Diet for breast enlargement. Breast Growth Products

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This is how the world works, that the woman who wants to be desired and loved, of course, is concerned about the size of her breasts. And very often she comes to the conclusion that it would not hurt to enlarge her breasts and tighten the skin around her. But if there is no means or desire to do it with the help of a surgeon? How to be in that case? The answer is simple: you need to be patient and help yourself solve this problem through nutrition and some exercise.

What affects breast enlargement

First you need to understand what determines the growth of the female breast. Almost everyone knows that the female hormone estrogen affects the growth of the mammary glands. It is produced by the female body, and at the moments of its active production, and this is puberty, pregnancy and lactation, the breast noticeably increases in size. Therefore, for breast enlargement, it is necessary to saturate the body with estrogen.

In this case, we are not talking about pills, but about a natural hormone that is found in food and you can just eat it. If you have to be very careful with drugs, then an overdose of estrogen with our food is almost impossible.

You should pay attention to such an element as folic acid - a vitamin that takes an active part in the growth and development of cells of all tissues. Foods with a high content of folic acid will help increase the bust, so you need to include all varieties of white cabbage, carrots, bananas, beans, red fish, pork liver, meat, and dairy products in your diet.

Lovely women need to remember that the male hormone testosterone, which is also produced in the female body, has the exact opposite effect on the female breast, preventing it from growing. Fewer carbohydrates and more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet will help reduce the content of this hormone.

What foods to eat to increase the bust

To draw up the right diet for the next six months, which will help increase the bust, you need to know which foods contain the hormone estrogen.

The list of what a woman should eat is quite large, and this will make it possible to usefully diversify her diet:

What recipes are useful for breast growth

Prepare cereal for your breakfast: oatmeal, wheat, rice, corn. It is good to eat it with milk or cream. Do not use quick breakfasts for this. They are of no use to your breasts.

Brew strawberry leaf tea, oregano, or black tea with milk and drink on an empty stomach before breakfast.

A tasty and healthy dessert for breast growth can be prepared from nuts with honey by adding squeezed lemon juice or lemon twisted in a meat grinder. You can eat one spoon after breakfast and at bedtime for several months, this will improve not only the condition of the mammary glands, but also the whole body.

Do a 10-day vitamin-protein attack on the body with 30 grams of boiled chicken washed down with the juice of one lemon before bed. A month later, the course can be repeated.

How to apply the breast diet

The female breast consists not only of the mammary glands, but also of fatty layers. This must be remembered by any woman who dreams of breast enlargement and regularly diets for a thin waist. If you are following a strict weight loss diet and do not want to eat a lot, then be prepared for the fact that your chest is almost the first to get hit and lose ground. The first, unfortunately, in women to lose weight are the breasts, face and buttocks, which we want to increase.

Products must be selected in such a way that the diet is:

  • low-calorie and amounted to no more than 1500 kcal per day; this will allow you to slowly reduce weight and have a beneficial effect on the skin of the chest;
  • containing products with natural estrogen;
  • sufficiently saturated with essential vitamins, especially A, E, C, which affect the condition of the skin;
  • including products with antioxidants that reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Consider an example of what you can eat during the day.


  • a glass of unsweetened cereal with milk;
  • one egg;
  • dried bread.


  • 100 gr boiled chicken;
  • slice of bread;
  • one apple.


  • medium piece of boiled beef;
  • one boiled potato;
  • tomato or cucumber;
  • one orange.

In the afternoon, you can eat one chocolate bar or a banana. It is advisable to periodically replace vegetables and fruits with others. Proteins must be eaten in a certain amount, also replacing them with others. Drink water and the tea that is recommended for breast enlargement.

Exercises and little female secrets

The proposed diet will contribute to a slow weight loss, and will not allow the breasts to sag. However, the result will be much more pleasant if you combine it with physical activity for the chest.

You can do chest exercises at home or go to the gym:

  • push-ups from the floor, from the wall;
  • pull-ups on the crossbar;
  • exercises with dumbbells;
  • swing your arms back and forth.

Swimming also promotes muscle building. A contrast shower and rubbing almond oil into the skin of the chest will make it more elastic. Regular sex will help increase the bust by 30%.

