Kate Moss - photo and biography of an unusual supermodel. Kate Moss in his youth

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The life of Kate Moss really looks like a fairy tale. The rapid career of the British beauty began with the fact that fourteen-year-old Kate accidentally caught the eye of the head of one of the largest modeling agencies. Worldwide was not born into a wealthy family at all. Mother and father Kate Moss were ordinary London workers. What was this beauty in her youth? And how did her life and career turn out?

Childhood and youth

Kate was born in the small town of Croydon, not far from London. Kate Moss in her youth was not an arrogant model from high society - after all, her childhood was not easy. Unfortunately, the girl's father left the family very early, leaving his mother Linda with two children in her arms. The woman was forced to work as a waitress in order to feed Kate and her younger brother Nick.

The life of the kids was rather boring and monotonous. Kate and Nick were preparing for the work of waiters or sellers. But for Kate everything was decided by chance. Hardworking Linda Moss decided to present a gift to her children and herself. She managed to save enough money to fly to the Bahamas on vacation. There, Linda planned to relax with the children and see something other than her small town. When the family finally flew to New York for a transfer, they met by chance - a business woman and the owner of a large network of modeling agencies.

Carier start

Kate Moss was pretty in her youth, so Sarah did not leave indifferent, and she invited her to work in the agency. It was thanks to this chance meeting that Kate's image soon appeared on the cover of the famous Face magazine. And in the early 90s, Kate managed to conclude a contract with Calvin Klein, the amount of which was about $ 4 million. And this contract was fateful for Kate - she became not just a supermodel, but a real embodiment of the "heroin chic" that prevailed then. This time is known for the fact that women's thinness, androgyny, as well as long hair came into fashion. Women's clothing has become more like men's. Kate Moss in her youth was the most suitable for such an image.


Photographers of advertising and modeling agencies tirelessly exploited the thinness of the girl, and by 2000 Kate became one of the highest paid models in the world. The press often accused the girl of using illegal psychoactive drugs, and it should be noted that these accusations cannot be called unfounded.

Kate Moss in her youth did not have much career success, but this did not bother the future supermodel. She made many new friends with whom the girl could indulge in entertainment. Almost every evening she arranged noisy gatherings, during which she did not disdain drinking and smoking. At the age of 17, Moss lived with a journalist who photographed her for various magazines.

Moss style features

The style of Kate Moss was very suitable for commercials, and since 1990 the model has been actively filmed in commercials. Starting around 1995, after signing a contract with Calvin Klein, the supermodel's income was about 10 thousand dollars a day. Moss was not very worried about her future and literally littered with money every day. Many stars could not afford such a luxury. However, the personal life of the model was the same as that of many others.

Kate Moss and Johnny Depp met at one of the parties, after which the model quickly broke up with her roommate. At the time of the meeting with Kate, Depp suffered from heroin addiction. Their relationship, which was thoroughly saturated with the intoxication of alcohol and drugs, ended as quickly as it began. Kate Moss and Johnny Depp broke up when the actor went to But even after the breakup, Moss and Depp remained friends. For four years, they tolerated each other only because they had common interests.


It was during this period of time that Moss landed in a psychiatric hospital. At first, the public did not know about Kate's true diagnosis, but later it became known that the model was being treated for alcoholism. After rehab, Moss dated several well-known actors for three years. Among them were Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Wahlberg.

Why did Kate Moss' style turn out to be attractive for numerous advertising agencies with which the model worked? After all, her appearance made them change their minds about the canons of beauty. The first trump card of the model is a lean androgynous physique. Freckles and an unusual asymmetrical facial structure also brought fame to the model. In everyday life, the model successfully combines different styles of clothing - classic, retro, and punk. The model usually prefers gray and black shades, easily breaks the laws of fashion, combining those wardrobe items that, it would seem, have always been incompatible. Moss can easily afford to come to a party in a lace blouse and youth jeans.

