Which zodiac signs will money fall on very soon, according to Vanga’s prediction? Find out what God whispered in the ear of every zodiac sign! Everyone has a purpose Horoscope from Vanga on

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Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, better known as Baba Vanga, is a clairvoyant originally from Bulgaria. This personality played a special role in the rebellious 20th century.

The prophetess Vanga predicted many events for the signs of the zodiac, which came true during her life and after her death. As practice has shown, she rarely made mistakes.

Vanga's prophecies - what fate awaits the signs of the zodiac?

It is known for certain that the Bulgarian clairvoyant prophesied a terrible accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the collapse of the Soviet Union, but at that time it seemed unthinkable! The Soviet empire would exist forever - so millions of people thought.

Baba Vanga predicted, based on her zodiac signs, a deep economic crisis at the beginning of the 21st century. And these words are reflected in reality, as you and I are witnesses to. But most of all she was interested in the topic of the end of the world.

Vanga's frightening predictions for many zodiac signs

The name of this soothsayer is associated with predictions about the end of the world in 2012. But now we have crossed the fatal threshold, and it seems that the terrible prophecies have not come true. What are the predictions of the prophetess Vanga for the zodiac signs? What awaits each of us in the future?

The frightening predictions of the clairvoyant Vanga according to the signs of the zodiac largely coincide with the apocalyptic visions of the Mayan magicians and stargazers, who created a special system of calendars. With the advent of the new era, the prophets promised the end of the world many times, and the Indians of ancient Central and South America expected the end of the world every 52 years.

Vanga's predictions about the end of the world for 4 zodiac signs

Vanga's predictions for zodiac signs about future disasters are very vivid. The prophetess considered the mass death of bees, destructive hurricanes, earthquakes and hitherto unprecedented tsunamis to be signs of the approaching end of the world. Each of us could observe all these events over the past years.

According to her predictions, in December 2012 the Earth should collide with a large cosmic body, and only 4 zodiac signs will be able to survive this large-scale catastrophe.

As a result of the collision, dust will rise into the atmosphere, which will hide the Sun, a long night will fall on Earth, the temperature will sharply drop, which will lead to a series of terrible events. Representatives of 4 zodiac signs will be able to survive in the harsh conditions of the end of the world. But Vanga did not name the signs that would bring good luck. It is only known that there will remain one sign of each of the four great elements - Fire, Air, Earth and Water.

December 2012 has passed, fortunately, the Earth has escaped danger, and all 12 zodiac signs are alive and prosperous. But we should not forget that the predictions of the famous Bulgarian prophetess do not end with 2012. Will time and history confirm Baba Vanga is right?

The chronological list of predictions of the sorceress Vanga according to the zodiac signs, which should be realized after 2012, is voluminous and covers three millennia, during which humanity will experience many events that will change civilization itself. She also names the date of the new end of the world - 5079, after which darkness will come.

Many people have probably heard that 2018 promises material well-being for most zodiac signs. However, only Vanga was able to predict which representatives of the zodiac circle could count on the favor of the stars. According to her prophecy, 2018 will start differently for each sign. To find out which zodiac signs the money will “fall” on very soon, let’s look at her prediction in more detail.


Aries can safely be considered one of the lucky ones in the financial forecast. The most purposeful sign of the Zodiac will fully feel the support of the stars. Every time Aries sets a new bar for himself, his determination is reinforced by a new source of money. Already from the second month, you should expect an increase in income, as friends and acquaintances will take turns suggesting interesting ways to earn money. It is important to respond to lucrative offers in a timely manner. This will allow you to reimburse all expenses from the previous year.


But sedate Taurus should not get excited and rush to hit the jackpot at the beginning of the year. Representatives of the most stubborn sign of the Zodiac are advised to carefully plan their financial strategy before embarking on the investment stage. Under no circumstances should you rush things. According to Vanga’s prediction, Taurus will experience material balance no earlier than the middle of the year. Only in the summer will they be able to pay off all their debts to their friends. Scrupulous accounting will help stop the flow of financial expenses. Using analytical skills will even allow you to gain profit by the end of the year.


The sun's favorites will also have to tighten their belts. Their financial luck will not be stable, since Vanga noted the role of eclipses in the transit chart of the horoscope. Money that comes in during a good period should be put aside for a rainy day. This will allow you to maintain balance during forced expenses. The main task for Gemini in 2018 can be considered maintaining a zero balance. Which is quite difficult for those who like to wish the impossible. However, it's still worth a try.


