A powerful ritual for the return of a loved one. Conspiracies to bring back your beloved husband or boyfriend

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When the relationship between spouses or simply loving people is destroyed, and nothing can be done by ordinary means, you should not give up.

In this topic:

After all, for a long time, women have been using conspiracies to bring back their husbands who left them and resurrect lost love.

Return your loved one or love?

There is some difference between what needs to be returned. If there is a need to return a loved one, then a magical ritual will help with this. However, we must remember that the returning man will not burn with his former passion for you. There may never be love and respect in a relationship again.

Therefore, the conspiracy should be focused not just on the return of a person, but also on the return of former feelings. To do this, during the ritual, one must clearly imagine harmony, mutual love and happiness.

The plot to bring back a loved one is read with deep conviction in its effectiveness and ability to give you what you want.

Popular conspiracies to bring back a loved one

Undoubtedly, a conspiracy can bring back a loved one and his tender feelings, if everything is done strictly in accordance with the rules. The plot below must be read several times, namely 7. Moreover, they do this at dawn for a week. Like other magical actions, this conspiracy is performed on the days of the waxing moon. While pronouncing the words, they stand facing the sunrise.

Lord my God, You are my Protection, on whom I trust and pin my hopes, Mother of God, Most Holy Theotokos and all the Saints! I offer my prayer to you and ask for help in this bitter moment, in the return of my beloved servant of God (name). Do not leave my prayer unattended, hear the prayer of my sinful servant of God (name). Lord, Mother of God and all the saints, please return your beloved (name), return your heart (name) to me. Amen!

If, after living together, a man left the family or began to cheat, in order to regain his favor, you can resort to the magic of the conspiracy below. It is also suitable for girls who had a serious relationship with a young man in the past, but lost it due to the cooling of the guy’s feelings.

To perform the ritual, you will need to say certain words to the bed on which you had a sexual relationship with the lost man. You must be alone in the room. The ritual is not performed in front of witnesses. So, you need to stand facing the bed and say the following words:

You have one bed, and my husband, God’s servant (name), and I are two, and if with you, then three! Like God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Just as they are inseparable and united, so all three of us will be united! Our bed, you are smooth and soft, bring peace into our lives, take betrayals into the distance! Let it be so. Amen!

Powerful spells to bring back a loved one

If the separation occurred not so long ago, a ritual is performed to return the boyfriend or husband. The new month is a good helper in this. When the month is just beginning to grow, at midnight you need to open a window or go outside and say the following:

The month is young, the month is the strongest, help me. Make sure that the servant of God (name) returns to me, the servant of God (name). I can’t live without him, I can’t live without him, I feel sadness, my heart aches from misfortune. Bring him back to me so that we can live without grieving, know no troubles, and know no sorrows. Help me, month, help!

These words must be repeated 9 times, then immediately go to bed and fall asleep. The next evening they do the same. So 7 times. This magic begins to work after a few weeks, and the results are permanent.

The rituals performed with the use of the belongings of a person who needs to be returned to the family are characterized by the greatest power. You can also refer to photographs. The power of a ritual on a thing is based on the human energy that this thing absorbed when he used it.

Therefore, it can become a link between your desire and the feelings and energy of your loved one. You have to wait until midnight. Moreover, they choose midnight precisely during the waxing moon. They approach the thing and say this:

Strong love, eternal love, subdue the servant of God (name), return him to me, the Servant of God (name). So that with me he can raise his little children, wait for his grandchildren, and overcome all obstacles. Let our feelings not fade, but only flare up. So that I am alone in his heart, all thoughts are about me. For him to think, to be bored, to not see life without me, to only think and dream about me alone. I will speak to him, I will make him drunk, I will please him. My words have strong power. No one can remove them, neither a slave, nor a healer, nor a sorcerer. It will be like this forever and ever and nothing else. Amen!

