People suffering from epilepsy. Prayer for epilepsy Village magic in the treatment of epilepsy

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Many consider faith to be the best medicine, because it can bring you out of depression when there is no longer any hope left. Prayer for epilepsy has existed for many centuries, and in the old days, patients could only rely on it, since the level of medicine was extremely low. Previously, this disease was called epilepsy because of the characteristic symptoms (sharp fall). According to healers, it was transmitted through curses, slander, etc. That is why prayer was considered the best medicine, since it freed the patient from filth and cleared the mind. In addition to it, believers use various conspiracies, spells and rituals.

Modern medicine makes it possible to stop epilepsy attacks, but experts believe that such traditional methods will not be superfluous and can be used in combination with the main course of therapy. It is necessary to maintain the normal mental state of the patient and the better he feels morally, the less chance there will be of another seizure. Often, especially suspicious people are given a placebo (dummy) under the guise of a strong medicine. After using it, the patient felt better due to faith and a positive attitude. Prayer has the same effect, so believers, combining it and conventional medical methods, can improve their condition much faster.

Healers consider epilepsy a generational curse and say that it can manifest itself over time, especially if there are people in the family who have had seizures. Such a disease can affect the patient’s brain like damage and, according to believers, it can be removed with the help of prayer. Modern doctors interpret these nuances as hereditary predisposition and the placebo effect.

Regardless of whether a person believes in traditional methods or not, he must understand that epilepsy is a severe pathological process. To stop attacks, it is desirable that the patient be cared for by a person of a spiritual mindset. It will be able to instill confidence in the epileptic and help avoid the consequences of the disease.

Experts advise creating several images in your subconscious, for example, making an angel a protector and he should play the role of faith, and a demon will represent epilepsy.

The first image should protect the epileptic from damage that clouds consciousness. In moments of despair, the angel will have to protect the believer from bad thoughts with the help of prayer and prevent another attack. This method is extremely effective if you truly believe in the images created.

Experts strictly prohibit self-diagnosis. It is not easy for even an experienced doctor to make a diagnosis, since the abnormal activity characteristic of epilepsy at a moment of calm is absent. It has to be induced artificially, but the patient himself will not experience discomfort, since the technique is absolutely safe. Often, a person’s fears about the presence of this pathology are not justified. Convulsions can be not only epileptic, but also result from injury, colds, intoxication, magnetic storms, changes in the phase of the moon, etc. Therefore, before treating epilepsy with prayer or a spell, it is necessary to undergo a detailed examination and consult a doctor.


Only those people who sincerely believe in the Creator can use this method of treatment. Otherwise, no effect will be obtained and the appeal to the Lord God and the holy martyrs will remain an empty phrase. Priests recommend that before prayer you think about all your sins and your desire to not make such mistakes again.

You must want to live according to God's commandments and strive to change your life for the better. In this case, there will be a strong prayer that will have its effect.

  • Before the procedure, you should wash and change clothes. It is advisable to choose clothes of a light shade. The prayer must be read while standing in front of a candle and it is advisable that an icon of the saint to whom the appeal is made is present. This should be done within 10 days after waking up and before going to bed. Directly while reading the prayer, the patient should not be distracted by anything and care should be taken to ensure that there is no one in the room.
  • Our Father;
  • Prayer to the Mother of God;
  • Prayer of the Holy Trinity;

A prayer addressed to the Guardian Angel or saint whose name the epileptic was named.

Every day the procedure should be repeated at the same time and all calls should be identical. Regardless of the outcome, faith must remain unshakable. In this case, the effect will be most significant. If for some reason you cannot remember the text of the prayer, then you need to copy it yourself onto a piece of paper and read from it. It is prohibited to transfer to another person an appeal to the saints written in your own hand.

Saint Vitus

For a long time, they prayed to Saint Vitus for salvation from epilepsy. He was killed along with the martyr Crescetia and Modestus for his faith in Jesus Christ in the capital of the Roman Empire during the reign of Diocletian. Saint Vitus of Rome came from a wealthy family, but his father did not recognize Christianity and was an ardent pagan. When he learned about his son's faith, he became furious. Initially, the father asked, with the help of various encouragements, to renounce Christ, and having received a refusal, he began to torture him. After the pagan realized that his son could not be forced to renounce his faith, he decided to kill him, but the teacher stood up for 12-year-old Vitus. His name was Modest and he saved the young Christian and took him under his care. They, together with Criscentia, who was the boy’s nurse, went to Lucania. In this Italian town there were many supporters of paganism and the trio were forcibly taken to Rome, where they were executed in 303 for their faith.

Since then, Saint Vitus has been revered for his unshakable faith and people turn to him in case of epilepsy with the following prayer:

Along with the prayer, it is advisable to sing the troparion (chant):

Conspiracies for epileptic seizures

In addition to prayers for epilepsy, people who believe in God and traditional medicine use various spells, for example, on bread. You need to take a fresh loaf and remove the pulp from it, and then roll it over the chest, stomach, legs and arms. The remaining crumb should be wrapped in a white cloth and at 12 o’clock at night, standing at an intersection, say the following words:

You can use not the bread pulp, but dough made with water and honey. After epilepsy rolls out, the same spell is pronounced. For the best effect in the patient’s home, you need to lay a light tablecloth on the table and place 3 blessed candles on top of it. Behind them you need to put a plate in which there will be a loaf of black bread. When preparations are completed, the following words should be said:

Other non-traditional therapies

The use of prayers and spells helps improve the patient’s mental state, but other unusual treatment methods can also be used. Among them, one can highlight the method of therapy from Indian yogis. It is based on cleansing the intestines with warm boiled water or a decoction of medicinal herbs such as lemon balm, valerian, hawthorn, etc.

The procedure should be performed for a week, increasing the amount of liquid you drink by 500 ml every day. However, you need to take a break every 2 days, and repeat the course a month later. Further, this procedure can be performed every six months for preventative cleaning. For better effect, you can use an enema.

According to healers, if an epileptic attack begins, you can stop it by sharply stepping on your little finger. This method cannot be called a panacea, but there have been cases of stopping a seizure.

Prayer designed to heal from epilepsy is a means of calming. If you use it along with the use of medications, you can achieve good results. You should not completely rely on the Lord God, but you must always believe in him and then you will be able to cope with any illness.

For a long time in Rus', healers considered epilepsy a disease with destructive energy that was transmitted to the victim’s body in different ways. Curses, spells, dry spells and conspiracies were used. The brain of a patient with epilepsy absorbed the information of the ill-wisher and stopped fully perceiving daylight. An aura appeared, and after a few minutes, less often hours, a convulsive attack occurred. The victim's astral body was corrupted; the loss of vital energy increased.

In magic there are enough methods to rid a patient of convulsive seizures and loss of astral energy. They are not used in modern medicine. Traditional medicine provides its followers with many conspiracies to get rid of illness. One of them - epilepsy spell.

Epilepsy and the generational curse

Each of us has a family tree. There will definitely be a place for a family curse on this tree. Sooner or later it will make itself felt and its destructive power can give impetus to the development of a disease such as epilepsy. Energy damage affects the patient’s brain. People who are angry, greedy, and unrestrained are more susceptible to it. A spiritual person is less likely to suffer from epilepsy and its course is much milder. It is difficult, but possible, to neutralize a negative impulse.

