Cancer and Aquarius: compatibility in love and marriage. Cancer and Aquarius - compatibility of signs in love, family and friendships

home / Feelings

Cancers are mysterious and incomprehensible creatures to others. They are patronized by the sorceress Luna, who is responsible for the emotions and mood of her strange charges and helps Cancers make life choices. 

Aquarians are brilliant individuals born under the auspices of Uranus, which is the embodiment of the ancient sky. Sparkling Uranus adores his pets and often gives them original and surprising ideas. The element of Cancers is water vapor, as strange and unpredictable as the Cancers themselves. Aquarians were born under the air element, their air is motionless, but at any second it can break free.

 Cancers are born in the summer, they are soft, vulnerable and subject to mood swings. Aquarians were born in winter, they are calm and balanced, independent and cold-blooded, although sometimes they have their head in the clouds.

While skeptical astronomers and astrologers are betting that nothing will work out for the pets of the Moon and Uranus, the stars are preparing a meeting for Cancer and Aquarius. Astrology is an exact science, but even here there are failures and surprises, and the stars hope that the union of water-air creatures can turn out to be quite interesting, and the summer-winter guys will show the world what they are capable of.

 Cancer woman and Aquarius man

The Aquarius man is an idealist and romantic. The air guy is multifaceted, his life is interesting and exciting. In the maternity hospital, Aquarius distinguished himself by asking not for food, but for the magazine “Around the World”. The Uranian pet is looking for an intelligent woman who would share all his interests. It’s easy to communicate with Aquarius; he has thousands of fans who will do anything to charm the airy guy. The ward of Uranus is unusually freedom-loving, even after getting married, Aquarius does not wear a wedding ring, but the wife must understand and forgive, because in everything else Aquarius is simply perfect. The airy hubby is an excellent family man, an inventive lover, and an amazingly thrifty fellow - he will chop wood and bake bread.


The Aquarius guy loves to communicate, he is interested in talking even with visiting builders, even with local officials, as long as the people are good. The air guy's hobbies are varied: today he photographs a timid daisy flower in the morning dew, and tomorrow he rushes to the pole to save seals.

The Cancer girl needs privacy; she will be happier sitting on a bench near the house than on a sun lounger at a luxury resort.

 And since the stars decided to introduce Aquarius and Cancer, everything will happen something like this. The boy of air is just looking for suitable subjects for new photographs: he has already traveled half the country, but everything is not the same. And then he will run past Cancer’s house and see a sweet, thoughtful lady on a bench. Aquarius will take a couple of pictures quietly, and then introduce himself importantly and ask for permission to take pictures.

The Cancer girl will rush to preen herself, and when she comes out in a new outfit, with painted lips and a chic hairstyle, Aquarius will even drop the camera with delight. Uranus's pet is already mentally prepared for fame - after all, such photographs are not ashamed to take to an exhibition. A water girl will invite a modest guy to have tea, and only Aquarius enters the house, he will understand that the matter will not end with oatmeal cookies and small talk about the weather.


The air-water guys had a great conversation, Aquarius promised to invite the Moon’s ward to his place to show the resulting photos. 

The work of the Aquarius guy was accidentally seen by a famous artist who, although he does not consider photographers creative people, in this case was completely delighted. So, Aquarius urgently changed all his plans and arranged a date with the Cancer lady at the exhibition. When the beautiful Cancer came to the meeting, she was even confused - crowds of people suddenly stared at her, began to take her autograph and declare that she was better in life than in beautiful photographs. Finally, the Moon’s pet saw the Aquarius boy, flushed with embarrassment.

The airy guy apologized profusely and thanked the water beauty for the fact that her unusual and mysterious appearance brought him such fame. 

Any lady is pleased to be admired and praised, and the Cancer lady even fainted, like Turgenev’s gentle girl. Aquarius only touched the beautiful lady of the water in order to pick her up, the airy guy seemed to be burned. She, this is She, is the same soul mate that he has been looking for throughout the world for many years - this is exactly what the impressionable and romantic Aquarius thought. The people suddenly dispersed somewhere, and the Cancer lady and the Aquarius guy were left alone. Well, Cupid, disguised as a watchman, creaked grumpily that it was time to leave the establishment.

After such an unusual date, the air-water guys are unlikely to be able to sleep, and Aquarius offered Cancer a walk under the Moon.

The lovers enjoyed life for a week and didn’t even notice that the lights in the dacha had gone out and unceremonious electricians were stamping their feet on the roof. When the lighting came on, that’s when it all started. Lady Cancer noticed not only her photos - the walls were decorated with beauties of all stripes. The water lady had never been able to deal with jealousy, but here she went completely crazy - Aquarius was even confused, they knew each other quite a bit, but what would happen next to their relationship?

And when friends come to the air guy, among whom there are some nice ladies, there will be little left of the charming Cancer lady - she will turn into an evil fury and attack the friends of poor Aquarius. 

Cupid has already sent the Cupids to bring calming decoctions to the Cancer lady, and at the same time they added love powder to the Aquarius guy’s drink so that he would not worry too much and would not lose his feelings.


The peace-loving, airy guy will forgive Cancer for all her antics, besides, he has never been so jealous in his life, and this is even interesting. In addition, the water lady will charm Aquarius in bed, and when the Cancer woman prepares coffee, the pet of Uranus will be ready to endure scandals and hysterics, just to drink the divine drink every day, prepared by the golden hands of the Cancer girl. 

The airy guy has already realized that the Cancer girl is special, which means the celebration should not be the same as everyone else’s. The wedding will be celebrated on a boat, or even on two - there will be a great many guests, besides, Aquarius promised dinner on some uninhabited island. When the bride and groom rush to swim in their wedding dresses, the invited photographers will go crazy with happiness - this is the material. Suitable guests will also gather - just have time to take pictures, either the toastmaster is portraying a mermaid, or the groom's girlfriend is playing the button accordion in the river.

In everyday life, the love boat of the wife of Cancer and the husband of Aquarius will not break - the water-air spouses will simply have no time to sort things out and quarrel. First, the airy husband will build a luxurious palace for his water princess. Aquarius loves modern homes, while Cancer prefers an old-fashioned, cozy house - combining incompatible things will be a very interesting activity. 

And here are the storks on the way, flying in a race, because Aquarius wants a girl, and Cancer wants a boy. The birds will take into account the wishes of the spouses, and the newlyweds can receive a couple of babies to order at once (Twins are born to water-air couples quite often). Cancer and Aquarius are ideal parents. Mother Cancer is kindness and care itself, and father Aquarius is a genius in everything related to children, and the children will adore their advanced father. 

After ten years of living together in a water-air couple, an idyll will come; at times, the Aquarius husband will ask his Cancer wife to sometimes remember the past, and throw tantrums with jealousy and breaking glasses - for a change.


Aquarius loves to shock others, and this quality will not go away with age. The air grandma will constantly ask the water granny to predict the future. And when strange old men dressed as gypsies wander the streets and mutter predictions, you don’t have to be surprised - these are the pets of the Moon and Uranus who received a pension, go to the nearest restaurant to celebrate this occasion, and along the way earn extra money with their fortune telling.


The Aquarius man hates routine and is looking for a job he likes. He may be an excellent scientist, or an architect, a writer or an actor. Money in itself is not of interest to Aquarius, but he loves a comfortable and interesting life, so the airy guy is not averse to replenishing his account with a couple of million bucks.

The Cancer girl prefers to work alone; if she wanted, she could not go to work at all, because from birth the water lady knows how to hypnotize people. The Moon’s pet can simply walk around the shops, look at the sellers, and they themselves will give the Cancer girl everything she wants. But the water lady is honest, so she rarely uses her gift. 

If the guys work as one team, the water-air union will turn out to be brilliant. 

Aquarius will come up with grandiose ideas, and the Cancer lady will turn on her intuition at this time and look for profitable deals.

