Hero of our time princess Mary description. Characteristics of the hero Princess Mary, Hero of our time, Lermontov

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The central chapter of "Princess Mary" contains the main motive of the novel: Pechorin's urge to take action, curiosity, pushing for new experiments with the participation of people, a desire to understand their psychology, recklessness in actions. An analysis of the chapter "Princess Mary" from the novel "A Hero of Our Time" will show Pechorin's opposition to the "water" society. His attitude towards him and society as a whole.

"Princess Mary" Pechorin's diary, where every day is described in detail. In addition to dry dates, Gregory gives in the smallest detail a complete analysis of the events taking place with his participation and with the participation of other people. As if under a microscope Pechorin examines every step he takes, examines the souls of people, trying to get to the bottom of the motives of their actions, share with the diary personal experiences and emotions experienced by him personally.

Dr. Werner was the first to inform Gregory about Vera's arrival at the resort. When meeting her, Pechorin realizes that he still has feelings for her, but can it be called love. When Vera appeared in her life, he brought a certain chaos into her family life. He torments her, intermittently having fun with the young Princess Mary, starting a new game with a new character.

His goal was to make the girl fall in love with him, dispelling the gray everyday life with another fun. The seduction is all the more pleasant because he knew how his advances would offend Grushnitsky. The guy is clearly in love with the princess, but Mary did not take him seriously, considering him boring and boring. Having fluffed up the tail of a peacock, Pechorin began to look after her. He invited her for walks, danced with her at secular evenings, bombarded with compliments. He did not know why he needed it. He did not like Mary, and was not going to be with her. Exclusively from the desire to annoy another person, having recouped the feelings of the one who truly fell in love with him. However, everything is as usual. Pechorin in his repertoire. Having invaded someone else's life without asking, he once again made those who treated him humanly suffer.

The comedy has become a tragedy. Mary was slandered. Pechorin knew whose hands were the dirty rumors spread around the neighborhood. He didn’t want the girl’s name to be rinsed at every turn. The only way out was to invite Grushnitsky to a duel. Before the start of the duel, Pechorin decided to experiment again with the main participant, because of which the drama was played out. Pechorin did not load his pistol and stood in front of Grushnitsky completely unarmed. Thus, he tried to test how much Grushnitsky's hatred could overwhelm him, eclipsing all reason. Miraculously, Gregory survived, but was forced to kill the liar.

Who is Pechorin really, a good person or a bad one. There is no definite answer to this question. It is controversial and ambiguous. Positive qualities of character are intertwined with bad qualities, misleading us.

This chapter clearly traces the formation of the personality traits of the protagonist. Pechorin himself believed that a society like Grushnitsky made him a moral invalid. It is incurable. The disease engulfed Pechorin entirely, leaving no chance of recovery. Pechorin was mired in hopelessness, melancholy and apathy. He stopped seeing the bright colors that delighted his eyes in the Caucasus. Boredom, one boredom and nothing more.

The chapter "Princess Mary" is a component of the novel "A Hero of Our Time". It is a diary in which Pechorin describes his acquaintance with Princess Ligovskaya and her daughter, Mary. Pechorin falls in love with an inexperienced girl. He also kills Grushnitsky in a duel, and Mary is disappointed in love.

The main idea of ​​the chapter "Princess Mary" is that Lermontov shows the uncommonness and originality of Pechorin's personality. He is an independent and interesting person. In different situations he is at his best, but this does not bring him moral satisfaction.

Very briefly

Pechorin is a handsome, thoroughbred young man, but already with a lot of experience. He is no longer a young guy, but a rather old man.

Pechorin goes to Pyatigorsk, as this place is famous for its hospitals, and very healing waters. In general, he is a man who plays his whole life on his own and other feelings. In Pyatigorsk, he meets his friend Grushnitsky. This guy is famous for his narcissism and selfishness. Pechorin constantly taunts him. Now he decides, partly out of boredom, partly to annoy Grushnitsky, to fall in love with a girl - Princess Mary. Princess Ligovskaya and her daughter, Princess Mary, are resting on the waters.

