What do the vowels of the first and second row mean? Vowel sounds

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Isolating first row vowels from words


Topic: Isolating first row vowels from words.

Target : to develop the ability to isolate vowels of the 1st row from monosyllabic words.

Tasks: teach to analyze and differentiate acquired knowledge by highlighting the necessary information and systematizing it; improve grammatical structure of speech and coherent speech;

correct auditory perception based on exercises in isolating vowel sounds from monosyllabic words; develop long-term memory, specifically effective thinking, communicative competence;

cultivate motivation to learn.

Equipment : subject pictures, colored pencils and pencils, mirrors, notebooks, alphabet books, sand, blue and red chips, colored stripes, seven-color flower, speech therapy mirrors, didactic material.

Plan and course of the lesson.

I. Preparatory stage.

1. Organizational moment.

What's happened? What's happened?

Why is the bell ringing?

We are ready. The table is ok.

The lesson begins...

We will respond actively

To behave,

So that dear guests

We wanted to come again!

2. Psychological attitude.

First, let's see in what mood you came to class. And multi-colored petals will help you with this. Choose a petal of the color that matches your mood. By composing a flower, we can understand our mood.

Language of colors:

Yellow, orange - cheerful, playful, joyful;

Red – good, cheerful mood;

Green – laziness and indifference;

Blue – calm;

Purple – sadness, anxiety;

Black - sadness.

Children, everyone has different moods.

II. Main stage.

    Articulation gymnastics.

2. Guess the riddles

There's a mountain on the face

It has two windows.

(n O With)

Shoemaker, not shoemaker

Tailor, not a tailor

Scissors in hand

And there is bristle in the mouth

(R A To)

I am very tasty and healthy,

Can I lie on the table?

I can run into your mouth

(With s R)

I don't buzz when I'm lying down

I don't buzz when I walk.

If I'm spinning in the air,

I'll have a blast here

(and at To)

What kind of tease is this?
I call: “Natasha!”
And he shouts: “Ashka!”
I call “Seryozha”!
And he shouts: “Hedgehog!”
I scream: “Aw!”
And he growls: “Oooh!”

( uh xo)

Looking into the water at your reflection.

Hanged branches from a cliff

Tender, sad.... (Willow)

(There are object pictures on the board - answers).

For the correct answer, the child receives a picture - the answer.

Name your picture, emphasizing the vowel in your voice. (F – uuuuu - k,

n – ooooo - s, r – aaaaa - k, s – yyyyy - r)

3. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Questions for each child:

What do you need to do to pronounce the sound [U]?

What do you need to do to pronounce the sound [O]?

What do you need to do to pronounce the sound [A]?

What do you need to do to pronounce the sound [Y]?

Show the articulation of each sound without a voice.

Prove that A, O, U, Y are vowels.

When pronouncing, the air stream does not encounter any obstacles.

These are the sounds of the first row. What do they sound like?

What letter is missing here? Why?

Say the vowel sounds briefly, abruptly: A. O. U. Y. E.

And now in a drawn-out manner: A ___ O ___ U ___ E ___ S ___

4. Comparing sounds with their graphic representation - working with the alphabet:

Children, I will read you poems about the vowels of the 1st row, and you show these letters in the alphabet.

Letter in the air

On the palm of your hand

On the neighbor's back.

A – the beginning of the alphabet, which is why it is famous.

And it’s easy to recognize her, she puts her feet wide.

LetterABOUT always stood round, normal,

She went to bed and wrinkled her sides. And now it's oval!

U - the snail on the path boldly released its horns,

Get out of the way, don’t let the house be carried.

And the poor letterY ,

Wanders around with a stick, alas!

This -E with open mouth

And with a huge tongue.

5. Game for attention.

What sounds were there no tongue twisters for?

A – A – A - Mom sang.

A - A - A - the baby sang.

A – A – A - Let's sing for the doll.

A – A – A - and the doll sleeps.

Y – Y – Y - pumpkin, beads and mustache.

E – E – E

Emma and Edik went to the cinema and bought popsicles.

6. Writing vowels of the 1st row.

Write the letter corresponding to the vowel sound in the words: POPPY, CATFISH, CAT, BULL, BOW - individual work.

(Children write the letters with their fingers: A, O, Y, U on a saucer with sand)

7. Game “Clap-top”

O - clap your hands, U - stamp your foot, A - clap and stamp at the same time.

Pictures: tree, wardrobe, wolf, bow, elephant, crab table.

8. Working with painting material.

(on the table there are pictures with one or two vowels: house, poppy, cat, bow, book, watch, geese, etc.)

Choose pictures whose names contain one vowel sound.

Say the word, highlighting the vowel (stretching out) and name it and write it down in your notebook.

9. Game exercise “Fun gymnastics” - for attention.

You listen carefully to my instructions and follow them exactly:

Raise your hands up;

Lower your right hand down;

Place your left hand on your belt;

Place your hands down;

Turn right;

Look left.