Who lives in the soul of a patient with epilepsy - an angel or a demon?
Patients with epilepsy live among us. Often in everyday life they feel the need for outside help and care. It is very important that a spiritual person helps the epileptic. Then demons will not be able to penetrate the soul of the patient and tempt him.
It is necessary to create and develop bright images in the patient’s mind so that the guardian angel will protect the patient on his path. In the period between attacks, the patient is protected from fears and anxiety, otherwise demons approach the soul, dumping all the negativity into it. For a patient with epilepsy, this is especially difficult: there is no strength, all the energy goes to the enemy. If attacks are repeated quite often, then epilepsy is progressing. For epilepsy, a stone spell will provide real help to the patient.

Fools and some prophets suffered from epilepsy. The holy fools were endowed with the gift of deciding the fate of people and even humanity as a whole, predicting future events. These ascetics often suffered from epileptic seizures. Among them is John the Fool. He became famous for predicting the siege of Moscow by the Poles and saving the city.
Login Kochkarev predicted their fate for many. Repeatedly after attacks and deep sleep. He predicted the War of 1812, as well as the war in the Caucasus.
After an attack, the great Chopin in a dream saw the afterlife and the souls of the dead, who predicted various events in the life of the great composer.
George Sand and Emerson Garrington had the gift of foresight.

This disease is mysterious and not fully understood. 6% of cases have sick relatives in their family. The whole world is filled with epileptics - there are 20 million of them.
Not all seizures are epilepsy. Often convulsions accompany diseases such as common flu, injuries, and poisoning. The frequency of attacks is influenced by the phases of the moon, especially the full moon and magnetic storms.
Drug treatment alone is clearly not enough. A pill will help someone, while another patient will be healed by a spell or other magical ritual.
Provide each patient with his own treatment and the “epileptic” condition will recede for a long time.

Epilepsy. Stone spell

Before reading the plot, do the following:

During epilepsy attack you should put the patient's left hand on the floor and step on the little finger, the seizure will quickly end.

Here’s another remedy: take a few hot charcoals and a cup of water from the stove. The ashes from the coals are blown into a cup, and then the coals themselves are placed there. Then, in front of the icon, they read “Our Father” over the water and give it to the sick person to drink from a cup 3 times. After 11 days, the treatment is repeated. Seizures usually stop after the first time if everything is done with faith in a cure.

The spell for epilepsy is read over water and given to the patient to drink, and they also wash their hair with the spelled water.

“I walk the path along untrodden paths, in Christ’s footsteps, in Christ’s tears. I beg and persuade, I reprimand and exhort the epileptic, severe illness. With me are the apostles, and angels, and 40 saints, and Christ himself. They say and order and disease they order: “Go to an open field, a wide expanse, to a gray wave and go to the bottom. So that the slave (name) does not know epilepsy and does not suffer from epilepsy. The word is strong and molding. Amen".

Valentina Ivanovna CHIZHANKOVA.
Belarus, Minsk region, Borisov.

Buy a thick yellow candle on Wednesday. On Friday morning, burn this candle on both sides, holding it over a bowl of spring water, so that the melted wax falls into the water. When there is only one inch left of the candle, blow it out and say:

Fever came from both ends,

I didn’t get there, it was all tears.

Sew this candle into fabric or leather and instruct the patient to carry this talisman with him all the time. Pour out the remaining water, and bury the melted wax in an old, abandoned grave.

Xxx -

Anyone prone to epilepsy should have a special amulet.

Make a small copper or gold medallion. Engrave the necessary witchcraft signs and symbols on its front side. Place finely chopped pine or cedar needles into the inside of the medallion, soaked in the patient’s blood. After this, seal the medallion so that it will never open again. Having done all this, hang the medallion on a chain made of the same metal. Before putting this amulet on the patient’s neck for the first time, dip your middle finger in pine oil, anoint the center of the amulet with this oil and say:

Alura farum, izalla farume.

Place the amulet on the patient’s neck, make three strokes of the same oil on his forehead, right and left shoulders and finish the spell:

Spiratu prote, gibura tamaure.

Do all this on Wednesday on the waning Moon and order the patient to wear this amulet without removing it.

Xxx -

The emerald stone helps to cure falling illness. A woman should have earrings with emeralds. A man should wear this stone in a ring or around his neck.

Xxx -

On Monday, on the waxing Moon, go with the patient into the forest, find an alder or linden tree there. Tell the patient to kneel facing the tree you have chosen. Pull the hair up from the patient's head and press it against the tree trunk. Hit them and the wood at the same time with a sharp knife, so that the cut hair enters the resulting cut in the tree bark. Having done all this, return home. As the tree grows, the disease will begin to subside.

It is very important here to choose a tree that will not be cut down or damaged by anyone in the future. Therefore, choose it in the thickest part of the forest and so that there are no other large trees nearby that suppress it.

Xxx -

If the patient has a seizure, then lay him on the floor, move his left arm to the side and carefully step on his little finger with your bare foot. This will result in quick relief and the seizure will soon stop.

Instead, you can press lightly with your right hand under the patient’s stomach and say three times directly into his left ear:

Songuine avelarus averon.

Xxx -

Brew one spool cap with two glasses of hot sweetened water. Use this sleep dosage before lunch and dinner.

Xxx -

Brew two tablespoons of elecampane root with a glass of boiling water. Infuse this medicine in a warm place and give it to the patient half a glass twice a day before meals.

Conspiracy for seizures (epilepsy)

If this day coincides with the new moon, then do this: knead the dough for pies and, while kneading it, say in a whisper:

Holy Mother of God, bake God's gift from flour

Who will eat your holy bread,

The demon will never approach him.

This bread or pies was passed around the household on this day so that no one would ever have a seizure.

( Conspiracy of the Siberian Healer Natalia Stepanova)


If a person has epilepsy (from epilepsy), this spell for nervous diseases saves you from seizures. But you need to prepare for this treatment in advance. The patient should not eat anything spicy, salty or drink anything alcoholic for a week. Otherwise it won't help. And then keep the same post for a week. You will also need a small aspen twig, without leaves. This branch needs to be dried thoroughly. Get up early in the morning, don’t eat, don’t drink. Pour running water into the bowl, or better yet, blessed water. Light an aspen twig over the cup, and when it burns out, immediately throw it into the water. And immediately begin to read the “Our Father” three times, then the prayer to St. Panteleimon, and then say: Water-water, sister of the well, aspen-aspen, deep quagmire, servant of God (name), not like the devil, so as not to fight, not He was tempted, didn’t knock his head, didn’t bite himself with his teeth, didn’t foam at the mouth. Amen. After a conspiracy against nervous diseases, give this water to the patient. So that he drinks it in three sips. Do this for only three days.

There are 20 million people worldwide suffering from epilepsy. No medicine can completely cure the disease. Medicines only temporarily relieve spasms, but do not cure. A special spell for epilepsy will help you get rid of seizures forever.

Symptoms of epilepsy can be reduced with the help of spells

Epilepsy spells for adults

Both adults and children can suffer from epilepsy. Not every ritual can be performed in relation to a child. You can highlight prayers and conspiracies that are suitable only for adults.

