Dream Interpretation Giant. Why do you dream about the Giant in a dream? Interpretation of a dream about a giant

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Giants are mythological, magical creatures endowed with supernatural powers.

According to psychologists, they are associated in the human mind with groundless fears and primitive horror that we have experienced from time immemorial. As the General Dream Book explains, the giant symbolizes the dreamer’s strength, power, and ability to withstand any adversity in life.

Interpretation of sleep depending on what the creature looked like

For a student, seeing a huge Cyclops means overcoming the fear of the examiner and successfully passing difficult tests. For a woman, such a creature promises minor chores, chores, and perhaps truly insatiable guests will visit you.

For a man, a dream promises an unexpected increase in salary or the benefit of a successful deal. If a cyclops attacked you, and you managed to easily dodge the monster’s hands, you will defeat an old enemy, win a competition or win a large cash prize.

If you dreamed of a giant with extra limbs, there will be serious troubles associated with large expenses, most likely with a wedding or a grandiose family celebration. Did the giant look exactly the same as an ordinary person? Expect great news, lucrative job offers, and perhaps an epiphany will come to you.

However, for the correct interpretation of the dream, it is very important to remember how the giant was dressed:

  • Dirty, in rags - the dream predicts that the dreamer will find a faithful assistant in someone whom he would least think of. This person will save you more than once in a completely hopeless situation.
  • A neatly dressed, clean giant is your own reflection, a sign that you can cope with any problem on your own, without the help of outsiders.
  • Naked - you have to make a difficult choice between fame and a quiet family life. It’s worth listening to your inner voice, and you will never regret your decision.

What day did you have the dream?

From the point of view of almost all dream books, seeing a giant in a dream is a positive, not a negative sign, promising the appearance of a defender, a powerful patron, protecting the dreamer from all adversity. Dreams seen from Thursday on are especially favorable, since the dreamer will have to cope with a task that would be too difficult for anyone else.

If a giant had a club in his hands and was fighting with someone, you will soon have to fight with very strong rivals for a place in the sun, but you will easily defeat them. An unarmed and confused giant - the dreamer does not realize the power that he has; you need to choose your friends more carefully in order to avoid self-interested people who can drag you into trouble.

Esoteric dream book. Why do you see a giant in a dream he saw in the morning? In the coming days, great events will happen around you that can radically change your life. To kill a giant is to defeat a long-time ill-wisher and envious person who has been ruining your life for many years. Talk peacefully with a giant - your peacefulness and intelligence are able to overcome all obstacles and reach the common sense of any stubborn person.

Psychological dream book. Dreaming of yourself as a giant means making far-reaching plans, taking big steps towards achieving your goals. The second meaning of the dream is that the dreamer exaggerates the importance of his own person; he should not think that he should be the first always and in everything.

If you see a giant sitting peacefully, doing some kind of work, it means that great success awaits you in business. If a giant is raging, uprooting trees, breaking something, and you calmly follow him, you will soon resort to cunning, use the help of an influential person or superiors to solve a boring problem.

Miller's Dream Book. If you have several dreams about giants in a row, it means that you have to unite several irreconcilable rivals and, with the help of cunning, force them to work on a common project. A muttering or grumbling giant means the dreamer exaggerates the significance of the problem that has arisen; in fact, everything will be resolved quite easily and simply, you just need to think a little.

A giant running at breakneck speed means there is a crunch at work, you will have to complete a huge amount of work in a short time for a good bonus and gratitude from your superiors. Panicking in a dream and trying to hide from a giant - this dream has the opposite meaning: in reality you will be able to gather your strength and solve any task.

Freud's Dream Book. Seeing yourself as a giant means for a man confidence in his irresistibility, a tendency towards narcissism, and excessive sexuality. For a young man, such a dream can predict a long-term affair with an influential woman much older than himself, who will provide protection in getting a good job.

For an unmarried girl, the dream promises the appearance of a suitor for whom she will feel not only love, but also sincere respect. An older lady should take a closer look at her surroundings, because the man of her dreams is very close; don't be afraid to take the first step and become happy.

Vanga's dream book. If in a dream the giant was dressed in armor and looked more like a hero, in reality you will have to stand up for an indecisive and weak person and defend truth and justice. I dreamed of a giant, armed, - to take off on the career ladder, success in business and material well-being.

To see the children of giants growing up before your eyes - the dream advises you to moderate your ambitions a little; you will achieve everything only in due time. The sad giant is a dream with the opposite meaning: in reality you will take part in a noisy party, where you will be the center of attention in a pleasant campaign.

Longo's Dream Interpretation. Seeing a giant calmly going about his business denotes a leisurely flow of life, peace of mind and complete serenity. If a giant walked around yours, guarding it, this is a sign of higher powers: nothing threatens your family happiness, you can be absolutely calm, completely confident in the fidelity and love of your spouse.

If you give birth to a giant, you will learn absolutely amazing news that can bring you great benefit. For those involved in scientific activities, the dream predicts the start of a project that will bring the author not only fame, fame and money, but also great moral satisfaction.

