The terrible truth of photography. Scary stories from real life with photos

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Unbiased technology captures real life events with photographic precision. Some photographs immediately evoke a storm of emotions and create a corresponding mood in the audience, while others, on the contrary, seem absolutely incomprehensible until you find out what exactly is happening in them. It all depends on the skill of the photographer and on many accidents.

We invite you to look at the photographs, each of which has a tragic and sometimes eerie story behind it.

Kamikaze group

At first glance, it seems that this is a completely ordinary, unremarkable “memory” photograph taken by military cadets. But when you find out that these are cadets of the “kamikaze school”, it is precisely this unremarkableness that plunges you into real horror. 17-year-old Corporal Yukio Araki (seen holding a puppy in this photo taken on May 26, 1945) departed on his final flight the very next day after this photo was taken of the 72nd Division pilots at Bansei, Kagoshima.

Buddhist monk performing funeral rites

On November 25, 2011, a passenger waiting for a train at Shanxi Taiyuan Station in China attracted the attention of others by sleeping in an awkward position for too long. When those around him finally decided to wake him up, it turned out that the elderly man was already dead and it was impossible to help him. A monk who was among those waiting for the train performed a religious ceremony so that the soul of the deceased could find eternal peace.

From the very beginning there was more politics than science in this expedition. Its leader, Robert Scott (in the picture, he stands in the center) and his associates had to overtake Raoul Amundsen's team and reach the South Pole first, so that the honor of this achievement would go to the British Empire. But when the travelers, exhausted by scurvy and frost, finally reached their cherished goal, it turned out that the Norwegians were far ahead of them - by an evil irony of fate, a blizzard for a whole month destroyed the traces of the pioneers and all the snow was trampled by dog ​​tracks. In addition, the Pulheim camp was left at the calculated site, and in the tent there were letters addressed to Scott’s group.

On the way back, four people died - this is their last photograph.

Vulture and girl

This eerie photograph was taken by Kevin Carter in 1993 in the Sudanese city of Ayod. The child’s parents ran for food to the plane that had arrived with humanitarian aid, and the exhausted girl slowly crawled after them, stopping every now and then to rest. The vulture was watching the girl closely. These birds do not attack their prey, but prefer to wait until everything happens by itself. In addition, there was a photographer nearby, so the scavenger could only wait. This photo brought fame to Kevin Carter, a Pulitzer Prize and a barrage of accusations of inhumanity. Just three months after the award ceremony, the photojournalist committed suicide.

Remains of cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov

Vladimir Komarov died on April 24, 1967 during the completion of the test flight of the Soyuz-1 spacecraft. During the descent to the ground, the main parachute of the descent capsule did not open, and as a result, the device caught fire when it hit the ground. The charred remains, deformed beyond recognition, were taken by a special commission to Moscow. The ashes were placed in an urn and walled up in the Kremlin wall. But work at the accident site continued, and after some time several more fragments of the body were found. These remains were buried in the steppe at the site of the death of the descent capsule.

Death selfie of MH17 passengers

15-year-old Gary Slok was flying to Kuala Lumpur on holiday with his mother Petra Langeveld. Just three hours after this selfie was taken, a plane flying over Ukrainian territory was shot down. None of the people on board survived.

Monk self-immolation

In 1963, discontent among the Buddhist majority in South Vietnam reached a critical point amid the repressive regime of then President Ngo Dinh Diem. In May of that year, Buddhists gathered in the city of Hue to defend their rights. The government very harshly dispersed demonstrations of dissatisfied people, and as a result of these crackdowns, nine Buddhists died. In protest against the general cruelty, on June 11, 1963, two elderly monks committed self-immolation in Saigon.

Friends to the grave

This archaeological find was made in Iran in 1972. Two young men who lived around 800 BC. died when the invaders set fire to the city. People suffocated from the smoke, but supported each other until the last minute.


This photograph was taken during the fighting near the French village of Courcelet in September 1916. The man in the photo was a victim of shell shock, one of the many symptoms of which is mental disorders. This view is a consequence of trauma and is found in post-traumatic stress disorder. Also, it's worth noting that people didn't smile in photographs back then.

Little concentration camp prisoner draws a house

After the end of the war, the girl, who actually grew up in a concentration camp, was sent to an orphanage for mentally unstable children. When the teachers asked her to draw a house during class, the girl depicted eerie chaos, most reminiscent of a coil of barbed wire. At the top of the board is written “Terezka” - this is the name of the little artist.