10. Expansion and clarification of the dictionary.

You have subject pictures on the table, first select pictures that begin with the sound A, (O, U) we work in pairs.

Please note that there is some kind of stone on the table. Who knows what this is?

What sound does this word make?

What is “coal”, as you understand?

Where is coal mined?

We live in the DPR and coal is the main wealth of our republic. And on our flag there is black, which symbolizes the fertile land and coal of Donbass.

What other colors are on the DPR flag?

Donbass is our homeland and we love it. What can we wish for the people of Donbass?

For the people of Donbass the sky is without clouds,

A ray of sunshine for the people of Donbass.

Peace, goodness to the people of Donbass,

Let this war stop!

Name the vowels in the word “Donbass”. What do they mean?

11. Exercises in clarifying colors.

Take blue and red pencils.

What do we represent with blue? Red?

12. Reading a combination of vowels of the 1st row.

Ueowow uaaaaw aoye oau ia ua

You noticed that there are real words here, name them.

13. Working with the word scheme [D], [O], [M].

How many sounds are there in total?

How many letters are in a word?

How many vowel sounds?

Where is the vowel?

14. Physical exercise. "HOUSE"

HOUSE – children stand straight, hands clasped behind their backs;

HOUSE – children squat, clasp their knees with their hands, bow their heads;

HOUSE – they jump up and raise their arms high.

The lexical meanings of the words are clarified: HOUSE, HOUSE, HOUSE.

15. Working with ABCs.

c) form the word HOME from the alphabet

Replace [O] with [Y]. Read it.

Explanation of the lexical meaning of the word SMOKE.

Replace [Y] with [A]. Read

Write it down in your notebook. Mark the vowel with a red pencil.

16. Gymnastics for arms.

Fist – edge – palm.

17. Exercise in making sentences.

Guys, the words we pronounce do not speak about anything in themselves, they do not tell us anything. For example, the word "house". We can say it many times, but we will never know what kind of house it is (high or low, new or old), where it stands (in a city or village), who lives in it. In order for an owl to start telling stories, they must become friends with each other. For example, “The workers built a new house.” A proposal emerged from friendly words.

Tell me what did you find out about the house?

Who built the house?

What house is this?

Make up sentences with the word "house".

(The house is large and beautiful. The house is located on the bank of the river. A friendly family lives in the house.)

Sentences can also be friends. This is how the story turns out.

Retell the story about the house.

Tell me, would we have words without vowels? Offers? Story?

ІІІ. The final stage.

    Bottom line.

Did you like the lesson?

What do you remember about it?

Now let's check what mood you're in?

2. Assessment of the activities of each student.

Dokuchaevskaya SOSHI No. 27 MES DPR

Isolation of first vowels

a series of words.

open speech therapy session

2nd grade

Prepared by: teacher - defectologist


2017 – 2018 academic year year.

Topic: Second row vowels


Correctional - educational

Introduce students to the formation of second row vowels.

Learn to determine the place of vowels of the second row in a word and indicate it on the diagram.

Practice highlighting second row vowels in pronunciation and writing.

Improve the skill of reading words with second vowels.

Develop the skills of self-control and mutual control.

Corrective and developmental goals:

To promote the development of phonemic hearing, phonemic perception, phonemic representations, skills of sound-letter analysis and word synthesis, intonation expressiveness.

Develop attention, visual, auditory and spatial perception, memory, logical thinking, creative imagination, general and fine motor skills.

Correctional and educational goals:

Cultivate attention to sounds, maintain interest in the material being studied through games and gaming techniques.

Cultivate curiosity.

Cultivate a diligent attitude towards learning.


The letters “I”, “Y”, a table of vowels, a drawing “Vowel Choir”, a split alphabet, pictures containing vowels of the second row, colored pencils, a ball, a hedgehog, a tape recorder and a recording of a musical composition, a basket of apples according to the number of students.

Lesson plan.

    Org. moment.

- - Guys, good afternoon! Now I will smile at you, and you will smile at me, smile at each other and at our guests.


Before we start our lesson, we need to wake up our fingers, our eyes and our head.

How do we usually do this?

(Rub your palms until hot, pinch your ears until they are red, close your eyes several times)

Well done guys, guess the riddle and you will find out who will come to visit us for class.

The fur coat is needles, you can’t take it with your hand.

It curls up - it's prickly. Who is this? (Hedgehog)

That’s right, it’s a hedgehog (a picture of a hedgehog is posted). The hedgehog came to us not with empty paws, but with tasks. We need to try to complete all the tasks in order to receive a surprise from the hedgehog.

2. Introduction to the formation of second row vowels

Guys, now I’ll tell you a fairy tale about vowel sounds, and you listen carefully.