Peony infusion. It's not difficult to make. Add 25 g of peony petals to 100 g of pure alcohol. Leave in a dark place for exactly 15 days. When the infusion is ready, you need to cover your head with a black scarf and place a lit candle in front of you. On a tablespoon of the prepared infusion you need to say the following spell:

“Black, sick epileptic, I didn’t call you and didn’t take you to my knees. You yourself crawled into my head in the middle of the night, an unexpected guest. I drink a magical, healing infusion, thereby removing all the evil spirits from my body. Rush, scurry, scurry. Let the epileptic woman no longer come to me and take all my troubles with her. Amen".

Then drink the infusion from a spoon. Within three weeks after the conspiracy, you need to drink the prepared tincture. And after a nine-day break, repeat the ritual.

Epilepsy spells for children

If you notice that your child is suffering from epilepsy, you should immediately begin to do this. To do this, you need to buy incense and humility from the church. An hour or two before bedtime, diffuse the aroma of incense throughout the room where the child is sleeping. While the smell is spreading, you need to put the child in bed and cover it with a blanket. Evil spirits do not like these smells, so be prepared for the fact that the child may have a severe attack.

With incense in your hands, walk around the room three times. A parent should read the following text:

“I don’t walk across the field and don’t wander along the road. Unfortunately, I sent misfortune to my child and introduced evil spirits into his body. This did not happen on purpose, out of ignorance, inability. Forgive me, Lord, save the child’s sinless body, cast out the spirits from it. So that the flesh lives for a long time and my son (daughter) does not suffer and does not experience injuries. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading these words, you need to leave the room for a few minutes. If the attack is over, then everything went well. If you notice your child convulsing, the ritual should be repeated. The ritual cannot be performed on church holidays.

Ritual against epilepsy

Universal conspiracies

There are several more conspiracies for epilepsy. For the first you will need:

  • large church candle;
  • elegant white tablecloth;
  • homemade rye bread.

Cover the table with a tablecloth and light a candle on the table. Take the bread in your right hand and say the text of the prayer:

“I pray to the merciful God, I bow to the Most Pure Mother Mary. Stand, angels, for me, help drive out evil spirits. You, black disease, go back to where you came from. Don’t make me, God’s servant (name), suck blood and break bones. Amen!"

The next day, light a candle in the church. Leave the enchanted bread at the crossroads. When you leave, don't look back.

For another ritual, you need to roll out the chest of a patient with epilepsy with a crumb of bread. Wrap the used bread in a cloth and take it to the crossroads, put it there and quietly read the spell:

“Holy goodwill, take my bread, and save God’s servant (name) from epilepsy.”

These bread spells are considered effective and can be performed by both children and adults.

For the ritual you will need rye bread


Prayers and conspiracies for epilepsy are almost the only chance to get rid of the disease forever. If you are tired of constant attacks, try using unconventional ways to deal with them, and you will see good results.

If your hearing is impaired

Take the soil from under the maple tree and squeeze it in your fist. Raise the hand on the side of your hearing-impaired ear above your head. After that, read the following plot:

The ground from under the maple head is higher,

And you, my ear, should hear.

Problems with smell

What to do if you lose your sense of smell

I know of many cases where, through hexing, a person’s sense of smell completely disappeared. But one sorcerer can take away the sense of smell, and another can return it. And here's how it's done.

How to deprive your sense of smell

The sorcerer pinches his nose with both hands and reads the following spell in a whisper three times in a row:

How can I not hear

What the f... smells like and the color of spring,

So the servant of God (name) does not hear

No smell of bread, no smell of city.


To return the lost sense of smell

In this case, the spell words are pronounced over the water that they drink, and they wash themselves with the rest. The plot is as follows:

When a bitch hears the smell of her kitten and finds it everywhere,

So God’s servant (name) be keen on smell. Amen.

In addition, you can drip beet juice into your nose or put pieces of it in your nostrils.

Nervous and mental disorders

Conspiracy for schizophrenia

This conspiracy is read over water, which is then used to wash the patient for forty days in a row. The plot is as follows:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Oh you, mother of cheese earth,

The path of life runs through you,

Four-legged creatures are walking towards you,

Bipeds walk on you

By God's permission, according to your own understanding.

With God's help, God's servant (name) was born,

He was baptized by the Holy Church and his godmother.

Lord, help his head not to hurt,

It's mind-boggling to get healthier.

Mother of the earth, shake yourself up, shake yourself up,

Put his brain in its place.

My word is strong, my deed is sculpted.

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy against madness

From the letter:

“Dear and dear Natalya Ivanovna, I had a terrible tragedy - my daughter went crazy. She left to study in England beautiful, smart, cheerful and brave, and returned pitiful and sick.

It all started with the fact that she began to hear voices: both male and female. They constantly give her commands: she can eat this, but she can’t eat that. She either overeats or doesn’t eat for days. She curtained all the windows, turned off the TV, and said that we were being watched from space and listened to through the TV and sockets. He sleeps without turning off the light, does not wash his face, does not comb his hair.

My own daughter simply hated me. She persecutes me, says that I am the main spy and that I killed her own mother, and now I am sitting next to her and transmitting into space everything she says. She even beat me several times. I cannot admit her to the hospital - this requires the consent of the patient, and she does not give this consent and will never give it. No matter how I try to persuade her, she only insists that the Martians will kill her in the hospital.

It’s impossible to leave her alone for a long time, and I had to quit my job in order to take care of my daughter. Now we live only on her meager pension, although we live - that’s a big word, in fact we just exist.

Recently, a neighbor gave me your book, and so I decided to write to you and ask you to publish a conspiracy against madness.

But you know, Natalya Ivanovna, what I think? I think that the Lord is punishing our family this way, because my father, when he was my daughter’s age, cut off a man’s head. Maybe my daughter will atone for his sin?

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Words of the Divine Gospel:

Let it fade away and disappear in you, servant of God (name),

All the power of the evil devil,

May the power of the Divine Spirit dwell in you. Amen.

God of Gods, Lord of Lords, Christ, Son of God,

Most Pure, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin Mary

And all the Heavenly Powers are ethereal,

Guardian angels, archangels,

Cherubim and seraphim,

Start the word, start the deed,

Thrones, dominions, powers, powers,

Forefathers, fathers, kings and prophets,

Apostles and evangelists,

All sacred reverences:

Righteous, martyrs, saints,

Saints, baptists, cathedral faces,

Deliver and heal, have mercy and release

Mind-mind of the servant of God (name).

May God rise again and let His enemies be scattered,

And the angels will rejoice and surround

And sinful souls will rejoice in deliverance from His presence.

The Lord God Himself, Jesus Christ, and with Him all the saints:

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Nikita the Great Martyr,

Razoil, Kuzma and Demyan,

Cyprian and Justinia, Niphon and Maroth,

Holy Almighty Trinity

Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Mother of God herself will spend the night,

And the Holy Spirit will blow on the holy water

And to the servant of God, who is sick (name),

All the Holy Spirit.

Savior's hand will save,

The seal of Christ will confirm

Mother of God and Jesus Christ will heal:

The mind, mind, frontal bone, temples of the servant of God (name).

Satan will fall behind, the illness will fade away and stop,

The angel will come and bring health to the servant of God (name).

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to tell someone off their insanity

With the help of the icon of the glorious prophet and forerunner John, you can try to cure various mental disorders (madness). Treatment is carried out on the waning moon, but not during fasting, holy holidays or leap years. Buy a new (unprayed) icon of John the Baptist and take the candles left over from Easter.

