Tarot spread “Seven days. Fortune telling for the week

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The Tarot layout for the week can be used to forecast events and situations for the next week - this layout is classified as fortune telling for the very near future. In another way, the layout is called “Seven Days”. This layout helps to prepare for difficulties.

It is able to eliminate or minimize unpredictable situations in the future. The weekly schedule determines the atmosphere of the coming week, and also warns of possible events. This layout also helps with time planning.

The classic weekly layout consists of 7 cards. It is better to carry out the alignment on Sunday or Monday - this sets the rhythm of the whole week, plus it conveys more reliable information. But if you made the layout on some other day, for example Thursday, there is nothing wrong with that, just first interpret the card for Thursday, then Friday, Saturday and Sunday - this is the current week, and then the rest of the cards Wednesday, Tuesday and Monday they will mean not situations in the past, but a forecast for next week.

This layout can only be used once a week. If you need details, you should use a different layout. Summing up takes place on the last day of the schedule. In order not to miss anything, it is recommended to write down the result of the layout. The day of the week and the card or cards drawn for it, plus the interpretation of the cards. If you forget something or miss something, you can always return to recording the result and refresh your memory, or supplement the interpretation.

The layout is carried out according to the following scheme:

1 – Monday,

2 – Tuesday,

3 – Wednesday,

4 – Thursday,

5 – Friday,

6 – Saturday,

7 – Sunday.

Cards can be laid out either in a horizontal line from left to right, or in the form of a ladder in increasing order from Monday, card 1, to Sunday, card 7. The most important thing is not the sequence of drawing cards from the deck.

Each card can describe the events of a specific day of the week, and also, each card can be regarded as advice for a specific day of the week.

Update information

If for a weekly layout you need to obtain more complete information, then for each card in the layout you can pull out three additional cards. These cards will mean morning, afternoon and evening, and describe events and situations that may occur in the time period allotted for them.

Additional cards should be pulled out from the remaining deck from the first fortune telling. If you need a full deck for additional cards for each day, you can write down the result of the first layout for seven days and use the same deck to make a layout to explain each day. You can also use a full deck for each day, having first written down the results of the fortune telling of the previous days.

So the layout might look like this:

Conventional time periods in a day:

From 05:00 to 11:00 – morning,

From 11:00 to 17:00 – day,

From 17:00 to 22:00 – evening.

Time intervals can be adjusted at your discretion and adjusted to specific plans.

Example schedule for Monday:

In order to obtain general information on the layout for the week, you can pull out the eighth final card if the layout was originally made of seven cards. After pulling out additional information cards, you can also pull out a summary card to summarize the data obtained.

It is useful to use a weekly layout in cases where you are planning any significant or important things. And also in order to coordinate your actions and have time to get the most done, use the time given to you most rationally and usefully.

The analysis of the drawn cards can be carried out independently, or in connection with your plans.

When interpreting cards in a weekly layout, pay attention to the following:

  • fallen Major Arcana may foretell changes in your life or situation, it is also possible that you will gain important life experience or learn a lesson that fate will teach.
  • cards of any suit with the image of the King (male), Queen (female), Knight (can characterize mood) or Page (desires) - symbolize your environment and the people with whom you come into contact. Also, these people are relevant to your life and can influence your actions and behavior or affairs.
  • cards from Two to Ten of any suit characterize the areas of your life, in which area events or changes will occur.
  • Aces can indicate any beginnings or completions of affairs. They can also help you find funds or strength for your affairs and plans.

Finally, you should analyze the layout and count the number of cards of each suit and the Major Arcana - this is necessary to track the trend of the coming week.

The weekly layout helps you unlock your inner potential and take advantage of hidden resources that are not visible or accessible to you when you normally look at the situation.

Preparing for the week's schedule

Before the scenario, you need to calm down and put your thoughts in order so that your consciousness does not jump from one event to another. It is recommended to clear your mind with a short meditation. It will help you relax and tune into the necessary mood for fortune telling. Afterwards, you slowly shuffle the deck, ask a formulated question regarding the week and lay out the cards in the required order. Afterwards, the drawn cards are recorded and interpreted. It is advisable to write down the interpretations too.

How to correctly formulate a question for a weekly schedule, example:

  • What awaits me in the coming week?
  • What will the coming week be like?
  • What should you prepare for next week?

To clarify the time period, which particular week it is, you can set specific dates. For example, first set the interval by writing what date the week begins and what it ends with, then write the days of the week on a line and opposite Monday and the rest of the days on paper write the corresponding date. For clarification cards, also write the date and time period.

After a week has passed, you can take stock and compare what events happened and which ones you managed to avoid. You can also do fortune telling based on one card, thereby summing up the week and analyzing the past week as a whole.

A simple weekly Tarot spread will help you find out what awaits you in the next seven days. Even a beginner can do this fortune telling - all you need to do is know the interpretation of the arcana and prepare a classic Tarot deck.

With this fortune telling you will find out what to expect in the coming week. Prepare your deck and sit down at the table. Hold the cards in your hands for a short time, shuffle them, randomly take out eight lassos and place them in a row.

