Rupture of the tunica albuginea of ​​the corpora cavernosa. Bruise, hematoma on the penis: causes, symptoms, treatment of penile injuries

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Dislocation of the penis is a displacement of the root of the penis into the perineum, thigh, scrotum or pubis as a result of rupture of the ligaments that connect it in a healthy state to the pelvic bones. This type of injury does not occur as often as, for example, fractures and strangulations.

Due to the displacement of the cavernous bodies, the penis after injury acquires a characteristic color and can be felt when pressed as an empty skin sac.

Causes of dislocation

Both dislocation of the penis and its fracture occur as a result of rough force on the erect penis. This often happens during sexual intercourse or sexual play.

A rupture of the ligaments can be caused, for example, by sharp bending of the penis with the hands, a hard collision of the penis with the partner’s perineum, an unsuccessfully chosen position, excessive aggressiveness during sexual intercourse, etc. Very often a man at this moment is in a state of strong alcohol or drug intoxication .

Symptoms of penile dislocation

Ligament rupture and displacement of the cavernous bodies of the penis are usually accompanied by:

  • sharp and very intense pain. Sometimes it is so great that a person falls into a state of shock for some time;
  • separation of the head from the foreskin in the area of ​​the coronary sulcus, which leads to “scalping” of the penis;
  • cessation of erection and painful swelling of the penis due to the formation of an extensive hematoma. The penis itself may take on a bright purple-bluish tint;
  • urinary disorders;
  • urethrorrhagia (discharge of blood from the urethra). Its intensity can vary from a few drops to severe bleeding.

In addition, hematomas may occur in the abdomen and thighs.


Usually diagnosing ligament rupture and penile dislocation is quite easy. This is done by a urologist based on an external examination of the patient’s genital organs and palpation.

However, in some cases where the damage to the penis is unclear, additional procedures may be prescribed. It could be:

  • cavernosography (standard radiographic examination, with which you can see the boundaries of ligament rupture, assess damage to the cavernous bodies of the penis, etc.);
  • urethrography (examination of the urethra using x-rays, allows you to study possible damage to the urethra);
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).


Treatment of penile dislocation is carried out only by surgery. During the operation, the doctor exposes the root of the penis and drains the hematoma. Then hemostasis (stopping bleeding) is carried out and the penis is repositioned into its natural skin sac. The body of the penis is sutured to the crown of the head, after which sutures are placed on the torn ligaments, which again connect the cavernous bodies and pelvic bones together.

Intensive blood supply to the penis promotes rapid restoration of damaged tissue. However, in the postoperative period, the patient is recommended to adhere to bed rest and wear a suspensor (a bandage used to immobilize the genital organs).

Look at the photo of the symptoms of gonorrhea in men: maybe it will help you or someone else.

Treatment results

As a rule, with timely provision of medical care in the required volume, the prognosis for the patient’s life and recovery is favorable. Of course, a lot depends on the degree of damage to the ligaments and cavernous bodies of the penis, the quality of treatment, etc. But, if a man consults a doctor in time, maintaining potency after healing of the tears is almost guaranteed.

The only one minus – possible curvature of the penis due to scars. The penis can be partially returned to its natural position using physiotherapeutic procedures. These include, for example, urethral electrical stimulation, ultraphonophoresis, pneumatic massage, etc.

The corpus cavernosum is a structural unit of the penis, which is directly involved in the erection process, contributing to its enlargement and hardening.

The corpora cavernosa are formed from the erectile tissue of the male reproductive organ. Their structure is similar to a sponge consisting of epithelial cells. There are two paired bodies and one unpaired body - the spongy body.

The anatomy of the corpus cavernosum includes 3 elements:

  • the distal part, which is located on top;
  • · middle;
  • · proximal part or pedicle.

Among the main tasks is to ensure the process of penile erection that occurs during sexual arousal in men. Their structure includes cavernous tissue, covered with a membrane and consisting of many cells - caverns.

Cavities have the ability to change volume by increasing or decreasing the tone of the trabecular fibers that form the cells. The blood vessels through which blood flows to the cavities are called arterioles.

With sexual desire in men, nitric oxide is released, due to which the trabecular fibers relax and an increase in the distance between the arterioles occurs.

