Treatment of inflammatory diseases. Inflammation in women: how to treat, symptoms, causes and consequences

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Nutrition for stage 4 lung cancer should be special. It should include the following products:

  1. Any nuts (pistachios, walnuts, etc.) and pumpkin seeds.
  2. Any vegetables that contain calcium and magnesium (radish, white cabbage, carrots, etc.).
  3. Any fruit (apples, apricots, etc.).
  4. The oil must be unrefined.
  5. Greens, any (dill, parsley, cilantro, etc.).
  6. Blue and green algae.
  7. Dandelion, nettle and other plants.
  8. Turmeric. Useful in cancer, stops the growth of CSC cells. These cells influence the growth of tumors and their malignancy.
  9. Sprouted grains of corn, oats, wheat.
  10. Coarse bread.
  11. Flour products.
  12. Sea fish without fat.
  13. Boiled eggs.
  14. Meat, any except pork and beef.
  15. Dairy and fermented milk products.
  16. To drink: clean water, green and herbal tea.
  1. Canned food.
  2. Polished rice.
  3. Bakery.
  4. Black tea.
  5. Coffee.
  6. Alcohol.
  7. The milk is unnatural.
  8. Sugar.
  9. Starch.
  10. Soda.
  11. Fatty, fried foods.
  12. Sausages and smoked meats.
  13. Marinades.
  14. Salo.
  15. Butter.
  16. Preservatives.

You need to eat 6 times a day, always in small portions. At the same time, chew food thoroughly. The first breakfast and dinner should be light and consist of unprocessed food. It is better to stew or steam food.

You can't fry. Vegetables and fruits must be eaten raw. It is not necessary to eat the entire portion at once; you can eat half, and then rest a little and finish the rest. When a diagnosis of lung cancer is made, oncologists themselves will give the necessary nutritional recommendations and prescribe a specific diet. It is important to follow doctors’ recommendations to improve your condition.

Diet for lung cancer

The diet for stage 4 lung cancer has the following principles:

  1. Food 5-6 times as desired.
  2. Portions should be small.
  3. The content of each product must be specific in order to maintain the optimal level of essential elements for the functioning of the body.

Required products per day:

  1. Sea fish – 160 g.
  2. Fermented milk products – 250-550 g.
  3. Vegetables and fruits - in any quantity.
  4. Herbal teas.

Here are 2 approximate diets. Based on them, other diets can be developed. Diet 1: 1st breakfast - any apple, except yellow, 200 gr. lemon juice; 2nd breakfast - steam omelette, green tea with a slice of orange, fresh tomato, a piece of dark bread;

1st breakfast - any apple and 1 glass of tomato juice. 2nd breakfast - pearl barley porridge and green salad, gray bread, a little hard cheese, green tea with lemon. Lunch - stewed chicken with egg noodles, green tea, cabbage soup without meat.

How to help a patient with stage 4 lung cancer? Is it possible to cure cancer at this stage? Unfortunately, at this stage it is impossible to cure cancer, but you can support the body a little and stop the growth of metastases.

Treatment is usually symptomatic. Thanks to him, the patient’s life becomes a little easier. Various methods are used for treatment. Chemotherapy for stage 4 cancer and traditional methods of treatment are especially popular. Let's take a closer look.

Chemotherapy for lung cancer

Chemotherapy is a common treatment method, especially with a combination approach. This method is based on the use of certain chemotherapy drugs that affect the growth and development of cancer cells.

Currently, this treatment industry is developing rapidly. More and more new drugs are being offered. Due to this, chemistry comes to the fore. HT is carried out in courses. The number of courses will depend on the effectiveness of the treatment. Usually 3 to 5 courses are prescribed, less often 6. Schemes and tactics are different, depending on the form of cancer.

When may it be prescribed:

  1. It works better with fast-growing forms.
  2. Chemotherapy is used at all stages of cancer.
  3. It is used in combination with radiation therapy and surgery.

How effective is chemotherapy?

  • when combined with RT and CV – 5th survival rate at stage I up to 67%;
  • with II - up to 42%;
  • with III – up to 27%;
  • at IV – up to 4%.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment of stage 4 lung cancer with folk remedies is currently widely practiced. But this method has not been studied enough. It is correct if this method is used in combination with traditional medicine.

  1. Decoctions and infusions of poisonous plants.
  2. Lotions of medicinal solutions, medicinal boulders.
  3. Sessions based on bioenergetic waves.
  4. Diets and gymnastics.

For lung cancer in stage 4, there are other methods of treatment with folk remedies. They are as follows:

  1. A decoction of fly agarics. 250 mg. Cut the mushrooms together with the roots into a container, pour 250 ml into it. vodka. The decoction should be left for 5 days. Next, strain. The remaining mushrooms must be poured into 3 liters. hot water. Let the infusion stand in a warm place for 9 days. Use every day before 1 breakfast half an hour before. 100 ml.
  2. Decoction of buttercup roots. Pour 20 g of plant roots into 1 liter. water. Then boil for 120 minutes. Every day, shortly before bed, drink 30 ml.
  3. Musk tincture. Pour 5 g of musk into 200 ml. vodka, store in a dark room for 30 days. Reception begins with 5 drops, gradually increased to 25. Use daily after meals. After 30 days of treatment, break for 7 days.

There are many more plants used to treat lung cancer. Just before you start treatment with any solution or decoction, you need to consult an oncologist.

What are the symptoms of lung cancer? How does it manifest?

Cancer treatment can have a positive result if it is detected in time (in the initial stages of development). The problem with the formation of a malignant tumor in the lungs is that the disease can develop latently, even when the tumor has reached an impressive size.

Many years of experience in monitoring and studying lung cancer allowed doctors to identify the following symptoms:

  • severe weight loss;
  • complexion becomes blue;
  • severe bronchial cough;
  • coughing up blood;
  • severe shortness of breath appears.

Stage 4 lung cancer is practically untreatable. This is because at this stage, cancer cells spread throughout the body. The tumor affects the lymph nodes, blood vessels and organs, and extensive metastasis is observed. The rate of damage depends on the type of tumor and its properties.

