Year of the rooster and lion according to the horoscope. Rooster - Leo

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According to the characteristics and compatibility, the male Leo-Rooster is a generous and open person.

These imperious natures usually behave decorously, creating a special image and style for themselves.


To some extent, Leo-Rooster is characterized by narcissism, but this does not mean at all that he is an egoist. Rather, he is sickened by everyone's attention. And, it is impossible not to notice, the representatives of this zodiac type succeed, and all because they show generosity and attentiveness towards the people around them. They will be able to sympathize and support when it is really needed. The inherent ambition of the Leo-Rooster man does not allow him to become discouraged, so most often he is in a good mood. Only very serious troubles can upset such a person. But even with them, he will be able to cope and will not give up. In the characterization of the Leo-Rooster man, it is also worth including several other qualities inherent in his nature:

  • Friendliness;
  • Sociability;
  • Pride;
  • Clear understanding of goals;
  • Optimism;
  • Practical approach to life;
  • Strength and determination;
  • industriousness;
  • perseverance;
  • High intelligence.

Contrary to his pretentiousness and narcissism, the Leo man, born in the year of the Rooster, has a keenly developed sense of justice, loyalty and devotion to loved ones. Possessing powerful energy, he always tries to direct it in the right direction, with benefit. From representatives of other signs of these natures, incredible determination distinguishes. Despite the obstacles and difficulties in their path, they always achieve what they want. For the sake of the cherished goal, the Leo-Rooster man spend years of his life and hard work, but at the same time bring the work he has begun to the end. People of this combination of signs can hardly endure pressure from the outside, so others often have to endure angry attacks and attacks of aggression from them. Leo-Rooster does not look for simple ways: he always chooses complex ways to solve certain situations. This is one of those rare cases when the spiritual and earthly principles coexist calmly in a person. In the life of the Leo-Rooster, it is necessary to maintain a balance between desires and opportunities, between the craving for reflection and action.

Compatibility in love

In personal relationships, the Leo-Rooster man is very demanding and very critical. It is extremely rare that he can be persuaded to compromise because of his pronounced stubbornness. He is sure that for loyalty and support, the partner should appreciate and accept him for who he is. Moreover, it is desirable to express it orally. It is quite likely that the Leo-Rooster man is compatible with a woman who will take on the role of a boyfriend and will shower her chosen one with compliments and words of gratitude day after day.

In general, representatives of this iconic combination build love relationships with difficulty. It is not easy for them to get close to the representatives of the opposite sex, so they often remain lonely. To improve his personal life, the Leo-Rooster man should behave a little more relaxed and be less demanding of his partner. Only in this case, he will be able to soberly assess the woman and understand whether she suits him or not. Once he manages to find the one, he becomes very generous and emotional in terms of expressing feelings.

Career and money

It so happens that for men ruled by the signs of the Rooster and Leo, a career is almost the only area where they can fully reveal their talents. Only thanks to work and their own skills they are able to achieve everything they want. Self-confidence and determination are the key to their successful completion of the most difficult tasks. Often Leo-Rooster men open their own business or start a career in public service. They manifest themselves quite actively in their chosen profession, thereby wanting to receive recognition not only from colleagues, but also from management. Building a career, a man rarely thinks about the material component of the process and often receives it as a bonus to the expended forces. Leo-Rooster is not difficult to achieve financial stability, and sometimes wealth. All this makes their life prosperous, but for complete harmony, only personal happiness is not enough.

Courageous Rooster. Give his life for the one he loves!

Eastern horoscope- Rooster

Zodiac horoscope- A lion

Lions-Roosters are honest, noble, proud, vain and happy only when they are in the spotlight. They hide their selfishness under the guise of generosity, but their services always make it better for themselves than for those whom the Lions-Roosters help.

The combination when a male or female Leo-Rooster are people who have a very friendly character, it is easy to get along with almost everyone. They are extremely helpful and it is not uncommon to volunteer when someone needs help. They have a sensible and mature attitude, compassion and warmth.

The Lion Rooster is a wonderful companion on a journey or through life. These people are excellent organizers, and they know how to gently control events, manage their emotions well. This is a wonderful friend, in personal relationships it will take them a long time for the relationship to develop into a romantic one. When it comes to the long term in personal relationships, they can suffer from doubts and caution.

At work and at home, they know how to entertain and raise morale. They have a subtle sense of humor and are always ready to cheer people up. The friendliness, humor and intelligence of these men and women makes people smile again and again. Their interests are politics and the thirst for new information.