The Cancer guy is gentle and sentimental, restless and mysterious. Cancer's mood is influenced by his patron, the Moon, which is why he can be so unpredictable. But strange guys always attract women, and the water man is no exception. Cancer may be distrustful of ladies, but if he gets carried away, he becomes affectionate and unusually romantic. Ladies fall in stacks at the feet of Cancer - after all, there is something magical, and even fatal, in the gaze of a water man. But the Moon’s pet rarely uses his hypnotic gift, preferring to woo women the old fashioned way - through courtship and declarations of love. The future wife of Cancer must understand that she will be the happiest woman on the planet if she can save Cancer from jealousy, because the water guy is a terrible owner.

The Aquarius girl is a gentle and passionate, sensual and independent person. The lady of the air loves freedom; if a fan begins to put pressure on her, she instantly offers her friendship, and nullifies any love relationships. Uranus's pet is unusually smart and talented, when in kindergarten the children read poems, the lady of the air quoted Onegin, and became engrossed in Tolstoy. Is there any doubt that Lady Aquarius will choose a husband to match herself - the husband must be at least a crown prince, or at least have the prerequisites to achieve fame and success. For a husband, the lady of the air will become a faithful friend and an inventive lover; it is impossible to get bored with your Aquarius wife, because she is always inventing something.


The Cancer boy is a calm fellow, he loves to cultivate the garden, or sit with a fishing rod. The water man loves nature, he can be found in the forest with a basket of mushrooms, or with bouquets of yellow maple leaves. 

You can talk about the hobbies of the Aquarius lady for hours, and to list them you will need many thick notebooks. The airy lady is carried away by everything in the world, and even forgets her name if she suddenly becomes interested in something.

The Aquarius girl immediately realized that her new acquaintance was an unusual and extraordinary person, and with Cancer it could be terribly interesting. Cancer didn’t think anything, because he was instantly captivated by the Aquarius lady, and was already dreaming of how he would take her to his bachelor’s hut.


Lady Aquarius, although without complexes, will not rush things, and really, what is the interest in meeting someone and immediately running off on a date? After all, Uranus’s ward should prepare for this significant event so that the Cancer guy completely loses his head.

The Aquarius lady knows how to please any man, and in the case of Cancer, she will completely surpass herself. The airy coquette will rush to beauty salons, demand that all existing anti-aging procedures be performed on her, at the same time call fashionable friends and familiar stylists, and will be one hundred percent ready for a date.

What is Cancer doing at this time? Well, of course, he thinks over the menu and thoughtfully goes through his wardrobe. At first, the water guy decided to put on a regular tracksuit, but he thought better of it in time. After all, he is smart and understands that eloquence and luxurious gifts are not enough for a first date; you also need to dress up properly.

For the first ten minutes after the meeting, the water-air guys will silently admire each other and remember their prepared speeches. Then Aquarius and Cancer will laugh, hug, and begin to eat the goodies prepared by the water guy.

 Love will come after a fabulous dinner. Of course, the matter could not have happened without Cupid, who managed to mix love powders into mineral water, milk, and champagne, and the mischief-maker stuffed shrimp with a special composition.

The airy guy apologized profusely and thanked the water beauty for the fact that her unusual and mysterious appearance brought him such fame. 

Cancer, as you know, is a shy guy, but the sweet Aquarius lady will instantly save him from modesty and numerous complexes. The water guy will slay the air lady with his temperament and passion, and the Aquarius girl will only worry about one thing: why she didn’t meet such a wonderful lover earlier.

The lady of the air will even forget that she promised to throw a party for her friends and introduce them to a new guy. But Aquarius’s friends are not particularly modest people - they will knock until they are answered by a disheveled Cancer, who decided that his granny had arrived and brought pies for dinner.

The love idyll will have to be interrupted, since the friends, although they have nothing to do with Cancer’s caring grandmother, also did not come empty-handed. They will bring a box of champagne, a mountain of oysters, and a dozen loaves of bread. While Cancer jealously looks at the Aquarius lady’s friends, she is already bragging about her new lover. Cancer will even blush with happiness when the lady of the air begins to list his advantages.

When the friends finally break up, Cancer will also break up, but in a different way. He will begin to ask his airy lover about each friend, starting from the moment of their birth, in order to find inconsistencies in the story, and to catch the insidious pet of Uranus in a lie. Until this moment, the Aquarius girl did not even know what jealousy was, and she will mentally thank fate that she did not have the opportunity to experience such torment.

And when friends come to the air guy, among whom there are some nice ladies, there will be little left of the charming Cancer lady - she will turn into an evil fury and attack the friends of poor Aquarius. 

The Aquarius lady can safely go and get a job as a psychologist - she will, perhaps, be the only woman who managed to convince the Cancer man that his jealousy has nothing to do with love, and it’s all about low self-esteem. But the air-water guys met in order to become happier, and the air girl will explain to Cancer in five minutes that he is the best and only man on earth.

The Cancer man will offer the airy lady to live together, but will ask the Aquarius girl to limit communication with friends to a minimum.

 Uranus’s ward will endure a couple of weeks without the company of cheerful friends, but then she will get bored and quietly run away to a party. 

The peace-loving, airy guy will forgive Cancer for all her antics, besides, he has never been so jealous in his life, and this is even interesting. In addition, the water lady will charm Aquarius in bed, and when the Cancer woman prepares coffee, the pet of Uranus will be ready to endure scandals and hysterics, just to drink the divine drink every day, prepared by the golden hands of the Cancer girl. 

Friends for a long time dissuaded the Aquarius lady from getting married, citing examples of couples where husbands tormented their wives with their jealousy and made their lives miserable. 

But the loving Cancer swore to Aquarius that when he wants to be jealous, he will do push-ups, and the airy lady instantly accepted the marriage proposal. The wedding will be unforgettable, the guests will be happy, and the toastmaster will every now and then look into the script and look for where the groom should perform push-ups. After all, the Cancer groom will go crazy from the abundance of handsome men who glance at the sweet Aquarius bride, but the promise must be fulfilled, and every now and then he will fall to the floor and do push-ups. By the end of the ceremony, the water groom will have pumped up his biceps so much that he will tear his smart jacket.
Cupid will let the storks go on vacation to personally visit the water-air newlyweds and make the couple happy with the birth of children.

 An Aquarius mother will cope well with an important mission and will raise her children according to the rules, sometimes deviating from the advice of methodologists and grandmothers, and doing everything in her own way. The children will be delighted with their cheerful mother and will follow her around day and night. Father Cancer is good, but with his anxiety he can drive even his mother-in-law, whose nerves are simply iron, crazy.

And here are the storks on the way, flying in a race, because Aquarius wants a girl, and Cancer wants a boy. The birds will take into account the wishes of the spouses, and the newlyweds can receive a couple of babies to order at once (Twins are born to water-air couples quite often). Cancer and Aquarius are ideal parents. Mother Cancer is kindness and care itself, and father Aquarius is a genius in everything related to children, and the children will adore their advanced father. 

The Cancer husband will even let his Aquarius wife go to parties. Secretly from his wife, Cancer has hung cameras and bugs on her outfits, and pretends that he has learned to deal with jealousy. The Aquarius wife has long noticed all the beacons and other details that her hubby has provided, but pretends that she is in the dark - but everyone is calm, and there is peace and grace in the water-air family.
The Aquarius girl is sociable and independent; children constantly crowd around her to listen to interesting stories. Baby Cancer usually sits shyly in a corner and is afraid to come up and meet the airy girl he really likes.

The Cancer guy is unusually touchy, but he will forgive Uranus’s pet everything - both pranks and her eternal desire for a big company. Cancer will take revenge on all the suitors of Aquarius who offended her - the air girl will constantly wonder where her unlucky admirers have gone.

