The birthplace of dumplings. Four dishes you must try in Udmurtia

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It is unknown when dumplings appeared. Everyone loves them, so every nation credits itself with the invention of this dish. Culinary historians have never come to a consensus about the national roots of this dish. But for us, dumplings are a truly Udmurt dish. The name speaks for itself: “pel” in Udmurt means ear, and “nyan” means bread. Indeed, the dumpling looks like an ear, only made from bread.

But which of us knows the true recipe for Udmurt-style dumplings? What kind of dough should it be?

Is there meat there?

To find answers to these questions, we went to Buranovo for a master class from famous grandmothers from Buranovo. The atmosphere in the new Buranovo House of Culture was homely, the grandmothers prepared for our arrival: the ingredients for future dumplings were on the table.

Our grandmothers wanted to teach us how to make the signature Buranovsky meat and cabbage dumplings. As it turned out, the edges of a true Udmurt dumpling are not connected, and it does not take on a round shape, as we are used to, but remains in the shape of an ear.

Now, of course, we are connecting the edges. But before, when we were little and made houses with the whole family, we didn’t close them, but left a small hole on one side so that water could get in and the dumplings would remain juicy, says Zoya Sergeevna Dorodova.

Grandmothers' choice is meat and cabbage filling. They say that these dumplings have a soft consistency.

When dumplings contain only meat, they are too hard, grandmothers say. – As children, we always made dumplings with meat and cabbage.

I grew up in a large family - my mother had 8 children, and every weekend we cooked something. Usually these were dumplings,” Alevtina Begisheva began to tell during the preparation process. – Our family, like all Udmurts, preferred meat and cabbage dumplings. I still make them for my children, grandchildren and nephews. They all live in the city, and when they come, we always light the stove, bake perepechi or make dumplings. My children say that according to the traditions of Udmurt cuisine, dumplings turn out much tastier than, for example, in stores. And you can’t tear your little granddaughter away from the dumplings - she devolves it on both cheeks.

While the dough was being kneaded, the grandmothers continued to talk about their childhood. Valentina Pyatchenko remembered how, as a little girl, she would resort to her grandfather, who was a master of making dumplings.

He fed me and read Nekrasov's poems - he apparently loved him very much. During the holidays, it was impossible to tear him away from cooking - the bread ears turned out as if they had been selected. It happened, of course, that there was no meat in the house. Then grandfather made dumplings with onions and cabbage. Times were hard, and cabbage was an indispensable product because it was available.

There is no secret ingredient in the recipe for Udmurt dumplings. According to Alevtina Begisheva, the main secret is that all ingredients must be homemade. By the way, the dumplings contain beef and pork, so they turn out tasty and low-fat.

The most common dough is used: flour, salt, water, egg. Apparently, all the original taste is in the simplicity of the recipe.

The dough for making dumplings should not be too soft, says Galina Nikolaevna Koneva. - We determine complete readiness when pieces can be easily pinched off and the dough does not lose its shape.

You might think that you are in production - the grandmothers very quickly made “sausages” from dough, rolled them out, and then cut them into small pieces. Grandmothers made flat cakes from dough in different ways: some with their hands, others with a rolling pin, and Granya Ivanovna Baysarova, for example, rolled them out with an ordinary glass jar.

When the family is large and you have to make a lot of dumplings, you start using any available items. And by the way, it’s very convenient to make the base with a jar,” continues Zoya Sergeevna Dorodova.

The grandmothers, while cooking dumplings, began to sing an Udmurt song about youth. As in ancient times, their grandmothers and parents sang: about the weather, about nature, about revolution and war...

When some of the dough cakes were ready, all the grandmothers began to put the filling in them and sculpt the shape. They greased part of the dough with water (to make the edges of the dumpling stick together better), left a hole, and gave it a bizarre ear shape...

Fortunately, the first dumpling was not lumpy.

And so the whole batch was put together and went into the pan - it was lunch time, and everyone was looking forward to the finished dish.