So, some products cannot just increase the breasts by several sizes, but a balanced wholesome diet rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy skin condition, combined with physical activity, can improve the appearance of a woman's breasts and make her forms more sexy.

AND . Of great importance for almost every first representative of the fair sex is the ideal shape and impressive size. Well, and, of course, all women are interested in the fact that the voiced part of the body does not cause problems in terms of health and well-being. All this can really be obtained if you eat certain foods for the breast.

breast foods

There are many diseases of the mammary glands in the world, but the most terrible, without a doubt, is breast cancer. Include in your daily diet foods that prevent the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.

Berries for breasts. They contain many vitamins and other biologically active compounds with antioxidant activity. These are mainly carotenoids and anthocyanins. These substances perfectly fight free radicals that provoke oxidative processes in the cells of the body, including the breast. Berries richest in such compounds: cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries. You can eat them as much as you like, unless, of course, you suffer from a food allergy to such delicacies - we are dealing with a low-calorie product. Eat berries in their pure form, cook smoothies, compotes with them, add bright and juicy fruits to muesli, cereals, yogurt, ice cream, any desserts.

Citrus for breasts. These fruits, in addition to ascorbic acid, which is responsible for the production of collagen (it makes the female breast toned and elastic) and the destruction of free radicals, contain useful components with the characteristic name "limonoids". This group of organic substances has an anticarcinogenic effect on the cells of the mammary glands. Oranges, lemons, grapefruit, tangerines - all of them will guard the health and beauty of your breasts!

Flaxseed and linseed oil. They are famous for the presence in their composition of colossal doses of vitamin E, which is responsible for the health of not only the mammary glands, but also the reproductive organs of a woman. In addition, flaxseed and oil are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Cruciferous or Cabbage. This group of products includes different types of cabbage: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, leaf, Beijing, white and red cabbage, kohlrabi, etc. These are champions in the content of vitamins A, E and C. Most types of cabbage can boast of having a large amount of trace elements Selena. These compounds are excellent, providing breast protection against breast cancer and helping to keep her youthful for a long time. An additional plus is the components of sulforaphanes and indole, which neutralize the toxic effect of carcinogens on cells.

What foods make breasts grow?

The choice of treats to stimulate the growth of the mammary glands is even wider. Based on the products that will be discussed below, you can create a complete menu for every day, useful for breast enlargement.

Legumes. Nature endowed them with special hormonal components - phytoestrogens. It is a plant analogue of the female hormone estrogen. Phytoestrogens stimulate breast growth at the endocrine level without harming the hormonal balance in a woman's body. Most of all, soy and its derivatives are rich in phytoestrogens. But a lot of these substances are also found in lentils, peas, and beans. Enter into your menu pea soups and cereals, lentil stew, salads with beans, lobio, tofu.

Cereals. In addition to phytoestrogens, they contain proteins, complex carbohydrates and vitamin E, which are necessary for the health and growth of the mammary glands. A nice bonus is fiber, with which you can clean the intestines and reduce excess weight. The most useful in terms of increasing the size of the mammary glands are rice, wheat, oatmeal and whole oats, barley and barley groats.

Oily sea fish. This refers, first of all, to valuable varieties of red fish, for example, salmon. They are the leaders in the content in the tender fillet of substances important for breast growth: polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3. In combination with vitamins A, E and D, these components give fairly quick results. True, for this you will need to eat sea fish for food at least twice a week. Alternatively, fish oil can be taken daily.

Nuts and avocado. These plant foods are very high in calories due to their high content of saturated fats, which, by the way, are also necessary for the natural increase in the female breast, since the latter is based on subcutaneous fat. However, the ingredient of these treats, which should pay more attention, belongs to the group of unsaturated fats. These are monounsaturated fatty acids. Unlike saturated fats, these fats are not dangerous for the figure.

Bee honey and bananas. What do such different foodstuffs have in common? The presence of a large number of complex carbohydrates. They perfectly saturate, digest for a long time, and therefore there is enough chance that the body will convert them into fats where it is really needed.

Lard. This is a treasure trove of saturated fats, the benefits for breast growth of which have already been mentioned. However, you need to eat it in moderation, since this product has the ability to increase the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and the number of fat deposits on the body and, without that, in problem areas.

