"Supernatural" - before and after the Apocalypse. J2 Sex Obsessed

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I close my eyes and the whole world falls dead. I lift my eyelids and everything is reborn again

Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing or characters: Dean/Sam - (Dean after HELL)

When People Don't Agree on Essentials, They Agree on Sex

Dean looked at his brother, dumbfounded, and then at the car.

Baby, what did he do to you? - Dean looked at Sam menacingly

But there is no serious damage! Just scratches!” Sam threw up his hands.

What was not enough was for you to crash the car, and also for you to
over-injured?! – Dean was righteously indignant.

- And anyway, how did you manage?
- The cat jumped out onto the road, a girl ran after her, I turned, and ahhh there was a hydrant.

What the hell, Sammy this early?

Dean, I'm sorry.

You’ll apologize to the baby,” Dean snorted angrily.

What-oh? Are you kidding me, impaled maniac!?
Sam turned sharply and walked towards the hotel.
- Sammy, Sammy come here. I said to me, - my brother’s disobedience outraged and turned on Dean.
Sam's reaction failed him. Sam didn't expect Dean to jump up so quickly and hug him tightly by the shoulders. Sam gasped at the open embrace. Dean
pressed his groin to Sam’s buttocks and, in a voice trembling with excitement, hissed into the back of his head:

Sammy. I want you. Sammy...
“To hell with the hydrant, to hell with the girl and the cat, I love you, obnoxious boy,” a hurricane flashed through his head, completely blocking all information from his life and automatically tuning into Sam’s vibrations.
Sam burst out loudly:
- Enough... Diiin. I'm tired of all this... you know. You see, he wants, and you asked me... huh?” Sam frowned and took a fighting position, devouring his heated brother with his gaze.
Sam's resistance was like an aphrodisiac for Dean, the more he kicked, the stronger the desire.
Dean went for a break, knocking Sam in the leg, deftly dodging a heavy fist, and together they rolled head over heels on the ground damp from the summer rain. Dean easily held his position, and Sam didn't resist much, looking into each other's eyes, their lips parted in smiles.
Dean groaned, capturing Sam's mouth with his hot lips and biting his bottom lip vindictively.
“Dain son of a bitch, it hurts... back off, you freak,” Sam, like in childhood, bit and struggled, but the vampire’s kiss poisoned him, forcing him to succumb to his brother’s pressure.
They often played like this.
For example, in Utah, they had rimming on the roof of a skyscraper. Sam held on to the handrails that separated him from free flight, and he really almost flew away, Dean did that...
Nebraska. It was a total blast after they destroyed the remnants of the vampire clan and Dean was completely blown away...
They were in the sauna, relaxing like that until Dean's mind clicked. Sam became his target for hunting. HE caught Sam on the way out. Sam resisted and squealed like a girl. Dean spread him out on the soft carpet and, with an animal roar, literally licked every inch of his body, showering his body with hot sperm at the end.
After Dean went to hell, he treated his nervous breakdowns and depression with SEX. At first these were girls from local bars, and then he met Sammy, or rather, he discovered the other side of his brother, and they began to share, almost always, their personal space.
It all started in Mena in Bangor, they stirred up a demon's nest.
Crowley's dissatisfaction and Cass's indignation, to Crowley's dissatisfaction, were of universal proportions, while black fought with white...
Dean and Sam, having forgotten about apocalyptic things, continued to live, or rather survive, in this demonic-angelic shit called life.

Sammy, let’s get out of here,” Dean grabbed Sam’s hand, breathing heavily, dragging Sam along with him.
Crowley watched the Winchesters from an invisible position, these two suckers were sitting in his liver. He hated them to the core, but sometimes he liked to watch them like this.
The trio: Impala, Dean and Sam were across the throat, but Crowley's hands were tied.
The car is a huge connecting link, the tenderness and love that Dean feels for a piece of scrap metal.
Crowley couldn't understand... this love. Brotherly love, which he could not step over, and get these annoying boys out of the way.
Heaven gave them lifelong immunity, and this infuriated Crowley so much.
And no matter what he did, everything rested on this defense, invisible to him. The Winchesters always came out of the streams of sweat and blood, scraps of rotting flesh, “dry”, and after a couple of days, smiling again, they wet the evil spirits that appeared on their way.
“...bastards,” Crowley hissed, vengefully devouring the fleeing brothers with his gaze.

Where are you going in such a hurry? – Sam muttered, stumbling and massaging his bruised knee as he walked.
“I have a feeling that someone is watching us,” Dean glanced sideways.
“Yes, let them kill us, they won’t dare, I heard what Crowley said,” Sam chuckled smugly, stopping.
- Crazy, what are you talking about? Since when do you believe in a demon?
Dean put his index finger to Sam's lips and pressed his head against Sam's shoulder. It came out somehow innocently, childishly, but Sam was touched on the other side, washed over from head to toe, with something soft, gentle, exciting, and he suddenly remembered Crowley’s words, his cheeks flushed:
“Oh, damn,” he whispered, turning away.

Sam, surprised by his brother’s prank, arched over and looked into his face; his whole body was bent. Dean hugged Sam and burst into boisterous laughter.
-Are you crazy? - Sam said smiling.
“Nah, I really like having these fucking lizards,” Dean stared at him, wiping his eyes from tears.
“I want to eat and sleep... let’s go already, otherwise I’m not responsible for myself,” winking at Sam, he headed towards the impala.
They sat down, the car whined pitifully, creaking in every way.
- What, my baby, are you bored? – lovingly stroking the panel.
“Ugh, I’m going to be sick,” Sam grimaced.
“Shut your ears, freak,” Dean quipped, grinning, stroking the steering wheel.
- Fool... - said a play on words
“Cocksucker,” Dean said calmly and started the car, looking triumphantly at his brother.
“Peda pig…” Sam hissed at Dean without looking.
-Bastard =)
- PMS bitch... - Sam chuckled
“The goat is comatose,” Dean laughed.
- Horseradish on a spit...
“Asshole,” Dean glanced at Sam, suppressing his laughter. Driving out onto the highway, he pressed the gas pedal to the floor.
“The cheese is standing...fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuDean,” Sam laughed.
“Fetishist,” pressing the pedal harder, continuing to pick up speed.
-Assfucking, =))
-Cum swallow...
-FU, Diin!
They laughed for a long time.
We stayed in some shabby hotel.
Lounging comfortably on their beds after a hearty dinner.
“Dean, what did Crowley mean when he said that he knows everything about your secret desires,” Sam raised himself on his elbow and looked intently, oh-oh yes it’s Sam, he always did that when it came to something personal and unknown to him.
“You’re a fucking telepath, so let’s pick my brain, maybe you’ll come,” Dean stretched, giggling, turning away from Sam, enjoying the softness of the bed, and put his hands under the pillow with pleasure.
“And I’ve already dug deeper...” Sam said quietly.
Dean shuddered, was overcome with cold, then heat, perspiration covered his face, but having pulled himself together, he slowly turned to him, and as if not understanding anything, he yawned:
- And How?
Sam quickly moved over to Dean.
-Dean and how long ago? – Sam said, swallowing convulsively.
The proximity of Sam was tense, he stood up from the rickety and groaning bed, throwing away Sam's hand.
And it dawned on Sam that he remembered Dean's attempts to touch him during the hunt. How jealous he was of his girls, although at the same time he clapped him on the shoulder approvingly and smiled happily. His heart began to beat wildly.

Dean walked over to the crumbling refrigerator, took out a beer, and remained silent with a frown.
-Tell Dean, is this true?
Sam stood up and walked up to his brother, he felt Sam with every cell of his body, he was afraid to turn around and look into his eyes. The attraction to Sam was frantic, and the desire was so strong that all the sincerity and lustfulness came through his “Dean” mask, outward.
Sam took his hand, but Dean broke free and pushed away from his brother with force. He rushed to the exit, the cowardice of confession getting the better of him. Dropping his beer as he walked, tripping over a stool, cursing as he did so, he tried to hide his shame and resentment.