Dream book of Solomon. A dream about a giant, whom the dreamer easily defeats, in fact promises great troubles and significant financial expenses. Most likely, you will decide to invest your funds in some project that will provide you with a comfortable life for many years.

Offering a big man a gift in exchange for his protection means showing wisdom in dealing with ill-wishers, convincing them of the correctness of your arguments and winning them over to your side. To trail behind a giant is to be under the protection of a patron, but not be able to get out of his shadow.

Family dream book. Seeing a giant in a dream means for a woman to find herself next to a reliable and faithful man, ready to become her ideal life partner. For a young man, the dream predicts that he will enter into an arranged marriage, but will still be very happy next to his chosen one.

For a mature man, the giant symbolizes success and wealth, material and spiritual well-being. The second meaning of the dream is to feel proud of your children, to admire their successes and creative achievements. Author: Natalya Ivanova

Giants are firmly established in the mythology of many countries, and it is not at all surprising that many dreams are associated with them. A giant in a dream can be both a friend and an enemy; a dream can frighten or, conversely, inspire.

Why a giant dreams in a dream depends mainly on the character of this big man, his actions, and the emotions of the dreamer. The remaining details of the dream are an important addition to the interpretation of the dream: what circumstances were associated with the appearance of the giant, what was the behavior of the other characters in the dream - all this can tell what is happening in the dreamer’s soul and what he should expect.

The giant is included in the dream book as a symbol of important circumstances and influential people. Representing power and strength, a dreaming giant can signal the existence of powerful patrons or imaginary huge obstacles. Each dream is individual. Let's try to figure out what this or that dream portends.

Evil giant

During anxious periods of life, a person often dreams; the heroes of these dreams frighten them in the dreams themselves and instill anxiety in reality when a person remembers the details of night dreams. But nightmares do not portend trouble! They only indicate that a person has encountered ambiguous events or stress in life. And the way to solve the problem may well be suggested by a nightmare.

If you had a dream in which a giant threatened the dreamer, then in reality in the near future a person should carefully think through his actions related to influential people. Those who are popular in the team, although not vested with real power, can also be considered influential.

Did you dream of a giant who was chasing you? It all depends on whether the giant managed to grab the dreamer. If yes, then it’s time to work on believing in yourself and learn to take criticism correctly. If a person was not afraid and defeated the giant, the solution to a long-standing problem will not take long to arrive, but serious efforts will have to be made.

  • If the giant was chasing other characters and did not pay attention to the dreamer, then most likely in reality there will be a lot of turmoil, which does not directly concern the dreamer, but causes concern.
  • Huge people chasing the dreamer? In reality it is high time to relax, the dreamer has taken on too many tasks and worries, and so in his dreams he is haunted by their terrible images.

If the other characters were not afraid of the giants, then either the difficulties are imaginary, or the dreamer should ask for help in resolving his issues - for advisers the solution will not be difficult, and they will offer an effective way out.

A cannibal giant is a sign indicating attempts at manipulation on the part of acquaintances. The dreamer should pay more attention to the motives of people’s actions, how sincere those around him are, and gently prevent attempts to use himself in the interests of others.

An interesting interpretation is given by Freud’s dream book to those who happened to see themselves as a giant in a dream. Such a dream clearly hints that a person is overestimating his role in a romantic relationship. Perhaps the “other half” is suffering from neglect on the part of the dreamer or from his attempts to impose his own conditions.

The dreamer can be advised only one thing: try to look at the relationship soberly; in most cases, partners make an equal contribution to the development of the union, and a dictatorship is unlikely to promote openness and trust.

Interpreting what the giant dreams about, seers come to different conclusions. Depending on the nuances of the vision, in reality you will encounter rumors, meanness, victory or joy.

Miller's version

A giant who suddenly appeared nearby in a dream is deciphered by a psychologist as confrontation with enemies. Was he able to stop you? If yes, then in reality you will be defeated. The hulk had to flee? Miller, when compiling a dream book, promised: in reality you will win.


The giant threatens - an unsuccessful period is coming in life, dirty rumors will spread. But when he sits or works, it means you can easily carry out your plans.

Why do you dream of a kind, friendly giant? A person, taking advantage of the support of influential people, will solve the problems that have arisen. An evil thug foreshadows powerful ill-wishers who are preparing to stop you.

The Eastern dream book, if a giant appeared out of nowhere, predicts: your business is under threat. In order not to get burned, you will have to fight with all your might.

If you ran away from giant people in a dream - you will not be able to cope with the difficulties that arise. It would be better to refuse the decision. Next time, before you start acting, carefully draw up a plan, the dream book recommends.

The thug does not think of attacking, but, on the contrary, worships you. Grishina foretells: the results of the completed project will be vague.

Prepare for problems

An attacking giant man predicts the boss's displeasure. The dream book advises you to calm down and start correcting mistakes as quickly as possible, otherwise more serious troubles will follow.

Why do you dream of a huge woman - respect the boundaries of what is permitted; if you try to appropriate someone else’s, providence will put you in your place.

In some cases, a giant in a dream foreshadows the appearance of a cruel, treacherous, vile enemy, capable of any base act.