Old age will not be an obstacle to the friendly relationship between Cancer and Aquarius. Grandpa Cancer will constantly grind fresh vegetables and fruits for his beloved old lady Aquarius, and grandma air will bring students water to the old man, because Cancer needs to share his witchcraft gift with someone.


The Cancer man is in no hurry to become an adult, and for a long time searches for his own path, winning at the casino and the lottery along the way. But the water guy is persistent and will definitely succeed. The Aquarius woman is a conscientious and disciplined person, you can always rely on her, and any entrepreneur will be happy to work with her.

The lady of the air dreams of making humanity happy, forgetting even about herself, so long as her ideas are useful to people. She is not very interested in money, but Lady Aquarius loves quality things and expensive food, so she does not resist when they promise her a big salary. The Aquarius lady and the Cancer guy are lucky in life, therefore, by joining forces, they can achieve incredible results in any area.

Even if for some reason the company of Cancer and Aquarius goes bankrupt, water-air businessmen will not panic. After all, Cancer will instantly turn on his intuition, gather a team of water clairvoyants just like him, and find a way out of any situation. And the Aquarius lady will be able to write hundreds more business plans at this time, which will be the envy of any richer person on the planet. 

The pets of the Moon and Uranus have no rivals; on the contrary, all competitors are ready to kneel if only the Cancer man and Aquarius woman would take them into their friendly team.

But with us it’s the other way around... I’m a Cancer, and he’s an Aquarius (July 16, 1995 and February 3, 1997). And it was I who, as he says, frayed his nerves and it was he who opened his veins because of me and there were attempts to throw himself under the train. Most likely, the relationship between a boa constrictor and a rabbit does not exist, since Aquarius personally does not affect me as you wrote. Well, which one of us is a rabbit and which one is a boa constrictor? Moreover, I don’t suffer for him at all, but because of me he becomes an alcoholic and I feel sorry for the boy, he’s not himself.

Milana, if this is not “The Boa Constrictor and the Rabbit,” then what? What are all these nerves, opening veins and rehearsing the role of Anna Karenina performed by a man?
The overall percentage of compatibility is 82% (not everyone manages to meet such a couple in life)
Emotional 96% (maximum)
Intelligent 75% (high)
Cardiac 97% (maximum)
Creative 36%
Upper 80% (high)

We’ve already talked about your signs - Cancer (you) and Aquarius (him). Accordingly, he is kind of like a “Boa Constrictor”, and for him you are a “Rabbit”. However, serious adjustments to the pair are made by the characters according to Pythagoras: you have a confident leadership 1111 and a soft 11 for him. And the funniest thing in the finale: the guy got even in temperament: 5 for him and 4 for you. As a result, the cards are as confused as possible.

Well, if you were 10 years older, you would have taken a completely different experience from this relationship. And so youthful maximalism and its characteristic inability and reluctance to build, value and develop something (alas, this is typical for 90% of young partners in relationships) multiplied by the girl’s advantage in age and character, and then all this raised to the degree of intensity of the couple’s passions “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit” led to a fierce, but usual for such a couple, confrontation. The rabbit won based on his own strength and the weakness of his partner’s character. Although, to be honest, there is nothing to be happy about. Both will remember this relationship as a madhouse for the rest of their lives.

Thank you very much for your timely feedback!
Soooo nice!!! I was really looking forward to it and am extremely grateful! Conventional male levels - physical, intellectual, creative - it seems like there was no such combination with anyone, with the last girl, again, physical. the level is not compatible, but this is compensated by creative interest *_*! Which, as you correctly noted, was not the case with other representatives of the fair sex.
A question arose about the “female” chakras - they still somehow influence a man (his behavior), right? For example, in order to find a suitable partner, it is necessary to take into account the emotional component - it is its presence that helps to reason about the presence of deep feelings between partners. How does a man’s attitude towards a woman change under the influence of conventionally female chakras? Is it possible to talk about truly deep feelings when there are coincidences in emotions and intellect?
By the way, I wondered why he couldn’t decide for a long time – maybe it’s a matter of the higher chakra? With almost everyone there is a high percentage of compatibility in this regard (except for 08/14/1991, but there the relationship was really built on physical attraction - but as soon as the girl began to “run” after the man, interest faded away).
Only everything was resolved more simply: the hero seems to be with the lady “07/11/1993” (not with the last one!) =D I’ll make an amendment - he was in love with her for a long time, but he hid his feelings and kept everything to himself, he was afraid (most likely) to be rejected. I already knew these three girls BEFORE talking to me. Our contact with him was an accident - we were fond of games, administered one server and a forum (yeah, it was the “creative” chakra that had a big influence here, oddly enough!). It all grew into friendship... And later she admitted to him that she had fallen in love with him, to which she received the answer that his icy heart did not waver = (Such things =D I tried to explain to myself that there were too many obstacles and he was not attracted to him as a girl) Friends also said that he was completely doesn’t value our communication... After a while, he revealed that he was simply attached to me... Lately, I really considered myself a burden, I found out that he was lying to me. I think that if I don’t mean anything to a person, what’s the point of imposing myself? =) You won’t be nice by force, alas)
Now everything seems to be fine with him, he doesn’t remember me, he’s establishing good contact with that girl (they study together in the same group and at the same university). Honestly? I'm happy for him, this may sound very strange, but it's true. I hope that he understands himself and still, with his penchant for family values, will not cheat on her, she is very sweet and deserves the best. :)

But with us it’s the other way around... I’m a Cancer, and he’s an Aquarius (July 16, 1995 and February 3, 1997). And it was I who, as he says, frayed his nerves and it was he who opened his veins because of me and there were attempts to throw himself under the train. Most likely, the relationship between a boa constrictor and a rabbit does not exist, since Aquarius personally does not affect me as you wrote. Well, which one of us is a rabbit and which one is a boa constrictor? Moreover, I don’t suffer for him at all, but because of me he becomes an alcoholic and I feel sorry for the boy, he’s not himself.
Nika, you sent an interesting continuation of the story, which cannot be ignored.

Firstly, you didn’t immediately say the order of appearance of all the girls in the guy’s life. Therefore, I decided that you were at the beginning and, due to strong compatibility, formed a pattern with him. But it turns out that the pattern was formed before you and you simply fit into it successfully. Hence the friendship and close communication. And there is no smoke without fire: since you decided to admit to him that you fell in love, it means there was a reason for this, including on his part.

And, secondly, I think that your assessment of the situation and explanation to yourself is close to the truth. If they didn’t attract you, if it didn’t work out, then it wasn’t destiny. Alas, the cockroaches in another person’s head are beyond our control. Still, it’s a matter of calculation, and guys also have their own criteria for selecting girls: some like thin girls, some plumper, some blondes, and some only brunettes. And, if you don’t fit into his image (and it’s no secret that guys choose primarily based on it), then it’s unlikely that a favorable calculation will give you a chance to get out of the friend zone. Although many girls, in terms of “compatibility” criteria, do not lag behind the appearance criteria of guys: for some girls, “100% compatibility” happens only with someone who has an apartment in Moscow, a decent job and a car, and in a deep village for 100% It’s enough that you don’t drink and do housework :) So everyone chooses a partner for themselves according to their personal priorities.

So, I repeat: your appearance next to this guy, communication, recognition and then his defensive reaction (I see this as a defense) in terms of devaluing your communication is not at all accidental. But since this story haunts you (and this is obvious), it would be better to bring it up for discussion in order to finally complete it. I’m sure, Nika, that no less interesting stories await you in the future, but I really hope that there will be more successful stories for you :))

Now the questions:
Question about the “female” chakras - they still somehow influence a man (his behavior), right? For example, in order to find a suitable partner, is it necessary to take into account the emotional component?
- Of course they do. After all, each of us has all 7 chakras. It’s just that women in life live more by emotions, heart, intuition, and men live more by physics, intellect and creativity. The key word here is “more.” In fact, each sex is not alien to the energy of the opposite sex. How it works: let’s take, for example, Nikolai Valuev. A man, a boxer, a mountain of physical strength, quickly thinks in the ring, how to hit, how to dodge, analyzes the opponent’s actions and comes up with tactics on how to hit him in the forehead. It would seem, what kind of emotions and heartfelt love are there? However, look at his family photos and especially with children - there you will see a completely different person. And in family conditions, he exhibits qualities (chakras) that are different from those that he has to use outside of it.