Spices. There are only three plants that, when eaten, give an amazing effect in terms of increasing breast size. We are talking about fennel, fenugreek and hops. What they have in common is the content of phytoestrogens. In fennel, these organic substances are rich in leaves and stems, in hops - cones, and in fenugreek - young sprouts. You can combine dried hop cones and fennel herb, grind raw materials, select 1 tbsp. collection and brew 1.5 cups of boiling water. Infuse the drink for 20 minutes, then strain and drink warm twice a day. In some sources, you can find information that mint, oregano, ginger, thyme, clover, and cloves have a positive effect on breast size. This can only be verified experimentally.

Vegetables. Nature has supplied eggplant, pumpkin, red beet with a sufficient amount of phytoestrogens. The latter is also saturated with starch. This is a complex carbohydrate that, to one degree or another, also affects breast size. Eat these vegetables more often: stewed, baked, in salads and soups, stews and porridge (applies to pumpkin). It will be useful to drink every day vegetable juices prepared on the basis of these plant products.

You should not rely on cabbage - this vegetable can only take care of the health and elasticity of the chest, but will not give the bust the desired size. Don't skimp on confectionery and floury treats - stuffed with simple, fast-absorbing sugars, they will increase your weight, but not your breasts.

Not every girl can boast of beautiful lush breasts, given by nature. Since the breast is a generally recognized sign of femininity, its insufficient volumes can lead to the development of complexes. Every woman wants to be beautiful and desirable, so many decide to have surgery. But since this pleasure can in no way be attributed to cheap ones, not every girl can afford such a quick disposal of a lack. And then all kinds of folk methods are used, including certain foods that should be eaten in order for the chest to grow.

The main reason for small breast size is a deficiency of the hormone estrogen, which affects breast growth. It is estrogen that is responsible for the beauty of female forms. When it is small, a woman has a boyish figure - thin hips and small breasts. Therefore, if there is a desire to provoke breast growth, foods with estrogen should be added to the diet.

In addition to such an obvious factor, there are other reasons on which the size of the female breast depends:

  1. Heredity. If in your pedigree none of the relatives was distinguished by a magnificent bust, then the likelihood that you will suddenly have one is extremely small.
  2. Body mass. The mammary glands contain adipose tissue, therefore, gaining extra pounds, the volume of the breast also begins to increase. A sharp weight loss can reduce the chest by several sizes at once.
  3. Sports. To say that sport enlarges the chest is somewhat wrong, since the mammary glands are not muscles and therefore they cannot simply be pumped up. However, a certain set of exercises can tighten it up and make it more attractive.
  4. Taking hormonal drugs. This effect is rather a side effect and does not occur from taking all drugs.

Breast growth depends on vitamins and minerals. To increase the bust you need to eat food containing proteins and carbohydrates. In pursuit of the desired volume, it is worth remembering the health of the body.

Substances that can affect breast growth include:

  1. The hormone estrogen. It is considered a female hormone, as it is responsible for the relief of the body. The body is able to produce this hormone itself, especially its high content appears during the transitional age. During this period, breast growth is quite active, and with a decrease in the hormone, it decreases and eventually stops. Products that increase the mammary glands need to be eaten daily if you want to achieve a result. For example, these are legumes and flax seeds.
  2. Folic acid for breast growth. It is considered extremely important for the formation of cells, maintaining their growth. It is especially needed during puberty. Folic acid is found in bananas, carrots, fish, dairy products, meat and legumes.
  3. Cellulose. If the breasts do not grow, then the products that need to be consumed include fiber. It promotes the development of the bust and benefits the entire body.
  4. Vitamins of groups A, E, C. For example, vitamin A is found in carrots, C in citrus fruits, and a high content of vitamin E is found in olive oil. For rapid breast growth, add foods rich in these vitamins to your diet.
  5. unsaturated fats. The size of the mammary glands depends on the amount of adipose tissue. Eat only healthy fats.

In an effort to get beautiful breasts, you should not overdo it. Deficiency or excess entails consequences for women's appearance and health.