Parameters Kate Moss

Many beauties are interested in the model's weight, height and age. Kate, with a height of 173 cm, weighs only 48 kg. Her parameters are 86 - 58 - 89 cm. Kate Moss is 43 years old. However, journalists managed to reveal the secret of Moss's thinness at the very beginning of her career. It turned out that the model owes its proportions to the use of drugs. After Moss was exposed, she found the strength to publicly confirm that this was true. She also issued a public apology for promoting anorexia through her activities. But after this scandal, the model's earnings only increased. In 2007, the English newspaper Sunday Times published the amount of her fortune - then it was 45 million pounds. Moss was the 99th wealthiest woman in the whole of the UK. In the same year, she took second place in the list of the most expensive models in the entire globe.


In his spare time, Moss enjoys painting. However, the model does her hobby only when she is in a state of depression. Therefore, her paintings do not shine with cheerfulness. For example, one of the model's self-portraits was sold at auction for $61,000. His model drew using lipstick and the blood of her then-boyfriend - Pete Doherdy.

Fashion model Kate Moss was born on January 16, 1974 in the British city of Croydon. The modeling career developed rapidly: she became the face of a famous cosmetic brand, starred in several films, entered the top three top models in the world. But her personal life developed rather uneasy, it had ups and downs and not very successful times. Today, this famous woman is still popular.


Kate became a model by accident. She was 14 when the girl was noticed by Sarah Dukas, the owner of a modeling agency. She saw the angular teenager as the young girl was driving home from Barbados. I called to the competition, the girl came, she was accepted. At first, model work was just an interesting pastime for the girl. Here she made many friends with whom she actively entertained. At parties, Kate Moss tried alcohol, tobacco and sex. When the girl was 17, she began to live with Mario Sorrenti, who was a photographer.

All photos 14

A bright moment in the life of Kate Moss was her photo shoot for the British magazine The Tate. The girl starred topless: it turned out that she had practically no breasts. Her photo caused a storm of emotions. Accusations of pedophilia rained down on the editorial office, as well as that this image could provoke young girls to lose weight excessively in an effort to look like a thin fashion model.

Beloved Kate, Mario, introduced her to Calvin Klein. He invited her to participate in the advertising of perfumes. This was the beginning of the girl's career as an elite level model with a fee of up to 10 thousand dollars a day.

Then the girl realized that the small breasts, which were the subject of her experiences in her youth, were a gift from nature. After all, it was this part of her appearance that became a bright touch of her uniqueness. Kate Moss said that she follows the traditions of the supermodels of the 60s of the XX century.

After her modeling career began in 1990, two years passed - and the beauty already had a contract with the Calvin Klein brand in the amount of $ 2 million. In the mid-1990s, she was earning $10,000 a day. At the beginning of the 21st century, the model became very famous in the world, she climbed the same step where Cindy Crawford and Naomi Campbell were.

Kate began to inspire authors to create films and books. She participated in shows of major fashion houses. As the editors of Forbes stated, the girl became the second most famous top model after Gisele Bündchen.

Kate Moss has starred in several films: TV series and soap operas. She appeared in music videos and sang in "Babyshambles" as a duet.

One day, Kate decided to leave the fashion catwalk. The reason for such an unexpected step was a great disappointment in the modeling business. It seemed to her that all life is an endless "Groundhog Day".

But soon the girl returned and continued to work as a top model. This was facilitated by the fact that many famous fashion designers and representatives of fashion houses called her back. Kate returned to the world of fashion as an adult, stopped participating in unthinkable bohemian parties, and began to take her health more seriously.

Personal life

In personal terms, the fate of the model is not so cloudless. Her first partner, Mario Sorrenti, is a thing of the past. And Johnny Depp appeared in life, whom she met later. The actor had a difficult streak: he did not have a permanent job, he used heroin. They started dating, but the relationship didn't last long. Depp began to live with Vanessa Paradis, who became his assistant in getting rid of drug addiction.

And Kate Moss dated other men.

A serious romance took place with Jeffeson Hack, who owned a publishing house. In 2002, the model had a daughter together with Heck - Lila Grace. However, the couple soon broke up.

