“Why do you dream about a giant in a dream? If you see a Giant in a dream, what does it mean? Why did the giant dream?

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Giants are firmly established in the mythology of many countries, and it is not at all surprising that many dreams are associated with them. A giant in a dream can be both a friend and an enemy; a dream can frighten or, conversely, inspire.

Why a giant dreams in a dream depends mainly on the character of this big man, his actions, and the emotions of the dreamer. The remaining details of the dream are an important addition to the interpretation of the dream: what circumstances were associated with the appearance of the giant, what was the behavior of the other characters in the dream - all this can tell what is happening in the dreamer’s soul and what he should expect.

The giant is included in the dream book as a symbol of important circumstances and influential people. Representing power and strength, a dreaming giant can signal the existence of powerful patrons or imaginary huge obstacles. Each dream is individual. Let's try to figure out what this or that dream portends.

Evil giant

During anxious periods of life, a person often dreams; the heroes of these dreams frighten them in the dreams themselves and instill anxiety in reality when a person remembers the details of night dreams. But nightmares do not portend trouble! They only indicate that a person has encountered ambiguous events or stress in life. And the way to solve the problem may well be suggested by a nightmare.

If you had a dream in which a giant threatened the dreamer, then in reality in the near future a person should carefully think through his actions related to influential people. Those who are popular in the team, although not vested with real power, can also be considered influential.

Did you dream of a giant who was chasing you? It all depends on whether the giant managed to grab the dreamer. If yes, then it’s time to work on believing in yourself and learn to take criticism correctly. If a person was not afraid and defeated the giant, the solution to a long-standing problem will not take long to arrive, but serious efforts will have to be made.

  • If the giant was chasing other characters and did not pay attention to the dreamer, then most likely in reality there will be a lot of turmoil, which does not directly concern the dreamer, but causes concern.
  • Huge people chasing the dreamer? In reality it is high time to relax, the dreamer has taken on too many tasks and worries, and so in his dreams he is haunted by their terrible images.

If the other characters were not afraid of the giants, then either the difficulties are imaginary, or the dreamer should ask for help in resolving his issues - for advisers the solution will not be difficult, and they will offer an effective way out.

A cannibal giant is a sign indicating attempts at manipulation on the part of acquaintances. The dreamer should pay more attention to the motives of people’s actions, how sincere those around him are, and gently prevent attempts to use himself in the interests of others.

An interesting interpretation is given by Freud’s dream book to those who happened to see themselves as a giant in a dream. Such a dream clearly hints that a person is overestimating his role in a romantic relationship. Perhaps the “other half” is suffering from neglect on the part of the dreamer or from his attempts to impose his own conditions.

The dreamer can be advised only one thing: try to look at the relationship soberly; in most cases, partners make an equal contribution to the development of the union, and a dictatorship is unlikely to promote openness and trust.

Interpreting what the giant dreams about, seers come to different conclusions. Depending on the nuances of the vision, in reality you will encounter rumors, meanness, victory or joy.

Miller's version

A giant who suddenly appeared nearby in a dream is deciphered by a psychologist as confrontation with enemies. Was he able to stop you? If yes, then in reality you will be defeated. The hulk had to flee? Miller, when compiling a dream book, promised: in reality you will win.


The giant threatens - an unsuccessful period is coming in life, dirty rumors will spread. But when he sits or works, it means you can easily carry out your plans.

Why do you dream of a kind, friendly giant? A person, taking advantage of the support of influential people, will solve the problems that have arisen. An evil thug foreshadows powerful ill-wishers who are preparing to stop you.

The Eastern dream book, if a giant appeared out of nowhere, predicts: your business is under threat. In order not to get burned, you will have to fight with all your might.

If you ran away from giant people in a dream - you will not be able to cope with the difficulties that arise. It would be better to refuse the decision. Next time, before you start acting, carefully draw up a plan, the dream book recommends.

The thug does not think of attacking, but, on the contrary, worships you. Grishina foretells: the results of the completed project will be vague.

Prepare for problems

An attacking giant man predicts the boss's displeasure. The dream book advises you to calm down and start correcting mistakes as quickly as possible, otherwise more serious troubles will follow.

Why do you dream of a huge woman - respect the boundaries of what is permitted; if you try to appropriate someone else’s, providence will put you in your place.

In some cases, a giant in a dream foreshadows the appearance of a cruel, treacherous, vile enemy, capable of any base act.