What products are

If you want to get spectacular breasts, but the financial situation does not allow for an expensive operation, you can resort to a less radical method. The question of what you need to eat in order to grow breasts is of interest to most girls. Try to include certain foods for breast growth in your diet. Of course, it will not be possible to achieve such a result as from the operation, but gradually the effect will be noticeable.

Let's take a closer look at products that increase the mammary glands in a natural way.

In addition to the fact that seeds are a source of estrogen, they are very beneficial for the body. Pre-crushed seeds should be included in the normal diet.

Various spices

Certain spices contain substances that can stimulate the growth of the breast gland. An example of such spices are: cloves, ginger, pepper.

Fruits vegetables

Peas and beans

There is an opinion that if you include them in your diet every day, you can become a little closer to your dream of a beautiful bust.


Certain herbs should be included little by little in your diet. The principle is the same as in the case of spices. Many years ago, girls used fenugreek to provoke the formation of roundness of the body.

Soy, dairy products

They are a source of estrogen, a hormone responsible for the development of breast glands. To enlarge the breast, you need to eat foods with a lot of estrogen.

Truths and myths about cabbage

The main stereotype, which most girls stubbornly believe, is breast growth from eating cabbage every day. In order to figure out whether it is true that breasts grow from cabbage, you need to understand the origins of this myth, and what useful substances this vegetable contains.

A few decades ago, medicines and various medicines simply did not exist, so traditional medicine methods became widespread. In an effort to preserve their beauty and youth, the Egyptians boiled a decoction of cabbage and consumed it internally. Passed down from generation to generation, belief in its miraculous properties has come down to our days.

What does cabbage contain?

  1. Folic acid. The main activator of the growth of the mammary gland, however, it contains little in cabbage in order to greatly change the volume of the bust. The use of cabbage will bring more benefits to adolescents when the breast is just beginning to form. After the main formation, it will not be possible to enlarge the chest with the help of cabbage.
  2. Vitamins E and C. They help to maintain normal hormonal levels and help strengthen the immune system. They help to protect the mammary glands from the development of various formations, they cannot affect its size in any way.
  3. Vitamins PP and B. I regulate metabolic processes and help maintain skin tone. Specifically for the mammary glands, the benefit is to slow down the natural aging processes and maintain existing forms and elasticity.
  4. Complex of microelements. Promote the release of excess fluid, cleanse the body and strengthen bones.
  5. Cellulose. Prevents the possibility of maturation of cancer cells.
  6. plant hormones. Being antioxidants, they are able to prolong female youth. In addition, they have a positive effect on the reproductive system.

As a result, it is impossible to argue that breasts grow from cabbage. However, it is foolish to deny the fact that she can prolong her youth and elasticity.

What products do not help

In the hope of a non-surgical breast augmentation, girls begin to consume certain products to increase the mammary glands. Faith in myths does not weaken, even when the result is not visible after weeks.

These products include:

  1. Cabbage. Its benefits are obvious, but it will not help the bust to increase.
  2. Non-carbonated mineral water. Cleanses the body and normalizes metabolism. The recommended daily dose is about one and a half liters per day. As a result, you can achieve only a slender body.
  3. Raw dough. It is one of the popular myths that many girls follow. However, the use of such a test will only bring harm.
  4. Fried food. In some ways, such a myth is true and the bust will indeed increase over time. But it is worth paying attention that its dimensions will not change significantly, but the hips, sides and tummy will quickly lose their athletic shape. Therefore, it is better to throw this method aside, and eat only healthy fats. These are the breast enlargement products.


Not only from foods that grow breasts, many plants include a huge amount of estrogen that can provoke an increase in breast glands.

These herbs include:

  1. Fenugreek. Includes phytoestrogen, almost similar to the female hormone.
  2. Hop cones. The second most popular herbal breast enlarger. Cones are brewed with hot water and after infusion are taken several times a day for two months.
  3. Fennel. Due to the high amount of estrogen, it is popular for home rounding of the chest. It is enough just to brew the dried herb and take it several times a day.

No matter what size your bust is, you should love yourself the way you are at the moment. Every woman is unique, and sometimes flaws can be turned into amazing virtues. If you can’t overcome the complexes, before going under the surgeon’s knife, you should try natural methods of breast augmentation. In addition, now you know what you need to eat in order to grow breasts.