These people are not spenders and always compare price and quality. Sometimes they are considered misers, but in reality they do not strive for this. They are generous and good-natured, but not financially. They have a keen eye for deals and will always save you money if you take them shopping with you.

A weakness in the personality of these people can be considered their slightly overbearing and loud demeanor, at times. Sometimes they try to take the lead when it's not needed. If they think they are right, they will be very pushy and their friendly persona will evaporate for a while.

The rooster of the zodiac sign Leo is very dexterous, hardy, active and stubborn in achieving the goal. He is often lucky, and he is able to achieve a lot in life.

The goals that the lion rooster sets for himself are always the highest, the ideas that he serves are the most humane, but the methods are sometimes too cruel. This is a rooster who is ready to sacrifice both himself and his interests for the sake of good. He has the will, determination and other qualities that the winners usually have. The rooster lion is self-confident to the point of narcissism and is sometimes so blinded by his victories that he begins to command everyone indiscriminately.

Whether a woman, a male, a cock, a lion is an authoritarian person who does not tolerate objections and who is characterized by a totalitarian leadership style. To deal with him, you need to study his habits well and remind him more often of his high destiny.

To understand what the Leo-Rooster woman wants and strives for, her characteristic, based on the combination of the eastern horoscope and the corresponding zodiac sign, will help. The -Rooster type includes people who were born in the years 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993. Their birthday should fall between July 23 and August 22.

The image of a female Lion-Rooster

The image of the Leo-Rooster woman is very bright, strong, strong-willed and independent. It includes the following descriptions - character elements.

  • Rooster Woman surprises with its openness, straightforwardness and eccentric behavior. She will not be content with supporting roles. This lady deserves the best and will not rest until others recognize her superiority. It is also worth noting the practicality of the Rooster woman. She loves prosperity and does everything possible to make her house a full bowl.
  • Leo woman, born in the year of the Rooster, acquires such additional qualities as generosity, cordiality, nobility of feelings and enthusiasm. She loves life and strives not only to show off her talents and beauty, but also to communicate a positive charge of energy to others, cheer them up and instill faith in happiness and confidence in the favorable development of affairs.

Everyone wants to meet the Leo-Rooster woman. She dazzles with her charm, unique charm, conquers with her independence of mind and broad, extraordinary views on life. And yet, from her huge retinue of admirers, it is not easy for such a woman to choose a worthy contender for her hand and heart.

The fact is that the Leo-Rooster woman has a lot of positive qualities, and she herself understands this. She is not interested in a boring, average man of low income who has ordinary goals in life. In her dreams - a mature man, status, demonstrating confidence in the future, standing firmly on his feet, having financial independence and high ambitions. Since the Leo-Rooster woman herself occupies an increasingly higher position in society over the years, it is more difficult for her to find a suitable pair each time.

It will be good if a woman of this type marries at an early age. At a more mature age, a successful marriage of convenience is also possible. In the latter case, the spouse will play the role of a business partner, thanks to whose influence it will be possible to expand their prospects in activities and, for example, start their own business.

A woman of this type has a special relationship with children. She believes that her child should have all the best, and devotes a lot of time to his development and education. The ideal family for a Leo-Rooster woman is a family with a large number of children, whom she can always provide with everything necessary.

Perhaps self-realization and a career is one of the most important aspects of the life of a Leo-Rooster woman. Here she shows her business acumen, powerful intellectual abilities and uses the ability to quickly make the right decisions.

Women of this type do not like to obey their superiors, so the best option for them is to organize their own business. Here energy, determination, strong-willed and leadership qualities will find a way out. In addition, she not only knows how to manage people, but also understands issues of profit.

It should also be added that Leo-Rooster women know how to work tirelessly, which earns respect from their colleagues, partners and subordinates. Thanks to diligence, success comes to them very early, but it must be admitted that they do not always get money easily.

Sometimes women of this type get into a dead end, concentrating their attention only on earnings and forgetting about the desires of their souls. Only that woman will be happy in her career who can combine business with pleasure, that is, find a job that will simultaneously reveal her talents and gain prosperity.

So, a woman attracts a Leo-Rooster with many of her business and spiritual qualities. Its characterization deserves detailed study and close attention. Thanks to the combination of the Chinese and zodiac horoscopes, it will be possible to understand what is the uniqueness of her personality and what success and the ability to achieve what she wants are based on.