“Once upon a time there were two letters - sisters I and Y. They were very similar. They were written almost identically. Only the letter “Y” had a beret on top, while the “I” did not have one. They sounded almost the same. Only “I” is drawn-out, and “Y” is short, abrupt. They were often confused and the letter “Y” was very unpleasant.

One day, the letter “Y” came to visit the vowels of the first row and invited them to sing together (a drawing of the “Vowel Choir” was posted). "Y" started - "A" picked up. Their sounds merged, and it turned out so beautifully that the sounds “O”, “U”, “E” also wanted to sing along with “Y”.

“A”, “O”, “U”, “E” became close friends with their new girlfriend, and they decided never to part. They went to the Queen of Grammar and began to ask her to allow them to always live together. The wise Queen of Grammar told them: “I cannot allow you to live together forever, because my words will be offended if you leave them. I’d better come up with new letters for you in which you will meet.” And the Queen of Grammar came up with new letters “I”, “Yo”, “Yu”, “E”, which consist of two sounds: “YA”, “YO”, “YU”, “YE”.

Delighted, the sounds “Y”, “A”, “O”, “U”, “E” went home. Since then, they have been found in the vowels “I”, “Yo”, “Yu”, “E”, and so that the vowel sounds would not be far from the sound “Y”, the Queen of Grammar made the new letters vowels and placed them side by side, in the second row .

It so happened that the vowels “A”, “O”, “U”, “E” turned out to be senior and began to be called vowels of the first row, and the vowels “I”, “Yo”, “Yu”, “E” turned out to be junior and became called second row vowels.

The vowels of the first row are joined by the vowel “Y”, the vowels of the second row are joined by the vowel “I” (a table of vowels of the first and second row is posted).

Did you like the fairy tale? (Yes)

If you listened to her carefully, then remember that Queen Grammar divided the vowels into 2 rows, let's read the vowels of the 1st row. (a, o, u, y, e)

Now let’s read the vowels of row 2. (i, e, yu, i, e).

Guys, please tell me why the vowels a, o, u, e, y are in the first row? (because 1 sound is denoted by 1 letter)

Why did the vowels i, e, yu, i, e end up in the 2nd row? (because 2 sounds are denoted by 1 letter)

From what sounds were the vowels of the second row formed: “I”? (YA), "Yo"? (YO), "Yu"? (YU), "E"? (YE).

Let's open the notebooks and write down the number and topic “Vowels of the second row”

Let's now see what tasks the hedgehog brought us.

1. “Guess the letter.”

You have the letters on your tables: i, e, yu, e, i.

What vowel series are these? (second)

Well done! Now I will tell you the words, and you will raise the letter that appears at the beginning of the word.

Yasha, pit, hawk, box, apple, lizard (students raise the letter I)

Hedgehog, Christmas tree, ruff, Christmas tree, cowering. (Students raise the letter e)

Skirt, Yura, Julia, young, southern, yurt. (students raise the letter u)

Spruce, ate, eat, go, go, ate. (students raise the letter e)

Name, iris, Igor, turkey. (students raise the letter and)

Well done, you did a good job.

Let's see the hedgehog's next task.

2.- The next task is called"Guess the picture"

- Now I will show you pictures, and you must guess it and write down only the first letters of the named words in your notebook.

Christmas tree, skirt, pit, raccoon, iris, box.

Let's check now. (One student gets up, goes to the board and writes, the rest check)

3 .- The next task is called"Find the vowels of the second row"

Guys, you have cards with letters on your tables, you need to circle the vowels of the second row with a red pencil. (I AM Y U R P E D S I)

Let's check.

Let's see what other tasks the hedgehog brought

4.– The next task is called"Encryptor"

- Guys, please guess the riddles, the words - the answers must begin with the vowel of the second row. We will write down the answers in the form of a syllabic diagram, writing the vowels of the second row (children go to the board along the chain)..

1. It may break. 2. Spins on one leg 3. If it weren’t for him

It might get cooked. Carefree, cheerful. Wouldn't say anything.

If you want, into the bird In a colorful skirt, a dancer (tongue) _ya_ ___

It may turn. Musical…

(egg) _ya_ ___ (spinning top) _yu_ ___

4. A thin thread is threaded into a narrow eye 5. Runs among the stones

And she quickly swam after the boat. You can't keep up with her.

She sews, embroiders and needles sharply. He grabbed the tail, but Ah!

And they call it a boat... She escaped with the tail in her hands.

(needle) _and_ ___ ___ (lizard) _i_ _e_ _and_ __

6.Round, ruddy,

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

And little children.

(apple) _I_ ___ ___

Good! You did a good job on this task.

Guys, you are probably tired, let's rest a little now.

5. Physical education minute

Game “Name it kindly” (with a ball): berry - ..., egg - ..., tongue - ..., blackberry - ..., Christmas tree - ..., ruff - ..., skirt - ..., box - ..., hole - ..., apple - ...

