What is the name of the icon with coins? Icon of all who mourn joy prayer its meaning

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Celebration Icons “Joy to All Who Sorrow” noted November 6. This image of the Mother of God is considered the patron saint of all the oppressed, suffering and offended, the poor and orphans. People often turn to her in search of consolation, during times of grief and sadness, with incurable illnesses and mental confusion.

The icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” has been known since the 17th century. Photo: monastyr-uspeniya.org

The history of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”

The icon dates back to the 17th century. It is known that the first occurred in 1688. I was seriously ill for a long time Efimiya Petrova-Papina, sister of Patriarch of Moscow Joachim. The doctors could not help her, the woman was completely desperate and was preparing for death. But one day, while praying, she heard the voice of the Mother of God, who told her to order a prayer service from the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” The priest, at Efimiya’s request, did so, and the woman recovered.

The miraculous icon was transferred to the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Moscow, and since that time in front of it.

The miraculous icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” is also in St. Petersburg. The princess brought a copy of the image to the northern capital Natalya Alekseevna, sister of Tsar Peter I. The icon was placed in the palace Church of the Resurrection of Christ in 1711. And some time later, a temple was built in the city in honor of the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow.”

Icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” with “pennies”

Today, many believers in St. Petersburg come to venerate the icon of “Joy of All Who Sorrow” with “pennies,” believing that this icon is capable of performing miracles, because it itself appeared as a result of a miracle.

In 1888, the chapel was struck by lightning and the temple caught fire. All the church utensils were damaged, but the icon of “The Joy of All Who Sorrow” not only was not damaged, but it was also illuminated.

It is interesting that next to the image in the chapel there was a mug for donations. It burst due to high temperature, and the coins stuck to the icon. After this, believers from everywhere began to come to the miraculous image. And the lists from this icon immediately began to be written in “pennies.”

Icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” with “pennies”. Photo ntobitel.cerkov.ru

Today, several dozen copies of the “Joy of All Who Sorrow” icon are known, which are located in churches in many cities of Russia. The lists differ from each other. Most often, the Mother of God in the icon is depicted in full growth, surrounded by angels and suffering people: sick, hungry, undressed. On some lists, the Mother of God can hold Jesus in her arms.

How does an icon help and how to pray in front of it correctly?

In front of the icon, people turn to it in the most seemingly hopeless cases, asking for physical healing, advice in a difficult situation, peace of mind, help in work and family life.

Before you start praying at the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” you should ask the Mother of God to under no circumstances blame heaven for what happened to you, but only trust in God’s help.

And, of course, no matter what happens, the main thing is to believe and not give up.

At all times, people prayed before the image of the Intercessor and asked to ease suffering in the most difficult moments of their lives. The icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” is especially revered by Orthodox believers due to its miraculous powers.

The inexplicable appearance of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” became one of the first miracles associated with the revered image. He later became famous for his ability to heal people from the most serious illnesses. A prayer said before the sacred face of the Intercessor has special power. If a difficult moment has come in your life that is difficult for you to overcome on your own, then be sure to turn to the Mother of God for help and do not doubt that she will definitely hear you.

History of the image of the Mother of God

The appearance of the icon of the Virgin Mary “Joy of All Who Sorrow” became known in 1685. At that moment she was in the Moscow Transfiguration Church. However, the image of the Mother of God did not immediately become famous for its miraculous properties. As stated in one of the ancient chronicles, in the summer of 1688, local resident Euphemia Papina, sister of Moscow Patriarch Joachim, approached the clergyman of the Church of the Transfiguration. She told him about a serious illness, which even the most skilled healers could not cure, and also told him about the miracle that happened to her. Having lost hope of healing, she turned to the Mother of God and suddenly heard a voice that advised Euphemia to turn to the priest of the Church of the Transfiguration. She followed all the advice of the voice, visited the temple and asked to take the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” home to pray before the miraculous image of the Virgin Mary. Soon the Patriarch's sister forgot about the terrible illness. The story became public immediately after Euphemia’s miraculous healing.

Description of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”

Despite the fact that there are no reliable facts about the history of the icon and its appearance, it is believed that it was painted by the famous Russian icon painter Ivan Bezmin in 1683. There are several versions of the image of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” but there is one, the most famous of them, which you can see in many churches.