The technology impartially records any events that fall into the lens, no matter how terrible or tragic they are. And only a living person can evaluate each photo by the emotions it evokes.

And the sensations can be very different. When you look at photos of smiling people dying within a matter of hours, you understand that safety is often relative, and a smile is deceptive.

We invite you to look at these creepy historical photographs, which are associated with equally terrible stories. All this is terrifying to the point of chills.

1. Funeral rite of a Buddhist monk.

At the end of a cold November 2011, passersby noticed one of the men waiting for a train at the station. He slept in an uncomfortable position for hour after hour and those around him decided to wake him up. It turned out that the man was dead and could no longer be helped.

A monk, also waiting for the train at the station, performed a religious ceremony so that the soul of the deceased would find eternal peace.

2. Kamikaze group.

This seems to be an ordinary “memory” photo of military cadets, who will then remember old friends by showing the photo to family and friends. But that's not true.

The photo, dated May 26, 1945, shows a group of kamikazes who will very soon be thrown into battle. For example, Corporal Yukio Araki, who is holding a puppy, will go on his last combat mission the very next day.

3. British expedition.

The photograph of travelers at the South Pole was taken on January 18, 1912. Then the expedition led by Robert Scott (in the center of the photo) had to overtake the Norwegian expedition led by Raoul Amundsen so that the glory of the pioneers would go to the British Empire.

But the members of the expedition, exhausted by scurvy, arrived at the South Pole with a significant lag behind the Norwegians. On the way back, four people died. And this is their last photo.

4. Baby and the vulture.

Kevin Carter took the famous photo back in 1993. The girl’s parents ran for food to the plane that delivered humanitarian aid, and their daughter, not having the strength to run, simply crawled after them, stopping for a break.

Grif watched her carefully. These scavengers usually do not hunt for prey, waiting for it to die itself. Moreover, there was a photographer nearby, and the bird of prey could only wait.

The photograph brought fame to the photographer and the Pulitzer Prize. But many people accused him of cynicism and inhumanity. 3 months after the award ceremony, the photographer committed suicide.

5. Remains of an astronaut.

The photo shows all that remains of cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov. The tests of the Soyuz-1 spacecraft were successful, but in the final stage, when the main capsule was landing, the parachute did not open. There was a strong impact on the ground, and the device burst into flames.

The charred remains of the astronaut were subsequently walled up in the Kremlin wall. The body parts that were found after the investigation were buried at the site where the capsule fell.

6. Last selfie.

A dying photo of 15-year-old Gary Slock, who was flying to Kuala Lumpur on vacation with his mother. A plane was shot down near Donetsk. Everyone on board died: 283 passengers and 15 crew.

7. Self-immolation of a monk.

Dissatisfaction with the rule of then Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem reached its climax. Demonstrations of dissatisfied people were brutally dispersed. As a result of the clashes, 9 Buddhists were killed. To express their dissatisfaction with the regime, two monks decided to self-immolate.

8. Friends forever.

These skeletons were found during archaeological excavations in Iran back in 1972. Two young men died during the siege of the city, suffocating from carbon monoxide.

9. Shell-shocked fighter.

World War I photograph near the village of Courcelet, September 1916. The man has become a victim of shell shock; his characteristic look gives him away. In addition, in the photographs of that time, people did not smile.

10. Drawing of a little prisoner.

A girl who grew up in a concentration camp tries to draw a house. But she ends up with something more like a coil of barbed wire than a cozy home.

At the time of the photograph, the baby herself was in an orphanage for children with mental disorders. Perhaps it was difficult for a child to go through a concentration camp without going crazy.

Scary photographs along with tragic stories are truly frightening. Each photograph depicts a person with his own unique tragic fate. And all that was left for us after him was one terrible photo.

Which photo scared you the most? Have your say in the comments.

Our world is filled with creepy photographs, and you have already proven your courage if you watch this article. Murder, suicide, or the paranormal, they all have the potential to make your heart race and your mind turn to one side. We can guarantee that these creepiest photos collected here will make you think twice about things you usually dismiss as figments of the imagination. The next time you see something lurking in the shadows, use your instinct and grab any nearby camera or smartphone to take a photo. You will be able to present your strong evidence to convince most people.