- We rested a little, let's see what other tasks the hedgehog brought us.

6.Insert the missing letters.

Guys, there are words written on the board, you need to fill in the missing letters.

Berry, spinning top, hedgehog, name, spruce, clear, southern, fir tree, needle.

Well done, you completed this task too.

7.- The next task is called "Development of fine motor skills"

It is necessary to outline and shade the mushroom stencil with oblique parallel lines (children complete the task in notebooks accompanied by a musical composition).

8 . "Pure talk"

Repeat the following phrases in unison:

I-I-I – I can do everything! Yo-yo-yo – ironing clothes with grandma.

E-e-e – I help everyone in the family! Yu-yu-yu – I sing songs with dad.

Yu-yu-yu- together with my mother I sew dolls. I-I-I – I’m walking with the baby!

10. Lesson summary

The hedgehog says goodbye to us and wants to know what vowels we met? (Vowels of the second row: Ya, Yo, Yu, E, I).

Well done! Today you have done a good job and the Hedgehog gives you gifts - ripe apples.

Target: introduction to vowel letters of row 2


Correctional and developmental:

    Develop phonemic awareness

    develop the skill of sound analysis, auditory-verbal memory, visual perception;

    form visual-spatial functions;

    develop cognitive activity;

    to form grapho-motor skills;


    introduce children to the vowel letters of row 2;

    tell how the vowels I, E, E, Yu, I were formed;

    introduce children to the graphic design of vowel letters of the 2nd row;


    develop the ability to listen to a friend’s answers, listen carefully and hear the speech therapist and other children, the ability to adequately respond to constructive comments from the speech therapist and children’s remarks;

    learn to observe speech etiquette;

    develop perseverance and follow given instructions


    alternate static and dynamic exercises;

    select material taking into account the age characteristics of children

Equipment: computer, projector, handouts, folders for classes.

Duration of subgroup lesson: 20 minutes.


Stages and types of work. Time (approximately)

Activities of a speech therapist

Children's activities

What tasks were solved during the task?


    Organizing time

(2 minutes)

The speech therapist invites children to a lesson. Greetings. Instructions: name the color of the flowers, in the direction indicated by the arrow

Leaflets with pictures are distributed, their sequence on each sheet is different

Children enter the office and sit at their desks.

Children's answers.

Create a positive emotional mood. Get students organized for the start of class.

Development of visuospatial functions


    Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

(5 minutes)

Slide 1

The slide shows a diagram of letter formation.

Please remind me, guys, why do we call vowels vowels?

Today we will continue to study vowel letters. And which ones you tell me yourself. Listen to the story first. “Once upon a time, the vowel sounds [A], [O], [U], [E] lived in harmony and joy.” What series of vowels are these? Why?

How will we highlight them?

We listen further to the fairy tale “..they had a friend who agreed [Y]. He often came to the vowel sounds and listened to how they sang. Sound [Y] really wanted to sing with them, but he was shy. But one day he became bolder and asked the vowels to sing with him. The first vowel [A] agreed. So they sang a duet “YA-YA-YA”. We listened to the sounds and heard “I-I-I”

(Similarly with other letters)




This is how the vowels turned out...

These letters are called row 2 vowel letters. Why do you think?

Each letter had a pair: the letter A-Z, U-Y, E-E, O-Y, but the letter Y cried, it did not have a pair. Suddenly the kind wizard “Write-Read” appeared and gave the letter Y a pair of the letter I. Y was delighted.

So, what vowels will we talk about today?

Children's answers:

When we pronounce vowel sounds, the air stream does not meet any obstacles.

First. They represent one sound

Red pencil, one line.

Children sing together with a speech therapist

I, E, Yo, Yu

Indicate 2 sounds

I, E, Yo, Yu, I

Develop logical thinking, auditory attention, perseverance.

    Exercise “Ears on the top of the head”

(3 minutes)

Double-sided cards with vowel letters of 2 rows are distributed.

Instructions: I tell you the words, and you must pick up the card with the corresponding letter.

1. highlight the sound at the beginning of the word: willow, yurt, anchor, hedgehog, young, oriole, pit, go.

2. at the end of the word: linen, small, toys, atelier, pour.

How many sounds do the vowel letters of row 2 in these words represent?

    In the middle of the word: stick, ball, chalk, razor, blot, swept.

What do the vowels do in these words?

(the speech therapist pronounces each word exaggeratedly)

This means that the vowels of the 2nd row play 2 roles: 1. They soften the consonant that comes before no; and 2…

Children completing the task


Soften consonants

Indicate 2 sounds


"The Stolen Letter"

Slide 2

(4 minutes)

Words with missing letters appear on the slide.

Instructions: Read the word by inserting the missing vowel of the 2nd row and underlining it with two strokes. Why two? Which?

So, first we read the words on the board, say which letter was inserted, and then insert it on a piece of paper.