Our dumplings look like grandmothers,” Galina Nikolaevna Koneva laughed. - They are just as disorganized and limp, as if they were also 70 years old!

We ate dumplings with ketchup. Previously, they were served either with homemade sour cream or vinegar.

While eating, the grandmothers joked and told various stories from their youth.

Once on New Year’s Day, my friend and I cooked dumplings. “I decided to play a trick on the guests and not finish cooking the dumplings,” Galina Nikolaevna began. – I just kept them in water so that they became hot and that’s all. The guests ate every last dumpling and said nothing. In the morning we asked them if everything was fine? They are all fine. Of course, with the vodka you didn’t even notice that the meat was raw!

Then someone put a knife next to him, and Olga Nikolaevna Tuktareva immediately shouted: “Don’t eat through the knife! It’s a bad omen, you’ll be evil!”

So the conversation at the table smoothly turned to the topic of omens:

The weather will change if the dog is lying around, only the neighbor's! – Galina Nikolavena Koneva jokes again. - This means a snowstorm, and if it’s summer, then it means rain.

We, grandmothers, have aching bones in advance - grandmothers are the main weather forecasters, - Valentina Semyonovna Baysarova says half-jokingly - And if you flood the stove in winter, and if there is a column of smoke, then frost will begin within 2-3 hours.

The tradition of making a lucky dumpling has always been: as the grandmothers said, earlier, instead of minced meat, they could put a note with wishes or a piece of salt, and once upon a time they also put coal. Whoever gets such a dumpling will have a satisfying year.



Preparing the dough:

1. Pour flour onto the table.

2. In a separate bowl, mix the egg with water and salt.

3. Add flour sifted through a sieve and mix.

4. Sift the flour onto the table and carefully place the resulting mixture into it. Add more flour, knead the dough, and form it into an oval.

Preparing the filling:

1. Finely chop the onion and cabbage

2. Mix 2 types of minced meat and chopped vegetables

3. Add salt

We sculpt:

1. Cut the dough into strips of medium thickness and roll into “sausages.” We cut them into small pieces.

2. Form the pieces into balls and roll them into thin flat cakes with a rolling pin.

3. Spoon a little filling into each flatbread.

4. Wet one side of the cake with water, rubbing it with a spoon.

5. Glue the two sides of the cake and shape it into an ear by pressing in the middle and making a bend.

6. Cook the dumplings for 5-7 minutes.

7. The finished dish can be served with sour cream, ketchup, vinegar, etc.

The names of dishes of Udmurt cuisine can confuse an unprepared person. Perepechi, pelnyani and tolkysh - this is the list of traditional lunch dishes in Izhevsk. Delicious pies and other national dishes are hidden behind the magical names.

Since ancient times, one of the main occupations of the Udmurts was the cultivation of grain crops, which was reflected in the national cuisine. They always baked a lot and variedly in Udmurtia. And the most famous baked dish at all times was perepech. By the way, don’t even think about calling perepechi pies - the Udmurts won’t understand and will be offended.


Earlier rebake- open, round in shape - in Udmurtia they were considered a festive dish, they were served only hot with baked milk or rich meat broth, and cooked right in front of the oven - hence the name.

The dough used for them was rye, the fillings could be the most unexpected. Traditionally: meat and mushroom. The meat fillings are different - beef, lamb, pork. Fatty pork can be tossed with sauerkraut, as the nice fat softens the cabbage. Such rebake will be called Kubistaen perepech. Perepechi with fresh or salted mushrooms are Gubien perepech. But if you choose dried mushrooms for the filling and cook them, then you will succeed Kuastem Gubien perepech.

Fans of extreme gastronomic pleasures will enjoy perepechi with lymo- this is a filling made from liver (lungs, heart and tripe), tongue, meat and internal fat of the animal. Or here's another one - Viryn perepech with the addition of fresh blood, which is seasoned with onions, salt, and finely chopped fatty meat. Such bakes are prepared mainly in the fall, when livestock is slaughtered. There are also baked goods with goose meat: Zazeg sylyn perepech and baked goods with omelette - Kuregpuzen repech.