Nuances of communication

If you saw a very tall man - in reality you are underestimating your friend. Perhaps due to arrogance.

Did you see a man of gigantic stature in a dream? This is a good sign. You will be able to defeat your enemies and achieve success in all your business endeavors.

Overcoming obstacles

A cannibal appearing in a dream is a harbinger of loneliness, dissatisfaction, and sadness. But if you manage to kill him, you can solve problems and achieve success.

Why does a lover dream of being a giant? The chosen one lacks attention and tenderness. You consider yourself to be the leader in relationships and seek to manipulate your loved one. However, the dream book says: if you want to save a loved one, you will need to change your beliefs.

Sometimes giant people predict big problems. But the dream book, if you managed to repel the attack, promises that in reality you will figure everything out.

Favorable interpretation

The giant man turned out to be kind - in reality, a lot of joy awaits you.

In a dream, you forced a giant to run away - the reward will be good health, success and prosperity.

We met a kind giant - if you find yourself in a difficult situation, the dream book reassures you: everything will end well. Influential people will help you get out of this situation.

Miller's Dream Book

Your defeat is inevitable; if he runs away- this is a good sign.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Giant- symbolizes violence and evil that the dreamer can inflict on others.

If a giant threatens you- failures and bad rumors will haunt you.

Sitting, working giant- to success in business.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a giant in a dream- this means that in real life you are overwhelmed by a strong desire, which, due to certain circumstances, you cannot yet satisfy.

If you dreamed that you suddenly became a giant- this suggests that you attach exaggerated attention to your role in personal relationships. It seems to you that all the credit for their correct development belongs only to you and for this you should be cherished and cherished. A similar attitude towards yourself also reigns in your intimate life - you expect slavish obedience from your partner and manipulate him without a twinge of conscience.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Most often the image of giants in your dreams- reflects your ideas about others and your place in society.

Seeing giants as friendly- a sign that friendship with powerful people is available to you.

Frightening or aggressive giants- are often a premonition that certain influential forces can interfere with the implementation of your plans.

But there are also upside-down dreams, where the image of a giant- suggests that you underestimate a person and are completely wrong to consider him insignificant. Perhaps the reason for this idea of ​​people is your arrogance and inflated self-esteem?

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a giant in a dream- means to seek the favor of an influential person.

If you are fighting a giant- powerful enemies will probably appear in your life. You will have to concentrate on solving the problem of neutralizing them and temporarily forget about your personal life.

If you see yourself in a dream as a giant- success awaits you. But be careful, don’t overestimate your strength. Take advantage of the support of friends and management.

Dream book for a bitch

Giant- occurrence of unexpected obstacles.

New family dream book

If a giant suddenly appears next to you in a dream- in reality, be prepared for clashes with your enemies.

If the giant manages to stop you- be defeated; if he runs away- win.

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which a giant suddenly appears in front of you- portends a tense struggle with competitors.

If the giant manages to stop you- in this struggle you will be defeated.

If the giant runs away, then prosperity and good health await you.

Eastern women's dream book

If suddenly appeared in front of you- this means that in business you have to fight for survival.

If at the same time the giant stops you, scares you or harms you in some way- alas, in this struggle you will be defeated.

If you defeat the giant and he runs away- prosperity and good health await you.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Giant- Possible health problems.

Children's dream book

Giant (Gulliver, Uncle Styopa)- you have often recently experienced oppression and unfair insults and you need the protection of someone stronger.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Giant- a reflection of the exaggeration of the importance of someone (something).

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Giant- to illness of children.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a giant in a dream- means the machinations of ill-wishers who will try to discredit you.

sitting giant- to success in business.

If he attacks you- you will be criticized by your superiors.

If he behaves peacefully- to well-being.

A giant suddenly appears in front of you- experience fear and doubt.

Fight him- to success.

See the prostrate at your feet- you will be deceived in your hopes.

Talk to him- your relationship with a man will reach a dead end.

To be a giant in a dream- the danger of doing irreparable stupidity.

Grow to a giant size in a dream- rise in life, but end up with dementia in old age.

The Giant Who Will Make You Surrender- your defeat is inevitable.

If he runs away- everything will be fine, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Women's dream book

The appearance of a giant in a dream- portends a clash with your enemies.

If the giant managed to stop you- your defeat is inevitable; if you drive him away, that's a good sign.

General dream book

Seeing a giant in a dream- to great joy.