It’s the same in relationships in general: a man and a woman can find a million reasons to get closer. But in order for this rapprochement in the family hearth, which, by the way, is the sphere of responsibility of a woman, to be successful, it is recommended to have compatibility, first of all, on female levels, and especially in emotions. So that the overall emotional background is comfortable and positive for both. But in work, in business, in business, which is already a more male sphere, you need coherence of mind, the ability to work in a team, to quickly come up with actions against competitors - i.e. intelligence, creativity. If sports, then also physics.

After all, the essence of a relationship is that it is not a woman who needs a man to show her “masculine” chakras, but, on the contrary: a man needs a woman to reveal his emotional, heartfelt and intuitive levels. And, since the game follows the rules of a woman, then the corresponding levels dominate here. And if, as you ask, intelligence is still present, then this is not bad either. But it should not be decisive.

By the way, I wondered why he couldn’t decide for a long time – maybe it’s a matter of the higher chakra?
I'm inclined to think it's more like this:
- first: I was not ready to approach a partner with character 6 and spent a long time preparing for the next challenge
- second: in the end it turned out that “Rabbit” was a more manageable object for him than the other partners. And the “Rabbit”, naturally, is always dependent on the “Boa Constrictor”, and this is what your guy, apparently, is primarily looking for. And the mutual attraction between “Rabbit” and “Boa” is always so special that at first it blinds both of them. That's the result.

Good afternoon. There is no situation as such - there are questions, because there is some kind of incompleteness and something does not let go. There were love relationships, they broke up too quickly, after a while they resumed again in the form of friendship, flowed back into love and stopped again. Now it's the friendship phase again. Woman 07/14/1977 and man 02/04/1976. I see and feel from the elements that for me - Water feels good with Water or Earth, with Fire it is very difficult, there is no contact or everything is explosive, but about Air - they just do everything in a non-specific and vague way, but there are no conflicts. I am a Cancer - a snake (as I say - a chameleon and will fit into anyone) and the question about this compatibility - my intuition tells me that there will be a lot more in this relationship. Or more illusions? I also made a Pythagorean calculation on your website - I have a family background - there are no numbers (I have not been married, but I am striving to start a family). I was really upset at this place.

But with us it’s the other way around... I’m a Cancer, and he’s an Aquarius (July 16, 1995 and February 3, 1997). And it was I who, as he says, frayed his nerves and it was he who opened his veins because of me and there were attempts to throw himself under the train. Most likely, the relationship between a boa constrictor and a rabbit does not exist, since Aquarius personally does not affect me as you wrote. Well, which one of us is a rabbit and which one is a boa constrictor? Moreover, I don’t suffer for him at all, but because of me he becomes an alcoholic and I feel sorry for the boy, he’s not himself. Irina, as always, women's intuition does not let its owner down. This concerns the sense of the elements. But about your pair of Cancer and Aquarius it’s already more interesting. The unknown pull in your relationship is due to the type of pairing of your signs - “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit”. As has been said more than once, this attraction is perhaps one of the most powerful among all combinations of signs, the nature of which is rapid, but at the same time fatal. You really have something in common - topics for conversation (intellectual compatibility), friendly feelings (heart compatibility), intuitive positive perception of your partner (more on your feminine side, Irina, due to intuitive compatibility). Therefore, warm friendly relations are quite favorable for your couple. But you are the same sex, and you are also a “Boa Constrictor” with a “Rabbit”, so you, of course, want more. Yes, by the way, the “Rabbit” in this pair is you, Irina. Therefore, until your couple’s relationship goes through the prepared scenario of “passion from the first meeting - attraction - romance - Rabbit’s broken heart,” you are unlikely to calm down. So far, you have only reached the point of romantic relationships, which is really strange. Alternatively, emotional dissonance at some point pushed you, Irina, away from your Boa constrictor partner. It can also be assumed that you quickly extinguished his weak temperament in relation to you (he has 2 - you have 6) and the spark of passion (namely, it is what attracts the “Rabbit” to the “Boa” most of all) went out. So you are right, this relationship is more of an illusion. About family: in fact, a more correct and detailed interpretation of this quality according to Pythagoras lies not only in the desire to create a family, but also in a person’s self-determination as a family member, in his self-realization through the family, etc. And for a type of family like yours, Irina, a partner with a higher level of family, who would be able to bear all the family hardships on himself, would be more suitable. Therefore, there is no reason to be upset - it’s just a feature. Z.y. I promise everyone who asks about 0 in the family to add these lines, but I keep forgetting.

Cancer and Aquarius are not conflicting zodiac signs, but they don’t have much mutual understanding either. The difference in the elements will make itself felt - the heaviness of water and the lightness of air interfere with the harmony of relationships. Despite the fact that Cancer and Aquarius will never become one, with mutual interest these people can find a common language.

CANCER man and AQUARIUS woman

A Cancer man and an Aquarius woman are pleasant to each other, but if they are connected by common affairs, they are unlikely to achieve great success. Cancer lacks decisiveness, and Aquarius lacks responsibility. They most likely will not have conflicts, because Cancer does not like women who oppress and stress him, and Aquarius has a compliant and easy-going character. The degree of closeness of these people directly depends on their desire to be together, so if we are talking about personal relationships, mutual sympathy will outweigh the weaknesses of this union.

♋ + ♒: In love

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— The Cancer guy perceives the Aquarius girl as a sweet and frivolous creature, so he will take responsibility for the development of the relationship. He does not take his companion seriously, so initially he does not build illusions about her and does not try to change her.

After a while, pleasant meetings will captivate the guy, and he himself will not notice how attached he becomes to his beloved. Even if he did not plan a long-term relationship, most likely he will choose this girl. From this moment on, the behavior of Cancer will change, and the Aquarius girl will be sincerely surprised. If before the young man did not control her at all, now he will try to accompany her everywhere, be jealous out of nowhere and look for a potential threat to the relationship in her wide circle of friends.

The girl will not be delighted with this turn of events - Aquarians love freedom, so they perceive an invasion of their personal space painfully. Unfortunately, a Cancer guy can only express the strength of his feelings in this way. He is an owner, a little selfish, so he will want to occupy the main place in the life of his beloved. The girl will decide the future fate of the relationship, and if she values ​​this connection, she will try not to provoke her beloved to jealousy, but if she is not ready for such a sacrifice, a breakup is inevitable.

♋ + ♒: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION— Cancer and Aquarius spouses quarrel a lot because they are used to living completely differently. For a Cancer man, home comes first, but his wife is not the best housewife, which will greatly upset him. He will have to take on a significant part of the household chores, but in his opinion it is the woman who should create comfort, so there will be complaints on his part.

The Aquarius wife does not radically change her lifestyle after the wedding and spends a lot of time at home. Her husband loves a relaxing holiday in a family environment, but will often be left alone. For his wife, numerous girlfriends are of great importance, who, in the husband’s opinion, always appear at the wrong time. If the spouses are planning to spend a day off together, and one of the wife’s friends calls with another heart-warming love story, the wife may change her plans at the moment and rush with consolations. After this, the husband may boycott her for several days, or even force her to choose between herself and active communication with the whole world.

There will also be quarrels about spending money. Cancer is not used to wasting money, and his Aquarius wife does not consider it necessary to save and consult about expensive, but not practical acquisitions. In the heat of a quarrel, the husband will be accused of greed, and the wife of squandering. If spouses do not get tired of constant clashes on any occasion, over time they can develop immunity to each other’s claims. A marriage in which the Cancer man is significantly older than his wife will be stronger.