Words: _mark, _skra, vy_ga, _hat, _bka, chicken_ta, night_, eat.

The vowels of row 2 represent 2 sounds.

I [YA] YU [YU]

Yo [YO] E [YE]

The letter I stands for the sound [I]

“Fair”, insert the letter I, underline it with two strokes with a red pencil.

(All words are parsed similarly)

    Physical education minute

(2 minutes)

Rally bar

At the command “we’re driving a racing car,” stretch your legs forward, raising them slightly, extend your arms and clench them into fists - “hold tightly on the steering wheel,” with your torso slightly tilted back. Focus on tensing the muscles of the whole body. After 10-15 seconds, relax, sit up straight, put your hands on your knees, lower your head slightly, pay attention to the pleasant feeling of relaxation.
Bend forward, imagining that you are lifting a heavy barbell, first slowly pulling it towards your chest, and then lifting it above your head.
Perform the exercise for 10-15 seconds. Focus on the state of tension in the muscles of the arms, legs, and torso. “Throw the barbell” - leaning forward, while your arms hang freely. Pay attention to the pleasant feeling of relaxation.

Children doing an exercise

Develop visual attention, sound analysis


"find and write down"

Slide 3

(3 minutes)

Words appear on the slide one at a time.

Instructions: words appear on the screen, your task is to read them and write down in your notebook only words with row 2 vowels. Remind them.

Words: elephant, pit, gama, needles, riding, box, hedgehog, nearby, baby, yurt, people, jam.

I, E, Yo, Yu, I

In the word elephant, there are no vowels of the 2nd row - we do not write it. In the word Yama there is a vowel letter of the 2nd row, this is the letter Y. This means we write the word Yama in a notebook.

(Same as all words)


    Lesson summary

(1 minute)

Our lesson has come to an end. Tell us what you learned today.

Well done boys!

Children's answers.


Correctional - educational

Introduce students to the formation of second row vowels .

Learn to determine the place of vowels of the second row in a word and indicate it on the diagram.

Practice highlighting second row vowels in pronunciation and writing.

Improve the skill of reading words with second vowels.

Develop the skills of self-control and mutual control.

Corrective and developmental goals:

To promote the development of phonemic hearing, phonemic perception, phonemic representations, skills of sound-letter analysis and word synthesis, intonation expressiveness.

Develop attention, visual, auditory and spatial perception, memory, logical thinking, creative imagination, general and fine motor skills.

Correctional and educational goals:

Cultivate attention to sounds, maintain interest in the material being studied through games and gaming techniques.

Cultivate curiosity.

Cultivate a diligent attitude towards learning.


Letters “I”, “Y”, table of vowels, drawing “Vowel Choir”, split alphabet, circles for indicating sounds (red, blue, green), diagrams for indicating the appearance of two sounds in vowels of the second row, pictures containing vowels of the second row, puzzles, family pictures: mother, father, son and daughter, proverbs, pictures with symbolic images of words: “quiet”, “loud”, “slow”, “fast”, “sad”, “fun”, stencils of apples, colored pencils , cards with images of correctly and incorrectly written vowels of the second row, a typesetting canvas, a ball, a Hedgehog with apples-tasks, the game “Confusion”, sentences with various intonation patterns, a tape recorder and a recording of a musical composition, a basket of apples according to the number of students.

Lesson plan.

1. Org. moment.

5 Exercises in highlighting vowels of the second row

6. Phys. just a minute.

7. Isolating second row vowels from sentences.

9. Summary of the lesson

1. Org. moment.

Hello guys! We open the notebooks and write down today's date. Guess the riddle and you will find out who will come to visit us for class.

The fur coat is needles, you can’t take it with your hand.

It lights up - it’s prickly. Who is this? (Hedgehog)

That's right (a picture of a hedgehog is posted). The hedgehog came to us not with empty paws, but with apples - tasks. Every apple is a task. We need to collect a full basket of apples to get a surprise from the hedgehog.

2. Introduction to the formation of second row vowels

I take the first apple. Here is a question from a hedgehog: “Is there a letter “E” in

table of first row vowels? (No). Name the vowels of the first row.

You will learn about the row in which this vowel is located, and how the vowels of the second row were formed, from the fairy tale about the letters “I” and “Y”.

“Once upon a time there were two letters - sisters. They were very similar. They were written almost identically. Only the letter “Y” had a beret on top, while the “I” did not have one. They sounded almost the same. Only “I” is drawn-out, and “Y” is short, abrupt. They were often confused and the letter “Y” was very unpleasant.

One day, the letter “Y” came to visit the vowels of the first row and invited them to sing together (a drawing of the “Vowel Choir” was posted). "Y" started - "A" picked up. Their sounds merged, and it turned out so beautifully that the sounds “O”, “U”, “E” also wanted to sing along with “Y”.