The clinical manifestations of the disease are quite clear:

  1. Restless periodic cough with effort and a lot of sputum. If the cancer is peripheral, then this symptom may not be present.
  2. Blood in sputum. At first only speckles, then all the sputum takes on the color of raspberry jelly. Sometimes, in addition to blood, traces of pus can be seen. Blood in the sputum appears due to severe damage to the walls of the bronchi, destruction of their mucous membrane and nearby vessels.
  3. Chest pain. They become intense. Localized on the affected side. Pain is associated with damage to organs adjacent to the lung, because the lung itself does not have nerve endings. In peripheral cancer, this symptom is especially pronounced.
  4. Shortness of breath increases. Because of this, over time, the heart rhythm is disrupted and angina occurs. All this is associated with the loss of one of the lungs from the act of breathing.
  5. The gastrointestinal tract is upset due to the formation of metastases in the esophagus.

Treatment with propolis and honey

  • Latent - cancer cells are found in lung cells but cannot be detected using routine tests.
  • Zero - the tumor is found in limited areas and consists of several layers of cells.
  • Stage 1 - the tumor is limited to the lungs and is surrounded by healthy embolic tissue.
  • Stage 2 - the tumor has spread to the lymph nodes near the bronchi and alveoli.
  • Stage 3 - The tumor has spread to the chest wall, diaphragm, or other respiratory organs and nearby blood vessels.
  • Stage 4 - the disease has spread to other parts of the body.


The most common symptom of lung cancer is a cough that does not go away despite adequate treatment. You should also pay attention to the following warning signs:

  • chest pain;
  • cough with bloody sputum;
  • wheezing;
  • dyspnea;
  • hoarseness;
  • frequent cases of pneumonia or bronchitis;
  • swelling of the face or neck;
  • lack of appetite, weight loss;
  • fatigue, apathy.

Traditional methods are also actively used in the treatment of stage 4 lung cancer. As is the case with traditional therapy, they only help selected patients. However, traditional medicine is indeed useful in the treatment of cancer and its main symptoms.

Below are some of the most popular methods that may help cope with the disease.

Before you wonder whether lung cancer can be cured, it is important to know about the symptoms that indicate its development. Cancer is insidious in that it most often develops in a latent form, even when a very large tumor forms.

  • shortness of breath appears;
  • the complexion acquires a bluish tint;
  • weight loss;
  • there is a constant cough;
  • there are blood impurities in the sputum.

These symptoms may also be supplemented by:

  • arrhythmia;
  • swelling on the face and body;
  • pain in the shoulder;
  • coughing attacks that occur during meals;
  • accumulation of fluid between the lungs and ribs.

In order to start the necessary therapy in a timely manner, it is important to detect cancer at an early stage. Only then will representatives of traditional medicine be able to choose the right treatment method that will lead to the desired healing.

And therapy at this stage of development of the disease should be aimed at increasing immunity so that the body can actively fight cancer cells. For this, herbs, plant roots, natural products and soda are used.

Beekeeping products are also used in the treatment of illness. They are an effective aid for enhancing immunity and tissue regeneration. Propolis can be used in the form of a 20% tincture.

It should be taken before meals, 40 drops diluted in 0.5 glasses of water. The duration of therapy with propolis tincture should be 3 months. Another treatment option is to chew and swallow 2 g of propolis (this should be done before meals 3 times a day). Propolis should be consumed in this form for 1.5 months.

After completing a three-month course of treatment with propolis tincture or propolis directly, you need to eat 1 tsp in the morning. honey before meals. Before lunch you need to drink 15 drops of propolis tincture, and before dinner - 15 drops of birch bud tincture.

Stage I - the tumor size is about 3 cm, localized in any part of the lung. Stage II - the tumor reaches a size of 6 cm. The first symptoms of the disease appear. Stage III - a malignant formation larger than 6 cm.

Can lung cancer be cured? At the initial stages of cancer development, the prognosis is more than optimistic. Treatment can be with surgery (removing part or all of the lung), chemotherapy (before or after surgery), or radiation therapy.

Inflammation of the reproductive organs is a common disease among women. Every second case of the disease occurs due to inflammation of the uterine appendages - fallopian tubes and ovaries (adnexitis). If a woman does not begin treatment for the inflammatory process, it may be complicated by primary or secondary infertility. In the treatment of adnexitis, both traditional and alternative treatment methods are used. Taking decoctions of medicinal plants, douching and tamponing helps to cure inflammation in a feminine way.

Causes and symptoms

There is an opinion that adnexitis occurs only during hypothermia, but this is not so. Often inflammation of the appendages is provoked by the following reasons:

  • entry of pathogenic microflora from nearby genital organs - the cervix and vagina;
  • spread of infection from nearby organs not related to the reproductive system - intestines, bladder.

Pathogenic microorganisms are also transferred from foci of inflammation remote from the reproductive organs along with the flow of lymph and blood.

Promote the development of adnexitis:

  • promiscuity;
  • ignoring personal hygiene rules;
  • decreased immunity after severe infectious diseases;
  • complication of surgical interventions such as abortion, curettage of the uterine cavity;
  • complicated childbirth.

The risk of inflammation of the appendages increases when the body is hypothermic, associated with wearing too light clothes in cold weather, or swimming in a cold body of water.

The symptoms of adnexitis depend on the form of the disease. In case of acute inflammation of the appendages and ovaries, the signs of the disease cannot be ignored, since they significantly affect the general well-being of the woman. In its chronic form, inflammation occurs with mild symptoms, but the woman experiences a disruption in the functioning of the reproductive system.

With chronic inflammation of the appendages, the infection spreads to the kidneys and bladder, which is why women develop cystitis and pyelonephritis. During a gynecological examination, signs such as acute pain upon palpation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries appear. A blood test of a patient with inflammation of the appendages reveals an increase in ESR and leukocytosis.

If a woman feels that she has a cold in her ovaries, then she should visit a gynecologist. The sooner a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed, the higher the likelihood of a full recovery. Herbal medicine is an effective addition to feminine inflammation therapy.

