Friends will not abandon their wife in trouble. We don’t leave friends in trouble

home / Treason

We recently sat with our warm group, warmed ourselves with mulled wine and chatted. Sashka, for example, told the story of how a certain acquaintance of his, having fun with the lady of his heart, almost collided with her husband. During the break between “approaches,” a friend leaned out of the window and saw that her husband had arrived at an inopportune time. Fortunately, the apartment is on the eighth floor, and the elevator did not work, so the hero-lover managed to quickly jump out of the apartment and sit out on the ninth.

But it’s not for nothing that there is a golden rule: “don’t make crap at home!” Zhenya said edifyingly.

Well, at least they had time to have fun,” Valerka chuckled. - And a colleague told me how he took part in sex that didn’t happen. More precisely, he helped out a friend. So Vitka was sitting at home, then his mobile phone rang and his friend Edgar said in a strangled voice: “Do you have vodka?” Vitka had vodka, and he did not hide this fact. Edgar says: “Quickly drink half a glass, take the bottle and take a taxi to me. Her name is Vera." And he passed out.

Vitka - strictly according to the instructions - called a taxi, took a hundred grams on his chest, and then his legs and a bottle in his hands - and went to Edgar. And there he is greeted with the words: “Well, finally! Where have you gone?” In the living room he discovers a laid table, behind it is his friend Edgar and his wife Lera, as well as a charming girl Vera, with whom he, remembering the instructions and roughly imagining what could happen, begins to communicate sweetly, as with an old acquaintance, calls him Verochka and courtes in every possible way The feast continues for about two more hours, after which Vitka declares: “Now it’s time for Verochka and me” - and they leave the hospitable house together.

But as soon as they entered the stairwell, Verochka began to sob, and soon a natural hysteria befell her. After waiting out the first wave of sobs and nose blowing, Vitka listened to the whole truth about what happened. It turns out that Edgar’s wife left on a business trip that evening. And Edgar immediately invited the girl Vera to visit. But Lera missed the train and returned! Luckily for them, the lovebirds were still sitting at the table at that time, so there was no obvious crime or violation of family foundations. And then Edgar uttered a key phrase that was close to genius. “Lerochka, can you imagine, we’re sitting here like idiots, but this, as always, wasn’t enough, and he ran for another bottle.” The main feature of the phrase was in the word “this” - because how could Edgar know which of his friends he could quickly call and call to cover his tracks?!

“It’s a lie,” Seryoga said after listening to Valerka’s story.

“And the most interesting thing about this lie is that it is a lie from the first to the last word,” I quoted Bulgakov.

Well, I also told Vitka that there are a lot of inconsistencies and inconsistencies,” Valerka agreed.

“Yes, the very beginning is already illogical,” I said. - Judge for yourself. A good husband would accompany his wife to the station. And the bad one, in this case walking, would have spent even more time! Well, to make sure that the missus has definitely left and you can have fun in peace.

But I’m wondering, did this Lera really not notice that the number of dishes does not coincide with the declared number of people? There were two plates and glasses, not three, right? - Sergei noted.

How did he call so that his wife wouldn’t hear? Or is his mansion so crowded that it’s impossible to shout enough? - added Sashka.

Yes, I also told Vitka about the dishes and the bell. He says that the apartment there is an ordinary three-room apartment, but at first his wife did not notice the shortcomings in the table setting, and then, when she went to the bathroom to wash her hands, Edgar quickly added dishes and called Vitka. I was most interested in whether Vitka consoled Verochka instead of Edgar. He says he didn’t make an attempt,” Valerka chuckled.

And I’m curious why Lera, when her hubby spoke about “this one,” did not specify who exactly. “Wasn’t it really interesting to find out who was sitting at her house,” Nastyusha said. - Although it seems to me that this Lera noticed and understood everything, she just decided not to make a scandal in public. Then I expressed everything to the infidel. Or she didn’t express it, who knows...

But in general, even with all the inconsistencies, this Edgar is a resourceful man. Although it’s still better not to crap at home,” Zhenya summed up.