Place the icon on a clean towel and light the candles. Ask the patient to sit facing the icon and close his eyes, stand behind him and read a special prayer nine times in a row. If the patient cannot sit with his eyes closed, then do not insist. The prayer is:

Baptist of the Lord, Prophet John the Baptist, pray to God for the sinful servant (name). May the grace of healing be granted to his mind, have mercy on the unworthy servant of God (name). Holy martyr, who suffered for Christ, spare his mind and life and be his intercessor and guardian. May his mind be renewed for our joy and comfort and for the glory of Jesus Christ. Love the servant of God and beg, holy glorious martyr, the Lord God to deliver the sick man from his illness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy for epilepsy

Go into the forest and find a burnt tree that was struck by lightning during a thunderstorm. Take a firebrand from him and draw a cross with it on the front door of the apartment or house in which the patient lives, saying:

Lightning did not enter these doors,

So that the servant of God (name) will also have epilepsy.

How can lightning not enter these doors?

So the servant of God (name) will pass epilepsy.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

After this, take the firebrand to the same place where you took it. Usually, after such a ritual, the patient ceases to suffer from seizures.

Another conspiracy for epilepsy

Place the patient in a chair and ask him to lean back. He should place his hands on his knees and should not close his eyes, otherwise he may feel dizzy.

Stand behind the patient, put your hand on his right shoulder and read the following plot:

There are three stars in the sky -

Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

I magnify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Lord, remember the sick person (name),

For You are the Salvation of his soul,

For You are his Hope and Joy

On all days and at all hours.

I glorify and magnify You, my God,

For how can You love,

So You can destroy.

Do not destroy, Lord, the servant of God (name),

Help and love, Lord, his body and soul.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Spell for epilepsy (epilepsy)

The following conspiracy also helps in the fight against this insidious disease:

Saint Elijah is walking across the bridge,

I saw an epilepsy on a bush.

- Why are you sitting here, you sick person?

Who are you waiting for and who are you following?


- I am cursed by the Lord God Himself,

Holy Fathers and Forefathers.

I enter people

I plague their bodies with fits,

I hide when I'm kicked out

After a long time I burp again.

I come, I want to eat and drink blood,

I bring different dreams,

I plague people with fits.

Saint Elijah stood up for epilepsy,

He took the honorable cross in his right hand.

Drives, drives out,

This time (name) does not suffer.

The Word of God is first, Elijah is second,

And yours, epileptic, is nothing.

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Strong conspiracy against seizures

This plot is read on melt water. In the evening, bring a basin full of snow into the house and place it in a room where there are no mirrors (under no circumstances should you cover the basin!). In the morning, ask the patient to bend over a basin of melt water and read the following plot:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Water comes from the sky, water goes to the ground,

Water will come from the earth, water will go to heaven.

You too, disease, go to the water,

Then, water, go to mother earth.

And how a dead man does not rise from the ground,

So there will be disease in the land

And he will not come back to God’s servant (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Or do the following. Immediately after the attack, read the following conspiracy over the patient:

Chur! Chur! Chur!

I, the servant of God (name), will leave the gates,

No one will go with me.

I'll go out and cross myself,

I'll go and won't look back.

I'll reach three dusty roads,

I'll get closer to them

I bow lower:

“Oh, you roads, everyone has walked on you,

Everyone carried a burden for you,

The wind blew around you

Covered human tracks.

Take it, wind, and take it away,

Take it to all four directions

From the servant of God (name) his illness,

Take his pain away from him."

And be, words, strong,

And stay strong

For now, for centuries, for all bright times.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.


Conspiracy against seizures

In the bathhouse, collect leaves from the floor of the bathhouse, which the patient used to steam, into the hem, counting them. When there is not a single leaf left on the floor, say:

Reverend Tikhon, comfort, pacify

The servant of God (name) has throws, inflows,

Falls, shaking, shaking,

Falling, painful, flammable,

Alarming, alarming, viscous, rearing,

White from his body, from his bones, from his elbows,

From curls, from clear eyes,

From far away he lived, half-lived,

From the toes to the crown, the shovel,

Cheeks, teeth, tongue -

They wouldn’t feel sad, they wouldn’t get sick.

To my words lips and teeth,

Key and lock

And so as not to be fooled, it is God’s amulet.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Another conspiracy against seizures

Spray the patient with water and read the following plot:

I'll walk out the door backwards,

I’ll say a talisman for the servant of God (name)

From shaking, from demons,

From thrashing fits.

I will call out to Saint Tikhon:

“You, Saint Tikhon, are a quiet man,

Take it, father, from now on and forever

Beating, shaking fits,

So that they do not become cowards of God’s servant (name),

They didn’t hit Mother Earth,

His bones were not broken,

The bleeding didn't bother him.

Tikhon, holy man, free

Servant of God (name) forever

From his pain, from his illness,”

For now, forever, for all bright times.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Relieving seizures on Elijah's day

From the letter:

“Dear Natalya Ivanovna, my friend has one of your old books. It's called "The Book of Witchcraft." She won’t let me read it, she just showed it out of her hands - that’s all. I know that with the help of this book she cured her husband of seizures. Now I also need your help. Print at least a few spells from your “Book of Witchcraft”, because it has not been on sale for a long time, and the spells printed in it, as I understand it, are very powerful. Thank you in advance, I hope that my request will not remain unanswered. Chetvertak Galina, Saratov.”

I gladly fulfill your request.

To reprimand a person for seizures, on Elijah’s Day, take the front of a man’s shirt and the back of a woman’s shirt and sew them together. As soon as the patient wakes up in the morning, immediately ask him to put on this shirt. Then take him to the mirror and, while he looks at it, read the following plot:

Not feminine, not masculine,

Not in a shirt, but in rags.

How the human world remembers Ilya’s day,

So is the servant of God (name)

From this day on he will be alive and well, like Ilya.

How Elijah the Prophet was healed and glorified,

So let the servant of God (name) be healed.


Conspiracy for seizures

First, read the “Our Father” three times in a row, and then read a special spell three times in a row.

Our Father

Our Father, Who art in Heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in Heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I’m walking (name) across an open field,

I'm walking along a wide expanse,

I go and turn to the Lord God,

I don’t communicate with demons and semi-demons.

I see demons and half-demons coming towards me,

All are evil, all unsociable.

They are unkempt and unwashed,

The eyes of the demons are wide open.

One stood up and asked:

-Where am I going, what am I carrying, what am I looking for?

Oh, you demons and half-demons,

I walk under the Lord God,

I bring shaking and convulsions,

I give them to you and I give them to you.

Take them, take them off,

Dress yourself in them, and stay in them.

Lord, help, Lord, bless,

Strengthen every word of mine very firmly.

Be strong, my words,

Be, my works, modeling.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy for feigned insomnia

From a letter from reader E. A. Popkova:

“Dear, dear Natalya Ivanovna. I was forced to turn to you by desperation - for two years now I have not been able to sleep. The doctors examined me and in the end just shrugged me off, saying that they didn’t see any abnormalities. The neurologist even laughed and said: “I would like your health.” They think I'm making it all up, but God knows I'm not deceiving anyone. All night I walk around the apartment from corner to corner, then I’ll lie down on the sofa, then I’ll sit in a chair, then I’ll lie down on the bed, but there was no sleep. I'll take a nap for about two hours, thank God. But I have a responsible job: I am a tram driver. I'm afraid to pass out while working, because I don't know when my body will eventually fail, and what will happen then is scary to think about. I’m afraid of losing my job, but most of all I’m afraid for the people who might get hurt.