Then proceed to interpretation:

  • The first card is the significator. It will indicate key events, the most important ones to expect in the next seven days. The lasso will also help you understand what you should pay special attention to, what will be especially significant for you.
  • The remaining seven cards correspond to each day of the week: the first is Monday, the second is Tuesday, and so on.

Important: this arrangement can only be done on Sundays, in the evening. During the fortune telling process, try to abstract yourself from extraneous thoughts and emotions, and completely focus on the process.

"Star" layout

This fortune telling is similar to the previous one: you will also need seven cards and an eighth as a significator. But the arcana need to be laid out differently:

This alignment is considered more powerful in magical terms, because a star in esotericism is a symbol of power and strength. It personifies the connection of the planets with the days of the week, so the forecast is considered more astrological.

The decoding is the same:

  • The significator will indicate the most significant events of the coming week. The meaning of this lasso will help you understand which events will most affect your future.
  • The remaining seven cards correspond to each day of the week and will give short predictions for important events

Tell your fortune on Sunday. But not in the evening, as in the previous version, but in the morning.

Layout "Steps"

Unlike previous layouts, this one can be done on any day of the week, both in the morning and in the evening. Lay out the cards on the table as follows:


  • Depending on the day of the week on which you made the alignment, cards 1-7 will give predictions for every day following the fortune-telling
  • For example, if you guessed on Sunday, then the first card corresponds to Monday, if on Wednesday - Thursday

Pay attention to the position of the card: upright it will have a favorable meaning, inverted it will change to a negative one.

Schedule for today

To clarify the prediction, you can make a simple layout for the coming day in the mornings during the week. To do this, shuffle the deck and take out six cards:

Important: You can guess in this way every day, but no more than seven days in a row. Be sure to take breaks, let the cards “rest” and gain magical power.

There are some nuances that should be taken into account in order to make the most accurate and reliable prediction:

  • The Major Arcana usually tell about the most significant events for a person. If they appear in the reading, it means that the prediction will affect not only the events of the week, but also life in general (distant future)
  • The minor arcana indicate which area of ​​life needs to be given special attention on a given day of the week. Wands: Be active in business, work and financial affairs. Cups: spend time solving personal problems, these are emotions and feelings, everything related to relationships. Swords: education and self-development. Coins: savings, search for new sources of income, debt repayment
  • Choose only one layout, do not do several different ones in a row. If you start trying everything one by one, you will get confused in the predictions and will not get a reliable prediction.

Watch the video on YouTube about the weekly tarot spread:

Basic rules for working with Tarot cards

Regardless of what kind of reading you do, you need to follow some rules to direct the magical power of the Tarot in the right direction:

And finally, don't forget to study the theory. Take time to read the interpretations of the arcana and their combinations with each other. Then you will gradually remember the necessary information and will not have to refer to hints.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Tarot cards must be taken carefully and seriously. A person who is trying to penetrate into the essence of fortune-telling must discard all doubts and various thoughts not related to fortune-telling. It is not for nothing that Tarot cards are revealed not to everyone who wishes, but only to those who come to them seriously and for a long time.

There is a misconception that anyone can work with Tarot cards. It is enough to learn the interpretation of cards and learn how to make layouts. This is not true. Each card in the deck has so many meanings that even an experienced specialist can get confused in their interpretation, much less a beginner. But anyone can try to learn how to communicate with cards, and the result depends on your efficiency and ardent desire to learn.

How to make a “Seven Days” layout

Let's look at the Tarot layout for next week. To do this, you need to draw seven cards from the deck that will characterize what these days of the week will be. And the eighth, which, as a final map, will match the events of the next week. This is the only layout that is both general and individual in nature of fortune telling. Consider each day of the week separately. If questions arise, you need to draw three more cards for each day that requires additional information. These cards specify the events of the morning, afternoon and evening of a particular day.

There are a sufficient number of Tarot layouts for analyzing events that have already happened to you. Perhaps you have to look for mistakes that you have already made, from which you need to be warned in the future. Depending on what day the “Seven Days” fortune-telling is performed, we begin the alignment from that day. For example, if fortune telling is performed on Tuesday, then the layout should begin with the second card. And so on until you have laid out the cards for the whole week. The weekly schedule can describe, in one word, what awaits you. Will these events be favorable, or should you be prepared for the unexpected? And then, of course, we need to figure out exactly what day this or that event should happen.

There are also other layouts for - for example, . But we would like to remind you that you should not turn to the Tarot for the sake of idle curiosity. The cards don't like this and can punish you. This can be either a complete distortion of information or a more serious warning. In Tarot layouts, events of the future are intertwined with the past, and the interpretation is made taking into account all periods of the fortuneteller’s life.

Fortune telling for the week is the easiest and fastest way to find out what will happen in the next seven days. It seems to us that of all the fortune-telling we have proposed, this is the easiest, most immediate and most pleasant.

Modern man, living in the modern world, increasingly notices one not very pleasant pattern: time has begun to flow much faster than before. If once upon a time days dragged on like toffee, today the bargaining chip of time has become a week, not a day or an hour. It is customary for her to count a lot, it is customary for her to measure a lot.