In 2005, the girl began an affair with Pete Doherty, who sang in the Babyshambles band. It so happened that once during a party in honor of the release of the next album of the group, the model was photographed while sniffing cocaine. The photos ended up in the Daily Mirror - this caused a scandal. Many fashion houses refused to cooperate with the model.

The girl was treated for drug addiction in an Arizona clinic, where she had to spend a whole month. Many of her colleagues and friends came to her defense. Defenders included Stella McCartney and Elton John.

After some time, Kate Moss returned to business again. Her face shone on magazine covers, contracts with fashion houses were renewed.

Today they are talking about the engagement of model and guitarist Jamie Hince, who gave her a wonderful gift - a piano worth 38 thousand dollars, promising to teach her beloved how to play this instrument.

As you know, in 1998, Kate Moss was treated in a clinic specializing in psychiatry. There, according to the official version, she was undergoing a course of rehabilitation due to exhaustion, but, as informed people say, alcoholism was the reason for her stay in the institution. The girl left the hospital with a slightly increased weight - she added four kilograms and stopped drinking alcohol.

In her gastronomic preferences, the model likes to break the rules prescribed in this business. She loves to enjoy sausages and chips. She likes traditional British mashed potatoes, rice puddings and fish. The model also appreciates Italian cuisine - she loves spaghetti. Due to the peculiarities of the body, a girl may not be afraid to gain weight: she can eat whatever she wants without gaining weight.

With Calvin Klein, the girl stopped being friends after it became known about her alcoholism. The fashion designer who helped her become a star did not want to continue communication.

In 2008, the model starred for three well-known brands - Yves Saint Laurent, Roberto Cavalli, Donna Karan. At the same time, the fragrance "Kate" from "Coty" was released. And a book with photos that she especially liked. English artist Mark Quinn cast a golden sculpture "Siren". Now it is part of the exposition of the British Museum.

Celebrates its 46th birthday, and we are happy to join in the congratulations. For four decades, Kate has appeared on hundreds of covers of fashion publications, walked the catwalk dozens of times, starred in ten music videos, released a photo book The Kate Moss Book, create clothing collections for Topshop and Equipment, develop accessories for Longchamp, as well as cosmetic lines for Rimmel and . On this occasion, we recall 10 facts from her modeling and personal biography, and also consider 14 rare archival footage with Kate Moss, which once again convinces that she deserved her title of supermodel.

One of the first test shots of Kate Moss


1. It is believed that in the 90s, Kate Moss introduced “heroin chic” into fashion - even Bill Clinton, who at that time was the President of the United States, criticized him. Definitely, the first part of this phrase has nothing to do with fashion, but the "chic", expressed in and slip dress, is still relevant.

Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell

2. Despite rumors about Moss's bad habits, the model admits that she is "addicted" to tea - she can drink 10-15 cups of this drink a day.


3. In the 90s, Kate was called the anti-model for not matching the parameters of the supermodels of the time. Despite this, 10 years later, in 2007, Moss was recognized as the "sexiest woman" according to the NME Award. In 2014, the model graced the 60th anniversary cover of Playboy magazine.

Chanel Haute Couture S/S 93 show, Paris

4. The British Museum houses a 50-kilogram version of Kate Moss, cast in gold, worth £1.5 million. Artist and sculptor Mark Quinn considers Kate to be the ideal beauty of our time, which is why he chose her as a prototype for creating a figure.

5. Kate is inspired by the style of Mick Jagger, and model Jerry Hall is her beauty icon.

Backstage at the Karl Lagerfeld show in Paris, 1994

6. By the way, Kate's favorite cosmetic product is a black kayal pencil, a.

Costume Institute Ball MET Gala, 2006

7. July 1, 2011 Kate for Jamie Hince. Her wedding was attended by 15 bridesmaids, and it took fashion designer Manolo Blahnik 5 tries to create the bridal shoes.

Kate at the Guy Laroche fashion show for autumn-winter 1996

8. Kate Moss educates. With her father, publisher Jefferson Hack, Kate was in a relationship from 2001 to 2004.

Kate Moss with her other boyfriend, Johnny Depp, at the launch of The Kate Moss Book in New York, 1995

Kate Moss

Katherine "Kate" Ann Moss She was born on January 16, 1974 in Croydon (UK). British supermodel and actress, one of the highest paid models of the 1990s and 2000s.