The Mother of God is depicted in full growth, and she is wearing royal robes. In her arms is the Baby Jesus, who is the Savior of people. The Mother of God is surrounded by angels who, at her command, perform good deeds. Next to the Virgin Mary you can see believers praying - they all turn to her with various ailments and ask for help. Based on the church hierarchy, the Lord is depicted above everyone, who helps in getting rid of severe torments and illnesses.

Where is the icon of the Mother of God located?

The original icon is still located in the Transfiguration Church, or, as it is now called, in the Sorrow Church on Bolshaya Ordynka.

You can also pray in front of the sacred image in the Serpukhov Vysotsky Monastery, which is located in the Moscow region, in the city of Serpukhov.

In St. Petersburg, you can visit the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” where you can say a prayer before the face of the Virgin Mary.

You can also visit temples dedicated to the miraculous image in Suzdal, Ivanovo, Moscow, Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod.

How does the icon of the Mother of God help?

Even from the very name of the image one can understand that it helps people who are tormented by life’s difficulties, serious illnesses and insurmountable difficulties. At all times there have been “grieving” people who simply need the help of a Higher Power. In this case, most believers turned specifically to the Mother of God.

The image helps poor people obtain the necessary material goods. You should not ask Our Lady for unimaginable riches, but you can pray for the preservation of financial stability and the absence of financial needs.

If a terrible grief has happened in your life, you can pray to the Mother of God and ask her to calm your soul and save you from internal torment.

Sometimes it is difficult to recover from serious illnesses, and some of them are completely incurable. If all the efforts of the doctors do not bring the desired result, pray before the image of the Mother of God “Joy of all who mourn” and ask to be delivered from bodily pain.

Many people are forced to frequently go on business trips and travel a lot. In this case, the image of the Mother of God will become a strong talisman for you. You must purchase an icon and always carry it with you.

Prayer before the face of the Intercessor will also help you improve relationships with your loved ones and maintain harmony in the family.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God

Before turning to Our Lady, be sure to ask for forgiveness for your sins. At the same time, blame only yourself for all your misdeeds, and do not hold other people responsible for them.

“All who ask and pray to You, Intercessor, we ask You to help us in the difficulties of life. Help us get rid of terrible torments, unbearable torments. Deliver us from the wrath of God to avoid his punishment. Blessed, Immaculate and Great Mother of God, I turn to You in difficult times of my life. I pray to You and ask for deliverance from the troubles received for my sins. Your Word is powerful, so ask the Lord God to deliver me from insurmountable problems. Be my Intercessor. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen!".

If your prayer is sincere and comes from the soul, then the Mother of God will soon respond to your requests.

Date of celebration of the icon of the Virgin Mary

The celebration of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” takes place annually on November 6 (October 24, old style). On this day, services are held in churches, and you can also listen to the divine liturgy. The date is connected with the fact that it was on this day in 1688 that the miraculous healing of Euphemia Papina took place, and since then the image has become revered among Orthodox believers. Prayer before the image of the Mother of God on this day has special power, and accordingly, your requests will be heard as soon as possible.

Servants of the Orthodox Church claim that you can get what you want by praying to the Lord and the Saints. If you do it correctly, the result will please you. We wish you success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

A well-known street in the capital, Bolshaya Ordynka, is rightly called the place of golden domes. Among believers, the Church of “Joy of All Who Sorrow” is especially revered. This place of worship was first mentioned in chronicles in 1571. At that time, the temple was known under a different name, as the Church of Varlaam Khutynsky. According to historians, it was erected in 1523 during the time of Metropolitan Varlaam, in the name of his heavenly intercessor and patron. In 1625, the clergy consecrated the throne here in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord. This is currently the high altar of the Church of Sorrows.

The temple on Ordynka “Joy of All Who Sorrow” was built in stone in 1683/85. A few years later, a miracle happened within its walls: one of the parishioners received complete healing from the image of the Mother of God. As legends say, the sister of the patriarch Joachim suffered greatly from a painful wound in her side. She cried out in prayer for help. One day, a mysterious voice reached Euphemia, indicating that she should serve a water-blessing prayer service at the icon of the Queen of Heaven in the Transfiguration Church. The woman realized that she had heard the call of the All-Intercessor herself. She followed all the instructions and was healed. Since then, the icon has been famous as miraculous, and to this day the image is revered by all Orthodox believers in the country.