Compatibility horoscope: a child under the sign of the zodiac lion in the year of the rooster is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The typical Leo is bright and generous, with great charm and generosity.

A child born under the sign Leo-Rooster is friendly and finds a common language with any people. Always ready to volunteer to help. Possesses an adult way of thinking, always ready to show compassion and care. These Leos are more open to the world.

Knows how to control his emotions and will be a wonderful friend for anyone. However, it is difficult to open your thoughts and feelings to someone, even to relatives. It is difficult for him to share his disappointments and failures.

He has a wonderful sense of humor and is always ready to cheer up the sad and offended. His friendliness and words of support can inspire optimism in anyone. Loves politics and world news.

At an older age, extremely good-natured, but not in relation to money. It is useful to go shopping with him, he will always keep you from unnecessary expenses.

Despite the friendly disposition, from time to time it can become bossy and noisy. Can take leadership without being asked to. If he considers himself right, he can become very persistent, and there is no trace of friendliness.

child under the sign of the zodiac lion in the year of the rooster

Those born under the sign of Leo in the year of the Rooster are great. The brightness of the Rooster next to the royalty of the Leo makes an irresistible impression. There is dignity and generosity in this sign. Rooster-Leo is sociable and knows how to get along well with others. However, he is self-confident - hence his eternal desire to teach. I must say, the charm of this sign leads to the fact that his advice is often taken into account. It is unlikely that he will tolerate judgment from the outside - the Rooster-Leo accepts only his own opinion. Nevertheless, he is endowed with a kind heart and the ability to understand his neighbor. The Rooster-Leo should always look great - the outside is very important for this sign. He craves the admiration of society - and more often than not he gets it. Rooster-Leo is proud and gladly accepts the recognition of others. Perhaps he is even selfish somewhere, but his irresistible charm always justifies him in the eyes of his loved ones.

In business, this sign has good prospects - it has excellent business qualities. In matters of a career, self-love can help him and, oddly enough, hinder him. He stubbornly goes to the heights, but excessive self-confidence turns his head, sometimes leading him far from the goal. The rooster is fickle and is able to get involved in new projects without completing the previous ones. Fortunately, this sign is led by Leo, who knows how to go to the planned horizons. Rooster-Leo is able to become a talented leader, but his leadership style can be too authoritarian. He is hardworking and persistent, and his perseverance can only be envied. In addition, luck contributes to this sign everywhere - it may well count on success in any business.

Lions born in the year of the rooster

In personal relationships, the Rooster-Lion is just a gift of fate. He is magnificent, generous and able to raise his partner to the pedestal of his feelings. He knows how to arrange romantic meetings and present unforgettable surprises. This sign enjoys close attention of the opposite sex - and it cannot be otherwise. Rooster-Leo is ready to protect his own family from the whole world - he is gentle and caring. But only he will be the leader in this happy family - and we should not forget about it.

Children born in 2017 Fire Rooster

The coming period is Year of the Red Fire Rooster. And parents of children who must be born in 2017 it is extremely important to know in advance how this symbol will affect the baby - what character, what features the Fire Rooster will reward the baby with.

The sign of the Zodiac, just like the eastern sign, has unique individual properties and qualities that are manifested in the character of each person and in his relations with society. It forms some tactical abilities in human nature and is one of the methods of the twelve-level system of behavior.

The eastern sign of the horoscope, according to the year of birth, forms the laws and conditions of communication between a person and his environment, in the process of which one of the systems of behavior according to the sign of the Zodiac is used. The Eastern sign can be called a strategy, since it forms the field of activity for a person and the principles of the relationship of the outside world to this person.

2017: what will be the child born under the sign of the Fire Rooster

The Fiery Red Rooster will begin to rule 2017 only on January 28 and will resign only on February 15, 2018.

The tenth earthly branch of the eastern lunar cycle is called YU , and its symbol is the Rooster. This Chinese branch indicates perseverance and, accordingly, children born this year will be distinguished by the greatest diligence, diligence and endurance.

Such a child learns quickly, is proactive and loves to work. The Fire Rooster always needs to be busy with something. Baby Rooster is naturally optimistic and good-natured. He always has several plans at the ready. Everything should be in perfect order, and if something seems wrong, then the child will not hesitate to start redoing everything that comes to hand.

The rooster is bright, straightforward, but loyal to others, domineering, courageous, loyal, emotional, generous and, at the same time, practical and economic, somewhat self-centered and self-willed.

