How to treat thrush in pregnant women in the 1st trimester. Treatment of thrush in pregnant women

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Thrush in the first trimester of pregnancy: treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women

Almost all women are familiar with thrush firsthand. For some, she comes to her after a course of antibiotic treatment, for others she feels the appearance of unpleasant symptoms due to stress, and for others she has to experience an exacerbation at the beginning of pregnancy. You should know how and how to treat thrush in pregnant women in the 1st trimester, because this disease not only causes some inconvenience - it is not as harmless as it seems.

About thrush in pregnant women

Candida fungus is part of the vaginal microflora and is determined using laboratory tests. Normally, any woman has it, but in pregnant women the fungus often begins to multiply uncontrollably, leading to the development of colpitis. This causes the expectant mother a lot of inconvenience.

The first exacerbation often occurs in the first trimester. Sometimes the disease does not require treatment and goes away on its own. According to research, this happens in 40% of cases. The symptoms are not pronounced and may not bother the woman. If the symptoms of the disease are noticeable not only when examined in a gynecological chair, but are also felt, the woman needs to use medications prescribed by the doctor, the action of which is aimed at suppressing the proliferation of the fungus.

Causes of thrush in the first trimester

The body of a woman expecting a child experiences serious stress and undergoes significant changes from the first days of pregnancy. Therefore, thrush during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is a common occurrence.

The main reason that acts as a catalyst for the growth of Candida cells is hormonal changes. Sharp fluctuations in hormone levels occur in the blood of the expectant mother:

  • progesterone;
  • estrogens;
  • human chorionic gonadotropin.

Progestins begin to predominate. The main progestogen is progesterone. It is he who is “responsible” for preparing the uterus to accept the embryo, reduces its tone and does not allow it to reject the embryo. Progesterone prepares the mammary glands for milk synthesis. In the future, the hormone increases the elasticity of the ligaments, which allows the body to better prepare for the upcoming birth.

But there is a downside to the coin: gestagens cause changes in the immune system, which creates a favorable environment for the development of fungal colonies. As a result, candidiasis can occur in a pregnant woman from the first month of gestation.

Other causes of thrush:

  • reduction or redistribution of immunity;
  • stress;
  • poor nutrition – lack of vitamins and excess of simple carbohydrates;
  • long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs.

The weakening of immune forces is caused by natural reasons, is not dangerous for the expectant mother and should not frighten her. The body specifically chooses this path so that the uterus cannot reject the embryo, mistaking it for a foreign element that needs to be fought.

Stress happens at any time in life, but a pregnant woman reacts more sharply to various events, since her perception changes due to the same hormonal changes. It becomes more difficult to resist any drastic changes and to accept the news calmly. The news of pregnancy itself can be stressful.

An excess of simple carbohydrates can also become a trigger for the development of candidiasis. The fungus thrives in an acidic environment, which is what prevails in a person whose diet is rich in cakes and pastries, white bread, and sweets. To equalize the acid-base balance, you need to:

  • include more protein foods in the menu;
  • remove sugar from your diet as much as possible;
  • replace simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates found in apples, pears, carrots, beets - fruits and vegetables, as well as cereals.

Thrush in pregnant women in the 1st trimester: symptoms

The classic triad of thrush symptoms that can be observed in pregnant women in the first trimester includes:

  • severe itching in the vaginal area;
  • burning;
  • the appearance of white cheesy discharge.

Symptoms may occur all at once or appear in sequence. Heavy discharge is typical for women during pregnancy. But during the development of thrush, they change their character: from transparent they become white, thick, and resemble lumps of cottage cheese in consistency. Normal discharge is odorless; with thrush, it acquires a characteristic sour odor.

When examined on the chair, the gynecologist will notice swelling and redness of the labia. Sexual life becomes impossible due to burning and pain. Excessive growth of the fungus can be confirmed by laboratory analysis of a vaginal smear, but the doctor usually makes a diagnosis easily after a visual examination.

Treatment should begin if a woman experiences discomfort and the thrush does not go away on its own.

Why is thrush dangerous in the first trimester?

The consequences of untreated candidiasis can be very unpleasant for both the child and the mother.

Gynecologists always explain to expectant mothers why thrush is dangerous in the 1st trimester if the disease starts.

