Supernatural Basics: A Guide to Angels. Archangels of the Supernatural - who are they? All the angels from the supernatural

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The American television series “Supernatural” tells about the mystical adventures of brothers Sam and Dean Winchester. They travel across the United States in a black 1967 Chevrolet Impala, fighting dark forces, spirits, and demons.

And it all started like this. On November 2, 1983, when Sam Winchester was still a baby and his older brother Dean was just 4 years old, their mother, Mary, was murdered in the nursery of their home. Entering the nursery, her husband, John, saw blood dripping from the ceiling directly into the cradle where Sam lay. Looking up, he discovered that his wife was “crucified” on the ceiling, and blood was flowing from her wounds. The next moment it burst into flames. John ordered Dean to carry Sam out of the house while he desperately and futilely tried to save his wife before the house was completely engulfed in flames.

After a medium tells John that something supernatural has killed his wife, he becomes obsessed with finding and destroying that “something.” At the same time, John trains his sons to fight paranormal entities themselves. Having matured, Sam and Dean become inventive and experienced hunters and, helping their father track down and destroy dangerous creatures, continue their search for the Demon who killed their mother. However, Sam is not satisfied with the lifestyle that their father has prepared for them and, ultimately, he quarrels with his father and leaves home to start a “normal” life. Sam goes to Stanford College, where he meets and falls in love with a girl named Jessica Moore.

Two years later, Dean unexpectedly appears on Sam's doorstep, telling him that their father disappeared during his last hunt, and invites his brother to go in search of his father. Sam reluctantly agrees to help Dean.

And the adventure begins.

1. Sam Winchester

Hunter, brother of Dean Winchester.

Born May 2, 1983 to John and Mary Winchester. Sam is the second child in the family, he is 4 years younger than his brother Dean. Dean is the only one allowed to call him "Sammy". Crowley, on the other hand, calls him a "moose" (probably due to his hairstyle, large build and lack of a corresponding sense of humor).

Interested in living a “normal” life. But despite this, it is obvious that he is ready to do anything for Dean. Sam was very young when his mother was killed, so he remembers little about this point in his life and is therefore less interested in hunting demons. In protest of his father's desire to raise him as a demon hunter, Sam leaves home and goes to Stanford College, where he meets and falls in love with a girl named Jessica. He quarrels with his father because he was against him going to university. Their relationship will be far from ideal for a long time, but in the end, they will forgive each other. The death of his girlfriend forces Sam to go on the road with his brother in search of his missing father. However, for Sam, the main thing was to take revenge on the Demon responsible for the death of his mother and Jessica, and only then the extermination of the forces of evil and saving people became the meaning of life for him. Unlike his brother, Sam has great respect for the law, and any illegal action causes him to protest. Sam doesn't like to lie and feels awkward when he has to do it, even in the name of saving a human life. Faced with the problem of exterminating “evil spirits,” Sam always tries to find a way to solve it without resorting to violent methods and without breaking the law (although this is not always successful), while Dean finds the easiest way out and can, without hesitation, kill a person possessed by a demon or bitten by a werewolf. Unlike Dean, who loves to flirt with girls at any appropriate or inappropriate moment, Sam does not strive to make new acquaintances, putting work first. He is afraid that he may go over to the “side of evil” and therefore seeks to help as many people as he can in order to change his fate.

2. Dean Winchester

Unlike Sam, Dean is very deep and natural. Behind him there are no secrets from his brother, no desire to change his life, he simply lives as given to him in this world. In season 6, he begins living with Lisa and her son Ben, whom Dean considered his son for some time.

What Dean loves most in life is his family, his car (1967 Chevrolet Impala) and classic rock. From an early age, Dean and Sam learned from their father to track down and exterminate supernatural creatures. Unlike his brother, Dean does not feel resentment towards his father for raising them as hunters, as he believes that after the brutal death of their mother, their father could not have raised them differently. Dean prefers hunting to living a "normal" life. Thanks to his father, Dean acquired the qualities necessary for a real fighter against “evil spirits”: he is an accurate shooter, knows how to handle weapons and knows almost everything about the supernatural creatures with whom he has to fight. Dean is distinguished by his sense of humor, which does not leave him even in the most hopeless situations. Dean often tries to hide his real feelings with his irony. While Sam always talks about how he feels and what worries him, Dean prefers to keep everything to himself. It's not at all easy for Dean to talk about his feelings openly; he prefers to just laugh it off. Dean has an increased interest in the female sex and constantly flirts with girls. He has absolutely no respect for authority and is ready to do anything for the sake of the cause, which is why he has problems with the law and the police. Introducing himself under false names, Dean often names rock musicians. It also turns out that he is a big fan of cinema, knows the names of all the actors and the films in which they played. Dean loves to eat, which can be seen very often in many episodes of the series. He is afraid of flying on airplanes, so he prefers to travel by car. Dean values ​​the safety of his family above all else and even killed a man possessed by a demon to save Sam's life. From a very early age, Dean was accustomed to playing the role of an older brother, taking care of and protecting Sam, and was ready to do anything for his younger brother, even make a deal with the forces of evil. Dean is the only one allowed to call his brother "Sammy". Dean's favorite phrases are “Wonderful!” and “Scale”

3. Castiel

Angel of God who pulled Dean out of Hell. His goal was to prevent the resurrection of Lucifer and the onset of the Apocalypse.

Like so many angels, Castiel showed virtually no emotion and had little understanding of humanity. But, unlike Uriel or Lucifer, Castiel does not feel disdain or hatred for people. On the contrary, he is even interested in watching them, and he even adopted some human habits from the Winchesters.

4. Crowley

Demon of the crossroads and right hand of Lilith, and later the King of Hell. Becky Rosen is mentioned for the first time, saying that the Colt was given not to Lilith, but to Crowley. Unlike other demons, Crowley does not support Lucifer because he believes that Lucifer will kill them all after the people. In order to get rid of Lucifer, Crowley collaborates with the Winchesters and helps them get the horsemen's rings, which are the key to Lucifer's cage. After the apocalypse was stopped, Crowley rose to the top of the hellish hierarchy and became the King of Hell (probably because he was the King of the Crossroads). Next, Crowley desired to receive the souls of purgatory in order to become even stronger and more powerful. To do this, he enters into an alliance with Castiel to divide the souls in half.

His ambition, coupled with intelligence and cunning, makes him a very dangerous opponent. An experienced manipulator and schemer, Crowley is able to deftly maneuver between opposing sides and get something for himself from each side. In order to achieve his own goals, he is capable of going to great lengths, even making a deal with angels and killing his subordinates. Like all demons, he is cruel, merciless and despises humans. Cynic and has a peculiar sense of humor

During his lifetime, Crowley was named Fergus Roderick MacLeod and lived in Scotland in the 17th century. At least the events of his life in 1661 are mentioned. He worked as a tailor and sold his soul to a demon for an extra three inches below his belt. He also had a son named Gavin, who died in a shipwreck and whom Crowley hated. Crowley himself mentioned that his mother was a witch and “taught him a thing or two.”