I really like perepechas, especially with mushrooms. They are prepared at my place too. And the most delicious baked goods are sold at Kulinaria. I also just recently tried them from the hands of the Buranovsky Babushki themselves.

Perepechi are perhaps the most favorite baked goods. During my university years I was saved from starvation more than once. Surprisingly, perepechas are good with any filling - meat, cabbage, mushrooms. But what’s even more surprising is that I simply haven’t met any bad-tasting peppers! In any buffet in Izhevsk they are as tasty as homemade. Udmurt magic, no less.


People in Udmurtia love perepechas so much that they even composed a hymn to these wonderful pies.

When it comes to talking about the New Year's menu in Udmurtia, the main dish is not even discussed - it will definitely be dumplings. Udmurtia, along with Perm, is rightfully considered the birthplace of dumplings. In any case, the Udmurts are absolutely sure of this, and in the capital of the republic, Izhevsk, there is even a monument to dumplings.

Pelnyan- this is what the Udmurts call dumplings. Translated from their language it means “bread ear.” Dough for dumplings is prepared according to a proven recipe.

Everything is really simple, and there are no secrets. We take flour, sift it, make a hole, pour water into it. Break the egg, add salt to taste and knead the dough. Don't forget to beat him off. You can cut out circles for dumplings from the dough or cut the dough into cubes, and then fill the dumpling like a juicer.

Well, you can use anything you like for the filling in the pelnyani. Udmurts eat them with meat, fish, mushrooms, sauerkraut, radishes and even nettles. This dumpling has a special name - Pushneren pelnyan.

Pushneren Pelnyan - nettle dumplings are a spring dish. Pick young nettles, wash, sort and scald again, and drain in a colander. When it cools down, chop finely, add butter and sour cream, simmer and add salt. Prepare the dough in the usual way. Dumplings with nettles cook faster than meat dumplings. Serve with sour cream or sauce made from boiled egg yolk crushed in butter.

Udmurts also love fragrant, strongly aromatic drinks - Yshturenen tea. For example, hot tea with oregano does not even imply the presence of ordinary tea in it. Place 2-3 stems of oregano in a teapot and pour boiling water over it. Oregano should be dried and collected during flowering.

One more drink Tolkysh, made from fresh berries - raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, Victoria (this is a local variety of strawberry), currants. They need to be crushed with a masher, then diluted with kvass, add granulated sugar and stir. Often drinks in Udmurt cuisine can also be the first course. For example, Vars.

Knead the malt batter in hot boiled water. Cover with a towel and place in a warm place for 30-40 minutes, and when ready, add chopped straw. Prepare a pot or clay pot, rinse it, put washed coarse straw or hay on the bottom and sides, put the dough into the pot, put it in a hot oven for 16-20 hours. To prevent the dough from burning out and drying out, you need to pour it several times boiled warm water into it. The next morning, remove the pot from the oven. If it is new, make a hole at the level of two or three fingers above the bottom to drain the wort, place it on an adapted groove that is installed on the table, and drain the wort into the dish. Serve the wort as a drink or first course, both warm and cold.

There are countless different recipes for cooking meat in Udmurt cuisine. For starters, they prefer rich broths. These recipes are not particularly complex, but are mainly distinguished by their high calorie content. And for dessert, the Udmurts cook jelly - it can be oatmeal, wheat, berry or even pea.

Udmurtia is a republic within Russia, located in the Volga Federal District. It is located in the western part of the Middle Urals, in the basins of the Kama and Vyatka rivers. In the north and west, Udmurtia borders on the Kirov region, in the south - on Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, in the east - on the Perm Territory.

Currently, the majority of the population of Udmurtia is Russian (about 60%), Udmurts are about 30%, and about 6% are Tatars. In general, several dozen nationalities live in the republic. This, naturally, could not but leave its mark on the national Udmurt cuisine. Today, Udmurt families prepare Russian, Tatar and other dishes, but they do not forget national ones.