For a pregnant woman, the results of a frivolous attitude towards the disease may be as follows:

  • Firstly, the fungus can penetrate the intestines, and then the treatment will be long and difficult, and given the special situation of the woman, not all drugs are allowed during this period. Therefore, the treatment process will be lengthy.
  • Secondly, the proliferation of the fungus provokes an inflammatory process. The perineal tissues lose elasticity, resulting in significant tears during childbirth. The stitches that are placed on such wounds take a long time and heal with difficulty.

For the fetus, the first trimester is the most important, since it is in the first months that vital organs and systems are formed. Does thrush harm a baby? Of course, intrauterine infection can occur. The penetration of the fungus into the membranes of the fetal bladder during further development of pregnancy can lead to inflammation - choriamnionitis occurs. Its consequences are sad - rupture of the membranes of the fetal bladder.

When the umbilical cord is infected with fungus, harmful Candida penetrates directly into the fetal bloodstream. There is a high risk of baby death and miscarriage.

If it was possible to survive the entire pregnancy without consequences for the fetus, infection of the child can occur during childbirth, when the baby passes through the mother’s birth canal. Then damage to the skin, mucous membranes, eyes, and internal organs of the newborn is possible. The development of stomatitis is possible - and this will make feeding the child extremely difficult.

Is it possible not to treat thrush?

The decision about whether there is a need to fight the fungus is made by the doctor. It is not uncommon for thrush to self-heal during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, when the first surge of hormonal changes ends and the body adapts to new conditions.

But it is advisable to go for an examination to a gynecologist to make sure that the thrush has really gone away.

Thrush in pregnant women 1st trimester: how to treat

Not all drugs that effectively suppress the growth of fungal colonies can be used by expectant mothers.

Treatment of thrush in the first trimester should be under the supervision of a specialist. Most often, gynecologists opt for local treatment - suppositories for thrush, vaginal tablets, ointments, creams and gels. Oral medications are practically not prescribed.

Simply putting candles on for 6-7 days without changing your lifestyle and daily routine is ineffective. Thrush that appears in the first trimester of pregnancy may indicate that it is necessary to check your blood sugar levels and pay attention to the normalization of intestinal flora. It is worth adjusting your diet by excluding fast food, sweets and paying attention, first of all, to healthy foods:

  • lean meats and fish;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • cereals.

Treatment of thrush in the 1st trimester with drugs

In order to cure thrush, suppositories and vaginal tablets are used. The drug of choice is also Miramistin, which well restores the natural balance of microflora and has virtually no contraindications.

Let's look at the most popular drugs for treating thrush during the 1st trimester.

Table 1. Drugs for the treatment of thrush

The doctor may choose other medications not from the list above. In addition, he will definitely pay attention to the restoration of the microflora of the vagina and intestines. For this purpose, drugs containing lactobacilli are usually prescribed for oral administration.

How to treat thrush for pregnant women in the first trimester with folk remedies

There are many folk methods of combating the disease. To treat candidiasis in pregnant women in the 1st trimester, decoctions and infusions of herbs are used. You can cope with the disease with:

  • chamomile;
  • yarrow;
  • acacia flowers;
  • calendula.

Dry raw materials in the amount of 2-3 tablespoons are brewed with boiling water (2 glasses) and infused for several hours. Then the infusion is used for washing. Of course, candidiasis cannot be cured in this way, but the symptoms can be alleviated.

One of the most common folk remedies successfully used at home is baking soda. Thrush in the first month of pregnancy (and in subsequent months) responds well to such a simple “medicine”: you need to take a teaspoon of soda, dissolve it in a liter of warm water and make a bath. In the vagina, the acidic environment is replaced by a neutral one, in which the fungus cannot exist. Attention: You cannot use the douching method! Only baths and washing are allowed.


In the 1st trimester, thrush occurs very easily, even without any apparent reason. We have already figured out what to treat, but in addition to treating thrush in pregnant women in the first trimester, prevention is very important. After all, relapses can occur repeatedly.

To reduce the chances of a repeat outbreak, you should:

  • balance your diet;
  • learn to cope with stress;
  • promptly treat chronic pelvic diseases;
  • avoid hypothermia and overheating;
  • try to get enough sleep, rest more.