Now I want to tell you about why I lost sleep. One day I had to work without a conductor, and at the end of the day I was terribly tired. People handed me money for travel to the booth, and I tore off the tickets, gave change and at the same time drove the tram. At the end of my shift, an old woman got on the tram. She apparently dozed off and passed her stop, although I announced the names of the stops. In general, this woman came up to the driver’s cabin and began to reprimand me that it was all my fault - she spoke too quietly - and now she had passed her stop. I got angry and told her that she needed to sleep less on the tram and listen to the announcements better. Word by word, we quarreled with her - my nerves just lost. In the end, I told her: “Nothing, just take a walk, you’ll only sleep better.” In response, the grandmother told me: “Remember my words, from this day on you will not sleep. You’ll never even find a place to sleep!” With these words, she got out of the tram and left, and since then I haven’t been able to sleep. I beg you to teach me how to remove the spell of insomnia from yourself.”

Wait for the new moon and, looking at the new moon, say:

Young prince, golden horn,

You are a good fellow to walk at night,

And for me, God’s servant (name), I can sleep soundly at night.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy against fears

If you are constantly tormented by unreasonable fears - and in our difficult times this happens all the time - then, looking at the new month, say the following charming words:

The month of the brother, the month of the matchmakers, the month of the betrothed,

You walk high, you see far

Across the fields, across the seas, along the rivers, along the banks.

Take my fear and take it to the forest.

There in the forest, find a fox, find a wolf and a hare,

Put my blood on their blood,

Punish me strictly

Not for me, the servant of God (name), but for the beast,

Let me, Lord, get rid of my fears.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

To not be afraid of the dark

If a person is afraid to sleep in the dark (for example, a child), you need to read the following spell for him:

Angels in the windows, saints in the corners,

Holy Mother of God in the clouds,

Jesus Christ in a day,

Saints in minutes.

I’ll lie down, lock myself up, and I’m not afraid of anyone.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy against hysteria

To perform this ritual you will need a fresh chicken egg laid on Wednesday. Ask a person suffering from hysterical fits to sit facing east. After this, take the egg in your hand and roll it over the patient’s body from the feet to the head, while whispering the following spell:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I, servant of God (name), will get up in the morning,

I will reach the Apostolic Church in the evening.

In this holy church stands the Throne,

Around that Throne there is a mirrored floor,

In that floor the whole wondrous sky is reflected,

The stars and the moon and the sun are refracted in it,

The Mother of God sits on the Throne and smiles.

I, servant of God (name), will come closer to the Throne,

I will bow down to the mirror floor below.

I will bow, submit and pray:

Mother of God, accept my Jesus Prayer

For all monthly days, for all daily hours.

And how, according to God’s will, small things grow,

And the great will be reduced to the small,

So that the illness of God’s servant (name) will be reduced

And forever and ever she did not return. Amen.

Another conspiracy against hysteria

From the letter:

“I don’t know what’s happening to me, but I scream all day long, I can’t talk calmly at all - everything irritates me. Then I feel guilty, I understand that I needlessly offended my husband and children, I try to somehow make up for my mistake. It just doesn't last long for me. Everyone had already turned their backs on me, even the children began to avoid me. I'm afraid that sooner or later my husband will leave me - why does he need such a wife? “And then I’ll be completely alone.”

Buy in the church an icon of St. Andrew, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, to whom you should pray for a cure for mental disorders (he even helps to recover from insanity). Light three candles near the icon, cross yourself and say:

Oh my God,

Show me, servant of God (name),

Through this holy image there is healing softening,

Soften and tame the evil mind in me,

Grant me angelic meekness,

How pure and meek Saint Andrew is.

Conspiracy for nervous fever

Read the spell over water, which you then give to the patient to drink. The words of the conspiracy are:

The Lord washed himself in the holy river,

The Lord God was baptized in holy water.

Oh, you pure, holy water,

Wonderful, wonderful are your God-given shores.

Cut it short, wash away the sickness:

From the body is white, from the relics, from the curls, from the clear eyes,

From all human parts.

From my word, from this hour,

From the Lord God, Jesus' order,

Where did the malice come from?

That's where she would go from now on.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Spell read for nervous disorders

Over the kvass that was placed for the third time, read a special spell. Then treat this kvass to a person suffering from nervous disorders. The plot is as follows:

Chur! Chur! Chur!

Too much useless thoughts

Other people's words, curses, spells, curses. Kvass does not grieve, does not yearn,

Doesn't eat or drink himself

And according to his lot, he does not shed bitter tears.

So you, servant of God (name), do not yearn and do not grieve,

Don't suffer about your worries and sorrows

Hour by hour, century by century, forget it.

Be strong, my words,

Be, my affairs, modeling.

For now, for eternity, for infinity.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy against severe fright

With the help of this plot you can cure even the most severe fear. To do this, take three-day-old rye bread and give a bite from it to a sick person. While he is chewing, cross him with the remaining bread and say:

I'm not the one who baptizes you

God Himself lays the cross.

I won't help you

The Lord helps you.

And how true it is that Jesus suffered for people,

It’s true that this bread took all the fear upon itself.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After that, give the bread to the birds.

In order not to see an enemy in a dream

From the letter:

“Every morning I wake up in a cold sweat. The fact is that two years ago I was attacked by a masked man who tried to kill and rob me. Later it turned out that it was my neighbor. God took pity on me because I had a protective spell taken from your book (I always hid it in my bra). The attacker could not cause me any harm, as people came running, he was caught and then quickly convicted. However, this incident shocked me so much that now I constantly see this man in my dreams. How can you help me?

Be sure to tell yourself off first from being scared, and then talk yourself into a restful sleep.

Everything about religion and faith - “prayer for the disease epilepsy” with detailed descriptions and photographs.

and about something completely different:

Miracles in the Church are forgiveness of sins, redemption by Christ, healing of passions, eternal life with God

(Literature: Akathist to our Most Holy Lady Theotokos in honor and memory of the appearance of Her miraculous icon, called “Quick to Hear”, Spaso-Euphrosinievsky Convent in the city of Polotsk)

- pray for deliverance from epilepsy.

Martyr Vitus – Icon from the site:

Orthodox Christian prayer shield

Compiled by: E.I. Dudkin

All texts on the site are the property of the authors. Commercial use of site materials in any form is strictly prohibited.

People suffering from epilepsy

People suffering from epilepsy

I once asked Galina what people who suffer from epilepsy should do? Then I told this story. When I was at school, there was a boy in our class who suffered from this disease. One day he fell during a lesson, hit his head on the doorframe and twitched in convulsions. The first time I saw this, I felt scared for my classmate. I wanted him to get better. It was a pity to look at his sickly appearance. At the same time, he himself did not remember anything. During a seizure, a person’s memory turns off, and he does not understand what is happening around him.

Galina, after listening to me, advised everyone who suffers from this disease to turn in prayer to the holy martyr Vitaly, who helps specifically from this disease.

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Vitaly (for epilepsy)

From your adolescence, the Lord showed mercy on you, Saint Vitaly, and from the age of 12, through the grace of the Holy Spirit, you were consecrated from above, came to know the true God and pleased Him in prayer and deed. And the Lord gave you the gift of miracles and a bright mind, so that by word and deed you converted many to Christ and guided them to the right path.