Increased blood flow causes filling of the caverns with blood and an increase in the volume of cavernous tissue. The reverse outflow of blood occurs through the plexuses of veins located under the so-called tunica albuginea. When the cavernous tissue increases, the venous plexuses are pressed against the membrane, which partially blocks the outflow of blood and fixes the erect state of the penis.

When sexual activity is completed, norepinephrine is released, which affects the trabecular fibers, increasing their tone. This process helps to reduce the erectile process and the reverse flow of blood from the penis.

The normal functioning of the corpora cavernosa has a direct impact on the sexual life of men.

Thus, with weak blood flow or increased blood outflow from the cavernous bodies, as well as with nerve damage, damage to cavernous tissue, men experience sexual dysfunction. If cavernous diseases are not treated, complications can lead to impotence.

Arterial blood flow in the male genital organ is carried out by two genital arteries located in the penis. The main male artery is divided into two vessels: the dorsal one (providing blood flow to the head of the penis) and the cavernous branch.

Once in the cavernous bodies, the artery “breaks up” into small vessels that fill the cavernous tissue with blood. Some of these vessels have a spiral shape, which is why they are called “cochlear arteries.”

The arterial circulation of the penis is represented by many vessels and a complex structure, but it is the cavernous type vessels that are important for erection.

Venous blood flow is carried out by small venules, which unite to form a plexus. In the upper part of the cavernous bodies, the venules pass into the efferent vessels, which cross the tunica albuginea, forming the circumflex veins.

The skin of the penis produces venous outflow of blood through the superficial dorsal vein, which is emptied in the saphenous veins.

A disease in which inflammation of the cavernous bodies of the penis occurs is called cavernitis. This pathology, as a rule, occurs in an acute form, causes severe pain and negatively affects the sexual function of men.

The cause of the disease is an infection that enters the cavernous body of the penis. The most common infectious agent is gonorrhea. Bacteria initially enter the urethra and then spread.

A factor that contributes to the spread of infection and the appearance of the disease may be microtrauma to the mucous membrane caused when taking a smear from the penis.

Other causes of cavernitis in men may be diseases such as inflammation of the urethra, sore throat, or trauma to the penis, which caused damage to the corpus cavernosum.

Inflammation can be transmitted from any other affected organ along with blood and lymph.

The most pronounced symptom of cavernitis is acute pain in the penis; if left untreated, it increases over time. The skin of the penis becomes red and swollen.

In some cases, an involuntary erection may occur, the appearance of which is associated with impaired blood flow in the organ, and not with sexual desire. When touched, the pain intensifies; at the site of inflammation, you can feel a dense, edematous thickening.

The next phase in the development of the disease is suppuration. When the abscess opens, pus enters the urethra. This stage is characterized by the fact that the condition improves slightly, and the pain becomes less pronounced. During urination, a large volume of pus is released from the canal along with urine.

The third phase of the development of the disease is called sclerosis. The place where the abscess has opened is covered with scar tissue, which leads to deformation of the penis and interferes with a full sexual life. Pain may appear periodically, but its manifestation will not be as severe as at the initial stage. Once neglected, cavernitis becomes chronic.

It progresses slowly, with increasing compaction and even greater deformation of the penis.

If severe pain occurs, do not self-medicate or carry out symptomatic therapy. The drugs will temporarily relieve the pain, but the process of suppuration and deformation will continue, and correcting it will be much more difficult than preventing it.

Diagnosis of cavernitis

Diagnosis of pathology occurs by clinical and laboratory examination. Visual enlargement of the penis due to swelling, redness of the skin of the genital organ, and complaints of pain make it possible to diagnose acute cavernitis with a high probability without special diagnostic measures.

However, when the symptoms are not so pronounced or it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease, laboratory and instrumental research methods (ultrasound) are used.

To determine the causative agent of the disease, if cavernitis is infectious in nature, it is recommended to undergo a bacterial urine test. A bacteriological analysis of urethral discharge is also done.

The main method of instrumental or hardware diagnostics for cavity is ultrasound. If there is suspicion of damage to the urethral wall by trauma, an ultrasound is indicated.

The ultrasound procedure allows you to determine the location of the traumatic passage from the urethra to the cavernous bodies. This examination method allows you to track changes in the structure of the cavernous and cavernous bodies and the characteristics of blood circulation in the organ.