5. Gabriel (Loki)

It is not precisely stated what seniority he is, the third or fourth of the archangels. He fled to Earth due to quarrels between archangel brothers and pretended to be a magician for a long time. Gabriel loved his family very much, but could not see their quarrel. In addition, he was in love with the Indian goddess Kali, when she and other pagan gods thought that he was the Scandinavian god Loki. Posing as a magician, Gabriel killed people (not everyone, but “pompous idiots”) “with humor.” Having fled to Earth, he posed as an ordinary magician and, in order to maintain his “image,” ate a lot of sweets, leaving behind candy wrappers. Over the thousands of years spent on Earth, Gabriel became imbued with emotions that are not so inherent in angels and became attached to people, understanding them like no other angel. In the confrontation between his brothers, he could not take either side, but still loves each of his brothers, even the rebellious Lucifer. When the world was on the verge of extinction, he took the side of people and unsuccessfully tried to kill Lucifer.6. Anna Milton

A fallen angel, incarnated as a human, a child born to a woman named Amy Milton, who could not get pregnant for a very long time. When Anna was two and a half years old, she screamed loudly that her dad was unhappy and that her father was not real. After this incident, her parents took her to a child psychologist, after which she felt better. Anna grew up for a long time not knowing that she was an angel, and after the apocalypse began, she began to hear angels and their conversations about breaking the seals of the apocalypse. Because of this, she was sent to a psychiatric hospital.

Before her fall, Anna was a typical angel: she experienced practically no emotions and obediently followed orders coming from above. But the long observation of people did not pass without a trace: Anna began to experience emotions and doubt, which is the worst crime for an angel. She voluntarily “removed” grace from herself and became a human, forgetting her true essence. After the fall, she grew up as a normal person, was popular at school, had many friends, and in general, many considered her a positive and cheerful person.

6. Lilith

Lilith is the most powerful of the demons, and is also the first of the demons. Like all demons, she was once human, but her soul was corrupted by Lucifer and turned into a demon. Throughout the first two seasons of the series, she is trapped in Hell. It is unclear how she got there, but it is possible that she never left Hell. Lilith is the holder of all contracts concluded by demons and the leader of demons at crossroads. Lilith's eyes are white, which indicates her high rank. She has all the typical demon abilities. However, based on her actions, it seems that they are somewhat weaker than some other demons. For example, in the last episode of the third season, in order to throw Dean and Sam away with telekinesis, she needed to make significant movements with her arms, while Azazel did it without moving. She also has the ability to release hellfire from her hands (Samhain also demonstrated this ability). It is unknown whether Lilith has pyrokinesis like Azazel, and the extent of her super strength is also unknown, since she did not get into fights in the series (although she was able to quickly overpower Sam in the fourth season). It is unknown whether she is vulnerable to the Colt and Ruby's knife, although, given that the knife is not lethal for Alastair, it also does not pose a threat to Lilith. She is apparently as invulnerable to angels as Alastair, but the archangels can kill her. She is vulnerable to Sam's abilities (in fact, they were originally aimed at killing her). Lilith also has strong magic, for example, using a powerful spell, she resurrected witnesses by breaking the second seal. Until the end of the third season, Lilith was in Hell and was freed by Jack when he opened the gates of Hell. Throughout the series, her goal has been to free Lucifer. While in Hell, she apparently followed Azazel's plan and was not a central figure in the demon world. It is unknown whether she was aware of her role as the final seal. After Azazel's death, Lilith did not immediately take power into her own hands.

7. Lucifer

“Do you know why God cast me down? I loved him. More than anything else. And then God created... you. Little... hairless monkeys. He then commanded us to bow before you and love you more than Him. And I said: “Father... I can’t.” I said: “These people are vicious, bloodthirsty!” And for this... God ordered Michael to throw me into Hell. Now tell me...does the punishment really fit the crime? Especially when I was right? Look what six billion of you have done to the planet. And how many of you blame me for this?”

Lucifer, also known as the Devil or Satan, is the first fallen angel. He is the ruler of Hell and the creator of the Higher Demons (most of them personally chosen), revered by them as a father. Lucifer is the younger brother of the Archangel Michael and the elder of Raphael and Gabriel. According to Gabriel, he was God's most beloved angel, but when He created people and ordered all the angels to bow before them, Lufitzer refused, for which he was expelled from Heaven, and later imprisoned. All the demon's actions Azazel were aimed at freeing Lucifer from his cage and preparing a suitable vessel for him. Since Lucifer is an archangel, he cannot inhabit people without their permission, as they do demons . However, as an archangel, Lucifer can do more than any ordinary angel or demon. Most demons revere him as their god and father.

8. Azazel

A yellow-eyed demon and Lucifer's confidant, he is one of the oldest demons, so he is resistant to holy water and other traditional methods of destroying demons and has some unique abilities. For a long time he wandered in the desert, looking for Lucifer. Ruled hell while he was imprisoned.

Azazel was mentioned as the commander who would lead the army of hell.

One night, Azazel snuck into little Sam's nursery and dribbled demon blood into his mouth, and at that moment Mary, Sam and Dean's mother, walked in and Azazel killed her. John later dedicated his life and the lives of his children to hunting him.

Azazel definitely has a sense of humor and enjoys watching people suffer. Azazel is very talkative, even during an important event or fight.

One demon described Azazel as a tyrant, from which it can be concluded that he was the king of Hell before Crowley. He is very cunning and intelligent, manipulating people and demons.

9. Bobby Singer

Bobby Singer became a hunter after the death of his wife, who died due to the fault of a demon that possessed her.

He knew John Winchester, but for some reason they quarreled, and Bobby even wanted to shoot John. There is a tragedy associated with his wife: she was possessed by a demon, which forced Bobby to kill her (at that time Bobby was unknown to the methods of expelling demons).

Bobby treats Sam and Dean like his sons, which is mentioned several times in the series. When Sam and Dean need help, they turn to Bobby, who is looking for information about the supernatural creature the brothers are hunting by poring over ancient and rare books from his huge home library.

10. Metatron

Clerk of God. Metatron's goal was to write down certain “guides” on this or that matter, which has a huge scale associated with God. These manuals (“Words of God ") are written in an unknown language, and only the Keeper of the Word can read what is written there. When the Word is revealed, hurricanes begin to rage in a huge radius, and one person is struck by lightning, and he becomes the Guardian.

Contrary to early references, Metatron was not born an archangel. He was a simple angel when God decided to leave Heaven and chose him as his Scribe. He had to write His words so that they could then be transmitted to people. (....) so that they would not be lost without him and would have some kind of protection from much stronger demons and angels. Then his gaze turned to Metatron, and the latter became the Clerk. Then God left and the archangels took over. According to him, the Archangels “howled and wept” when the Father left. Metatron was afraid that they would begin to extort the contents of the Words from him, and fled to Earth, where he lived among people for a long time, listening to their stories and stories, and then settled among the Indians. Metatron was incredibly angry at all of Paradise, after he was forced to run away, he described it as being kicked out of his home. He protected them and gave them a surprisingly long life, charging payment in the form of stories.

He claims that he was able to make God laugh several times, which means that Metatron personally communicated with him and not only performed the work of the Clerk.

11. Kevin Tren

A student who showed great promise, but after being struck by lightning, he became a prophet and keeper of the Word of God. One evening, Kevin was studying for his exams when he was struck by lightning, after which he passed out and slept through the exam. But when he woke up, he realized that he needed to go for the Word. He took his mother's car and drove to the hospital where Castiel was lying and stole the Word, but was later caught by Meg and Sam. Kevin explained that he had to keep the Word to himself, although he didn't know why. Castiel revealed that Kevin is a prophet and is able to read what is written in the Word. Kevin tried to do this, but he couldn't concentrate and read for long. Metatron was supposed to guard him, but he retired long ago.

12. Meg Masters

A demon who was preparing to be a torturer and learned torture from Alastair. She is the daughter of Azazel. Azazel - Meg was very attached to her “father”, because, as she herself said, she needs a goal in life, one that she can grab onto. Azazel was that target.

Dean and Sam Winchester - at first they were enemies, but then she began to use them for her own purposes. Later, she began to consider them friends.

Castiel - Meg had feelings for Castiel, but since she is a demon, she cannot be close to him.

13. Ruby

A black-eyed demon who helped the Winchesters in the fight against Lilith, but first tried to kill them.