Mother - Linda Rosina Moss (née Shepherd), bartender.

Father - Peter Edward Moss, travel agent.

She has a younger brother, Nick, and a half-sister, Lottie (Charlotte).

She grew up in the middle of Addiscombe Borough.

Kate's parents divorced when she was 13 years old.

At the age of 14, Kate was noticed at New York's Kennedy Airport by the director of the London agency Storm, Sarah Doukas, who invited her to try herself as a model. And two years later, Kate appeared on the cover of Face magazine.

For a long time she collaborated with the American brand Calvin Klein, which made her a supermodel. Just in the early 1990s, a wave of androgyny swept the fashion world - the blurring of differences between men and women in appearance (thin thin bodies, long hair, identical clothes).

It was Calvin Klein who was one of the first to use this new trend in fashion, popularizing the unisex style. Young, thin Kate perfectly embodied this image of "fusion of the sexes." One of the most popular and best-selling perfumes of the 1990s was CK One (“One”), and Kate Moss became their “face”.

Then came the "heroin chic" trend, associated with thin and haggard pale young people who were addicted to drugs. Fashion designers exploited the “narcotic” image with might and main, releasing thin and pale fashion models with circles under the eyes on the catwalks. Kate Moss was once again at the peak of this fashion. The fashion world was full of rumors that quite often hanging out in clubs and at various parties, the models really use drugs that have become fashionable in the bohemian environment.

Moss broke the monopoly of the tall "über-models" of the late 1980s and early 1990s (Linda Evangelista, Claudia Schiffer, ), who became famous for their appearance of inaccessible and glamorous "goddesses".

With the popularity of Kate, the era of very thin teenage models has come. It was from the mid-1990s that more and more young female models began to appear on the catwalks of the world, whose age did not exceed 16 or even 14 years. Moss's success is also explained by the fact that she does not look like a "goddess", but a normal girl who earns her living by showing clothes.

British publicist Morley describes Kate in this way: “She is contrary to everything that she should be. She is small, she has a hard look, an irregularly shaped face, and this is actually her advantage, because people see themselves in her. She falls out of the aloofness and duplicity of the fashion world."

Kate Moss earned her first million at the age of 20, in 2000 she was named the highest paid model in the world (her earnings were estimated at $ 14.8 million), a contract with Chanel alone brought her, according to Forbes magazine, 5 million dollars in 4 years.

2005 marked the collaboration between Moss and Topshop, where she acted as a designer and model for the Kate Moss for Topshop line. Cooperation with Topshop brought her more than 5.2 million dollars. Philip Green, owner of the brand, thanked Moss for her work, noting that it was "fantastic". However, according to him, Topshop began to take more and more time from the model, and she wanted to try herself in other projects.

According to the Daily Telegraph, the separation of the parties at the end of 2010 was "friendly". At the same time, Green did not rule out the possibility of working with Moss in the future. In total, Kate released fourteen collections in collaboration with the brand, which turned out to be very popular with buyers, despite the line's higher price range compared to regular collections.

Since 1990, Kate Moss has appeared in commercials, and in 1992 Calvin Klein offered her a $4 million contract. By the mid-1990s, the fashion star's income had grown to 10 thousand dollars a day, books began to be written about her, and she was offered to act in films.

During her career, Kate Moss has participated in many campaigns and shows of the most famous fashion houses, such as Gucci, Dolce and Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Versace, Chanel, Missoni, Christian Dior, Longchamp, David Yurman. Kate Moss was the face of the Christian Dior cosmetic brand, as well as the Mango and Lu-Jo clothing lines.

She has repeatedly appeared on the cover of the most prestigious fashion magazines such as Harper's Bazaar, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Elle and Glamour.

According to Forbes magazine, Kate Moss is the second top model in terms of fortune after.

In 2006, English sculptor Mark Quinn created the Sphinx bronze sculpture depicting Kate Moss in a bizarre yoga pose. In 2008, he cast a similar sculpture out of gold, calling it "Siren".