Ultrasound is indicated not only for injuries of the penis, but also for decreased potency, congenital pathologies, and the appearance of neoplasms.

Ultrasound does not require special preparation. The results obtained from an ultrasound of the penis are not affected in any way by the fullness of the bladder or stomach. The procedure is carried out in a lying position.

Before starting an ultrasound, a special gel is applied to the skin of the penis. The movement of the sensor through the organ allows one to obtain important information that cannot be revealed using other diagnostic methods.

Pathological drainage of the corpora cavernosa is a common disease that occurs in every third man with problematic erection. Venous drainage occurs when the outflow of venous blood is disrupted.
Pathological drainage of the corpora cavernosa is a common cause of so-called venous impotence.

In order not to start drainage until the stage of complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of pathology. Drainage causes problems with erectile function and causes priapism.

If the quality of erection has significantly decreased or involuntary erect states of the penis occur, accompanied by excessive sensitivity and pain.
Pathological drainage is treated both conservatively and surgically.

Surgical intervention is carried out mainly by shunting, since removing the blocked area using the standard method is very problematic. Drugs are capable of eliminating a disease such as pathological drainage, but not in all cases.

For the treatment of vascular impotence, modern methods such as electrical stimulation of the corpora cavernosa and lidocaine injection are applicable. Electrical stimulation effectively combats venous leakage and allows the corpora cavernosa to remain filled with blood longer, which helps improve the quality of erection and increase its duration.

Injections of vasodilators provide dilation of the arteries and increase blood flow to the genital organ.

The method of treatment, taking into account all the features of the course of the disease, should be determined by a specialist after conducting an appropriate examination.

The corpus cavernosum is an important structural unit of the penis and directly affects the quality of erection and reproductive functions of the stronger sex.

Pathologies associated with the occurrence of disturbances in the functioning of the cavernous bodies are easy to diagnose, but if left untreated they can negatively affect a man’s future sexual life.

Trauma to the penis is damage to the genital organ, which is characterized by a violation of its full functionality due to exposure to a traumatic factor. In cases of trauma to the male genital organs, it is the penis that accounts for the most damage - 50%. Damage to the penis is combined with damage to both testicles in only 2% of cases. According to statistics, most often damage to the male penis occurs in the area of ​​the foreskin, cavernous bodies and glans.

Types of penile injuries

Injuries to the male penis can be of two types - closed and open. Closed injuries are those in which the outer covering of the penis remains intact, while open injuries are those in which the integrity of the skin is broken. Closed injuries of the penis include various deformations, in particular bending and fracture of the penis. This deviation can occur due to violent, rather rough sexual acts or from strong blows with a heavy blunt object directly on the penis.

Urologists also include bruises of the genital organ as closed-type injuries. With bruises of the penis, massive hemorrhages may appear in the skin of the genital organ and in the subcutaneous tissue. This whole process is accompanied by significant swelling. Bruises are a fairly common type of genital injury. Very often, bruises occur during sports, horse riding and cycling, as well as in fights - due to a direct blow to the penis. Mild bruises of the penis may be accompanied by mild painful sensations, which subside within a couple of minutes after the blow. More severe injuries are accompanied by noticeable tearing of the tunica albuginea, increased pain and swelling of the penis; Subcutaneous hematomas are formed, giving the penis a bluish coloration, walking becomes difficult, and the normal process of urination is disrupted. Strong blows to the genital organ can lead to a fracture of the corpus cavernosum and the immediate development of extensive internal bleeding.

If an internal rupture of the corpora cavernosa of the penis occurs, huge hematomas appear, this is due to the fact that blood accumulates under the skin of the penis or in the subcutaneous tissue. The hematoma can spread very deep into the scrotum, and can also move to the pubis and inner thigh.

Injuries to the open penis often occur as a result of the mechanical impact of piercing and cutting objects, as well as animal bites or excessively active actions of the sexual partner. When puncture or cut wounds are inflicted, the damage is accompanied by severe bleeding.

The most common cause of injury to the penis is the pinching of the skin on the penis by an iron zipper on men's trousers. It should be noted that despite the small wounds due to such injuries, the man feels quite severe pain. In order not to touch such a painful wound once again during desperate attempts to open a jammed zipper, it is recommended to simply cut the zipper below the tightly pinched skin of the penis, so the zipper of the trousers will open on its own.