Mary is a proud, intelligent girl, but very young. That is why she easily falls for Pechorin's bait, who is happy to try. He comes up with various cunning plans, because he knows the nature of people. At first, she is emphatically unapproachable, but then she gradually gives up. She falls more and more in love with Pechorin, and immediately forgets her boyfriend - Grushnitsky. But Grushnitsky is also not a mistake, he challenges Pechorin to a duel, which only gives pleasure to the cold nature of his opponent. It all ends in tears. Grushnitsky - killed, and Pechorin in the end did not want to marry Mary.

And at this time, Vera, Pechorin's secret mistress, endures everything, and then suddenly leaves, as her husband finds out about everything. Pechorin is in despair, although this is strange, because he never loved anyone.

A summary of the chapter of Princess Mary from the story Hero of our time by Lermontov in detail

Princess Mary is the daughter of Ligovskaya, with whom Pechorina met by chance. She is educated and smart. Pride and generosity are hidden in her soul. The unsuccessful love with Pechorin for her is a deep tragedy.
Pechorin is bored and he is looking for a company for entertainment. Grushnitsky becomes such a person for him. Somehow, in his presence, Pechorin compares Mary to a horse. And Grushnitsky loves Mary, therefore Pechorin's barbs are unpleasant to him.

Time passes, the main character is looking for new acquaintances and in the end Pechorin meets Dr. Werner, and the latter, by virtue of his insight, saw what could happen in the future between Pechorin and Grushnitsky. That is, as a fatalist predicted the death of one of his friends.

Then events take an unexpected turn: Mary's sister Vera arrives in Kislovodsk. The reader learns about the long-standing love between her and Pechorin. They say that old love doesn't rust. Feelings flare up again, but ... Vera cannot be married and cannot be a former lover, she cannot change her husband. Therefore, Pechorin mounts a horse and gallops wherever his eyes look ... Then he accidentally scares Mary, because the girl accidentally turns out to be on his way.

The following is a description of the ball at the Ligovskys'. Pechorin gallantly looks after Mary. Further events take place in such a way that Pechorin began to visit the Ligovskys often. He is interested in Mary, but Vera is also important to him. And, probably, he visits the Ligovskys to see Vera. In the end, Vera says that she is sick with an incurable disease and asks to be spared on her reputation. After all, she is a married lady after all!

Then Pechorin looks after Mary, and makes the naive fool fall in love with himself. Vera sees that the matter will not lead to anything good and promises Pechorin a night date in exchange for not hurting Mary. Meanwhile, Pechorin becomes bored in Mary's company, he is burdened by her presence. He is burdened by her company.

Grushnitsky is jealous. He's furious. Mary confesses her feelings to Pechorin. But he stumbles upon a cold wall of indifference. (This is all ostentatious, no one should know that Pechorin is capable of experiencing.) Grushnitsky is enraged and challenges Pechorin to a duel. But ... the ending is tragic. Junker is killed. At first, his death is not advertised and the culprit is not named.

After the duel, Pechorin is very bad and sad. He reflects with himself.

Vera, knowing Pechorin, understands that Grushnitsky died at the hands of her former lover. And then she decides to confess everything to her husband. The husband listens to her and takes her away from the epicenter of events.

Pechorin learns about Vera's departure, grabs the horse and tries to catch up with his former love. But the attempts were in vain, Grigory Alexandrovich only drove the horse. And when he realized this, he fell headlong into the dust on the road and cried bitterly about the past.

Then Pechorin returns to Kislovodsk, where everyone is already talking about the recent duel. Since Pechorin is an officer, his act is assessed as unworthy and he is transferred to another duty station.

In the end, he comes to the Ligovskys to say goodbye. In this scene, Mary's mother invites Grigory Alexandrovich to marry her daughter, but ... Pechorin proudly rejects this offer.

So that Mary does not torment herself with suffering, he humiliates her in private conversation with her. Feels like a scoundrel at the same time, but cannot act differently.

Picture or drawing of Princess Mary

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In Lermontov's novel A Hero of Our Time, the main female character is Princess Mary. This heroine is very educated, therefore she belongs to the secular stratum of society. Like her mother, Princess Ligovskaya, Mary is used to being in the world. The appearance of the main character is almost not described, the author only draws attention to her thick hair and lush eyelashes. She wore beautiful and rich dresses. Her character is fully revealed: she is modest, restrained, trained in manners. Ligovskaya was proud of her daughter, so she tried to find her a worthy and rich husband. Mary behaves aloof to her mother's decision to find her a fiancé.

