Collection of formulas in chemistry. Basic formulas for solving problems

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Magnitude and its dimension


Atomic mass of element X (relative)

Element serial number

Z= N(e –) = N(R +)

Mass fraction of element E in substance X, in fractions of a unit, in %)

Amount of substance X, mol

Amount of gas substance, mol

V m= 22.4 l/mol (n.s.)

Well. – R= 101 325 Pa, T= 273 K

Molar mass of substance X, g/mol, kg/mol

Mass of substance X, g, kg

m(X) = n(X) M(X)

Molar volume of gas, l/mol, m 3 /mol

V m= 22.4 l/mol at N.S.

Gas volume, m3

V = V m × n

Product yield

Density of substance X, g/l, g/ml, kg/m3

Density of gaseous substance X by hydrogen

Density of gaseous substance X in air

M(air) = 29 g/mol

United Gas Law

Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation

PV = nRT, R= 8.314 J/mol×K

Volume fraction of a gaseous substance in a mixture of gases, in fractions of a unit or in %

Molar mass of a mixture of gases

Mole fraction of a substance (X) in a mixture

Amount of heat, J, kJ

Q = n(X) Q(X)

Thermal effect of reaction

Q =–H

Heat of formation of substance X, J/mol, kJ/mol

Chemical reaction rate (mol/lsec)

Law of Mass Action

(for a simple reaction)

a A+ V B= With C + d D

u = kWith a(A) With V(B)

Van't Hoff's rule

Solubility of the substance (X) (g/100 g solvent)

Mass fraction of substance X in mixture A + X, in fractions of a unit, in %

Weight of solution, g, kg

m(rr) = m(X)+ m(H2O)

m(rr) = V(rr) (rr)

Mass fraction of dissolved substance in solution, in fractions of a unit, in %

Solution density

Volume of solution, cm 3, l, m 3

Molar concentration, mol/l

Degree of electrolyte dissociation (X), in fractions of a unit or %

Ionic product of water

K(H2O) =

pH value

pH = –lg


Kuznetsova N.E. and etc. Chemistry. 8th grade-10th grade. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2005-2007.

Kuznetsova N.E., Litvinova T.N., Levkin A.N. Chemistry.11th grade in 2 parts, 2005-2007.

Egorov A.S. Chemistry. A new textbook for preparing for higher education. Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2004.– 640 p.

Egorov A.S. Chemistry: a modern course for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2011. (2012) – 699 p.

Egorov A.S. Self-instruction manual for solving chemical problems. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2000. – 352 p.

Chemistry/tutor manual for applicants to universities. Rostov-n/D, Phoenix, 2005– 536 p.

Khomchenko G.P., Khomchenko I.G.. Problems in chemistry for applicants to universities. M.: Higher school. 2007.–302p.


Vrublevsky A.I.. Educational and training materials for preparing for centralized testing in chemistry / A.I. Vrublevsky –Mn.: Unipress LLC, 2004. – 368 p.

Vrublevsky A.I.. 1000 problems in chemistry with chains of transformations and control tests for schoolchildren and applicants. – Mn.: Unipress LLC, 2003. – 400 p.

Egorov A.S.. All types of calculation problems in chemistry for preparation for the Unified State Exam. – Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2003. – 320 p.

Egorov A.S., Aminova G.Kh.. Typical tasks and exercises for preparing for the chemistry exam. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2005. – 448 p.

Unified State Exam 2007. Chemistry. Educational and training materials for preparing students / FIPI - M.: Intellect-Center, 2007. – 272 p.

Unified State Exam 2011. Chemistry. Educational and training kit ed. A.A. Kaverina. – M.: National Education, 2011.

The only real options for tasks to prepare for the Unified State Exam. Unified State Examination 2007. Chemistry/V.Yu. Mishina, E.N. Strelnikova. M.: Federal Testing Center, 2007.–151 p.