We have to admit that while some of the shots in this gallery are clear as day, others may leave a lot of room for interpretation. We will stay away from imposing our opinions. As with any other photographic material, the fact that we live in an era in which digital manipulation is rampant and photos can be faked even very easily makes it increasingly difficult to achieve the truth. We encourage you to dig deeper into each of the cases presented here and try to come up with your own interpretation of things. It's human nature to distrust what seems incredible, so we won't be upset if you don't believe everything written here. Keep your eyes open and ears up for maximum effect as you begin to explore these 13 creepy real-life photos and their backstories.

1. Evelyn McHale

The Empire State Building was widely known as a favorite place for people to commit suicide. The incident that brought him this notoriety happened to 23-year-old Evelyn McHale, who decided to end her life in such a spectacular way.

This photo was taken just minutes after she landed on a limousine parked outside the building, and has been shared numerous times as one of the most beautiful and graceful suicides in history. Of course, we do not agree that suicide can be considered beautiful, but we appreciate the fact that the body was not broken into pieces in a terrible way.

The photo was taken by student Robert Wiles, and received a full page in the May issue of Life magazine. There is a lot of debate as to what makes the photo so creepy. We have to say that Evelina doesn't look dead, she looks more like she's laying down for a nap.

2. Girl found in the catacombs in Odessa

Catacombs are places with great creepy potential. Far from the normal outside world, they can tell many secrets and create a variety of fairy tales and myths. This is exactly what happened in the Odessa catacombs, where a girl was found dead, in a terrible state of decomposition of her upper body.

As the story goes, a girl named Masha got lost while walking there with her friends on New Year's Eve 2005. And although this legend has been circulating on the Internet for a long time, many local residents are ready to put their word on the line that the story is true.

The body was found, supposedly four months after the incident, although no one can explain what happened to the body to make it look so gruesome.

3. Serial killer Robert Ben Rhodes' image of 14-year-old Regina Kay Walters

This photo may be one of the creepiest real-life photos you've ever seen. Although at first glance one might think that this is just a modeling photo shoot taken by a less professional photographer, it was actually done by a serial killer and rapist.

The girl who probably wants to tell him to stop was Regina Kay Walters, 14, who disappeared with her boyfriend from their home. Regina - This was the last murder committed by Robert Ben Rhodes before he was caught by authorities and sentenced to life in prison.

The photo is so dramatic that we don't even want to think about what happened after it was taken. The young woman's elegant dress and appearance are in deep contrast to the barn in which she was detained, tortured, and ultimately killed.

4. Hospital Demon

This photo is truly shocking and you don't need to read its title to understand that we are talking about a creature not from our world. The photo became an instant internet sensation when it was published in December 2013. As the story goes, the photo was taken using a cell phone and depicts what was seen on a nurse's surveillance monitor.

From this point of view, we can have additional confidence in photography. However, public opinion was quickly divided into two sides: those who are ready to believe in such a phenomenon that challenges our current understanding of existence, and those who are convinced that we have on our hands either a hoax or a coincidence in how some the elements were located in the room.

Just something to say in support of the demon theory - there are a ton of old paintings of such a monster and some psychologists have linked it to the medical condition of sleep paralysis.

5. Spirit of Amityville

The Amityville Spirit is one of the most famous spirit sightings ever recorded on film. The famous photograph appears to show a boy looking towards the camera. The only problem is that there must have been no boy in the house at the time the photo was taken, since the youngest member of the DeFeo family was killed in the house before the photo was taken.

As always with unclear photographs and scraps of evidence, the case has created parties who are in a constant war of hypothesis and theory as to what really happened. However, we have to admit that the photo is truly creepy and we can feel the hairs on our arms standing on end. This is probably the best ghost, evidence of which is presented in the photograph. It's up to you to decide if it's convincing enough for you.

6. The Ghost at The Waverly Hills Sanitarium, Kentucky

Many abandoned hospitals across the United States have gained reputations over the years as being haunted. But few stand the test of time as well as Kentucky's Waverly Hills Sanitarium. One of the most intriguing stories is that of room 502, where the supposed death took place.

A young nurse discovered that she was pregnant by one of the employees and decided to take her own life. Although sources disagree on whether she hanged herself or jumped from the top floor, the idea is that her spirit appears to have remained attached to the location. The photographs show a woman whose silhouette is clearly visible and the resemblance is truly visible.

