The face of Nikolai Sobolev. Nikolai Sobolev, biography, news, photos

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In the modern world, in order to earn decent money, it is not necessary to disappear in the office all day. One way to earn money is to blog on the Internet and shoot videos. The fact that this brings real income was proved by Nikolai Sobolev by his own example.

This guy was born in St. Petersburg in an intelligent family. Since childhood, he thought to connect his future with sports. Nikolay was seriously engaged in martial arts for several years, but the resulting injury forced him to say goodbye to his dream.

While studying at the institute, the guy became interested in bodybuilding. He developed his own training system, and soon his weight reached 100 kilograms. Believing in the success of his system, Nikolai planned to become a fitness trainer. It was in the plans until he became interested in shooting commercials.

Now the guy leads three YouTube channels and has a large army of subscribers. It is not surprising that with such popularity, the charming blogger has no end to fans. But, despite this, Nikolai says that if he falls in love, then this is not for one day. And judging by his relationship, he does not cheat.

The blogger's first relationship began at the age of 16. His girlfriend's name was Anna. Nicholas does not expand on that period of his life. The journalists failed to find out where and how they met the girl, and also why they broke up. It is only known that their relationship lasted almost a year and a half.

Much more is known about the second girl of Nikolai Sobolev, Yana Khanikeryan. She, like the guy, is a well-known blogger on the Internet. The girl posts her videos on Instagram and has already gathered a considerable army of subscribers there.

With their beloved, they repeatedly appeared together in commercials. They were considered the most beautiful couple on Instagram. But after 3.5 years of relationship, the couple broke up. Moreover, young people did not comment on this matter. Fans learned about this from the same videos, or rather, by the fact that Yana stopped filming with Nikolai.

Nikolai Sobolev also met his new girlfriend thanks to his work. She and her partner were filming another video when a pretty brunette approached them. She asked permission to take a picture with Nikolai. He didn't mind. He thought to himself that this is the most beautiful girl who has ever been photographed with him.

After shooting the video, the frame with the photo was decided not to be cut. And Nikolai still could not forget this girl. He wished he knew her name and exchanged phone numbers with her. But then luck smiled at him. His video with the photographing scene was seen by his participant and left a comment. Thus began the communication of Nikolai Sobolev with Polina Chistyakova.

Blogger's personal life

Now Polina Chistyakova occupies an important place in the life and heart of a blogger. Nikolai Sobolev affectionately calls his girlfriend a bun. Together they shoot videos, take pictures and travel a lot. Evil tongues claim that the girl is next to Nikolai because of his popularity. However, Polina independently maintains her blog on Instagram and has many subscribers.

A good income for the girl of Nikolai Sobolev is brought by advertising of various cosmetic brands on the pages of his blog. Therefore, Polina is completely financially independent and popular.

Polina Chistyakova studied at the Northwestern Institute of Management in St. Petersburg. She graduated from the department of PR and advertising with honors. At the same time, nature rewarded her with unique external data, so it is not surprising that the girl tried herself in the modeling business.

To date, Polina sometimes participates in shows. She spends most of her time next to her beloved and helps him with filming. The couple does not hide their personal lives and willingly shows joint photos from the holidays on social networks. Polina and Nikolai have been together for 5 years.

Young people have been asked more than once about when they are planning a wedding. Nikolai Sobolev said that he was already ready for this responsible step. He wants to create a strong family. And recently he confirmed his words with deeds. Naturally, fans learned about it from social networks.

Interesting Notes:

First, Polina posted several photos in wedding dresses on Instagram. She asked subscribers to help her with the choice. Questions immediately began pouring in about when the wedding was planned. A video from Nikolai appeared next, in which he demonstrates a beautiful engagement ring with a white gold diamond.

According to some reports, the wedding was scheduled for August 1, 2018. The celebration was planned to be held in Dubai, but for some reason it did not take place. However, this does not mean that the couple broke up. They are together and their personal life is already planned for 5 years ahead. It is during this period of time that they plan to have children.