He kept his passion for his brother for so long, and this complete, unfucked demon of the crossroads broke the “seal” on his secret.

The time has come and everything was revealed, like in poker.
And Sam, that little idiot, thought he had the right to stick his nose into what Dean had hidden so deeply. Already on the way out, Sam slammed him into the door with all his weight.
Dean relaxed, batting his eyelashes wildly, his green eyes wide open. Sam forcefully turned his brother towards him. There were no emotions on his face, he just calmly looked into his eyes.
Dean looked away guiltily.

Sam squeezed him tightly in his arms, it turned out to be stuffy and tight, which made Dean begin to choke.
“Are you crazy, let me go,” breaking the hug forcefully, Dean growled at Sam.
Sam continued to look at his confused brother in a fatherly manner.
- WHAT? - Dean drawled, not knowing what to do with himself.

“Yeah, okay, Dean, let’s go to bed,” Sam said very quietly.
“Uh-huh,” Dean agreed, “and we’ll forget about it,” he snapped sharply, sticking his index finger in front of Sam.
- Whatever you say, dude... - Sam fell onto the bed.
They both lay awake, listening to each other's breathing.

Closer to lunch they woke up.
Dean tossed and turned for a long time, Sam hit the town for juicy burgers for Dean, and a huge pie for himself, with cabbage and tomatoes.
“Get up, animal...” Sam said, placing delicious-smelling treats on the table.
Dean sat up on the bed, opening his eyes.
“Is it already evening?” Dean asked sternly, unbuttoning his shirt as he walked, he headed to the bathroom.
We dined in silence. Sam turned his attention to his laptop, peering carefully, then said:
“There’s something waiting for us in Wyoming,” Sam said with pleasure, rubbing his huge hands and closing the beech, looking at Dean as if nothing had happened.
- And what's there? – Dean asked calmly, wiping his hands and lips on a napkin.
-Ghost. In the bathroom….
“Whose?” Dean perked up.
“I’ll explain everything on the way,” Sam muttered as he collected his things.
Three hundred miles across the vast Motherland, it’s like an endless favorite song.
They chatted about everything, and it seemed to Dean that Sam didn't care about yesterday's scene.
And he sighed with relief.

-Yes Sammy.
“I want to ask,” turning to Dean, Sam seemed to blush at Dean.
- Go ahead.
- In general... Do you want me? - thunder rolled through the car. Dean batted his eyelashes, stroking the wide road surface, and turned his gaze to Sam.
The Impala was expertly parked to the side of the road.
“Explain,” Dean said, playing with his nodules, squeezing his hands on the steering wheel.
“Okay, I won’t beat around the bush,” his eyes widened, the steel shade beautifully colored his boundless gaze.
-I know that you see me not only as a brother...
An explosion of emotions deafened Dean, a cacophony of sounds, completely blowing his mind...
“Sammy...” Dean began, but Sam covered his mouth with a wide palm, eagerly peering into his brother’s eyes.
“I want to be with you,” Sam continued, “in principle, I’m already with you, but that point that we have never discussed, I want to include it in our relationship.”
Sam was shaking all over.
-This point is that we should fuck, or what? - Dean was amazed, the trembling was transmitted through Sam to him.
“Why did we fuck right away?” Sam said, “they were just closer to each other.”
“It’s like that,” he looked at Sam incomprehensibly.
Sam leaned towards him:
“Sam, don’t you dare... don’t touch me,” Dean ordered harshly, moving away indignantly.
“I won’t touch you,” Sam shook his head, but his hand was already on his brother’s unshaven cheek.
The fingers of the other hand stroked the trembling, parted lips.
Sam reached for his brother's lips.
“Sammy... don’t try, don’t...” Dean groaned, offering his lips for a kiss.
“I won’t,” Sam whispered, gently touching Dean’s trembling lips with his wet lips.
Sam's tongue dove under Dean's. Dean gasped, tensed his whole body, and, gasping for breath from new sensations, pressed closer to Sam, convulsively squeezing his shoulders, passionately responding to Sam’s first, and such a forbidden, sweet kiss.

That's how it all started with the first kiss.
They kissed, with or without reason. After burning the evil soul ghost. Dean pounced on Sam, pushing him against the iron door. He squeezed him tightly in his arms, and with trembling lips covered Sam’s smiling mouth and began to kiss you roughly and wetly, greedily pawing his buttocks, his back, biting his lips until it hurt, pulling away, he blew on them with tenderness, and again pounced on Sam like a man possessed. After such therapy, Sam's mouth burned, right down to his throat.
And it suddenly seemed to Sam that this was a hint of newer, specific actions.
Dean lustfully rubbed his “stone” groin against Sam’s thigh, tearing himself away from his brother’s wet lips, he ran his finger over Sam’s groin, Sam’s penis immediately responded to Dean’s caress, throbbing with pain in his tight jeans.
“I want it in my mouth,” Dean said hoarsely and hysterically, loudly swallowing saliva, which was in abundance, causing him to almost choke. Sam gasped for air, not knowing what to say, but he unfastened the belt himself.

Sam noticed with alarm the changes in his brother and trembled all over, surrendering to Dean's caresses.
Dean, in a possessive manner, openly groped his buttocks, tearing himself away from Sam's lips. He smoothly turned him around and laid him gently on the hood of the car...
Sam was lying on his stomach on the hood of the ill-fated Impala, his legs wide apart, lubricant flowing abundantly, every cell of his body felt Dean's approach down his thighs. Like here, don’t tense up if Dean is behind you.
Hands massaged Sam's buttocks harshly, moving down to his groin.
The caresses of the extravagant Dean were frighteningly stunning, to the point of trembling in the knees.
From the new sensations, Sam stopped breathing, he couldn’t go beyond a blowjob, and here you go. His cheek on the warm hood of the Impala, and Sam himself could not move from the onslaught of Dean's excited body... There was a pain in the pit of his stomach, and the unfortunate little boy realized that the games with his older brother were over.
Sam shuddered from head to toe.
Dean abruptly pulled both of Sam's arms behind his back and laid them comfortably on his lower back. My heart thundered in my chest with furious force, completely exploding my eardrums.
“Let me go Dean,” Sam begged, sobbing, “Don’t...

But phrases appeared in his head that made him exhausted with desire:
-Yes, Dean, come on, the whole length, Dean, hammer it to capacity, hard and dry, and so that I can feel all of you, to the last centimeter in me. And the tense body relaxed from the languor that rolled in, and everything around sparkled, a fire flared up in the groin, from a frantic desire.
“Sammy,” Dean whispered. Caressing his brother’s penis, easily sliding his fingers over it:
-Do you remember the first kiss? You know, Sammy, I imagined you exactly like that, spread out on the hood, you kissed me, and I mentally penetrated you, roughly and deeply, my imagination is fine. Then we kissed endlessly, and we both came in our pants. Tell me, what did you fantasize about? Huh?
“You were Dean, and you were inside me,” Sam groaned, breathless.
Dean howled at Sam's unexpected confession, he growled pressing into Sam:
“I want to feel you from the inside, to feel your heat, what’s inside you...” Dean said harshly, running a finger over his lips, over Sam’s trembling Adam’s apple, “Do you want this?” - Kissing Sam's back, Dean's lips went down to his trembling thighs.
“Yes DEAN, I really want you, I want your dick to fill me to capacity,” his voice became hoarse, “I want that unforgettable first kiss of ours,” he cried, impatiently throwing his hips up, exposing his ass. He always froze when Dean touched his hole with his lips, kissed him tenderly and demandingly, the penetration of Dean's tongue was always a hurricane, Sam shrank all over from the hot languor rising from the depths, forcefully filling his member with hot blood, and from which his member began to pulsate with pain, inflaming himself, making him melt with pleasure, and everything collapsed, collapse after collapse. Dean's tongue twisted deeper and deeper, and his hands spread wider and wider than his buttocks. And Sam felt helpless, he began to rush about, call for help and breathe hoarsely, exhausted from the obscene and dirty manipulations of his older brother.
Dean spread the elastic muscles of his buttocks and stared with lust at what he had been dreaming about lately.
Small and so desirable, tightly compressed hole. He ran his finger over it, gently pressing, while swallowing a lump in his throat, he swore loudly, remembering the mother of some saint, he growled:
“What the hell Sammy...” he rimmed Sam’s ass so that he went from whining to a growl and came as if for the first time.
Sam's orgasm was choking him from all sides, he was afraid to exhale. Afraid to let go of these sweet moments. The whole world turned upside down, and then back again.... Arching with a chest hiss and pain in his penis, he came on his brother’s favorite car.
Splashing the bumper and roadside grass.