“A”, “O”, “U”, “E” became close friends with their new girlfriend, and they decided never to part. They went to the Queen of Grammar and began to ask her to allow them to always live together. The wise Queen of Grammar told them: “I cannot allow you to live together forever, because my words will be offended if you leave them. I’d better come up with new letters for you in which you will meet.” And the Queen of Grammar came up with new letters “I”, “Yo”, “Yu”, “E”, which consist of two sounds: “YA”, “YO”, “YU”, “YE”.

The joyful sounds of “Y”, “A”, “O”, “U”, “E” went home. Since then, they have been found in the vowels “I”, “Yo”, “Yu”, “E”, and so that the vowel sounds would not be far from the sound “Y”, the Queen of Grammar made the new letters vowels and placed them side by side, in the second row .

It so happened that the vowels “A”, “O”, “U”, “E” turned out to be senior and began to be called vowels of the first row, and the vowels “I”, “Yo”, “Yu”, “E” turned out to be junior and became called second row vowels.

The vowel “Y” was added to the vowels of the first row, and the vowel “I” was added to the vowels of the second row (a table of vowels of the second row is posted).”

Remember these vowels. Let's repeat them in chorus (children name vowels).

What sounds are used to make the vowels “I”? (YA), "Yo"? (YO), "Yu"? (YU), "E"? (YE).

Guys, there is a trick here. These vowels do not always mean two

sound: only when they are at the beginning of a word or after vowels and letters: “b”, “b” (corresponding diagrams are posted). In other cases, these vowels perform a different function, which we will get to know later.

3. Exercise in sound-letter and syllabic analysis of a word

Let's see how you have mastered this topic (the picture “berry” is displayed. Children are asked to count the number of letters in this word, indicate the sounds with the corresponding circles and write a graphic syllabic diagram: I Y O D A - 5 b.

6 stars

_I _ _O _ _A _ - 3 words.

We completed this task. Put the apple in the basket.

4. Development of fine motor skills, visual-spatial perception

1) Development of fine motor skills.

Let's see what task the Hedgehog has prepared for us (I take the second apple): circle and shade the apple stencil with inclined parallel lines (children complete the task in notebooks accompanied by a musical composition).

2) Development of visual-spatial perception.

Cross out the “wrong” letter (on the cards, students cross out the incorrectly written letter) I YE YE I. Check.

5. Exercises in highlighting vowels of the second row

And in this apple there are exercises for you.

1) Exercises in isolating second row vowels from syllables.

Show the letter that you would write at the beginning of the syllable: yam, yom, iz, es, yur (children show the corresponding letters: Ya, Yo, I, E, Yu).

2) Exercises in isolating second row vowels from words.

A) - Select a letter from the beginning of the word: pit, ruff, Yura, go, Inna, pit, shivers, young, spruce, games, hawk, southern, sparks, ate (children show letters)

B) - Write down the vowel of the second row that comes at the end of the word: Zoya, Raya, sing, mine, mine, linen, me, everywhere, yours, mine, sleep, yours, mine, yourself.

Let's check the written letters: i, i, yu, yu, е, е, е, е, ю, и, и, е, я, е. Let's put this apple in the basket.

C) -In the next apple, Hedgehog prepared us tasks with pictures (pictures are displayed): apple, skirt, needle, tree, spinning top

Look at the pictures, write down the first letters of the names of the pictures. Check: I, yu, i, yo, yu.

Let's play the game “What has changed?” (I swap the pictures, and the children say that I swapped them).

Distribute the images of objects according to their real size in descending order (children arrange the pictures as follows: Christmas tree, skirt, spinning top, apple, needle). Well done! We take another apple - a task.

D) - Guess the riddles. Words - guesses must begin with a vowel of the second row. We will write down the answers in the form of a syllabic diagram, writing the vowels of the second row (children go to the board along the chain)..

*It may break. *Wirls on one leg *If it weren’t for him

It might get cooked. Carefree, cheerful. Wouldn't say anything.

If you want, into the bird In a colorful skirt, a dancer (tongue) _ya_ ___

It may turn. Musical…

(egg) _ya_ ___ (spinning top) _yu_ ___

*A thin thread is threaded through a narrow eye *Runs among the stones

And she quickly swam after the boat. You can't keep up with her.

She sews, embroiders and needles sharply. He grabbed the tail, but Ah!

And they call it a boat... She escaped with the tail in her hands.

(needle) _and_ ___ ___ (lizard) _i_ _e_ _and_ __

*They grew across the river *Round, ruddy, *I am in June and July

They brought them to the holiday. I'm growing on a branch. No matter what happens

There are needles on the branches. Adults suddenly love me.

What is this? And little children. I'm leaving with my mom

(Christmas tree) _е_ _and_ (apple) _я_ ___ ___ Where? To ... (south) _so_

D) – In this task, Hedgehog prepared games for us:

“The fourth is extra” - name the “extra” word, justify your choice: Yeltsin, Efimov, Egor, Elagin (children call “Egor” because it is a name, and the rest are people’s surnames).