Candidiasis can lie in wait for a pregnant woman in the early stages, and in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. If you undergo treatment on time, the overly multiplied fungus will not have a negative effect on the fetus. The main thing is not to start the disease and not to try to cope with it on your own. With the help of an experienced gynecologist, you can get rid of thrush in a short time.

From this article you will learn: how treatment is carried out for thrush during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, how it differs from that carried out in other trimesters and in non-pregnant women, the reasons for the appearance of candidiasis during this period, how great the difference in symptoms is. Characteristics of prescribing medications for thrush in the 1st trimester, prognosis for recovery.

Article publication date: 09/03/2017

Article updated date: November 27, 2018

Vulvoginal candidiasis, or thrush, is a disease that most often appears in pregnant women in the 1st trimester (60%). The causative agent of the infection is 85% fungi of the genus Candida albicans, which are present in any human body as part of the normal microflora of the intestines and vagina.

Vaginal candidiasis is characterized by a cheesy discharge

Thrush is an infection-marker of a decrease in general (whole body) and local (intestinal and vaginal mucous membranes) immunity; in such conditions, a background favorable for the development of fungi is created. The reason is the most active hormonal changes throughout the 1st trimester and some additional factors (dieting disorders, nervous stress, insufficient nutrition).

The symptoms of candidiasis in the 1st trimester are no different from infections in other periods of pregnancy or in non-pregnant women:

  • characteristic whitish cheesy discharge appears;
  • the vaginal mucosa becomes loose and loose;
  • the surface of the mucous membrane becomes very red, inflamed and itchy.

But with the treatment of thrush, certain difficulties arise, which do not exist in the 2nd and 3rd trimester - in the first trimester, the formation of all the baby’s vital organs occurs, therefore:

  • not all, but a significant part of medications for oral and external use are contraindicated;
  • Douching on your own is undesirable, as it can provoke the development of an infection of the amniotic sac.

Mild thrush tends to fade away on its own; in this form, the disease is not dangerous for the baby. In the worst case scenario, advanced candidiasis can become a platform for the development of dangerous intrauterine (toxoplasmosis) and postpartum infections of the child (pneumonia), developmental delays and decreased fetal weight, and the cause of miscarriage or premature pregnancy.

It is difficult to completely cure thrush in the 1st trimester of pregnancy: the fungus may be insensitive to medications that are allowed during this period. Also, any hormonal or nervous stress, hypothermia, and diet disorders often become the reason for the re-production of Candida, a small percentage of which (1-2%) always, even after the most severe antifungal treatment, remains in the human body.

Prescriptions at this (and other) stages of pregnancy are made by a gynecologist.


The immediate cause of the active reproduction of a fungal infection is a violation of the body’s protective functions: as soon as the immune system weakens, favorable conditions are immediately created for the reproduction, attachment and germination of the fungus into the mucous membranes of the genital tract.

In the 1st trimester this is facilitated by:

    Fluctuations in progesterone, estrogen and human chorionic gonadotropin (hormone marker of pregnancy from the first days).

    Some features of metabolism (increased breakdown of glycogen, necessary for the growth of new tissues).

    Temporary physiological suppression of immunity by one’s own body (so as not to cause rejection of a “foreign” formation - an embryo).

Therefore, early pregnancy itself often becomes the cause of vaginal candidiasis.

There are a number of factors that can play a role in the appearance of thrush in the first trimester of pregnancy:

  • nervous stress;
  • poor diet (lack of vitamins, microelements, amino acids, etc.);
  • chronic diseases (colds, sore throats, iron deficiency anemia, excess or deficiency of thyroid hormones, diabetes);
  • untreated inflammatory processes of the genital tract (colpitis, vulvovaginitis).

Click on photo to enlarge

Thrush may appear after an exacerbation of intestinal dysbiosis (due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the genital organs in women).


The symptoms of an acute process in the 1st trimester are no different from the signs of thrush at other times (2nd and 3rd trimester, in non-pregnant women):

  • discharge of scanty or abundant whitish, cottage cheese-like discharge with a characteristic sour odor;
  • unbearable itching and burning;
  • loose, reddened and swollen mucous membrane of the external labia.