Private investigations were conducted, but no further evidence was presented.

7. Room inside Linda Vista Community Hospital

Linda Vista Municipal Hospital itself isn't anything creepy, but we're saying you've probably seen a lot of amazing scenes that were filmed there. The hospital was opened in 1904 and was located in Boyle Heights near Los Angeles, and was used for its intended purpose for several good years, during which time it served mainly railroad employees.

In 1991, after years of financial struggles, the hospital closed its doors and became a symbol of decline. The combination of graffiti artists, drug addicts and homeless people made the hospital an ideal location for horror films.

The proximity to Hollywood made it very convenient, and more than 35 films and a large number of TV series have used it as a setting. Numerous music videos have been filmed here. It all ended in 2011 when the building was renovated and converted into Linda Vista Senior Apartments.

8. Mongolian Woman Condemned to Starvation, 1913

What could be more terrifying than seeing someone condemned to death by starvation? This photograph supposedly depicts the traditional Mongolian way of carrying out sentences. A woman is locked inside a wooden box with no way out.

There is food and water around the cell, but it is obvious that she cannot get it through the small hole made for breathing. Dying under these conditions must be something excruciatingly painful, not only on a physical level, but also on a mental level.

While there are theories that this only serves as a way to transport prisoners, or keep them isolated until execution, we tend to believe the original story. The method actually has a name - imprisonment, and was also popular in other cultures of the past.

9. Jonestown Mass Suicide - The Life and Death of the Temple People

What could be more horrifying than a mass suicide involving over 900 people? Before the events of September 11, 2001, it was one of the greatest tragedies involving American civilians. The cause of death was cyanide poisoning, which has given rise to conspiracy theories about the event.

Was it really suicide or mass murder? "Johnstown" is the official name of the community for the attempt to establish an agrarian socialist society in Guyana. True to its full name, the Peoples Agricultural Temple was a project of an American religious organization led by Jim Jones.

It is still not clear how such a large number of people were persuaded to participate in such a sinister plot, although we all know that religion and extreme forms of mysticism have caused victims in the past. This event shocked the world on November 18, 1978, and raised important questions about the role of religion in our lives. This photograph is clearly one of the most disturbing signals ever.

10. Shadows of Hiroshima

We all know what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, but few of us are aware of some of the most eerie signs that still exist at the site of the disaster. Also referred to as shadows of death, they were produced by radiation particles that were left behind by rays passing by people, creating an area on the sidewalk that received more radiation.

Contrary to popular belief, people were never vaporized by the force of the explosion, although they were exposed to fire and significant doses of radiation. The effect can be compared to traditional photography. Only a limited portion of the frame was exposed to light, thus creating detail and contours.

The signs of the bombing, which happened almost 70 years ago, are a reminder that we really must make an effort to stop such atrocities so that they do not happen again.

11. Japanese city of gas masks Miyakejima

Believe it or not, this photo is more recent than it looks. No, there was no carnival in the city, but only the need for protection from the air full of toxic emissions from the recent volcanic eruption. Situated at the foot of the volcano of the same name, the city of Miyakejima has always been subject to the deadly effects of eruptions that have occurred there throughout history.

Although the authorities made a lot of efforts to convince local residents that it was better to change their place of residence, many of them did not believe the impending danger and decided to stay. Gas masks became a daily necessity, and people quickly became accustomed to them. The city has become so famous that people from all over the world come here to experience this post-apocalyptic landscape firsthand (or lungs, if you prefer). Of course, masks are mandatory for those approaching the area.

12. Michael and Sean McKilken

This photo may look like a photo from a rock concert, but in fact the truth is more eerie. Michael McQuilken (18) and Sean McQuilken (12) were hiking in California's Moro Rock Sequoia National Park when they decided it was a good time to take a photo.

Remember that many decades had passed and selfies had not yet been invented, so there was a third tourist who took the photo. The raised hair is not a result of their excitement while climbing the mountain. As you can see in the background, the weather was terrible and their hair actually stood on end that way because of the static electricity.

All three were struck by lightning on August 20, 1975, but the photographer managed to survive and tell the story. The image became famous because it was used in many campaigns to educate the public about the dangers of lightning while outdoors.