“Rebuses” - From the pictures, guess the names of mom (Ira), dad (Igor), son (Egor) and daughter (Yulia), call them in one word (family). Write down the names, underlining the vowels of the second row with a red pencil. What rule do you need to remember? (We write names with a capital letter.) Examination.

6. Phys. just a minute.

Game “Name it kindly” (with a ball): berry - ..., egg - ..., tongue - ..., blackberry - ..., Christmas tree - ..., ruff - ..., skirt - ..., box - ..., hole - ..., apple - ...

We completed this task, let’s complete the next one.

7. Isolating second row vowels from sentences

1) Repeat in chorus the following phrases:

I-I-I – I can do everything! Yo-yo-yo – ironing clothes with grandma.

E-e-e – I help everyone in the family! Yu-yu-yu – I sing songs with dad.

Yu-yu-yu- together with my mother I sew dolls. I-I-I – I’m walking with the baby!

2) Game “Confusion” - here we need to work hard and make a sentence from the confused words (the words are displayed on the typesetting canvas: Emelya, lunch, egg, on, eats) - Emelya eats an egg for lunch. (Children write down the sentence in a notebook. Then check what they have written.)

3) Game “Say the proverb” - The hedgehog offers us the beginning of proverbs. We must remember or find the appropriate ending to proverbs.

T Are you going - ... ... the mother of learning

Repetition - ... ... hurry up

How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs? (You don’t need to rush to avoid trouble. If you repeat a lot, you will learn better. Do first, talk later.)

Write down the proverb you like, highlight the vowels of the second row with a red pencil. Checking what was recorded.

4) Exercise in expressive reading.

Well done! We also completed this task, take another apple.

8. Isolating second row vowels from the text.

In this task, Hedgehog invites us to compose a story about him according to plan:

1. Name of the animal. (This is a hedgehog)

2. Where he lives. (He lives in the forest.)

3. What does it eat? (The hedgehog eats mice, beetles, frogs.)

4. How it winters. (The hedgehog sleeps in a hole all winter.)

A) In a chain by several students, one sentence at a time.

B) Entirely by one student.

C) Write down the story in a notebook, highlighting the vowels of the second row with a red pencil.

D) Checking the recorded story.

9. Summary of the lesson

Last apple left. In this apple he says goodbye to us and in parting he wants to know what vowels we met? (Vowels of the second row: Ya, Yo, Yu, E, I).

Come up with words starting with the letters I, E, Yu, E, I.

Well done! Today you did a good job and the Hedgehog gives you gifts - ripe apples.

1. Raise the red circle if you hear a vowel in a series of sounds.

a - m - y - t - o; t-s - s - a - R; e -a - m - y - t; o - p- y - a - s - s - w; k - e - o - u - p - y- n

2. Select vowels from a series of letters and name them.

r, y, s, o, s, a, w, k, e, p, l, n

Raise the blue circle if you hear a consonant sound in a series of sounds. Determine the location of the obstacle.

m, o, p, y, s, k, r, s, t, f

4. Select consonants from a series of letters and name them. (The speech therapist monitors the brief pronunciation of consonant sounds.)

a, p, c, o, s, f, k, w, s, r, l, e, f, x

5. Name the letters written on your cards. Place blue circles under consonants and red circles under vowels. (The work is completed by students independently.)

Sample card:

r a t k u

6. Place the letter under the corresponding circle.

(Students receive four letters, two of them are vowels and two consonants. There are red and blue circles on the board. Students name the sound, determine whether it is a vowel or a consonant, and put the letter under the corresponding circle.)

7. Write the letters on two lines.

(The speech therapist names vowels and consonants mixed in. On the top line, students write vowels, on the bottom - consonants. When checking, the speech therapist asks students to read only vowels or only consonants. Errors are corrected as they work.)

Vowels of the first row

Lesson notes

Subject. Vowel sounds.

Target. Teach children to hear and identify first row vowels.

Equipment. Subject pictures, table with vowels of the first row, red circles.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

The student who names the vowel sound will sit. II. Reinforcement of the material from the previous lesson. Students name vowels based on the silent articulation of the speech therapist. The speech therapist pronounces silent vowels in the following order: a, o, u, e, s, At the same time, he draws the children’s attention to the position of the lips when pronouncing these sounds: A- mouth wide open; O- lips are rounded and slightly pulled forward; at- lips are rounded and more extended forward; uh, s- lips stretch slightly into a smile. (This sequence will help students remember the vowels of the first row.) For clarity, you can use a table. Students learn these vowels in the order given.