The temple on Ordynka “Joy of All Who Sorrow” was destroyed in 1922 during the confiscation of church valuables. All jewelry and utensils were expropriated (more than 65 kg of silver and gold). In 1933 it was closed, the Bolsheviks removed the bells, but the interior remained virtually untouched.

During the Great Patriotic War, the temple on Ordynka “Joy of All Who Sorrow” was a storeroom of the Tretyakov Gallery. In 1948 it was reopened for worship.


The Church of “Joy of All Who Sorrow” is of particular interest due to its architectural designs. Its bell tower has a rare shape. The building is built in the form of a cylindrical rotunda, with semicircular arched windows and Ionic two-column porticoes. Inside there are 12 columns that support a small drum with a dome in the form of a hemisphere and a spherical head. A characteristic feature of the interior decoration is the placement of candlesticks. They are upstairs, with attendants climbing a portable wooden ladder to light the candle.


The icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” is an amazing phenomenon in the history of icon painting. There is a lot of documentary evidence about the miraculous acts of this image. The list of such documents is perhaps the longest in the history of Orthodoxy.

Icons and lists of “Joy of All Who Sorrow”: meaning in the Orthodox faith

“Joy to all who mourn” is the first line of one of their stichera. Even the name of this image contributed to the fact that it became so widespread in our country. In addition to the first icon located in the Moscow church, there are about two dozen locally revered and miraculous lists.

The meaning hidden in the name of the icon is very close and understandable to the soul of the Russian person. The meaning of the images “Joy of All Who Sorrow” is revealed as follows: this is the believer’s reckless hope in the Most Pure Mother of God, who is everywhere hastening to ease sorrow, to console, to save people from sorrow and suffering, to give healing to the sick and clothing to the naked...


The icon depicts the Mother of God in full growth, with or without a baby in her arm. The All-Intercessor is surrounded by the radiance of the mandrola. This is a halo of a special oval shape, elongated in the vertical direction. The Virgin Mary is surrounded by angels, the New Testament Trinity and the Lord of Hosts are depicted in the clouds.

This principle of iconography developed in Rus' in the seventeenth century under the influence of Western European traditions. The iconography of the image could not obtain a single completed composition and is presented in churches in many versions. The most famous are two types of icon painting - with a baby in arms, as in the temple on Ordynka, and without it.

The peculiarity of the icon is that, together with the Mother of God, it depicts people tormented by sorrows and illnesses, and angels who perform good deeds in the name of the All-Savior.

Icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” with pennies

The image became famous in St. Petersburg in 1888, when the chapel where it was located was struck by lightning. The icon remained intact, only copper pennies (pennies) stuck to it. Subsequently, a temple was built on this site. The famous icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” with pennies is still there to this day.

How to pray to the Queen of Heaven

Prayer should be offered to the miraculous icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow” with a pure heart and thoughts. All those in need, sick people, mothers expecting children from the war, entire families where trouble has happened, can ask the intercessor for help.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin

"Blessing Queen, My Hope, Mother of God, Intercessor of the orphaned and the strange, Patroness! Joy to the sorrowful, Offended to the Representative! Behold my misfortune, behold my sorrow: help me the weak servant of God (name). Resolve my offense according to your will. I trust in your help. I ask only you, Mother of God, for help! Amen.”

Priests advise turning to the image of “Joy to All Who Sorrow” as often as possible; the prayer can be said in your own words, the main thing is the sincerity and true faith of the parishioner.

Lists from the icon of the Queen of Heaven

When Tsar Peter the Great and his entourage moved to St. Petersburg in 1711, his sister placed a copy of the icon of the All-Intercessor in the new palace church. Later, an entire temple was built in the name of the Mother of God in the Northern capital, which occurred during the reign of Elizabeth the First.

How and when can you visit the temple?

The church is located in Moscow, B. Ordynka street, building 20. You can get to the place by metro, to the Tretyakovskaya and Novokuznetskaya stations. The temple on Ordynka "Joy of All Who Sorrow" is available for visiting daily, from 7.30 to 20.00 pm.

Instead of completing

One of the oldest and most famous churches in the capital is always ready to receive parishioners. Access to the miraculous icon is always open, but you may have to wait in a short line.

Many believers, facing serious life trials, feel the call of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, called “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” Rich history confirms that it is this icon that helps improve life situations, because help provided from heaven helps to overcome any obstacles. Even the name indicates that the Mother of God wants to provide worthwhile help and provide a basis for passing tests.