13. Yangtze River Mouth Bridge of Love

The mouth of the Yangtze River looks very poetic while covered in fog. But this photo was taken by an unknown person, not for its landscape value. The whole point of the creepiest photo is in the bottom right corner, which shows that the shutter was released at the exact moment that someone was in the air, flying to their death.

As creepy as it may seem, this suicide caught on film was actually the second person to die on the same day. The young woman eventually repeated the act and it was later discovered that the two were a couple. The 40 meter fall was most likely fatal for both, as their bodies were not found.

Suicide is a growing trend among China's youth. As the economy moves forward, there is intense pressure to perform better, both in school and at work, and money was the most likely reason for this shocking suicide.

Based on materials from

(In the American press there were many insinuations, fabrications, and fakes about the connections of the Peoples Temple with the Soviet embassy. It must be emphasized that the contacts of Jonestown members with Soviet diplomats were not of any “special” nature. These were ordinary business visits to the Soviet embassy of foreign citizens during hours specially designated for receiving visitors.)

At two o’clock in the afternoon,” continues F. M. Timofeev, “on March 20, 1978, Sharon Amos, Michael Proquet and Deborah Touchet came to the Soviet embassy, ​​as they said, on a very important matter. On behalf of the leadership of the Peoples Temple, they officially declared that they wanted to transfer all their funds to a Soviet bank, and also intended to submit a petition for the admission of all members of the Temple to Soviet citizenship and, after receiving consent, to leave for the Soviet Union.

From a document presented by representatives of the “Temple” to the Soviet consul: ...We are trying to transfer our funds, which are in danger, to some bank on the territory of the Soviet Union.
Then we would at least be confident that if our community were to be destroyed in one way or another, our honestly earned and carefully saved funds would not be confiscated or expropriated by the enemies of the people and used against their interests, but would be saved and dedicated to the great cause for which we are fighting, to which we are completely devoted and for which these funds are primarily intended, namely the cause of the people and socialism...

"Our desire is to relocate to the Soviet Union"

Two months before the murder of all members of the commune by American punitive forces, a message was sent to the Soviet ambassador in Georgetown signed by the general secretary of the Peoples Temple agricultural community, Richard D. Tropp. Below is the text of this document (with abbreviations - Ed.). Duration of stay in the USSR: permanent until conditions in the USA allow returning to contribute to the process of social transformation in this country.

Conditions of stay: any acceptable for the USSR - either a socialist cooperative, or the settlement of families separately. We are accustomed to collective life. We could create a model that might be useful to the Soviet Union.
Our approach is quite flexible... ...We would be safe in the Soviet Union. Our children would have a bright future there. We all want to work with enthusiasm in the Soviet Union in the interests of socialism... We are humanists and want world peace, but we are not so naive as not to understand that armed struggle is still needed in different parts of the planet.
If the people of our community can be needed in this fight, we will be proud and more than willing to allow them to take part in it.

The first CIA sabotage against the Peoples Temple

On June 22, 1978, one of the San Francisco residents, James Cobb Jr., appealed to the US Supreme Court accusing the Peoples Temple and Jim Jones of criminal acts on the grounds that the organization published on March 14 of the same year “an open letter threatening mass suicides of community members under Jones' control in Jonestown (Guyana)." Cobb claimed that on April 18, 1978, Peoples Temple announced in a press statement that members of the Guyana congregation had unanimously decided to die. This information, writes lawyer Mark Lane in the book “The Most Powerful Poison,” was communicated to the State Department, all members of the US Senate, House of Representatives and news agencies. To the above, it should only be added that the information was false, because no open letter or declaration, which was mentioned in Cobb’s statement, existed.

Soon even more alarming signals came from the United States. Lawyer Timothy Stone accused Jones of allegedly forcibly preventing members of the Guyanese community from leaving by using various forms of physical and mental pressure against them.

Who is Stone?

For a number of years, this man worked closely with Jones, accompanied him to Guyana, and served as the community’s legal adviser. As it later turned out, Stone had been a CIA agent since his student years and at one time carried out his assignments in West Berlin. In 1977, Stone's CIA connections were exposed and he was expelled from Jonestown. Now this provocateur, fulfilling the instructions of his masters, organized and headed an association of “concerned relatives” in the United States, that is, relatives of persons allegedly forcibly detained in Jonestown. This association demanded the liquidation of Jonestown.