Kaverina A.A. The optimal bank of tasks for preparing students. Unified State Exam 2012. Chemistry. Textbook./ A.A. Kaverina, D.Yu. Dobrotin, Yu.N. Medvedev, M.G. Snastina. – M.: Intellect-Center, 2012. – 256 p.

Litvinova T.N., Vyskubova N.K., Azhipa L.T., Solovyova M.V.. Test tasks in addition to tests for students of 10-month correspondence preparatory courses (methodological instructions). Krasnodar, 2004. – P. 18 – 70.

Litvinova T.N.. Chemistry. Unified State Exam 2011. Training tests. Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2011.– 349 p.

Litvinova T.N.. Chemistry. Tests for the Unified State Exam. Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2012. - 284 p.

Litvinova T.N.. Chemistry. Laws, properties of elements and their compounds. Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2012. - 156 p.

Litvinova T.N., Melnikova E.D., Solovyova M.V.., Azhipa L.T., Vyskubova N.K. Chemistry in tasks for applicants to universities. – M.: Onyx Publishing House LLC: Mir and Education Publishing House LLC, 2009. – 832 p.

Educational and methodological complex in chemistry for students of medical and biological classes, ed. T.N. Litvinova. – Krasnodar.: KSMU, – 2008.

Chemistry. Unified State Exam 2008. Entrance tests, teaching aid / ed. V.N. Doronkina. – Rostov n/d: Legion, 2008.– 271 p.

List of websites on chemistry:

1. Alhimik. http:// www. alhimik. ru

2. Chemistry for everyone. Electronic reference book for a complete chemistry course.

http:// www. informika. ru/ text/ database/ chemistry/ START. html

3. School chemistry - reference book. http:// www. schoolchemistry. by. ru

4. Chemistry tutor. http://www.

Internet resources

    Alhimik. http:// www. alhimik. ru

    Chemistry for everyone. Electronic reference book for a complete chemistry course.

http:// www. informika. ru/ text/ database/ chemistry/ START. html

    School chemistry - reference book. http:// www. schoolchemistry. by. ru

    Chemistry tutor. http://www.

    - educational Internet resources on chemistry

    - school chemistry. This site has the opportunity to take On-line testing on various topics, as well as demo versions of the Unified State Exam http:// www. Chemistry and life—XXI century: popular science magazine.. ru


Collection of basic formulas for a school chemistry course

Collection of basic formulas for a school chemistry course

G. P. Loginova

Elena Savinkina

E. V. Savinkina G. P. Loginova

Collection of basic formulas in chemistry

Student's Pocket Guide

general chemistry

The most important chemical concepts and laws Chemical element

- this is a certain type of atom with the same nuclear charge. Relative atomic mass

(A r) shows how many times the mass of an atom of a given chemical element is greater than the mass of a carbon-12 atom (12 C). Chemical substance

– a collection of any chemical particles.
Chemical particles Formula unit

– a conventional particle, the composition of which corresponds to the given chemical formula, for example:

Ar – argon substance (consists of Ar atoms),

H 2 O – the substance water (consists of H 2 O molecules),

KNO 3 – potassium nitrate substance (consists of K + cations and NO 3 ¯ anions).
Relationships between physical quantities Atomic mass (relative) of the element

B, A r (B): Where*T

(atom B) – mass of an atom of element B;*t and

– atomic mass unit; 1/12 *t and = T

(12 C atom) = 1.6610 24 g. Quantity of substance

B, A r (B): B, n(B), mol: N(B)

– number of particles B; N A – Avogadro's constant(N A =

6.0210 23 mol -1). Molar mass of a substance

B, A r (B): V, M(V), g/mol: t(V)

– mass B. Molar volume of gas IN, V M

B, A r (B): l/mol: V M = 22.4 l/mol (consequence from Avogadro’s law), under normal conditions (n.s. - atmospheric pressure p = 101,325 Pa (1 atm); thermodynamic temperature T = 273.15 K or Celsius temperature t =