If you dreamed that you became a giant- soon you will receive a large amount of money.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a giant in a dream- means your triumph over your enemies, you can achieve great success; giant attack on you- warning: your boss does not have a very good opinion of you; if a giant threatens or chases you- you will succeed in a risky undertaking.

Dream book of lovers

Giant- such a dream symbolizes desires that you are unable to satisfy.

Be a giant yourself- means that you are not paying enough attention to your partner. You are convinced that you are the leader in the relationship, so your partner is obliged to obey you. You manipulate your partner as soon as you want and expect him to be ready to fulfill your every desire.

Mythological dream book

"Mountain Man", a huge anthropomorphic, fairy-tale creature- fear, often unreasonable, false; very significant changes and influences in the life of the sleeper.

Be a giant yourself- mental crisis, great conceit, mania, obsession, mental illness.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

Giant- you will have to face great difficulties.

Face them courageously and then they will be resolved- this dream suggests that you will have an enemy who will have a terrible character.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Giant -

Ogre-eating giant- father's idea.

Behind the giant- the idea of ​​building the future may also be hidden.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

See the giant- is a sign of triumph over enemies and perfect success in the enterprise.

Dream book of a gypsy

Seeing a giant in a dream- means that you doubt and suffer from an inferiority complex.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Giant, talk to him or see how he works without noticing you- unexpected help / good time has passed / warnings against involuntary evil or offense that you will cause through thoughtlessness.

He suddenly appears in front of you- you will experience powerful demands from your body.

He threatens you, catches you- symbols of your relationship with the outside world.

The giant worships you- the work is completed, but the result is unclear.

They bring him, he is huge, faceless and fearful- those spiritual forces that, setting an important goal for you, subject you to the test.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Giant- victory over the enemy, success, stunning news, road; is sitting- success in business; attacks- the boss is angry; defeated- disappointed hopes.

Danilova's erotic dream book

A giant standing next to you in a dream- symbolizes the threat posed by your partner. He is probably angry with you for some reason and is making plans for revenge, which will not affect your personal life in the most positive way.

If a giant blocks your way- It’s pointless for you to fight, it’s better to admit what you’ve done and promise to improve, so as not to destroy the idyll of your relationship. Venereal disease The name “venereal disease” owes its origin to the ancient goddess Aphrodite (in the Roman interpretation - Venus), who, with the advent of Christianity with its cult of purity, purity and morality, began to be considered the patroness of sinful carnal love and adultery. Sexual contacts are always fraught with some consequences, pleasant and not so pleasant. The latter include sexually transmitted diseases. Since they appeared in the field of medical attention, humanity has been persistently trying to get rid of them, but so far such attempts have been crowned with only partial success. The danger of contracting STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) sometimes makes finding a sexual partner a real problem. Fear of infection forces a person to suppress many of his desires.

Seeing yourself infected with a similar type of disease in a dream- means doubting the reliability of those people with whom you have to communicate. This uncertainty can be caused by the behavior of work colleagues, relatives, friends and even your family. The streak of adversity that you may be experiencing at the moment is also aggravated by a general lack of confidence in the support of others. But a person cannot exist without outside support. As Aristotle said, a person living outside of society is either a barbarian or a deity. In any case, we have to rely on someone - if not materially, then certainly morally. Thus, you are between two fires: the unconscious signals danger, while consciousness asserts the impossibility of existing outside the world of people.

Esoteric dream book

Giant- you will have to experience humiliation due to your high self-esteem.

Rude- a very painful humiliation, a blow to pride.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Meet the giant- fear, doubt; to push back- to success; kill- elevation in life; be a giant yourself- danger of serious stupidity; become a giant- danger of madness.

Collection of dream books

See the giant- road; if sitting- success in business; giant attack- bad opinion of superiors; defeated giant- disappointed hopes; kiss him- a mess for a man because of a woman.

See the giant- to victory over enemies.

Giants from the sky- discord, mismatch of plans.


I dreamed about a Giant, what is it for, what does a Giant mean in a dream

Slavic dream book Meaning of the dream Giant:

You dreamed of a Giant, what does this mean - an incident awaits you that will surprise you.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife I had a dream about a Giant.

Giant - inability to control your emotions. Friendship with a giant is a potential opportunity.

Magic dream book In a dream, why does the Giant dream?

What does it mean to see a Giant in a dream? What does it mean - a fight with opponents whose strength you exaggerate. If the giant approaches - temporary fear, if he moves away from you - celebration of victory.