In the fourteenth century, during a plague epidemic, Ruby was a witch, sold her soul to a demon and ended up in hell, after which she became a demon herself.

Ruby emerged from Hell at the end of the second season when the gates of Hell opened. Sam was always supportive of her, but Dean didn't trust her. His attitude towards Ruby changed after he learned that she helped Sam after his death and encouraged him. As it turned out, this was her plan: to gain their trust so that the brothers would help open Lucifer’s cage.

Ruby had a knife that was capable of killing demons, where she got it is unknown.

14. Benny

A vampire who became Dean's friend and ally in Purgatory, who showed him the way out, in return asking him to take him with him.

Before turning into a vampire, Benny was a sailor. He was turned by a vampire, presumably a very old one, since everyone calls him “Old Man”, despite the fact that he looks like a young man, hardly older than thirty. A pack of vampires led by the “Old Man” was engaged in robberies and murders at sea. According to one of the tips, Benny was supposed to attack another ship and kill the woman who controlled it. But he fell in love with a beautiful Greek woman and ran away with her. As Benny later recalled, the time spent with her was the happiest of his life. The “old man”, having learned about Benny’s betrayal, soon found them and ordered to kill Benny and convert his woman. This is how Benny ended up in purgatory, where he later met Dean. Having escaped from purgatory, Dean fulfills his part of the deal and finds Benny’s corpse, onto which he “poured” the vampire’s soul. Benny returns to his body and tries to start a new life.

15. Becky Rosen

A fan of the “Supernatural” book series, owner of the site “More Than Brothers dot net” under the nickname LickSam81.

Chuck Shirley revealed to her the truth that many fans subconsciously want to know. He told Becky that the characters in her favorite books were real. The writer-prophet’s calculation turned out to be correct - his most devoted fan believed him and agreed to act as a liaison to convey important information to the Winchesters regarding the sword of Michael.

The second time, fate, although what kind of fate is there, just the right cell phone and a woman’s cunning, pits the fan and the Winchesters at the world’s first convention dedicated to Supernatural books. Resourceful and energetic, Becky has developed a fun program for like-minded people, including a ghost hunt. Who would have thought that an ordinary live-action role-playing game would turn into a real hunt with real victims and real ghosts. And while the Winchesters, together with a couple of fans, get rid of the ghosts of bloodthirsty children, Chuck Shirley, who had previously tried in vain to attract Becky’s attention, wins her heart by courageously protecting the convention participants from the spirit of a child (the child is a child, but he has a sadistic smile and a huge knife) .

Later, the girl, with her characteristic childish spontaneity, informs Sam that they both can burn to the ground in the flames of all-consuming passion and this cannot continue. Her irrepressible Yin and the noble Yang of Chaka found each other and now her big and pure fan heart belongs not to a fearless muscular hunter, but to a brave, frail writer. Beki is a little worried about whether everything will be all right with Sam, because who, like her, the most devoted fan, knows how hard it is for him to experience breakups with his favorite girls. The tactful Winchester, suppressing a sigh of relief and a cry of joy, replies that he will try to find the strength to live on.

Bird in hand doesn't satisfy everyone, and Becky and Chuck's relationship didn't work out. It is quite possible that she continued to work on her website and wrote several more works in the style of “I don’t want it right,” Sam responded hoarsely.

16. Harry Spangler

Co-founder of the Tamers, co-captain, tactician and team coordinator, demolition expert.

Harry is also a leader, but more technically. A good friend, a faithful comrade, will always cover his friend's back and find words of encouragement in difficult times. Harry is a romantic, there is a suspicion that on that very Christmas, when Maggie received a red transparent nightie and panties that looked more like dental floss as a gift, it was Spangler who was Santa. Harry can always make you laugh and lift your spirits. I am convinced that the Tamers are engaged in serious scientific research.

The qualities that, according to Gary, a real tamer needs to have are fortitude, courage and self-confidence, and, of course, courage, and Harry has plenty of it, even a shovel ***.

Corbet believes that Harry is very reliable, he looks great, and is clearly a metrosexual.

He has a very low opinion of the Winchesters, claims that they are amateurs who imagine themselves to be professionals. Sure, they have a cool car, but they don't have a video camera, and if you don't have a recording of your ghost-fighting exploits, then nothing happened.

17. Ed Zeddmore

Leader, mastermind and brain of the Tamers. Tough, demanding, knows exactly what he wants and persistently moves towards his goal. Sometimes he can be cynical and mercantile, but at heart he is just a big child. He tries not to show it, but he really loves his half-sister Maggie. Back in the glory days, when the Tamers were still in their infancy and were called the Hell Hounds, Ed had business cards with the website address (Hell Hounds Lair), now the Tamers have a new website where they train novice hunters wisdom (which they learned from the Winchester brothers) of fighting ghosts.

Ed claims that the skills a real tamer needs are a good instinct, nerves of iron, and the ability to face one’s own fear.

According to Corbet, Ed is an excellent leader, he has a wonderful soul, a big heart and an inquisitive mind. He's a cool guy with a cool haircut, very masculine with his elegant stubble.

Harry believes that Zedmore has charisma, is very well-spoken, and Ed is simply eager to be a leader.

Ed has an extremely low opinion of the Winchesters, he thinks that they are like an itch in the groin, bags of shit and made of the highest brand.

18. Garth

Hunter. Garth prefers to hunt alone, although he has teamed up with the Winchesters on several occasions. At first glance, Garth seems frivolous and somewhat annoying, but, as Dean put it, you get used to him. Garth is usually cheerful and optimistic, even when there is absolutely no reason for joy. But even he can be offended. He treats all his acquaintances kindly and seems to know almost all the hunters. Garth does some pretty unusual things for a hunter. For example, he carries a sock with him that he calls Mr. Shipelka and uses it to get children to talk. Despite his somewhat childish and stupid behavior, Garth is quite smart, savvy and brave. He doesn’t hold a grudge against anyone, declaring that “the past cannot be changed.” After Bobby's death, he becomes more serious, confident and responsible. He even adopted some of his habits, for example, calling his brothers dunces. Garth loves sweets and comics, can't drink at all, and loves to take a hot bath after a hard day. His characteristic feature is that when he meets and says goodbye, he hugs people.

Who are Angels

Angels are heavenly beings created by God. These are winged spirits, in their true essence, emitting a holy white light, fatal to many people, monsters and demons. Angels were created before people and therefore they are much stronger.



Angels are very powerful creatures, and their true appearance can burn out a person's eyes. Only their own vessels can see the Angel's true form. In the fourth season, psychic Pamella Barnes used her supernatural abilities to find the one who resurrected Dean, but Castiel, who came to her call, blinded her with his appearance.

The angels speak Enochian among themselves and transmit messages to each other in the form of radio waves. Interestingly, angels can pick up earthly radio waves. And for humans, their voice sounds like a high-frequency sound that causes severe pain and can destroy fragile objects.

The fallen angel Anna says that angels are forbidden to sympathize and experience emotions. She even compares angels to statues in that they are just as cold and unfeeling. But many angels, despite the prohibition, experience emotions (for example, Zechariah - anger and pride). This is the other extreme of angelic behavior. Also, an angel can be sympathetic, caring and subjective if a person is dear to him, but then the angel can lose his power, but be close to his beloved friend. A prime example of this is Castiel. But angels cannot experience the same range of feelings as humans. Many of them do not understand human humor, slang and speech patterns. Gabriel is one of the few who had a sense of humor and understood people very well.

Angels are born warriors and must unquestioningly carry out the will of their commanders. They do not understand how it is possible to exist without a boss, without someone who would manage them. Castiel tried to teach them free will, but, as he himself noted, it was extremely difficult, almost impossible.