Friendship is an important part of everyone's life. The meaning of the word “friend” in one dictionary is explained as follows: “same, equal, different me.” A friend is not just a person with whom you are interested. The meaning of this concept is much deeper and broader. True friends understand without words. They can think out loud, talk as if to their reflection in a mirror. Strong friendship is based on love, sincerity, and trust. Poems, songs, and films are made about this beautiful facet of human relationships. In one work, friendship is described as follows:

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Not in joy with a magnificent feast,

And in a long separation, in captivity,

In a life-threatening environment.

How accurately these lines convey the meaning of true, faithful and devoted friendship. After all, when everything is good, there is health, money, stability, and respect from everyone. Everyone loves you, appreciates you, wants to be closer. And when misfortune happens, there comes a test of whether this is a real friendship. Even in small things you can see who truly loves and appreciates you. Who needs you just because you exist in this world. Friendship has nothing to do with betrayal, deception, selfishness and a sense of profit.

What is a true friend?

“Friends are known in adversity” - how to understand and see the meaning of this expression in practice? A friend in need will never leave you, no matter what happens. Even if the whole world is against you, your loved one will be there, no matter what misfortune comes your way. A true friend loves at all times - both in good times and in difficult times. Of course, situations between life and death rarely happen when one saves the other. Or even risks himself, his life for the sake of a loved one. But everyday little things, in which friendship is also tested, happen all the time. It is in such little things that friends are known. It all starts with small things, because if you are faithful in small things, you are also faithful in many things. And a friend who does not let you down even in something insignificant will be there even in serious troubles.

Friends in deeds, not in words

For example, the following situation may arise: the temperature has risen sharply, and there is no necessary medicine at home. It is in such small things that a friend is known. He doesn’t need to be asked or persuaded. Having learned that you feel bad, he himself will offer his help and ask what you need. It will only be a joy for him to help. A friend finds himself in trouble - and perhaps even to his own detriment, because for him the interests of the other are higher than his own. The concept of friendship is around the clock, at any time of the day a friend’s shoulder is nearby. Friendship knows no boundaries and distances; this is not a hindrance to it.

In separation, friendship only grows stronger, and a friend is truly known. Throughout life, someone passes into the past, new people appear. Sometimes friendships just end and they go their separate ways. But there are also those who remain in your heart and life forever. They become not just friends, but family. And there is nothing better than friendship, which has stood the test of time. With such a person, he will not leave you in trouble either through fire or water. There is nothing scary with him, you feel confident in him, like in yourself. It is through time that a friend gets to know each other, going through certain situations.

Friendship is a very strong feeling that requires a lot of effort and gives a lot of joy in return. This concept is two-way. Everyone wants good friends, but it is also important to be such a person yourself. Friendship helps to reveal all the best qualities, it eliminates selfishness, and teaches you to live for others. Great happiness lies in giving, sympathizing, and being supportive. The ability to be friends makes you kinder, cleaner, better.

A friend is known not only in misfortunes, but also in joy. The ability to enjoy other people's successes is equally important. A true comrade will always be sincerely happy about achievements, victories, and ups. Friends are not rivals, but collaborators. They do not envy each other, but, on the contrary, help in achieving goals.

A friend in need will always lend a helping hand. You can cry and laugh with him. Better one, but real, than ten “fake” ones. And this is one of the best gifts of life.

On December 27, a married couple from Gomel returned home. They spent two terrible months in captivity of the militants.

This news, like a festive firecracker, excited the pre-New Year's calm. The first short message appeared on the website of the Russian Contact Group for an intra-Libyan settlement under the Russian Foreign Ministry and the State Duma of the Russian Federation. “In Libya,” the Network stated dryly, “two doctors, citizens of Belarus, were released from captivity. The plane with them will land at Vnukovo at 12.25. Dealt with the issue of release on behalf of the Russian Foreign Ministry Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov".


A little later, the names of those released were leaked onto the Internet - Sergey Zdota and Inna Babush, a married couple from Gomel. He is a trauma surgeon, she is an operating room nurse. At Vnukovo, where employees of the Belarusian embassy, ​​Russian diplomats and other officials rushed with bouquets of flowers, they were greeted as heroes.