Diiin... You're a bastard, you know it... - Sam groaned, still fidgeting on the hood.
“Yeah, I agree,” he ran his hot dick over Sam’s crotch, he sobbed, frightened by his desire, Sam began to struggle, but Dean, pressing against him, ran his hot palms over his chest, touching Sam’s nipples with rough fingers. He trembled all over, pressing closer to his erogenous zone, that is, to Dean.
-Dean, God, what are you doing? - Sam began.
Dean grabbed him by the hair, pulling him towards him and croaked in his ear:
- Sammy... Damn you, you're fire... - a couple of fingers slid into Sam's passage. Sam tensed up in unexpected pain, biting his lips until they bled.
“Bitch, I’ll kill you,... mmmm... understand?” The play on words amused and excited both of them.
Sam's internal trembling covered Dean from head to toe, and gasping quietly he whispered:
“I’m ready to accept death from you... but first, relax, baby,” kissing him somewhere under the shoulder blade.
Sam felt the fingers inside him, his nature was indignant, but his passion for his brother drowned out the indignation and alienation was replaced by frantic desire. Perspiration covered his body, he felt hot tears treacherously flowing down his cheeks.
“Your ass is like a cheesecake soufflé, I just want to try it, get inside... Okay, I’m going to enter you now, and don’t fidget, you idiot, I’ll do everything for you to make you feel good...” Dean whispered, rhythmically stretching it out.
If Sam could see his brother's face - a naughty smile, swollen wet lips, hot, intermittent breathing, beads of sweat on his temples.
This picture was beautiful, but, to be honest, he had no time for Dean’s enchanting transformations.
“Get ready Sammy,” and his penis slid smoothly, penetrating deeply, tearing Sam into millions of pieces in pain. Sam screamed, freezing, listening to his new sensations.... he tried to relax, but Dean's throbbing member in his ass did not contribute to relaxation in any way. Dean somehow went limp, leaning against Sam's back, breathing noisily and with small tremors, squeezing through a tight ring, Sam's virgin ass. He felt a wild fiery pain throughout his body, Dean's dick slid smoothly and slid. It seemed like an eternity to Sam, as if time had stopped:

Relax Sammy... Dean gently stroked his sides, scratching and pinching, the tense body that was trembling and trembling now under him.
“This is for the baby,” he said slowly, planting him, kissing him behind the ear, and suddenly he felt a change in his sensations, the pain faded into the background, and Sam swam, although his butt was still burning with fire, a new wave rolled in, amazing Sam with bright impressions of sex... a second later he froze, analyzing the new perceptions of his body, which he clearly liked, and he moaned, not understanding what was wrong with him, why he was behaving this way, and his screams with every blow of Dean’s penis had an exciting effect on him.

Dean's hand gently caressed Sam's penis, running his fingers over his scrotum, playing with his erect testicles.
“Yes Sam, scream…” Dean moaned hoarsely, barely audibly.
Sam froze, from a surge of tenderness towards the sex-fueled Dean.
How beautiful his older brother was and his unrestrained, rough caresses shocked and attracted Sam.
The tension increased and a trembling from within again ran through the whole body. Sam clumsily waved Dean, he paused, feeling the change in the contraction, leaned towards him, biting his earlobe, groaned:
-...like it, and Sammy?
-Fuck off... ahh! – the breath was interrupted, “... shut up and finish it off, idiot already...” Sam croaked, openly exposing his ass, like a bitch in mating.
Everything was already heated to the limit, and here he was with his girlish questions - “like it, don’t like it”
The pain dulled, languor spread throughout and the wave of approaching orgasm broke and spread like a storm throughout his body. Dean began to breathe intermittently, a loud rush came from inside him and, without holding back, he poured into Sam with a scream.
Sam intuitively moved towards the meeting. Not understanding what was happening, he trembled from the inside, the contractions in the anus intensified and were transmitted to the penis with sharp rhythmic jolts and his essence could not stand the strong excitement and erupted the brightest orgasm of his life.
He moaned, writhing in orgasmic convulsions.
Dean abruptly turned his brother onto his back, staring at his dick, which was still throbbing, expelling the last drops of sperm. His mouth greedily covered his brother's penis and with pleasure, sucking and taking it deep inside himself.
They both slid off the hood of the car, exhausted, breathing heavily. Dean pulled Sam close and whispered in his ear:
- I love you, you hear, you are mine and nothing more!
Defeated, Sam nodded his head, pressing closer to Dean.
“I will not tolerate betrayal, Sammy, not with a woman, much less with a man, and forget about demons,” he pointed his hand across his throat, smiling beautifully and reverently licking his bright scarlet lips. Sam moaned, remembering their first blowjob.
The air smelled of sex. Dean helped his little brother up. He wiped Sam's spattered bumper with a handkerchief, casually, raised the handkerchief to his nose and took a deep breath. While experiencing great pleasure. Sam smiled looking at the pranks of his brother, who five minutes ago was ready to strangle...
-Guys, where are you??? - Bobby was rapidly approaching them.
“Your mother... Bobby is lucky again,” Dean chuckled, putting the handkerchief in his pocket, “this information is not for him.” Let him sleep peacefully this night too.
Sam nodded, rubbing his sore butt.
“What a freak,” Sam hissed, looking sideways at Dean.
-Yeah, and I love you. Only you, in my lonely LIFE! – Dean patted Sam on the cheek.
“Yes, about the baby, I forgave you,” Dean said, smiling wryly and winking.
Sam tugged at his pants and made a face.
- Yeah, and don’t yawn, next time I’ll be such a goofball...
Dean looked around sharply, a crazy smile playing on his lips, and completely confused Sam.
And he realized that Dean would do everything to get Sam back on the hood...

Beliefs are boring and tedious. We take it by force.

Part 2. I know, I promised to look at their relationship from a psychological point of view, but I got carried away and now I have several pages of text and that’s without the topic of psychology. In general, if you want, I will send them too.