Having endured fierce torment for the faith of Christ, we are caught by our Father, by the many treasures and all the deceptions of this world, you were not tempted by anything, and you did not renounce Christ, so that nothing could take away the love for Christ, this indescribable bliss. Before your death, you prayed, holy martyr, for everyone who wants to read the memory of your suffering, so that the Lord would protect them from all the evils of this world, and successfully bring them to his Heavenly Kingdom, and from heaven you heard a voice informing you that you had been accepted. your prayer. Having received grace from Christ, you, martyr Vitaly, hear us who honor you and run to you, save us from troubles, sorrows, evils and help us to be worthy to be heirs of the Kingdom of God, which alone constitutes the object of all desires in the Universe.

Intercede for the sick and suffering on earth, Saint Vitaly, just as during your earthly life you healed various ailments, so now do not abandon the sick, and moreover, those tormented by black sickness. Heal them mercifully and give them complete healing, so that they overcome sinful weaknesses and glorify God forever and ever. Amen.

For epilepsy This disease is popularly called “epileptic” or “seizures”, since a patient with epilepsy falls where he is caught in an attack and convulses. Typically, someone who has an epileptic seizure does not remember what happened to them. The proposed plot can be read at

Conspiracy for epilepsy

Conspiracy for epilepsy This plot begins to be read as soon as a person begins to have a seizure. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: Beats, throws, breaks into blood, Sent by Satan, the devil for joy. True Christ, help me, Help me, so that Your servant (name) does not fight, does not

Conspiracy for epilepsy (option 1)

Spell for epilepsy (option 1) For this spell, you need to collect snow in a basin in the evening and place this basin with snow in a room in which there is no mirror. When the snow melts, you will need to read the water spell. And in the morning you will need to bend the patient over melt water and read

Conspiracy for epilepsy (option 2)

Conspiracy for epilepsy (option 2) “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. A new man was born, the life-giving Cross was erected, the demon was bound, our Lord God was glorified. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, from now on and forever and ever, amen, amen, amen.

Conspiracy for epilepsy and fever (option 1)

Spell for epilepsy and fever (option 1) For this spell, you will need to tie a dress belt or trouser belt around an aspen tree, then stand next to the tree and read the spell in a whisper. “Aspen tree, aspen tree, take away my quagmire - Aspen tree, aspen tree,

Conspiracy for epilepsy and fever (option 2)

Spell for epilepsy and fever (option 2) This spell is read three times in the evening. “You are my mother, evening star! I complain to you, my mother, about the machinations of Herod’s twelve daughters.” After this, you will need to spit over your left shoulder and say the following words: “Where am I

For epilepsy

For epilepsy Read for water, drink and wash your head. I walk along the little path along untrodden paths, in Christ's footsteps, in Christ's tears. I beg and persuade, I reprimand and exhort the epileptic, severe illness. With me are the apostles, and angels, and forty saints, and Christ himself.

For epilepsy

For epilepsy Find a bone in the pig's head that would be similar in appearance to a pig's head (it is located in the temple area on the pig's head). Speak to this bone and give it to the dog. You need to speak like this: I speak to the servant of God (name). Archangel Michael,

Conspiracy for epilepsy

Spell for epilepsy Take a piece of charred wood that was struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, draw a cross on the front door with this charcoal and say: Lightning did not enter these doors, so that the epilepsy of the servant of God (name) will go away. Just as lightning cannot enter these doors, so the servant of God

38. Treatment for epilepsy

38. Treatment for epilepsy Pour water into a cup. Heat three small coals until red hot. Blow the ashes off them into a cup of water and immediately pour hot coals into this water. Over all this, read the Lord’s Prayer and let the patient drink three sips from a cup. Spray your face and

Conspiracy for epilepsy

Spell for epilepsy Spell words are pronounced over water, half of which the patient must drink, and wash his hair with the rest. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: I walk along the little path, along untrodden paths, in Christ’s footsteps, in Christ’s tears. I beg you and

For epilepsy

For epilepsy Do not tell a sick person that you are going to treat him, otherwise the plot will not work. Whisper 3 times before sunset and blow on the patient: Lord, for the first time, at the Lord’s hour, I will pray to the Lord God, I will bow to the Most Pure Mother, to all the holy apostles.

For epilepsy in a child

If a child has epilepsy, heat the bathhouse and go to the first fever. And you need to open the doors and say: “Let me, bathhouse, wash and take a steam bath, the servant of God (name) will be in good health.” Then we wash the baby and put it between the mother’s legs, roll it in and say: “I gave birth to you, child, I gave birth to you.”

Causes of epilepsy

Causes of epilepsy At the reception, a mother with a nine-year-old child. The boy has had epileptic seizures every day since birth. They are being treated by the most outstanding luminaries of our valiant medicine and there are no improvements, not counting the planted liver and kidneys in the child from taking

Healing from epilepsy

Healing from epilepsy A new healthy newborn life flows into my head. A new healthy newborn life is pouring into my head. A healthy newborn force of life flows into my head. A new healthy newborn force of life flows into my head. In my

CHAPTER 15 Small suffering children

CHAPTER 15 Small suffering children “This cannot be” tops the list of the most famous last words. David Crosby In "The Biggest Secret" I reveal in detail the extent of Satanic activity and its fundamental connection with reptilians and the Illuminati. See what

Conspiracy for epilepsy or perish, “epileptic”!

For a long time in Rus', healers considered epilepsy a disease with destructive energy that was transmitted to the victim’s body in different ways. Curses, spells, dry spells and conspiracies were used. The brain of a patient with epilepsy absorbed the information of the ill-wisher and stopped fully perceiving daylight. An aura appeared, and after a few minutes, less often hours, a convulsive attack occurred. The victim's astral body was corrupted; the loss of vital energy increased.

In magic there are enough methods to rid a patient of convulsive seizures and loss of astral energy. They are not used in modern medicine. Traditional medicine provides its followers with many conspiracies to get rid of illness. One of them - epilepsy spell.

Epilepsy and the generational curse

Each of us has a family tree. There will definitely be a place for a family curse on this tree. Sooner or later it will make itself felt and its destructive power can give impetus to the development of a disease such as epilepsy. Energy damage affects the patient’s brain. People who are angry, greedy, and unrestrained are more susceptible to it. A spiritual person is less likely to suffer from epilepsy and its course is much milder. It is difficult, but possible, to neutralize a negative impulse.

Who lives in the soul of a patient with epilepsy - an angel or a demon?

Patients with epilepsy live among us. Often in everyday life they feel the need for outside help and care. It is very important that a spiritual person helps the epileptic. Then demons will not be able to penetrate the soul of the patient and tempt him.

It is necessary to create and develop bright images in the patient’s mind so that the guardian angel will protect the patient on his path. In the period between attacks, the patient is protected from fears and anxiety, otherwise demons approach the soul, dumping all the negativity into it. For a patient with epilepsy, this is especially difficult: there is no strength, all the energy goes to the enemy. If attacks are repeated quite often, then epilepsy is progressing. For epilepsy, a stone spell will provide real help to the patient.

Fools and some prophets suffered from epilepsy. The holy fools were endowed with the gift of deciding the fate of people and even humanity as a whole, predicting future events. These ascetics often suffered from epileptic seizures. Among them is John the Fool. He became famous for predicting the siege of Moscow by the Poles and saving the city.