♋ + ♒: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION- A trusting relationship between an Aquarius girl and a Cancer guy is excluded due to different worldviews, so in this case it is out of the question. If for some reason these people do communicate, their conversations will be on neutral topics and a distance will be felt between them. A Cancer guy will never open his soul to a talkative and sociable Aquarius, because he will be afraid that everyone around the girl will know about his story very soon. For Aquarius, Cancer is too closed, and therefore does not encourage rapprochement.

AQUARIUS man and CANCER woman

For a Cancer woman, an Aquarius man is too unpredictable, so it is very difficult for her to trust him. It is better for this couple not to start any joint affairs, so as not to quarrel to smithereens. Neutral communication on abstract topics can be very pleasant, because the Cancer woman listens attentively, and Aquarius charges her with positivity. Bringing these people together will not be easy or quick, but they do not annoy each other, so there is a chance.

♒ + ♋: In a love relationship

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY— For an Aquarius guy, meeting a girl is a trivial matter, but a representative of the Cancer sign sees nothing but flirting in communicating with him. Even if a young man has the most serious intentions, he will need time to convince his chosen one of this.

Aquarius has a real talent for getting anyone to talk, even the uncommunicative Cancer. It is unlikely that the relationship will immediately become trusting, but the girl will at least be interested in a cheerful and pleasant guy. On her part, there may be jealousy towards his many friends, with whom the young man spends most of his time. Conflicts on this basis are unlikely to happen, because Aquarius tries to take the girl with him everywhere, and she will have an excellent opportunity to make sure that the guy’s sociability does not pose a threat to their love relationship. Soon she will get tired of accompanying her beloved, because his social circle is not interesting to her, after which things will calm down a little.

If lovers truly value their happiness, each of them will be interested in understanding the other, and soon they will begin to adopt the best qualities from each other. The Aquarius guy will become more serious and responsible, and the Cancer girl will learn to treat people with more trust.

♒ + ♋: Married

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY“Despite the huge difference in the worldview and life values ​​of these people, they can complement each other and create a strong family. An Aquarius man rarely has any serious occupation and achieves success in his career. On the other hand, this is not so important, because he knows how to navigate difficult situations and his family does not starve. The Cancer woman believes that only a serious attitude to work can provide a decent standard of living, but her husband is not as responsible as she would like. For an Aquarius, it is commonplace not to fulfill an order on time or to let down the entire work team with an invented illness. Oddly enough, his superiors appreciate him because at the last moment he knows how to mobilize his strength and bring to fruition the amount of work that he had been putting off until later from the first days of the month. Over time, the Cancer woman will stop worrying about her husband’s threat of dismissal and will understand that she can rely on him.

After the wedding, the Aquarius spouse continues to spend a lot of time with friends. The wife is not happy about this, but she is characterized by maternal care for her husband, therefore, when accompanying him to a bar or fishing, she will first of all make sure that he dresses warmly and has lunch before going out.

Sexual compatibility is very good. Both love romance, a mesmerizing intimate atmosphere, and experiments in bed. Even after many years of living together, Cancer and Aquarius remain interesting to each other, and this is greatly reflected in other areas of life. The mutual love of the spouses will not cool down if they do not demand the impossible from each other and look for reasons for quarrels out of nowhere.

♒ + ♋: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— The Aquarius guy and the Cancer girl don’t have friendly feelings for each other - they are too different. Each of them spends their leisure time in their own way; most likely, they do not have common friends. If Cancer and Aquarius are relatives, then the guy will always cheer the girl up with funny jokes, and she will surround him with care. If there is no relationship, but young people spend a lot of time together, most likely this is not, but the beginning of a love relationship.

Video: CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

Although the signs belong to different elements, the compatibility of Aquarius and Cancer is based on the similarity of their temperaments. Each of them looks at the world through rose-colored glasses and is carried away by everything mysterious.

Common interests give Aquarius and Cancer a good chance of compatibility in love. If only the couple can avoid the pitfalls that the love horoscope warns about.

Compatibility of Cancer and Aquarius in love relationships

To find out whether Cancer and Aquarius are compatible enough, the astrological characteristics of both zodiac signs will help. The Sun passes through the first of them from June 21 to July 22, through the second - from January 21 to February 18.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon and belongs to the element of Water. This is a very calm sign that does not like to “muddy the waters”, preferring to quietly lie back in a cozy family nest. It is not for nothing that its astrological symbol is depicted as a mother with a child. Attachment to home is aggravated if a person is born with the Moon or Ascendant in this zodiac sign. It is very difficult to stir up the hermit in this case. In addition, his sentimentality and tendency to get hung up on trifles only limits his movement through life.

Monotony does not scare him; he is happy to live slowly, away from turbulent events. In love, the same calm signs are suitable for a hermit: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Taurus, Virgo. But the compatibility of the signs Cancer and Aquarius is not always ideal. This sign relates to Air, which gives a person an unimaginable breadth of soul. He is interested in everything, he is open to communication. In a word, he strives to be at the center of all events. But in a locked room, he will quickly get bored and instantly slip away from the passionate but stuffy embrace.

CANCER + AQUARIUS - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility of Aquarius man and Cancer woman

Compatibility of Cancer man and Aquarius woman

Compatibility Horoscope - Aquarius

Compatibility of Aquarius with the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer

Compatibility of the sign of Cancer with the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Pisces

Cancer and Aquarius

Among the zodiac signs, Pisces, Gemini, Aries, Libra are suitable for him. The contradiction in temperament of Cancer and Aquarius hardly makes them compatible. And yet the stars are not so categorical and give them a chance for well-deserved happiness.

The relationship between Aquarius and Cancer, oddly enough, is built on a successful combination of the opposites of their characters. The slowness and indecisiveness of the latter is compensated by the wild imagination of the former, his ability to maneuver on the crest of a wave and be self-confident. At the same time, Cancer is fascinated by the courage, talents and willpower of Aquarius; the compatibility of the signs benefits from their mutual complementation of each other.

It should be borne in mind that a water sign is very susceptible to the influence of the Moon, its mood and aggressiveness change following the change of lunar phases. Knowing about this pattern, you can cleverly use the moment and smooth out the rough edges in the union of Aquarius with Cancer. This is especially easy to do if he is Cancer and she is Aquarius; the compatibility of such a couple is very high.

Another feature of the pair of Aquarius and Cancer is the latter’s desire for dominance in the relationship.

His air partner will not like excessive leadership and being forced to make the necessary decision, and he will hasten to retreat. It will be possible to soften the confrontation in a pair of a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman. If the girl gives up her desire for independence, and the guy reduces the pressure on her, then the stars’ reviews about compatibility in the pair “he is Cancer, she is Aquarius” will be positive.

Compatibility between an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man

At first glance, the Cancer man and Aquarius woman seem to be an example of an ideal family. The husband provides household income; his other half, with his magnificent appearance, evokes envious glances from surrounding men and their wives. In fact, behind the seemingly successful compatibility of the Aquarius and Cancer woman there is a misunderstanding and opposite characters.

The sentimental Cancer man lives by past stories and values ​​age-old family foundations; his compatibility with the progressive Aquarius woman becomes more doubtful with each passing year. If at the beginning of a romantic friendship a guy was excited by the girl’s unbridledness and extravagance, then after years of marriage this delight subsided, revealing misunderstanding and rejection of such unpredictability.

Quiet family evenings and seclusion - this is the ideal life for a homebody hermit. But the cozy homely little world lovingly built by the Cancer man shudders from the Aquarius woman’s attempts to pull her husband out of his shell. Bored, she tries to reform literally everything: from his clothing style to the interior decoration of the house.