Grace gives strength to an angel. An angel deprived of grace can absorb the grace of another angel. Castiel demonstrated this ability after he was deprived of his grace by Metatron. But stolen grace does not completely obey the thief and burns out over time, which can lead to the death of the angel. Angel's Grace is the final component of the spell to banish all angels from Heaven.



Angels have wings, but people are not allowed to see them. Zechariah called this "limitedness." People can see wings in several cases: after the death of an angel, a burnt trace of wings remains on the ground; in a flash of bright light, an angel's wings can cast a shadow.

Zechariah, who was a seraphim, claimed that he had six wings and four faces, one of which was that of a lion. But Castiel, who became a seraph after his resurrection, only had two wings. The difference may be explained by differences in rank or power of the angels, or by the limitations of human perception, which are unable to see the true appearance of the angel. Since after the death of the archangels the imprint also showed two wings, the second explanation is more likely.

In their true form, angels are enormous in size. So Castiel claimed that it is the size of the Chrysler Building, whose height is 320 meters. When preparing to occupy the vessel, the angels take the form of a column of dazzling white light from heaven; after the fall of the heavens, they take the form of gray-white-blue smoke sparkling with blue sparks.


Types of Angels

The following types of angels were presented in the series:

Angels are the largest group of celestial beings; they can be called ordinary warriors. However, they are still very powerful, much stronger than many demons and humans, and difficult to kill.

Archangels - being the "firstborn" of God, they are extremely powerful beings, having enormous power over Heaven and the rest of the Angels. There are only four of them in the series, but after the departure of God, the fall of Lucifer and the escape of Gabriel, the remaining Michael and Raphael took power over the Universe into their own hands.

Gregori are elite angels, once almost completely exterminated by other angels.

Seraphim are elite angels close to God. They are much stronger than ordinary ones and they do not need a connection with heaven.

Rit Ziens are angels who perform special tasks. They perform the duties of orderlies of the Heavenly Host. If the angel is slightly wounded, Rit Zien heals him, if seriously, he kills him with the help of a special ability - Killing Touch.

Cherubs or Cupids - bring people together, as happened with John and Mary Winchester. There are several special abilities.

Fallen angels are angels expelled from Heaven as punishment or who left of their own free will:

Lucifer - the first fallen angel, was expelled for disobedience and rebellion, and was imprisoned in a cage.

Gabriel - left of his own free will, although he did not lose his powers, since he is an Archangel.

Castiel was cut off from Heaven and deprived of his abilities. But later God restored his abilities and allowed him to return to Heaven.

Anna Milton - was punished by exile because she began to experience emotions; she was incarnated on Earth as a human. Later she returned her grace and regained the abilities of an angel.

Balthazar, an angel who escaped from heaven and was considered dead for a long time, also stole an entire arsenal of valuable artifacts from Heaven.

As a result of certain actions, angels can significantly increase their power. The series featured two types of altered angels:

A mutated angel is an angel that has increased its strength by absorbing souls.

Angel strengthened by a tablet - an angel who has increased his strength with the help of an angelic tablet.

The type of angels also includes:

Nephilim are descendants of people and angels. Such connections among angels are prohibited. Metatron called the only Nephilim he met a "foul creature." It is known that they have the gift of perception of the supernatural, superhuman strength. The eyes of the Nephilim are smoky gray.

Reapers are angels who serve death and take the souls of dead people.


Powers and abilities

Suppression - Angels and Archangels are able to block the powers of weaker beings.

Holy White Light - Seraphim and Archangels have the ability to generate white light, with which they can kill almost any creature.

Supernatural Perception - Angels can see the true forms of monsters, demons, ghosts, reapers, leviathans, and each other.

Influence on the weather - the appearance of the archangel can be predicted. Before their appearance, thunderstorms, strong winds, and earthquakes occur.

Invisibility - angels can be invisible to people.

Telepathy - angels have a special “radio” through which they communicate with each other and receive orders from higher angels. Their “radio” is analogous to the earthly one, and angels can pick up the waves of ordinary radio.

Knowledge of the World - Archangels have extensive knowledge of the Universe. Angels are also knowledgeable in many areas of knowledge and know special rituals and spells.

Kamikaze - with the help of a special sigil of Enoch carved on his chest, an angel can kill himself by focusing and directing all the energy of perishing grace. This is a powerful weapon, a "last chance" with which you can destroy another angel or destroy an extremely strong structure. Used primarily by Metatron's double agents in the series.

Manifestation of seals - with the help of a ray of light from the palm of the hand, an angel can manifest to the human eye the usually invisible symbols of Enoch.

Painless Kill is the ability of a special squad of Heavenly Orderlies, capable of killing an angel or a person with a simple touch, spraying it down to the smallest particles. Used in cases where the angel felt severe pain from the “patient”. However, the power of human emotions, surpassing that of angels, confuses them. They end up killing those people who are even slightly sick or upset.

Demonstration of essence is not a combat ability, but thanks to it, an angel can force people who do not believe them to show their essence, emitting a bright light around the entire vessel and casting shadows of wings, and it can also put monsters to flight.

Possession - unlike demons, angels cannot possess a person without his permission, which is why the fight between Lucifer and Michael had to take place with the consent of both Winchesters. Despite the fact that Lucifer is the ruler of hell, he is an Archangel and does not have the right to move in without the consent of a person. However, nothing prevents them from forcing a person to give consent through blackmail or intimidation.

Teleportation - all angels have the ability to move from one place to another, but there are special symbols and spells that prevent them from doing this. Apparently, this is nothing more than instant flight with the help of their wings. This is evidenced by the characteristic sound of feathers rustling, and the fact that after the fall at the end of Season 8, which resulted in all the angels having their wings broken (or incinerated), they lost this ability. After that they had to use human means of transportation.

Telekinesis - all angels can move objects with the power of thought. They do this with enough force to throw a person to the side or pin him against a wall.

Superhuman Strength - Angels have much greater strength than humans. This can be seen when Castiel lifts an anvil that weighs a ton.

Killing Demons - Angels can kill a possessed person and the demon inside them by placing their hand on their forehead, although this has no effect on powerful demons like Alastair and possibly Lilith, Crowley and Azazel. Only seraphim and archangels can kill such demons in this way. At the same time, the angel does not have to make any effort; it is enough to simply put his hand on his forehead (or another part of his head) and hold it for a while. The angel would likely have to have a desire to harm the demon for this ability to work (Lucifer touching Meg's head did not harm her), or the demon would have to be protected by a more powerful angel for the ability to not work on him (Castiel touching Crowley's forehead did not kill him, since he was under the protection of Raphael.

Monster Slaying - Angels can kill monsters (such as vampires, like Castiel did), an ability similar to Demon Slaying, but without necessarily placing their hand on their forehead.

Blackout - angels can put a person into a state of fainting or sleep by placing two fingers on the bridge of the nose.

Healing - all angels can heal a person from wounds or illnesses. They are also capable of healing other angels or their vessels.

Resurrection - angels can resurrect a dead person, but if his human soul has gone to hell, then to do this they will have to go down to the underworld and pull him out of there.

Time travel - all angels can move into the past and future, but this requires a lot of strength and a connection with heaven (for ordinary angels). Seraphim and archangels can travel through time without much effort.

Memory manipulation - not all angels can correct memories by erasing them or replacing them, but this will not work with serious and important memories, for example, with memories of hell.

Immortality - Angels can live forever, although they are not invulnerable, which means they can be killed.

Soul reading - angels can find out what happened to a person’s soul by touching it. Angels can also “recharge” from it, but “recharging” is a rather dangerous process.

Reality Warping - Powerful angels can change objects and make them out of thin air, as Gabriel did, and also create separate realities.

Pyrokinesis - Some angels can set things on fire, like Castiel did with Crowley's bones to kill him.