What does a Giant mean in a dream - you should take care of your offspring. If a godmother dreams of a giant, it means that she has forgotten her godson.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Giant mean in a dream:

You dreamed of a Giant, what is it for - The dream concerns the implementation of professional plans. What you have planned is beyond your power, it is better to abandon plans now. If a lot is at stake, you can work out the dream like this. Imagine a giant turning into a dwarf.

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does a Giant mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream? What does a Giant mean in a dream - You see a giant in the distance, as if he is going somewhere - a long road awaits you. You dream that a giant is standing nearby; You didn’t even immediately understand that it was a giant, you thought: two mighty trees, but when you raised your head, you were horrified - in real life, your enemies are only thinking about how to annoy you; you have a difficult fight ahead of you. The giant grabs you, squeezes you in his fist - in a difficult struggle, your enemies will defeat you; get ready to raise the white flag and accept their terms. The giant, frightened by something, runs away - the dream foretells you victory in a difficult struggle; enemies will be put to shame, secret ill-wishers will be brought to light. A giant, defeated by someone (perhaps by you), lies on the ground - you will be deceived in your expectations; in the coming days, do not expect noble deeds from your superiors.


Why do you dream about the Giant?

Why do you dream about the Giant?, having read below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see something other than a Giant in a dream, use the search form for online dream interpretations.

Why do you dream about the Giant?

If the giant manages to stop you, your defeat is inevitable; if he runs away, that's a good sign.

Seeing a Giant in a dream

What does the dream Giant mean?

Giant - You will have to experience humiliation due to your high self-esteem. Rude is a very painful humiliation, a blow to pride.

Seeing a Giant in a dream

Giant (Gulliver, Uncle Stepa) - you have often recently experienced oppression and unfair insults and you need the protection of someone stronger.

What do Giant dreams mean?

Dream about the Giant

What does a Giant mean in a dream?

Seeing a giant in a dream means winning the favor of an influential person. If you are fighting a giant, powerful enemies will probably appear in your life. You will have to concentrate on solving the problem of neutralizing them and temporarily forget about your personal life. If you see yourself in a dream as a giant, success awaits you. But be careful, don’t overestimate your strength. Take advantage of the support of friends and management.

Meaning of dreams Giant

To the illness of children.

What does a Giant mean in a dream?

Meaning of the dream Giant

The appearance of a giant in a dream foreshadows a clash with your enemies. If the giant managed to stop you, your defeat is inevitable; if you drive him away, that's a good sign.

Interpretation of the dream Giant

Such a dream predicts that you will encounter enemies in reality. And in this fight you are unlikely to remain the winner.

What does the Giant predict in a dream?

“man mountain”, a huge anthropomorphic, fairy-tale creature, fear, more often than not, unfounded, false; very significant changes and influences in the life of the sleeper. Being a giant yourself is a mental crisis, great conceit, mania, obsession, mental illness.

What does it mean to see a Giant in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream Giant

If a giant suddenly appears next to you in a dream, then in reality be prepared for clashes with your enemies.

What does the Giant dream predict?

The meaning of the dream Giant

It means your triumph over your enemies, you will be able to achieve great success.

If a giant attacks you, your boss does not have a very good opinion of you.

If the giant threatens you or pursues you, you will succeed in a risky undertaking.

Seeing a Giant in a dream

Possible health problems.

Giant dream prediction

Seeing a giant means heading towards the road.

Talking to him or seeing how he works without noticing you - unexpected help / good time has passed / warnings against involuntary evil or offense that you will cause through thoughtlessness.

He suddenly appears in front of you - you will experience powerful demands from your body.

He threatens you, catches you - symbols of your relationship with the outside world.

He worships you - the work is completed, but the result is unclear.

They bring him, he is huge, faceless and causes fear - those spiritual forces that, setting an important goal for you, subject you to the test.

Giant polyphemus or robot - a feeling of being unable to avoid the unforeseen consequences of your actions.

Cyclops - rage.

Why do you dream about the Giant?

Seeing a Giant in a dream

An adult, a parent, since the dream always refers to a time when adults seemed giants to the child.

Ogre-eating giant.

What does the dream Giant mean?

Giant - means that you doubt and suffer from an inferiority complex.

Seeing a Giant in a dream

A case awaits you that will surprise you.

What do Giant dreams mean?