To find out how it will actually be and whether their plans will come true, fans will have to wait. In addition, most likely, Polina Chistyakova and Nikolai Sobolev will talk about it personally. All news about them can be found on social networks.

The emergence of new areas of activity and platforms for their implementation exponentially responded to the emergence of people who dared to fulfill themselves on these platforms. This statement is equally applicable to artists and scientists, athletes and engineers, children and adults, men and women.

The emergence of YouTube video hosting and subsequent development led to the emergence of video blogging - a phenomenon that has become popular in the world. Of course, the American creators were the first to show themselves on the new site, however, the Runet figures did not keep themselves waiting. Today, Nikolai Sobolev can be safely called the clearest example of a successful Russian video blogger.

Childhood and youth

The guy was born on June 18, 1993 in Northern Palmyra. Nicholas was originally destined for a happy life, devoid of any serious difficulties and excesses. The boy appeared in the family of a private entrepreneur who trades in real estate, and his wife is an employee of the State Academic Mariinsky Theater.

Even before starting his studies at Lyceum No. 30, Sobolev was enrolled by his parents in the taekwondo section. In 2008, Nikolai transferred to gymnasium No. 56 and changed the section of martial arts, starting to practice karate-do. However, having received an injury during sparring, the guy said goodbye to martial arts, preferring computer games to them.

But the fictional gaming reality could not hold Sobolev's attention for a long time - the guy decided to return to an active lifestyle, so he bought a subscription to a fitness club. This decision helped the guy decide on the image - before Nikolai experimented a lot with clothes and hairstyles - and get in shape.

After the gymnasium, the guy applied to St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, which he successfully graduated in 2015, becoming a certified manager-economist.

Video blogging

However, Sobolev became famous in his student years, when, together with a new university friend, he was inspired by the activities of foreign pranksters and decided to implement a similar Russian-language project, making an adjustment for the Russian mentality and current realities. The project was named Rakamakafo, after a garbled pronunciation of a line from Boomfunk MC's "Freestyler" song: "Rock the microphone". Many listeners at the beginning of the 2000s pronounced it as "raka makafo."

After a successful start in 2013, the guys finalized the idea and switched from standard pranks to social experiments that began to gain popularity. The new format brought Sobolev and his partner thousands of subscribers and millions of views in 2014, which made it possible to update the equipment to raise the bar of technical quality.

By the time they graduated from the Polytechnic University, the guys became famous and recognizable, which, on the one hand, was pleasant and beneficial in terms of getting new acquaintances, and on the other hand, complicated further work on the project. Colleagues decided to disperse in order to continue developing their careers solo - so Nikolai became the host of the YouTube Life channel, which a year later was renamed in honor of Sobolev. The creators considered that in this case naming is a profitable solution in terms of branding.

The Sobolev project was positioned as coverage of current events in the real world and on the Internet (especially on YouTube): the deception of viewers by Channel One, child suicides and death groups on social networks, battle and war with bloggers, a sexual scandal involving and so on.

The acute social theme further strengthened the guy's position in the Russian segment of YouTube, and also contributed to Nikolai's fame. This led to the appearance of Sobolev on the television projects “Let them talk”, “Evening Urgant” and “Comedy Club”, as well as in the author's web show “vdud”.

By the way, Nikolai also appeared in the projects of his other colleagues in the shop - Sobolev can be seen periodically in the video, and (Davidovich).

But it is impossible to achieve such results and not make enemies in the process. This explains the conflicts of Nikolai with in 2016 and Likey in 2017.

Personal life

For a couple of years now, the video blogger has been dating a student at the Northwestern Institute of Management Polina Chistyakova (05/03/1996). A girl with a model appearance, vaguely similar to, many envied such a partner.

The couple's relationship is developing successfully - this is evidenced not only by joint photos in Instagram, but also regular appearance together at various media events.

Nikolai Sobolev now

2017 was no less eventful for Nikolai than the previous four. In addition to a skirmish with Likey, Sobolev managed to come into conflict with Alexander Timartsev, known to the world under the nickname Restaurateur.