Find out about products that will help improve your bust in our video.

Many are looking for products for breast enlargement, because it is difficult to find a woman who is completely satisfied with her face and body. The owners of a small bust express the most dissatisfaction with themselves. They try by any means to make this part of the body bigger and more attractive. Some do not stop at folk methods and go under the surgeon's knife. But not everyone has the opportunity to correct the defect of nature in this way, since pleasure is not cheap, so many are interested in whether it is possible to eat something to make the breast grow.

Of course, no products will help to make the third from the first size, but it is quite possible to improve the condition of the breast, make it strong and elastic.

What to eat to have a gorgeous bust?

In order for the breast to grow well, a sufficient amount of useful vitamins and trace elements must be supplied to the body. First of all, nutrition should be balanced. The daily diet should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. After all, not only the size of the breast is important, but also the health of the whole organism.

For a bust, the most necessary are the following substances:

The hormone estrogen. No wonder this hormone is called female. He is responsible for the formation of magnificent forms. The body produces estrogen on its own. The hormone reaches its highest concentration during puberty. Therefore, the breast at this time grows most actively. With a decrease in the amount of estrogen, the increase in the mammary glands gradually stops. To change this situation, you need to eat foods containing this hormone. These properties are possessed by flax seeds, tofu cheese, legumes. Among legumes, beans and peas are considered the most useful. To become the owner of magnificent forms, they must be consumed every day. It is also claimed that fennel and hop cones have the most estrogen. The first is even used to make teas that enhance lactation.

But we must not forget that the hormonal balance cannot be disturbed. The lack or excess of one or another hormone can have serious consequences not only for the appearance, but also for the health of a woman.

This substance is necessary to create new cells and support their growth. Therefore, folic acid is needed during the growth period of the body - this is during puberty. It is also prescribed for pregnant women. In order to saturate the body with it and the breast grew better, you need to eat foods such as carrots, beans, bananas, red fish, meat, pork and lamb liver, and consume fermented milk products.

Vitamins A, E, C. In order for the mammary glands to be in good condition and grow faster, you need to use olive oil. It contains vitamin E, which is responsible for the youthfulness and elasticity of the skin. Vitamin A is found in carrots. If you use citrus fruits, drink rosehip tea, then the mammary glands will not need vitamin C. You also need to eat apricots, spinach, peaches.

unsaturated fats. For breast size, adipose tissue is of great importance, since this part of the body consists mainly of it. Therefore, you need to eat foods that contain healthy fats. They can be obtained from avocados, vegetable and olive oils, nuts. Don't forget about animal fats like butter and lard. But it shouldn't be abused. Healthy fat can also be obtained from valuable varieties of marine fish.

Cellulose. This substance is rich in fruits and vegetables. Fiber plays an important role in the health of the whole body. Blueberries, strawberries, Brussels sprouts are necessary for the body as a prevention of cancer. Foods such as garlic, eggs, blueberries, Brazil nuts do not allow the occurrence of tumors in the mammary glands. As a prevention of inflammatory diseases, you need to use sea kale. It contains a large amount of iodine.

In order for the breast to grow, it certainly needs to be fed with calories. But here you have to choose between harmony and a magnificent bust. And you can’t get both from fatty foods.

Breasts grow best and fastest from white bread, lard, honey, milk and bananas. In moderation, these foods are very beneficial for the whole body. But their excessive use will make not only the chest, but the whole figure more voluminous.

Also, do not exhaust the body with diets, as this will negatively affect the size of the breast. From this, the mammary glands will not increase, but decrease, in addition, the skin will become flabby, and in order to restore its elasticity, a lot of effort will have to be made.

Spices are considered useful for breast enlargement. They are used to give dishes a special taste. The addition of ginger, sage, cloves, thyme and oregano to food not only promotes bust growth, but also enhances sexual desire.

Drinks to accelerate bust growth

An important role is played by the drinks that a woman consumes:

  • Natural juices have undoubted benefits. They can be prepared from berries, fruits, vegetables. Any of these drinks will saturate the body with useful substances.
  • Do not forget about the properties of tea. Especially the female body needs green tea.
  • Red wine has long been considered a storehouse of antioxidants and a fountain of youth. It allows you to maintain youthfulness and elasticity of tissues. But it is undesirable to abuse this drink. Everything should be in moderation. A few glasses a week will be more than enough.