Traditional methods of treatment

Adnexitis can be treated at home:

  • taking decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants;
  • douching;
  • warming up the appendage area;
  • using medicated tampons.

Taking folk remedies from medicinal plants allows you to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, increase immunity and eliminate pain due to inflammation in women.

Folk remedy Recipe step by step Reception scheme
St. John's wort decoction
  1. 1. A tablespoon of dry herb is steamed with a glass of boiling water.
  2. 2. Leave for 15 minutes, then put on moderate heat and let it boil
Drink a quarter glass of decoction in 3 doses
Walnut infusion
  1. 1. Take a tablespoon of dry leaf and brew the raw material with a glass of boiling water.
  2. 2. Let it brew for 4 hours
A portion of the infusion is drunk per day
Aloe juice Juice is extracted from several lower leaves of the plant. Take 2 tablespoons of juice 3 times a day
Infusion of sweet clover and coltsfoot herbs
  1. 1. Part of the sweet clover is mixed with 10 parts of coltsfoot.
  2. 2. A tablespoon of herbs is poured into a glass of fresh boiling water.
  3. 3. Simmer the infusion in a water bath for 15 minutes, filter after 30 minutes
Take half a glass three times a day
Infusion of oak bark, oregano and marshmallow herbs
  1. 1. 6 parts of bark, 4 parts of oregano and one part of marshmallow are mixed.
  2. 2. 2 tablespoons of herbs are brewed with 0.5 liters of boiling water and left overnight in a thermos.
For two months, drink half a glass of infusion 4 times a day.
Herbal collection No. 1
  1. 1. Take 2 parts each of coltsfoot, thyme, marshmallow and mix them with nettle, yarrow and St. John's wort, taken one part at a time.
  2. 2. Place 2 tablespoons of herbs in a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them.
  3. 3. Leave all night
Take 3 months, a third of a glass three times a day
Herbal tea No. 2
  1. 1. 3 parts of ground rose hips are mixed with two parts of oak bark and strawberry leaves and with three parts of lavender, bird cherry, wormwood.
  2. 2. For 0.5 liters of boiling water, take 2 tablespoons of herbs.
  3. 3. Leave overnight in a thermos
Take a quarter glass of infusion 4 times a day. Course of therapy - 3 months

Douching is an effective treatment method used for chronic inflammation of the appendages, as it relieves pain and eliminates pathogenic microorganisms. To perform the procedure, you will need a rubber syringe and a homemade decoction of medicinal plants.

Folk remedy Recipe Application
Decoction of chamomile, oak bark, cinquefoil, nettle, bird knotweed
  1. 1. Take 50 grams of bird knotweed, 30 grams of nettle, 20 grams of chamomile and 10 grams of cinquefoil bark and root powder each.
  2. 2. Take 2 tablespoons of herbs for 1 liter of water.
  3. 3. Boil the workpiece for 15 minutes over moderate heat
The strained and cooled broth is used once a day for douching.
Infusion of calendula flowers
  1. 1. Take 3 grams of dried calendula flowers for 1 glass of boiling water.
  2. 2. The raw materials are brewed with water and left for several hours.
The infusion is used for douching before going to bed.
Decoction of four herbs
  1. 1. Take 40 grams of oak bark, and 20 grams of the remaining components (yarrow, calendula, thyme).
  2. 2. The herbs need to be poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled for 30 minutes.
  3. 3. Infuse and strain before use.
Douching with this decoction is done 2 times a day.
Blueberry leaf infusion
  1. 1. A tablespoon of blueberry leaf is poured with a glass of boiling water.
  2. 2. After 30 minutes, filter
Douche once a day

Treatment with tampons is actively used in gynecology, since this method allows the biologically active substances of therapeutic tampons to be delivered directly to the site of inflammation. For tamponing the following are used:

  • medicinal oils;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • decoctions of medicinal plants (used for douching).

For home treatment, it is better to use tampons made by yourself. To do this, you need to take a small piece of cotton wool and wrap it with a sterile bandage, leaving a “tail” at the bottom, with which the tampon can be conveniently removed from the vagina.

Therapeutic agent for tamponing Recipe step by step Application
Vishnevsky ointment Take 15 grams of ointment and apply it evenly onto a clean swab The tampon is placed overnight. Course of treatment - 2 weeks
  1. 1. Several cabbage leaves are beaten and the juice is extracted.
  2. 2. Soak the tampon generously in juice.
The tampon is used at night. The duration of treatment should be discussed with a gynecologist

Women's diseases, gynecology, inflammation, treatment - the most common pattern that modern gynecologists have to deal with. According to medical statistics, the number of inflammations in women is increasing every year. And this despite the fact that they devote a lot of time and money to their hygiene. Let's consider inflammation in gynecology, as the basis of female diseases, and their treatment in the modern world. Timely contact with a specialist will prevent advanced inflammation and other serious consequences.


Doctors believe that the reasons for the increase in the number of diseases in gynecology are: disorder in the sexual life of young people, environmental deterioration and, of course, weak immunity.

By creating women's diseases, nature created women's health protected. To do this, she came up with barriers to infection in the body:

  • The first barrier is the vaginal microflora, namely lactic acid located inside. The acid appears due to lactic bacteria, which, due to its acidic environment, does not allow pathogenic flora to develop. During menstruation, blood washes away all microflora and renews it again;
  • Another barrier is the cervix. A healthy cervix that does not have any damage has enough protective properties to create an obstacle to infection. A strong cervix will not allow inflammatory disease into the body.

A woman’s vagina contains a huge number of different microorganisms, but at the same time they are friendly with it and are not at all dangerous. However, if the patient’s health is undermined, the disease grows like a mushroom after rain. Z health can be undermined by a common runny nose, hypothermia, and psychological overload.

The female inflammatory process, inflammatory processes of the genital organs can be caused by the action of various pathogens:

  • Trichomonas;
  • Gonnococci, chlamydia, E. coli, gonorrhea, which can get inside a woman with sperm.