In general, I often hear people say that Sam doesn’t love Dean. Sam is a soulless bastard, he doesn’t understand anything, and poor Dean suffers. And about this, even though there are two main characters in the series, the emphasis is still placed more on Dina. His feelings are shown more clearly, and because of this it seems that Sam is rather indifferent to his brother. It's not like that at all. Firstly, the brothers have different characters and, accordingly, they express their feelings in different ways. Secondly, he will not forget that although Sam hunts, he does not want it at all. Arguments like: “What a fool he is! He doesn't understand anything! This is so cool! And his brother loves him!” completely untenable. Sam wanted a house, kids and a wife. Did he want too much? Dean talks a lot about the fact that he decides how he wants to live, but Sam was never allowed to make his choice. His mother doomed him even before he was born when she made a contract with Yellow-Eyes. And before that, angels also came to the rescue, wanting to return their brother from the Cage. Sam had no chance to get away, but he didn't know that. Everyone condemns him for leaving for Stanford, as if he did not go to study, but on a tour of brothels. Just imagine that what you love is taken away from you and sent to unload the cars. Or you can't stand the sight of blood, but work as a forensic scientist. Somehow not very good, right? I know from my own experience how unpleasant it is and I think Sam is still doing a great job. It’s interesting for us to watch them run after a ghost or a werewolf, but now imagine yourself in their place. This is not at all an evening walk in the park, and digging up a grave is not like planting a flower in a pot. I once saw a poll in some group about the series. I don’t remember verbatim, but it’s quite possible that you saw it yourself, it sounded something like this: Would you like to be in the place of the Winchesters? So what do you think? The majority pressed the “Yes” button. No, are they serious? These guys' mother and father were killed. They killed their friends, the few they could call them that. They themselves have died more than once, they are used as pawns by angels and demons. I don’t argue that it’s fascinating to look at, but to wish such a life for yourself?
So, I digress a little, Sam has every right to be unhappy. And one cannot blame him for this. Surely, if Dean were now forced to drop everything and go to the accounting department to calculate wages and vacation pay, everyone would howl that this is unfair. After all, Dean doesn’t want this and blah blah. Then why is Sam being condemned?
About his feelings for his brother. They may not be shown so clearly, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Sam says in plain text several times throughout the series: You are my big brother and I love you. (Sam: That's okay. Because you're my brother and I still love you. Boooop! 5.11)
And the fact that he doesn’t look at Dean with loving eyes and doesn’t bring him slippers in his teeth doesn’t mean anything. Everyone loves as much as they can. In addition, a childhood complex: Dean is always the eldest, his father’s orders - Sam could not decide anything on his own. Unsurprisingly, he's tired of it, and when Dean forgets that "Sammy" is approaching thirty, he gets angry. Wouldn't you be angry? He might be wrong, but Dean and John might just give him the illusion of choice. Yes, it’s not fair, but then he might not want to do something so desperately himself. And I wouldn't do anything stupid.
As a child, Dean was Sam's hero, and he clearly respected him much more than his own father. I’m sure that Sam still considers Dean a hero, he just doesn’t want to completely dissolve in him and turn into an obedient doll that he can twirl as he wants. Yes, I think Dean would not be happy with such a brother. Yes, sometimes it is easier for them when they are with other people, but considering how much time they spend together, this is quite normal. We also need to take a break from each other. True, these vacations usually last a few days at most, and then the psychosis passes and they are together again. For example, at the very beginning, when Sam leaves Dean and meets Meg. How long did they last then? Nothing at all. Because my brother doesn’t answer his calls and hysteria begins, although before that they had not seen each other for a certain number of years and there was no hysteria. Sam drops everything and goes back. And so every time, as soon as they part, Dean begins to cast sad glances at the seat next to him. He, of course, tells everyone that it’s better for him, it’s more fun with others, they supposedly love the same music, but a couple of days pass and Sam finds himself in the next seat.
Their longer separations were due to the fact that they could not fix anything and therefore do not count.
Also, those who like to point out Sam’s indifference often cite episode 16 of season 5 as an argument. This is the one where Dean and Sam go to Heaven. Dean's paradise is family, but for Sam it's always either loneliness or other people. It’s not a fact that this would be the final version of Sam’s Paradise, because the angels could have deliberately made sure that the brothers would quarrel and Dean would give up. Even Pamela, whom he met there, persuaded him to agree. How did Dean's mother behave? If they could fix her behavior, they could definitely fix Sam's paradise. The angels needed Dean to be disappointed in the most important thing that made him refuse Mikhail - Sam. And he was disappointed, he was crushed by the fact that there was no place for him in Sam’s Paradise.
Quote from subsequent episodes: Sam: We can't give up. Dean: I can. Sam: No, you can't. Don't you dare leave me. That's the only way I'm holding on until now. I have no one else to count on. And I can't stand it alone.
But again, a little time passes, Dean almost said yes, but Sam looked at him with his little eyes and that’s it! Mikhail is out of work again. Quote: Sam: I remember your eyes. You were on the edge. Why did you change your mind? Dean: Honestly? The stupidest reason. The end of the world is just around the corner - the walls are crumbling, and I look at you and think: “This stupid deer brought me here.” I couldn't disappoint you.
The key word here is disappointment. Dean couldn't stand it if Sam was disappointed in him. Peace, friends, father, Cas – it doesn’t matter. But he can't let Sam down.
Season 5 finale. Sam asks Dean to return to Lisa. This is understandable, he wants his brother to live normally and calmly. Sam blames himself for the fact that Dean did not have a normal childhood, that they are already adults, and Dean continues to look after him and cannot live his own life. Sam knows that his brother is unlikely to leave him when he needs help, and since he periodically needs it, it turns out that Dean continues to be an over-aged nanny. So when the opportunity comes to give Dean a chance at a normal life, Sam immediately takes it. Dean, as we remember, returned to Lisa, but it didn’t end in anything.
Quite the finale of the fifth season.
If Sam were indifferent to his brother and family as a whole, it is unlikely that the sight of toys in the Impala would have helped him regain control over his body. And all his memories - Dean is always in them. This is what helps him take control of Lucifer, and I doubt that weak feelings could help Sam cope with one of the strongest angels.
There are a lot of examples from the first seasons, but I don’t want to jump around anymore, so if you want, I’ll look at them a little later, but for now let’s move on.
Season 6 episode 1. Dean comes to his senses. Sees Sam, his first words: Is this heaven?
In general, the first episodes of season 6 scared me a lot, since Sam’s behavior was not so hot. But then it turned out that he had no soul and I felt better. But even without a soul, Sam said that he felt better with Dean. And this is worth something, especially if a person is, in principle, unable to feel anything.
Well, then Cas begins to behave like Lucifer in his youth and demolishes the barrier in Sam’s head. (For which I never forgave him, I’m a vindictive evil spirit). But for the rest of the period, Dean fusses over Sam even more than usual. There's at least a whole season of dialogue, but here, for example: Dean: Let me look at the hand. Lucifer: He wants to hold your sore paw.. How sweet!
And again, season 7. Episodes 3 and 13. In the third, Dean kills a kitsune girl whom Sam once released. In Episode 13, Sam kills Dean's daughter. Quite an interesting plot line that shows how much they can forgive each other. In the first case, the girl may not have been too important for Sam to jeopardize his relationship with Dean because of her, but the fact is that Dean lied to him, said that he would not kill, but still killed. Dialogue when Sam finds out about his deception: Sam: Do you really want to know what happened? Dean: Yeah, you know my motto - I'm here to help. Sam: "Here to help"... Just like you helped Amy?.. Dean: Look, Sam... Sam: Don't.. Don't lie to me again. It's better not to tell me anything at all. I can't... You know what, Dean? I can't talk to you now. I can't even be near you. I think you should just go without me.
Dean: ...Sam: Come on! Dean: Whatever you say. Sorry, Sam. (Season 7, Episode 6).
Such moments when they “can no longer be near each other” occur to them periodically and this is not surprising. They have done so much and even for their relationship this does not just go away. They need to take a break from each other, because their quarrels are much stronger than a squabble over socks lying around.
Naturally, Sam is angry, but again, a little time passes and they are back together. In episode 13, Sam already kills the monster girl that Dean wanted to let go. She is Dean's daughter and Sam's niece, but he still shoots. For Sam, with his character, it was probably not easy to do this, especially in front of his brother, but he knew that if he didn’t kill the girl, she would come back for Dean. And if you choose between Dean and his niece - a monster, he instantly chooses his brother when he realizes that he himself is not going to shoot.
Dean, of course, then denies it and says that he would have shot, but he’s lying. If Sam hadn't made it in time, he would have been dead.
In general, Dean in the 7th season is a separate topic and it can be developed quite well, but here it will be unnecessary for now. The only thing I want to say is that I agree with this gentleman: LeviathanDean to Sam: You are losing an excellent opportunity to subjugate the weak.