Matchmaking - Cherubs can make people fall in love with each other, as if their marriage was arranged in heaven.

Time Stopping - Strong angels are able to stop time and move freely, as seen when Castiel was talking to Atropos.

Diseases are the ability of powerful angels, the essence of which is that an angel can cause any disease in a target at any stage (for example, Zechariah caused stage 4 stomach cancer in Dean).



Angels are extremely powerful beings, so killing them is also difficult. Uriel said that only another angel can kill one angel, but this is not so. Perhaps it was meant that only an angel wields an angel blade, therefore, only an angel can kill his fellow.

Bloody symbol of Enoch - if you draw a symbol in blood and hit it sharply in the middle, the angel located in the room with the inscribed symbol will be moved to another place, as far as possible from the location of the symbol. The symbol must be made of human blood (required).

Anti-Angel Symbols are symbols that block the powers of angels other than Metatron, making them more vulnerable. Some symbols prevent angels from entering buildings.

Exorcism - Powerful demons can exorcise an angel from his vessel into heaven, similar to exorcism of a demon, but in doing so his eyes and mouth will glow with a bright white glow. Perhaps the angel can be forced into a circle of holy oil and a banishing ceremony performed.

Holy Oil - If you draw a line or circle with oil and then set it on fire, no angel (except the angel who wields the power of God's word) or archangel (except Michael) will be able to cross the line, otherwise he will die.

Angel Blade is a special blade that can kill an angel and which every angel has. At the same time, a bright light will shine from the wound.

The first blade is capable of killing angels, Seraphim, and possibly archangels.

Heavy blow - can stun (Uriel stunned Castiel with a pipe blow to the head, and a man stunned Benjamin with a stone blow to the head)

The Gregorian sword is a weapon possessed by a special detachment of observer angels (Gregories). Since Gregoria is a special detachment and they have special swords, on which the name of the owner of the weapon is carved. Similar in power to an angel blade.

The Archangel Sword is one of the deadly weapons featured in the series that is capable of killing archangels.

Lucifer's Cage is a cage strong enough to contain both archangels and angels.

Seal of Enoch - inscribed Enochian symbols on anything will hide that item from the sight of angels and archangels except Metatron.

The Weapon of Heaven is an entire arsenal of weapons, which most likely contains weapons capable of harming many creatures. For example, Balthasar used Lot's stone to turn Raphael's vessel into salt.

Powerful demons - powerful demons can easily destroy simple angels, so the Princes of Hell are able to turn them into dust with a touch

Antichrist is a half-demon (Jesse). As Castiel said, with one word he can destroy all angels. Although this is only due to the appearance of Lucifer on Earth.

Eve - she was able to neutralize the powers of the seraphim, it is unknown whether she can kill angels.

Archangels are many times stronger than their fellow angels.

Leviathans - they have an undeniable advantage over angels, because they were created before them and can suppress their abilities.

Death - he can easily kill any angel, since he is many times stronger than all of them.

God created angels, which means he can easily destroy them.

Weakness - if the angel’s powers have practically dried up, a person possessed by this angel (shell) will be able to independently expel him from himself.

Focused Light of Grace - The angel can be destroyed along with the vessel if another angel kills himself and channels the energy using the Enoch symbol.

Darkness, the sister of God, will easily kill any angel (including archangels).

Spear of Michael and Spear of Lucifer - kills angels slowly and painfully.

The main characters of the series are Dean and Sam Winchester, played by Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, respectively. In season 5, another important character appears in the series - an angel named Castiel, played by Misha Collins.

About the series

The brothers' mother died under strange circumstances, after which their father, John, began to fight evil spirits. The brothers begin to do the same thing as they get older. At some point, John disappears, and his sons rush to find him.

Despite their common activities, Sam and Dean are completely different. Dean is the older brother, more cold-blooded and capable of killing if the situation demands it. Sam, being the younger brother, who was saved in childhood by the elder, is quite gentle, opposes aggression and, of course, murder.

Archangels in Supernatural

Archangels occupy a special place in the series. They represent messengers of God. They have their own characteristics, for example, each of them can find a vessel that a person serves. But their specificity lies in the fact that not all people can become the vessels the archangels need, because the body of an ordinary person is not able to withstand the full power of the archangels. This is why the elder angels are looking for the descendants of certain people, for example the descendants of the sons of Adam (Abel and Cain).

Another ability is invulnerability. It is known that only Death, God or Darkness can kill an archangel among living beings. In addition to them, there is a list of artifacts that can seriously injure or even kill an archangel, these include the Death Sickle, Holy Oil and the Archangel's Blade. It is worth considering that a messenger of God can only be killed by the same messenger.

Who is the archangel?

Due to the fact that the archangels in the Supernatural series are children of God, his first “creatures,” there are not many of them. They raised each other, loved their father and ordinary angels, their followers. It was precisely the love of God that they were taught. Archangels were created by God in order to fight his sister - Darkness. After he won, he handed the key to the place of imprisonment to his beloved archangel - Lucifer.

The eldest of all the archangels is Michael; he was the first creation of God. In addition, only Mikhail had the skills to use the vessel without killing it. It is worth considering that subsequently Michael and Lucifer, whom he loved very much, had conflicts, after which Michael expelled him from Heaven. Some time later, the eldest of the archangels was imprisoned in Lucifer's cage.

Lucifer is a fallen angel, he created demons. The first demon was Lilith - the first person. Lucifer seduced her to avenge his banishment from Heaven. He used Castiel as a vessel (but was cast out by Amara). Lucifer later died at the hands of Dean Winchester.

Another archangel in Supernatural is Raphael. After God left the archangels, Raphael and Michael took all power into their own hands. After Mikhail was imprisoned in a cage, Raphael "inherited" all power and became Mikhail's deputy. Raphael died at the hands of Castiel, who had previously mutated.

The last name of the archangel from Supernatural is Gabriel. He is the younger brother of two warring personalities - Lucifer and Michael. During the so-called civil war in Heaven, Gabriel fled to Earth so as not to choose the side of one of his older brothers. Everyone assumed that Lucifer killed Gabriel on Earth, but later it became known that the younger brother still survived. Gabriel died while fighting the alternate universe Michael.

Another archangel from the series is Michael, but he is from an alternate reality. An alternative universe is a reality in which the apocalypse occurred. “Alternative” Mikhail ruled his universe single-handedly, and later, having learned about the existence of another, he decided to seize it too. One of the main characters, Dean Winchester, helped him in this. Dean became Michael's temporary vessel and killed Lucifer, and Michael took a new "permanent" vessel for himself.

Archangel Blade in Supernatural

The blade is an object that is one of the most powerful things in the universe, but exclusively in the hands of an archangel. It is also called the sword of the archangel. It first appears in episode 19 of season 5 - Gabriel dies from it. Throughout the series, not all swords are shown, but only a few of them: Raphael, Gabriel, Lucifer, as well as an alternate Michael.