Painful phenomena in a woman’s body can also be caused by the following reasons:

  • Impact on the uterus from the outside (probing, a routine gynecological examination by a doctor, but using metal instruments, curettage and other manipulations);
  • When using intrauterine contraceptives (coils, rings), the risk of contracting inflammation of the female genital organs increases several times. The disease may center around the contraceptive itself. Including the source of pathology can be a physically damaged part of the cervix, as well as the mucous membrane;
  • Curettage, as well as abortions, can cause a number of inflammations, including inflammation of the appendages. If infectious agents were already present in a woman’s body at the time of surgery, the chances of getting sick increase sharply;
  • The risk of contracting inflammation increases in women after difficult childbirth, postpartum trauma, and after cesarean section;
  • Congenital and acquired pathologies. These may be infectious diseases suffered in childhood and adolescence, diseases of the nervous system, disorders of the endocrine system;
  • Improper use of antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs. If you do not follow the instructions for taking these drugs, you can cause an inflammatory process yourself;
  • Violation of hygiene rules;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Psychological trauma;
  • Constant, chaotic change of partners.

But hormonal contraception, on the contrary, serves as additional protection for the body. Their action changes the lining of the uterus, which blocks the possibility of sperm getting into the woman’s internal organs. In addition, a monthly cycle is established, in which the blood flushes out unfavorable microbes from the body. Condoms also have protective properties.

Types of inflammation

Gynecological diseases are divided by duration: acute (lasting up to 3 weeks), subacute (lasting up to 1.5 months), chronic (lasting more than sixty days).

According to the type of causative agent of inflammation, there are:

  • Specific inflammatory diseases - occur under the influence of pathogens such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli;
  • Nonspecific - arise from trichomonas, candida, chlamydia, viruses, ureaplasma.

In nature, there are approximately 50 infectious diseases that can be acquired sexually. The most common and famous: AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, genital herpes.

Women's diseases are also divided according to the level of infection:

  • diseases of the lower genital organs. The most common of them vulvitis, vulvar furunculosis, colpitis, bartholinitis, vaginismus, candidiasis, cervical erosion;
  • diseases of the upper genital organs. These include illness endometritis, adnexitis, pelveo peritonitis.


The inflammatory disease does not have a clear clinical picture. In women, symptoms can be either general, affecting the entire body, or local, affecting only the affected areas. Diseases have a common symptom, or even several:

  • itching, redness;
  • swelling of the vagina and mucous membrane;
  • pain during sex;
  • pain is felt in the lower back and abdomen;
  • vaginal discharge changes its character, color and smell;
  • There may be disturbances in the monthly cycle, as well as difficulty urinating.

The disease can be acute in nature, then the symptoms of inflammation in a woman take on the same color: increased body temperature, severe abdominal pain, a blood test shows a change in indicators.

The illness may last for a long period of time. Its symptoms lose their sharpness and become less noticeable. But this is also dangerous, since long-term untreated pathology will cause disease in neighboring organs and systems.


How to treat inflammation? Inflammatory diseases in gynecology are treated with antibiotics. To date, this is the most effective method of treating inflammation. Since microorganisms very quickly become accustomed to antibiotics, their choice must be approached with special care. To do this, during the examination, the doctor takes a smear for bacterial culture, after which a drug is selected that can cope with the disease.

If a woman has an acute form of the disease, the attending physician may prescribe several antibiotics from different groups at once.

Choosing antibiotics on your own can cause irreparable harm to the body.

The treatment regimen for female inflammation is the same for all types:

  • The destruction of the pathogen occurs with the help of an antibiotic. It has a bactericidal effect on microorganisms at the stage of their growth;
  • Taking immunomodulatory drugs is carried out to strengthen the body's defenses. These include thymalin, gammaglobulin, thymosin;
  • a sick body requires the use of biostimulants. These include aloe extract, plasmol, placenta extract;
  • At the end of the treatment, physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, ultrasound, UHF, laser therapy) are used. Mud therapy, exercise therapy, and therapeutic massage are also used.

If a severe form of the disease occurs, additional treatment for inflammatory diseases is included: painkillers, glucose-vitamin solutions, antihistamines, and enzyme preparations are prescribed.

Detoxification medications are used to remove toxins from the body. Their action is also aimed at increasing the volume of circulating blood and stimulating metabolic processes.

If conservative treatment of inflammation in women does not bring the desired results, they resort to surgical intervention.


If the disease is not treated for a long time, various kinds of complications may arise, including: disturbances begin in metabolic processes, errors occur in the functioning of the endocrine system, and disruptions in the vegetative-vascular system. Blood circulation in the tissues is disrupted, the egg matures, but with disturbances. Common inflammations in gynecology can cause the formation of adhesions in the tubes, as well as infertility.

Due to past female diseases, the monthly cycle may be disrupted and an ectopic pregnancy may occur.

Despite such significant complications, you just need to remember that every inflammation must be cured, and in a timely manner. And then it will go away, just like a runny nose or a cold, leaving no trace behind.


The basis of all preventive measures for inflammatory processes in gynecology was, is and will be regular examination by a gynecologist. Regularity should be twice a year, at least.

In addition, of course, the following factors are important:

  • Personal hygiene;
  • A lifestyle that should be healthy;
  • Use of contraception;
  • Regular sex life with a meaningful choice of partners.

By taking care of your health and visiting a doctor in a timely manner, you can achieve good results in the timely treatment of all diseases.

Discomfort in the intimate sphere is not the most pleasant topic for a woman. But it is still better to know what dangers exist. This will allow you to avoid unpleasant consequences and preserve your women’s health for many years, the opportunity to enjoy intimacy with your loved one and the happiness of motherhood.

Does sexual intercourse cause you pain? Has redness or slight swelling appeared in the bikini area, itching, or has the color or smell of vaginal discharge changed? Each of these manifestations may be a symptom of an inflammatory disease. A gynecologist will be able to determine whether this is true or not, what the true cause of the changes is, by conducting the necessary examinations. And the sooner you see a doctor, the easier the treatment will be.