Such a dream symbolizes desires that you are unable to satisfy.

Being a giant yourself means that you are not paying enough attention to your partner.

You are convinced that you are the leader in the relationship, so your partner is obliged to obey you.

You manipulate your partner as soon as you want and expect him to be ready to fulfill your every desire.

Dream about the Giant

Giant - the occurrence of unexpected obstacles.

What does a Giant mean in a dream?

To frail offspring.

Meaning of dreams Giant

Giants from the sky - discord, mismatch of plans.

What does a Giant mean in a dream?

This dream suggests that you will face great difficulties.

Meet them boldly and courageously, and then they will be resolved.

It is also likely that you will have an enemy, and he will have a very bad character.


Giant fight

Dream Interpretation Giant wrestling dreamed of why the Giant fights in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Giant wrestling in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Giant

Seeing a giant - a dream concerns the implementation of professional plans. If what you have planned is beyond your capabilities, it is better to abandon your plans now. To suffer from the actions of a giant - failures and bad rumors will haunt you. The unexpected appearance of a giant that frightens you means there will be a struggle for survival in business. The giant attacks - your bosses will make complaints about the quality of your work, which will entail distrust in you as an employee.

If there is a lot at stake, imagine the giant turning into a dwarf (see Dwarf).

To be a giant - you will have a fight with the enemy, from which you will emerge victorious. Defeating a giant means prosperity and good health. Working together with a giant - you will receive invaluable support in the most difficult times.

Imagine that you are the leader of an army of giants. Any of your orders is carried out unquestioningly.

Dream Interpretation - Giant

Seeing a giant in a dream means the machinations of ill-wishers who will try to discredit you. A sitting giant means success in business. If he attacks you, you will be criticized by your superiors. If he behaves peacefully - to prosperity. A giant suddenly appearing in front of you means experiencing fear and doubt.

Fighting with him means success. Seeing someone defeated at your feet means you will be deceived in your hopes. Talking to him means your relationship with a man will reach a dead end.

To be a giant in a dream is a danger of doing irreparable stupidity. To grow to giant height in a dream means to rise in life, but end up with dementia in old age. A giant who forces you to surrender means your defeat is inevitable. If he runs away, everything will be fine, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Dream Interpretation - Giant

If a giant suddenly appears next to you in a dream, then in reality be prepared for clashes with your enemies.

If the giant manages to stop you, you will be defeated; if he runs away, win.

Have you seen a giant in a dream? In real life, you are overcome by a strong desire, which for some reason you cannot yet satisfy.

If you dreamed that you suddenly became a giant, then you attach too much importance to your role in personal relationships. You expect complete submission from your partner and constantly manipulate him.

Dream Interpretation - Giant

The giant symbolizes violence and evil that the dreamer can inflict on others.

If a giant threatens you, then failure and bad rumors will haunt you.

A sitting, working giant means success in business.

Dream Interpretation - Giant

Dream Interpretation - Giant

Seeing him well-disposed towards you in a dream is a good omen, promising you the support of a strong friend. An angry giant or monster is a sign of obstacles to the fulfillment of your desires. Sometimes such a dream predicts to you that you have a very strong and unusually smart enemy who is preparing a trap for you. Stumbling upon a giant by accident is a sign of an imminent journey that you did not plan at all. If he stands across your road in a dream and you cannot get around him, then expect failure.

Seeing him sitting means success in business. If you see a dead giant or a wounded one in a dream, then your hopes will not come true. Killing him means the failure of a big and profitable business. But killing him at the moment of danger is a sign of strengthening his position and high income in the near future. Becoming a giant yourself is a harbinger of great success. See interpretation: bull, monster, fairy tale.

Dream Interpretation - Giant

A giant standing next to you in a dream symbolizes the threat posed by your partner. Probably, for some reason he is angry with you and is making plans for revenge, which will not affect your personal life in the most positive way. If a giant blocks your path, there is no point in fighting, it is better to admit what you have done and promise to improve, so as not to destroy the idyll of your relationship.

Dream Interpretation - Giant

Most often, the image of giants in your dreams reflects your ideas about others and your place in society.

Seeing giants as friendly: a sign that friendship with powerful people is available to you.

Frightening or aggressive giants: often a premonition that some influential forces can interfere with the implementation of your plans.

But there are also upside-down dreams, where the image of a giant suggests that you underestimate some person and are completely wrong to consider him insignificant. Perhaps the reason for this idea of ​​people is your arrogance and inflated self-esteem?