Mom, listen to me, everything is fine, I’m in Moscow, as soon as all the organizational arrangements are completed here, we will immediately be sent to Belarus.

This was the first conversation in many months between Sergei Zdota and his mother Lyubov Alekseevna. The number is unfamiliar to her. My son asked one of the journalists for a phone number at Vnukovo. The Libyan SIM card does not work in Russia.

Before that, he called Gomel at the end of October. In an alarmed voice, he only managed to say confusedly that unknown people with machine guns and in masks took away his and his wife’s passports. Then the connection was lost. Apparently, someone snatched the phone out of his hands. And Sergei and his wife simply disappeared. Stopped communicating. And only now, after liberation, the details of what happened to them began to become clear.


In terms of plot, this is a cool action movie. Terrorist bandits, intelligence agents - everything is twisted into a tight, tense knot. This is interesting to read in books or watch in movies, but God forbid someone experiences it in reality, in their own skin. People of the most humane profession in the world, who save other people's lives at any cost, found themselves at gunpoint of a bandit's machine gun. Although it all started quite peacefully.

Seven years ago, Sergei, a hereditary doctor, the son of a well-known physician in Belarus, went to Libya under a contract. His specialization is operations for bullet and shrapnel wounds.

Then the Libyan government announced a recruitment of doctors to work in its public clinics, recalls Sergei. - Besides the fact that I was incredibly interested in working as a surgeon, I wanted to see life in this Arab country from the inside.

He performed more than eight thousand operations there. He was known as a doctor whose patient did not die on the operating table. The rescued and their relatives prayed for the miracle doctor. It was often shown on local television. The whole country knew the Belarusian by sight.

In Libya, he met his love, his future wife, fellow countrywoman from Pinsk Inna Babush. She worked as an operating room nurse. Everything was going great. But after the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime, life in the country changed overnight. Civil War. Chaos. State medicine has collapsed. The couple got ready to go home. But then Sergei was invited to work by a private medical center in the city of Zintan, a hundred kilometers from Tripoli. The conditions were good, and they decided to stay a little longer. Seeing the situation in the country, they did not enter into a long-term contract, which did not suit their new employer. And he decided to take extreme measures.

When they met in Moscow, Sergei Dota hugged Ramzan Kadyrov and thanked him for a long time for his miraculous liberation. Photo: RIA Novosti


In the evening they called the doctors’ apartment. Sergei carefully opened the door. An unfamiliar boy stood on the threshold and babbled something in an unhappy, pitiful and very quiet voice.

I don't understand what you want! - Sergei leaned towards the boy. The next moment, knocking him down, four masked men burst into the apartment. Unidentified men used machine gun butts to push the doctors into a car parked near the house. Blindfolded.

We drove for about half an hour. When the blindfolds were removed, the doctors saw an empty room with two beds against the walls. The windows are tightly boarded up. Thus began their captivity. Doctors turned into hostages. Two months of alarming uncertainty lay ahead. Threats - from prison to execution. The muzzle of a machine gun is in front of my eyes, the dry crack of the shutter being jerked.

It is impossible to express in words how difficult it was to endure - even now, when all the horror is behind, Inna Babush speaks about her experience with heaviness in her voice, as if shaking the images of the horror she experienced from her eyes.


We were greeted with borscht and potatoes

The news that Sergei and Inna would celebrate the New Year in their native Gomel became the main gift for the family.

As soon as I found out that they were flying to Minsk, I immediately began to prepare,” says Lyubov Alekseevna. - I cooked borscht and prepared our Belarusian potatoes. I knew that it was impossible to come up with a better gift for children after living abroad! And when Inna arrived, she did not leave the decorated Christmas tree - for the last six years she had only seen it in photographs.

Now the couple are getting used to a quiet, peaceful life. Job offers are already coming in. But the family is in no hurry yet.

We need to get over the shock,” says Sergei. - We are thinking about doing some renovations in the apartment, plus we still need to re-issue all the documents. And then get a job.

By the way, the case of Sergei and Inna is not the only one: after the war in Libya, many specialists are in a similar position. Once they arrived on the terms of government contracts, and after the change of government they found themselves in a trap. Now special attention is paid to the problem of compatriots who fell into the millstones of Libyan history. The specialists who dealt with the case of the Mogilev doctors have already stated that everyone will be returned home.