Prevalence of female inflammatory diseases

Inflammatory diseases of the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries are widespread; at least 60% of women’s visits to a gynecologist are related to them. Moreover, the number of women suffering from pelvic inflammation is actually even greater. Since in some cases the disease occurs in a latent form, without making itself felt. If inflammation is not treated, it can lead to the development of serious complications, including such as ectopic pregnancy or infertility. Therefore, it is so important to regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo examinations.

Which clinic should I go to for help?

It is advisable to contact a clinic that has its own modern laboratory. This will save examination time and guarantee a high-quality result. Yes, at the medical center ON CLINIC There is a gynecology department, equipped with advanced diagnostic equipment, and its own clinical laboratory, which has an international quality certificate.

Types of female inflammatory diseases

violation of cyclicity during menstruation;

bloody outflows from the genitourinary organs;

sharp pain in the lower abdomen.

Treatment of inflammation in gynecology

A woman's happiness directly depends on her health. The main ally in maintaining women's health and fighting diseases is the gynecologist. For more than 20 years, doctors at the gynecological center have been directing their efforts to fight pathologies and give women the joy of motherhood, harmony and self-confidence.

We treat diseases:

Treatment of infections

Much attention at the gynecology center is paid to STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). Our doctors are confident that both sexual partners should undergo prevention and treatment at the same time, even if the disease is detected in only one of them.

Successful overcoming of the disease largely depends on making a timely diagnosis. Our diagnostic center makes it possible to quickly and accurately determine the cause of the disease.

Types of research conducted:

  • cervical cytology;
  • cervical biopsy;
  • computer colposcopy;
  • cytological studies;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • hysterosalpingography;
  • X-ray examinations;
  • NLS-graphy of the pelvis;
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages;
  • Fetal ultrasound;
  • tests for women;
  • mammography;
  • examination of a married couple.

All types of examinations are prescribed by a gynecologist and carried out in our center, which significantly saves the patient’s time and makes the appointment more informative.

You should consult a gynecologist if you have the following symptoms:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • itching and burning in the genitals;
  • unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • urinary disturbance;
  • frequent menstrual irregularities;
  • bleeding and spotting between periods;
  • unpleasant recurring pelvic pain;
  • atypical discharge from the genitals (in color, quantity or consistency);
  • rashes in the genital area;
  • painful sensations during sexual intercourse.

In severe or chronic cases, our specialists practice individual complex treatment, thanks to which improvement occurs many times faster. This is the use of several treatment methods aimed at combating one disease; they can be both classic and non-traditional. One of these types is hirudotherapy - leech treatment, the benefits of which have been scientifically proven through research on leech saliva, which contains bioactive substances that have anti-adhesive and resolving effects, which is especially useful in the treatment of uterine fibroids, endomitriosis, endometritis, and infertility. Innovative methods are also used: NLS-graphy, hemoscanning of blood, laser treatment, ozone therapy.

The center operates a day hospital, where all necessary procedures prescribed by a doctor are carried out.

In emergency cases, gynecologists perform surgical intervention. For this purpose, the clinic is equipped with modern manipulation rooms.

When treating the uterus, cervical canal (removal of polyps) and cervix, as well as for cauterization of papillomas and erosions, the clinic uses the unique Surgitron device. It is often used in operations where tissue dissection is required, especially when the incision site is saturated with blood vessels and there is an increased risk of bleeding. There are no scars left after the procedure. As well as modern high-precision lasers.

All consumables used during appointments or procedures are of the highest quality and are used only once.

The clinic pays much attention to plastic surgery in gynecology. – we understand that aesthetics is a very important factor for a woman.

A separate area of ​​the clinic is obstetrics, aimed at solving issues related to conception, pregnancy and childbirth. Since a woman loses a lot of strength during childbirth, the gynecology center has developed a special rehabilitation program that allows a woman to recover after childbirth.

Among other things, the clinic’s services include providing emergency assistance for casual sex within one hour. Drug prevention of unprotected sexual intercourse is possible within a few days after sexual intercourse. To make an appointment with specialists, you can call our call center, which is open from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day, excluding weekends and holidays.

If you need urgent help, you can immediately contact us without an appointment by notifying the call center administrator. We work from 9 am to 10 pm without weekends and holidays and are located a five-minute walk from the Taganskaya metro station.

The gynecological department successfully operates in the multidisciplinary structure of our clinic. The high professionalism of its employees, their extensive experience and special skills have been repeatedly appreciated by hundreds of grateful patients from Moscow and other cities of the country. It was within the walls of this department that they were able to return the joy of health, motherhood and a fulfilling life.

The department of gynecology is headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences, participant of numerous scientific conferences and seminars Vardan Georgievich Vardanyan.

Surgeons, obstetricians, gynecologists and nurses work under his leadership, whose professional level meets modern standards of high-tech medical care.

Gynecological Department of the City Clinical Hospital named after. A.K. Eramishantseva (former City Clinical Hospital No. 20). High professional level and wide range of specialized assistance

Being part of the structure of a multidisciplinary medical center in the north-east of Moscow, this department has a number of features and advantages. One of them was the possibility of a full, comprehensive examination and treatment of patients with concomitant diagnoses. The doctors of this department actively collaborate with their colleagues from the departments of surgery, urology, family planning center, psychiatry, therapy, and maternity hospital. This approach allows you to diagnose the patient’s condition as accurately and in a short time as possible, and prescribe a comprehensive protocol for her treatment, avoiding complications and the development of concomitant ailments. Invaluable assistance in the work of the gynecological department is provided by the staff of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency.

Effective assistance in the treatment of a wide range of women's ailments

Our gynecology specializes in providing high-tech surgical care. The department's doctors daily perform various operations using endoscopic (laparoscopic, hysteroscopic), vaginal and traditional (laparotomy) access.

The use of modern technologies, methods, and materials allows for surgical care, including reconstructive plastic interventions for:

· uterine fibroids;

·genital endometriosis;


tumor-like formations of the appendages;

·tubal-peritoneal factor of infertility;

· ectopic pregnancy;

· intrauterine pathology.