Children born in the year of the Fire Rooster will grow up to be creative people with exceptional willpower and extraordinary leadership abilities. The Fire Rooster knows how to achieve the goal most quickly and efficiently, successfully overcoming difficulties.

Children born in the year of the Rooster of the element of fire are future directors, musicians, inventors, engineers and architects.

Judging by the horoscope for 2017 of the Red Rooster, children of a deep and insightful mind are born at this time. In the future, these kids will become talented workers who excel in any matter. In childhood, these girls and boys develop more actively and show independence at an early age.

Note to parents: children of the year of the Rooster should be encouraged for their work and achievements. However, it is not worth pampering the kids. The child must understand that only by making the right decisions and doing the right things will he receive a reward.

Children's horoscope 2017 according to the signs of the zodiac

Rooster and Aries (03/21 - 04/20)

Aries children born in the year of the Rooster are distinguished by their strong-willed character and warlike behavior. Aries is extremely cunning, able to find a way out of any difficult situation, relying only on his sharp mind and willpower. Aries born in 2017 are surrounded, as a rule, by people in high positions. Aries is able to involve others in solving their problems. In other words, Aries under the sign of the Rooster knows how to subordinate others to his opinion. Roosters-Aries are usually extremely honest and require the same from others.

Rooster and Taurus (21.04 - 20.05)

Taurus born under the sign of the Rooster are usually bold, self-confident, in no way inferior to the people around them, they are strong and energetic. Such a combination of signs means the predominance of leadership qualities, they know how and love to dissemble. Roosters-Taurus always help all those who suffer. They do not like to be pushed around and do not intend to fulfill other people's whims, even those closest and loved ones. The Taurus of the Year of the Rooster boldly admits the mistakes they have made and always asks for forgiveness.

Rooster and Gemini (21.05 - 21.06)

Perhaps Gemini is the most windy sign of the Roosters. Extremely active and diversified personalities. Often Gemini Roosters overestimate their capabilities, but their energy helps them to always be in business. This sign has an incredible flair for both love and business. If you give Gemini freedom and eliminate jealousy, then he will never change or betray.

Rooster and Cancer (22.06 - 22.07)

Cancer is probably the most controversial sign of the Rooster. While Cancer knows what he wants, he cannot go ahead because of his doubts. Crayfish-Roosters are easily vulnerable and very sensual, which makes them somewhat vindictive. They do not like to be disappointed and constantly seek recognition. It is extremely difficult for Cancers of the year of the Rooster to adapt to something new. They are big homebodies. Cancers are the most faithful of the Roosters, they are often happy in the family. Passive as long as something does not hurt their interests.

Rooster and Lion (23.07 - 23.08)

Lions-Roosters love luxury and beautiful things. Commanders in spirit, they always make grandiose plans and strictly follow them, seeking the same from the environment. Proud and a little arrogant. Such people are always grateful for the help rendered to them and are extremely honest. Leo, born in the year of the Rooster, is the only sign that has not adopted the cock's selfishness. Leo is always noble and generous. However, one should not abuse their angelic patience, so as not to wake up a predator in him.

Rooster and Virgo (24.08 - 23.09)

An extremely favorable combination of heavenly signs. The Rooster adds to the Virgo the courage she lacks, which translates into the achievement of goals and promises success. Roosters-Virgos work hard and do not allow themselves to stop for a minute. They are very restless and have a sense of hypertrophied justice, they are extremely principled and ambitious. Virgos born in the year of the Rooster are thrifty and economical. However, cock boasting blooms here in a riotous color.

Rooster and Libra (24.09 - 23.10)

Libra-Roosters are diplomatic and not a bit aggressive, they have flexibility, but it does not develop into sensitivity and understanding. Scales are able to bypass sharp corners. Despite their talkativeness and love for disputes of any nature, Libra-Roosters cannot stand nonsense, therefore all their arguments are well-reasoned, and their speeches are honest. Such people make excellent guardians of the law or the military. Libra is in love with themselves, they are wary of new business acquaintances and proposals. They can do stupid things only in love affairs.

Rooster and Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)

With Scorpio, born in the year of the Rooster, it is extremely difficult to argue and compete in anything. Energetic and bold, Scorpio Roosters do not know how to keep their emotions under control. They know how to work and make others work. They are unshakable in their decisions, not used to lying, have a sharp mind and are very eloquent. These people have a well developed sense of humor. A favorite tactic to eliminate an opponent is to take him by surprise. Scorpions-Roosters need love and affection. Otherwise they become aggressive.