Mary loves herself very much, she is used to attention from the opposite sex, but ignores it. Pechorin does not pay attention to the heroine, which attracts Mary.

Mary is another victim of Pechorin, she suffers from his selfishness. Thanks to this main character, the reader can understand another problem of the work that the author raises. This is the problem of true love, which love is false? Before the appearance of Pechorin, Mary was faithful to Grushnitsky, but at the ball Mary allows herself to flirt with Pechorin, believing that she has some kind of feelings for him. In the end, it becomes clear that Mary is in love with Pechorin, but unrequited. Because of her intrigue with Pechorin, Grushnitsky, trying to intercede for the honor of his beloved, dies in a duel.

Mary perceives Pechorin's play for true feelings, which is why it is so easy to fall in love with the hero. She couldn't tell love from pretense. Mary believed that people are not capable of such meanness. Although she herself was often dismissive of the feelings of others. This incident will become a lesson for the heroine, she was never mocked, she was not humiliated. But after meeting with Pechorin, she herself felt everything on herself, even disappointed in people. From the grief she experienced, she becomes very sick.

After finding out the whole truth, Mary is going through hard what happened, her love - the highest feeling was killed.

Option 2

Princess Mary Ligovskaya is one of the main heroines of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time". In the novel, she is about sixteen to seventeen years old. By origin, she belongs to high society and does not know and does not represent what poverty, sorrow, unhappiness are.

The girl grew up happy, kind, open. The author describes her light yet dignified gait, her thick hair, her velvet eyes, in which, due to long eyelashes, no light is reflected. The girl has a slender figure, she dances freely and has a good voice, although Pechorin did not like her singing.

It must be remembered that Princess Mary is very young and has no life experience. Many envy her and her mother, because they are good, according to the capital (they are from Moscow) and do not dress pretentiously and behave somewhat condescendingly. In Pyatigorsk, where they came to heal their nerves, the Ligovsky princesses drink wholesome mineral water and relax in body and soul.

Lermontov shows that such people, who have a solid fortune and position in society, feel they are the masters of life. However, they are well-mannered people, with a subtle understanding of the beautiful, sweet and simple. It's no surprise that Mary has a lot of fans. She is a smart girl, knows French, learned English and algebra. She has a lively mind, she jokes sweetly, without malice and like a romantic nature, she pities Grushnitsky, whose injury she finds so extraordinary.

Noticing all this, Pechorin, out of boredom and from the fact that he loves to play psychological games, decides to fall in love with the young princess. The task before him is not an easy one. He himself honestly admits that he envies Grushnitsky, since the princess is clearly carried away by him.

Well versed in human psychology and realizing that Grushnitsky is narrow-minded and even, as events later showed, a low person, Pechorin quietly and imperceptibly “selects” the admirers of Princess Mary, then quite impudently leads a lorgnette at her, and so on. As a result, the young princess falls in love with a skilled womanizer.

In fact, it was not difficult for Pechorin to fall in love with the princess, because she does not have such a life experience as he did. A brilliant mind, the irony of Pechorin does not leave anyone indifferent. As a result, the girl succumbs to the charms of the handsome Pechorin, she is ready to forgive him everything - just not humiliation, because in the end he deeply insults her, saying that he does not love and that he made fun of her.

In the novel, the place where Pechorin reveals his true face is very tragic. In fact, Grigory Pechorin expects that the girl will forgive him, that her love will be higher than pride. A proud nobleman is ready to throw himself at her feet and offer her hand and heart if the girl confesses her love for him.

But alas, pride did not allow the princess to open up, offended and ashamed, she turns away from him. This is a hard blow for her. Lermontov shows that the girl's nerves can not stand it, she gets a serious mental breakdown. Her further fate is unknown, perhaps she will marry a man whom she does not love and turn into a good-natured mother of the family.

Such a difficult person who is looking for an ideal not for her, so it is not surprising that Pechorin is left alone in the end and dies while traveling in the East.