Naturally, a conservative man will zealously defend his right to the usual order of things. He does not share his friend’s love for noisy companies and parties; he is even wary and hostile towards guests. If the spouses do not understand that there are personal boundaries that cannot be questioned, then compatibility in the pair “he is Cancer, she is Aquarius” will develop dramatically.

For example, become vegetarians, become interested in esotericism or astrology, and introduce innovative ideas in raising children into practice. This can be any activity that will unite the spouses and direct their energy into the peaceful direction of the patroness of love and the house of Venus.

A joint business can support compatibility in a couple of Aquarius and Cancer women if the partners are able to correctly divide responsibilities among themselves. Busyness at work, combined with the ability to restrain impulses and give in, will provide a union where “he is Cancer, she is Aquarius” harmonious compatibility in marriage. But concessions must be mutual and supported by strong love and the desire of the partners to be together.

An equally favorable option for compatibility between an Aquarius and Cancer woman is a situation where Aquarius and Cancer live separately from each other. For example, a man may have another family or live with his parents (the latter is typical for this sign even in adulthood). In such relationships there are advantages for each of the signs: everyday life does not become a cause of quarrels, which makes the impractical Aquarius girl incredibly happy, and their compatibility with Cancer in sex comes to the fore.

When the stars sweat, they do not predict surprises for the couple: both signs do not experience uncontrollable physical attraction to each other, their sexual games will even seem boring to other zodiac signs. Are Aquarius and Cancer sexually compatible? Definitely yes.

Cancer woman and Aquarius man

The romance between a Cancer woman and an Aquarius man begins quickly. The girl likes that her chosen one is bursting with ideas and showers her with pleasant surprises and gifts. It is not difficult for Aquarius to win a Cancer girl; their horoscope compatibility, however, is not the easiest.

Both signs are seen by others as eccentrics, romantic dreamers, poorly adapted to life. Many people do not understand the compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Cancer girl. At first, the relationship of this couple really develops harmoniously. Soft in communication and at the same time active, multifaceted lover attracts a fan. It is unlikely that other zodiac signs are as compatible in sex as Cancer and Aquarius. However, soon after declaring their love for each other, they will see the differences between them.

The Aquarius man will be surprised by the Cancer woman’s attempts to take a leading position in their relationship, and her desire for financial stability may even be regarded by him as greed. In fact, for a girl of this sign it is important to provide herself with an insurance fund, and her saving of every penny “for tomorrow” is due precisely to this desire. Acquisitiveness is more developed in Cancers born in the year of the Dragon or Monkey according to the eastern horoscope.

In turn, the girl does not want to put up with her partner’s carelessness. She is attached to home and does not want to exchange it for dubious adventures and long journeys. The Cancer woman will try to tie the Aquarius man to her, constantly involving him in solving everyday problems: from shopping for groceries to renovating the house. But Aquarius is unlikely to be compatible with the quiet joys of Cancer. He will happily trade watching TV together for a meeting with friends.

Their compatibility in a love relationship can be disrupted by everyday issues.

An economical and practical girl will be annoyed by the carelessness of her life partner. Quarrels over scattered things and furniture rearranged from their usual places are unlikely to make Cancer and Aquarius compatible in marriage. She doesn’t understand her partner’s desire to stand out from the crowd (at least with original laces on his shoes, or even better – by challenging social rules).

However, Aquarius’ actions turn out to be a mystery to himself. His spontaneity and inconsistency only complicate compatibility in the pair “he is Aquarius, she is Cancer.” His absent-mindedness and inattention to the established order in the house are regarded by his wife as a challenge to her. The situation is also heated by the Aquarius man’s tendency to make fun of his chosen one; the Cancer girl is hardly compatible with this and will respond with violent indignation. Fortunately, their quarrels do not last long. Both signs are easy-going and after some time can communicate quite peacefully.

Another reason for problems in the compatibility of the couple “she is Cancer, he is Aquarius” is the frivolity of the latter. Without attaching much importance to family values ​​and marital responsibilities, a man can cheat, dooming the union of Aquarius and Cancer to a break in relations. Moreover, there is no need to guess who abandoned whom. A jealous and constant girl will not forgive her betrayal of her chosen one, and thick armor will protect her from too strong an emotional shock.

To maintain love and strengthen the compatibility of an Aquarius and a Cancer woman, both of them should learn to talk to each other and convey their grievances in a calm tone. A mutual search for compromise is this couple’s chance for happiness in family life. A woman should abandon her habit of imposing her standards and habits on her beloved, and her chosen one should treat his beloved more respectfully and seriously. In marriage, partners born under these zodiac signs should give each other more freedom, pacify their curiosity and not demand that their spouse turn their soul inside out.

Often in a couple where he is Aquarius and she is Cancer, the girl surrounds her beloved with essentially maternal care. This quality is generally characteristic of hermits. Oddly enough, in the case of Aquarius, this technique is exactly what is needed. Her endless reminders about important meetings, preparing him food for a snack at work, clearing away rubble from his clothes - all this does not anger the man, but helps him become more organized. This is a big plus of compatibility between an Aquarius man and a Cancer girl. Without his neat and punctual life partner, a man risks remaining an absent-minded and always late eccentric.

Now the answer to the question: are Aquarius and Cancer compatible is this: yes, if both make enough efforts to establish relationships with each other. Mutual understanding, support and true love are a good reward for your efforts and concessions.

The relationship between the Zodiac signs - Cancer and Aquarius - can honestly be stressful for two partners. Cancer is a very sensitive zodiac sign, but can also often be quite rude when it feels the need to set strong boundaries in its relationships with people. Aquarius is an innovator. He always wants to change something, fix it, do it his own way.

This interesting combination of zodiac signs has great potential to change your overall future. Moreover, it is quite possible to change each other for the better, and change the world itself around us. These two Signs have something very close, very similar and very necessary for each other. You need to find the line between their worlds and just direct everything in the right direction - and then everything will work out great!

Cancer is usually loyal and honest, except in situations where he is afraid of an aggressive reaction from his loved one. With Aquarius, they could share a lot but... The liberal nature of Aquarius may seem crazy in relation to Cancer, because the honesty of their partner can be clouded by a feeling of mistrust. This is a difficult thing for both of them because neither of them wants to lie, but yet they don't seem to trust each other with their future.

Both Cancer and Aquarius can be ambitious. They want to find their way and walk along it very smoothly and carefully. Neither of them likes conflicts, but it often happens that conflicts somehow arise themselves, and these two know nothing more than to quarrel. But it all passes and is forgotten very quickly.

Cancer may be old-fashioned, attached to tradition and routine, with morals more conservative than progressive, but he loves novelty. Aquarius, on the other hand, is a very modern and probably numb person with routine, in whom Cancer sometimes finds solace, which Aquarius really likes. He loves to serve someone.

Cancer may be intrigued by the Aquarius lover, but this traditional Crab may break down trying to keep up with this revolutionary's mind. Although Aquarius will not appreciate Cancer's possessiveness, he can quite comfortably settle down around the serious and strict Cancer. It’s hard for the two of them to admit this, but the fact is clear.

Cancer and Aquarius are able to combine their strengths in intellectual activity. The Cancer mind is sensitive enough to pay attention to the details of interpersonal relationships when Aquarius is unable to do so. Together they could accomplish many “world feats” by connecting their minds.

Between these zodiac signs there may be problems in communication and understanding each other. Cancer is ruled by the Moon - the fastest celestial body in the sky - but he is not very quick to recognize what is hidden behind the words of Aquarius. It is difficult for Aquarius to express their inner state, due to the fact that Cancer has problems with understanding.

Cancer is against being controlled by Aquarius. Cancer is an absolutely independent person. He knows better what suits him, why he does different things that may seem very strange to Aquarius. Cancer must know where Aquarius is at any given second, what he is doing, what he is doing, who is with him, why he is doing it, why he is there, when he will be home.