Through CIA agents in Jonestown, the American Embassy became aware of the Peoples Temple's plans for resettlement in the USSR, as well as that members of this organization were studying Russian, watching Soviet films, which they requested and received through official channels from the Embassy USSR in Georgetown.

We present to your attention photos that, at first glance, may seem quite ordinary and harmless. But what made them famous was the fact that terrible events were hidden behind each of them. It’s unlikely that any of us think that this or that photograph could be the last in our lives or precede a tragedy. For example, not long ago, newlyweds on vacation were photographed a second before the accident. And if it is impossible to capture death itself, then in each of the photographs presented below it is definitely invisibly present.

Survivors. At first glance, there is nothing unusual in this photo. Until you notice a gnawed human spine in the lower right corner.

The subjects of the photo are the players of the Uruguayan rugby team "Old Cristians" from Montevideo, who survived the plane crash on October 13, 1972: the plane crashed in the Andes. Of the 40 passengers and 5 crew members, 12 died in the disaster or shortly after it; then 5 more died the next morning..

Search operations stopped on the eighth day, and the survivors had to fight for life for more than two months. Since food supplies quickly ran out, they had to eat the frozen corpses of their friends.

Without receiving help, some of the victims made a dangerous and long journey through the mountains, which turned out to be successful. 16 men were rescued.

In 2012 star of Mexican music Jenni Rivera died in a plane crash. The selfie on the plane was taken a few minutes before the tragedy.

No one survived the plane crash

Thunderstorm games. In August 1975, a girl from the United States, Mary McQuilken, photographed her two brothers, Michael and Sean, during severe weather, with whom she spent time on the top of one of the rocks in California's Sequoia National Park.

A second after the photo was taken, all three were struck by lightning. Only 18-year-old Michael managed to survive. In this photo is the boys' sister Mary.

It is worth noting that the atmospheric discharge was so powerful and close that the young people’s hair literally stood on end. Survivor Michael works as a computer engineer and still receives emails asking questions about what happened that day.

Regina Walters. A 14-year-old girl was photographed by a serial killer named Robert Ben Rhodes a few seconds before he was killed... The maniac took Regina into an abandoned barn, cut her hair and forced her to wear a black dress and shoes.

Rhodes traveled around the United States in a huge trailer, which he equipped as a torture chamber. At least three people a month became his victims.

Walters was one of those who fell into the trap of a maniac. Her body was found in a barn that was to be burned.

"Fire!"In April 1999, high school students from the American Columbine School posed for a group photo. Behind the general gaiety, two guys pretending to point a rifle and a pistol at the camera hardly attracted attention.

But in vain. A few days later, these guys, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, showed up at Columbine with weapons and homemade explosives: their victims were 13 fellow students and 23 people were injured.

The crime was carefully planned, which led to such a number of victims.

The culprits were not detained, because in the end they shot themselves. It later became known that the teenagers had been outsiders at school for many years, and the incident became a cruel act of revenge.

Girl with black eyes. You might think that this is a still from a horror movie, but, unfortunately, this is a real photo. In November 1985, the Ruiz volcano erupted in Colombia, as a result of which the province of Armero was covered with mudflows.

13-year-old Omayra Sanchez became a victim of the tragedy: her body got stuck in the rubble of a building, as a result, the girl stood up to her neck in mud for three days. Her face was swollen, her hands were almost white, and her eyes were bloodshot.

Rescuers tried to rescue the girl in different ways, but in vain.

Three days later, Omaira fell into agony, stopped responding to people and eventually died.

Family photo. It would seem that there is nothing strange in a Victorian era photo of a father, mother and daughter. The only peculiarity: the girl came out very clearly in the photo, but her parents were blurry. Can you guess why? Before us is one of the posthumous photographs popular in those days, and the girl depicted in it died shortly before of typhus.

The corpse remained motionless in front of the lens, which is why it appeared clearly: photographs in those days were taken with long exposures, which is why it took a very, very long time to pose. Perhaps this is why “post-mortem” photos (i.e. “after death”) have become incredibly fashionable. Oddly enough, the heroine of this photo is also already dead.

The woman in this photo died in childbirth. In photo salons they even installed special devices for fixing corpses, and the eyes of the dead were opened and a special agent was dropped into them so that the mucous membrane did not dry out and the eyes did not become cloudy.