Dream Interpretation - Giant

An adult, a parent, since the dream always refers to a time when adults seemed giants to the child.

Ogre-eating giant.

Behind the giant may be hidden the idea of ​​building the future.

Dream Interpretation - Giant

The giant means success and undoubted victory.


Why does the Giant dream?

You can find out for free in the dream book, Why do you dream about the Giant?, having read below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not a Giant, but something else, use the search form for online dream interpretations.

1. Why does the giant dream?
2. Why does the giant dream? (interpretation by day)
3. Why do people dream about giants?
4. Why do you dream about an evil giant?
5. Why do you dream of hiding from a giant?
6. Why do you dream about a kind giant?
7. Why do you dream of running away from a giant?
8. Why does a giant woman dream?

1. Why does the giant dream?


When we were relaxing at the recreation center, something terrible happened; the lights were turned off everywhere. It was already dark, the friends were going to go to their houses for the night. There are five hundred steps to our house in pitch darkness. I turned on the flashlight on my phone and took my drunken friend by the arm. On the way, my friend squealed every now and then. She imagined fairy-tale scarecrows. I was also a little shivering. Finally we have arrived. In a dream, I saw a giant from ancient fairy tales, he was so huge, but not at all scary. The kind giant put me on his shoulders and gave me a ride. I woke up. Could such a dream mean something? It’s better to play it safe and look into the dream book.

The giant is a mythological character who lived on an island and fought with enemies. Then the image migrated to fairy tales, in which it is embodied from opposite sides. Therefore, he receives the status of a dubious hero. Prone to destruction and even cannibalism. Protects the weak, saves humanity.

In dreams, a giant symbolizes an influential person. In life it is embodied either as a total positive or a total negative. This is a strong opponent, a serious enemy, a vengeful person, or a good friend, a devoted partner, a super hero, an associate.

In your dream, pay attention to the behavior and appearance of the giant. If he is kind and protects you, you will meet a strong person in life who will help. If aggressive and stalking, expect to meet serious enemies.

Driven away the giant, marks the solution to problems in marital relations. If the giant scared and did not disappear, it is a betrayal of the spouse.

2. Why does the giant dream? (interpretation by day)


Since ancient times, scientists have argued that each day is governed by a specific planet. Celestial objects literally influence our dreams. If you want to thoroughly analyze your dream, be sure to pay attention to the day of the week.

  • Dream on Sunday night by the influence of the Sun. Seeing a friendly giant in a dream. Meet a person who will play the role of a muse in life. It will awaken your creative abilities and encourage you to recreate your plans.
  • Seeing a hostile giant in a dream. Meeting with a selfish person capable of stealing other people's ideas. Take some time to trust, be observant of those around you. If you don't want your vision to come true, tell us about it.
  • Monday night dream under the influence of the Moon. On the night from Monday to Tuesday, dreams are not prophetic. But lunar visions can clearly demonstrate your psycho-emotional state and indicate problems of the mind. According to Freud: fixation on oneself, personal needs. The “selfish want” overwhelmed me. If in a dream the giant is “You,” then this determines an unhealthy zeal to enslave a partner. You want to manipulate people.
  • Dream on Tuesday night under the influence of Mars. An influential person will appear in your environment. It will either help or make the situation worse. In the future there will be a strong partnership friendship. On the other side of the coin are conflicts with serious rivals. If you see a friendly or hostile giant, it determines the side of influence. If the dream does not come true within ten days, it will not come true.
  • Dream on Wednesday night under the influence of Mercury. Life will bring you together with an influential person - a leader. You will meet a wise teacher who will guide you in the right direction. Visions from Tuesday to Wednesday are often prophetic; the more vivid the dream, the higher the chance. If you are being chased by a giant in a dream, then beware of manipulation by family members or partners.
  • Dream on Thursday night under the influence of Jupiter. You will find yourself surrounded by influential people. If the giant is evil, then you will have to go through trials in order to strengthen authority and respect.
  • Friday night dream under the influence of Venus. There is a 99% chance that the dream is prophetic. Remember the dream in detail and interpret the signs from the dream book. Seeing a giant from Thursday to Friday means good changes through influential people. A colored dream is a favorable sign. Black and white or blurry, cloudy - conflicts with an influential person.
  • Saturday Night Dream under the influence of Saturn. Dreams under the influence of the planet Saturn warn and caution. If you saw a giant in a dream, think about it. It may be worth considering candidates of bright people with prospects for profitable cooperation or communication. Perhaps you should be vigilant and attentive; betrayals are likely.