History and modernity

Udmurts (Aryans, Chud Votyatskaya, Votyaks) are representatives of the Finno-Ugric peoples. They speak Udmurt (the Perm branch of the Finno-Ugric languages) and Russian.

The first human settlements appeared in the Kama region 6-8 thousand years BC. Historical information about the formation of the Udmurt ethnic group is rather scarce. Several archaeological cultures are associated with the ancestors of the Udmurts: Ananyinskaya, Pyanoborskaya, Polomskaya and Chepetskaya. The Udmurt ethnic group itself was formed around the 6th-9th centuries. In the Middle Ages, the Udmurts were divided into southern and northern. In the 15th century, these two branches of the same people even lived in different states. The southern ones are in the Kazan Khanate, and the northern ones are in the Moscow state. The situation changed in the 16th century, when Kazan was conquered and became part of Muscovite Rus'.

Udmurt cuisine originates from the traditional occupations of the Udmurts, which, naturally, influenced the formation of the Udmurt culinary tradition: arable farming, animal husbandry, and to a lesser extent (at least until about the middle of the twentieth century) gardening. Basically, the Udmurts grew rye, wheat, oats, millet, buckwheat, barley, flax and hemp (oil was made from the seeds of the last two). For example, in 1913, 93% of all crops in Udmurtia were grain crops, while only 2% of potatoes were planted. In addition to potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, rutabaga, turnips, onions, and carrots grew in Udmurt vegetable gardens.

From the grown cereals, the Udmurts obtained cereals and cooked porridge: wheat, oatmeal, barley. They also baked bread from rye and wheat. Sour Udmurt bread was called “nyan”, and flat cakes were called “kuar nyan”. The Udmurts loved and love to prepare pancakes from sour dough, as well as unleavened shanezhki and perepechi (details about the latter are given below).

Udmurt cuisine, like 300 years ago, is rich in pies on the festive table. Their fillings are very varied. Udmurt pies can be made with porridge, meat, fish, potatoes, viburnum, raspberries, even strawberries. Since ancient times, the Udmurts have especially loved pies with viburnum - “shu nian” (“viburnum bread”). There is a lot of jelly in Udmurt cuisine: oatmeal, pea, milk, bird cherry, viburnum and others.

The meat most consumed by Udmurts is beef, lamb, and sometimes horse meat. The Udmurts now also eat pork, but not much, and less in the southern regions of the republic than in the northern ones. This is due to the influence of the Muslim population neighboring the Udmurts in the south - Tatar and Bashkir. In the Udmurt culinary tradition, it is to boil meat. From the blood of a slaughtered animal, cereals and offal they made (sometimes they still make in villages) blood sausage - “virtyrem”. The meat was salted and dried for long-term storage. Poultry has also always been bred in Udmurtia. They still breed chickens, ducks, and geese. This means they were (and are) eaten. Moreover, the Udmurts loved and love the meat of ducks and geese more than chicken. Until now, chicken breeding in Udmurtia is mainly carried out by the Russian population.

The Udmurts have always been good hunters, and the wooded area that dominates the territory of their residence has always been rich in a variety of edible fauna: elk, deer, wild boars, bears. Fishing also played an important role in providing food. The Udmurts were also engaged in gathering (mushrooms, berries, herbs) and even beekeeping.

Dairy products have also long been loved by the Udmurts. They drank fresh milk and also ate its processed products: sour cream, cottage cheese, butter. A fermented milk drink called “dyolpyd” was prepared from fermented boiled milk.

Of the relatively ancient Udmurt drinks, local kvass (“sur”) was held in special esteem. It was prepared from rye flour, hops, meadowsweet, anise, and birch leaf were added. Nowadays, alas, you rarely try such a drink at an Udmurt meal. The Udmurts also drank homemade beer and various berry drinks.

We should also talk about ritual Udmurt dishes. Initially, the Udmurts were pagans (followers of ancient beliefs are still found today). During prayers to their deities, the Udmurts sacrificed animals to them. A broth was prepared from their meat, and prayer porridge (“kuriskon zhuk”) was then cooked on the broth. Every worshiper had to taste it.