Login Kochkarev predicted their fate for many. Repeatedly after attacks and deep sleep. He predicted the War of 1812, as well as the war in the Caucasus.

After an attack, the great Chopin in a dream saw the afterlife and the souls of the dead, who predicted various events in the life of the great composer.

George Sand and Emerson Garrington had the gift of foresight.

This disease is mysterious and not fully understood. 6% of cases have sick relatives in their family. The whole world is filled with epileptics - there are 20 million of them.

Not all seizures are epilepsy. Often convulsions accompany diseases such as common flu, injuries, and poisoning. The frequency of attacks is influenced by the phases of the moon, especially the full moon and magnetic storms.

Drug treatment alone is clearly not enough. A pill will help someone, while another patient will be healed by a spell or other magical ritual.

Provide each patient with his own treatment and the “epileptic” condition will recede for a long time.

Epilepsy. Stone spell

Before reading the plot, do the following:

During epilepsy attack you should put the patient's left hand on the floor and step on the little finger, the seizure will quickly end.

Here’s another remedy: take a few hot charcoals and a cup of water from the stove. The ashes from the coals are blown into a cup, and then the coals themselves are placed there. Then, in front of the icon, they read “Our Father” over the water and give it to the sick person to drink from a cup 3 times. After 11 days, the treatment is repeated. Seizures usually stop after the first time if everything is done with faith in a cure.

The spell for epilepsy is read over water and given to the patient to drink, and they also wash their hair with the spelled water.

“I walk the path along untrodden paths, in Christ’s footsteps, in Christ’s tears. I beg and persuade, I reprimand and exhort the epileptic, severe illness. With me are the apostles, and angels, and 40 saints, and Christ himself. They say and order and disease they order: “Go to an open field, a wide expanse, to a gray wave and go to the bottom. So that the slave (name) does not know epilepsy and does not suffer from epilepsy. The word is strong and molding. Amen".

Valentina Ivanovna CHIZHANKOVA.

Belarus, Minsk region, Borisov.

Magic spells for the treatment of epilepsy.

Buy a thick yellow candle on Wednesday. On Friday morning, burn this candle on both sides, holding it over a bowl of spring water, so that the melted wax falls into the water. When there is only one inch left of the candle, blow it out and say:

Fever came from both ends,

I didn’t get there, it was all tears.

Sew this candle into fabric or leather and instruct the patient to carry this talisman with him all the time. Pour out the remaining water, and bury the melted wax in an old, abandoned grave.

Anyone prone to epilepsy should have a special amulet.

Make a small copper or gold medallion. Engrave the desired witchcraft signs and symbols on its front side. Place finely chopped pine or cedar needles into the inside of the medallion, soaked in the patient’s blood. After this, seal the medallion so that it will never open again. Having done all this, hang the medallion on a chain made of the same metal. Before putting this amulet on the patient’s neck for the first time, dip your middle finger in pine oil, anoint the center of the amulet with this oil and say:

Alura farum, izalla farume.

Place the amulet on the patient’s neck, make three strokes of the same oil on his forehead, right and left shoulders and finish the spell:

Spiratu prote, gibura tamaure.

Do all this on Wednesday on the waning Moon and order the patient to wear this amulet without removing it.

Emerald stone helps to cure epilepsy. A woman should have emerald earrings. A man should wear this stone in a ring or around his neck.

On Monday, on the waxing Moon, go with the patient into the forest, find an alder or linden tree there. Tell the patient to kneel facing the tree you have chosen. Pull the hair up from the patient's head and press it against the tree trunk. Hit them and the wood at the same time with a sharp knife, so that the cut hairs fit into the resulting cut in the tree bark. Having done all this, return home. As the tree grows, the disease will begin to subside.

It is very important here to choose a tree that will not be cut down or damaged by anyone in the future. Therefore, choose it in the thickest part of the forest and so that there are no other large trees suppressing it next to it.

If the patient has a seizure, then lay him on the floor, move his left arm to the side and carefully step on his little finger with your bare foot. This will result in quick relief and the seizure will soon stop.

Instead, you can press lightly with your right hand under the patient's stomach and say three times directly into his left ear:

Songuine avelarus averon.

Brew one spool cap with two glasses of hot sweetened water. Take this medicine before lunch and dinner.

Brew two tablespoons of elecampane root with a glass of boiling water. Infuse this medicine in a warm place and give it to the patient half a glass twice a day before meals.

Conspiracy for seizures (epilepsy)

If this day coincides with the new moon, then do this: knead the dough for pies and, while kneading it, say in a whisper:

This bread or pies was passed around the household on this day so that no one would ever have a seizure.

(Conspiracy of the Siberian Healer Natalia Stepanova)

If a person has epilepsy (from epilepsy), this spell for nervous diseases saves you from seizures. But you need to prepare for this treatment in advance. The patient should not eat anything spicy, salty or drink anything alcoholic for a week. Otherwise it won't help. And then keep the same post for a week. You will also need a small aspen twig, without leaves. This branch needs to be dried thoroughly. Get up early in the morning, don’t eat, don’t drink. Pour running water into the bowl, or better yet, blessed water. Light an aspen twig over the cup, and when it burns out, immediately throw it into the water. And immediately begin to read the “Our Father” three times, then the prayer to St. Panteleimon, and then say: Water-water, sister of the well, aspen-aspen, deep quagmire, servant of God (name), not like the devil, so as not to fight, not He was tempted, didn’t knock his head, didn’t bite himself with his teeth, didn’t foam at the mouth. Amen. After a conspiracy against nervous diseases, give this water to the patient. So that he drinks it in three sips. Do this for only three days.

Prayer for the disease epilepsy

Which saint should contact patients with epilepsy? With what prayer?

Can prayer help with epilepsy?

In addition to the help from the knowledge and experience of epileptologists, some of our patients and their relatives need spiritual support and faith in healing.

Who to pray to, asking to get rid of epilepsy.

In the Orthodox faith, people suffering from epilepsy cry out in prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos and the Lord God.

Prayer for epilepsy

What is epilepsy, what are its signs, and is it possible to treat it with prayer? I want to talk to you about this topical topic, dear reader.

Epilepsy is one of the most common brain diseases, characterized by repeated, relatively stereotypical seizures. Epileptic seizures are caused by pathological discharges in the brain and are manifested by a temporary disturbance of motor, sensory, autonomic or mental functions.

The Russian name for the disease is “epileptic”. This disease belongs to the category of chronic neurological diseases.

Are there any analogues of this disease in the Bible? Yes, I have.

“One of the people answered: Teacher! I brought to You my son, possessed by a dumb spirit:

wherever he grabs him, he throws him to the ground, and he emits foam, and grinds his teeth, and becomes numb. I spoke to Your disciples to drive him out, and they could not...”

In this passage.


Prayer to the martyr Vitus of Rome

O holy servant of God, martyr Vita!

Having fought a good fight on earth, you have received in Heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him.

In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory.

You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us against the wiles of the devil, so that, having been delivered from sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present We will be worthy through your intercession, even though we are unworthy, to see good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His saints, glorifying God, the Father and.

Attacks with disturbances of consciousness and convulsions. There are various forms of this disease with different periods, forms and causes of manifestations.