Why won't breasts grow?

There are many myths in relation to some products that they supposedly help increase the bust:

  1. Cabbage. This is the most common myth. Scientists completely refute the benefits of this vegetable for the breast. Its beneficial properties extend to the intestines. Cabbage helps cleanse it. It also contains vitamins and minerals. But with the same success, you can eat any other vegetable, the size of the breast will not change from this.
  2. It is believed that mineral water without gas is important for the growth of the mammary glands. Eating a healthy diet is very beneficial for health. Drinking enough liquid ensures a fast metabolism. From this, health will be stronger and the figure will be better, but the bust will not grow a centimeter.
  3. Raw dough. This product will bring nothing but weight gain.
  4. Light beer. It is considered a miraculous drink. For breast growth, it is recommended to drink one liter per day. There is nothing useful in this drink for the breast and the whole body, but a lot of harm can be done, especially to the reproductive system of a woman.

According to surveys, most men pay attention not to the size, but to the shape and condition of the breasts. Therefore, women need to stop worrying about how to increase the bust, and take more care of maintaining its elasticity and beauty.

To do this, you need to eat right, do physical exercises and massages, take care of the skin of the chest. Only the right attitude to your body will allow you to maintain youth and attractiveness for a long time.

Every girl dreams of big breasts, and if you know what you need to eat to make it grow, one problem will be less. Plant foods high in phytoestrogens should be chosen. In addition, the food consumed should be rich in vitamins and minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates that promote breast growth. Not the last place in nutrition is occupied by folic acid, which affects the creation and growth of new body cells.

Changing the diet, diet positively or negatively affects the size of the breasts in girls. To increase breast adipose tissue, it is useful to include foods with monounsaturated fats in the diet, such as nuts, unrefined vegetable oils, and fish. When eating foods with polyunsaturated fats, in the form of lard, white bread, butter, not only the adipose tissue of the bust, but also other parts of the body grows.

The mammary gland also consists of glandular tissue, which can be increased by healthy foods rich in the female hormone estrogen. These include lentils and other legumes, grains and soybeans, fennel and hops, and dairy products.

The pectoral muscle increases due to the consumption of protein foods. These are all types of meat, eggs, seafood, sturgeon and salmon caviar.

But the teenager needs to be patient and wait until the process of breast growth is completed. This will take from three to five years, for some girls, breast growth may last longer. During this period, a full, proper diet is useful.

Foods containing phytoestrogens

Sex hormones in women are responsible for reproductive function and hormonal levels. With a lack of estrogens that positively affect the female body, they are replenished by phytoestrogens contained in plant products.

Oil and flax seeds

Flaxseed oil has a beneficial effect on the body of girls in general and the growth of the mammary glands in particular. To grow breasts, oil must be applied internally and externally. The bust will not increase by two sizes at once, but will gradually acquire rounded shapes, become more elastic and beautiful, which makes the chest attractive.

For breast growth, unrefined cold-pressed or hydrated linseed oil is used, which, after cleaning with water, does not lose its beneficial properties. But if a useful product is stored incorrectly, it will quickly deteriorate and become unusable.

It is also useful to consume flax seeds for breast enlargement. Since they are poorly chewed, they should be crushed beforehand, and then added to cereals, salads, kefir or yogurt.

On a note! It is strictly forbidden to cook oil and flax seeds before ingestion.

For breast enlargement, you can use infusions, teas, oils made from hop cones. Since hops are a source of phytoestrogens, they are in great demand among girls.

The easiest way to prepare is to brew healthy tea. Pour a teaspoon of hops into 250 milliliters of boiling water, filter after cooling. The infusion is drunk after a meal, dividing the portion into several doses.


With the help of a decoction of oregano, girls enlarge their breasts, treat gynecological diseases, and normalize the menstrual cycle. A useful decoction is prepared from one teaspoon of grass and 200 milliliters of boiling water. Oregano is insisted for twenty minutes, then filtered.

The medicinal drink should not be consumed during pregnancy, breastfeeding, with diseases of the stomach, cardiovascular system.