Essay about Princess Mary

A Hero of Our Time is the first psychological novel written by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. This must be why it was so important to take as a basis not only the main character, but also the female image to which Pechorin is attached. It was in this - mainly female way - that Princess Mary became.

M.Yu. It is no coincidence that Lermontov devotes a lot of time to describing the princess with enthusiasm. The girl belonged to high society, since she was the daughter of a princess. Not much is said about her appearance, but nevertheless the reader notices that Mary has beautiful eyes, lush, thick hair, she dresses tastefully, confidently and modestly in public. She had a strong character. This is evident in the way she treated all the rich boyfriends whom her mother introduced to her. It is worth noting an interesting name that the princess gives to her daughter, although in fact her name is Maria. Probably, the author says exactly "Mary" to emphasize her position in high society.

Although, at the first meeting of the reader with the princess, she appears as an innocent, weak-willed girl who is used by the main character to achieve his goals. We see how confused the princess is, getting bogged down in the story with Pechorin and Grushnitsky. It was at this moment, trying to throw Grushnitsky out of her head, that she draws attention to Pechorin, not realizing that both these feelings are false. And as often happens, falling in love develops into disgust and hatred.

Pechorin notices how Mary has played too much and has ceased to understand where sincerity is and where social life is. Deciding that she is a victim of secularism, he decides to use her in his plan. The plan was crowned with success: Princess Mary was repulsed from Grushnitsky, Grushnitsky received what he deserved. But here and there he still miscalculated. It turns out that the princess does not fit into these small frames of social life. Yes, she knows French, sings delightfully, reads Byron, but her soul is much broader and kinder than that of other secular young ladies.

In fact, the whole novel is not Pechorin's wanderings, but the great tragedy of the first love of Princess Mary, who turns out to be trampled and humiliated. There is a certain irony in this. Indeed, at the beginning of the novel, it is clearly visible with what condescension and indifference Mary treats her fans. At the end of the work, she takes the place of all those whom she despised. Perhaps this is a lesson not only for the princess, but also for all the young readers of this novel.

We are not told what happened to Princess Mary: whether she remained unhappy and broken, or found the strength to overcome the blow of fate and move on with her head held high.

Several interesting compositions

    Kutuzov always spoke of the Russian soldiers of the Borodino battle as brave, courageous and loyal defenders of their country and their family. I can say that these are the main qualities of the soldiers that are the main victorious force of our army.


(Roman, 1839-1840; published in a separate edition without a foreword - 1840; 2nd edition with a foreword - 1841)

Mary, princess - the heroine of the story of the same name. The name Mary is formed, as it is said in the novel, in the English manner. The character of Princess M. in the novel is outlined in detail and carefully written out. M. in the novel is a suffering face: it is over her that Pechorin sets up his cruel experiment in exposing Grushnitsky. This experiment was not carried out for M.'s sake, but M. was drawn into it by Pechorin's play, since she had the misfortune to turn an interested eye on a pseudo-romanticist and a pseudo-hero. Simultaneously with the image of M. in the novel is connected with the problem of love - genuine and imaginary.
The plot of the story is based on a love triangle (Grushnitsky - M. - Pechorin). Getting rid of falling in love with Grushnitsky, M. falls in love with Pechorin, but both feelings turn out to be illusory. Grushnitsky's love is nothing more than red tape, although he is sincerely convinced that he loves M. Besides, Grushnitsky is not a groom. Pechorin's love is imaginary from the very beginning. Feeling M., left without reciprocity, grows into its opposite - hatred, offended love. Her "double" love defeat is predetermined, for she lives in an artificial, conditional, fragile world; it is threatened not only by Pechorin, but also by the "water society". So, a certain fat lady feels offended by M. (“She really needs to be taught a lesson ...”), and her gentleman, the dragoon captain, undertakes to fulfill this. Pechorin destroys plans and saves M. from the slander of the dragoon captain and his gang. In exactly the same way, a minor episode at the dance (an invitation from a drunk gentleman in a tailcoat) betrays all the instability of Princess M.'s seemingly strong social and social position in society and in the world in general. The trouble with M. is that, sensing the difference between an immediate emotional impulse and secular etiquette, she does not distinguish a mask from a face.