Thrush progresses quite quickly, and if left untreated, over time the symptoms will include pain when urinating and discomfort during sexual intercourse.


Fungi of the genus Candida are opportunistic microorganisms, present in the normal microflora of the vagina and intestines and become dangerous only against the background of immune disorders, so it is completely impossible to cure them - and it is not necessary. Even the most powerful remedy is not able to completely destroy the fungus.

When is it necessary to treat thrush in the 1st trimester? In some cases, it goes away on its own - the immune system copes with the infection on its own, and its acute symptoms fade away (40%). In this case, it is not recommended to treat candidiasis in the 1st trimester at all - vaginal sanitation (preventive treatment) in the last weeks before childbirth will be more beneficial for the child.

If it does not go away on its own, and the manifestations of candidiasis become more and more pronounced (the amount of discharge increases, the itching intensifies), then it is necessary to treat.

An advanced fungal infection so inhibits the local immunity of the woman’s genital tract mucosa that it can cause the transformation of any opportunistic microflora (gardnerella) or intracellular infection (herpes virus, cytomegalovirus) into an acute pathology. Any such processes during this period are extremely dangerous and lead to the development of intrauterine infection, weakening of the immunity of mother and child, weight loss of the baby, and the development of infectious postpartum diseases (pneumonia).

Gardenella is an opportunistic bacterium of the vaginal microflora; under certain conditions it can cause inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in women (usually colpitis and vaginitis)

Features of treatment in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Pregnancy in the early stages becomes not only the direct cause of decreased immunity and the appearance of thrush, but also a factor that greatly complicates treatment:

    The choice of any medications is limited due to the harm that can be caused to the unborn child at the time of the formation and formation of organs and tissues.

    Oral medications are prescribed only when necessary (if the process is severely advanced, there is a risk of developing a systemic infection or serious inflammation).

    When using external methods of treatment, it is not recommended to douche yourself (you can provoke an infection of the amniotic sac); it is better to limit yourself to vaginal suppositories, oil or cream applications (introducing a cotton-gauze swab soaked in medicine), sitz baths, and washing the perineum.

In the treatment of thrush during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, the main emphasis is on restoring the immune system, prescribing medications to normalize the vaginal microflora, and adjusting the diet.

Vaginal suppositories Pimafucin, which are also used to treat thrush

Drug treatment

If treatment is still prescribed, preference is given to agents that are not bound by plasma proteins when taken orally and are not absorbed into the blood when applied externally.

For oral administration:

Pimafucin (active ingredient – ​​natamycin) in capsules

For local and external use:

Pimafucin (vaginal suppositories and cream)

Disturbs the synthesis of lipid elements of the fungal membrane (sterols), thereby promoting cell destruction

Vagilak (vaginal capsules)

Contains lactobacilli, which are part of the normal vaginal microflora. Their waste products inhibit the growth, development, and reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida

Sodium tetraborate

A medicine for external use, an antiseptic that prevents fungal infections from gaining a foothold on mucous membranes and actively multiplying, suppresses the development of pathogenic bacteria, and quickly relieves severe manifestations of thrush

Vaginal capsules Vagilak

All medications intended for the treatment of candidiasis in the 1st trimester of pregnancy are used exclusively after prescription and under the supervision of the attending gynecologist.

After approval at home, you can use it for hygiene procedures (baths, washing the perineum):

  • decoctions of chamomile, yarrow, calendula or oak bark;
  • soda solution (teaspoon per liter of warm water).

For intimate hygiene, neutral cosmetics (gels, soaps with an acidity level, or pH, of about 7) are preferable.


Getting rid of the disease is impossible without following certain rules of prevention:

  • food should be varied and rich in vitamins and microelements;
  • the amount of complex carbohydrates (confectionery, sweets, baked goods) should be limited, since carbohydrates are the best environment for the growth of fungus;
  • synthetics create a kind of greenhouse effect, increasing humidity and body temperature, creating conditions favorable for fungus, so cotton underwear is an excellent choice.

To prevent colds, pregnant women are advised to avoid hypothermia, and to wear a medical mask in public places during epidemics.

Healthy foods for pregnant women. Click on photo to enlarge


According to statistics, thrush appears in every pregnant woman at least once during the entire period, and more often (60%) in the 1st trimester, at the time of active hormonal changes in the body. In some cases, the disease goes away on its own (40%), then sanitation of the genital tract is recommended a few days before birth.