A continuation of "The Ring", but can also be read as an independent work.
Warning - Wincest
- Harder, Sam! fit him. Dean's eyes were half-closed, his head was darting around the pillow in time with the frantic movements of his brother's hips, with which he excitedly waved his awesome ass.
- Dean, how tight you are... My... Dean...
“Your... Yours...” the elder Winchester moaned from incredibly strong sensations, from the knowledge that this is his Sammy, his little one is now with him and in him and brings him to an insanely bright orgasm, which he experienced only with him, with his younger brother.
Finally, when Sam's dick hit the elder's prostate especially hard, Dean shuddered all over and his sperm splashed onto his stomach and onto the chest of Sam, who was bending over him. The younger one caught up with him after a couple of thrusts on the wave of his brother’s fading orgasm.
Then, when Dean was already asleep, satisfied, having been fucked by Sam to the fullest, the younger one was lying next to him on the next bed and could not sleep.
Dean. His older brother and lover. His happiness and pain, joy and torment. Sam himself could not say when these seditious thoughts first appeared to him. And how many sleepless nights did he then spend next to Dean or even in the same bed, if he had to economize, burning with an unbearable desire: to press against his brother’s strong body, to kiss those inviting full lips, and then take it or give himself up to the strong, calloused from frequent cleaning weapons with hands.
Dean didn’t notice Sam’s tossing, who hid them very carefully, and remained his older brother, who considered it his duty to torment the younger one with nagging, ridicule, not evil, but offensive all the same, calling Sam a nerd, a nerd, a smartass, / although Sam was secretly proud of the last nickname /.
At the age of eighteen, having buried his feelings, the attraction forbidden by God and people for his older brother, Sam went to study at Stanford University, hoping that the ordinary life of an ordinary American student would cure him of visions in which Dean was naked, beautiful in his passion, with bitten out of excitement with his lips, he spreads Sam’s long legs with his knee and takes him, and Sam, with a groan of pleasure from the desire that has finally come true, answers, moving towards him...
No, the younger Winchester was never interested in guys. Dean was in his wet dreams. Only Dean.
But, as it turned out, ordinary life is not for the Winchesters.
After the death of Jessica, his pretty blonde girlfriend at Stanford, and Sam's return to hunting, everything returned to normal. The attraction returned too. Having delved into himself (the younger Winchester’s favorite pastime, as Dean would say), Sam realized that it had not gone anywhere, but was lurking in the depths of his soul. It was waiting in the wings, and now, when he and his brother were nearby almost around the clock, it returned, and an impossible desire began to gnaw at his soul with even greater force.
And he also realized that this was not only attraction, he did not live without Dean - he existed, and when he was nearby, he suffered. So what is it?
Sam was so afraid to utter this word, forbidden in their family, even in his thoughts, that he hastened to hide it deeper, there, towards attraction.
And this feeling was not cooled either by the death of his father, or by Sam’s awareness of his gift or curse, depending on who you want.
And then Old Oak happened.
Sam didn't need to remember when his wildest and seemingly impossible dreams came true. He remembered the day of his return to the world of the living. Sam didn't remember how he left him. But then he woke up in some run-down motel, on a bare mattress, with absolutely no idea what had happened to him. The younger Winchester did not hear Dean's emotional monologue near his body, which ended with the cry of his soul tormented by despair:
- What should I do?!!!..
Then Dean found a way to bring his younger brother back to life, paying for it with his immortal soul. And returning from the crossroads, he saw Sam standing on his feet. Then, stepping towards him, Dean hugged his brother with both arms, pressing him closely to him.
Sam then winced at the phantom pain in his back, although later he saw in the mirror that there was only a scar left on it, a mark from Jake's knife.
And Dean was in no hurry to let go of his younger brother from his embrace, breathing faster and faster, squeezing tighter, as if wanting to connect with Sam so that nothing else would come between them, not even death.
“Mine...I won’t give it to anyone...Even to her...” he muttered in Sam’s ear.
Then, looking into his brother’s living eyes, the elder Winchester suddenly released him from his hands, froze for a moment, then looked at Sam again with an unreadable expression. Apparently having made some decision, he pulled Sam along with him towards the bed. Having reached her, Dean, as if in a dream, began to slowly undress. As if giving himself time to stop, turn everything into a joke. “What, Sammy, I just want to change clothes, what did you think?” - Sam was expecting to hear. But I didn’t hear. He, who had dreamed so much about his brother's love, not only brotherly, not brotherly at all, froze in a stupor near the bed.
- Dean, what are you doing?
“I’m undressing,” he answered calmly, standing with his back to his brother. His excitement was revealed only by the vein on his temple, which was beating frequently. “Help you?”
Dean turned to Sam when there was nothing left on him. He stood naked in front of Sam, beautiful in his nakedness, which is how Sam saw Dean in his visions, and began to unbutton the younger man’s shirt, slowly, button by button. Dean's fingers trembled slightly, as if he was holding himself back, giving himself and his brother a chance to change his mind, although he had already made a choice. and looking into Sam’s eyes again, he saw that he had accepted his decision and would not back down either.
The shirt flew to the floor, the T-shirt followed, when Dean grabbed the zipper of his jeans, Sam stopped him:
- I myself.
And so they stand in front of each other completely naked, devouring each other with hot gazes, exposing not only their bodies, but also their souls. And then they swayed towards each other. Sam latched onto his brother's sensual mouth and Dean let him lead the kiss, giving in to the initiative. And when both of their breathing threatened to be interrupted due to lack of air in their lungs, they pulled away to catch their breath and now Sam looked into the elder’s green eyes, darkened with excitement.
- Dean, do you understand what we're about to do? Are you ready for the consequences? If it's a momentary impulse...
- I'm ready, and you, Sam? So, are you going to talk or fuck me, little one?
- I? I thought you...
- There’s no need to think now, smart guy, we need to act! - and returning to the kiss, Dean gently pulled Sam towards him, falling with him onto the long-suffering mattress. Sam covered his brother with himself like a blanket bursting with heat, kissing him where he could reach with his mouth: breathtaking lips, neck, chest, nipples that immediately hardened under his lips, he bit one slightly and heard Dean’s quiet moan. He bit the second one a little harder, immediately licking it with his tongue, as if apologizing for the slight pain. The groan was repeated. The guys' members were delightfully rubbing against each other, from which the excitement of both threatened to spill out into uncontrollable sex. Although who and when could control passion?
How Sam had been waiting for this day! Returning to the hunt, he secretly looked at a couple of gay sites from his older brother, then carefully clearing the history of his views, so that theoretically he knew, but practically... This was their first time, so Sam relied on his instincts and hoped that everything will do the right thing and not screw up from excitement. After all, now his seemingly impossible wish is being fulfilled: Dean is under him, caressing Sam’s back with his palms, forcefully running along the younger’s sides, grasping the strong buttocks, which seemed to have been sculpted for his hands, kissing him unexpectedly harshly with his awesome lips. Sam kisses back, returning to his face: cheekbones, eyes, earlobe. Now his kisses slide lower - the stomach, the "happy" path, Dean's proudly standing, already hard penis, sways slightly right in front of Sam's lips. He licks up a drop of lubricant that appears on his penis. Dean groaned lowly.
- Hurry up, Sam, I'm ready.
“You’ll be on top, then you’ll command, but now it’s up to me to decide whether you’re ready or not.”
Sam rises to his knees, places a pillow under his older brother's lower back, bending his knees, and suddenly says thoughtfully:
- It will hurt you. Needs lubrication.
Dean groaned in protest:
- Where can I get it now? Let's do it this way. - and fidgeting impatiently, he hurried the younger one. “Are you going to tell me or not?”
Then Sam took Dean with just his saliva. Then, of course, there was lubricant and nights full of hot and very varied sex, so Sam’s ingenuity sometimes amazed the seasoned older Winchester and he asked with suspicion in his voice how the younger knew so much about gay sex. Although I understood that the question was rhetorical, given that the small guy had a laptop.
Now, lying next to Dean, Sam remembered their first time and smiled.
- Stop smiling! - a sleepy voice was heard.
- Why is this? - Sam asked.
- You shine so much that it hurts your eyes. Bright light makes it difficult to sleep.
The youngest Winchester's heart sang sweetly. Dean wasn't very talkative in bed, he was stingy in expressing his feelings, and this appreciation of Sam's smile was worth a lot.
The eldest in his repertoire, Sam continued to think, commands in bed, although he himself gave up the top position to him... No, Sam was happy to have Dean for his undivided use! But something about all this was not quite right. After that time, Sam more than once suggested that Dean change in bed, but he categorically refused.
Dean! His favorite person and sometimes unbearable older brother in his carelessness. He has always been Sam's hope and support, the ultimate truth. And the only thing Sam was sure of in their crazy life was that Dean, in the most seemingly hopeless situation, would come up with something at the last moment, pull him, Sam, out of any ass in the world, save him, protect him.
“We are back to back at the mast, against a thousand - the two of us!” - Sam remembered something he read somewhere.
And now, on top of everything else, Sam owed his brother his life. And so, when their life took such an unheard of turn, when they were connected not only by brotherly love, but also by another, sensual, condemned by everyone, Sam was sure that he would willingly obey Dean if he led in bed. But he didn’t seem to think about it. Dean gave himself to the younger one with some kind of fury, even rage, as if he was punishing himself for something.