There are no strangers in the Union State

The spouses themselves did not know that returning to their homeland for Inna and Sergei would be a real special operation almost until their rescue. The road home began for them back in September. Then Ramzan Kadyrov was on a visit to Minsk. AND Alexander Lukashenko, knowing the ability of the head of Chechnya to return hostages, asked for help from Belarusian citizens.

“I assured that I would make every effort to rescue them,” said Ramzan Kadyrov. And on the eve of the New Year, the head of the Chechen Republic met the liberated people in person in Moscow. On his instructions, he dealt with this issue Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Adam Delimkhanov. All work was carried out directly on site by the head of the Russian Contact Group on intra-Libyan settlement Lev Dengov. Details are kept strictly confidential. But Lev Dengov told the SV correspondent something:

- In what conditions did the militants keep them?

It was a private apartment in Zintan. In fact, they were kept under arrest. They took away all the documents along with mobile phones. When they went outside, they were always accompanied by armed people.

- At least they were fed? Or starved?

They were released into the store, again under guard. They were required to renew their contract and remain working at the local hospital. There are virtually no highly qualified doctors left in Libya. Some died, others left to escape the war. Sergey is an excellent traumatologist. Inna is a great surgical nurse. Such footage is worth its weight in gold in Libya today. The people who captured them tried to accuse the Belarusians of a medical error, which was completely far-fetched, and threatened that if they did not stay to work, they would be judged.

With the support of the Government of National Accord of Libya, which is located in Tripoli, we managed to enter into negotiations with representatives of this group. I will omit the details for obvious reasons. Let me just say that the negotiations were quite complex and lasted two months. I coordinated the technical part of the process. Ramzan Kadyrov provided enormous assistance. In particular, he helped to get in touch with individual representatives from Libya, which facilitated the process. Ramzan Kadyrov enjoys great authority in Muslim countries. We are the Union State. We are concerned about all citizens: both Belarusians and Russians. The special rescue operation took place quickly, without leaving any traces. The Libyans involved in the captivity of the Belarusians learned that the doctors had left only when it was shown on television.


Troubled autumn in Beirut

Our people have been taken hostage in troubled parts of the world before.

One of the most notorious stories happened in civil war-torn Beirut in the fall of 1985. Four employees of the Soviet embassy were captured, one of them was also a doctor.

The militants wrapped them with tape, leaving only a slit for the nose. They shoved him into a secret container under the back of a truck and, after driving him across the city, unloaded him in an abandoned barn. One of the hostages was shot.

After the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime, life in the country turned into chaos. Photo: RIA Novosti

Later a version appeared that they were liberated by KGB special forces. The leader of the kidnappers was allegedly given the severed head of a close relative with a note: the same fate awaited him. But this is just a fantasy.

In fact, difficult negotiations took place. Western countries typically offered millions of dollars for release. Here the terrorists were given to understand that there would be no money. At the next meeting with the leader of the invaders, the KGB resident simply said:

The USSR, as you know, is conducting training missile launches. Technology is a capricious thing. It happens that missiles themselves suddenly change their trajectory and hit the wrong target.

A day later the hostages were released. Without firing a single shot. Without paying a penny. The militants realized that blackmail was futile and mortally dangerous for them.

“That’s where you’re right,” Narcissa muttered under her breath, watching Lucius close the doors behind him, humming something quietly. - I really have no idea what's going on.

Lucius has been acting strange lately.

No, of course, the ups and downs of recent years could not pass without leaving a trace. She could understand the gloomy melancholy that settled on her husband’s face after imprisonment in Azkaban; after the Lord lived in the manor with his closest servants, she was even ready to share this melancholy from the bottom of her heart, as befits a respectable wife. Of course, the victory of the forces of Good and Light (oh, those newspaper headlines, my word) also did not have the best effect on Lucius’ sense of self. Narcissa even prepared herself for attacks of ostentatious depressive suffering, the rare manifestations of which she had learned to cope with over the long years of marriage. After all, everyone can have their flaws, and Lucius's capricious quirks are not the worst thing that could happen in a family.