0 °C). B for hydrogen, D

(gas B by H 2):*Density of gaseous substance IN by air, D (gas B over air): Mass fraction of element E in matter

V, w(E):

Where x is the number of E atoms in the formula of substance B

The structure of the atom and the Periodic Law D.I. Mendeleev

Mass number (A) – the total number of protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus:
A = N(p 0) + N(p +). Atomic nuclear charge (Z)
equal to the number of protons in the nucleus and the number of electrons in the atom:
Z = N(p+) = N(e¯). Isotopes – atoms of the same element, differing in the number of neutrons in the nucleus, for example: potassium-39: 39 K (19 20p + , 19n 0,); potassium-40: 40 K (19 21p + , p+,
*Energy levels and sublevels(AO) characterizes the region of space in which the probability of an electron having a certain energy being located is greatest.
*Shapes of s- and p-orbitals
Periodic law and periodic system D.I. Mendeleev
The properties of elements and their compounds are periodically repeated with increasing atomic number, which is equal to the charge of the nucleus of the element’s atom.

Period number corresponds number of energy levels filled with electrons, and stands for the last energy level to be filled(EU).

Group number A shows And etc.

Group number B shows number of valence electrons ns And (n – 1)d.

S-elements section– the energy sublevel (ESL) is filled with electrons ns-EPU– IA- and IIA-groups, H and He.

p-elements section– filled with electrons np-EPU– IIIA-VIIIA-groups.

D-elements section– filled with electrons (P- 1) d-EPU – IB-VIIIB2-groups.

f-elements section– filled with electrons (P-2) f-EPU – lanthanides and actinides.

Changes in the composition and properties of hydrogen compounds of elements of the 3rd period of the Periodic Table
Non-volatile, decomposes with water: NaH, MgH 2, AlH 3.

Volatile: SiH 4, PH 3, H 2 S, HCl.

Changes in the composition and properties of higher oxides and hydroxides of elements of the 3rd period of the Periodic Table
Basic: Na 2 O – NaOH, MgO – Mg(OH) 2.

Amphoteric: Al 2 O 3 – Al(OH) 3.

Acidic: SiO 2 – H 4 SiO 4, P 2 O 5 – H 3 PO 4, SO 3 – H 2 SO 4, Cl 2 O 7 – HClO 4.

Chemical bond

Electronegativity(χ) is a quantity characterizing the ability of an atom in a molecule to acquire a negative charge.
Mechanisms of covalent bond formation
Exchange mechanism- the overlap of two orbitals of neighboring atoms, each of which had one electron.

Donor-acceptor mechanism– overlap of a free orbital of one atom with an orbital of another atom that contains a pair of electrons.

Overlap of orbitals during bond formation
*Type of hybridization – geometric shape of the particle – angle between bonds
Hybridization of central atom orbitals– alignment of their energy and form.

sp– linear – 180°

sp 2– triangular – 120°

sp 3– tetrahedral – 109.5°

sp 3 d– trigonal-bipyramidal – 90°; 120°

sp 3 d 2– octahedral – 90°

Mixtures and solutions

Solution- a homogeneous system consisting of two or more substances, the content of which can be varied within certain limits.

Solution: solvent (eg water) + solute.

True solutions contain particles smaller than 1 nanometer.

Colloidal solutions contain particles ranging in size from 1 to 100 nanometers.

Mechanical mixtures(suspensions) contain particles larger than 100 nanometers.

Suspension=> solid + liquid

Emulsion=> liquid + liquid

Foam, fog=> gas + liquid

Heterogeneous mixtures are separated settling and filtering.

Homogeneous mixtures are separated evaporation, distillation, chromatography.

Saturated solution is or may be in equilibrium with the solute (if the solute is solid, then its excess is in the precipitate).

Solubility– the content of the dissolved substance in a saturated solution at a given temperature.

Unsaturated solution less,

Supersaturated solution contains solute more, than its solubility at a given temperature.