The staff of the gynecological department constantly improves their qualifications. Updated diagnostic, laboratory and hardware facilities allow us to successfully carry out conservative and surgical treatment (including the use of laparoscopic methods) of gynecological diseases. Among them:

· uterine fibroids of various localizations (radical operations, myomectomies, hysteroresectoscopy, embolization of the uterine arteries);

endometriosis of the uterus, ovaries and pelvic peritoneum;

endometrial pathologies (polyps, hyperplasia, intrauterine synechiae);

· infertility of endocrine etiology and obstruction of the fallopian tubes;

ovarian cysts and tumors;

Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of infectious etiology;

Some gynecological diseases can be treated at home by coming to the hospital or clinic only for examination, new appointments and procedures. But some require round-the-clock medical supervision and hospital stay.

When you can’t do without a hospital

In each individual case, the decision to hospitalize the patient or treat at home is made. But there are also certain general recommendations:

  • Severe course of acute inflammatory diseases or periods of exacerbation of chronic ones. Of particular danger are oophoritis, salpingitis, salpngoophoritis, endometritis, and so on. The reason for hospitalization may be high temperature, acute pain, nausea, vomiting, and so on.
  • Suspicion of ectopic pregnancy. The situation is complicated by the fact that the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are in many ways similar to an attack of appendicitis: severe pain, acute abdomen, fever, vomiting, and so on. A distinctive feature is that attacks appear 5-6 weeks from the start of the previous menstruation.
  • Suspicion of ovarian apoplexy. It has similar symptoms to ectopic pregnancy and an attack of appendicitis, but the symptoms appear around the expected date of ovulation, i.e. 2 weeks after the start of the last menstruation.
  • Uterine bleeding of unknown nature. It poses a particular danger if there is suspicion or certainty of pregnancy.
  • Twisting of the tumor stalk. Suddenly, acute paroxysmal pain occurs. A history of cysts or tumors of the ovaries or uterus helps to diagnose such a symptom.
  • Ovarian endometriosis. Acute cramping pain, which intensifies before the next menstruation.
  • Risk of spontaneous abortion.
  • Any diseases that develop during pregnancy.

The decision about inpatient treatment is made if the patient is brought by ambulance or if she is referred by a doctor after an examination.

Advantages and disadvantages of inpatient treatment of gynecological diseases

Few women are happy to agree to inpatient treatment. The need to live outside home for a long time, in a hospital setting, frightens many.

But the diseases listed above require constant medical supervision due to the high risk of complications and dangerous consequences. Their therapy requires regular procedures, medication, and most importantly, monitoring the patient’s condition over time. All this can only be obtained in a hospital setting.

When the patient’s condition stabilizes and no longer causes concern among doctors, she will be able to be transferred to a day hospital or even to home treatment. The third stage may be sanatorium-resort treatment, which will reduce the risk of complications and help the body fully recover from the illness.

Answers on questions

Inflammation of the female genital organs is an extensive and very common group of diseases in gynecology. It includes a whole range of pathologies that affect all parts of the female reproductive system. They are divided into inflammation of the external and internal genital organs.

Thus, the vulva, labia majora and minora, vagina and cervix are usually classified as external. And the internal ones include the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, as well as their ligaments, which are an integral part of the female reproductive system.

Most often, women of reproductive age face the problem of inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system.

Since unprotected sexual intercourse has been considered the main method of transmission for a long time, inflammation occurs mainly in the sexually active part of the female population. The average age is 20 - 40 years.

It should be noted that the risk group for inflammation is occupied by girls and women with more than 3 sexual partners, in which case the frequency of development of pathology increases several times. The most common inflammations include vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis, cervical erosion and, less commonly, adnexitis.

Inflammatory processes such as bartholinitis are quite rare. Very often, inflammation is associated with the presence of a sexually transmitted infection. Therefore, when diagnosing and the presence of pathology, one should not forget about this type of lesion. Among sexually transmitted infections, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and gonorrhea are currently leading.

Causes of inflammation of the female genital organs

As for diseases such as vaginitis, cervicitis, these are quite a lot of pathogens. These are not always specific microorganisms.

When the body's defenses decrease, opportunistic microorganisms that are normally found in the female body can also manifest their pathogenicity, but immune forces do not allow them to manifest their effects.

These include mainly staphylococcus, streptococcus, fungi of the genus Candida, and some viral particles. Of the pathogenic ones, gonococci and others have their negative effects.

Factors contributing to inflammation

They will depend on the form of the process:

Symptoms of the disease

They can be completely different:

Forms of the disease

Firstly, I share all inflammation of the female genital organs for the reason that contributes to its formation:

  • Bacterial
  • Fungal
  • Viral.

These are also the stages of inflammation development:

  • Acute
  • Subacute
  • Chronic
  • Latent.

Types of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs


This is an inflammation of the outer part of the vulva. It occurs in females; girls are most susceptible to this inflammatory process.

Moreover, the frequency of this inflammation is due to the fact that the vulva has an anatomically accessible location for the penetration of an infectious factor.

Currently, several options for the development of inflammation have been identified, including infectious nonspecific causes, as well as specific inflammation and strophic lesions associated with hormonal deficiency.

Symptoms of vulvitis:

This is an inflammatory lesion of the external genital tract. Normally, they perform very important functions, aimed at producing mucus in the vaginal area, as well as lubrication to ensure full-fledged intercourse.

Let's take a closer look at this disease:

  1. The mechanism of infection is associated with the anatomical features of the location of the gland. This is due to the fact that the excretory duct is located in the vestibule of the vagina, so there is wide access for microorganisms to enter.
  2. There may be pathogens from the vaginal environment or from the surrounding space, due to the close anatomical connection with the rectum.
  3. In addition, in order for the pathogen to exhibit its pathogenic properties, it is necessary to act on provoking factors that contribute to a decrease in immunity, mainly local. These include shaving with someone else's tools or old blades, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, and wearing tight underwear, especially made of synthetic materials.
  4. Inflammation is quite rare, mainly occurs at the age of 25 - 35 years, very often it can be combined with other inflammatory pathologies of the genital organs. It begins initially, usually acutely.