Help of the Mother of God

The Mother of God is often depicted next to the words of prayers that help improve the situation in people's lives. The image immediately demonstrates help to all those in need, regardless of the severity of the circumstances:

  • the discovery of bright joy and true hope;
  • protection from sorrows;
  • presentation of clothing, meals;
  • miraculous and inexplicable recovery of the sick;
  • correcting people who have stumbled.

It is not surprising that the Mother of God is close to many people who need help and illumination of their fateful path with real joy. She is also surrounded by angels, who are participants and conductors of mysterious events that contribute to the transformation of the lives of many people. The intercessor is represented on the icon in a special way, which indicates her significant position: full height, festive clothes, a crown. The icon also depicts the Savior blessing good actions.

If you are interested in what the icon of joy of all who mourn looks like, you can note different variations in its execution.

Interesting information about the icon of the Joy of All Who Sorrow

The Moscow version, which is one of the most revered, depicts not only the Mother of God. The image also embodies the little Jesus. They are guarded by angels.


  • the presence of several saints, among whom the main place is occupied by Sergius of Radonezh;
  • texts are written on the ribbons with the names of prayer texts addressed to the Mother of God for protection.

At the same time, there are many other copies of the icon, where the Intercessor is depicted alone. Each version has miraculous powers.

Historical information and legends

Historical information notes that the icon of the Mother of God is actually capable of positively changing the lives of many people.

Tradition says that numerous miracles began to happen back in 1688. It was then that health was restored to the woman Euphemia after fervent prayers. This event took place on November 6th. In honor of this amazing religious event, people decided to do the following:

  • the annual Orthodox holiday was appointed on November 6th;
  • The cathedral was renamed in honor of the icon (Skorobyaschensky).

Since that time, many people suffering from physical and mental ailments, grief, and poverty have sought help and support from the Mother of God, hoping for an improvement in their life situations. History is a vivid example of how any illness, sentence, or suffering can become a thing of the past.

The icon won the trust and love not only of ordinary people, but also of respected people from Russia. Back in 1711, Natalia Alekseevna, who came from the imperial family, actively used the miraculous image and brought her favorite icon to St. Petersburg. Residents of St. Petersburg appreciated the power of the arrived image, because the Mother of God is ready to help everyone in need.

Later, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, who shared reverence for the miraculous icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” ordered the construction of a temple complex in honor of the image.

Many noble people decorated the Sorrowful Icon:

  • Countess Golovkina;
  • Count Sheremetyev;
  • Catherine II.

Now the image is kept in St. Petersburg, or rather in the Trinity Church. People call the temple complex “Kulich and Easter”, and this name has become widespread.

History of the icon

A special event occurred in the summer of 1888, when the miraculous copy of the icon began to acquire special fame. The icon with pennies, which was in St. Petersburg, found admirers in many Russian cities. Then a serious fire occurred in the city on the Neva, caused by a lightning strike. The village chapel of Klochka, located on the outskirts of the city, caught fire. People extinguished the religious object, noting, to their surprise, that the face of the Mother of God brightened after the event and became new again. It was not possible to detect even the slightest trace of soot on the icon.

Before the fire there was a mug used for donations. However, the mug broke. The money was scattered. Only in some miraculous way 12 copper coins were added to the miraculous image.

People from many parts of Russia learned about the miracle, after which they rushed to distant St. Petersburg to see the icon with pennies. As it turns out, the image was actually wonderful.

Soon, icon painters began to create an icon on which pennies were visible.

The event led to the emergence of an important religious holiday dedicated to the image. The holiday date falls on August 5th.

The icon with pennies is a valuable source of miracles, when people did receive miraculous healings. For example, in 1890, believers noted how parishioner Nicholas, who suffered from epilepsy, miraculously recovered. One night the patient dreamed of the Mother of God, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and heard advice that a trip should take place to the ancient chapel where the fire had occurred. Higher powers showed that healing must take place. Nikolai went to the chapel without informing his loved ones about his plans. After this, the patient venerated the mysterious image, receiving a miraculous recovery.

An amazing recovery was also noted in Vera, who was 26 years old. Throat consumption led to complete loss of voice. The doctors admitted their powerlessness, noting that the voice could not return. Vera could not leave everything as it was, so she decided to pray earnestly and receive God's help. One day a girl dreamed that she had to go to a famous chapel. The believer went to a small chapel and served a prayer service. After returning home, the girl noted a miraculous restoration of her voice. This also contributed to the emergence of a special status for the icon.