In addition to porridge, bread, unleavened flatbread, and pancakes were prepared for prayer. Including “tabani”: special thick pancakes made from yeast dough, baked in a Russian oven, and in modern conditions - in the oven. Boiled eggs were usually eaten during the ceremonies that followed the first sowing. This symbolized the beginning of a new life cycle, hopes associated with the future harvest. During Udmurt weddings, baked goose was a must on the festive table. And before their first wedding night, the newlyweds were fed porridge so that they would have many children.

A word about dumplings and perepechas

Pelmeni are considered a classic dish of Russian cuisine. Perhaps, together with borscht, vodka, sauerkraut and pickles, dumplings seem to represent Russian cuisine in world cuisine. Although, it is worth noting that dumplings are actually an international dish. After all, they, only under different names, are found in the cuisines of different peoples: the Italians (ravioli), the Chinese (jiaozi), the Uzbeks (manti), the Ukrainians (dumplings)…

The Udmurts also have their own dumplings. Actually, it was from here, from the territory of modern Udmurtia and the Perm region, that dumplings began their victorious march throughout Russia. In any case, the Udmurts are absolutely sure of this, and in the capital of the republic, Izhevsk, there is even a monument to dumplings.

“Pelnyan” is what the Udmurts call dumplings. Translated from their language it means “bread ear.” And indeed, the shape of the dumpling resembles an ear. Many linguists date the origin of the word to the 10th century. The Udmurts and Komi were already engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry, which means they had all the ingredients necessary to prepare dumplings: flour and meat. To this day, many recipes for dumplings have been preserved in Udmurtia and the Perm region. They can be made not only with meat, but also with fish, vegetables, mushrooms, cottage cheese, berries and even herbs.

“Bread ears” have been known among the Udmurts for a long time, while they were brought to central Russia from Siberia only in the 19th century. That is why they began to be called “Siberian”. Many historians agree that the Russian settlers who were on their way to the Urals and Siberia, they tried dumplings, passing through the territory of modern Udmurtia and the Perm region. They liked the dish, because preparing dumplings is not difficult, but they are tasty, nutritious, and convenient to store when traveling or hiking in cold climates. In order to have lunch, you just need to boil water in a pot over a fire and cook them.

But the spread of dumplings in the central and western parts of Russia was facilitated (according to one version), in modern terms, by the Ural and Siberian oligarchs - the owners of factories. Arriving in St. Petersburg or Moscow, they demanded their favorite dish in restaurants, and the cooks eventually learned how to cook it. In general, if Russians should thank someone for their favorite national food - dumplings, then it would be the ancestors of modern Udmurts and Komi.

Rebake. These are baskets of dough, usually with raised and pinched edges, filled with whatever your heart desires. Perepechi can be with meat, with potatoes, with meat and potatoes, with mushrooms, with cabbage, with radishes with porridge, with offal, with the blood of a slaughtered animal, with various forest herbs mixed with omelet and onions. Perepechas should be baked over low heat. Serve and eat only hot.

Perepechi, like dumplings, did not gain All-Russian distribution, remaining a truly Udmurt dish. If you come to the republic, you will find them in any cafe, canteen, even in an expensive restaurant. Perepechi in Udmurtia are a kind of culinary cult.

Udmurt recipes

Unfortunately, Udmurt restaurants are “beasts” that are very rare in the vastness of our country. There are few of them in Udmurtia itself. Udmurt cuisine, or rather its elements, as mentioned above, is on the menu of many establishments, but it’s difficult to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere. And in Moscow and St. Petersburg there is not a single place like this. Therefore, it is easier, if the desire arises, to prepare Udmurt dishes at home. Below are a few recipes.

Izhevsk salad

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

100 g chicken or rabbit meat,
50 g pickled or fresh cucumbers,
1-2 eggs,
40 g potatoes,
30 g tomatoes,
30 g pickled mushrooms,
green salad, parsley
tomato sauce or ketchup,
ground black pepper, salt - to taste.