Another common cause of damage to the male genital organ is considered to be excessive friction during sexual intercourse. Such problems often arise in overly passionate lovers, as well as in teenagers who have begun to have sex. In this case, skin damage and ruptures in the folds of the foreskin are observed. Men who have a short frenulum of the penis from birth may experience a rupture or partial tear of the frenulum on the penis during active sexual intercourse, which is accompanied by severe pain and bleeding.

Another type of trauma to the penis is the pinching of the genital organ by a thread, thin wire or cord. In children, such injuries are the result of a banal prank; in adults, this is usually the result of masturbation and an attempt to maintain an erection for a long time.

Dislocation of the genital organ occurs due to rupture of the ligaments with the help of which the penis is fixed directly to the bones of the man’s pelvis. With this injury to the penis, the corpora cavernosa are displaced under the skin of the thigh, scrotum or perineum, and the penis itself is in a state of an empty, saggy skin sac.

In the most unfortunate cases, a man faces a fracture of the penis. A fracture of this vital organ most often occurs if, during aggressive sexual intercourse, the penis does not fall directly into the woman’s vagina, but with the application of force hits the pelvic bones or thigh of the sexual partner. When the penis is fractured, a click is heard, after which the genital organ acquires a dark blue or even black tint, which is explained by hemorrhage.

In the cold season, frostbite of the genital organ is not uncommon. The cause of this damage may be general hypothermia of the body, urination in the cold and prolonged exposure to the cold while intoxicated. Frostbite, as a rule, in most cases affects the foreskin, much less often the body of the genital organ itself. As a result of such an injury, part of the skin in the frostbitten area becomes purple-blue, burning, tingling, itching, paresthesia and swelling occur. With mild frostbite, all these phenomena disappear on their own after a few days. In severe cases, tissue begins to die on frostbitten areas of the skin, and deep purulent ulcers appear, which will take several months to heal.

Bite injuries look like lacerations of the penis and can occur as a result of an animal bite or rash actions of a sexual partner. Despite the fact that the size of the affected area is small and the bleeding is scanty, bites of the penis are always infected, so such wounds take a long time to regenerate. Animal bites carry the risk of contracting rabies. That is why, first of all, the patient is vaccinated against rabies, and then the treatment process begins.

Attempts to stretch the penis to increase its size can also lead to injury to the corpora cavernosa. Consultations with a sex therapist and psychiatrist in this case are mandatory procedures.

Symptoms of penile injury

The symptoms of genital injuries always vary and directly depend on the severity of the type of injury. However, there are certain symptoms that are observed with any injury to the penis:

  • pain of varying strength;
  • swelling of varying intensity;
  • hematomas are rare or numerous;
  • bleeding of varying severity is possible;
  • macrohematuria and microhematuria;
  • urethrorrhagia;
  • difficulty urinating and retention.

As for the characteristic symptoms, for example, bruises of the genital organ are characterized by quite sharp pain, swelling and significant noticeable hematomas on the skin.

With fractures of the reproductive organ, a crunching sound is always heard, after which a sharp pain appears, and the erection immediately stops. Then severe swelling with an incredibly large hematoma develops at a rapid pace, and, as a result, the penis increases in size and turns blue in a matter of minutes.

When the male genital organ is dislocated, its root is displaced into the tissue of the perineum or into the tissue of the scrotum. In this case, the skin of the body may be torn off from the head of the penis, which looks like scalping of the penis.

Symptoms of genital pinching directly depend on the strength of the pinching, as well as on the duration of the compression. In the case of this injury, the penis may experience slight swelling, and in severe cases, such minor damage may result in gangrene of a vital organ.

Gunshot wounds to the penis, as a rule, are accompanied by heavy bleeding, which does not quite correspond to the size of the wound and the depth of the damage. Due to severe bleeding, urination problems occur. With gunshot wounds, foreign bodies may remain in the penis, which causes acute unbearable pain during an erection.

The symptoms of stab wounds directly depend on the depth of the injury. After an open stab-type injury, cavernitis may develop. Complications also include skin cicatricial adhesions that fix the penis in a vicious position, as well as cicatricial changes in the corpora cavernosa that deform the penis and disrupt its normal erection. But the most significant complication for injuries of this kind is considered to be a violation of the stricture of the urethra.