The words are spoken three times. Then it is better to make efforts to return the thing to the man. Then the conspiracy will surely work. If it is impossible to give the thing to a man, then a conspiracy alone will not be enough. You should repeat these steps seven times. No one should see this thing except you, so it is taken out only for the ritual, and then hidden away.

If you don’t have your loved one’s belongings, but only have a photo, then the conspiracy is read on him. First the candles are lit. There can be 3 of them, but it is better if there are 12 of them, because a large number of candles in this ritual enhance the result. Church candles are definitely needed. A photograph of your loved one is placed between the candles. Looking at him, they read a conspiracy. The words are:

I, the servant of God (name), got up in the morning, washed myself with cold water, and dried myself with a white shroud. Bowing to Christ, she walked through the door, from door to gate, into the street, under the red sun, under the bright moon, into an open field. In an open field there stands a tree from the ground to the heavens. On that tree there are branches from east to west. Under that tree there is a church with a throne. There is a board at that throne, and on that board there is melancholy. Throw, melancholy, throw, melancholy, at the servant of God (name) at the violent head, at the zealous heart, at the hot blood, at the bones, at one hundred and seventy joints, at one hundred and one veins. It would seem to him that the servant of God (name) is redder than the red sun, brighter than the bright month, dearer than father-mother, dearer than all the clan-tribe, dearer to the free light. The servant of God would stand by the water and drown himself; he would stand by the fire and burn himself. For me, about the servant of God, pity and remember forever until your death. The servant of God would get up and wash herself in the morning with cold water and dry herself with a white shroud. Bowing to Christ, she walked out the door, through the gate into the street, under the red sun, under the bright moon, into an open field. In an open field there stands a tree from earth to heaven. That tree has branches from east to west. Solomon's daughter sits on that tree. I'll come closer to her and bow to her lower. My mother, Solomon’s daughter, take my plot to the ocean-sea, put my plot under the white-flammable stone, so that no one can dissuade him: neither the priest, nor the clerk, nor the simple man, nor the simple-haired girl. Amen. Amen. Amen.

This conspiracy is read for three evenings in a row, then they take a break for three days and read again for three days. These words have special power and work great.

Birch is a girls’ assistant in matters of the heart

Birch - a girl's helper

The dreams of Russian beauties about family happiness are associated with the image of the birch. Rituals of braiding and breaking birch trees were aimed at attracting marriage and good luck in love. Wreaths of birch branches were sent down rivers in the hope of finding out their future. On Semik, branches of this white-trunked tree were used to decorate houses to attract harmony and happiness into the home.

The image of a birch tree is captured in many works of Russian folklore, and especially in maiden songs. After all, this beauty was often dressed up by people like a girl: in a headscarf or sundress. Its seeds are called catkins. During the festivities, the birch tree was portrayed by the most stately girl in the village, who was beautifully dressed and decorated. Russian beauties washed themselves with birch sap to preserve youth, attractiveness and health.

This tree was considered alive, spiritual, capable of fulfilling wishes. The girls even carried treats into the forest and asked the birch tree for help in matters of the heart. It is the birch tree that women turn to asking for the return of their abandoned husband. In the spring, when nature revives, a conspiracy is read to bring back a loved one who has left a woman or girl. It is addressed to a lonely birch tree, which must be found in the field. She is addressed as a friend, senior adviser and assistant.

Birch, beauty. Lonely you. Help me not to be lonely. Help bring back God's servant (name). So that we can be together, see happiness and know joy. Help, birch tree. Amen!

After these words, spoken 9 times, they leave this place and go towards the house. You can't talk to anyone on the road. The plot begins to work literally after 7 days. It’s not for nothing that the birch tree was considered a receptacle for spirits. This is precisely what explained the fact that it is this tree that is most often struck by lightning.

Morning dew as the basis of magic for love

Often in folk conspiracies, the power of dew is used to create, strengthen or return a feeling of love. To activate the energy of dew, collect it in a clean place and wash your face.