Relationships between physicochemical quantities in solution
Mass fraction of solute Molar volume of gas w(B); fraction of a unit or %:

B, A r (B): V, M(V), g/mol:– mass B,

t(r)– mass of solution.

Weight of solution, m(p), g:

m(p) = m(B) + m(H 2 O) = V(p) ρ(p),
where F(p) is the volume of the solution;

ρ(p) – solution density.

Volume of solution, V(p), l:

Molar concentration, s(V), mol/l:

Where n(B) is the amount of substance B;

M(B) – molar mass of substance B.

Changing the composition of the solution
Diluting the solution with water:

> t"(V)= t(B);

> the mass of the solution increases by the mass of added water: m"(p) = m(p) + m(H 2 O).

Evaporating water from a solution:

> the mass of the solute does not change: t"(B) = t(B).

> the mass of the solution decreases by the mass of evaporated water: m"(p) = m(p) – m(H 2 O).

Merging two solutions: The masses of solutions, as well as the masses of the dissolved substance, add up:

t"(B) = t(B) + t"(B);

t"(p) = t(p) + t"(p).

Crystal Drop: the mass of the solute and the mass of the solution are reduced by the mass of precipitated crystals:

m"(B) = m(B) – m(sediment); m"(p) = m(p) – m(sediment).

The mass of water does not change.

Thermal effect of a chemical reaction

*Enthalpy of formation of a substance ΔH°(B), kJ/mol, is the enthalpy of the reaction of formation of 1 mole of a substance from simple substances in their standard states, that is, at constant pressure (1 atm for each gas in the system or at a total pressure of 1 atm in the absence of gaseous reaction participants) and constant temperature (usually 298 K , or 25 °C).
*Thermal effect of a chemical reaction (Hess’s law)
Q = ΣQ(products) – ΣQ(reagents).
ΔН° = ΣΔН°(products) – Σ ΔН°(reagents).
For reaction aA + bB +… = dD + eE +…
ΔH° = (dΔH°(D) + eΔH°(E) +…) – (aΔH°(A) + bΔH°(B) +…),
Where a, b, d, e– stoichiometric amounts of substances corresponding to the coefficients in the reaction equation.

Chemical reaction rate

If during time τ in volume V the amount of reactant or product changed by Δ n, speed reaction:

For a monomolecular reaction A → …:

v = k c(A).
For a bimolecular reaction A + B → …:
v = k c(A) c(B).
For the trimolecular reaction A + B + C → ...:
v = k c(A) c(B) c(C).
Changing the rate of a chemical reaction
Speed ​​reaction increase:

1) chemically active reagents;

2) promotion reagent concentrations;

3) increase

4) promotion temperature;

5) catalysts. Speed ​​reaction reduce:

1) chemically inactive reagents;

2) demotion reagent concentrations;

3) decrease surfaces of solid and liquid reagents;

4) demotion temperature;

5) inhibitors.

*Temperature speed coefficient(γ) is equal to a number that shows how many times the reaction rate increases when the temperature increases by ten degrees:

Chemical equilibrium

*Law of mass action for chemical equilibrium: in a state of equilibrium, the ratio of the product of the molar concentrations of products in powers equal to

Their stoichiometric coefficients, to the product of the molar concentrations of the reactants in powers equal to their stoichiometric coefficients, at a constant temperature is a constant value (concentration equilibrium constant).

In a state of chemical equilibrium for a reversible reaction:

aA + bB + … ↔ dD + fF + …
K c = [D] d [F] f .../ [A] a [B] b ...
*Shift in chemical equilibrium towards the formation of products
1) Increasing the concentration of reagents;

2) reducing the concentration of products;

3) increase in temperature (for an endothermic reaction);

4) decrease in temperature (for an exothermic reaction);

5) increase in pressure (for a reaction occurring with a decrease in volume);

6) decrease in pressure (for a reaction occurring with an increase in volume).