Maybe he really was punishing, Sam asked himself. It was the first time since their intimacy that he thought about it. But for what? And he answered to himself: because he didn’t have time then, because he didn’t save him from Jake’s knife, because he sold his soul for him. For leaving his younger brother, after a year, completely alone on this sinful earth, which is threatened by the Apocalypse.
And that’s why Dean is satisfied with the relationship that has developed between them, that he doesn’t want change, doesn’t want to lead in bed.
Whatever it was, Sam decided to find out, get to the bottom of it, unravel his older brother. He has to see if Dean really doesn't want him, just like Sam himself did. He will try to seduce him by openly exposing himself and then he will find out whether Dean is so firm in his intention to be only from below. Sam decided to act quickly, without delaying the matter. He came up with a plan to let Dean show his true self. You just need to wait for the right opportunity. And soon such a chance presented itself to Sam.
As always, having rummaged around on unusual sites, Sam found a hunt for them. In the state of Kentucky, in the mining town of Tell City, people began to disappear. There were already three missing. All men, miners. The path was not close to the place where they had finished the hunt now, and therefore, having paid at the motel reception in the evening, they decided to leave early in the morning. Dean, having received his orgasm after insanely hot sex, immediately fell asleep, and Sam, lying on his bed/Dean insisted on everyone sleeping in his own. “I’m so used to it, Sammy,” he said, “otherwise I won’t get enough sleep,” / was in no hurry to fall asleep. He wondered this way and that where he should start, and then waved his hand. Come what may! And as soon as the morning turned red, Sam stripped naked and slipped Dean under the blanket. He decided to surprise the elder with surprise and take him, literally speaking, lukewarm.
Dean was sleeping on his side, his bare shoulder covered with freckles touchingly peeking out from under the motel blanket. Sam knew that after they became close, Dean slept without clothes and immediately got down to business, carefully kissing the shoulder, the back between the shoulder blades, where, he knew, Dean had the strongest erogenous zone, the neck. Sam's hand, meanwhile, slid over his brother's chest, stomach, gradually going down to his groin.
Suddenly Dean's strong hand grabbed that hand, stopping his advances.
- Sam, what are you doing? - Dean asked, his voice hoarse from sleep.
And Sam suddenly got tired of hiding, hiding, hiding what he always felt:
“I love, I love you, Dean,” he burst out unexpectedly, “do what you want with me!”
Dean's back turned to stone, but he didn't turn around, he just said dully:
- Not now, Sammy! OK?
Nah, bummer. Sam nodded as if Dean could see him. Not now, not now. Dean is stubborn, but Sam is even more stubborn. And he will continue the siege of the fortress named Dean Winchester. Sam did not regret his confession, which was unexpected even for himself. And although he did not hear a word from his brother in response to him, the younger brother felt that the answer would come, he just had to wait. It won't be easy for Dean to admit that Sam's feelings are mutual, let alone say it out loud...
Sam made a second attempt in Tell City, where they arrived after traveling several hundred miles. Having rented a room in another motel, Dean sent his brother for information to the city archive and to the only library of this mining town, and he himself went to inspect the local bar to interview local residents about these disappearances of townspeople.
Sam knew that Dean would return to the motel a little tipsy, maybe even with lipstick on his collar and the smell of women's perfume, which Sam hated. No, he wasn't jealous. Not now. Now Sam knew that his brother’s methods of obtaining information remained the same, they had not changed from the fact that they began to sleep together. I knew that my brother couldn’t help but flirt with a pretty waitress or barmaid, but he threw away all the papers with phone numbers immediately after leaving the cafe or bar. That now they didn’t need anyone else and Dean would return to him at night to moan breathlessly into his lips, arching under him in ecstasy, giving himself to Sam over and over again, stubbornly refusing an active role in bed.
So this time, Sam, having finished studying local newspapers and archival materials for a couple of years, for similar cases of sudden disappearances and having received a negative result, returned to the motel. As it turned out before Dean. Having quickly showered and not dressed, Sam lay down in his bed, wrapping himself in a blanket and pretending to fall asleep.
Dean, who returned soon, chuckled, looking at the bed and seeing the younger one “sleeping,” undressed and went into the shower, muttering quietly:
“I hope you left me some hot water, little one, otherwise you’ll be left without something sweet in the morning.”
Sam caught a slight whiff of alcohol on Dean, but not perfume, and began preparing for his brother's return from the shower. The bathroom door opened and Dean came out of the bathroom, wiping his head with a towel and wearing only boxers, / the room was dark, he didn’t turn on the light, / went to his bed to go to bed. Glancing briefly at the next bed, he froze. Sam didn't sleep.
Throwing the blanket aside, the brother lay naked and holding his leg bent at the knee with one hand, and stretching out the other leg so that Dean could clearly see, with the other hand Sam caressed his erect penis, wrapping it with a wide palm. He continued to jerk himself off, increasing the pace when he saw Dean looking at him with burning eyes. Sam began to breathe quickly and suddenly looked straight at him and exhaled invitingly:
- D--i-i-n...
Dean's reaction came as a complete surprise to Sam. Dean rushed back to the bathroom straight from his bed. The water began to rustle again.
It didn’t work out again, Sam lamented, squeezing his stone penis, which was already aching from tension. His right hand had to bring the owner to the point of release on his own, without the help of his older brother.
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Dean, leaning his forehead against the tile, mentally begged his brother not to provoke him.
- Sam, you don't know what you're doing. “I can’t do this anymore, brother,” he muttered to the wall.
Dean understood what Sam was trying to achieve, but he couldn't get past his own hang-ups. Then in Old Oak he decided to break the main one - to give himself to his brother, because sitting next to him dead, he himself was dead. For he realized that he could not live further with the knowledge that he had not saved, had not protected his little one, that this, and not hunting, was the most important thing in his life: to take care of Sam! The elder Winchester realized that he was still alive only when he returned from the Crossroads and saw his brother standing on his own two feet, alive! All-consuming joy flooded him all over, threw away all the barriers that he had built to his real feelings, hiding his insane desire to hug Sam, lay him on his back and take him over and over again until they had enough strength.
The first thing was easy - hug. The hardest thing was to decide on the next step. But looking into his nut-green eyes, Dean saw only his own reflection in them and understood what to do.
After all, Dean considered himself completely guilty before his younger brother. It was he who pulled Sam out of his cozy little world at Stanford with a pretty blonde next to him. He simply could no longer remain alone and do his job as defined by his father: destroying supernatural evil. And Dean returned his little one to hunting, returned at a terrible price - the death of Jessica. Of course, he felt sorry for the girl whom he only saw briefly, but Dean was honest with himself: the joy of Sam’s return to his life blocked all other feelings that he carefully hid, not allowing them to escape even for a moment.
But then in Old Oak, seeing his brother come to life, for a second these feelings burst out and Dean saw only unspoken love in Sam’s eyes, he understood what he would do next and what he would not be denied. He never regretted giving the active role to his brother. And he held on steadfastly, not yielding to Sam’s persuasion to change places in bed.
But his resilience melted every day. Dean wanted Sam, he really wanted him. And Sam realized this when he saw how Dean looked at him half an hour ago, eagerly catching with his gaze the movements of a large palm sliding over his brother’s large dignity, how the small one’s fingers caressed himself, he heard Sam call him. But Dean swore to himself that Sam wouldn't feel any more pain because of him, and it would hurt him a lot if he was on the bottom. Dean knew for himself. He also remembered their first time and his not very pleasant sensations in the first few seconds from his brother’s rather large penis inside him.
And also, Dean believed, that by obeying Sam at night, letting him lead in bed, he compensated him for his leadership the rest of the time. So everything is fair.
And finally, without admitting it even to himself, Dean Winchester was mortally afraid that Sam would one day leave again to look for another, quiet life, like he left four years ago. In Old Oak, Dean sent his barriers and prohibitions to hell only because he clearly understood that he couldn’t live without Sam next to him at all, and decided to give himself to Sam, so as not to lose him, to tie him to him with hot sex, and at the same time giving him active role.
Dean knew exactly what Sam wanted. He is a leader in life, his little, younger brother. Yes, he likes an active role in bed, but he would happily submit to the elder if Dean himself had not set this ban for himself and did not want to remove it from himself. Although Tantalus would have envied his endurance, it was not limitless and cracked with every attempt by Sam to shake it.
And the last thing that really confused Dean. He remembered the word that Sam had whispered into his back at night a few days ago. The word is taboo in their family. “No pink snot, Sammy!” he always said, but then he remained silent, as if he had not heard. He had not yet decided how to react to this, but there was no question of a reciprocal confession.
Dean stayed in the bathroom for a very long time, then finally turned off the water, which had already become completely icy, and returned to the room, Sam was already sleeping for real.
The next morning, not getting enough sleep, with gloomy faces, the Winchesters had a sluggish breakfast in the cafe closest to the motel, /Both had no appetite/. Without reacting in any way to the advances of the red-haired waitress, who was constantly hanging around the table with two handsome guys, the brothers left the cafe.
“What are we going to do next with this, Dean?” - Sam asked looking around.
“Do we really need to do something?” Dean answered the question with a question, looking intently at Sam.