If the symptoms are severe, it needs to be treated so as not to provoke the development of intrauterine infections and other pregnancy disorders.

Getting rid of candidiasis during this period is not easy, and the list of medications for pregnant women in the 1st trimester is very limited; they are selected only after examination and consultation with a gynecologist.

Any self-medication during this period can negatively affect the development of the child and cause a miscarriage.

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

Pregnancy very often provokes the appearance of thrush. How to cure candidiasis in the first trimester of pregnancy? This question worries most women. Thrush during pregnancy 1st trimester: treatment is an important topic for expectant mothers. It is also important to understand that the disease can occur without symptoms. That is why you need to regularly undergo various examinations and tests. Or the disease may be accompanied by itching in the genital area and unusual discharge may be observed.

The expectant mother should know what can appear not only in the genital area, but also in the mouth. This disease must be treated to prevent serious consequences. For mothers, “thrush” is very dangerous, as the elasticity of the vaginal walls decreases.

How to get rid of thrush?

Thrush during pregnancy 1st trimester, which is treated with various drugs, disappears over time. Only a doctor can prescribe effective remedies. These medications will be absolutely safe for the child. The most common include Pimafucin, Clotrimazole, Miconazole and Livarol. They all cope well with the problem.

This disease is very easy to recognize. A woman experiences itching and burning in the vagina. A cheesy discharge appears. In some cases, pain may occur when urinating. All these symptoms bring discomfort to a woman.

Remedies that help get rid of the disease are available in the form of suppositories, creams and tablets. During pregnancy, thrush cannot be treated through the stomach, because the drug will enter the fetus. It is very easy to use the drugs; you just need to insert one of them into the vagina for a certain period of time. The course of treatment lasts a week or two.

To fully get rid of the disease, treatment of the sexual partner is also necessary, since it may occur. After all, most men are carriers of the fungus. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at home using soda or manganese. But under no circumstances should the expectant mother despair if thrush appears before childbirth.

Preventative measures for thrush

In order to prevent thrush during the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the treatment of which is already known, from bothering you again, it is necessary to take preventive measures.

1. Follow the rules of personal hygiene and wear underwear only made from natural fabrics.
2. Go on a special low-sugar diet.
3. Have sex only when protected.

At the first signs of thrush, the disease will need to be treated for both partners.

Thrush appeared in the 2nd trimester: what to do?

A very important topic for expectant mothers is thrush during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, the treatment of which begins to progress due to the fact that the most dangerous period has passed, and there is no longer any risk of miscarriage. During this period, thrush should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor. The disease must be fought, otherwise there is a risk of infecting the baby.

If a woman in her usual state can not pay attention to minor symptoms for a long time, then during pregnancy this is not permissible. Thrush can affect the fetus and lead to various complications during childbirth. Also, you should not allow the situation to continue until antibiotics and hormonal drugs are prescribed.

How to get rid of thrush at home?

Thrush can cause complications not only in the mother, but also in the child, so you need to know. Now more and more people are starting to use people's advice. Thrush during pregnancy 1st trimester, treatment with folk remedies is the best option for getting rid of the disease. Traditional medicine is loved by many because of the ease of use of various means and savings. After all, not everyone can afford expensive drugs.

In ordinary life, douching with medicinal herbs helps to cope with the problem. But this procedure is contraindicated for some pregnant women. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

1. It is necessary to wash frequently with soda. To prepare the solution, you will need to combine 2 small spoons of soda with a liter of warm water. After which you can wash yourself in this composition. Soda is also great for douching. For the procedure you need to prepare a weak solution. For a liter of warm water use a small spoon of soda. You need to douche with this solution twice a day.

2. A solution based on chamomile and celandine also helps in the fight against thrush. For preparation you will need 1 small spoon of herbal mixture. To enhance the effect, you can add birch buds. The dry mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water. When the solution has cooled, it can be used for douching.

3. Oak bark is not inferior to other herbs. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. For preparation you will need oak bark, chamomile, nettle and knotweed. All components must be taken in the ratio 1:1:3:5. Take two large spoons of the mixture from the prepared dry mixture and fill it with a liter of water. Then the composition must be boiled and after 5 minutes strained into a clean container. Use it to remove curdled discharge. Only after this should douching be done.