Exchange reactions in solution

Electrolytic dissociation– the process of formation of ions (cations and anions) when certain substances are dissolved in water.

acids are formed hydrogen cations And acid anions, For example:

HNO 3 = H + + NO 3 ¯
During electrolytic dissociation reasons are formed metal cations and hydroxide ions, for example:
NaOH = Na + + OH¯
During electrolytic dissociation salts(medium, double, mixed) are formed metal cations and acid anions, for example:
NaNO 3 = Na + + NO 3 ¯
KAl(SO 4) 2 = K + + Al 3+ + 2SO 4 2-
During electrolytic dissociation acid salts are formed metal cations and acid hydroanions, for example:
NaHCO 3 = Na + + HCO 3 ‾
Some strong acids
HBr, HCl, HClO 4, H 2 Cr 2 O 7, HI, HMnO 4, H 2 SO 4, H 2 SeO 4, HNO 3, H 2 CrO 4
Some strong reasons
RbOH, CsOH, KOH, NaOH, LiOH, Ba(OH) 2, Sr(OH) 2, Ca(OH) 2

Dissociation degree α– the ratio of the number of dissociated particles to the number of initial particles.

At constant volume:

Classification of substances by degree of dissociation
Berthollet's rule
Exchange reactions in solution proceed irreversibly if the result is the formation of a precipitate, gas, or weak electrolyte.
Examples of molecular and ionic reaction equations
1. Molecular equation: CuCl 2 + 2NaOH = Cu(OH) 2 ↓ + 2NaCl

“Complete” ionic equation: Сu 2+ + 2Сl¯ + 2Na + + 2OH¯ = Cu(OH) 2 ↓ + 2Na + + 2Сl¯

“Short” ionic equation: Cu 2+ + 2OH¯ = Cu(OH) 2 ↓

2. Molecular equation: FeS (T) + 2HCl = FeCl 2 + H 2 S

“Complete” ionic equation: FeS + 2H + + 2Сl¯ = Fe 2+ + 2Сl¯ + H 2 S

“Short” ionic equation: FeS (T) + 2H + = Fe 2+ + H 2 S

3. Molecular equation: 3HNO 3 + K 3 PO 4 = H 3 PO 4 + 3KNO 3

“Complete” ionic equation: 3H + + 3NO 3 ¯ + 3K + + PO 4 3- = H 3 PO 4 + 3K + + 3NO 3 ¯

“Short” ionic equation: 3H + + PO 4 3- = H 3 PO 4

*Hydrogen value
(pH) pH = – log = 14 + log
*pH range for dilute aqueous solutions
pH 7 (neutral environment)
Examples of exchange reactions
Neutralization reaction- an exchange reaction that occurs when an acid and a base interact.

1. Alkali + strong acid: Ba(OH) 2 + 2HCl = BaCl 2 + 2H 2 O

Ba 2+ + 2ON¯ + 2H + + 2Сl¯ = Ba 2+ + 2Сl¯ + 2Н 2 O

H + + OH¯ = H 2 O

2. Slightly soluble base + strong acid: Cu(OH) 2(t) + 2HCl = CuCl 2 + 2H 2 O

Cu(OH) 2 + 2H + + 2Cl¯ = Cu 2+ + 2Cl¯ + 2H 2 O

Cu(OH) 2 + 2H + = Cu 2+ + 2H 2 O

*Hydrolysis– an exchange reaction between a substance and water without changing the oxidation states of atoms.

1. Irreversible hydrolysis of binary compounds:

Mg 3 N 2 + 6H 2 O = 3Mg(OH) 2 + 2NH 3

2. Reversible hydrolysis of salts:

A) Salt is formed a strong base cation and a strong acid anion:

NaCl = Na + + Сl¯

Na + + H 2 O ≠ ;

Cl¯ + H 2 O ≠

There is no hydrolysis; neutral environment, pH = 7.