Kate Moss has appeared in music videos for Primal Scream, White Stripes, Stage Dolls, Elton John, Marianne Faithfull, Johnny Cash and George Michael.

She starred in several films. So, in 1992, along with other top models, Kate Moss starred in the British comedy "Inferno", and in 1999 she appeared in the British comedy series "Black Adder: Back and Forth" (Blackadder: Back & Forth) - played a cameo role Maiden Marian and Queen Marian.

In January 2012, Kate Moss was scheduled to act as a magician's assistant for her friend Stella McCartney's show, but was forced to stop rehearsals due to temporary numbness in her right hand.

Kate Moss (documentary)

Kate Moss Height: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Kate Moss:

Unlike her modeling life, Kate Moss's personal life hasn't worked out so well.

In addition to men, Kate also had women. According to Courtney Love, in the mid-1990s, she was Moss's mistress for some time.

Cohabited with successful fashion photographer Mario Sorrenti.

Kate broke up with Mario Sorrenti after meeting a famous American actor with whom she began a romantic relationship. In 1998, the couple announced their engagement, but a few months later the stars broke up - Johnny began dating French actress Vanessa Paradis.

After breaking up with Johnny, Kate Moss had many boyfriends: Billy Zane, Anthony Langton,.

She had a serious relationship with publisher Jefferson Hack, with whom Kate gave birth to a daughter, Lila Grace, in 2002. But, in the end, this union also broke up.

In 2005, Moss met musician Pete Doherty, frontman of the Libertines. At one of the evening parties, on the occasion of the recording of Pete's new album, the paparazzi captured Kate Moss sniffing something resembling cocaine. Sensational incriminating photos were published by the Daily Mirror tabloid, after which a scandal erupted. Some famous fashion houses even terminated contracts with the supermodel.

As a result of the scandal, Kate Moss went to an American clinic located in Arizona, where many celebrities were treated for drug addiction. After a month of treatment, Kate returned to London. Friends and many of her colleagues from the fashion industry came out to support the model. Among them was Stella McCartney, their statements in defense of Kate Moss were successful - two fashion magazines placed the model's photo on the cover, and old clients began to return.

In September 2007, Kate Moss met Jamie Hince, guitarist for the Anglo-American indie rock duo The Kills. They got married on July 1, 2011 in London. They broke up in the summer of 2015, and, moreover, they did it by agreeing peacefully, without trial.

Filmography of Kate Moss :

1992 - Inferno (Inferno)
1999 - Black Adder back and forth / Blackadder Back & Forth - Maid Marian / Queen Marian
2007 - The 4 Dreams of Miss X

Kate Moss(Kathryn Ann Moss) is a British supermodel and actress. Kate was born in the south London suburbs in 1974. She grew up as an athletic girl, but did not excel in her studies. Her parents separated when she was 13 years old. Once Kate Moss was returning from a vacation she spent in the Bahamas. During a transfer at the New York airport, the girl was noticed by modeling agent Sarah Dukas. The agent really liked the girl and immediately received an offer for a casting. Moss, although complexed because of her appearance, agreed.

Kate conquers the podium

In 1989, Kate Moss, despite an excellent portfolio, has difficulty finding a job. Her small stature and boyish figure do not fit with the canons of beauty. Linda Evangelista and Cindy Crawford thrive in the modeling business. With the advent of Kate Moss, the era of very thin models has begun. In the mid-1990s, very young teenage models began to appear, whose age did not exceed 14-16 years. The advantage of Kate was that many people saw themselves in her. She managed to become part of the modern culture of Britain.

Kate has very thin arms and small breasts. She is worried about this, but, nevertheless, works as a model and shoots for The Face. Fashion photographer Mario Sorrenti draws attention to her. Soon he becomes her chosen one. In 1992, Kate Moss signed a contract with Calvin Klein advertising campaign director. Soon Moss and Mark Wahlberg were demonstrating the underwear of this brand.