4. Few people know, but honey can fight fungus. This component helps cure thrush at home. The most important thing is that the woman is not allergic to this ingredient. For best results, you will need a homemade product. A cotton pad must be soaked in honey and inserted into the vagina. And lie down like this for a while. In order not to stain the bed, you need to put an unnecessary sheet or diaper under yourself. It is advisable to keep the tampon inside for about 2 hours. Carry out this procedure for 10 days in a row.

All methods are good in their own way, but it is imperative to get rid of thrush so as not to worsen the situation. You can carry out complex treatment. This will help you quickly get rid of the problem.

The 1st trimester of pregnancy can be marred by thrush

Vaginal candidiasis is a common companion of pregnancy. The growth of fungal microflora occurs in response to a number of processes occurring in a woman’s body after conception. The causative agent of the disease is the yeast-like fungus Candida. If its amount in the body increases, then the first sign of pregnancy appears: discomfort and white discharge. What to do if thrush appears during pregnancy (1st trimester): can treatment be carried out at home or should you consult a doctor?

After conception, dramatic changes occur in the female body:

The progression of candidiasis is also facilitated by factors such as poor nutrition, which is caused by a woman’s refusal of many foods due to toxicosis. Decreased immunity exposes you to the development of colds and other infectious diseases, which contribute to the growth of pathogenic microflora in the body, including fungal ones.

Symptoms of candidiasis

Thrush during pregnancy (1st trimester) manifests itself as follows:

With thrush, a woman may experience pain when urinating

  • Itching and burning in the perineum, which intensifies during urination or during sexual intercourse.
  • The mucous membranes of the vulva and vagina swell and turn red, which occurs in response to the inflammatory process.
  • A creamy or cheesy discharge appears from the vagina.
  • A thick, cheesy coating forms on the labia.
  • An unpleasant odor appears that resembles spoiled fermented milk products.

Symptoms of thrush during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, treatment of which should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, may have varying intensity. This depends primarily on the state of the woman’s immune system. In no case should only antisymptomatic therapy be carried out. This leads to the disease becoming chronic. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of candidiasis. But what to do in the early stages of pregnancy?

A competent approach to combating thrush

Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy in the 1st trimester should be carried out under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. Only the attending physician can choose a safe and effective remedy, be it a traditional recipe or medication.

What is the difficulty of carrying out therapy during this period of pregnancy? It is during 1-3 months after conception that the formation of the nervous system and the formation of internal organs occur. Taking any medications can cause the development of quite serious complications. Fortunately, thrush rarely develops in the first trimester of pregnancy. Doctors say that the risk of developing thrush increases with increasing pregnancy.

What happens if thrush is not treated?

Failure to treat thrush can lead to infection of the fetus

What is the danger of vaginal candidiasis during pregnancy? Primarily a complication of pregnancy and infection of the fetus. The penetration of fungal microflora into the amniotic fluid area has fatal consequences. Bacteria affect not only the skin of the embryo. But they also penetrate into internal organs. This is fraught with serious violations of the child’s internal systems.

If a woman consciously refuses treatment during pregnancy, she takes on the risks of premature termination of pregnancy and possible death of the child in utero. You should not neglect your doctor's recommendations. Today, a huge number of medications have been developed. Which do not pose a danger to the child. This is confirmed by the results of numerous studies.

Drug treatment

Treatment of thrush in the first trimester is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. No drastic measures are being taken to strengthen the immune system. Only a local effect on the fungal microflora of the vagina is possible. In order to prevent the progression of thrush, it is necessary to take measures already in the initial stages of the development of the disease.

Suppositories for the treatment of thrush

Thanks to the development of the pharmaceutical industry, we have the opportunity to treat vaginal candidiasis even in the early stages of pregnancy. We are talking about vaginal suppositories that act locally without being absorbed into the bloodstream. This therapy is absolutely safe for the fetus, provided there is allergic intolerance to the substances included in the local preparations.