Historical information says about the further development of the temple in St. Petersburg:

  • on the site of a small chapel that burned down, a large temple was built;
  • after the revolutionary events, the temple was blown up, but the parishioners managed to preserve the icon;
  • during the Great Patriotic War, the icon was kept in the Holy Trinity Church, thanks to which many people were able to find consolation and inspiration after the tragic circumstances they experienced;
  • in St. Petersburg, after the military events, it was possible to revive the Sorrow Chapel, which now belongs to the Holy Trinity Zelenetsky Monastery;
  • The icon with pennies is kept in its chapel.

Such trials and important historical events contributed to the Russian people becoming close to the miraculous image.

Features of iconography

What icons of the Mother of God, Joy of All Who Sorrow, exist, and which ones deserve special attention?

The Moscow icon is an indicator of the amazing significance of iconography. Main features:

  • image of the Virgin Mary and her little son Jesus;
  • two angels holding ripids float above;
  • another pair of angels is among the destitute and saddened people;
  • above ordinary people you can see saints: Sergius of Radonezh, Theodore Sikeot, Gregory Dekapolit, Varlaam of Khutyn.

Such a miraculous image indicates that the icon has a patronal character. It is assumed that the icon was intended for the Church of the Transfiguration, where the chapel of Khutynsky was located. In addition, above the Mother of God the Fatherland is depicted, the appearance of which was prohibited at the Great Moscow Cathedral. Under the feet of the Virgin Mary there is a cartouche with the text of the kontakion.

What interesting facts deserve special attention?

On November 6th, all believers celebrate a holiday dedicated to the icon. Many people managed to appreciate the opportunity to turn to the Mother of God with guaranteed assistance. The icon lives up to its name, because it gives consolation and joy to grieving people.

The meaning and meaning of the icon of Joy of All Who Sorrow

The icon is designed for all mourning people, regardless of their place of residence. The meaning of the icon to all those who mourn initially lies in the name of the image. Even the name indicates that in any life situations people must maintain faith and hope for a better future and overcome existing obstacles. The confidence that sorrow can be overcome with the acquisition of joy helps to gain an understanding of how to live.

How does the icon of joy of all who mourn help?

The amazing power of the image cannot be overestimated, since the Mother of God is ready to give recovery and restoration of strength, overcoming mental torment and gaining faith in correcting the situation. All people, regardless of their age and life situation, can count on great help.

The icon allows you to overcome resentment, oppression, suffering, despair, grief. Even terminally ill people can find real support. For this reason, asking what people pray to the icon of joy for all who mourn, one can list numerous life problems that can shake people’s well-established lives.

Moscow and St. Petersburg version of the icon

The Moscow version is one of the most revered, because it was before it that the first miracle took place back in 1688. The series of healings of sick people continues in our time, which proves the amazing power of the image.

The St. Petersburg version is a clear competitor to the Moscow icon. Fortunately, both icons are worthy of attention, since each of the two images of the Virgin Mary gives faith and hope to those in need. The icon appeared in St. Petersburg in 1711 thanks to Princess Natalia Alekseevna, but after this significant event the image had to go through difficult times. However, the icon still survived.

Currently, both icons are still arguing about who is the eldest of them. Many researchers note that Moscow takes the lead. In fact, the correct answer regarding age is not important, because both icons and the copies made from them turn out to be miraculous. The most important thing, as before, remains not the age category of the healing religious object, but the ability to use its power for its intended purpose.

It is interesting to note that the St. Petersburg icon acquired a name indicating an unusual event with pennies in 1888. It was then that the chapel in St. Petersburg caught fire. It turned out that only the icon survived, and 12 copper coins were invisibly stuck to it. After this, the image received the name among the people - “The Mother of God with pennies.” The Moscow version cannot find such an amazing story in history, but the series of miraculous healings and amazing help has been going on for a long time.

How do the two religious icons differ in their execution?

  • the St. Petersburg icon is made in a laconic style;
  • The Mother of God is depicted without the royal crown;
  • The Mother of God is drawn alone, because there is no little Jesus in her arms;
  • the most obvious difference is 12 coins.

Historians note that both miraculous images helped Russia in many historical events. At the same time, believers tell interesting stories about how they found peace of mind and gained joy, health, and strength.