Rooster and Sagittarius (23.11 - 21.12)

Sagittarians under the sign of the Rooster are extremely boastful people, able to chat non-stop, have the gift of persuasion. Bold and outspoken. The imagination of Sagittarius-Roosters is developed at some highest level, and the enthusiasm goes off scale. Representatives of this combination of signs rarely manage to complete what they started, but they are very fond of change and travel. They become good families.

Rooster and Capricorn (22.12 - 20.01)

Capricorns are not boastful, like all Roosters, but this quality turns here into cold authority. Such people do not tolerate any untruth, are unusually frank. The diligence and hard work of Capricorn-Roosters helps them quickly achieve perfection in any business. Modest and laid-back Capricorns are very much loved in society. Representatives of these signs put intellectual life above love.

Rooster and Aquarius (21.01 - 18.02)

The Rooster reinforces the utopian thoughts of Aquarius, who suffers from super-idealism and is always busy with impossible projects. Roosters-Aquarians are cheerful and expect only goodness from the world. They are capable of making sacrifices for the sake of a higher goal - to make humanity happier. This is often used by bad people. It is easy to fall in love with Aquarius, as he is good at listening as well as making sweet speeches.

Rooster and Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)

Pisces, born in the year of the Rooster, are able to listen to any troubles, sympathize with all their hearts and give advice. However, they themselves are not always self-confident, contradictory. Pisces-Roosters often soar in the clouds, physically remaining nearby. It is very difficult to take them by surprise, these people will come out of any conflict situation without a single scratch, they know how to please and successfully use it.

What will be the children born in 2017, according to the signs of the zodiac

The patron of 2017 will be the Fiery Red Rooster. According to astrologers, this oriental symbol will endow children born in 2017 with many positive qualities, among which kindness, honesty and optimism can be distinguished. The Year of the Rooster is a very favorable period for the birth of children. However, in order to more accurately determine what character traits children born in 2017 will have, one must also pay attention to the characteristics of their zodiac signs.

Children born in 2017

The year of the Rooster will soon come, and not just the Rooster, but the Fiery Red. Moms and dads of future babies are interested in: children born in 2017, what they will be like for months, how this wayward bird will affect the character of the baby. What characteristics will the Fiery symbol of the year reward the baby with?

Everything will also depend on the month in which the newborn will appear, and in order for the characteristic to be detailed, it would be best to consider it according to the signs of the zodiac of the eastern calendar. According to the characteristics of the signs, it will be possible to find out how the Cockerel that has appeared will be in contact with society, what talents he will have, what he will love, what he will be happy about, what profession suits him best and other interesting information can be gleaned from the horoscope.

General characteristics of babies born in the year of the Rooster

The Red Rooster will come into its own, not on January 1, as many people think, but only on January 28 and will rule until February 15, but already in 2018.

If we talk about the general characteristics of a child who appeared in 2017, then he will be initiative, efficient, will always be drawn to knowledge, love to learn something new, inquisitive and will absorb all new information like a sponge.

The Little Rooster is very talented, optimistic and has a kind, big heart, which contains love for everyone around him. The little one just loves when all things are in perfect order and when he grows up, his parents will not have problems collecting toys in the room.

What else unites all the kids born in the year of the Flaming Rooster - brightness, love for straightforwardness, say everything straight in the eye, optimism, authoritativeness, courage, proud disposition, at the same time loyalty, diplomacy, practicality, thriftiness. Some qualities are contradictory, but in a given personality they will easily get along and combine.

Children born in 2017 are true leaders, love creativity, some will make excellent artists or musicians, composers or sculptors. Everything that the Rooster will achieve in the future will be only thanks to the enormous willpower, the ability to go towards the goal, to successfully overcome difficulties.

The element of our kids is fire, which means that a passionate nature will appear in the family, explosive, but deep, subtle, sensitive and very smart and insightful.

Unlike other children, boys and girls who are under the power of fire will be the most active among other children, will develop faster and show independence in any matter, will be drawn to any information.

Note to parents: try to scold the baby less, encourage all his undertakings, praise any craft, any drawing and a read rhyme. Fire children are easily vulnerable and can get upset over any little thing. But, you need to make sure that the child understands: good deeds are praise and reward, bad deeds are a small punishment. Let's analyze everything in more detail, namely, how the character and horoscope of the child will be connected.