In case of open damage to the penis, urination is very painful and can lead to delays. In the most dangerous cases, the development of urinary infiltration of tissues adjacent to the damage is possible.

It is clear that with all types of the above injuries, the man will be in a state of shock, as a result of which severe depression and even psychological trauma may develop.

Diagnosis of penile injuries

Diagnosis of genital injuries is carried out by a urologist, surgeon or traumatologist. It is based on a thorough history taking. When collecting detailed information, great attention should be paid to the factors that caused damage to the penis.

In most cases, diagnosing injuries to the male genital organ is not difficult, since an experienced urologist will be able to identify blueness and excessive swelling of the genital organ during an initial visual examination.

When diagnosing a penis injury, it is sometimes necessary to promptly differentiate injuries to the tunica albuginea of ​​the penis and the urethra.

In complex cases, when the patient is not able to independently describe the circumstances of the injury, examinations using medical imaging aids may be prescribed to detect damage. These specialized tools include:

  • Cavernosography: is a standard radiographic examination that allows you to detect fractures and other damage to the cavernous bodies of the genital organ; Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Urethrography: a test that allows you to completely confirm or exclude injuries to the urethra and determine the extent of the present injury to the penis.

Treatment of penile injuries

The main obstacle in the treatment of penile injuries is a man’s hesitation and doubts about seeking medical help from a doctor. This is very stupid, because the patient’s future reproductive function and sexual life directly depend on timely assistance. Men who are not able to overcome constraint on their own need to know that after receiving injuries to the genital organ, the real chances of maintaining potency in the event of immediate surgical intervention are 100%. But without adequate help, the chance of getting impotence is 60%.

First aid after injury to the genital organ consists of immediately applying a cool aseptic bandage to the injury site. In case of open injuries, immediate treatment of the wound on the genital organ, removal of necrotic tissue of the penis and restoration of the tunica albuginea are required.

In case of complete amputation of the penis due to mechanical damage, it is extremely important to first put the severed organ in ice, since the organ can be reattached within 24 hours. Wounds to the penis and foreskin may require stitches or cutting off the damaged foreskin.

Most serious injuries and injuries to the penis can only be treated with surgery. Moreover, after many injuries to the penis, in addition to basic operations, plastic surgery will also be required.

For any injuries, it is imperative to conduct an examination of the genitourinary system as a whole, which is done in order to exclude other severe internal injuries.

Treatment of simple bruises of the genital organ includes complete rest and wait-and-see tactics. During the first 24 hours, a man will benefit from the application of cold compresses and ice, as well as conventional non-steroidal analgesics. In the case of the development of extensive hematomas, surgical removal of blood clots and surgical suturing of the tunica albuginea that has been injured is mandatory.

If the urethra is damaged, it is necessary to restore it, restore patency and adequate drainage of excreted urine. In the process of treating bruises of the genital organ, drugs are used that accompany the short-term prevention of elective function, as well as antibacterial preventive therapy.

Today there is no specific method for preventing damage and mechanical injuries to the penis, but every man himself must understand the seriousness of the consequences that such damage entails.

However, one of the possible options for the specific prevention of injury to the male penis during sexual intercourse can be considered the avoidance of dangerous positions that can cause a strong bend in the penis. It would be wise to make sexual encounters less aggressive and more deliberate. You also need to be careful when playing sports - provide specialized protection to the genital organ. When working at production facilities (especially when working with rotating sharp machines), safety precautions should be followed. Do not neglect your health, and if at least one of the above symptoms occurs, immediately seek help, because your reproductive function and health in general depend on it. Men who have experienced trauma to the genital organ are recommended to be observed by a urologist and visit him at least once every three months.

Injuries to the penis can be of different types; they can be open or closed. Closed injuries are characterized by damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Closed injuries are often accompanied by damage to the tunica albuginea of ​​the corpora cavernosa. This tunica albuginea is a tissue with increased density; it helps the cavernous bodies to remain in a certain shape.