For breast enlargement, girls are advised to take an infusion of fenugreek, the drink is easy to prepare. At night, a tablespoon of seeds is poured into two glasses of cold water, in the morning the infusion is brought to a boil, cooled. Take a healthy drink during the day for a third of a glass.

You can also eat fenugreek leaves by adding them to vegetable salads, which will make them more healthy. Plant seeds perfectly complement meat and fish dishes.


Soya beans

Dishes made from soybeans are very useful for girls, as they contain a large amount of phytoestrogens, which promotes the growth of the mammary glands. Also, beans are a source of vegetable protein, useful for breast growth.

Beans can be used to make delicious and healthy soy paste. To do this, the beans are poured with cold water for several hours. After the product is boiled until tender, salt, pepper, finely chopped garlic, vegetable oil are added. The products are whipped in a blender - a healthy paste is ready.


Banana is a high-calorie, but healthy product. It contains proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, B vitamins, PP. Girls who want to acquire rounded shapes can include a milkshake with bananas in their diet to achieve a quick result. To prepare it, you will need 100 milliliters of cream, the same amount of milk, two small bananas. Products are whipped with a blender. Such a drink will help not only increase the chest, but also round the hips.

Foods that promote weight gain

Slender girls who decide to gain excess weight for the sake of breast enlargement can safely include such products in their usual diet: white bread, pastries, cakes, milk, bananas.

How not to harm yourself?

Human health is affected by many factors, one of them is nutrition. Girls who decide to go on a diet for breast enlargement should be aware that prolonged and excessive consumption of products containing phytoestrogens has a detrimental effect on the body. Even a properly selected diet should not last more than two months, since an excess of the female sex hormone in the body leads to serious diseases.

In order for the mammary gland to increase, some girls prefer to eat foods that are too high in calories: sweets, fatty foods, yeast, beer. Such a diet contributes to weight gain and negatively affects the digestive system.

Recipes for food and drinks

Starting to prepare healthy food, you should take care of the quality and freshness of the products.

Leaf salad

The simplest and most effective dish is leaf lettuce.

To prepare it you will need:

  • a bunch of parsley, dill, lettuce, cilantro;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

The greens are coarsely chopped, salted, sprinkled with pepper, oil is added, the products are thoroughly mixed. Vitamin salad should be eaten immediately after preparation.

Proper nutrition, namely the use of certain foods, will help girls increase their breasts.

A very satisfying, healthy and tasty dish can be prepared from beef.

Required components:

  • 700 grams of beef;
  • large head of onion;
  • 120 grams of prunes;
  • 70 grams of walnut;
  • bunch of parsley.

The meat is cut into small pieces, transferred to a preheated pan. Stew the beef with the lid open for ten minutes. Prunes, cut into quarters, are immersed in 150 milliliters of water. Kernels of nuts are dried for several minutes in a pan. Salt, chopped onions, nuts, prunes with water are added to the stew. The meat is cooked for another fifteen minutes, then sprinkled with chopped herbs, mixed, removed from heat after a couple of minutes. No more spices are required.

Healthy drinks

Girls should include in their usual diet not only products for breast growth, but also healthy drinks, namely herbal infusions.

  1. An effective infusion can be made from wormwood, nettle leaves, linden blossom. For a drink, take one teaspoon of each herb, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for twenty minutes, then filter. The resulting drink is drunk in small quantities throughout the day. The course is five days. Then each herb is brewed separately - a teaspoon per glass of water. Each type of infusion is drunk according to the following scheme: one type of herb is brewed for three months, a week break is taken, and then the next herb is consumed.
  2. Another healthy drink is made from oregano - a teaspoon of herbs in a glass of boiling water. The infusion is drunk fifteen minutes before a meal, throughout the year.

What doesn't help?

Most girls believe that frequent eating of cabbage contributes to breast enlargement, but this is not true. Undoubtedly, cabbage is a useful product that has a beneficial effect on the human digestive system. White cabbage helps to lose extra pounds, and, as many people know, when losing weight in girls, first of all, their breasts decrease.

There is an opinion that breasts also grow from yeast. Girls who think this is true are deeply mistaken. Eating dry or compressed yeast leads to digestive problems, but not to breast enlargement.

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