Vaginal candidiasis in the 1st trimester can be treated with the following medications:

  • Pimafucin suppositories. Recommended dosage – 1 suppository before bedtime. The candle should be placed deep into the vagina after taking water procedures. The course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days.
  • Betadine suppositories. The recommended dosage is 1 suppository at night. The drug can be used only in the absence of individual intolerance to the active and auxiliary substances included in its composition. The course of treatment ranges from 5 days or more, which depends on the stage of thrush and the general well-being of the patient.

During pregnancy, you can use medicinal ointments and creams against vaginal candidiasis, developed on the basis of active ingredients such as natamycin and povidone-iodine. These active components are not absorbed into the bloodstream and act only locally, suppressing the activity of the fungus and restoring the natural microflora.

Features of drug therapy

Effective and safe drug treatment in the initial stages of pregnancy is based on the following criteria:

  1. Use only topical medications.
  2. Compliance with dosages and recommendations for the use of medications.
  3. Avoiding cleansing procedures such as douching.
  4. Preliminary consultation with a specialist.
  5. Stop treatment and consult a doctor if adverse reactions occur.

For treatment to be effective, you need to streamline your diet.

You should pay attention to such a moment as treatment of the sexual partner. As a rule, a man also needs drug therapy, even if there are no symptoms of thrush. If you neglect this recommendation, then after sexual intercourse the woman may become infected again.

To increase the effectiveness of the medications, you must follow a low-sugar diet. Their diet should exclude spicy, fried and fatty foods. It is recommended to include fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables in the daily menu.

It is imperative to take care of personal hygiene. It is recommended to carry out water procedures after each act of defecation. You should not use soap for washing, as it disrupts the natural pH level of the mucous membranes.

Thrush in the 1st trimester of pregnancy should be treated comprehensively: take measures to eliminate the symptoms and causes of the disease. Before using medications, you should consult your doctor.

Thrush is an unpleasant disease that, unfortunately, most pregnant women have to deal with. It is difficult to get rid of, but if you make an effort and act wisely, thrush can be defeated.

What is thrush and can it harm the baby?

Candida albicans is a microscopic fungus that is responsible for most cases of candidiasis, or thrush. According to some reports, it is present in 80% of people, but in small quantities. In favorable conditions, the Candida fungus begins to actively multiply, causing thrush.

Since its habitat is the intestinal tract, this is where all cases of thrush occur, but the disease can manifest itself in different parts of the body - in the mouth, vagina, on the nipples. In women, vaginal candidiasis is most often observed.

What is the danger of thrush during pregnancy:

  • thrush causes unpleasant symptoms, complicating the already difficult situation of a pregnant woman;
  • it may return after apparent recovery;
  • thrush can provoke the occurrence of more serious inflammatory diseases that require intensive treatment;
  • the presence of candidiasis increases the risk of postpartum endometritis;
  • fungi make the vaginal walls loose, which increases the likelihood of ruptures during childbirth.

However, thrush does not pose a danger to the baby while he is in the womb. The fetus is reliably protected by the placenta, and candidiasis will not harm it.

There is a small chance that your baby will get thrush while passing through the vagina during birth. The disease in a child manifests itself as white spots in the mouth. This is not dangerous, but thrush can spread through the baby's mouth to the breast during breastfeeding. That is, you and your child can continue to re-infect each other, and then it will be difficult to get rid of the disease.

Causes of thrush

During pregnancy, the vagina releases a lot of glycogen. It is believed that this process is associated with extrasecretion of estrogens and a decrease in acidity on the surface of the genital organs. Glycogen fuels fungal growth. This is why pregnant women are much more likely to suffer from thrush.

The development of the disease is promoted by:

  • reduced immunity;
  • chronic illnesses and any diseases related to immunity (for example, diabetes);
  • morning sickness, which negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stress.

These factors are an open invitation for thrush. In addition, the risk of getting sick increases if the body does not have enough good probiotic bacteria that fight harmful organisms. Their quantity is influenced by a person’s diet. Sweets and caffeine are the most dangerous foods for probiotics. Beneficial bacteria can also destroy medications: antibiotics, contraceptives, steroids or hormonal drugs. If you have previously taken anything from this list, then you are at risk.

It is important to know: thrush is transmitted sexually, but among married couples this route of infection is very rare. In addition, as mentioned earlier, fungi are already in our body, but the disease develops only when certain factors are combined.