In addition, in the spring of 2017, Sobolev, together with his YouTube colleagues, participated in a meeting with the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Among the latest news with the participation of Nikolai is the new intellectual and entertainment project "Sobolev Bombs", which is another adaptation of the international format.

Showman "YouTube life" on the same channel. Prankster, auto-reviewer, writer (!), new-found face-from-TV channels and good old caring-face-from-YouTube. Here, however, we are only talking about the SOBOLEV channel, which means only about the YouTube Life show and the rest of Nikolai's activities (including very successful as one of the founders of the Rakamakafo project) will not be touched here. As well as the personality itself, we will only touch on it insofar and to the extent that it will be directly connected with the channel, with creativity, with “content”.

Cons of the show

  • Elements of a personal blog.

And platforms for expressing opinions, as mentioned earlier. It turns out that there are two options here:

1) You are an expert analyst in issues related to video blogging, in Internet communication or, for example, in politics. And it is not at all necessary to be an expert in the profession (although it is desirable), it is enough just to strive to delve deeply into the issue. It’s definitely not worth following the lead of the first thought that has arisen, the first emotional reaction (which is what our hero Nikolai Sobolev sins with) to anything. The first reaction was like “Ahhh! What is it done good people! How scary to live, let's publicize the resonance of this case! - certainly does not carry any constructiveness in itself, it makes it difficult to look at the situation fully, deeply, from all points of view. It especially concerns political and near-political issues, where such an approach only hinders a common understanding of the situation. "Especially" - does not mean "only" - in other matters it interferes too. From the leader it turns out sometimes as a result of such "nonsense repeater", which is depressing.

2) You appear before the viewer as a charismatic, bright personality with your own special opinion, with your own special position in this case too response form, herself reaction, may be even more important than the events in question, news, and so on. This is already the format of a personal video blog and many well-known YouTube figures do this. “YouTube Life” by Nikolai Sobolev specifically is about something else. Neither a special position and a special opinion, nor any special form of response and individuality is presented here.

3) [If neither the first nor the second] You are the broadcaster. This means everything that we wrote about above. Less personal reasoning, personal comments and personal attitude. Somehow it works out that way.

  • One show, one host.

And no one else. Maybe we, of course, find fault, but for news releases, reporters, experts, or in general anyone who makes news would be nice original. Otherwise, the release of news will be just a repetition and pronunciation of things that are already obvious and known to everyone. Gathering and voicing facts on some issue of interest to the people is, in general, good, but ... isn't it too little?

Yes, Nikolai sometimes takes on some role other than the presenter, sometimes he is an expert and a reporter, or, so to speak, a “supplier of insider information” (about TV shows, about familiar bloggers, etc.). The last role, by the way, comes out very well and the information we are given is really interesting, but even all of them do not make the weather entirely - they are either not given enough time, or they “play out” of insufficient quality. Therefore, it’s probably good that Nikolai sometimes borrows some formats from other shows and channels: “the top most popular YouTube trends” or “the five most hated bloggers on YouTube” or “bloggers before they became famous” - so it turns out at least some - some primary creative processing of information, at least some small novelty.

  • Image.

[We try not to discuss the personal qualities of authors, hosts, show creators, bloggers here, even if the content presented here is deeply personal. So it's about the image.]

Selfishness and Narcissism(a little more pomposity and pathos). Regarding narcissism - probably all bloggers have a tendency to this, because. filming yourself on camera and posting on the Internet what happened - there is already something narcissistic in this itself. But other bloggers manage to at least somehow retouch it, at least with the same self-criticism, self-irony, or simply showing some other qualities in the foreground.

But in the case of Nikolai Sobolev, it is narcissism and narcissism that are the first to catch the eye - this, in fact, is the basic component, skeleton of the image. And the image resting on such a skeleton is, as a rule, unpleasant and repulsive. Absolute rejection of criticism and non-recognition of their own possible mistakes and shortcomings; the absence of at least some balance and objectivity of judgment when it comes to Nikolai himself and, for example, when it comes to his personal opponents (those with whom he is in conflict at the moment) - here.