B) Salt is formed a strong base cation and a weak acid anion:

Na 2 S = 2Na + + S 2-

Na + + H 2 O ≠

S 2- + H 2 O ↔ HS¯ + OH¯

Hydrolysis by anion; alkaline environment, pH >7.

B) Salt is formed a cation of a weak or slightly soluble base and an anion of a strong acid:

End of introductory fragment.

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Check information. It is necessary to check the accuracy of the facts and reliability of the information presented in this article. On the talk page there is a discussion on the topic: Doubts regarding terminology. Chemical formula ... Wikipedia

A chemical formula reflects information about the composition and structure of substances using chemical symbols, numbers and dividing symbols of brackets. Currently, the following types of chemical formulas are distinguished: The simplest formula. Can be obtained by experienced... ... Wikipedia

A chemical formula reflects information about the composition and structure of substances using chemical symbols, numbers and dividing symbols of brackets. Currently, the following types of chemical formulas are distinguished: The simplest formula. Can be obtained by experienced... ... Wikipedia

A chemical formula reflects information about the composition and structure of substances using chemical symbols, numbers and dividing symbols of brackets. Currently, the following types of chemical formulas are distinguished: The simplest formula. Can be obtained by experienced... ... Wikipedia

A chemical formula reflects information about the composition and structure of substances using chemical symbols, numbers and dividing symbols of brackets. Currently, the following types of chemical formulas are distinguished: The simplest formula. Can be obtained by experienced... ... Wikipedia

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  • A brief dictionary of biochemical terms, Kunizhev S.M.. The dictionary is intended for students of chemical and biological specialties at universities studying a course in general biochemistry, ecology and fundamentals of biotechnology, and can also be used in ...

several basic concepts and formulas.

All substances have different mass, density and volume. A piece of metal from one element can weigh many times more than an exactly the same size piece of another metal.

(number of moles)

designation: mole, international: mol- a unit of measurement for the amount of a substance. Corresponds to the amount of substance that contains N.A. particles (molecules, atoms, ions) Therefore, a universal quantity was introduced - number of moles. A frequently encountered phrase in tasks is “received... mole of substance"

N.A.= 6.02 1023

N.A.- Avogadro's number. Also “a number by agreement.” How many atoms are there in the tip of a pencil? About a thousand. It is not convenient to operate with such quantities. Therefore, chemists and physicists around the world agreed - let’s designate 6.02 × 1023 particles (atoms, molecules, ions) as 1 mole substances.

1 mole = 6.02 1023 particles

This was the first of the basic formulas for solving problems.

6.0210 23 mol -1).

Molar mass substance is the mass of one mole of substance.

Denoted as Mr. It is found according to the periodic table - it is simply the sum of the atomic masses of a substance.

For example, we are given sulfuric acid - H2SO4. Let's calculate the molar mass of a substance: atomic mass H = 1, S-32, O-16.
Mr(H2SO4)=1 2+32+16 4=98 g\mol.

The second necessary formula for solving problems is

substance mass formula:

That is, to find the mass of a substance, you need to know the number of moles (n), and we find the molar mass from the Periodic Table.

Law of conservation of mass - The mass of substances that enter into a chemical reaction is always equal to the mass of the resulting substances.

If we know the mass(es) of the substances that reacted, we can find the mass(es) of the products of that reaction. And vice versa.

The third formula for solving problems in chemistry is

volume of substance:

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Where did the number 22.4 come from? From Avogadro's law:

equal volumes of different gases taken at the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules.

According to Avogadro's law, 1 mole of an ideal gas under normal conditions (n.s.) has the same volume Vm= 22.413 996(39) l

That is, if in the problem we are given normal conditions, then, knowing the number of moles (n), we can find the volume of the substance.

So, basic formulas for solving problems in chemistry

Avogadro's numberN.A.

6.02 1023 particles

(12 C atom) = 1.6610 24 g. n (mol)

n=V\22.4 (l\mol)

Mass of substance m (g)

Volume of substance V(l)

V=n 22.4 (l\mol)

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These are formulas. Often, to solve problems, you first need to write the reaction equation and (required!) arrange the coefficients - their ratio determines the ratio of moles in the process.