Observing Princess M., Pechorin guesses in her this confrontation of two principles - naturalness and secularity, but he is convinced that "secularism" has already won in her. The daring lorgnette Pechorina makes the princess angry, but M. herself also looks through the glass at the fat lady; in the cadet Grushnitsky M. sees a demoted officer, suffering and unhappy, and is imbued with sympathy for him; the empty banality of his speeches strikes her as interesting and worthy of attention. The hero decides to show M. how wrong she is, mistaking red tape for love, how shallowly she judges people, applying deceptive and depersonalizing secular standards to them. However, M. does not fit into the framework in which Pechorin concluded her. She shows both responsiveness and nobility. She is capable of a great and deep feeling; in the end she realizes that she was mistaken in Grushnitsky, and cannot assume intrigue and deceit on the part of Pechorin. She is deceived again, but unexpectedly for himself, Pechorin was also deceived: he took M. for an ordinary society girl, and his deep nature opened up and answered him with love. As the hero captivates M. and puts his cruel experience on her, the irony disappears from his story. Pechorin's experience is crowned with "formal" success: M. is in love with him, Grushnitsky is debunked, M.'s honor is protected from slander launched by Grushnitsky and the gang of the dragoon captain. However, the result of "funny" entertainment ("I was laughing at you") is dramatic and not at all cheerful. M.'s first deep feeling has been trampled; the joke turned into meanness; M., having comprehended the relativity of secular laws, at the same time must learn again to love humanity. Here it is not far to misanthropy, to a skeptical attitude to love, to everything beautiful and sublime. The author leaves M. at a crossroads, and the reader does not know whether she is broken or will find the strength to overcome Pechorin's "lesson".

The novel "A Hero of Our Time" was conceived by a young poet in 1836. It was assumed that his action would take place in the contemporary author of St. Petersburg.

However, the Caucasian exile in 1837 made its own adjustments to the original plans. Now the main character of Lermontov, Pechorin Grigory Alexandrovich, finds himself in the Caucasus, where he finds himself in very difficult situations. From different characters of the work, the reader hears their summary. “A Hero of Our Time” (“Princess Mary” as well) turns into an investigation of the soul of a young man trying to find his place in life.

The composition of the novel is somewhat unusual: it consists of 5 novellas, united by the image of Pechorin. The most voluminous and significant for understanding the character of this character is the chapter "Princess Mary".

Features of the story

"Princess Mary" in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" is, in fact, Pechorin's confession. It is a diary made during treatment in Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk.

According to contemporaries, its main characters had real prototypes, with which Lermontov was personally familiar, which lends credibility to the depicted. So, the main heroine, after whom the story is named, could be copied from the sister of N. S. Martynov or the poet's friend from Pyatigorsk E. Klinberg. The image of Pechorin himself is extremely interesting. “The story“ Princess Mary ”is a summary of his month-long stay on mineral waters. During this time, he charmed a young, naive girl, turned all the officers against himself, killed an old acquaintance in a duel, forever lost the only woman he loved.

Arrival of Pechorin to Pyatigorsk

The first entry in the diary of the protagonist is marked on the eleventh of May. The day before he arrived in Pyatigorsk and rented an apartment on the outskirts, near Mashuk. He was attracted by the wonderful view that opened onto the city and somewhat smoothed out the shortcomings of the new housing. In an upbeat, enthusiastic mood, Pechorin sets off the next morning to the source to see the water society here. The caustic remarks that he addresses to the ladies and officers who meet along the way characterize him as a sarcastic man who certainly sees flaws in everything. This is the beginning of the story "Princess Mary", a summary of which will be presented later.

The loneliness of the hero, who stood at the well and watched the people passing by, is interrupted by Grushnitsky, with whom he once fought together. Juncker, who had been in the service for only a year, wore a thick overcoat decorated with a heroic cross - with this he tried to attract the attention of the ladies. Grushnitsky looked older than his years, which he also considered a virtue, outwardly the skater was also attractive. His speech often included high-flown phrases that gave him the appearance of a passionate and suffering person. At first glance, it might seem that the two were good friends. In fact, their relationship was far from ideal, as the author of the diary directly says: "We will come across him someday ... and one of us will be uncomfortable." Pechorin, even when they met, unraveled the falsity in him, for which he disliked. This is how an action is tied, which will unfold over the course of a month, and Pechorin's diary will help the reader to trace the entire chain of events - this is their summary.