Symptoms of thrush in pregnant women

A sign of pregnancy may be daily milky vaginal discharge, which is the result of changes in hormone levels. If the discharge becomes white, thick like cottage cheese, and more abundant, then it is most likely thrush. Look out for other symptoms, such as:

  • itching in the vaginal area;
  • burning sensation in the labia area during urination;
  • pain or burning during intercourse.

Manifestations of thrush, which is located outside the vagina, include:

  • white spots or redness in the mouth (tongue, gums, inner cheeks);
  • soreness that may be severe enough to cause difficulty eating or swallowing;
  • minor bleeding;
  • cracks in the corners of the mouth.

Some women have no symptoms other than discharge, and thrush may go undetected.

In the first trimester, candidiasis is calmer, but by the second or third trimester it becomes more aggressive. This is due to the enlargement of the uterus and its pressure on the veins, which provokes poor blood flow from the genitals.


If these disorders occur, it is important to visit a gynecologist and undergo an examination. Sometimes what looks like thrush can be something more dangerous, especially if you have trouble treating it. For example, bacterial vaginosis, as well as some sexually transmitted diseases, have similar symptoms.

The gynecologist will examine the vagina and take smears for tests. This is the only way to make a correct diagnosis.

How to treat thrush in pregnant women

Since the cause of thrush is a fungus, antifungal agents are used in its treatment. Pharmacies sell special antifungal ointments that should be used to lubricate the vagina or nipples. You can also use suppositories and vaginal tablets. Such drugs destroy the fungus and contribute to the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms. The course of treatment is at least a week.

In severe cases, systemic antifungal agents in tablets are prescribed to suppress fungal growth. Of course, they have a powerful effect on the entire body, but they have quite a lot of side effects.

It is advisable for both partners to undergo antifungal treatment, and during sex, barrier contraceptives should be used to avoid transmitting the infection to each other.

Be careful with medications containing fluconazole. Research has shown that this substance can affect fetal development.

Taking medications during pregnancy is, of course, undesirable, especially in the early stages. Luckily, there are many natural remedies for thrush.

Here are a few available remedies that can be used by pregnant women:

  • Apple vinegar. It will help balance your body's pH levels. But it will only be beneficial if you buy organic, unpasteurized and unfiltered vinegar. Add one cup of vinegar to the water while bathing or take 1-2 tbsp. daily.
  • Soda solution. Prepare a solution of 1 tbsp. soda and 1 liter of boiled water. Wash yourself with it 1-2 times a day or pour the solution into a convenient basin, lower yourself into it and sit for 10-15 minutes.
  • Yogurt. Dairy products contain natural probiotics. For example, you can purchase a starter for making unflavored yogurt. This product can not only be drunk, but also used to lubricate the vagina. Tampons are soaked in yogurt and inserted for two hours. Many women say that this method helps them relieve itching and discomfort.

Advice: if thrush also appears in the mouth, then rinse with a saline solution (0.5 tsp of salt per glass of water).

Do not use antiseptics or alcohol tinctures in the genital area, as they can cause severe burning and aggravate the condition. Some “traditional healers” advise douching for thrush with all sorts of decoctions and tinctures. But experts do not recommend doing this. Such washings can upset the balance of flora in the vagina, since you are washing out not only bad bacteria, but also good ones.

Prerequisites for curing thrush

To keep thrush under control and prevent it from recurring, follow these tips:

  1. Change your diet. Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs. Protein, yeast-free bread, rice, nuts, good fats (found in foods such as avocado, coconut oil, eggs and fish) will benefit you. You can cook any food with coconut oil. It has antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. But sweets, pastries, coffee, honey, various soft drinks, including packaged juices should be excluded from the diet.
  2. Strengthen your immune system, walk in the fresh air, and do simple exercises.
  3. Get rid of uncomfortable synthetic underwear. Choose natural, breathable cotton underwear. You can generally walk around the house without it.
  4. Avoid sitting in a warm bath for long periods of time, as Candida fungi love warm, moist environments.
  5. Maintain good personal hygiene, but don't overdo it.
  6. Avoid using products that may irritate your skin, such as scented wipes, pads, and scented shower gels. For intimate hygiene, use only soft products.
  7. Don't be nervous, take care of your nervous system!

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