The woman notes:

  1. The appearance of severe painful irritation in the area of ​​the vaginal opening.
  2. She cannot work normally, has difficulty sitting down and sexual intercourse is impossible.
  3. A formation can be palpated on the labia; the dimensions can vary, from 2-3 cm to 10 cm; the consistency at the initial stage is soft.
  4. The skin has an increased temperature compared to other areas.

If inflammation is not cured at this stage, then it later becomes chronic or develops complications such as cysts or abscesses.

When the disease turns into an abscess, the tumor has a dense consistency, the size is large in most cases, the shape is round or oval, and in some cases fluctuation appears. The general condition is disturbed, the temperature rises, signs of intoxication appear, sometimes it develops into fever. Inflammation of the Bartholin gland requires mandatory treatment.

This is inflammation of the cervix. It is an intermediate area between the internal and external genitalia. In this case, the mucous membrane is involved in the pathological process. Since the cervix is ​​divided into two main sections - the exocervix and the endocervix.

The outer parts are predominantly stratified by squamous epithelium, while the inside is lined with cylindrical epithelium. It is the inflammation of the cylindrical epithelium that is most dangerous, since it increases the risk of its transfer to the uterus.

Cervicitis can be caused by various factors, including bacteria, viruses or fungi. The presence of provoking factors contributing to the development of inflammation is of great importance.

For cervicitis it is:

In most cases, cervical inflammation is asymptomatic. Therefore, it is often detected only when a woman is examined by a specialist.

Only in some cases is the presence of discharge from the genital tract. During a vaginal examination, redness of the mucous membrane, the presence of an enhanced vascular pattern, as well as focal defects of the mucous membrane are revealed. A predominantly pathological discharge appears from the external pharynx, ranging from creamy to purulent.

This is a pathological process that occurs on the outer part of the cervix. It is characterized by the presence of a defect in the mucous membrane.

This process can occur in women at any age, but the frequency increases in sexually active women.

The average age of this group is 18 - 35 years. This is due to frequent changes of sexual partners.

This pathology is especially dangerous when a human papillomavirus infection is combined with a defect in the mucous membrane.

Types 16 and 18 are considered the most dangerous; they can contribute to the development of cancer. In most cases, it is combined with inflammation in the cervix and vagina, and may become a consequence of this process.

It is usually asymptomatic. A woman will not feel pain due to the fact that the cervix is ​​devoid of pain receptors, which means inflammation will only manifest itself morphologically. It can only be manifested by the appearance of bloody or brown discharge, especially after sexual intercourse.

It is detected mainly when examined in the speculum by a gynecologist. You can see defects on the mucous membrane of the exocervix of the cervix; in this case, the cervix will not be uniformly smooth and pink. It appears hyperemia, hemorrhages, defects in the mucous membrane, as well as signs of an old inflammatory process.


This is an inflammatory process that is characterized by damage to the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity.

The pathological condition affects functional cells that are rejected during menstruation.

The process can have a different course, it is either acute or chronic.

The acute process has a clear clinical picture:

In case of chronic course of the process symptoms are usually erased. The pain syndrome in this case has a gradual course, the aching pain is slightly pronounced. It intensifies with physical activity, sexual intercourse, etc.

In the autumn-spring period, an aggravation of the process may occur. The temperature during the chronic process usually does not rise, and only in rare cases is it low-grade.

It may also be noted latent, in which the clinical picture can be very blurred, but it is usually the most insidious, since there is a violation in the organ, and complications very often develop, and treatment, as a rule, is not prescribed.

This is a common inflammation of the ovaries in women. It is a very dangerous pathology, since an untreated process leads to the development of complications. The risk group for inflammation of the appendages consists of young women, 20 - 30 years old.

The acute process usually begins to develop quickly:

Inflammation of the ovaries can spread to nearby tissues, which in some cases is complicated by salpingoophoritis, pelivioperitonitis, and diffuse peritonitis.

During the transition of an acute process to a chronic one, the pain syndrome becomes less pronounced. It begins to bother a woman when inflammation worsens or in the autumn-spring period. This course of inflammation can lead to adhesions in the pelvic organs.

The menstrual cycle may be disrupted, it is prone to delays and absence of ovulation. The latent course of inflammation leads to infertility.

This is an inflammatory disease of the reproductive system. It can occur at any stage of the external genitalia. The cause of this inflammation is fungus of the genus Candida .

This is an opportunistic pathogen that is normally found on the skin and mucous membranes and in a normal state of immunity no inflammation occurs.

Characteristics of candidiasis:

  1. For the development of a pathological process, exposure to provoking factors is necessary. These include severe endocrine and somatic diseases, violations of lifestyle, hygiene and nutrition, as well as sexual transmission.
  2. Candida inflammation is characterized by the appearance of severe itching and burning, which contributes to irritation of the mucous membranes and skin.
  3. At the site of the lesion, swelling appears in varying degrees of severity, which is also accompanied by redness of the mucous membrane. For a woman, such a symptom contributes to a violation of the general condition
  4. , there is a deterioration in well-being, the quality of sleep changes, and also increases nervousness and tolerance to stress. Urination is manifested by urgency, cramping and, in some cases, severe pain. Body temperature, as a rule, remains normal.
  5. Usually it increases after the addition of a bacterial or viral infection. The main manifestation of genital candidiasis is abundant cheesy discharge from the genital tract.

Usually their color is white or slightly yellowish. The consistency is thick, with dense inclusions. It is due to this that they are called curdled, and the disease is called thrush.

Infectious inflammations

- this is an inflammatory lesion belonging to the class of specific. It is caused by a specific microorganism belonging to the gram-negative group.

  1. Characteristics of the disease:
  2. This pathogen is specific and primarily affects the mucous membranes of the genitourinary tract. The result is an inflammatory process that can affect all parts of the reproductive system.

The pathogen is sensitive, so it quickly dies in the environment.