"A Hero of Our Time" ("Princess Mary" is no exception) is interesting for the unusual character of the protagonist, who is not used to dissembling even in front of himself. He openly laughs at Grushnitsky, who casts a phrase in French at the very moment when mother and daughter Ligovskys pass by, which, of course, attracts their attention. A little later, having got rid of an old acquaintance, Pechorin observes another interesting scene. The junker "accidentally" drops the glass and still cannot raise it: a crutch and a wounded leg interfere. The young princess quickly flew up to him, brought in a glass and just as swiftly flew away, convinced that her mother had not seen anything. Grushnitsky was delighted, but Pechorin immediately cooled his ardor, noting that he did not see anything unusual in the girl's behavior.

This is how you can describe the first day of the hero's stay in Pyatigorsk.

Two days later

The morning began with a meeting with Dr. Werner, who came to visit Pechorin. The latter considered him a wonderful person and even assumed that they could become friends if only Grigory Alexandrovich was capable of such a relationship in principle. They loved to talk to each other on abstract topics, which can be seen more than once in the story "Princess Mary". The summary of their conversations characterizes both as intelligent, honest and uncompromising people.

This time they gradually moved on to the meeting of former colleagues that had taken place the day before. Pechorin's words that "there is a tie," and he would not be bored here, immediately evoked a response from the doctor: "Grushnitsky will be your victim." Then Werner reports that the Ligovskys' house has already become interested in a new vacationer. He tells his interlocutor about the princess and her daughter. She is quite educated, treats all young people with contempt, loves to talk about passions and feelings, speaks impartially about Moscow society - this is how Princess Mary appears from the words of the doctor. A summary of the conversations in the Ligovskys' house also makes it possible to understand that the appearance of Pechorin aroused the interest of the ladies.

Werner's mention of a relative of the princess who has arrived, pretty, but really sick, makes the hero worry. In the description of the woman, Grigory Alexandrovich recognizes Vera, whom he once loved. Thoughts about her do not leave the hero even after the doctor leaves.

In the evening, while walking, Pechorin again runs into the princess and notices how much she has captured Grushnitsky's attention. This ends another day of Pechorin, described in the diary included in the story "Princess Mary".

On this day, several events happened to Pechorin. The plan he developed for the princess began to act. His indifference caused a response in the girl: when she met, she looked at him with hatred. The epigrams composed by her also reached the hero, in which he received a very unflattering assessment.

Pechorin lured almost all of her admirers to himself: free food and champagne turned out to be better than a sweet smile. And at the same time he constantly provoked Grushnitsky, who was already head over heels in love.

To continue the summary of the chapter "Princess Mary" follows the description of the first chance meeting of Pechorin and Vera at the well. Their feelings, flared up with renewed vigor, determined the further actions of the lovers. Pechorin needs to get to know Vera's aged husband, enter the Ligovskys' house and hit the princess. This will give them the opportunity to meet more often. The hero appears in this scene somewhat unusual: there is a hope that he is really capable of a sincere feeling and will not be able to betray his beloved woman.

After parting, Pechorin, unable to stay at home, goes on horseback to the steppe. Returning from a walk gives him another unexpected meeting.

A group of vacationers moved along the road that wound through the bushes. Among them were Grushnitsky and Princess Mary. The summary of their conversation can be reduced to a description of the feelings of the cadet. Pechorin in a Circassian outfit, suddenly emerging from the bushes, disrupts their peaceful conversation and causes anger in the frightened girl, and then embarrassment.

During the evening walk, the friends meet. Grushnitsky informs with sympathy that the princess's attitude to Pechorin has been completely spoiled. In her eyes, he looks impudent, arrogant and narcissistic, and this forever closes the doors of their house in front of him. It is clear that the hero's words that he may be a part of the family even tomorrow are perceived with sympathy.

Ball incident

The next entry - May 21 - is quite insignificant. It only indicates that in a week Pechorin never met the Ligovskys, for which Vera blamed him. On the 22nd a ball was expected, at which Princess Mary would also be.