Such an image, oddly enough, was not formed from the activities of Nikolai as a leader. And the basic qualities of this image could well be discarded without compromising the content of the show. They grow from another detail completely unnecessary here from the sphere of a personal blog - participation in conflicts. You can even say Nikolai "dirty yourself" such participation, and it doesn’t even matter who actually won there and with whose opinion the audience ended up more in agreement. Dmitry Larin, Afonya, Likey ... - no matter how many dislikes were shipped to them, the loser, in the end, is Sobolev Nikolai (perhaps " and Sobolev Nikolay). However, “losers” means that it’s not the video’s viewability or the “subscription” of the channel that loses - the overall watchability of videos and image perception, which, in the end, will hit the popularity in turn.

Well, a small nuance that relates to the same point. This, to paraphrase a well-known acronym: "a sense of the importance of one's own activity", and a rather heightened feeling. If the presenter suddenly did not mention the importance of the topic that he is talking about right now and the importance of the very public outcry around this issue, then this presenter definitely not Nikolay Sobolev. Well, it already is, by the way.


Watch the show if you are not indifferent to the entire YouTube media scene: all these new trends, projects, faces, vlogger festivals, etc. Wylsacom, Sasha Spielberg, Dmitry Larin, Likey, Ivangay - if for some reason all these faces are close and interesting to you at the same time, then this show is just what you need and its shortcomings are unlikely to confuse you. Maybe.

What to watch

News from the life of YouTube. Look at them, it's simple. The more the topic concerns YouTube and video blogging (or specifically pranks and prank-making in general) and only them, the more Nikolai argues and looks like a professional expert in his field. “More” doesn’t mean “quite like”, but it’s already something, which means it’s quite watchable if there is a general interest in the topic, of course.

The famous prankster, and now the owner of his own channel, Nikolai Sobolev was born on June 19, 1993 under the sign of the zodiac Gemini. Kolya is a sports guy with a height of 183 cm and a weight of about 82-85 kg. He always tries to keep himself in shape, in his teens he practiced karate for a long time and hard.

After graduating from the Polytechnic University, Nikolai began his career as a YouTube blogger in 2014. Together with his friend Guram Narmania, he created the Rakamakafo channel, where the guys posted videos with pranks and social experiments. Today, new videos rarely appear on the channel, although the audience is large and reaches almost 3 million subscribers. The paths of the two friends diverged, Sobolev became the host of the YouTube Life channel and later created his own author's channel.

Now, to reach the mark of three million, Nikolai lacks several thousand subscribers. Its content is quite diverse, most often there are various videos on topical topics, news in the world of YouTube and television, as well as answers to popular questions. In 2016, Nikolai released his book "YouTube: The Path to Success", appeared a couple of times on the program "Let them talk." Sobolev got the nickname #kolyahaiter after an unsuccessful attempt to call his enemy Dmitry Larin to Versus.

At the moment, she is in a relationship with Polina Chistyakova.

Nikolai Sobolev- not only a video blogger, but also a hip-hop artist who has not yet reached battle manifestations (although he tried), focusing on the production of disses for colleagues in the workshop and very high-quality clips created about them. Nikolai Sobolev received an initial portion of fame as a co-author and co-performer stuffed with juicy pranks YouTube channel "Rakamakafo"(joint project with Guram Narmania).
The guys with a hidden camera captured pranks and very risky social experiments. But our rap portal Nikolai Sobolev interesting, because personally he is actively developing the hip-hop niche. How is it shown? - you ask. Let's go in order.

Nikolai Sobolev I tried myself in what is called Russian rap style - not once or twice ... First of all, he twice participated in the show of the great and no less great - the greatest people who make Russian rap music.

And he is also the most consistent reviewer of reality, thundering throughout the country with his principled position on the deeds and words of such a scandalous celebrity as Diana Shurygina.

Date of birth: June 18, 1994
Place of residence: St. Petersburg
Works in the field: Video blogging
Project: Rakamakafo Pranks
Character: Prank, host
Date of registration channel: March 8, 2014

Nikolai Sobolev was born in St. Petersburg, received a higher technical education within the walls of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The hero of our story is a bright representative of the YouTube community. project Rakamakafo he and his companion Guram Narmania urge people not to be indifferent, revealing various problems of modern society.
Like another popular video blogger, Yuri Khovansky, he chose the tedious swindler Dmitry Larin as the object of attacks and diss, whom he challenged to a fair duel within the framework of Versus. But the vegan didn't buy it.