What will be the children born in 2017, the horoscope by months

These little ones will be distinguished by a very strong-willed, strong, let's not be afraid of this word, warlike disposition. Little Aries will be very cunning and dexterous, he will be able to rely on his own brains and strong will. I must say, the mind of both girls and boys is very developed beyond their years - sharp and inquisitive. We add that these guys know how to subjugate people, force themselves to obey, they will stop at nothing to achieve their own goals, but on a par with this they are very kind and will always come to the rescue.

Taurus and Red Cockerel

What can we say about these cute peanuts. They are very self-confident, love themselves, often look in the mirror, are strong and quite selfish. They love to always be in the spotlight, they have a lot of leadership qualities, excellent oratory skills, they know how to flatter, dissemble, they know diplomacy from the cradle. Taurus seek to help all those who suffer, they hate when they are ordered, when they are pushed around and forced to do something without desire, they can rebuff even those close to them, although they are very loved and protected. Taurus - Rooster will always be able to admit his mistakes and will not be afraid to ask for forgiveness if he is wrong. Such a set of leadership qualities can be seen in your baby.

Rooster and Gemini

This is already a summer, sunny baby and he is the most windy of all the Roosters in this horoscope. The millet twin is mega hyperactive and diversified, interested in literally everything. Very often, this sign overestimates its capabilities, but it does not lose heart and, thanks to overflowing energy, boldly steps forward, despite failures. The twins have a good intuition in love affairs, and in business too. This little man is devoted and will never betray, but jealousy is alien to him.

Cancer and Cockerel

Full-fledged rulers of summer and the sun, and even plus to the fire element, it turns out to be a nuclear mixture. These kids are the most controversial and extraordinary of all. They always know what they want, but sometimes they can be afraid to take the first steps because of constant doubts and worries. Cancers do not like to be disappointed in people, and when this happens, they are very worried. It is difficult to adapt to the new and always strive for the recognition of others. This sign of the zodiac is the most faithful and devoted, often happy in the circle of his family. They are passive only as long as someone has not affected their interests or tried to get in the way of their goal, they always rush to protect their loved ones. In anger, it is better not to touch them. In general, Petushki - Cancers are soft and friendly people.

Lions and Roosters

These kings prefer luxury, make grandiose plans for the future, dreamers, graceful, proud, often turn up their noses, arrogant. But at the same time, everyone knows how to be grateful and did not adopt the egoism of a rooster, perhaps from all representatives of the horoscope. Lion cubs are always generous, patient and noble, you should not abuse their patience, because you have a predator in front of you.

Virgo and Cockerel

This is a wonderful combination in the horoscope, which can only be imagined. The Rooster adds courage, vigor, self-confidence to the timid Virgo, directs on the right path, where you can achieve the goal. Representatives of the sign are hardworking, and do not like to waste a single minute of their free time. Virgos are economical, principled and ambitious. And another nuance: the Cockerels under the sign of the sweet Virgo are unusually boastful.

Libra and Cockerel

They are real diplomats, sensitive and receptive. Scales easily bypass sharp corners and avoid conflict situations. They like to argue, but they cannot stand scandals. The speeches of these Roosters are always reasoned and honest. Children will love themselves very much, such daffodils. Libras are always cautious about new meetings and acquaintances. Inexperienced in love, trusting and very naive.

Scorpions and Roosters

It is very difficult to argue with these representatives of the horoscope and compete in anything. These signs love to feel like kings and queens anytime, anywhere. They keep emotions under tight control, have a sharp mind, a great sense of humor and excellent intuition. Scorpios love to bask in the rays of love and affection.

Sagittarius and Rooster

They are extreme braggarts and poseurs, chatting non-stop for hours, yet very persuasive. Sagittarians love to dream, build castles in the air, hover in the clouds. The enthusiasm of these people just rolls over, but they rarely bring what they started to its logical conclusion. Good families.

Capricorns and Roosters

These are big boasters, representatives of the sign love to flirt and love to show their authority in front of others, they hate it when they argue with them or doubt their decision. Big modest, very diligent, hardworking. Intelligence in a person is valued more than love.

Aquarius and Cockerels

The characteristics of the sign are selfish, great idealists, they like to engage in utopian plans and projects, they want to see the whole world in goodness and love. Evil people like to use their naivety in their selfish thoughts. They are able to listen and hear.

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