Cancers, as lovers of financial stability, can already begin to thank Vanga for his good-natured prophecy. According to her prediction, the beginning of 2018 will be extremely favorable for them. Material resources will come from the most unexpected sources. Receiving an inheritance, rising real estate prices - all this will play into the hands of enterprising representatives of the sign. It is important to make the most of this time and make capital investments. You can think about frugality and accumulating income at the end of the year, when the image of a successful person has already been created.

a lion

Despite the favorable forecast for 2018 from the famous fortune teller, Leos should be extremely careful. The first half of the year may require significant expenses. The financial reserve should be enough for the essentials. And only with the onset of summer will Leos be able to relax. Luck will thank the representatives of the fire element with unexpected gifts. The return of a long-forgotten debt, a suddenly winning bet - all this will bring joy to the home of the proud Leo. It is recommended to save this money for profitable business investments. Proposals about which will certainly follow in the fall.


Only careful self-control will allow Virgos to stay afloat. The most perspicacious representatives of the sign have long ago placed their bets on real estate. Their incomes are stable. Less fortunate guys will have to cut their expenses so that the budget remains without holes. 2018 offers Virgos a test of strength. Only a select few will be able to rise high. However, here Vanga saw an opportunity to move to the next level. With proper attention to their own health, Virgos will be able to change their business thinking for the better. And this will bear fruit by the end of the year.


Even the most balanced representatives of the horoscope should not relax. According to Vanga’s prediction, even unexpected cash flows will be needed to patch up the budget. Financial turbulence is caused by the unstable position of Venus in the starry sky. Every now and then it is blocked by other luminaries. Therefore, 2018 should teach Libra representatives how to save. Only reasonable spending will allow them to rest at the end of the year. The rest of the time you will have to work hard.


Scorpios will also have to endure a difficult start to the year. Vanga's prediction says that representatives of the most magical sign of the Zodiac should work hard for the first six months. Only patience and dedicated work can overcome an unfavorable financial period. The winter and spring months will require all their willpower. But autumn will inundate Scorpios with wonderful news. The material balance will return to normal, and the new source of income will delight you with the depth of the money well.


Sagittarius can breathe easy. Vanga's prediction does not say anything about financial turmoil for representatives of the sign. On the contrary, they will have no problems with money. The spring period promises to be favorable for capital investments. However, you should avoid political adventures and fraudulent money-making schemes. It is important to organize additional income yourself. Fortunately, the stars will provide all possible support in any direction.


For the most far-sighted representatives of the zodiac galaxy, everything will work out in the best way. Their strategic calculation will be justified by the middle of the year. This will allow Capricorns to enjoy life to the fullest in the fall. A stable income will only require restraint in the first months of the year, when spontaneous spending will test the patience and endurance of stubborn workaholics. In general, Vanga’s prediction for Capricorns can be interpreted exclusively positively.


Another lucky person in the zodiac circle can safely be called Aquarius. Vanga's prediction promises them unprecedented profits from the most unexpected sources. This is the very case when luck bites your heels, and a tit sits in your hand. Material success can intoxicate anyone, but fate will protect a forewarned Aquarius. It is only important to moderate expenses and not rush headlong into risky adventures. An influx of money should be expected already in the first months of the year.


The coming year should also be very successful for carefree Pisces. Their natural inclination towards new beginnings will result in financial success. Subtle intuition will allow you to find the best solution even in the most difficult situations. At the same time, investments will begin to pay off in the first half of the year. Therefore, profitable investments should be preferred to any thoughtless spending. Subsequently, this will make it possible to make a long-planned trip around the world.

Before writing out the horoscope for 2018 according to the zodiac signs, we will give general advice and recommendations to all fans of the star forecast.

General horoscope for zodiac signs for 2018

Astrologers' forecasts for 2018 for all zodiac signs are quite favorable, because the Earth Dog favors the warmth of the hearth, a friendly attitude and everyday joys. This totem animal does not tolerate lies, hypocritical ingratiation, anger, and perfectly recognizes all human vices and thoughts. That is why 2018 will correspond to comfort, friendliness, the emergence of new love and family ties.

The horoscope for 2018 according to zodiac signs, according to famous astrologers, will be calm, filled with hope and improved financial well-being. Some will be lucky in business, others in creative self-expression. The Earth Dog will protect relationships and strong families, push for career growth, education, and self-improvement.