To the question Movie Supernatural. Angel Casiel. given by the author RuSSgeR. The best answer is Angel Castiel - a character in the American mystical television series Supernatural produced by Warner Brothers, performed by Misha Collins. The angel first appeared in the fourth season, the first episode of which, "Lazarus Rising", aired on September 18, 2008. The role of Castiel was played by actor Misha Collins. (Misha Collins).Castiel is an angel who saved Dean Winchester from Hell, according to Castiel himself, on a personal order from God. There were burns on Dean's shoulders in the form of Castiel's handprints. Castiel appears in 12 of the 22 episodes of the fourth season. According to the mythology of the series, an ordinary person cannot hear the real voice and see the true appearance of an angel. Trying to look at an angel results in a person’s eyes being burned out; the angel’s voice has destructive power, so a person’s eardrums simply cannot withstand it. However, in a conversation with Dean, Castiel mentions that there are a select few who are able to see an angel and hear his voice. To communicate with ordinary people, an angel must inhabit a person (“vessel”). Very religious people are chosen as vessels and must agree with this role. In episode 4.20 "The Rapture" it is mentioned that only people who have something special in their blood are suitable for the role of "vessel", but this issue was not discussed in more detail in the fourth season. From the same episode, it becomes known that Castiel's vessel is a very pious young man, Jimmy Novak, who has a wife and teenage daughter. In episode 5.22, "Swan Song" was killed by Lucifer and resurrected. In the sixth season in episode 6.03 “The Third Man,” Castiel returns again, helping the brothers fight the demon Crowley and all sorts of monsters. After the imprisonment of Michael and Lucifer in Paradise, a civil war begins between supporters of the beginning of the Apocalypse, led by the archangel Raphael, and angels who want to stop the possibility of a new Apocalypse, led by Castiel. In the same episode, it turns out that a certain angel Balthazar stole sacred artifacts of angels like the Staff of Moses and is now distributing them to people to carry out his selfish plans. Later, Castiel finds out that Sam, having escaped from Hell, “forgot” his soul there. Dean tries to make every effort to get her back, but Castiel begins to dissuade him. As the plot develops, the figure of Castiel in season 6 becomes more and more mysterious. It turns out that he is directing the actions of Balthazar and he is connected with some kind of conspiracy with the demon Crowley. Castiel also takes all possible measures to obtain the souls of people, who, according to him, have enormous power. So, in episode 6.17 “My Heart Will Continue to Beat,” he orders Balthazar to go back in time and save the Titanic in order to subsequently obtain the souls of everyone who was on the ship saved from sinking, but the operation fails. Makes a deal with Crowley, according to which he gets half of all the souls in purgatory. In episode 6.22. "The Man Who Knew Too Much" kills Balthazar, who betrayed him. Deceives Crowley, preventing him from getting souls from purgatory. At the end of the sixth season, he believes that he has become God, having obtained all the souls from purgatory. At the beginning of the seventh season, he tries to be God, but finds out that ancient monsters of purgatory are also hiding inside him. While he is punishing everyone around the world who, in his opinion, desecrates him, God, his name, his shell begins to collapse, becoming covered with burns and blisters. At a certain moment, Leviathans, the most terrible creatures of purgatory, absorbed by Castiel, seize control of his body and carry out a massacre in the television center. Waking up among the bloody corpses, Cas finally realizes that he has gone too far and he cannot cope with all the creatures that are contained within him. He turns to the Winchester brothers for help to help him return all the souls to purgatory. Together they perform the ritual and reopen the gates to purgatory. A greatly weakened Castiel releases all the souls from himself, and they return to their

Answer from Valya Barkhatova[newbie]
In Christian mythology there is no angel named Castiel, but in Kabbalistic teaching there is Cassiel, who is the Throne of God and one of the strongest angels. Cassiel is also considered the Angel of Thursday (according to some sources - Saturday). Therefore, some fans see a kind of “Easter egg” in the angel’s name, because on American television until season 6 the series was broadcast on Thursdays.
There is also a mention of an angel with a very similar-sounding name in the book Razim, one of the ancient books of the Talmud period. The ancient text was copied and published in 1966 by Yedioth Ahronot. It lists the names of angels and their distribution across the seven heavens. Castiel lives in the sixth heaven, in the eastern part of this very sky, and this is really a warrior angel, whose help, apparently, can be resorted to during battle

Ellen Harwell

Joe Harwell


First appears in the episode Everybody Loves Clowns. In the episode “As Simon Said,” he helps the brothers find the city that Sam saw in another vision. In "Hell's Gate", Ash calls Dean to tell him something important, but when Dean arrives at the Roadhouse, he finds it burned down and Ash dead. In the second part of the episode "Hell's Gate", Ellen tells Sam, Dean and Bobby that Ash died in the Road House explosion. But before that, he told Ellen to check the safe in the basement. There they found important information that ultimately helped them find and defeat the Demon.

Gordon Walker

When Gordon was 18 years old, a vampire broke into his house and attacked his sister. Gordon grabbed his father's gun and tried to free his sister by shooting the vampire. The vampire pushed him against the wall and Gordon lost consciousness. When he came to his senses, neither the vampire nor his sister were in the house.

Gordon left home and began to master the art of hunting and killing vampires. In the end, he managed to find the vampire who kidnapped his sister and kill him. Gordon also had to kill his sister, since she also became a vampire. While hunting vampires, Gordon one day meets John Winchester and Ellen Harwell.

Gordon makes his first appearance in the series in the episode "Bloodlust". Sam and Dean meet Gordon while hunting vampires. Sam calls Ellen and asks what she knows about Gordon Walker. Ellen says that Walker is a good hunter, but advises the Winchesters to stay away from him, as he is dangerous to everyone around him. Gordon attempts to attack the vampires' lair, despite warnings from Sam, who says that vampires do not attack people, but drink the blood of livestock. As a result, Dean fights with Gordon and, having won, leaves him tied to a chair.

Gordon appears again in the episode "Victim". It turns out that while performing an exorcism on a girl, Gordon learns from the demon about the impending war. He manages to find out more about this and realizes that he knows one of the people who will be involved in this war. He begins to search for such people and begins to exterminate them. At the beginning of the episode we see the murder of one of his victims. Gordon tracks down Sam and is about to kill him, but Dean intervenes. A fight breaks out between him and Gordon, Walker overpowers Dean, ties him up and informs him of his plans to trap Sam. However, Sam manages to escape the trap, defeats Gordon and frees his brother. Sam and Dean rush to leave the booby-trapped house, while Gordon, gun in hand, runs after them. The police (called by Sam) arrive and detain Walker, finding a cache of weapons in his car. Sam notes that Gordon may be able to escape from prison.

In the third season, Gordon appears in the episode "Black Rock at Black Rock". He is in prison and asks his friend Kubrick to find and kill Sam Winchester. At the end of the episode, Kubrick says that he believes Gordon that Sam is dangerous, and Gordon says that it's time to figure out how to get him out of prison.

Gordon also appeared in the episode "Fresh Blood". After escaping from prison, he finds the Winchesters with the help of thief Bella Talbot. However, when he and Kubrick found the brothers and began hunting them, he is kidnapped by a vampire and turns him into a vampire. Having become a vampire, Gordon goes to Kubrick and asks Kubrick to kill him after he is done with Sam, but Kubrick tried to kill him immediately, for which he himself paid with his life. During a fight with the younger Winchester, Sam takes barbed wire, wraps it around Gordon's neck (as stated in the episode "Dead Man's Blood", the only way to kill a vampire is to behead him) and beheads him.




Balthazar is an Angel who managed to adapt to new realities. He collects biblical artifacts and is not above collecting souls. First appears in episode 6.03. "The Third Man", and from that moment on he becomes one of the participants in the big game unfolding in heaven.


Lucifer is first mentioned by the demon Casey in the episode "3.04 Sin City". Casey claims that Lucifer is for them, demons, the same God as Jesus is for people, but not a single demon has ever seen him. She also says that Lucifer was an angel, and his name means "Lightbringer".

“For it is destined that the first seal will be broken at the moment when the blood of the righteous sheds in hell. As soon as it breaks, the seal is broken.”

Despite the fact that Lucifer is a very powerful angel, he cannot find either Sam or Dean, who are hidden by the Seals of Enoch, carved by Castiel on their ribs.

Lilith has light gray eyes. She prefers to take over the bodies of children. She amuses herself by possessing the girl's body and gradually killing her entire family, after tormenting all her relatives. Lilith enjoys drinking the blood of newborn children. Sam has protection from her supernatural powers.