This should be done in a secluded place, where no one can catch you doing this activity. After all, rituals are not designed for the presence of prying eyes. All words should be pronounced with great faith and conviction in the effectiveness and power of your words. Conspiracy text:

Clean water, help me, return my loved one to my family. Just as dew on the skin quickly dries, so my beloved will quickly remember me. Our love burns stronger, and my beloved quickly runs to me again. By the forces of nature I will bind you, I will awaken your love for me for the rest of my life.

It is better to learn the text by heart, but not from the monitor, but from handwritten text. It must be rewritten on a piece of paper where there should be nothing but a conspiracy.

It happens that a girl broke up with her man out of stupidity, and then fantasizes about her beloved returning. Relationships can be ruined overnight, and then repent and suffer from a distance. Are you looking for how to get your beloved man back if he doesn’t even want to communicate? Do you use conspiracies to rectify the situation? Magic rituals that help people reunite are the fastest and most effective way of reconciliation.

A love ritual allows you to return your ex-boyfriend on your own without harming yourself. There are effective spells for photos and water, church prayers, and cemetery magic. You can charm a kitten and a young man’s personal belongings, or use powerful gypsy amulets. To get your spouse back one hundred percent, you need to be patient - there are very complex rituals.

A conspiracy to make a loved one leave his current passion can be classified as love spell. In church such games are condemned, but separation is very difficult to bear. There are such myths:

  • a love spell will turn your beloved guy into a zombie;
  • returning black rituals are the road to hell;
  • magic does not work at home, you need to pay money to the sorcerer;
  • working spells are known only to a select few.

In reality, drying is harmless. Choose a spell for your loved one’s item - you definitely won’t go wrong. Your boyfriend’s will will remain the same, he will just “suddenly” make a decision that is beneficial to you. Be persistent, avoid mistakes in ritual actions, and communication will resume.

The most popular rituals

If a guy doesn't want to talk to you, you can get his attention using the phone. There is a very powerful ritual that will force your lover to make an appointment with you. If the girl has already communicated with the guy using the enchanted device, the chances of success will increase. You need to read the plot above the phone while holding the device in your hands, and the text is as follows:

“Just as I am destined to say the words of prayer, so the conspiracy to make the guy call will work. Your voice (name of lover) sounds in my dreams. I want you to fall in love with me and in reality, not leave, offer your heart with your hand. The call will break the silence, and the guy, even if he doesn’t want to communicate, will come. Amen".

With a strong spell to bring back your loved one, you can bewitch mobile and landline phones. The ritual will help you return your lover or bewitch someone you like. This is a universal remedy for loneliness.

Bewitching a girl

Strong conspiracies are also known to bring back a beloved girl - this magic is popular among men. You will need to sculpt a figurine the color of your lover's hair. Make sure that the doll has a female form and that there are no strangers in the ritual room. Next you will do this:

  1. Take out one of your loved one's clothing items.
  2. Wait until the full moon.
  3. Move closer to the wide open window.
  4. Throw the doll above your head.
  5. Whisper the text of the spell.

The words are: “The wind blows over the doll, preventing you (the name of the object) from leaving, filling your mind with the strongest desire to meet. You were alone, and now the loneliness is leaving. Tenderness with love and a happy life - all this is ahead of us. And if you leave me, you will immediately want to restore the relationship. Melancholy will eat your heart and force you to make peace with me. Sadness will dry you out, a cat will scratch your heart with its claws. You will never be happy with anyone else. Amen".

Using items

By reading the plot, you can get your loved one back with a high degree of probability. To enhance the effectiveness of the spell, use magical artifacts. A reconnection ritual involves obtaining items that belong to your spouse (or boyfriend). Follow a number of rules:

  1. Avoid repeating rituals multiple times - this confuses energy flows.
  2. Try not to use magic on a married man unnecessarily.
  3. If you want to guarantee the glue of destinies, believe in your actions.
  4. The waxing moon is the ideal time for the ceremony.