Separate the boiled meat from the bones and cut it into small cubes. Also cut boiled potatoes. Mix with pickled mushrooms, cucumbers, chopped hard-boiled egg, lettuce and green onions. Salt, pepper, season with sour cream and tomato sauce, stir, place on lettuce leaves. Sprinkle the salad with herbs, garnish with oblong slices of meat, boiled eggs, and chopped tomatoes. You can add green peas.

Glazovsky kulesh

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

50 g beef,
150 g bovine tripe,
50 g onions,
80 g millet cereal,
20 g vegetable oil,
20 g lard (lard),
garlic, bay leaf, salt, black peppercorns (to taste).


Wash the beef thoroughly, process the ox tripe, then scald it and cut it into pieces. Then cook both with the addition of toasted roots. When the meat is cooked, take it out and cook the tripe again until done. When it is cooked, take it out and let it cool. Then chop the tripe into strips, and put the washed millet into the broth and cook. When the cereal is cooked, add chopped tripe and beef, pounded salted bacon, grated garlic, and sautéed roots. Serve hot.

Beetroot soup (gord kushmanen kezye shyd)

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

150 g beet broth,
200 g bread kvass,
1-2 eggs,
100 g beets with tops,
70 g fresh cucumbers,
50 g sour cream,
parsley, dill, green onions,
salt, sugar - to taste.


Take young beets, peel them from the stems, wash and boil. When there are 10 minutes left before the end of cooking, add the washed leaves. When the beets are ready, place them in a colander along with the leaves. Let the broth cool. Then finely chop the beets and leaves and place them in a saucepan. Next, finely chop cucumbers, boiled eggs, green onions, parsley, and dill. Then fill everything with broth and kvass. Add salt and sugar to taste. Serve cold, with sour cream.

Zucchini with lamb

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

110 g lamb,
100 g zucchini,
50 g cereals (barley, oatmeal, pearl barley),
30 g onions,
50 g tomato,
20 g ghee,
10 g raisins,
salt, pepper, bay leaf to taste.


Cut the lamb into small pieces, put them in a saucepan, cover with water and cook, adding cereal. When cooking comes to an end, add sauteed onions, well-washed raisins, mix everything thoroughly, cover with a lid. Cut the zucchini, peeled and seeded, into rings and fry in oil until half cooked. Next, place lamb with cereal in the fried zucchini rings, and cut tomatoes on top. Then put everything in the oven and bake until done. Serve the dish hot, sprinkle with parsley.

Where dumplings originated and which country can take credit for this culinary invention is quite difficult to find out. The fact is that there are many dishes similar to dumplings, and they originate from ancient centuries. Many nations have such dishes in their culinary arsenal. It is difficult to find out where the birthplace of dumplings is, also for the reason that the geography of this dish is quite vast and occupies a large area. In addition to dumplings, different nations have the following similar dishes:

  • China - wontons;
  • Buryatia - poses;
  • Germany is cartoonish;
  • Italy - ravioli;
  • Georgia - khinkali;
  • Ukraine - dumplings;
  • Belarus - sorcerers.

There are a large number of dishes similar to dumplings, and this is not the entire list.

Which country is the birthplace of dumplings? Several versions

Is there only one answer to this question? There are many options as to which country is the birthplace of dumplings. There is a widespread belief that they originated in China. In this country it dates back 2000 years. Only in China is this dish consumed strictly on holidays, unlike Russia, where dumplings are an everyday dish. According to another version, the birthplace of dumplings is Siberia. The Middle East also claims to be the ancestor of hearty food.

There is a version that dumplings were brought by Mongolian nomadic tribes. They constantly moved from one place to another, and this dish was preferable to others for a nomadic lifestyle. Making dumplings is not difficult; they do not require any special ingredients. Everything is quite simple, you only need water, minced meat, and dough. It doesn't take much time to cook them. For this reason, they were convenient for cooking in the field and constant travel.

Why is it believed that the birthplace of dumplings is China?