3. Why do people dream about giants?

A GIANT MAN CAME INTO A DREAM. — Serious changes in life, for the better or for the worse, depend on whether the giant man was evil or kind.

4 . Why do you dream about an evil giant?

You shouldn't underestimate your opponents! You will meet an unfriendly and cunning person who will try to ruin plans, moving in his own interests. Be more attentive to others. Think and act for yourself. Don't use other people's recommendations. Don't rely on others. Don't be swayed by flattering speeches. Stop manipulating!


Persecution by an envious person who will ruin life with malicious acts. If in a dream you managed to hide in such a way that the giant did not find it, the enemy’s selfish plans will simply fall apart.

6. Why do you dream about a kind giant?

The right person will make a big difference in your life. Favors change. Will give good advice. To see a kind giant in a dream means that he will appear surrounded by a human protector, an “iron” friend.

7. Why do you dream of running away from a giant?

Someone will be interested in your well-being. Keep track of finances and document flow, read contracts carefully. If the giant catches up, then expect deception. If it doesn’t catch up, you’ll get by with little expense and more or less come out unscathed. It’s better to tell more people about such a dream so that the dream does not come true.

8. Why does a giant woman dream?

A powerful, dominant person will have a significant impact on life. If a giant woman looks intimidating, it means you will meet a selfish woman who can destroy your personal life. Such a dream for a man means that they will find out about his infidelities. For a woman, a rival will appear.

Why do you dream about a giant? The dream book gives several meanings for this image. The vision can be interpreted in completely different ways: from failures, gossip, intrigues of spiteful critics to victory over enemies, joy, prosperity. The interpretation depends on the giant’s mood, his actions, and the person’s impressions in a dream.

Business sphere

Seeing a giant threatening in a dream means failure and gossip about you ahead. If he sits or works, success in business is guaranteed.

Why do you dream of a kind, friendly giant? The dreamer can count on friendship with influential people. The evil one signals: someone powerful is able to interfere with your plans.

Did you dream of running away from giant people? Circumstances will be stronger than you, so it is better to retreat. It may be a failure in one business, but it is also a reason to think carefully about your next project.

Be ready for challenges

A giant who suddenly appeared nearby, according to Miller’s dream book, warns: a clash with enemies awaits. If in a dream he managed to stop you, it means you will lose. When you yourself make it so that he has to run away from you, this is a great sign.

Seeing a giant man attacking in a dream means: your superiors will criticize you. Try to take everything calmly and draw the necessary conclusions.

Why do you dream about a huge woman? The dream book states: in reality a person will receive a decisive rebuff if he claims something that does not belong to him.

A giant in a dream can foreshadow the appearance of an enemy with a disgusting character, that is, vindictive, capable of sophisticated intrigues.

Subtleties of relationships

A dream of a huge man sometimes indicates: the dreamer is wrong to underestimate and consider someone he knows insignificant. Perhaps the reason for this is the sleeper’s high self-esteem and arrogance.

Dream books call a giant seen in a dream, that is, a man of gigantic stature, a good omen. The dreamer will be able to triumph over his enemies. He will also have unconditional success in the business field.

You will cope with difficulties!

The cannibal, according to the dream book, foreshadows the sleeping person’s disappointment in people and loneliness. However, if the sleeper kills him, it means he will overcome his problems and will be able to achieve success.

Why does a lover dream of being a giant? The dream book informs you: he does not pay enough attention to his partner. The sleeper considers himself the leader of their relationship and wants to manipulate his loved one so that he obeys him. To maintain the connection, you need to reconsider your beliefs.

Giant people often mean the approach of great difficulties. Did the dreamer meet them courageously, without fear? Problems will be resolved successfully.

Good omen

A dream about a giant man who turned out to be kind foreshadows great joy in reality.

A running giant, if you yourself forced him to run away, portends, according to the dream book, good health, well-being and prosperity.

Seeing a kind giant in a dream means that bright, powerful forces will appear in the life of a sleeper in a difficult situation and provide assistance (material or moral). It is important that it arrives on time and will have a beneficial effect on the circumstances or on the sleeper, who will be able to change the situation himself.

When a woman dreamed that she had turned into a giantess, she might soon receive a large sum of money.

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