However, no depression followed. Moreover, after the last court hearing, at which the future fate of the Malfoys was decided, Lucius wore a very special expression on his face. You could say spiritual.

The last time she observed this was when Draco was cutting his first teeth - Lucius did not let go of his son and heir from his own arms and practically did not sleep, almost crashing into the walls, while he rocked and consoled the crying baby.

Perhaps, if she had not known that Lucius did not leave the walls of the manor, Narcissa would have suspected the pregnancy of one of his mistresses.

If even the son already understood, there really is a crisis in the family.

I looked into his office. Mother, he laid out my old robe on the table and is drawing something on it!

Drawing? - Narcissa repeated slowly. And I thought about my sewing kit and about the wonderful pencil that was so convenient for marking scraps of fabric.

“Wonderful,” Lucius purred and carefully lifted the toy robe by the shoulders. He admired his handiwork, then carefully, so as not to crumple it, rolled it up and put it in his pocket. Putting everything away in the box was a matter of two minutes and one wave of the wand; another spell was needed to heal the fingers pierced by the needle.

Of course, he could have gotten by with transfiguration or gone to the store - but Lucius didn’t even want to imagine what exactly he would look like in a doll store or in what exact terms his precious guest, who was currently tossing around in the closed greenhouse of the manor, would explain to him that he was wrong.

Therefore, he sewed the clothes himself, choosing to tear apart Draco’s old robe - which he simply adored in his carefree childhood, dark blue, and most importantly - incredibly light. The thin silk clung to my hands... and kept slipping out, to be honest. But he didn’t want to ask Narcissus for a favor; the poor girl has been worrying and getting upset about mere little things lately. Lucius was ready to protect his wife from everything, and even more so after all the stress that she had to endure over the past few years.

No, Malfoy must deal with his own difficulties. Moreover, this challenge was clearly up to him. Walking into the greenhouse, Lucius briefly thought about becoming a fashion designer. But all thoughts on this matter were blown out of his head as soon as he touched the doors, responded to the barely perceptible tremor of the security spells and finally entered.

Summer reigned in the greenhouse. Not the English quivering summer, with its clear sky and the usual gentle sun. No, it was almost a tropical summer, when the air is filled with the viscous aromas of bright flowers, when heavy fumes from the damp earth make your head wane, and the feeling of unreality makes you forget about everything in the world.

Lucius habitually cast a light refreshing charm on himself, and then quietly walked into the center of the riot of greenery - where his guest had been staying for some time.

On a low table stood a wide and deep ceramic pot with ornate designs around the edge. A sprout stubbornly made its way through the soil (specially brought from the Mediterranean, by the way!). Well, like a sprout... About twenty inches tall - Lucius was sincerely proud that he was able to grow so much in such a short time. Only six months have passed, after all. But we still have to wait and wait until flowering...

Lucius came closer and, as always, meticulously examined the sprout. A tightly compressed bud crowned the plant, and although it will not bloom for a long time, one can already predict the beautiful and rich deep blue color that is hidden behind the green protective scales. The stem was dense and harmonious, bifurcating at the bottom into two branches that were perfectly even in height, and where they diverged most resembled...

Hands off! - the flower was indignant, and Lucius, breaking into a satisfied smile, once again stroked his thick green buttocks with his thumbs. Under the thin skin one could feel the pulsation of grass juice - the real essence of life.

Pervert! - the flower pressed him, trying to bend to the side, but Lucius only laughed quietly.

Severus, don't be a brawler, you'll fall out of the pot.

And you keep your hands to yourself. What kind of stupid manner is it to come and grope?

Are you still afraid that I'll break it?

Lucius walked around the table and sat down on a chair. Now his face was on the same level as the bud - and at the same time, one could see the dissatisfied expression on his face, which in some incredible way was located on this very bud.

“I’m still afraid that you won’t survive my final restoration,” Snape muttered. The thin secondary stems moved, as if in human form he wanted to fold his arms across his chest.

And can you kill your savior? Wow, what black ingratitude.