Inflammation is caused to a greater extent among females.



It is resistant to environmental factors, easily transmitted by contact, and is also slightly susceptible to drugs. That is why this inflammatory disease leads to the development of complications in many women. Among them, the most common is the adhesive process.

Chlamydia is most often detected in women aged 25 - 40 years. Moreover, these characteristics are associated with the fact that women are at risk for inflammatory diseases due to high sexual activity, planning pregnancy, and frequent visits to specialists for possible diagnostic testing.

Inflammation is caused to a greater extent among females.

  1. Very often, chlamydia does not manifest itself at all or the symptoms are mild. In most cases, this inflammation is detected only during a random examination for periodic pelvic pain or infertility.
  2. Sometimes a woman is bothered by itching and discharge from the genital tract. A discharge of a pathological nature appears, it becomes liquid, almost transparent, sometimes accompanied by itching. Separation usually occurs in the morning, 20 - 30 minutes after waking up.
  3. With prolonged course, pain syndrome is detected, which has a mild course, intensifies with physical activity or sexual intercourse. Subsequently leads to complications such as ectopic pregnancy or infertility associated with chronic inflammation in the uterine cavity.

This is a viral infection of the reproductive system. The disease is caused by the herpes simplex virus.

There are several varieties of it, each of which causes damage to one or another part of the body.

In this case, there is a predominant damage to the organs of the reproductive system, in particular the external parts.

It occurs in both men and women, but the fair sex is more susceptible to this pathology.

The age groups that have inflammation of the genital organs caused by herpes are also different, but most are 20 - 40 years old. This corridor is due to the fact that it is during this period that a person can have the largest number of partners and sexual life is very diverse.

Inflammation is caused to a greater extent among females.

  1. The disease is characterized by the involvement of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, as well as the skin, in the pathological process.
  2. In this case, the appearance of bubbles is noted, which are filled with liquid contents and have a slightly yellowish color. The sizes of these formations vary, from several millimeters to centimeters, this is due to the fact that they can merge. In this case, severe pain, constant itching, and, if the integrity is violated, a burning sensation is manifested.
  3. Subsequently, elements deprived of a protective film are covered with crusts and a bacterial process can join them. The general condition changes, body temperature may rise and intoxication may increase.

Consequences of inflammatory diseases

  1. One of the most common complications is the transition of inflammation to a chronic course.
  2. In addition, relapses of the process may develop.
  3. With inflammation of the cervix, a chronic process can develop with the further formation of a malignant process.
  4. The upper genital organs are prone to the development of infertility in women of reproductive age, as well as miscarriage and spontaneous miscarriages.
  5. In women, against the background of inflammatory processes, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted and menstruation becomes more painful and prolonged.
  6. With massive inflammation, a purulent focus may occur, which requires surgical treatment.
  7. When inflammation spreads to neighboring organs, there is a risk of life threatening.



  1. In girls, as well as in case of nonspecific lesions, you can use the appointment of washings. These include good solutions with an anti-inflammatory effect, such as Furacilin, Chlorhexidine and or calendula.
  2. In case of severe inflammation, antibacterial or antiviral, as well as antifungal agents in the form of creams and gels can be used.

This type of inflammation usually requires complex treatment.

  1. In the development of the process, it is necessary to exclude viral infection of the cervix. Tablets and local forms of medications are used.
  2. When the cause of inflammation is precisely clarified, remedies are selected taking into account sensitivity, and in the case of a nonspecific process, this inflammation is usually eliminated with properly selected treatment without problems.
  3. The woman does not require hospitalization in a hospital, or interruption of the work process.

Endometritis and adnexitis

These inflammations require mandatory and timely treatment due to the high risk of complications.

The mode will be selected based on the stage of the process:

  1. In severe conditions, hospitalization in a hospital is required. Antibacterial or antiviral treatment is considered etiopathogenetic therapy. The route of administration is selected exclusively parenteral; only after completion of treatment can you choose medications in tablet form.
  2. In addition, detoxification therapy must be carried out. For this purpose, blood replacement and isotonic solutions are used in combination with vitamins.
  3. After the main course, anti-relapse courses are required aimed at preventing the development of complications or recurrent inflammation.
  4. When a mass formation forms or inflammation spreads to other organs with the development of a purulent process, surgical intervention is required with possible washing, removal of formations and drainage with the introduction of antibacterial agents.

Tactics in this case will depend on the stage of the inflammatory process:

  1. At the initial stages, this may include the prescription of anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, as well as local antiseptics.
  2. With the development of a purulent process and the development of a limited formation or transition to an abscess, surgical intervention is necessary, followed by drainage of the inflamed cavity.
  3. Prescribing thermal or physiotherapy procedures before opening the cavity is strictly contraindicated, as this can lead to generalization of the process.

Inflammation of the genital organs requires etiotropic therapy, these are antifungal agents. The form of drugs is selected based on the level of damage:

  1. For vulvitis these can be creams or solutions that have antifungal activity. These include a solution of baking soda, which is applied to the skin and relieves inflammation.
  2. For inflammation of the vaginal cavity You can use not only the form of cream and ointment, but the most effective and common are vaginal suppositories or tablets. These can be drugs with only an antifungal mechanism or a complex effect (inexpensive or). In addition, systemic tablet forms are prescribed in combination with local therapy.

Very often, candidiasis tends to recur. In this case, even in the absence of signs of inflammation, systematic prescription of drugs is required.

Other diseases

  1. Treatment of inflammation caused by is required after exact confirmation of the cause. To do this, it is necessary to select funds after determining sensitivity. After treatment, additional monitoring of treatment is necessary.
  2. This is a special group of diseases of the female genital organs. When combined with a viral infection, mandatory treatment of inflammation with the prescription of antiviral drugs is required. Surgical treatment of the inflammatory process is very popular. Among them is diathermocoagulation or cryodestruction.

Treatment with folk remedies

It is traditional therapy that is widely used to cure diseases of the genital organs:


This is a fairly broad concept that concerns gynecological pathology.

To prevent inflammation, several rules should be followed:

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