If you are interested in where the icon of the joy of all who mourn is located, you can name two main cities: Moscow and St. Petersburg. It was the lists kept in the churches of the two most attractive and significant cities of Russia that became most famous.

The icon called “Joy of All Who Sorrow” depicts the Mother of God, angels and saints, and people in need. This performance shows how many people need help that is wonderful and inspiring. People praying in front of the icon have the opportunity to directly turn to the Mother of God, being confident that she will still be able to provide worthwhile help.

Prayer to the icon “The Joy of All Who Sorrow”

“Hope of the unreliable, strength of the helpless, refuge of the overwhelmed, protection of the attacked, intercession of the offended, bread-loving, delight of the hungry, nectar of heavenly rest for those thirsty, Mother of the Most Blessed God, Most Blessed and Immaculate Virgin! I alone resort to You, to Your protection I wholeheartedly bow my knees, Lady. Do not despise crying and tears, the joy of those who cry! Even if my unworthiness and the damnation of my sins terrify me, but this whole-bearing image assures me, in which I see Your grace and power, like an inexhaustible sea: the blind who have received their sight, the galloping lame, wandering as if under the canopy of Your charity, those who have been laid to rest, and those who have abounded at all times. ; Looking at these images of pardon, he came running, blind with his spiritual eyes and lame with his spiritual feelings. Oh, Unstoppable Light! Enlighten and correct me, weigh all my sorrow, weigh all misfortune, do not despise my prayer, O Helpful One! Do not disdain me, a sinner, do not despise me, a foul one; We know that you can do everything, the greatest will, oh my good hope, my hope comes from my mother’s breast. I am committed to You from the womb of my Mother, I am left to You, do not leave me, do not depart from me, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen"

Is there any higher service in the world than to console the mourning and turn their sorrow into joy? This is especially obvious if we consider that from time immemorial the word “sorrow” was given a broader meaning than it does now. In the understanding of our ancestors, this concept included not only experiences and sorrows, but in general everything that we today call negative - everyday failures, illnesses, as well as physical and moral suffering. It was in these cases that the icon of the Mother of God, the icon of the Mother of God, gave people its gracious help “Joy to All Who Sorrow.”

Icons bringing grace

When starting a conversation about one of the most revered images of the Most Pure Mother of God in the Orthodox world, we should dwell on one very important circumstance and emphasize that it is not the icon itself that has the power of miracles, but the one who is depicted on it. This could be our Savior Jesus Christ, His saints, or, as in this case, the Queen of Heaven.

It is to them that we turn our prayers, and from them, according to our faith, we receive mercy. The icon itself is like a transmission link through which Divine grace is sent down to people. Therefore, it is important to understand that we address our prayers not to the icon, not to the board covered with a layer of painting, but to the one whose holy image is imprinted on it.

“The Joy of All Who Sorrow” (the icon of the Mother of God) became famous thanks to the numerous miracles revealed through prayers before it, from which we can conclude that the Queen of Heaven wants to send down Her mercies to people through her.

The beginning of universal veneration of the image

The name of this widespread image of the Mother of God was taken from the words from the stichera “Joy of All Who Sorrow” - a festive liturgical text, the prayer words of which are addressed to the Mother of God. Researchers attribute the appearance of the icon itself to the 17th century, emphasizing that in its artistic features the influence of the Western European school of painting is noticeable.

In addition, in the presence of a large number of editions (spelling options), there is a lack of a compositional scheme common to all. For this reason, icons bearing this name often differ significantly from each other. An example is the additional figures that were absent in the early editions and included in the composition of icons painted after 1688.

It is known that these plot changes were made as a result of the healing received that year by the sister of Patriarch Joachim, Euphemia, who offered prayers in front of this image. The miracle revealed through the icons served as the impetus for the beginning of its glorification, and on subsequent editions images of the suffering appeared, which was supposed to emphasize the healing power of the image.

Generally accepted iconographic tradition and its features

Despite the frequent plot differences, “Joy of All Who Sorrow” is an icon of the Mother of God, which, nevertheless, has its own characteristic features and characteristics. These include the established tradition of placing the full-length figure of the Virgin Mary in a vertical oval light called a mandorla.

In passing, we note that this form of image, often found in Christian painting, for example in the iconographic subjects of “The Second Coming”, “Transfiguration of the Lord” and a number of others, is also used in Buddhist art. It is customary to depict the figure of Buddha in the same oval radiance.