Fragile and sensual

Kate also posed nude for the Obsession fragrance campaign. Klein is delighted. He considers Moss Kate a fragile and sensual woman, sexy and bewitching. Kate Moss also appears on the cover of Vogue. And then another 30 covers of the edition. But for many, Kate Moss began to be associated with anorexia. And posters with her image were often decorated with graffiti: "Feed me."

Kate discovers heroin chic. Bill Clinton said this about Kate Moss: It's not pretty at all. The supermodel, in turn, justifies herself. According to her, even if she starts to eat a lot, she will remain the same.


Kate Moss earned her first million at the age of twenty. She became the highest paid model in the world (her earnings were $14.8 million) in 2000. According to Forbes magazine, a contract with Chanel brought her $ 5 million over four years.

In 2005, Kate Moss began working with Topshop. She acted as a designer and at the same time became a model for the Kate Moss for Topshop line. This collaboration brought her over $5 million. The owner of the stamp, Philip Green, thanked her for her work. He called it fantastic.

But cooperation with Topshop began to take more and more time from Kate Moss, and she wanted to participate in other projects as well. According to The Daily Telegraph, at the end of 2010, Kate Moss parted ways with Topshop. In collaboration with the brand, Kate has released 14 clothing collections. All these collections were very much in demand by buyers. The small cat face of Kate Moss has truly become the face of modern fashion. In addition to amazing plasticity, she showed a phenomenal flair for the changing pulse of the industry. She made many look at familiar things in a new way. Kate Moss is called a style icon, that weather vane that tells where the fashion wind blows.

Personal life

The personal life of the model was not as successful as the model. The model broke up with her lover, successful fashion photographer Mario Sorrenti, after she met American actor Johnny Depp on her life path. But soon the star model had to part with Johnny, because he began dating French actress Vanessa Paradis, whom he later married.

After breaking up with Johnny, the model had a lot of fans. She was courted by Billy Zane, Jack Nicholson, Anthony Langton. She had a serious connection with the publisher Jefferson Hack. In 2002, Kate had a daughter, Lila Grace, from him. Alas, this union was short-lived and soon broke up. In 2005, Kate meets Pete Doherty, a musician. Kate was captured at one of the parties on the occasion of the recording of Pitt's next album. Kate Moss snorted cocaine at the party. The photos compromising the star were published by the tabloid The Daily Mirror.

At the center of the scandal

After that, a scandal erupted in the fashion world. Some famous fashion houses even decided to break contracts with her. Kate Moss decided to change her mind and went to an American clinic, which is located in Arizona. In this clinic, many celebrities were treated for drug addiction.

Kate returned to London after a month of rehabilitation. Many friends and colleagues supported the model. Among them were Stella McCartney and Elton John. Photos of the model were placed on the covers of two fashion magazines. Old clients are coming back. In 2007, the catwalk star met guitarist Jamie Hince. On July 1, 2011, they got married.

Kate and Jamie's wedding

They got married near Birdford. The wedding took place in the church of St. Peter. The bride and groom immediately after the church went out to be photographed with the bridesmaids. Among them was the bride's daughter Lila Grace. 37-year-old Kate was at the pinnacle of happiness. No one has seen her so beautiful and happy for a long time. The dress for the bride was designed by her friend John Galliano. For the wedding dress, she picked up the shoes of Manolo Blahnik. The shoes had blue insoles, as tradition required. The image of Kate turned out in the style of the 1920s.

She had soft curls and subtle [[makeup]. Although usually Kate prefers brighter colors. With such make-up and dressed as a bride, she looked tender and charming. The groom wore a sky blue suit. With a double-breasted jacket. Guests arrived in Rolls Royce cars. The bride also arrived in the same car. Her father and daughter were in the car with her. Roads in the area were closed. Everyone was interested in the wedding of the model and the rocker. After the wedding official ceremony, the wedding reception and a series of wedding parties began.

Photographer Terry Richardson photographed famous guests at the wedding of Kate Moss and Jamie Hince. Among them were Jude Law, Paul McCartney with Nancy Shevell, Marc Jacobs Kelly Osborne. The photographer even took some photos of the happy newlyweds in their bedroom.


  • Brilliant Kate Moss, myJane women's magazine

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