Lilith is mentioned for the first time in the episode "3.09 Witch Hunt", when the demon Tammy says that a new leader is rising "in the West" who has a great desire to kill Sam.

In the episode "In War as War", Sam and Dean, captured by FBI agents, are at a police station surrounded by demons. Ruby, who came to the rescue, explains that these demons came on the orders of Lilith to kill Sam.

At the end of the episode, a woman comes to the station holding her daughter's hand. The girl approaches Nancy Fitzgerald's secretary and asks her if she has seen two brothers here, describing one as very tall and the other as very handsome. Special Agent Victor Henriksen looks at the girl with a suspicious look. Nancy asks the girl's name. To which she replies: “Lilith.” Her eyes turn white, she raises her hand and everything is eclipsed by a blinding white light.

In the episode "On the Edge of a Needle" captured by the angels, Alastair refuses to say anything about killing the seven angels. The angels force Dean to find out something from him using torture, which he learned during his forty years in Hell. But in the process of torture, Alastair is freed from the trap and practically kills Dean. Castiel tries to stop him, but he fails. Only Sam manages to stop Alastair. He extracts from Alastair the truth that he knew, and then kills him.

In the episode "And the barriers will fall" Sam is experiencing an acute shortage of demon blood. Freed from its influence, he sees hallucinations in which Alastair tortures him.


Horsemen of the Apocalypse


War is one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. War has three Brothers - Famine, Plague, Death. According to biblical legend, War will arrive on a red horse (in this case a red Ford Mustang) In the episode "Oh God, You Too", War arrives to a small town in a red Mustang, in the guise of a man named Roger. He breaks the bridge and poisons the river, cutting off the town from the outside world, and then creates hallucinations among the local residents, and they begin to see demons in other people - thus forcing them to turn against each other. Later Sam and Dean realize who it is. Soon they grab War and cut off his finger on which there was a ring (it was from this ring that War took his strength), and the people stop fighting, since the rider lost his strength along with the ring, and the people’s hallucination disappeared. The war, having lost its strength, runs away.


Hunger is one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, a powerful creature, the living embodiment of hunger and human desires. Hunger has horseman brothers - War, Plague and Death. The close presence of Hunger turns any human thirst (for food, alcohol, drugs, sex) into a strong obsession. Thus, the newlyweds, who were brought together by Cupid, ate each other under the influence of Hunger.

"And hunger will come for him. Riding on a black horse. He will come to the land of plenty. And great will be the hunger of the rider, for he is hunger. His hunger will seep and poison the air." In the episode "My Bloody Valentine", Famine first appears in a black Cadillac Escalade accompanied by demons. They arrive at a roadside diner, where people in his presence immediately begin to eat non-stop until they die from overeating. Then a demon appears, delivering his soul, which Sam and Dean took away. Hunger wants to eat and asks him about his soul, and when he finds out that it is not there, he devours the demon himself. Dean and Castiel track the demon delivering Hunger a new soul, which leads them to the diner. At this time, Sam, who is barely able to control his thirst for blood and asked Dean to chain him to the sink in the hotel, is approached by two Hunger demons. They free Sam from his handcuffs and he kills them. Castiel, or rather his shell, near Hunger cannot contain his thirst for food and begins to devour minced meat. Dean is captured by demons. Hunger asks Dean why he is calm in his presence. Dean jokingly replies that it's his willpower. Hunger touches Dean and tells him that there is an oppressive emptiness inside him that nothing can fill and that he is already dead inside. Then Sam appears and Hunger wants him to quench his bloodlust and kill the demons. Sam expels all demons from human bodies at once and tells Hunger that he will not eat them. Then Hunger itself devours them. Sam points his hand at Hunger, to which he declares that he is the Horseman and Sam's powers will not affect him. But Sam frees the demons consumed by Hunger, which are tearing him apart from the inside. Cas returns to normal and the brothers take the ring.


Plague is the third horseman of the Apocalypse, the brother of War, Famine and Death. Plague is the only horseman who has a name - Pestilence. Plague is a living personification of disease. Pestilence's main task in the Apocalypse was to spread the Croatoan virus. To do this, he first infected everyone with swine flu, and then (with Braddy's help) invented a flu vaccine that actually contained the Croatoan virus. In the episode "Two Minutes to Midnight" Pestilence hides in the hospital under the guise of Doctor Green and kills old women. When Sam arrives and Dean the Plague infects them with various diseases and they become unable to act, at that moment Castiel arrives, but the Pestilence infects him too, but this does not stop the angel from cutting off the finger with the Plague ring.


Death is the fourth and oldest horseman of the Apocalypse, having existed since time immemorial. Has three horseman brothers: War, Famine and Plague. Death is many times stronger than the archangels. Death and God are both so old that, according to Death, they both don't remember which one is older. In addition, Death said that he would someday have to kill God.

Death appears in full only in the episode "Two Minutes to Midnight" in a pale 1959 Cadillac Series 62 Convertible with the license plate "BUH*BAY", which translates to "Goodbye". Death walks down a street filled with people and one person, not looking where he is going, rudely pushes him on the shoulder, making an unflattering remark. Death stops and shakes off the place the man touched, after which the man falls to his knees dead.

Death stopped in Chicago to destroy the city on Lucifer's orders. But Death does not want to destroy the city, and calls Lucifer "Capricious boy."

When Dean found out Death's location, he followed him to the pizzeria. Carrying a sickle with him that could kill him, Dean approached cautiously, but Death knew of his approach and heated up the sickle, causing Dean to drop it. And Death, with the words “Thank you for returning him, Dean,” took him for himself and invited him to join the meal. Dean carefully tried a slice of pizza and Death pointed to the ring and asked if that was what he came for. Next, he offers a deal: Dean will allow Sam to do everything to return Lucifer to the cage, and he will give him the ring.

Other heroes

Bela Talbot

Chuck Sherley

Robert Patrick Benedict as Chuck Shirley

Chuck Sherley is the author of the Supernatural series of books, which he writes under the pseudonym Carver Edlund. The contents of these books are a description of the lives of Sam and Dean Winchester, details of which he sees in his visions. In other words, Chuck is a prophet and like any prophet he has a personal guardian angel - Archangel Raphael.

In the episode “The Monster on the Last Page,” Sam and Dean Winchester learn that a certain Chuck Shirley, hiding under the pseudonym Carver Edlund, is writing books about their lives. He proves that he learns stories through his visions and continues to write even after his books have gone out of print.

Chuck says that his last vision was of Sam and Lilith. “Consumed by the flames of insane devilish passion.” Sam asks Chuck if he knows that Sam drinks demon blood, Chuck knows this but disapproves of it. After some time, Dean comes to Chuck and attacks him, but Castiel asks to let Chuck go because "He is a prophet of the Lord", which is accordingly protected by the Archangel.

Later, Castiel hints in a conversation with Dean about how, with the help of the Archangel protecting Chuck, he can get rid of Lilith for a while.

After a short meeting with Lilith, Chuck has another vision. He wanted to warn Sam and Dean about him, but Zachariah stopped him and forbade Chuck to do so. Chuck threatened to kill himself, but Zechariah replied that the angels would bring him back to life. In desperation, Chuck asks what he should do, to which Zachariah replies: “Same as usual. Write.."

In the episode "Lucifer Rising" Dean and Castiel show up at Chuck's house while he is busy ordering prostitutes. He tells them where Sam and Lilith are, but also notes that the moment that is happening now was not in his visions, to which Castiel replies that they will rewrite history as they go. A few minutes later, Castiel notices that Archangel Chuck is descending to them, Castiel remains with the prophet and teleports Dean so that he can stop his brother.