Key words: Chemistry 8th grade. All formulas and definitions, symbols of physical quantities, units of measurement, prefixes for designating units of measurement, relationships between units, chemical formulas, basic definitions, briefly, tables, diagrams.

1. Symbols, names and units of measurement
some physical quantities used in chemistry

Physical quantity Designation Unit
Time t With
Pressure p Pa, kPa
(12 C atom) = 1.6610 24 g. ν mole
Mass of substance m kg, g
Mass fraction ω Dimensionless
Molar mass M kg/mol, g/mol
Molar volume Vn m 3 /mol, l/mol
Volume of substance V m 3, l
Volume fraction Dimensionless
- this is a certain type of atom with the same nuclear charge. A r Dimensionless
Mr Dimensionless
Relative density of gas A to gas B D B (A) Dimensionless
Density of matter R kg/m 3, g/cm 3, g/ml
Avogadro's constant N A 1/mol
Absolute temperature T K (Kelvin)
Temperature in Celsius t °C (degrees Celsius)
Thermal effect of a chemical reaction Q kJ/mol

2. Relationships between units of physical quantities

3. Chemical formulas in 8th grade

4. Basic definitions in 8th grade

  • Atom- the smallest chemically indivisible particle of a substance.
  • The most important chemical concepts and laws- a certain type of atom.
  • Molecule- the smallest particle of a substance that retains its composition and chemical properties and consists of atoms.
  • Simple substances- substances whose molecules consist of atoms of the same type.
  • Complex substances- substances whose molecules consist of atoms of different types.
  • Qualitative composition of the substance shows which atoms of elements it consists of.
  • Quantitative composition of the substance shows the number of atoms of each element in its composition.
  • Chemical formula- a conventional recording of the qualitative and quantitative composition of a substance using chemical symbols and indices.
  • Atomic mass unit(amu) - a unit of measurement of atomic mass, equal to the mass of 1/12 of a carbon atom 12 C.
  • Mole- the amount of a substance that contains a number of particles equal to the number of atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon 12 C.
  • Avogadro's constant (Na = 6*10 23 mol -1) - the number of particles contained in one mole.
  • 6.0210 23 mol -1). (M ) is the mass of a substance taken in an amount of 1 mole.
  • - this is a certain type of atom with the same nuclear charge. element A r - the ratio of the mass of an atom of a given element m 0 to 1/12 of the mass of a carbon atom 12 C.
  • Relative molecular weight substances M r - the ratio of the mass of a molecule of a given substance to 1/12 of the mass of a carbon atom 12 C. The relative molecular mass is equal to the sum of the relative atomic masses of the chemical elements forming the compound, taking into account the number of atoms of a given element.
  • Mass fraction chemical element ω(X) shows what part of the relative molecular mass of substance X is accounted for by a given element.

1. There are substances with molecular and non-molecular structure.
2. There are gaps between the molecules, the sizes of which depend on the state of aggregation of the substance and temperature.
3. Molecules are in continuous motion.
4. Molecules are made up of atoms.
6. Atoms are characterized by a certain mass and size.
During physical phenomena, molecules are preserved; during chemical phenomena, as a rule, they are destroyed. Atoms rearrange during chemical phenomena, forming molecules of new substances.

Each chemically pure substance of molecular structure, regardless of the method of preparation, has a constant qualitative and quantitative composition.

Valence is the property of an atom of a chemical element to attach or replace a certain number of atoms of another element.

A chemical reaction is a phenomenon as a result of which other substances are formed from one substance. Reactants are substances that enter into a chemical reaction. Reaction products are substances formed as a result of a reaction.
Signs of chemical reactions:
1. Release of heat (light).
2. Change in color.
3. Odor appears.
4. Formation of sediment.
5. Gas release.

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