Nuances of communication

If you saw a very tall man - in reality you are underestimating your friend. Perhaps due to arrogance.

Did you see a man of gigantic stature in a dream? This is a good sign. You will be able to defeat your enemies and achieve success in all your business endeavors.

Overcoming obstacles

A cannibal appearing in a dream is a harbinger of loneliness, dissatisfaction, and sadness. But if you manage to kill him, you can solve problems and achieve success.

Why does a lover dream of being a giant? The chosen one lacks attention and tenderness. You consider yourself to be the leader in relationships and seek to manipulate your loved one. However, the dream book says: if you want to save a loved one, you will need to change your beliefs.

Sometimes giant people predict big problems. But the dream book, if you managed to repel the attack, promises that in reality you will figure everything out.

Favorable interpretation

The giant man turned out to be kind - in reality, a lot of joy awaits you.

In a dream, you forced a giant to run away - the reward will be good health, success and prosperity.

We met a kind giant - if you find yourself in a difficult situation, the dream book reassures you: everything will end well. Influential people will help you get out of this situation.

Why do you dream about a giant? The dream book gives several meanings for this image. The vision can be interpreted in completely different ways: from failures, gossip, intrigues of spiteful critics to victory over enemies, joy, prosperity. The interpretation depends on the giant’s mood, his actions, and the person’s impressions in a dream.

Business sphere

Seeing a giant threatening in a dream means failure and gossip about you ahead. If he sits or works, success in business is guaranteed.

Why do you dream of a kind, friendly giant? The dreamer can count on friendship with influential people. The evil one signals: someone powerful is able to interfere with your plans.

Did you dream of running away from giant people? Circumstances will be stronger than you, so it is better to retreat. It may be a failure in one business, but it is also a reason to think carefully about your next project.

Be ready for challenges

A giant who suddenly appeared nearby, according to Miller’s dream book, warns: a clash with enemies awaits. If in a dream he managed to stop you, it means you will lose. When you yourself make it so that he has to run away from you, this is a great sign.

Seeing a giant man attacking in a dream means: your superiors will criticize you. Try to take everything calmly and draw the necessary conclusions.

Why do you dream about a huge woman? The dream book states: in reality a person will receive a decisive rebuff if he claims something that does not belong to him.

A giant in a dream can foreshadow the appearance of an enemy with a disgusting character, that is, vindictive, capable of sophisticated intrigues.

Subtleties of relationships

A dream of a huge man sometimes indicates: the dreamer is wrong to underestimate and consider someone he knows insignificant. Perhaps the reason for this is the sleeper’s high self-esteem and arrogance.

Dream books call a giant seen in a dream, that is, a man of gigantic stature, a good omen. The dreamer will be able to triumph over his enemies. He will also have unconditional success in the business field.

You will cope with difficulties!

The cannibal, according to the dream book, foreshadows the sleeping person’s disappointment in people and loneliness. However, if the sleeper kills him, it means he will overcome his problems and will be able to achieve success.

Why does a lover dream of being a giant? The dream book informs you: he does not pay enough attention to his partner. The sleeper considers himself the leader of their relationship and wants to manipulate his loved one so that he obeys him. To maintain the connection, you need to reconsider your beliefs.

Giant people often mean the approach of great difficulties. Did the dreamer meet them courageously, without fear? Problems will be resolved successfully.

Good omen

A dream about a giant man who turned out to be kind foreshadows great joy in reality.

A running giant, if you yourself forced him to run away, portends, according to the dream book, good health, well-being and prosperity.

Seeing a kind giant in a dream means that bright, powerful forces will appear in the life of a sleeper in a difficult situation and provide assistance (material or moral). It is important that it arrives on time and will have a beneficial effect on the circumstances or on the sleeper, who will be able to change the situation himself.

When a woman dreamed that she had turned into a giantess, she might soon receive a large sum of money.

And the evil that the dreamer can inflict on others.

If a giant threatens you- failures and bad rumors will haunt you.

Sitting, working giant- to success in business.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a giant in a dream- this means that in real life you are overwhelmed by a strong desire, which, due to certain circumstances, you cannot yet satisfy.

If you dreamed that you suddenly became a giant- this suggests that you attach exaggerated attention to your role in personal relationships. It seems to you that all the credit for their correct development belongs only to you and for this you should be cherished and cherished. A similar attitude towards yourself also reigns in your intimate life - you expect slavish obedience from your partner and manipulate him without a twinge of conscience.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Women's dream book

The appearance of a giant in a dream- portends a clash with your enemies.

If the giant managed to stop you- your defeat is inevitable; if you drive him away, that's a good sign.

General dream book

Seeing a giant in a dream- to great joy.

If you dreamed that you became a giant- soon you will receive a large amount of money.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a giant in a dream- means your triumph over your enemies, you can achieve great success; giant attack on you- warning: your boss does not have a very good opinion of you; if a giant threatens or chases you- you will succeed in a risky undertaking.

Dream book of lovers

Behind the giant- the idea of ​​building the future may also be hidden.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

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