Aquarius will be outraged by this - and the Cancer partner will also be outraged by the fact that Aquarius can go out all day and not even receive a single message from his partner, not a single call about how he is doing. In such cases, we need to look for a compromise, a way out of the situation, we need to help each other. Cancer must learn not to suffocate Aquarius, and Aquarius must learn to take it with interest!

When Cancer and Aquarius create their love, it can be completely random. But these two opposites are so attractive to each other. They don't look at others, they know better what they need.

The Moon is the rule and element of Cancer; Saturn and Uranus rule Aquarius. The moon is quite radiant, it has feminine energy; and Saturn is cool, reserved, masculine energy flows in it, cold warmth. The Moon is emotional and preoccupied with various problems, she is worried about career growth, and worries about housekeeping, which is certainly included in the life of Cancer.

Saturn deals with the hard work and discipline required to achieve certain goals, while Uranus symbolizes thought, which is constantly reincarnated. This combination makes sense for Aquarius, since he is a futurist who does not try to get his hands dirty with labor.

While Cancer teaches Aquarius valuable lessons with an open heart, the latter may walk away from it. Aquarians are constantly looking for an opportunity to free themselves, they do not control the situation, they do not think about the consequences.

Cancer takes an emotional approach to life, Aquarius has an original, non-standard approach. While Cancer often goes into his shell, Aquarius has every opportunity to be an extrovert, walk, dance, communicate, do what his soul wants. He wants to find himself among friends, while Cancer retreats somewhere into himself. If Cancer and Aquarius can find a way to combine these qualities in a positive way, they can go somewhere together.

The best start to their relationship is guaranteed if Aquarius sees their Cancer partner as an unusual person (even a little strange). This will allow both of them to get closer to each other and can affect all other areas of their relationship. It is worth noting that not everyone can drink morning coffee in complete silence with their partner, and enjoy this silence as much as possible - as these zodiac partners can do.

The process of getting to know each other and getting to know each other for Aquarius and Cancer can go very well at first. Despite the initial emotional attraction, there are some fundamental differences - Cancer and Aquarius must open them up and be aware of what is happening. Aquarius has a lot of ideas and desires in his head, and because of this, he is not very comfortable with these emotions. Cancer, on the other hand, lives in the ocean of emotions of Aquarius and accepts it no matter how it is - both cold and passionate, hot. This situation, by the way, often helps them. Aquarius can sometimes feel that Cancer's behavior is too clingy and attached to him, and because of this, Aquarius just wants to run away - as if from a problem!

Sex between Cancer and Aquarius is often fabulous, despite the innate differences between them. Aquarius will take advantage of Cancer's feelings in a good way, and Cancer, in turn, will be intrigued by Aquarius' unusual behavior. When it comes to sex, they can help each other reach new heights! They are unpredictable, experimental and emotionally charged. Sex between a Cancer woman and an Aquarius man is like an electric instinct!

Cancer very often needs security, and if this is a woman, then she knows that the Aquarius man will protect her, this is exactly what meets all the requirements of Cancer. It happens that Cancer stimulates and gets carried away by such behavior for his own selfish purposes; often he does not get what he needs - conflicts arise. In such situations, Aquarius seems to switch off from the world of Cancer.
For Aquarius, sex is experimentation, it is always something new. This is something like a series - each episode is interesting in its own way.

Aquarius and Cancer are both ready to take on each other's sexual subjugation, either of them can play the role of a dominator in the bedroom, they love to submit to each other, they often change roles, even during the same sexual act, they are like actors in bed, but in life they don’t betray their erotic fantasies at all. It's only when the two of them go to bed that it begins. Sex between Cancer and Aquarius is very sensual, erotic, without many “inhibitions”, without anything wrong, without headaches, without “excuses”. If one wants, then the other wants. And even if these two quarreled, this is not a reason not to have sex. Cancer's erogenous zone is the chest, while the ankles and legs are the erogenous zone for Aquarius. From the very beginning they know this about each other. They love to express their sexual desires, hobbies, they are not afraid to tell each other what they want, what needs to be done differently - this is so wonderful. These sex lovers constantly want to do new things, in new conditions and crave new positions and emotions.

In a long-term relationship between this couple, the initial sexual attraction between Cancer and Aquarius will wear off over time. Well, this is understandable, because everyone constantly wants to try something new, unusual, creative. Their common connection remains, but a third thread appears, which from time to time walks somewhere along other life paths. Aquarius will not be constantly under the rule of Cancer. Cancer, in turn, will not want to constantly control Aquarius; maybe he will want it, but he will not see the need for it. It’s better to lie down quietly and take a break from life’s problems. Cancer is not crazy about surprises and he becomes embarrassed by the rapid changes of Aquarius that happen without warning - Aquarius is very unpredictable - one minute he wants one thing, but after a few seconds he is no longer interested in it - this does not make Cancer very happy. Aquarius feels like a part of this big and wonderful world. He is free as a bird, he feels free from emotional obligations. Cancer needs the participation of Aquarius in his life problems, situations, and affairs. He wants Aquarius to help him, love him, and talk about his sexual fantasies.

The sexual attraction between Aquarius Cancer is an absolutely powerful chemistry that is sketched out from the very beginning. They constantly go to the next level in intimacy, they grow and develop. If they can mix their positive and negative qualities, this is sexual luck at 5+. The wild side of their sexuality awakens at any time of the day. They completely love and feel each other in bed - and it turns them on so passionately - it brings them peace and contentment.

The extraordinary character of Aquarius does not correspond to the character of Cancer. This is what prevents a constant calm atmosphere, and this is the most difficult thing for the two of them to come to terms with. The simple-minded Cancer may be deeply alarmed by the rebellious airy behavior of Aquarius, and the latter, in turn, will not understand what they want from him.

After going through some initial difficulties, Cancer and Aquarius can be excellent parents. They can become very focused on family peace and warmth - which is good for both of them.

In family life, Cancer does not take on many responsibilities, while Aquarius can take on most of the daily activities and responsibilities.

For Aquarius, love is something intellectual, it is like an exercise, an experiment, a way to learn something new, unknown to this cool, separate and airy sign of the Zodiac. But for Cancer, love is an instinctive reaction, a warm feeling, an emotionally driven feeling, something necessary and independent, something that should constantly surround him.

When they fall in love with each other, they will not be able to end their relationship quickly.

Aquarius wants passionate love from his partner - Cancer does not understand this, but something keeps him near Aquarius. But once a strong connection is formed between them, it will be very difficult to break it.

It is worth remembering that these two zodiac signs are composed of different elements. For Aquarius, love is often more unspoken, secret, something that must be kept silent about, because those who need it feel it (according to Aquarius). Of course, Aquarius also has a romantic streak of sorts. At first, it will be very romantic: night, candles, feelings, bouquets of flowers and a bottle of wine, but this will not last long. Aquarius will feel that he no longer needs all this.

Cancer is an emotional water sign. He must definitely say “I love you” and hear the same in response. This should happen often, and even more often than often.

If the willpower to understand each other does not exist on both sides, you need to try to find a different way of expressing emotions - they know how to do this, but often do not know about it. Aquarius with Cancer can be either one air and one water, or something that can turn into a tropical storm, and not all the colors of the rainbow.

In order for Cancer to attract Aquarius to himself, he needs to find the key of communication, the key to the solution, with the help of questions, views, actions, he needs to reveal the essence of Aquarius for himself, so that the latter opens up. Aquarius is desperately independent of his surroundings, but he appreciates it, he loves every minute of his life, he is afraid of losing precious time, he knows that he can spend it to his advantage. So you can’t push all this out of the life of Aquarius, you can’t limit him in all this, you can’t demand much from him - when necessary, he himself will do so to help you, but at the same time, help himself with something, as it were such a mutual benefit.