Over time, the composition of this icon, in addition to the already mentioned sufferers, began to include images of angels - direct performers of acts of mercy bestowed on people by the Most Pure Virgin. In its later examples, dating back to the middle of the 18th century, you can also see figures of saints placed on the left and right sides of the Mother of God.

Veneration of the icon by the Old Believers

Despite the fact that the “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (the icon of the Mother of God) appeared after the church schism provoked by Nikon’s religious reform in the mid-16th century, it enjoys universal veneration among the Old Believers - a significant part of the believers who broke with the official church. Particularly popular among them are her versions written in the village of Vetka (Belarus). They also celebrate the Day of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” celebrated by the entire Orthodox Church annually on November 6 (new style).

Commandment of the Blessed Virgin Mary

As mentioned above, the glorification of this Mother of God image began with the healing of the patriarch’s sister, Euphemia, which was brought to her by a prayer read near the image. “The Joy of All Who Sorrow” (icon of the Mother of God), previously unknown to few people and located in a small Moscow church on Ordynka, has since become an object of universal veneration.

The strengthening of the religious feeling of believers was also facilitated by her story about the voice of the Blessed Virgin heard in a subtle dream, who commanded everyone to testify to the miracle that had happened and glorify Her name. In those same days, by order of His Holiness the Patriarch, an akathist to the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” was compiled and its nationwide veneration began. At the same time, a prayer appeared, the text of which is given in one of the photos in the article.

In 1711, in connection with the transfer of the capital of the Russian Empire to St. Petersburg, the royal family also went to the banks of the Neva. From archival documents it is known that when leaving Moscow, Peter I’s sister, Natalya Alekseevna, ordered a copy of the Mother of God image “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” in the miraculousness of which she believed with all her soul. But what she took with her to the new capital - the original or a copy of it - is unknown to this day.

Original or copy?

Over time, the church on Ordynka, from which the glorification of the miraculous image began, began to be revered as the temple of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” and was popularly called Sorrowful. In the years following the October Revolution, it suffered the same fate as many other churches in the country: the church was closed, the parish was liquidated, and the building itself was used for many years for economic purposes.

In subsequent years, the church was returned to believers and today is again one of the centers of spiritual life in Moscow. This is pleasing, but the authenticity of its main icon raises questions. There is reason to believe that the original stored in it was stolen during a long-term anti-religious campaign, and in its place today is a copy, although very valuable, made in the 17th century and located in the collection of Patriarch Alexy I.

Church on Shpalernaya Street

There is a Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” in St. Petersburg. It is located in the city center, on Shpalernaya Street. In ancient times, it was the home church of Natalia Alekseevna Romanova, the sister of Peter I. It was in it that she placed the image brought from Moscow, the authenticity of which continues to be debated to this day.

However, regardless of how things really stand, both icons - both the St. Petersburg one and its Moscow sister - are undoubtedly miraculous, for which there is a lot of evidence. In particular, it is known that one of them, as a symbol of heavenly patronage, accompanied the Russian army in the Prut campaign of 1710-1713. and helped her get out of the difficult situation that developed during the battles with honor.

Gift of the merchant Matveev

Among the numerous versions of the icon, there is one, the appearance of which is associated with St. Petersburg. People call it the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (with pennies). Tradition says that in the middle of the 19th century, the pious merchant Ivan Matveev donated to one of the chapels located near the city an icon of the Mother of God, which had once been washed ashore by the Neva waves.

No one would have known about this if there had not been a terrible thunderstorm in July 1888, during which a lightning strike destroyed the dilapidated chapel, destroying almost all the utensils in it. By the will of God, only the icon “The Joy of All Who Sorrow”, donated by the merchant, remained unharmed, not only not damaged by the fire, but also unusually brightened and transformed.

Groshiki on the icon

But the most amazing thing was that some of the coins (pennies), scattered from a church mug broken by lightning, inexplicably stuck to the surface of the icon, merging with the pictorial layer. Soon this icon, which escaped from the fire, became famous for the many miracles revealed through it and became one of the most famous St. Petersburg shrines. They began to make copies of it, depicting coins that had once stuck on them.

Today, this miraculous icon is, as before, on the banks of the Neva, in a church that received the name “Kulich and Easter” for the peculiarities of its architectural appearance. Its popular name became official by personal decree of Patriarch Alexy II, who also established a special holiday of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (with pennies), celebrated annually on August 5.

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