The thing that will help return your husband’s love must belong to him. Tie, wristwatch, shirt - there are many options. An artifact enchanted to restore relationships should always be with your chosen one. Then his masculine energy will mix with the spell cast.

Enchanted Clothes

You know how to get your loved one back, all that remains is to get the thing that belongs to him. This is a difficult but vital stage of the ritual. The magic will work the moment the man puts the item on himself. Take out the man's underwear or his jewelry and cast the spell:

“The betrothed’s heart is spinning after a breakup and longs to get closer to its soul mate. The soul of God's servant (name of the object) is filled with melancholy and is saturated with tenderness towards me. Everywhere he sees my appearance, my prophetic eyes do not give him peace. The halves will merge together, souls will stir with love. With the spell I read, I seal my will and enchant the thing (name). Amen".

We act according to the photo

Knowing how to bring back your beloved men if they don’t even want to communicate, conspiracies can work wonders. A typical example is a ceremony with photography. Please note the following points:

  • The photo must be of high quality, in good resolution;
  • the man in the photo should be alone (group images disperse energy flows);
  • the ritual must be performed at midnight;
  • you will need three candles.

The photo may be digital, but then it will have to be printed. This is a pretty strong conspiracy - it will allow you to return your loved one in the shortest possible time. Light the candles, take the photo in your hands and whisper this spell:

“A bird flew over the field, dropped a feather, the wind picked it up and carried it away. Now the feather gets wet in the rain, the snow covers it, and the returning cold freezes it. Let your heart (man’s name) be frozen in ice in someone else’s bed. You will shed tears from separation and dream about the past. The bird strives for its native shores, the cat wants to be with its kittens. God's will will bring you (betrothed's name) to my doorstep and order your way back. Amen".

Charmed plate

How to get back a guy who completely ignores you and refuses to see a woman's attractiveness? Find a large plate and place it in the middle of the room. Further procedure:

  1. Sit on the prepared plate.
  2. Read the spell.
  3. Hide the artifact.
  4. Keep the enchanted item until the relationship is completely restored.
  5. When the man returns to the house, prepare his favorite dish and place it on the enchanted plate.
  6. Make sure that your chosen one eats at least a piece of your cooking.

Spell text: “The plate is filled with goodness, a tasty and generous delicacy. God's servant (name of your beloved), return to your wife (your name) and never leave your home again. I will feed you delicious food, read and speak to you. Together we will babysit our children and wait for our grandchildren. Just as it is difficult for a person to live without food and air, so without me you will want to climb the wall. Amen".

The magical power of the button

For this ritual to work, you need to get a button and thread with needles. Embroidery has a sacred meaning in the mystical traditions of our ancestors. In the old days, clothing could protect against troubles and bad omens. Procedure:

  1. Lose a button you bought, and then “suddenly” find it.
  2. Sew the artifact onto the white fabric.
  3. Read the prayer.
  4. Bury the enchanted rag under the tree.
  5. Try not to dig up the artifact.

Text of the plot: “I sew a button, I bind God’s servant (the man’s name) to me. If he goes to the high hills, the blue sea, he will dream about me everywhere. Amen".

An important point: when doing love spell magic, you must sincerely love your boyfriend (or spouse). Sorcerers do not recommend casting spells for fun. After the ritual, visit the church - and troubles will bypass you.

Love is a crazy feeling that pushes us to take thoughtless actions, thanks to it we risk our lives, move mountains and feel inspired. How to improve the situation if you feel that your soul mate is slipping away from you? In this article we will look at how to return a loved one at home using a photo. You can wait for a miracle, seek reciprocity, or resort to magic. People have long been using ancient spells and love spells to bring back someone they love. There are many simple love spell rituals that can be easily done on your own without extensive magical knowledge. But every business has its pros and cons. In order for your ritual to go smoothly, you should follow all the instructions.