Injuries of this nature are often accompanied by large hemorrhages into the subcutaneous tissues and skin. All this is accompanied by swelling and cyanosis; it often happens that the penis turns black. If the corpora cavernosa rupture, a large hematoma may occur. Such situations often arise because a blow is struck with a heavy object. Then the blood that accumulates moves to the scrotum, inner thighs and pubis. Injuries that are open in nature most often occur as a result of exposure to various objects. Injuries can also be caused by animal bites (dogs, horses, cows, etc.).

What are the types of damage?

Whatever the nature of such injuries, you should definitely seek medical help.

If the tunica albuginea is damaged or bruised and a hematoma has formed, it must be opened to remove blood clots. The tunica albuginea must be sutured. If this is not done, a purulent infection may occur. This can cause the penis to become permanently curved. The situation is aggravated by the fact that all this can cause amputation of the penis.

If the damage is open, then the wound must be carefully treated, necrotic tissue must be removed, and the tunica albuginea must be restored. If we are talking about amputation of the penis, then in all likelihood you will need phalloplasty, that is, plastic surgery to restore the penis. The part of the penis that was amputated must be replaced with a stem; it is cut out of the skin and a rib or plastic structure is fixed into it.

Often open injuries are accompanied by damage to the urethra. This means that a fistula needs to be placed on the bladder. When such an operation comes to an end, urine will flow out through a special hole. When the urethra is restored, the fistula needs to be closed.

What to do in case of such injuries: first aid

If an injury to the penis occurs, then you should forget about embarrassment and consult a doctor. The fact is that often it is ethical reasons that prevent a man from seeing a doctor. It should be noted that timely medical intervention can cure such wounds 100%. If you do not seek medical help in time, then there is a high chance of becoming impotent - from 25 to 75%. Some injuries of this nature can cause a sharp deterioration in general health. This occurs most often when it comes to testicular injuries. Often penile wounds can cause very severe pain, which in itself can lead to serious problems.

When such injuries occur, it is very important to provide first aid correctly. It is necessary to apply an antiseptic pressure bandage. If a complete traumatic amputation of the penis occurs, it is very important to keep the organ intact. Be sure to put the penis in ice; the faster you sew it on, the greater the chance of a speedy recovery. If the foreskin is damaged, it will need to be stitched or trimmed.

It should be noted that most often such wounds must be treated surgically. If an injury such as a frenulum rupture occurs, then the intervention of a plastic surgeon is necessary. Penile injuries are often accompanied by damage to the pelvic organs and fractures of the pelvic bones. All this can significantly complicate treatment. If such injuries are not treated on time, it can cause suppuration, which can lead to the absence of a normal erection.

If injuries or damage to the penis occur, it is necessary to immediately conduct examinations of the genitourinary system.

If we are talking about a bruise of the penis, it most often occurs as a result of blows with a stick or foot. In this case, there is no damage to the tunica albuginea, the cavernous bodies swell, and a hematoma occurs. Treatment in this regard is conservative; hemostatic and anti-inflammatory drugs will be needed. 3-4 days after the injury, it is necessary to apply a warm compress, dry heat is needed.

Damage to the penis may look like a dislocation. Most often, this situation occurs when the penis is in an erect state. This may be the result of a strong push or blow. The pubic ligaments are torn, if the head comes off the foreskin, the penis simply slips out of the skin sheath. In this case, surgical intervention will be required; the ligaments of the penis must be exposed and stitched.

If we are talking about such damage as a fracture of the penis, then most often it occurs in an erect state with sharp flexion. Such an injury is accompanied by a characteristic crunch and sharp pain, which can cause a state of shock. In this case, the cessation of erection is observed, the size of the penis increases significantly (as the hematoma grows, which can spread to the scrotum, as well as to the perineum).

Additional Information

In this case, surgical intervention is necessary; the rupture site must be isolated and sutured with catgut sutures. As a result, curvature of the penis may occur. If we are talking about puncture, cut and bruised wounds, then they are treated according to the general principle of treating such injuries. The damage must be treated; if there is bleeding, it must be stopped. It is necessary to administer antitetanus serum. It should be noted that the main principle of surgical intervention is maximum tissue preservation.

Symptoms here may be as follows:

  1. Severe swelling.
  2. Presence of hematomas.
  3. Sharp pain.

It should be noted that most often injuries to the penis are treated successfully; if you seek medical help in time, your reproductive function will remain in perfect order. But the best way to avoid such injuries is to exercise extreme caution.