In the episode "Sympathy for the Devil" Sam and Dean arrive at Chuck's house, where they find the owner himself, wounded and more worried than usual. They ask if it's true that Castiel is dead. Chuck tells them that the angel actually exploded (one of Castiel's molars appears to have gotten caught in Chuck's hair). After some time, Zechariah appears in the room with a couple of angels, he tried to convince Dean that he should work with the angels again, since they have the same goal - to kill Lucifer. But Dean drives away the angels with the help of a special symbol written in blood on the sliding door.

Chuck later reaches out to his Supernatural fan Becky Rosen, asking her to give Sam and Dean a message: "Michael's sword is on earth... it is lost to the angels", the sword is "There are forty-two dogs in the castle on the hill."

In the episode "End" We find out Chuck's email address: [email protected] . This address may be valid and active.

Adam Milligan

Adam Milligan was the youngest son of John Winchester and the brother of Sam and Dean, respectively. However, the father never told the main characters about his existence, so he tried to protect Adam. Sometimes John came to him and they spent time together, but he did not have a real father. All his life Milligan was with his mother and only considered her as his family. He called Sam and Dean and asked for help. His mother was kidnapped and Adam had no one else to turn to. After he told his brothers everything, they began to teach him the life of a hunter. But Sam realizes too late that Adam is not Adam, but a ghoul who devours his victims and takes on their appearance and memories. Meanwhile, Dean finds a grave where Adam's mother and the real Adam lie dead. After defeating the impostors (who were the Ghouls), Dean and Sam burned their brother's body, as they burn the bodies of hunters.

Adam appears again - this time he is raised from the dead and Dean witnesses it. He brings Adam's body and he returns to normal. The brothers learn that he is the angels' backup plan, because Adam has John's blood in his veins and can serve as a vessel for the Archangel Michael. But it turned out that the guy was resurrected just to get Dean to say yes. Although the brothers try to gain Adam's trust, and Castiel has engraved protective spells on his ribs, he reveals his location to Zachariah and he takes him away. But soon he too becomes convinced that it is all a trap. After Zechariah tortures Sam and Adam, Dean finally agrees and the angel calls upon Michael. While the archangel is flying, Dean kills Zachariah and leaves with Sam, but Adam remains locked in the room. A white glow engulfs him, indicating that Mikhail is here. Adam disappears.

Adam appears in the episode "Swan Song" as Michael's vessel. He came to the battle against Lucifer in the cemetery in Lawrence. That's where everything should have ended. But suddenly Dean, Castiel and Bobby appear. Cas throws sacred oil at the archangel and sets it on fire. Michael burns along with Adam, but does not die. When Sam gets the better of Lucifer and opens the cage; Adam returns with Mikhail. The Archangel wants to fight his brother, but Sam takes him too and falls into the cage.

Ava Wilson

Ava Wilson is one of the "special children" with supernatural powers who were pursued by Azazel.

Ava first appears in the episode "Victim". This is an ordinary girl living a normal, established life. She works as a secretary, is getting married and intends to live her life happily and peacefully. However, her dreams are not destined to come true, as Eva begins to have nightmares and visions in which she sees misfortunes happening to people. By coincidence, in one of her visions, Ava sees the death of Sam Winchester. Shocked by what she sees, Ava goes in search of Sam to warn him of the danger. She ends up in Lafayette, Indiana, and finds Sam in the very hotel she saw in her dream. Ava tells Sam that she saw him die and tells him to leave Indiana immediately. Ava tells Sam that she is a secretary from Peoria. She shows him her wedding ring and explains that she wants a quiet life without any visions and without anything connected with demons. Sam tells Ava that he also has precognitive abilities, and that all of them, “special children,” are somehow connected and involved in the insidious plans of the yellow-eyed Demon. Sam asks Ava about her mother and is surprised to learn that she is alive and well and living in Palm Beach.

Later, Ava, visiting a psychiatrist as a patient, helps Sam steal confidential information about one of the same psychics like them from the doctor’s office. Ava stays by Sam's side throughout the episode until Gordon Walker, a hunter pursuing Sam, starts shooting at them. Sam convinces Ava to go home because she believes she will be safe there. At the end of the episode, Sam and Dean go to Peoria to check if Ava is okay, only to find her fiancé dead, Ava missing, and traces of sulfur on the windowsill. The Winchester brothers leave Ava's house, worried that the Demon was somehow involved.

Ava appears again in the first part of the episode "Hell Gate ", where she finds herself in the abandoned ghost town of Cold Oak with other psychics. As it turns out later, the Demon has gathered them all here to fight each other, and the last survivor will have to lead his army. Ava is very happy to meet Sam and believes that she only saw him and Dean two days ago, when in fact five months have passed. Eva is surprised to hear this. Like everyone else, she wants to get out of this city and return back to her fiancé.

In the middle of the night, Ava suddenly disappears, and Sam and Jake go looking for her. She returns to the house and, to Andy's surprise and misunderstanding, breaks the path of salt that Sam spilled to block the path of the demons. Ava summons a demon that comes through the window and attacks Andy, brutally killing him. Eva calmly watches this picture. She then pretends to be scared of Andy's death and starts screaming. Hearing Ava scream, Sam returns to the house and sees Andy's torn body, while Ava, crying, claims that she found him like this. Sam sees that the salt path has been disturbed and, being sure that Andy did not do it, begins to suspect Ava. His fears are confirmed, and it turns out that Eva is not as innocent as she seems. Ava pretends that she doesn’t understand what Sam is talking about, but in the end she admits everything and tells how she turned to the “dark side.” Eva says that as soon as you come to terms with the abilities that you have, they begin to develop easily. Sam realizes that Ava has learned to summon and control demons. She admits that she has been in this city for five months, and during this time she killed all the psychics who periodically arrived here. Eva says she started killing to survive, but then everything became easier, and now she is the “absolute champion.” Then she says that she is very sorry and calls on the demon who brutally killed Andy to destroy Sam. But then Jake appears and, taking Ava by surprise, breaks her neck. Eva falls to the floor, and the demon she summoned disappears through the window.

Jessica Moore

Jessica first appears in the pilot episode of the television series, when Dean appears on the threshold of her and Sam's house and reports that Sam's father went hunting and did not return. Sam tells Jessica that it's just a family matter and that he'll be back in a couple of days once he's sorted everything out. Jessica reminds Sam that he has an important interview at law school on Monday and he shouldn't miss it. She encourages Sam, says that she believes in him, and is absolutely sure that he will receive the scholarship he is counting on.

However, when Sam returns home, he finds Jessica pinned to the ceiling in the same way his mother was exactly 22 years ago on the same day. What happened to Jessica in Sam's absence is unknown, but further developments show that Azazel came to her as Anna Milton's genie. With Pamela's help, it was revealed that Anna is an angel who became a human. Given her past experience with Castiel, Pamela is disappointed to see such a creature in front of her.

In the episode "Death Takes a Day Off" Sam and Dean ask Pamela to help them and take them to a parallel world to find out what happened to the missing Reaper. While Pamela protects the empty bodies of her brothers, she is attacked by a demon. She manages to return Sam's soul to his body, after which he expels the demon that killed Pamela. She feels good for some time, but until the Reapers get to work. When Tessa returns, Pamela leaves this world. After asking the Winchesters to curse Bobby for introducing her to Sam and Dean, with her dying breath she reminds Sam of a Bible quote: “Remember where the path lined with good intentions leads.” Samantha Ferris Alona Tal Jake Abel Chad Lindberg Fredrick Lene Nicky Aycox Rachel Miner Katie Cassidy Genevieve Cortese Lauren Cohan Mark Pellegrino Robert Wisdom Richard Speight Jr. Rob Benedict Julie McNiven Catherine Isabelle Adrienne Palicki Cindy Sampson Sebastian Roche Kurt Fuller Mark Sheppard


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