How to get your loved one back from a photo at home

How to make a love spell yourself using a photo

- These are most often spells based on photography. Love witchcraft is often used to renew relationships, for example between wife and husband, girlfriend and boyfriend. In order to return your loved one, if other methods do not help, a love spell based on a photograph will help, which you can do yourself at home. Before starting the ritual, you need to prepare for it.

  • The girl needs to curb her ardor and calm down. Your indifference and ignorance will help awaken his interest in you, his mind will begin to be visited more often by thoughts about you.
  • The power of the love spell will depend on your love and desire to reunite your life with your chosen one.
  • The plot is read emotionally, trying to put all of yourself into this ritual.
  • Visualize a future together with a potential partner. The brighter the image, the stronger the magical energy will be.

Listed above are all the features of a love spell using a photograph that will help you get a good result.

A selection of spells to return a loved one from a photograph

Option 1: “Powerful Three Threads Conspiracy”

After all the preparatory processes have been completed, you can begin to study the conspiracy. There are a huge variety of such rituals, some complex and requiring special preparation, others not. But they still have one similarity, they are aimed at the reunification of two souls. The result of the love spell will depend not on the distance between you, but on the characteristics of the magical ritual. For the ritual you will need the following magical paraphernalia: a photograph of the departed young man, your own photograph, three candles from the church (wax), a ball of red woolen thread and three strong, new needles.

Wait for the waxing moon. After all, it is better to carry out the ritual under cover of darkness on a waxing moon, and also alone. Sit on your knees and arrange the candles in the form of a triangle. One of the tops of the candle should be away from you. Place the photograph, for the conspiracy of the man in the photo, in a triangle. Draw a circle with chalk or charcoal next to the created workplace.

The most powerful conspiracy of the man in the photo

Thread the threads into the needles and fix three knots on each. Visualize your boyfriend and imagine that he is at home with you. As your imagination gives you the desired picture, take the photograph and pierce his forehead with one of the needles.

While you thread the thread through the photo, say:

Let your thoughts be only about me!

Pierce the heart of your chosen one with the second needle and say:

Your love is only mine and only belongs to me!

Stick the third needle into the guy’s groin area, whispering:

Just feel passion and desire for me, your dreams about me will only be!

Then turn the photo over and tie a knot using all three threads. Don't forget to say to the node:

As I connect these threads, so we will be united forever!

Then take a pin, which you need to pierce the little finger of your left hand. Drip your blood onto the knot and secure everything with melted candle wax. On top, sort of glue your photo onto a knot with hot wax and place everything in an envelope. The envelope must be hidden in a place where no one will find it.

This ritual is considered one of the most ancient rituals. It was used in ancient times by witches to restore relationships with a loved one. If you follow the ritual, it will help you reunite with the person from whom you were separated.

Option 2: “Modern conspiracy based on a photo from the Internet”

You can find a huge variety of conspiracies to return a loved one to a photograph on the Internet. And it’s not in vain that this happens, because any image of a person stores his energy. And magic, like any field of human activity, is constantly evolving. In the world of technological breakthrough, this is one of the most convenient and easiest ways. Such love spells do not require extensive knowledge of magic or costs. In addition, this method is suitable for both women and men. But, despite the simplicity of the ritual, it has enormous power and is quite powerful. Don't forget, magic knows no boundaries.

For this ritual, a photograph of the beloved and a church candle are required.

Photography has its own selection criteria that must be taken into account.

  • The photograph is not very old. It is advisable to use a photo taken the day before or taken no more than a year ago.
  • The photo should only show your chosen one. There should be no strangers or animals in the photo
  • The chosen one's face should look at you. It is desirable that the eyes are clearly visible. That is, from the front.
  • The photograph must be full-length.
  • The photo must be complete. Do not crop the photo under any circumstances. The magic will work on a photograph that has not been touched with scissors.

How can you make a conspiracy to return a guy from a photo via the Internet?