A big role in the favorable location of the stars is played by the fact that the position of the planets according to the sextile type will open up access to new opportunities for the zodiac symbols. The ascending Lunar Node in the sign of the royal Leo will allow you to show your talents and calculate possible moves several steps ahead. The Earth element will protect people from strong shocks, including political and financial ones, and will give stability. On the love front, you will also not be able to do without new acquaintances, filled with romance and the expectation of happiness.

The main parting word of astrologers in 2018 for each sign is to go full speed ahead towards innovation, good luck and success. Those who get married after February 16, give birth to a child, change their attitude towards their career and work on themselves will find happiness. We’ll tell you what exactly the horoscope for 2018 promises for each zodiac sign, guided by the predictions of the eastern calendar.

Eastern horoscope for 2018 according to zodiac signs

The coming year of the Yellow Dog will bring many changes to this symbol. It will take all your perseverance and stubbornness to change your life for the better without making serious mistakes. In 2018, Aries will have to lose his balance many times, so he must learn to be more restrained and tolerant of relatives and work colleagues.

In terms of health, there won’t be any particular concerns, but moderate physical activity certainly won’t hurt. The stars advise you to relax more and maintain relationships with your family. In love, astrologers predict success for Aries, strengthening family relationships, and reconciliation with former lovers.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

The stars for Taurus in 2018 will turn out well in all areas of life. You should not expect big changes in family and financial terms, but there will be a lot of positive emotions, and in various areas of activity. However, you will have to be more vigilant to avoid falling into the hands of scammers.

At work, Taurus will have stability and an average salary, so they will need to be smart about spending. This zodiac sign is susceptible to colds, so astrologers recommend strengthening the body in 2018 and increasing immunity in various ways. In love affairs, everything will remain as before; new relationships are possible only with a decisive attitude.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

The horoscope for Gemini in 2018 promises good luck in financial and love affairs. Any undertakings will be successful, talents will be recognized and appreciated. Thanks to their sociable nature, Geminis will find new friends and maintain good relationships with colleagues. However, quarrels in the family and cooling of relations between lovers due to money issues and trips are not excluded.

It is important to see a doctor on time, pay loans on time and monitor the health of loved ones. With due effort, your superiors will appreciate your work, so career growth or transfer to another position is not excluded. Also, 2018 is a good year for marriage, having children, and creating new relationships.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

The Year of the Dog will bring changes to this zodiac sign. In which specific areas depends on age and place of work, here the totem animal chose to maintain intrigue. Astrologers advise making repairs, traveling, making new acquaintances, and moving towards your goal even in small steps.

Business-minded Cancers may want to think about running their own business - stars favor undertakings, even the most risky ones. Any business will be successful if you make an effort. The symbol of 2018 advises single and unmarried representatives of the zodiac to settle down and start a family. There will be no changes in terms of health.

The planets for this sign are positioned in the most successful way. Any undertakings will not be in vain, and workload, perseverance and systematic work will bring the expected results. The main thing is to enlist the support of like-minded people and relatives, and take into account the comments of colleagues. In the coming Year of the Dog, it is important to trust your intuition, especially when preparing documents.

Also, in 2018, Leos will have to monitor their reputation and avoid compromising situations. In summer, you should relax away from home, with your family or children. It is not forbidden to occasionally pamper yourself with expensive gifts, but significant expenses should be avoided. In love, everything will remain unchanged if new acquaintances and flirting communication do not arise before February.

Virgo (August 22 - September 23)

In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, Virgos should think about their health and take care of their nerves. The emotional state in difficult situations can be unstable. Outdoor trips, get-togethers with friends, and new acquaintances are recommended. Married people need to devote more time to their other halves, single people need to choose their partners more pickily.

It will be useful to spend more time in the gym and start doing exercises in the morning. It is possible to climb the career ladder if you keep your emotions under control. In love, the stars advise being more calm and trying to maintain the relationship.

Libra (September 24 - October 23)

The measured life of Libra will be successful in financial and career terms. Astrologers prophesy to the sign the support of the stars in business, new beginnings, and business projects. Good health and cheerfulness will help you achieve all your dreams if you put in the effort. However, you still need to take care of yourself by strengthening your immune system and getting plenty of rest after work.

Also, 2018 promises Libra good luck and reciprocity in love, especially in the summer. It will be more difficult for those who are single - they will have to lower the requirements for candidates, change something in themselves. There will be a lot of positive emotions in all areas of activity if you manage to keep your personal and business life secret from gossipers and envious people.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

The stars advise Scorpios in the coming year of the Earth Dog to experience less envy, jealousy, and try to avoid negativity. It is better to direct your seething energy to solving problems, building a career and relationships. It will not be superfluous to take care of the nervous system.