This version seems quite plausible. Its essence lies in the fact that dumplings were brought to the Urals from the Far East. Their cooking technology and spices, which in the distant past were not common in Russia, are very similar to Chinese cuisine. Therefore, many believe that the birthplace of dumplings is China.

The new product was perfect for cold Siberian conditions. In severe frosts, the dumplings were perfectly preserved for a long time, while the taste remained the same. Unlike fresh meat, the spiced stuffing did not attract predators.

Modern dumplings were born in Udmurtia

This version is based on the fact that the name “dumpling” is very similar to the Udmurt “pelnyan”, which translates as “bread ear”. This version is preferred as the main one by the majority of modern scientists.

This dish first appeared among the inhabitants of Siberia in the 15th century. The version that the birthplace of dumplings is Udmurtia is confirmed by the fact that from its territory dumplings began to disperse to different parts of the world. A big role is played here because here was the most important intersection of the longest road in the world. It was from this road that the dumplings began their journey, thanks to which they began to have adjectives:

  • Moscow;
  • Ural;
  • Siberian;
  • Tatar.

No matter what they were called, the name in Udmurtia never changed: it remained the same - dumplings.

When did dumplings appear in the central region of Russia?

Dumplings quickly gained popularity, but for a long time remained a dish only for people. Only many years later, in the 19th century, residents of the center of Russia finally learned the taste of this dish. Many historians claim that residents of the central regions had many similar dishes before dumplings arrived on their territory. Their dish "shurubarki" is identical in composition to dumplings. In the 19th century, with the development of transport, it became possible for many people to move around the country and remote regions, it was then that the common name for everyone came into use - “dumplings”, and the cuisine for everyone became unified, acquiring a holistic appearance.

Dumplings in Udmurt culture

Dumplings served not only a functional component in the Udmurt culture, but also a ritual one. They resemble the human ear in appearance, which is why they began to be widely used in wedding rituals, because everyone knows that the fair half loves with their ears. A tradition arose of preparing dumplings on the eve of a wedding, thereby wishing the newlyweds goodness and love. Some wedding dumplings included oats, a coin or salt. Or they simply made it without filling, from only one dough. According to tradition, while preparing a dish, young people had to swear and perform obscene ditties; it was believed that after such a ritual the family would have many children.

How are dumplings served and eaten?

There are no specific strict rules on how to serve and how to eat dumplings. Usually they are laid out on a large dish and butter is added, seasoned with pepper, vinegar, sour cream, or made with broth. Sprinkle parsley and dill on top. You can also prepare a light vegetable salad from tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers. This salad should be seasoned with vegetable oil. You can make a good seasoning: finely chop green onions, cilantro, dill, garlic and parsley, mix all the greens and add wine vinegar.

Mushroom sauce also goes very well with dumplings. To do this, grind the boiled mushrooms together with fried onions in a meat grinder. After this, you need to add a small handful of sautéed flour, pour in the mushroom broth and mix well. Add sour cream, salt and pepper to the resulting mixture.

For many years, various experts have been trying to find out where the real homeland of dumplings is, but to no avail. It's all too confusing, but it's not really that important. This dish is liked by a large number of people of different nationalities and will be popular for many years to come.

When the Udmurt housewife was preparing zhuko milym - the Udmurts' favorite pancakes with porridge - she invited the guests with the words: “Come pick up the bags.” Some villagers still say this to this day.
Udmurts prepare pancakes with porridge mainly with goose meat, but they can also be prepared with lamb, pork, and beef.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

For pancakes: 3 tbsp. wheat flour, 1 tbsp. water or milk, 2 eggs, salt to taste.
For porridge: 1 kg of meat, 5 tbsp. broth, 2 tbsp. cereals, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Boil the meat and remove from the pan. Cook wheat or barley porridge in broth, chop the meat finely and mix with the porridge. Bake pancakes, put hot porridge in the middle of the pancake and wrap it in the form of a tube.

"Bread Ears"


Dumplings are the most famous of all dishes of Udmurt national cuisine. Local residents, without exception, know the origin of the word (pel - ear, nyan - bread).