Fortune telling for the week online is your chance to look into the future, of course, not so distant, but still.. Just think about it, having told your fortune for the week, you will play out the next seven days as if by notes - easily and simply. Of course, our fortune telling is traditionally free. Of course, it is the most accurate. And of course, we suggest you choose the Oracle yourself from the available variety. Which predictive system will become a harbinger of good and bright things in your life?

Kyiv sorceress or an incredible number of solitaire games? Osho Tarot or Waite Tarot? Lenormand cards or the Sibyl's prediction? Mirror of the world or Tibetan fortune telling MO? Archangels or Astromeridian? Or maybe Twins fortune telling? Or is it Runes? You have to solve one single question, but, admittedly, a very difficult one - which Oracle to start guessing with for the week.

Fortune telling of the Sibyl

The soothsayer Sibyl - under this name more than one clairvoyant and fortune teller appeared to the world; from antiquity to the present day it has been associated with many mystical secrets and ways to find out about the future. One of them is in front of you - ask the Sibyl cards for answers to all your questions.

Gems Prophecy

Everyone knows that a girl's best friend is diamonds! And also rubies, topazes and other minerals from a huge collection with which nature generously rewarded us. This small but fun fortune telling will help you not only appreciate the beauty of the stones, but also take a fun break while reading meaningful predictions for the near and not so future.

On the coffee grounds

Mmm... Who doesn't love this wonderful drink!? And definitely in the company of the most reliable and complete predictions! With the latter, alas and ah, either to a fortune teller, or (good news!) - to the Mogura website. So, let’s take a cup of warming aromatic drink in our hands, formulate a request and slowly read the received prediction!

Oracle of Fates

Convenient and simple solitaire game for fortune telling. Traditionally, solitaire cards are placed face down, after which the questioner independently turns over five cards one at a time. The oracle of fate is suitable both for obtaining answers to a clearly formulated question and for a general situational forecast for the near future.

Swedenborg Solitaire

Swedenborg Solitaire is a significant creation of another Western European mystic, alchemist, thinker, founder of the science of minerals and father of the science of brain physiology. The versatile hobbies of an extraordinary person are reflected in as many as 36 cards of a simple solitaire game for fortune telling.

Mayan stones

Mayan predictions are forgotten divinatory traditions of the Mesoamerican civilizations now destroyed by the conquistadors. Essentially, these are 32 runes carved from Ceiba wood. Each such rune is one of the fragments of the universe in which the Mayan Indians once lived.

Scandinavian runes

Is there a more ancient and time-tested fortune telling in the world than the Scandinavian runes? There are few of them, even fewer fortune telling, which combine exquisite simplicity and versatility. Scandinavian fortune telling using one rune is a universal recipe for all occasions. Ask your question, ask and the runes will certainly answer you.


Free planetary fortune telling “Astromeridian” was created specifically for those who are lost in this seething world and are struggling to find clues. This fortune telling is not only exclusive (you will not find it on any other site), but also truly universal.


Did you know that every object or living creature in the universe has its own double - a woodger? This is exactly what the northern shamans say. A Gemini who knows and can tell you about everything in the world, if only you ask him correctly.

Tibetan fortune telling (Mo)

If you are not yet a follower of Buddhism, but deep down would like to know more about this mysterious eastern religion, it’s time to roll the dice and get a prediction from the Tibetan book of Mo - perhaps the most ancient fortune telling in the world.

Love Solitaire

The best barometer of love weather is, of course, a special solitaire game that will give the most accurate forecast of upcoming changes on the personal front. Don't know what to expect from the next weekend, upcoming vacation or series of chosen ones? It's time to play the solitaire cards!

Mirror of the world

The Mirror of the World is not a simple fortune telling. Many ancient legends tell us stories about those daredevils who dared to look into the other world. The layout presented on the Mogura website does not entail any risky activities, but it will very truthfully and accurately help you make a prediction for the future, and will also give a hint in resolving a particular financial or love situation.

Tarot Osho

A universal deck of cards, bright and colorful. Osho Zen cards can be used not only traditionally - to tell fortunes about the past, present and future, but also to meditate and even heal with their help. Day after day, working with this deck, you will unnoticeably reach a new stage of development.

Waite Tarot

The Waite Tarot is an excellent tool for obtaining information about the future as such, no matter whether you are reading for the day, week, month or even year. Waite's cards will give an accurate forecast of future events, in all aspects of the life of the questioner.

Russian solitaire

Russian solitaire has absorbed all the wisdom of our ancestors, all their experience and knowledge about the natural course of things and the development of events. In essence, this is a knowledge system, by touching which you can get excellent advice for almost all occasions. Forewarned is forearmed: this is the meaning that has long been invested in fortune-telling.

Solitaire Recamier

Madame Recamier's solitaire is an esoteric game from France at the beginning of the 19th century. It was then that Napoleon Bonaparte, who came to power, launched a flywheel of change in the lives of not only military people, but also peasants, officials and even the aristocracy. The French found a way out of the chronic uncertainty that reigned in society - fortune telling and more fortune telling. On cards, dice, coffee grounds and of course solitaire. Among which the most popular was Madame Recamier's solitaire.

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