If Cancer has already caught Aquarius and he managed to shelter him in his life, he must not take his eyes off him, that is, be very attentive to the emotions of Aquarius, because the latter may not say what suits him and what does not, he may hint, but not to reveal all the cards at once, he can do something so that Cancer understands him, but not talk about it. If Cancer learns to do this, then he will have a chance to become an ideal for Aquarius. If Cancer learns to stimulate Aquarius to the desired actions, words, and think differently intellectually, then Aquarius will even begin to show respect for Cancer and invite him to do something together. Such a life duet can be completely successful.

Cancer values ​​knowledge almost as much as Aquarius values ​​information. This is a subtle connection between their worlds. Cancer prefers stability in an intimate relationship with one partner, while Aquarius values ​​​​its freedom, intelligence and new acquaintances. There is a difference between their worlds that may seem insurmountable, but if they hold on to their love, they will overcome anything.

Both signs are very caring, both are “compassionate”, who are able to share their happiness with others, those who need it. Of course, compassion is directed in different directions - Cancer will move heaven and earth, for example, to protect both the minister and at the same time his loved ones; Aquarius will happily ignore loved ones in order to perform good deeds for the disadvantaged, for ministers. But still, they admire each other's efforts. Compatibility between Aquarius and Cancer is, first of all, a rather selfless union, as it seems to them, but until such time as these two reveal all their cards to each other.

It will most likely work out very well initially, however in the long run it will likely remain unsatisfactory unless there is a general compromise with each other.

Cancer is a partner who wants quite a lot of love and affection, and a little less pleasure and excitement than Aquarius. The lack of emotional connection in the bedroom between these two signs will likely make the marriage more unemotional and in need of something more.

Both Aquarius and Cancer have a high level of determination. Aquarius is a fixed sign and will not waver from goal to goal. Cancer is a cardinal sign and will always take different measures to achieve its goals. Here is another key to a wonderful relationship between two partners, who, in addition to their loved ones, can also become each other’s friends.

Cancer can happily bring a lot of warmth and depth to the overly rational mind of Aquarius, while Aquarius can bring some new ways of thinking to Cancer, who sometimes gets stuck in the mud of relationships and doesn't know how to get out of there.

In order to attract Cancer, to invite him to casual, cozy, even intimate meetings, you have to try very hard. Cancer loves flirting and compliments. He loves to be praised, he loves to be the center of attention, he is the only one. He and only he in the whole world is so perfect. You need to praise your hobby, say that what he does is great, he enjoys it, then he opens up and begins to feel sympathy for the person who says this. Aquarius, in joint activities with Cancer, must share his daily and weekly social affairs, meetings, events, he must dedicate Cancer to his affairs, who will be interested in all this, unless, of course, this is imposed on Cancer.

While Cancer will want to stay at home, go on a family picnic in the park or go shopping with their partner, Aquarius will seek out the tallest skyscraper and desire extraterrestrial solaces. The key activity that can truly bond them is travel.

Together they want to go far and everywhere. Aquarius always wants extreme sports: to fly by plane, by boat, while Cancer wants to travel safely and easily by train or car.

Cancers have a constant need for security and love from Aquarius.

The Aquarius man, with his thirst for freedom, constantly makes relationships quite painful and troublesome. So it turns out that relationships can only be developed when the emotions of Cancer come forward before the intellectual thinking of Aquarius.

This union of Cancer and Aquarius cannot be called the most suitable. Cancers are too emotional, they are unable to often praise the realistic and indecisive Aquarians, who, in turn, are kind and accommodating.

But often Aquarians can get irritated by hesitant Cancers. Cancer is a water sign and Aquarius is an air sign. Aquarius sees life as an intellectual exercise, constant exploration and expansion of the mind, Cancer is more pragmatic. Cancer stops to ask, “how are you feeling?” While Aquarians continue to ask “what else needs to be done?” It may be difficult for one to get where the other comes, and conflicts may arise because of this. If Aquarius becomes too cool and pretentious, Cancer becomes emotionally demanding. Cancer asks for more and more, Aquarius can pull further and further.

Their worldviews are not the same. Cancer and Aquarius can learn together to move on, seek variety, but not feel the threat that may await them.

With common persistence, if they both value their relationship highly, this couple will never be sad. When they walk together, they constantly think about each other. In addition, Aquarius may be bothered by Cancer's excessive emotionality. If they agree to work towards a common goal, these two can get along.

Aquarius loves to do intellectual things related to communication, meeting new people, he loves to learn, be interested, discover, feel new things, read, study, and so on. Theater and literary readings are huge developing opportunities for this zodiac sign - he is a reader and a lover of learning from someone new experience in many areas that are unknown to him. Cancer prefers low key activities. He is calm in his studies, not very diligent, he doesn’t care what happens, it’s good - and not bad in another way, he accepts everything that happens, he listens, he understands, but he doesn’t crave it, he doesn’t need a new one. information, but he is interested in news, watches a lot of educational films, he does what is interesting to him and no one else. Such characteristics are very harmoniously combined in the activities of these two signs.

Often between Cancer and Aquarius there is a cool appearance to those around them that seems friendly, but they are smart and compassionate lovers while others think they are friends.

Even with a strong attachment to home, Cancer is very adventurous (as is Aquarius). In love, he can often display possessiveness, Aquarius is his and no one else’s, he is the owner, he is the only one in his life, he is the leader in everything.

Aquarius is never in a hurry, he accomplishes his life’s feats very deliberately, slowly, he tries to please himself, he loves to be liked by others, especially his Cancer. But Cancer needs to be careful, because Aquarius may have a lot to do, and he may not have enough time for his personal life, he may forget about relationships for a while, but Cancer must remember this. This process does not mean that “Aquarius” has stopped loving him. No, no, no - this is normal for Aquarius; he can often forget what is happening in his life and not pay attention to it. The zodiac sign Aquarius needs freedom and space, he is afraid of the obligations of being tied to home, he is afraid to do one thing, routine is not for him, he loves variety, he is afraid that his precious hobby may be taken away from him - something that does not bring income, but brings pleasure. He's a little eccentric. These signs need to search their minds for something that will stimulate them as partners. They are both brave, honest and smart - together they are strength and security.

We can say that Cancer and Aquarius are not a very ordinary, but still a happy couple in most cases. Their relationship can be too stressful, but at the same time interesting. The connection between them can be very strong and passionate. Together they could open up very interesting new perspectives for each other. They both want to learn something new, they want to travel far, to learn everything in the world.

Aquarians are included in the role of another themselves - performing experiments in love and at the same time in their freedom. Cancers very often seek security and warmth from Aquarius, but their secretive nature makes it so that it becomes somehow uncomfortable. Aquarius, in his quest, wants to explore new ideas, separate himself from his family, and simply live his own life. On the other hand, Cancers have a very strong emotional connection towards their family and home.

Cancer and Aquarius relationship is actually a wide and long road of life that needs to be built with great compassion and dedication to become smooth without a single stone. The older the path, the more it becomes the same - either constantly calm and smooth, or constantly with “pebbles”. Both Cancer and Aquarius expect them to be liberal with each other, with their freedom. This relationship can earn a lot of respect if understanding, communication with each other, and support are restored. If they apply this rule, they can stay happy forever!

To move “forward and with a smile,” Aquarius must understand how unusual his partner is, try to experiment, but not exaggerate, try to spend more time together with his other half. Cancer must take on the main responsibilities around the house and learn to help Aquarius in everything. And then they will find their joy!

Although this is not an easy combination, the chances of this relationship are quite high. To achieve long-term success, you need to approach everything with cautious optimism. The overall sense of purpose is key. Both partners need to be careful.

When they decide to come together, they are an unstoppable force that is difficult to overcome! When they choose to combine their disparate powers, Cancer and Aquarius can find their own natural balance and enjoy their differences rather than letting them drive them away from the chance to love.

And yet, if these partners can remain silent together while drinking their morning coffee, this is already the first step towards success.

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