The best time for the waxing moon ritual. When the celestial body is in the first or second lunar quarter. The effect of fortune telling will also depend on the day of the week you have chosen. Rituals for a man are carried out on men's day - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. The magic you want to direct to a woman is feminine - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. As the sun sets, take a photo of your loved one and light a candle. Be sure to light the candle with matches. After entering, sit down at the table and put yours and your lover’s photo on it. Photos should be placed face up. Sit in silence for a couple of minutes, imagining the person against whom the conspiracy will be cast. Then turn your photo over and write his date of birth in black marker. You do the same with his photo, only the date of birth should be yours. Drip hot wax onto the reverse sides of the photographs and connect them, saying: My word is strong and to the servant of God (name) Lepko. Amen. Then pass the back of the photographs over the flame and loudly, giving your whole soul, say the words of the love spell:

How I yearn, servant of God (name), for my beloved servant of God (name),

So let him yearn and miss me alone. May it be so forever and ever.

As the fire burns this candle and flares up,

So let the heat of my love infuse my chosen one.

Let his love be pure and bright.

Let it burn as brightly and strongly as the fire of this candle burns!

Let my beloved (name) desire me passionately and suffer from desire!

Let it be so! Amen!

When reading the plot, you need to imagine your beloved nearby. There is no need to rush during the ritual!! The stronger your imagination, the stronger your energy flow directed into space will be. Cast the magic spell 12 times and after that you need to extinguish the candle and hide your images under the pillow on which you sleep. The ritual must be repeated for 12 days. Be sure to use the same candle and the same photographs. On the last day of the conspiracy, burn the photographs with a candle. Place the ashes in an envelope and scatter them on the street at midnight, after which the rest of the candle is buried at an intersection.

Is it easy to bring back that person who left, saying that he left forever? Guys quite often offend girls like this, without even bothering to explain the reason for their departure. If a more successful rival is to blame for this, then there is nothing to guess, but sometimes there are completely strange reasons that are almost impossible to explain from a rational point of view. And nothing can make him come to his senses: neither the broken heart of his beloved, nor the reproach of his friends.

The reason may not be found. But what if the girl turned out to be not indifferent to him. The only thing that remains is to make a love spell to return your loved one, so that he himself understands what it means to lose a person to whom he is deeply attached. However, a love spell is a means of magic; it involves a strong energetic impact, so it is never worth doing it just out of revenge.

If you think that a love spell will help you get your loved one back, then you need to think for yourself about how good you will be in the company of this person, have you forgiven him, do you really want to see him, restore the relationship and coexist peacefully with him? If a love spell is done only out of revenge, then such actions may result in retribution from above. Let’s make it clear right away that love spells of this nature are only black magic, because from its point of view, it doesn’t matter why exactly the man is being bewitched.

If you need love, you need joy to settle in both your soul and your home, then you should only turn to white magic. It is not so strong, and the spells in it are not irreversible, but the result will be different: at least, next to you you will not see a “zombie”, but a living person who is happy to be with you. A light love spell does not burden the soul of a loved one to the same extent as it would in the case of stronger magic.

How to get your loved one back

Outwardly, this should manifest itself in negotiations, and it is not so important which of you is the first to talk about what you need to try again, give a new chance to your relationship, etc. After all, everything will be decided on a spiritual level. It doesn’t always make sense to call on a magician to help you get your loved one back; you can do a love spell yourself. This will allow you to save money, and you will have more freedom of action.

Candlelight ritual

If there is still a fire burning in your heart, then the choice of objects with which a magical session is performed will be appropriate. The attributes for such a love spell are the simplest. You need to buy two church candles or take household ones. Scented or shaped candles will not work.