Lucius, you are not a savior, you are a pain in the ass and a deranged pervert.

“I agree to be a pain in such a wonderful ass,” Lucius purred and laughed again when Snape bristled with all his leaves in different directions.

"You brute," he muttered.

But smart and resourceful. Now smooth your leaves and let me examine you.

While Lucius was already habitually checking the soil in the pot, carefully feeling the occasionally snarling Snape, he thought for the umpteenth time that yes, it would take a truly remarkable mind to recognize a dryad in the evil potions fan. Not a purebred, of course, but obvious enough that after that very second of May, not to bury an old friend, but to carefully and carefully raise...

Sev! - Lucius was indignant and showed the gloomy flower a finger with a swollen drop of blood. - Why didn’t you tell me that you had thorns?!

There’s no point in reaching where you shouldn’t.

And how do you order them to check you?

What do you need a wand for?

And risk disrupting the weaves that support the ecosystem?

What words do we know?” Snape admired venomously. - Well, there’s no real price for you, who would have thought.

Aren't you afraid to end up in a salad?

“I’ll poison you,” Snape said calmly.

It's always like this. You risk your life in order to get to the body of a fallen friend in the midst of a battle and pull out a living bone, you order earth from the sacred grove of dryads, you feed with natural pearls, ground into shining dust with your own hands. You don't get enough sleep at night. What kind of gratitude?

“I’ll think of something,” Lucius promised and suddenly winked. - And I have a gift for you.

And he pulled the robe out of his pocket and shook it out, then carefully wrapped it around the speechless Snape. The finest silk lay in beautiful waves right to the ground and, most importantly, did not crush the delicate leaves for which Snape (secretly, of course) was worried.

“It matches your eyes,” Lucius concluded, admiring his handiwork. “But you'll have to grow something that won't let the mantle fall.” I can't tie a rope around you, can I?

"That's right," Snape agreed, stunned.

Well, that's great. And now that your modesty has been saved, do you want to eat?

Snape shook the bud in agreement, Lucius gently stroked it with his finger along the tightly closed leaves and reached for the mortar, which already contained the day's portion of pearls.

Not much time will pass, and the young dryad will become strong enough to be able to initiate the rest of the household into this secret.

And then, perhaps, Severus will get used to it, and it will be possible to caress his buttocks even after flowering - and not receive an unpleasant curse on the forehead. After all, you have to be very patient with plants - and the Malfoys have a lot of patience.

Friends in importance are on a par with your life partners, parents and children. Of course, if you are really friends, and not just sometimes spending time in gossip. All the more valuable is this friendship, based on mutual assistance, understanding and support. How not to lose the trust of such a necessary person and maintain friendship throughout your life?

1. Be honest with your girlfriend

However, honesty does not mean tactlessness and impoliteness. If, for example, you see that a dress that a friend tries on in a store doesn’t suit her at all and distorts her figure, tell her about it and try to give arguments. The same goes for wearing too much makeup, bad breath, or any other problem. It is you who have the right to frankness.

2. If you blurt out your friend’s secret, you risk losing her forever.

Yes, there are women who simply live by gossip, and they themselves are not very upset when they learn that their innermost thoughts have become public knowledge. But for some, this may amount to betrayal. Keep your mouth shut!

3. Willingness to help at any moment

Yes, sometimes when you hear your friend’s crying voice on the phone at night, you need to get out of bed and come to her, no matter what is keeping you close at that moment: a perplexed husband or dissatisfied children. This is friendship. Of course, if this happens about once a week, then you don’t need to demand such sacrifices from yourself. But sometimes a person really needs immediate help, so why not give it to a close friend?

4. Forgive, forgive and forgive again

Without compromise there is no love or friendship. Do you feel like your friend has completely forgotten about you, having lost her head with her new boyfriend? Don't get angry with her and don't try to cut off the wires with persistent questions and insults. The time will come, she will be grateful to you for your trust and patience.

5. Don't keep your eyes on her spouse or boyfriend

no matter how attractive he may seem to you. A friend will take this as a knife in the back. Practice shows that when you break up such a couple, you are most often left without a girlfriend and without a boyfriend.

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