The summary of the story from the novel will continue the incident that made adjustments to the established course of events. At the ball, where the entrance was still closed to Grushnitsky, Pechorin meets the princess and even defends her honor in front of a drunken gentleman. There was clearly a plan arranged by the dragoon captain, another longtime acquaintance of Grigory Alexandrovich. During the mazurka, Pechorin captivates the princess, and also, as if by the way, informs that Grushnitsky is a cadet.

The very next day, together with a friend who thanked him for his act at the ball, the hero goes to the Ligovskys' house. The main thing to note here is that he displeases the princess by not listening carefully enough to her singing after tea, and instead enjoys a calm conversation with Vera. And at the end of the evening, he watches the triumph of Grushnitsky, whom Princess Mary chooses as an instrument of revenge.

Lermontov M.Yu .: summaries of Pechorin's notes on May 29 and June 3

For several days, the young man adheres to the chosen tactics, although from time to time he asks himself the question: why is he so persistently seeking the love of a young girl, if he knows in advance that he will never marry her. Nevertheless, Pechorin does everything to make Mary bored with Grushnitsky.

Finally, the cadet appears in his apartment happy - he was promoted to an officer. In just a few days, a new uniform will be sewn, and he will appear before his beloved in all its glory. Now he no longer wants to embarrass her gaze with his greatcoat. As a result, it is Pechorin who accompanies the princess during the evening walk of the water society to failure.

First, slander about all the acquaintances, then malicious statements addressed to them and a long, denouncing monologue of the “moral cripple,” as he calls himself. The reader notices how Princess Mary is changing under the influence of what she has heard. The summary (Lermontov does not spare his hero at all) of the monologue can be conveyed as follows. Society made Pechorin what he became. He was modest - cunning was attributed to him. He could feel good and evil - no one loved him. He put himself above others - they began to humiliate him. As a result of misunderstanding, I learned to hate, pretend and lie. And all the best qualities that were originally inherent in him remained buried in the soul. All that remains in him is despair and memories of a lost soul. So the fate of the princess was predetermined: tomorrow she will wish to reward her admirer, to whom she had treated with coldness for so long.

And again the ball

The next day, there were three meetings. With Vera - she reproached Pechorin for being cold. With Grushnitsky - his uniform is almost ready, and tomorrow he will appear in it at the ball. And with the princess - Pechorin invited her to the mazurka. The evening was spent in the Ligovskys' house, where the changes that had taken place with Mary became noticeable. She did not laugh or flirt, and all evening she sat with a sad look and listened attentively to the extraordinary stories of the guest.

The summary of "Princess Mary" will continue with the description of the ball.

Grushnitsky was beaming. His new uniform, with a very narrow collar, was adorned with a bronze lorgnette chain, large epaulettes that resembled angel wings, and kid gloves. The creak of boots, a cap in hand and curled curls complemented the picture. His whole appearance expressed self-satisfaction and pride, although from the outside the former cadet looked rather ridiculous. He was absolutely sure that it was he who would have to match the princess in the first mazurka, and soon left impatiently.

Pechorin, entering the hall, found Mary in the company of Grushnitsky. Their conversation did not go well, as her gaze wandered around all the time, as if looking for someone. Very soon she looked at her companion with almost hatred. The news that the princess was dancing a mazurka with Pechorin aroused anger in the newly-made officer, which soon turned into a conspiracy against the rival.

Before leaving for Kislovodsk

June 6-7, it becomes clear: Grigory Alexandrovich has achieved his goal. The princess is in love with him and suffers. To top it all off is the news brought by Werner. They say in the city that Pechorin is getting married. Assurances to the contrary caused only a grin in the doctor: there are times when marriage becomes inevitable. It is clear that Grushnitsky spread the rumors. And this means one thing - the denouement is inevitable.

The next day, Pechorin, full of determination to complete the case, leaves for Kislovodsk.

Posted June 11-14

For the next three days, the hero enjoys the local beauties, sees Vera, who had arrived even earlier. In the evening of the 10th, Grushnitsky appears - he does not bow and leads a riotous lifestyle. Gradually, the entire Pyatigorsk society, including the Ligovskys, moved to Kislovodsk. Princess Mary is still pale and suffers in the same way.