The ritual process is as follows:
  • We take two candles and mark the bottom of each with a cross. You need to push it with your fingernail.
  • In the same way, you need to scratch the young man’s full name on one candle, and your own on the other.
  • You need to take a new box of matches and light a candle with your name. If the candle does not light, then this day is not suitable for magic. Everything needs to be postponed until tomorrow evening. You will have to take a new box, and the one you used will be useful for household purposes.
  • On the day when the candle lights up the first time, light the same candle from it - with the name of your loved one. If this candle does not light the first time, then extinguish your candle and wait for a new evening.
  • If both candles are burning, then place them in front of you and look at the fire. Leave all your vain thoughts and focus on the flame. This process is called meditation.
  • When you feel yourself falling into a trance, begin to imagine the face of your loved one.
  • Look into the eyes of this image through the lights of the candles and mentally imagine how it came to you. Then imagine you two together. There is no need to say anything - it only distracts. You need to spend at least half an hour doing this so that no one bothers you during this time.

By the way, if you have a cat or dog at home, then it is better to give these pets to a friend or relatives for a while. You can explain the reason in some other way, for example, by saying that you poison insects at home and fear for the health of your pet. Fishes do not interfere with meditation, but birds, as a rule, sleep in the dark. To be sure, the cage with a parrot or canary can be covered with a shawl.

Many modern girls turn to the help of magic in an attempt to solve love problems. Magical help is especially often needed in situations when a lover unexpectedly leaves.

In such a situation, conspiracies help to quickly return your loved one, the rich variety of which is simply amazing. The main thing is to choose the most suitable one and follow all the rules.

In what situations can you use magic?

In any relationship, sooner or later there comes a moment of quarrels, problems and disagreements. And quite often it all ends with the couple breaking up. Many girls in such situations worry for a long time, trying to return their dear man in a variety of ways.

And a love spell, which has come down to our times from antiquity, helps to quickly return your loved one.

But before you resort to magic, you need to decide exactly whether to use a love spell.

Several important questions need to be answered truthfully:

  1. Finally decide who the main initiator of the conflict is.
    If the girl is to blame, it is important to approach the chosen one and sincerely ask for forgiveness. Sometimes this is enough to get the relationship back on track. And even conspiracies on how to return your loved one will not be needed.
  2. Find out if your lover has a new girlfriend.
    If the answer is yes, it is important not to make stupid mistakes. You just need to hide and wait a little. Perhaps the chosen one himself will decide that he is wrong and will come to beg for forgiveness. In the absence of such actions, you should first carry out the lapel ritual, and only then use a conspiracy to return your beloved man.
  3. Answer honestly whether the love was mutual.
    When there was no love or no longer exists, you should not take risks and change your destiny. By bewitching a man who has no feelings, you can not only break two destinies, but also achieve very negative consequences. In such a situation, it is better to turn your attention to other worthy men.

It is very important to understand that using strong magic to bring back a beloved and dear man, every girl takes on serious responsibility. After all, even the simplest magical love spell involves an external influence on a person.

Sometimes it’s easier to arrange a meeting, calmly discuss everything and ask for forgiveness. And if given a second chance, behave differently, love more and cling less to trifles. Otherwise, the situation will repeat itself again, and there will be no other chance. And even the strongest and most powerful conspiracy will not help.

A powerful spell for the marital bed

The world around us is not ideal, and not only guys, but also husbands leave women. Some find a younger girlfriend, while others are taken away from their mistress’s family. If you want to save your family and bring your husband back, you should try the ritual for the marital bed. It is necessary to make the bed with clean linen and, with the last rays of the sun, kneel at the head of the bed.

You need to try to remember the closest moments with your lover and say the following words:

“Our bed is common, our bed is one. With my dear husband there are two of us, and with you there are three. Together we are inseparable and bound together. You are our wedding bed, soft and smooth. Bring calm, peace and togetherness into our married life. Take far away betrayals, quarrels and squabbles. I have no one except my dear husband (say his name), let him have no one but me, his lawful wife (say his name)! Amen!"

This strong conspiracy will definitely help to return a loved one, but only in the case when feelings on his part have not completely cooled down. If there is no result, you should try to maintain your pride and not bother your departed spouse with calls and reminders about yourself.

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