- Certainly! I'm talking about hunting, what are you talking about?
- Ah... Yes, hunting. Let's go explore the area, go to that abandoned mine, near which we saw all three missing men. By the way, what did you find out from the newspapers yesterday?
“People have never disappeared here before,” Sam reported. - But I read about an accident that happened at one of the operating mines four months ago. There was a methane explosion, one miner died, he was buried, and when they dug him up he was already dead. The four miners who were with him were saved. Three of the four men are missing. What did you find out?
- Yes, the same as you. Only stories about this recent accident. So we find out which of these miners is the fourth candidate for disappearance and save the dude. Right, Sammy?
- Do you think the same thing as me, Dean? Vengeful spirit?
“We need to find out everything about the circumstances of that accident, how that miner died, then we’ll decide by collecting all the information.” I’m no longer allowed to appear in the local eateries, so after exploring the area, in the evening, you’ll go to the bars, brother.
After hanging around the abandoned mine the Winchesters were interested in all day and not finding anything unusual, only noting a slight increase in AMI readings, the brothers returned to Tell City, deciding the next day to try to get to the mine that was closed after the accident, where a man died.
In the evening, after washing, the brothers went their separate ways. Everyone had their own task. Dean went to talk with the fourth surviving miner, and Sam, taking the rights to the name of journalist Bob Murley, went to local pubs and bars.
- Make sure you don't get drunk, Sammy, and be careful, bro, miners are tough people.
- Don't worry, Dean! I know how to win people over.
- I don’t doubt this at all. Be careful not to overdo it!
-Are you jealous, Dean? - Sam looked at the elder Winchester with curiosity.
- What more!
"He's jealous, that means he loves!" - Sam rejoiced. So you yourself suggested the next step to me, brother.
Dean finished his work fairly quickly. He found out the main thing, the fourth miner is alive because, it turns out, he was not at the mine on the day of the accident, he was sick.
It was already late evening and Dean went to look for his brother, since there were not many places where he could go in this seedy mining town. He was excited about the upcoming night with Sam, sex with him, which did not get boring, did not become ordinary and every time was like the first.
By the law of meanness, Sam ended up in the last of the bars that Dean looked into. His mood deteriorated a little. Looking around the bar, he noticed his little one near the bar counter and his mood dropped to its lowest point. Sam was sitting on a high stool, his long muscular legs tucked under it... Damn, it came at the wrong time, flashed through Dean's head.
But then instant rage flared up in my chest at what I saw. Sam put one arm around the shoulders of the slender boy sitting next to him, clearly a hustler, the elder Winchester thought vindictively, understanding the heresy of such a statement. Well, where can hustlers actually come from in a town with a couple of thousand inhabitants?” he laughed cheerfully at something, flashing his sexy dimples.
No, Sam has completely lost his belt! This is how he can smile only at him, Dean.
Seething with indignation, Dean quickly walked up to the bar and pulled his brother off the stool and dragged Sam, who was not resisting at all, by the elbow away from the bar. Coming out of the doors of the cafe, Sam suddenly stopped, stopping Dean.
“And what was that just now, Dean?” he asked angrily.
-Who were you talking to just now?
- With a guy named John Walker, he's dating the daughter of one of the miners who was the last one to disappear. You yourself sent me to communicate with the locals and find out more about these mysterious disappearances.
- I sent you to ask questions, not to hug.
“I was just trying to be friendly, find out everything the guy wouldn’t have said otherwise.” Dean, you know it!
Dean knew. His strong point was quick reaction, action, ingenuity, weapons, fist. Collecting and analyzing information has always been Sam's strong point. But now he was shaking from something completely different.
- You smiled at him, you laughed...
- And what?
- You can laugh like that only with me! - Dean said and rushed headlong towards the Impala, waited for Sam to sit down and pulled away so that his baby squealed its tires offendedly. Having reached the motel in a matter of minutes, he jumped out of the car and in the blink of an eye disappeared behind the door of the room they had rented. Sam sat in his passenger seat for a moment, smiling in contrast to the anger Dean was almost spitting. His plan was working. But he did not sit for long. You have to strike while the iron is hot.
Entering almost behind his older brother, Sam furrowed his brows and began:
- We need to talk...
The elder Winchester shook his head.
- Later, Sammy... later.
Dean grabbed the keys to the Impala that he had thrown on the table, then threw them back, realizing that in this state he should not drive, and went to the front door, throwing over his shoulder:
- I'll go for a walk.
Returning an hour later, Dean quietly opened the door, believing that the younger one was already asleep and would postpone the debriefing until the morning. Now Dean himself didn't understand why he was so angry. Maybe Sam really did get information this way. By the way, the elder Winchester thought as he undressed and prepared for bed, he should ask the little one what he learned. And it’s good that Sam is sleeping, he wasn’t in the mood to have sex at all. The room was dark and quiet, and he didn’t really hide. Their life as hunters of evil spirits taught the brothers to sleep anywhere and in any body position.
Dean lay down in his bed, but sleep did not come. Several minutes passed and he heard some movement nearby. Sitting up on the bed, Dean glanced at the one next to him. My eyes had already become accustomed to the darkness, and the lantern in the motel parking lot was shining directly into the windows. What he saw seemed to knock the air out of Dean's lungs. He forgot how to breathe.
Sam lay on his back, the blanket thrown back, just like last night, in the light of the street lamp, his skin seemed to glow from within with its own light. Beautifully built, well equipped, Sam knew that if he had his way, chicks would hang around his neck in packs, but he didn’t need anyone except this one, looking at him now with the burning eyes of his beloved, unbearable older brother.
Closing his eyes, not looking in the direction of Dean, who began to breathe faster from the picture that opened to him, Sam pulled out a tube of lubricant from under the pillow, lubricated his palms and began to stretch himself with one hand. Now two, no, already three long beautiful fingers plunged into the anus and came out of it, glinting dimly in the light from the lubricant. With his second palm, Sam slowly caressed his heavy, engorged penis, which glistened with natural lubrication, and the artificial one was already squelching in its pretty ass.
And only when he felt his brother’s excitement, / his own was already off the charts /, Sam quietly called:
- Dean... Yours... Take...
Only a saint could refuse such a quiet invitation, and Dean was not one. And somehow the mood immediately returned...
He hit Sam like a hurricane, like a tornado, tearing off the remnants of his clothes. It seemed his hands and lips were everywhere.
Sam gasped and moaned loudly from the strength of the fulfilled desire. The foreplay was short and harsh, and now, with a muffled cry, Dean bursts into his brother’s narrow, tight passage, hitting him the entire length at once. Sam cried out in sharp pain, but quickly bit his hand. He tried to relax and soon the pain went away. He had wanted this for so long - Dina inside himself - that he now groaned from the fullness of the surging happiness.
And Dean wouldn’t be able to stop now, even if the world were facing the Apocalypse in a couple of minutes. How long had he been dreaming about this, restraining himself, giving up the role of leader in bed to his brother, repeating to himself over and over again that he would not allow himself to hurt the little one, but he could not endure it any longer.
Sam opened his eyes wide to see how beautiful his brother was in passion, moving tirelessly in the sweetest ass in the world that had attracted him for so long, pounding Sam into the bed, no longer holding back, rhythmically working his hips, then in and out, keeping his brother open only on the head of your penis. Then screwing the penis into the passage of his small one in a circular motion, looking for the prostate. Sam waved at him with delight. He wanted it so much and would never want it to stop. What pain? She came and went. What remained was the realization that Dean wanted him, that he had let go of whatever it was, that now they belonged to each other completely and completely. Dean realized that he had found what he was looking for when Sam arched under him, standing almost on the bridge, lifting his brother with him, and then they collapsed together back on the bed, exhausted from the amazing orgasm that had scattered them to pieces.
- Sorry, Sam! “I think I tore you up a little,” Dean said in an apologetic voice, propping himself up on his elbow, stroking his brother’s chest.
- It’s okay, it will pass. It was worth it! - the younger Winchester smiled, his dimples flashing even in the dark. If only you knew, Dean, how much I dreamed about this!
- I knew it, brother! I knew, well, or guessed. You always have everything written on your pretty face.
- You knew and remained silent? How much time we lost, Dean, although we could have been together a long time ago! And I... if I had known that you felt the same way as me... then maybe I wouldn't have gone to Stanford.
- But now you know and we will make up for everything.
- Do you promise? - asked a satisfied Sam, who understood that he would not hear another confession from Dean who loved him. - Sleep. Dean. I'm gonna take a shower.
“Leave me some hot water for the morning,” Dean muttered, already falling asleep.
- Definitely.
Standing under the shower, Sam continued to smile. His ass was on fire, but he was smiling. He'll tell Dean tomorrow. that the case has been solved.
The miners who hurried to the lift, having heard the explosion, abandoned a comrade covered in coal and whose restless spirit took revenge on them, luring them and pushing them into an abandoned adit, considering them guilty of their death, disappeared. Tomorrow night, he and his brother will simply salt and burn the bones of this poor fellow, just to be sure. Because the disappearances stopped after the third miner of the three survivors disappeared. The vengeful spirit of the miner, who was left to die by his comrades, did not kill for nothing.
But he will never tell his brother that the twenty and the guy playing along with him are in the bar. made Sam the happiest person.