III. Isolating vowels of the first row from a number of other sounds. The speech therapist pronounces vowels and consonants mixed together. Students for a vowel sound: a) show a red circle, b) the corresponding letter, c) write down the vowel letter in a notebook, a, m, p, y, s, t, s, r, l, e, o, k, t, y, a, l, e, p, o

IV. Isolation of vowels of the first row from syllables. s The speech therapist names the syllable, emphasizing the vowel sound with his voice, the students: k) name the vowel, b) show the corresponding letter,

a) am, mind, ym, us, op, yr, al, ys, ak, from

b) ma, mu, we, su, po, ry, la, sy, ka, then

V. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist. Today we learned to hear and identify vowel sounds.

Isolating first row vowels from words

Select the initial vowel from the words and write down the corresponding letter. Anya, Olya, duck, Elya, wasps, Asya

Select the vowel from the middle of the words and write it down.

varnish, smoke, soup, mouth, juice, steam, ray, bull, itself, poppy

3.Name the pictures. Identify the vowel sound from the names of these pictures. Write the corresponding vowel letter.

An approximate list of pictures selected by a speech therapist: beetle, moss, tooth, bough, cheese, cancer.

4. Select a vowel from these words and write it down.

mole, bush, table, closet, floated, rumor, hail, bent, throw, who

5. Name the pictures. Select the vowel sound from their names. Write down the corresponding letter.

An approximate list of pictures selected by a speech therapist: crane, chair, wolf, goose, tail, fang, elephant, bridge, eye, eyebrow.

Lesson notes

Subject. Vowel sounds.

Target. Introduce students to the formation of second row vowels.

Equipment. Letters and, th, table with vowels of the second row.


I. Organizational moment.

The speech therapist asks students to name the vowels of the first row.

II.Introduction to letters and, y.

Formation of second row vowels.

Speech therapist tells a tale about letters and, y.

Once upon a time there were two sister letters. They were very similar. They were written almost identically. Only the letter Y had a beret on top, but the I did not. They sounded almost the same. Only I is drawn-out, and Y is short, abrupt. They were often confused, and the letter Y was very unpleasant.

One day the letter Y came to visit the vowels of the first

row and suggested we sing together. Y started, A picked up. Their sounds merged and a new letter Y was formed. Then the other letters O, U, E also began to sing along with Y. And new letters E, Yu, E began to be formed.

New letters took their place in the second row. The letter I was added to them. This is how the vowels of the second row turned out.

The speech therapist hangs up a table with the vowels of the second row and invites students to memorize these vowels.

Then the speech therapist asks the children what sounds the letters are made from. I, yo, yu, e.

III. Lesson summary.

Speech therapist. What interesting things did you learn in class today?

Second row vowels

a) pit, Yasha, anchor, clear, hawk

b) hedgehog, Christmas tree, ruff, Christmas tree, shivers

c) Yura, Julia, south, nimble, southern, yurt

d) spruce, eat, ate, go, go

e) Ira, name, Inna, games, caviar, sparks

e) anchor, hedgehog, yurt, spruce, needles

a) mine, yours, Zoya, Raya

b) sing, mine, dig, mine, yours

c) mine, yours, yours, linen, old stuff

d) me, you, myself, everywhere

e) sing, my, sleep, yours, underwear

(The speech therapist shows the picture without naming it; the students name it, highlight the vowels and write them down in their notebooks.)

An approximate list of pictures: hedgehog, apple, Christmas tree, yurt, sparks.

Syllabic composition of the word

Class notes

Lesson 1

Subject. The syllabic composition of the word.

Target. Teach children to divide two-syllable words into syllables.
Equipment. Notebooks, pens. ^

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Repetition of what has been covered.
Students remember and name the vowels of the first and second rows.

III. Introducing the syllable. The speech therapist pronounces a syllable ra and asks if it is clear what he wanted to say. The students answer that it is not clear. Similarly, a speech therapist works with the syllable ma. Then pronounces the word syllable by syllable frame.

Speech therapist. At first, parts of the word were spoken, so it was not clear/When the parts were combined, a word was formed. Part of a word is called a syllable.

In a similar way, a speech therapist works with words flour, paw and so on.

IV. Dividing words into syllables.
Students are asked to clap the number of syllables in the words,

pronounce these words syllable by syllable and name the first and second syllables, fly, vase, rose, sleigh, cotton wool, puddle, fish

V. Graphic representation of syllables.
Speech therapist. Put a question to the word fish. What does it mean

(this word? " (Fish- who is this? The word "fish" denotes an object.)* Pupils depict the word on the board and in their notebooks fish graphically (one line). Then the speech therapist, together with the students, established... pours out what's in the word fish two parts, i.e. two syllables. Graphic

The image is divided into two parts by a vertical line. V Similarly, words consisting of two are depicted graphically ." open syllables: juices, linden, leg, moon, hand, Valya, Misha, Lida. I VI. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist. What did you learn in class?

Lesson 2

Subject. Is the same.

Target. Teach children to divide three-syllable words into syllables

Equipment. Word schemes.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

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