Trauma to the penis is damage to the genital organ with loss of its full functioning due to exposure to a traumatic factor. More than half of all genital injuries are caused by injuries to the penis. Most often, trauma occurs to the head, cavernous bodies and the foreskin area.

  • closed;
  • open;
  • thermal.

Closed injuries

With such injuries, the subcutaneous tissue and cavernous bodies are damaged. The tunica albuginea, the dense tissue that supports the corpora cavernosa, can also be damaged.

Subcutaneous hemorrhages can occur in those who enjoy passionate and prolonged sexual intercourse. Many small blood vessels burst in the penis. Subsequently, the blood does not come out of them, but enters the surrounding tissues. The result is a painful, dark blue swelling.

Important!If such an injury occurs, be sure to consult a doctor, as it can lead to vascular scarring, which over time can block normal blood flow.

During sports training or a fight, you can get a bruise to the penis. This injury can be caused by a blow or an unfortunate fall. The integrity of the outer integument is not compromised. Often with such an injury, damage to the urethra occurs. After some time, the genital organ swells greatly. When walking, severe pain appears, urination becomes difficult, and bruises appear.

A strong push or blow to the penis while it is erect can lead to dislocation of the organ. In this case, the ligaments connecting the base of the penis to the pubic bones are torn. The root of the penis moves into the scrotum, under the skin into the pubic or perineal area.

The most serious closed injury is.
Most often this happens during rough sexual intercourse, with a sharp bend of the organ in an erect state or a strong blow. In this case, you can hear the characteristic crack of tearing tissue. The organ swells and severe pain occurs. Ejaculation stops and a large hematoma develops. Against this background, the penis significantly increases in size in a short time and acquires a dark blue hue.

Open injuries

With such injuries, the integrity of the tissue is compromised. Sometimes traumatic amputation may occur. In severe cases, the remaining parts of the organ are treated with antiseptic agents and sutures are applied. In other cases, during surgery, nerves, blood vessels and the urethra (if it was affected) are restored.

The result of an intentional or accidental blow with piercing objects can be a stab wound.

Important!Such an injury is dangerous due to the formation of scars, which can cause curvature of the penis or a change in its shape.

Quite often, a stab wound can be accompanied by partial or complete amputation of an organ. But even in this case, there is a chance to restore the function of the organ with the help of phalloplasty.

A gunshot wound is accompanied by severe bleeding, which can be fatal. Even with successful bleeding, foreign bodies may remain in the penis, which will make urination difficult and cause severe pain during an erection.

Open injury can be caused by animal bites.

Thermal injuries

Frostbite and burns are classified as thermal injuries. may result from careless handling of hot liquids and chemicals. may occur after a long stay in the cold.

Symptoms of penile injury

The clinical picture varies depending on the severity of the injury.

The main symptoms characteristic of any injury to the penis:

  • difficulty urinating;
  • pain of varying intensity;
  • urethrorrhagia;
  • swelling of varying degrees;
  • microhematuria and macrohematuria;
  • rare and numerous hematomas;
  • bleeding.

When the penis is bruised, quite severe pain, significant hematomas on the skin and swelling occur.

If the penis is pinched, slight swelling may occur. In severe cases, such injury can cause gangrene of the penis.

Gunshot wounds are accompanied by severe bleeding, which causes problems with urination.

With an open injury to the penis, urination becomes painful and can lead to delays. In advanced cases, urinary infiltration of tissues located close to the damaged tissue may develop.

First aid for injuries

If the penis is damaged, the following measures must be taken:

Whatever the injury, immediately contact the nearest medical facility for help to maintain the normal functioning of the genitourinary system.

Treatment of penile injuries

If the penis is full due to mechanical damage, it is very important to place the severed organ in ice. Only in this case can it be sewn on within 24 hours.

In case of injuries to the foreskin and penis, stitches are placed or the damaged foreskin is cut off.

Serious penile injuries are treated with surgery. In addition, after the main operation, in most cases, plastic restoration is required.

For simple bruises of the penis, the doctor chooses a wait-and-see approach. On the first day, it is possible to use cold compresses and take conventional non-steroidal medications. Extensive hematomas are treated surgically, removing blood clots and suturing the tunica albuginea if it has been injured.

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