Fatal dive. It would seem that there is nothing strange in this photo of divers. However, why does one of them lie at the very bottom?

Divers accidentally discovered the body of 26-year-old Tina Watson, who died on October 22, 2003, during her honeymoon. A girl and her husband named Gabe went on their honeymoon to Australia, where they decided to go diving.

Underwater, the lover turned off the young wife’s oxygen tank and held her at the bottom until she suffocated. Later, the criminal, who received a life sentence, said that his goal was to obtain insurance.

Sad father. At a quick glance, there is nothing unusual in this photo of a pensive African man, but upon closer inspection, you will notice that a severed child’s foot and hand lie in front of the man.

The photo shows a Congolese rubber plantation worker who was unable to work out the quota. As punishment, the overseers ate his five-year-old daughter, giving the remains for edification... This was practiced quite often, as can be seen from other photographs.

At the same time, white officers and overseers presented his right hand as proof that they had destroyed the local cannibal. The desire to rise in the ranks led to the fact that everyone's hands were cut off, including children, and those who pretended to be dead could remain alive...

Assassin with a sword. It would seem like a Halloween photo, wouldn't it? 21-year-old Swede, Anton Lundin Peterson, came to one of the Trollhatten schools dressed like this on October 22, 2015. Two schoolchildren decided that what was happening was a joke and joyfully took pictures with a stranger in a strange outfit.

After that, Peterson stabbed these young men and went for the next victims. He ended up killing one teacher and four children. The police opened fire on him and he died from his wounds in the hospital.

Dying tourist. Americans Sailor Gilliams and Brenden Vega went hiking in the vicinity of Santa Barbara, but due to inexperience they got lost. There was no connection, and due to the heat and lack of water, the girl was left completely exhausted. Brendan went for help, but fell to his death after falling off a cliff.

And these photos were taken by a group of experienced tourists who, upon returning home, noticed with horror a red-haired girl lying unconscious on the ground. Rescuers went by helicopter to the scene of the tragedy, Sailor survived.

Kidnapping two-year-old James Bulger. It would seem that what is strange is that an older boy leads a younger one by the hand? But behind this photo lies a terrible tragedy...

Jon Venables and Robert Thompson took two-year-old James Bulger from a shopping centre, brutally beat him, covered his face in paint and left him to die on the train tracks.

The 10-year-old killers were found thanks to surveillance video. The criminals received the maximum sentence for their age - 10 years, which extremely outraged the public and the victim's mother. Moreover, in 2001 they were released and received documents under new names.

In 2010, it was revealed that Jon Venables had been returned to prison for an unspecified parole violation.

It later became known that Venables was charged with possession and distribution of child pornography. Police found 57 images of child pornography on his computer. Venables posed online as a 35-year-old married woman who bragged about abusing her 8-year-old daughter in hopes of obtaining more child pornography.

Take a photo of your own killer. Again, at first glance, this is an ordinary family photo, but take a closer look at the background.

The photo was taken by Filipino adviser Reynaldo Dagza, whom the killer decided to take revenge on for helping to arrest him for stealing a car.

It was the photo that helped quickly identify the killer and put him behind bars again.

Suicide on the bridge. A Chinese reporter who was trying to capture the fog on the Wuhan Yangtze River discovered only after a detailed study of the photo that the picture captured a man falling from a bridge; as it turned out later, his girlfriend jumped after him a few seconds later.

Last shower. The man in the photo has a strange expression on his face, don’t you think? The camera containing this photo was found in the washing machine of Travis Alexander, who was killed in the shower by being stabbed 25 times, including in the neck, and shot in the head.

The incident was blamed on his girlfriend Jodi Arias, with whom he was going to break up, but the girl pursued him and literally did not give way.

Other photographs found at the crime scene showed the pair in sexual poses, and an image of Travis in the shower was taken at 5.29pm on the day of the murder. In photos taken just minutes later, Alexander was already lying on the floor in blood.

Seconds before the explosion. The father and daughter posing for the photo hardly knew that the car photographed next to them contained explosives that would detonate in a few seconds.

This terrorist attack in August 1998 was carried out by the terrorist organization Authentic Irish Republican Army. As a result, 29 people were killed and more than 220 were injured. The camera with the first photo was found under the rubble, and his heroes miraculously survived.

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