The classic filling for Udmurt dumplings consists of three types of meat: beef, lamb and pork; A lot of onions are added to the minced meat, but no pepper is added at all.

Dumplings in Udmurt style

For minced meat: beef - 800 gr., pork - 400 gr., lamb - 400 gr., onions - 4 large heads, sugar - 1 tsp, water - 350 ml., egg - 3 pcs. + 1 for greasing the dough, salt - 2 tsp.
For the test: 1st grade wheat flour - 1 kg, egg - 4 pcs., water - ½ l., salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Dough preparation method:

Pour the sifted flour onto the table, make a hole in it, pour water into it, break the eggs, add salt and knead a stiff dough.

Method for preparing minced meat:

Cut lamb, pork, beef into pieces, pass through a meat grinder 2-3 times along with onions or chop in a trough. Beat the resulting minced meat thoroughly, add salt, and dilute with cold water. Make dumplings using any of two methods.

1 way

Roll out the dumpling dough into a rope as thick as your thumb and cut into small rectangles of the same size, sprinkle flour on them and roll out thin. Spoon the finished minced meat onto each piece and pinch the edges.

2 way

Roll out the dumpling dough into a thin layer, cut out circles with a thin glass. Place minced meat on the circles and pinch the edges.

Boil dumplings in salted water for 10 minutes in small batches. When the dumplings float to the top, take them out, put them in a dish and brush with butter.

Chorygen pelnyan (dumplings with fish)

Photo: AiF-Petersburg

Ingredients (for 1 thousand dumplings):

For minced meat: pike perch or pike fillet - 1200 gr., egg - 4 pcs., black pepper - 1 gr., cream or milk - 300 ml., onion - 4 heads.
For the test: 1st grade wheat flour - 1 kg, egg - 2-3 pcs., water - ½ l., salt to taste.

Dough preparation method the same as for classic dumplings.

Method for preparing minced meat:

Peel the pike perch or pike, remove the skin and cut off the fillets. Pass the fish pulp and onion through a meat grinder, add salt and pepper. Dilute the resulting minced meat with beaten fresh egg and milk. Place the filling on each circle of dough and pinch the edges of the dough.
Fish dumplings can be served with broth made from pike perch or pike heads

Pyzhem zazeg (baked goose)

It is believed that Udmurts love duck and geese meat more than chicken. The most honored guests at the table were served soup cooked in goose broth. And during major holidays - New Year, weddings. - baked goose must be present on the festive table.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

Young goose carcass, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, salt to taste, parsley.

Cooking method:

Clean the goose, rub the outside and inside with salt, garlic, spices, and you can add mayonnaise. Place the cooked carcass in a casserole dish or simply in a frying pan and place in a heated stove or oven. The goose must languish there for at least 3 hours. Then pour oil or rendered fat, garnish with herbs and serve.

Shu kisal. Viburnum jelly


There is a lot of jelly in Udmurt festive cuisine. But the most favorite of them is viburnum: it is not only a delicacy, but also a medicine - it lowers blood pressure and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

2 tbsp. viburnum, 8 tbsp. l. rye flour, 8 tbsp. l. malt or dry kvass, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 liter of water.

Cooking method:

Mix viburnum with sugar and a small amount of water, cook for 5-6 hours or steam in the oven. When the berries become soft and yellow-brown in color, add water, rye flour and malt to taste. As soon as the jelly thickens, you can serve it.

Sweet shekera for tea

The Udmurts' holiday treat is considered to be shekera - butter cookies in the form of balls slightly larger than hazelnuts, baked in fat. And it is served hot or cold with tea or coffee.


500 gr. rye flour, 1 egg, 100 gr. butter, 100 gr. fat, soda, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Add water and egg, a little melted butter, soda and salt to the flour. Knead unleavened dough. Roll out the dough into ropes as thick as your finger and cut into squares of the same size.

Pour melted fat or butter into a frying pan, put the prepared shekeras there, and place in the heated oven. When boiling, you need to stir periodically so that the shakers are evenly saturated with fat. Keep in the oven until hardened.

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