Nikolai Sobolev - biography and how much he earns
Present Nikolai Sobolev a well-known prankster and video blogger in the Russian-speaking space, one of the creators of the popular project, appears before the broad masses Rakamakafo (Pranks show) tells how it all began:
“We met and got to know each other, Guram and I at the birthday party of a mutual friend and became friends. Over time, we realized how similar we are in our outlook on life and sense of humor.

One day Nikolai Sobolev and Guram We watched videos on YouTube and paid attention to foreign pranksters, we really liked this idea. We discussed and decided to create a similar project. I doubted it very much and thought that many people are already doing this. And we were lucky, not all. At the time when we started making videos, there were no worthy examples of pranksters in Russia.
We decided to concentrate and chose the topic of social experiments, as it is very unusual and fun. We thought for a long time and planned to shoot the first video, what idea and topic to start with, but as soon as we launched it on YouTube, it went like clockwork.”

In October 2015, Sobolev became the face of the YouTube LIFE analytical program (now the channel has been renamed SOBOLEV), where the young man talks about interesting events and video blogging news.
In May 2016, Nikolai Sobolev becomes one of the hosts of the Ready Steady Go car show, where the YouTuber, along with Ilya Strekalovsky and Alexander Murataev, shares his impressions of expensive cars.
On June 15, Nikolai Sobolev challenged Dmitry Larin to the "Versus Battle" rap competition, but was rejected in the form of a music video "#kolyahaiter", which went viral on YouTube.

Nikolai Sobolev answered his opponent in his own style, but his video "#DimaNessy received a lot of negative marks. VERSUS with LARIN! (#DimaNessy) - 2016. In the summer, the young man presented his book" YouTube: The path to success. How to get trucks of likes and tons of money", where Nikolai Sobolev shared his experience in creating videos and making money from it.
Guram and Kolya began to engage in more and more solo projects, paying less attention to the Rakamakafo channel, but on August 10 a video was released where the guys competed who of them would collect the largest number of female phone numbers. Pickup truck for speed (2016) At the beginning of February 2017, he records a video for his news channel about the well-known incident with the rape of Diana Shurygina.

After that, Nikolai Sobolev is invited to the program "Let them talk", first as a guest, and then as the hero of the program. Let them say - In the midst of a party.
Since Diana Shurygina was a very resonant person, participation on Channel One brought Sobolev millions of new subscribers, and his personality also became a little more media than it was before.
Nikolai Sobolev continues his versatile activities on the network, delighting his subscribers with new, high-quality videos that come out with amazing regularity on his resource.

Charity Mission
It is very difficult sometimes to watch the "divorces" that were invented by Sobolev and his friends. The video "Baby in the Trash" makes the heart beat faster, cry and think about the indifferent trill of youth.
The bottom line is that children's life in our time is not valued and only a few rush to defend it. Nikolai is trying to stir up society, he shows the cruel truth, these are the realities.

He receives money from his project, but the important point is to convey to people the idea of ​​how everything is running.

You need to be more receptive to other people's problems, especially since everyone is able to help. Sobolev focuses on the fact that a person does not succumb to the syndrome of the crowd, but in any situation remains himself.

A wonderful idea with a developing production - a new center for orphans. It exists not only in words, but is also confirmed by actions.

The Rakamakafo project brings social benefits. In May 2016, Nikolai, with his project partner, Guram, organized a charity fundraiser.

They proved that there are still caring people, in a few months almost 2 million rubles were collected for children in orphanages. The pranksters made signs to the guys who contributed more than 1000 rubles, a kind of thanks for their help.

Nikolai is a regular guest of the Vidfest festivals - national festivals of video bloggers.

Kolya, as a popular video blogger, will perform at the St. Petersburg VK Fest and hold a master class on the successful promotion of a personal brand in social networks in St. Petersburg (the second Vkontakte festival in history).