When this disease is detected, we contact doctors and the patient is prescribed medicine. In most cases, when taking a medicine, the patient must take this medicine correctly and without interruption and take into account that not constantly using the medicine can provoke a new attack.

But also, not everyone knows that we can help the sick and the sick himself. We should be churchgoers as often as possible, come to communion, and also to repentance.

Miracles in the Church are forgiveness of sins, redemption by Christ, healing of passions, eternal life with God

You can pray in front of the Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear”

The celebration of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Quick to Hear” takes place on November 9/22. Before the image of the Mother of God, many things happened and are happening.

Saint Judas-Tadei was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ

Saint Thaddeus - Guardian of the Ill

Saint Yuda Thaddeus, as we know, has received from God a special privilege to rush to the command of people who are brought to the point of outrage. I remember about this St. Brigitte, who Jesus Christ appeared and entrusted to her to pray to Saint Thaddeus for every sorrow and trouble.

This great saint, so close to Jesus, does not deprive anyone who goes to extreme lengths for help in dissolution and begs for affection.

This mighty Patron never failed. A lot of people moved into this place. In the magazine “Messenger of the Most Holy Heart” an article was published about those who went to the Holy Apostle Thaddeus in a hopeless battle, performing 12 Services of God for souls in purgatory, and awaited their happy passage.

Father, let no one lose hope, but place himself under the guardianship of Saint Tadeev with renewed confidence; Pray more fervently and be listened to.

The organizers of the project “DO NOT BE AFRAID” visited the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Ramenskoye.

But building a temple is not a simple process; it takes time and it is simply impossible to build a magnificent one in an instant. Therefore, it was decided to build a chapel for the spiritual nourishment of believers. However, gradually the chapel project grew into a temple project, and eventually a church was erected. Now she bears the name of the blessed saint

The rector of the church, Priest Andrei, greeted us very warmly and at home, listened to all our wishes with great attention, blessed the work of the project, and told us that parishioners came to him with similar problems, that the issue was serious and we must definitely work in this direction.

Father was pleased to look at our website and get acquainted with the works and poems of people suffering from epilepsy.

The task of the church is to help people with this disease and support them.

More details about Dmitry Evgenievich Melekhov and the book...

From a large and very diverse range of diseases in their manifestations, we consider in this chapter only the main group of genuine, congenital epilepsy. In this group, the main cause of the disease is the readiness for convulsive seizures (“falling illness” in the old terminology), transmitted according to the laws of heredity, and their mental equivalents, often in combination with a special character in patients and typical features of their neurosomatic organization, which can manifest themselves from childhood ( left-handedness, stuttering, migraines, nighttime sleepwalking and fears, with a complete absence of memories of them, etc.). .

There are a “simple” - convulsive form of epilepsy and a complex - “mental epilepsy,” with various attacks of mental disorders that replace or accompany convulsive paroxysms.

A. “A simple form of epilepsy” manifests itself in the same type of relatively rare convulsive attacks, has.

View full version: Which saints should we pray for in which needs?!


Spyridon, Bishop of Trimifunt (December 12) (he was a shepherd and married), became famous during his lifetime for the gift of healing the sick. St. Pimen the Much-Sick (August 27), he himself was ill almost all his life and only died healthy. The Great Martyr Panteleimon, while still alive, possessed to the highest degree the gift of healing from ailments (July 27). Ermolai, his mentor and priest (July 26). St. Sampson (June 27), a priest and healer. Martyrs Diomede (August 16), Cosmas and Damian (November 1), Cyrus and John (January 31) - all these martyrs are called “unsilent” mainly in the sense of unpaid doctors. Martyrs Moknya and Aniketa, Falaley and Tryphon, who are also mentioned in the prayer service for the blessing of water; the latter, even in his adolescence, had the gift of healing the sick (February 1).

IN OSPE. Martyr Konon.


St. Hypatia. He helped many people in his life.

Epilepsy is a paroxysmal disorder of consciousness, accompanied by convulsions for 1-2 minutes, which the patient does not remember. Epilepsy can be congenital or acquired as a result of injuries, infections, parental alcoholism and other harmful influences. Treatment of epilepsy using folk remedies is best combined with drug treatment.

Epilepsy treatment with folk remedies - the basics

The possible treatment of epilepsy using folk remedies is a rather controversial issue. The disease schizophrenia was previously called the black disease, “rabble.” Translated from Greek, the name epilepsy means “seized, caught, overtaken.” This is not surprising, because usually epileptic seizures seize or overtake the patient completely unexpectedly. If you believe the calculations and statistics of various scientific experts, then around the world, approximately fifteen hundredths of a percent to one percent of all inhabitants of the Earth suffer from such a disease as epilepsy. Epilepsy has a very.

Conspiracies and prayers.

There are many different actions that need to be performed for epilepsy when casting a spell. Let's list some of them.

1. Roll out bread crumbs on the patient’s chest, arms and legs, at midnight take this crumb to the crossroads, place it here in a clean rag with the words: “Holy is the goodwill, accept the bread and salt, and forgive the servant of God (name).”

2. When rolling out, pronounce the spell: “I roll out, pronounce the transverse, enviable and joyful, wild head, from the ruddy face, from the bones, from the brains, from the liver, from the lungs, from the zealous heart, from the white hands, from the fast legs not on itself in pure words.

Say into the left ear of the person having a seizure: “Oremus praeceptis salutaribus moniti.” Add Sunday prayer. Before you finish it, the patient will come to his senses if you press him in the stomach.

Epilepsy. Recipes of the Ural healer Ivan Prokhorov

Epilepsy. Conspiracies and prayers

Epilepsy. Vanga's recipes

Epilepsy. Lyudmila's recipes.

The Orthodox Church has a whole set of prayers that help with a wide variety of diseases, with precise instructions on which saint to turn to in each specific case. The prayers are complex and ancient, but that is why they are valuable. Don’t be lazy to pray, and you will be rewarded.

Prayers have long had great power - from healing a wide variety of diseases to protection from black forces. Prayer strengthens the connection of a person, his soul with the Heavenly Father, and increases the influx of God's grace.

You need to pray in a stable position, straightening your spine, not cluttering your head with extraneous thoughts, and try to reach an elevated state of mind. You need to read prayers twice a day, morning and evening, at least twice.

There are prayers for all occasions; you should not neglect any of them. I have been collecting prayers and spells, recipes and rituals for many years and will gladly share with you these treasures of folk wisdom. After all, prayers, rituals and conspiracies have no author, they belong to all of us.

Not after prayer.

YOUR OPINION IS IMPORTANT TO ME!? (I have not studied herbs, so information is important to me under what circumstances to prepare a decoction, phases of the moon, etc.)


Neurologist, former researcher at the BelRussian Scientific Research Institute of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Physiotherapy, herbalist, student of K.A. Treskunova - Natalia Viktorovna Komarova.

The term "epilepsy" first appeared in the publication of Avicenna's manuscripts in Baghdad in the 11th century. AD The Greek word "epilepsy" means "I grasp." It reflects the state of being captured or struck and suggests that some external force is taking possession of the person and striking him. In the minds of ancient people, such a force was God, or a demon, so epilepsy was seen as God’s punishment for sins committed; sometimes it was called demonic, since patients were considered “possessed” by an evil spirit, and, naturally, only God could get rid of the disease. Another thing is known.

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