, our meringue should be dense and smooth, it’s easy to check the readiness of the meringue - it should hold its shape while turning the bowl of cream.

When blueberry puree will become warm, insert carefullyItalian meringue, stirringusing a whisk. Whip cream with 50-60 ml.sugar syrupfrom lowspeed, then increasing it to maximumand add the cream into the mousse, gently so that the texture remains airy.

We collect immediatelycake so that the mousse does not harden. Fill the biscuit ring with mousse, not reaching 3 mm to the edges.We level it with a spatula and gently tap the edges of the rim so that the mousse spreads evenly anda lot of air in the form. We putfreezer for 3-4 hours.

Making the glaze: soak the remaining gelatinin cold water, give himstand for 15 minutes, draincold water. Mix 50 ml.sugar syrup (warm it up a little, you can put it in the microwave for a couple of seconds) with the combined blueberry puree and addgelatin. Strain the puree through a conecolander or cloth, we need

transparent texture. We take out the cake and pour a layer of blueberry jelly on top and put it in the refrigerator for another 1-2, until the jelly hardens.

Remove the ring by heating from the outside from top to bottom. So that the glaze turns out mirror-like and smooth, frozen

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