Nikolai Sobolev was born in St. Petersburg and always grew up as a very active boy. At school, the young man played in an amateur theater. From his peers, the young man has always been distinguished by an active life position and a love of public speaking. And Sobolev also has singing, cabaret performances and bodybuilding! At one stage in his life, the young man even weighed 120 kilograms. After leaving school, Nikolai entered the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, from which he graduated with a master's degree. The craving for video blogging haunted Sobolev for a long time, which is why he registered his first channel already in 2010.

True, he did not have popularity, and therefore in 2014 the young man easily decided to join his friend Guram and create a whole prank show. By this, they understood the creation of a channel on which various pranks will be posted that show the true face of ordinary people. The project was named "Rakamakafo". The creators of the channel admit that by their actions they urge ordinary people not to be cruel and indifferent. Through videos, the guys show the problems that exist in modern Russian society. An interesting fact is that the very first video in which pranksters approach passers-by with indecent proposals was filmed for 15 days! And this happened because Nikolai and Guram were wildly shy. During the first year of the Rakamakafo project, it collected a million subscribers, which allowed its creators to become winners of the TOP 50 most famous people of St. Petersburg in 2015.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the charitable activities of the blogger. Despite the fact that he singles out the idea of ​​stirring up society as the main mission of his project, Nikolai is ready not only to do it in words, but also in deeds. In May 2016, the children organized a charity gathering for orphanages. In a few months, thanks to the video of Nikolai and Guram, about 2 million rubles were collected. An interesting fact is that the pranksters personally thanked the people who transferred more than 1000 rubles, recorded individual signals. An active position regularly leads Nikolai to various festivals, including Vidfest.

And at the St. Petersburg festival VK Fest in 2016, the young man even held a master class on the successful promotion of a personal brand in modern social networks. Also, Nikolai is the host of the YouTube LIFE channel, constantly covering the Internet community with the latest news from the Youtube world. At the same time, Nikolai himself is a participant in several conflicts on YouTube, the most famous - with Dmitry Larin, thanks to the clip of Mr. Larin Kolya Sobolev was nicknamed #kolyahaiter.

In recent 2016, together with Alexander Murataev and Ilya Strekalovsky, he created the Ready Steady Go channel, where various shows about cars and everything connected with them are released.
In August of the same 2016, book by Nikolai Sobolev "YouTube: The path to success" (download), which describes the basics of video blogging, answers to the most popular questions from novice bloggers and the history of creating projects by Nikolai and his friends. Nikolai has been dating Polina Chistyakova for a long time, their joint photos can often be seen on his Instagram.

Nikolai Sobolev took part in the program of Channel 1 “Let them talk”, where there was a discussion of the rape of Diana Shurygina. In turn, the blogger defended Sergei Semenov (the guy accused of rape) and opposed Diana Shurygina. The photo of Nikolai Kohl constantly pleases fans with new photos on Instagram, the guy demonstrates his personal life and footage from the filming of various projects.

The biography of Nikolai Sobolev is interesting for its diversity and originality.

Nikolai Sobolev biography
Young and ambitious, 23-year-old Nikolai Sobolev is a master's student at St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

Nikolai Sobolev
nikolay sobolev rakamakafo growth

Member name: Nikolai Sobolev Age (birthday): 06/19/1993 City: St. Petersburg Education: St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Faculty of Economics and Management Family: there is a girlfriend Polina Chistyakova Channel focus: Rakamakafo - social experiments, SOBOLEV - discussion of current Internet news The channel was created : 03/08/2014 and 10/16/2015

Number of subscribers: more than 2.4 million on the Rakamakafo channel, and more than 2 million on the personal channel
Nikolai Sobolev on social networks: Vkontakte:
Rakamakafo channel:…

DIANA SHURYGINA - Before Became Known!



Let them talk. #on the bottom of how Diana Shurygina became an Internet star
A bad man (2014) Attack on veterans (2015) Gay in a rocking chair (2015)

Book about YouTube from Nikolai Sobolev

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