Reading the article will take: 3 min.

The story of Dean and Sam Winchester caught my eye on the Ren TV channel about five years ago. Switching channels, I came across a scene where a strong guy shoots a ghost with a shotgun loaded with salt - I was interested. The first thought was that this series was something like “Buffy” or “Ghostbusters”, but everything turned out to be not so simple...

TV series "Supernatural"

So what is this series about? Two brothers are in constant battle with evil spirits, those same legendary monsters considered an invention from the Middle Ages. Demons, vampires, werewolves, spirits and half-forgotten gods - all these characters from fairy tales and legends have not disappeared at all, they have settled well in the modern world, collecting bloody sacrifices. What can you say - such series and films are not new and are quite common? If the creator of Supernatural, Eric Kripke, had built the storyline only on scenes of hunting evil spirits, the series would not have gained SUCH popularity.

Dean Winchester and the Reaper

The plot of “Supernatural” is unusually complex, based on the eternal battle between good and evil, each of which is very conditional. Without expecting it, Dean and Sam Winchester, brilliantly played by Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, found themselves involved in a game called “Apocalypse” - the same biblical one. The chain of events inexorably led them to the final goal, and they were destined for the role of pathetic extras - to become “meat suits” for the Archangel Michael and his brother Lucifer... They were bred by selection for the apocalyptic battle - neither for the army of heaven, nor for the army of hell themselves, Dean and Sam didn't mean anything. But the two greatest forces in terms of their power deeply miscalculated - the two brothers, at the cost of major losses and upheavals, brought down their plans.

Vampire in Supernatural

The Winchesters lead a completely asocial lifestyle, they are above the law - fake credit cards and documents, a serious arsenal of weapons in the trunk of a 1967 Chevrolet Impala, casual relationships, sleeping in roadside motels or in the back of a car. They are wanted for a number of murders in most states, but none of the creatures they killed were human - just in appearance. The only thing that has value for the brothers is human life. Dean and Sam are not familiar with those whom they save from certain death without demanding anything in return...

The Winchesters have allies among angels and demons, but each of these creatures pursues only their own personal goals, and over time the brothers understand this. What Supernatural's two main characters don't share is mindless superheroism. You involuntarily begin to respect the brothers for their readiness to sacrifice themselves - each of them will give their life for their brother, and will enter into a obviously losing battle with a powerful enemy.

Ghost Fight in Supernatural

Each of the filmed seasons (and there are six of them at the moment) are very good. The growing tension from the first to the fifth seasons is resolved unexpectedly - the guys simply had no chance of winning, but there were as many opportunities to die as they wanted (and the guys died more than once, but each time they returned to the world of the living not of their own free will). The last, 22nd episode of the 5th season is simply magnificent - the outcome is wonderfully drawn! Who would have thought that a family car would help tip the scales in favor of the brothers...

Chevrolet Impala from Supernatural

I admit: when I started watching the sixth season, I assumed that the plot of the Supernatural series was exhausted and would be boring. And I was wrong! The storyline continued its development - now friends and even close relatives of the Winchesters became their enemies. The battle continues - I look forward to the release of the full seventh season of Supernatural. And the wait is still a long time, almost six months... You can go crazy (a word from Dean Winchester’s vocabulary)...

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