Summary - Lermontov is gradually bringing the story to a climax - the rapidly developing relationship between the officers and Pechorin can be reduced to the fact that everyone is rebelling against the latter. Grushnitsky's side is taken by the dragoon captain, who had personal scores with the hero. Quite by chance, Grigory Aleksandrovich becomes a witness of the planned conspiracy against him. The bottom line was this: Grushnitsky finds an excuse to challenge Pechorin to a duel. Since the pistols will be unloaded, the first is not in any danger. The second, according to their calculations, should be chickened out on condition of shooting at six paces, and his honor will be tarnished.

Compromising encounter and duel

The events of May 15-16 became the denouement of everything that happened to Pechorin during the month on the mineral waters. Here is a summary of them.

The "hero" of our time ... Lermontov ("Princess Mary" plays an important role in this regard) more than once makes one think about the question: what is he really like? Selfish and aimlessly living his life Pechorin often arouses condemnation of both the author and the reader. Werner's phrase in a note sent to Grigory Aleksandrovich after the duel sounds condemning: "You can sleep well ... if you can ..." However, in this situation, sympathies still turn out to be on Pechorin's side. This is the case when he remains honest to the end both with himself and with those around him. And he hopes to awaken conscience in a former friend who turned out to be dishonest and capable of meanness and meanness in relation not only to Pechorin, but also to the princess.

On the evening before the duel, the whole society gathered to watch the magician who had arrived. The princess and Vera remained at home, and the hero went to meet her. The whole company, planning his humiliation, tracked down the unlucky lover and raised a fuss in full confidence that he was visiting Mary. Pechorin, who managed to escape and return home quickly enough, met the dragoon captain with his comrades lying in bed. So the officers' first attempt failed.

The next morning, Grigory Alexandrovich, who went to the well, heard the story of Grushnitsky, who allegedly witnessed how the night before he got out through the window from the princess. The quarrel ended with a challenge to a duel. As a second, Pechorin invited Werner, who knew about the conspiracy.

An analysis of the content of Lermontov's story "Princess Mary" shows how contradictory the protagonist was. So on the eve of the duel, which could be the last in his life, Pechorin cannot sleep for a long time. Death does not frighten him. Another thing is important: what was its purpose on earth? After all, he was born for a reason. And so much unspent energy still remains in him. How will he be remembered? After all, no one has fully understood him.

Nerves calmed down only in the morning, and Pechorin even went to the bathhouse. Cheerful and ready for anything, he went to the place of the duel.

The doctor's proposal to end everything in peace caused the dragoon captain, the enemy's second, to grin - he decided that Pechorin had chickened out. When everyone was ready, Grigory Alexandrovich put forward a condition: to shoot at the edge of a cliff. This meant that even a minor injury could lead to a fall and death. But this did not make Grushnitsky confess to the conspiracy.

The first to shoot was the opponent. For a long time he could not cope with the excitement, but the captain's contemptuous exclamation: "Coward!" - made him pull the trigger. A slight scratch - and Pechorin still resisted so as not to fall into the abyss. He still had the hope of reasoning his opponent. When Grushnitsky refused to admit slander and apologize, Pechorin made it clear that he knew about the conspiracy. The duel ended in murder - Grushnitsky was able to show firmness and steadfastness only in the face of death.


In the afternoon, Pechorin was brought a letter from which he learned that Vera had left. A vain attempt to catch up with her ended in failure. He realized that he had lost his beloved woman forever.

This concludes the summary of "Princess Mary". It only remains to add that the last explanation of Pechorin with the main character was short and straightforward. A few words were enough to put an end to their relationship. At the moment when the girl's first serious feeling was trampled, she was able to maintain her dignity and not humiliate herself to hysterics and sobs. Her secular manners and contempt for others hid a deep nature, which Pechorin could see. Learning to trust people and love again is what Princess Mary will have to do in the future.

The characterization of a literary hero consists of his actions, thoughts, relationships with other people. Pechorin appears in the story as an ambiguous person. On the one hand, he perfectly analyzes the situation and evaluates its consequences. On the other hand, he values ​​his life little and easily plays with the fate of others. Achieving a goal is what attracts a person who is bored and does not find use for their talents.

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