But in Scorpio’s affairs, the implementation of any undertakings and financial growth in profits from investments await. It is recommended to focus your ardor not on love experiences and scandals, but on achieving career heights. The other halves will be faithful to this hot-tempered sign, so there is no need to worry about family relationships.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22)

In 2018, this sign will want everything at once, but will not have enough strength for many things. The stars advise setting goals more specifically, discarding insignificant and costly ideas. Otherwise, due to difficulties, problems with health, relationships at work and in the family will arise.

In love, you will have to control your emotions, trying to avoid casual relationships. Inconsistency will lead to scandals and divorce, but is this necessary? It is advisable for Sagittarius to show patience in business too - otherwise they will have to change jobs and prove their professional suitability. Another warning concerns injuries and fractures - there is a high probability of getting damaged this year due to carelessness or haste.

Capricorn (December 23 - January 20)

For Capricorns, the Year of the Dog promises development, a surge of strength and efficiency. The stars also advise traveling more and spending time with old and new friends. If you wish, you will find a new job, another rented apartment, and an opportunity for entertainment.

Stability awaits Capricorns in their career, including financial stability. You will have more time to do your favorite things, and there will be a minute left for hobbies. The desire to become more romantic and responsible towards a permanent partner will awaken. There will be no problems with health either, especially if you work out in the gym, run in the morning, and harden yourself.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

For Aquarius, the element of Earth has prepared a number of surprises. Firstly, representatives of this fickle sign will be able to complete important undertakings. Secondly, many will achieve success in creative professions, areas of activity related to art, literature, and music.

By combining dreaminess and business acumen, Aquarians will be able to climb the career ladder and win many hearts on the love front. Have you spent too much time in brides and grooms? Feel free to marry your other halves, the stars favor lovers. There are no problems with health; on the contrary, energy, including sexual energy, will be in full swing.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

Pisces in 2018 should not go with the flow, but they also do not need to break barriers. The horoscope advises assessing your strengths when planning things, and taking on feasible tasks. A non-standard approach, some cunning and resourcefulness will help. This is the only way to achieve a promotion at work and improve your financial condition.

Single Pisces will be able to meet their love and start a romantic relationship. Perhaps this will be a person who has been in the status of a friend for a long time. The stars favor love, family happiness and marriage. Health will allow you to play sports, yoga or swimming, and make friends while walking together.

The year will begin with a solar eclipse, it will happen on January 6 - and this is the right moment to give up everything that makes you weaker, including fears, complexes and bad habits. The energy of the eclipse will turn on on the eve of the New Year, so take the end of the Old Year no less seriously than the sales season: pay off debts, close unsuccessful projects, put your house in order.

The main trend in 2019 will be set by Jupiter. The planet of business will spend almost the entire year, until December 3, in Sagittarius, in which it is especially strong. It's sort of like a superhero cape for those who plan to push boundaries. In every sense - to master new markets, countries, languages. Make contacts with foreign partners, go on business trips, travel, sign up for Italian or Japanese courses: yes, stars have a concept of state borders, and this year you need to cross them as often as possible. Don't miss your chance: Jupiter's next visit to the constellation Sagittarius will happen only in 12 years.

In March we will see the final transition of Uranus into Taurus. Uranus is about change, but no adventures: conservative Taurus demands adherence to the rule “measure seven times, cut once.”

Saturn in Capricorn also speaks in favor of healthy conservatism. Planet of self-discipline in the constellation of self-discipline - get the hint? Lucky are those who are serious about building a business and career, are ready to work hard and be responsible for everything they do. The time of self-promotion and populism is over; empty promises no longer work.

Finally, on April 17, Chiron will move into the constellation Aries. Chiron is responsible for communications, contacts, negotiations, personal and partnership relationships. In the sign of the impulsive and selfish Aries, Chiron can cause painful transformations: partnerships and alliances can collapse, yesterday's friends can become enemies. To prevent this from happening, in any relationship it is important to take into account the interests of the other party.

The second half of the year will pass quietly: by this time we will have already mastered the conditions of the game. But no one has canceled Mercury retrograde. This year the periods of mistakes and disappointments are from March 5 to 28, from July 8 to August 1 and from October 31 to November 20. At these moments, you can complete things, reflect on the lessons learned, and put your documents in order. But it’s not worth concluding contracts, signing important papers, changing jobs and launching startups.

Overall, a year of great opportunities awaits us, let’s be ready!

Aries (03/21–04/20)

Career. This year you will either change your job or your responsibilities will change. There will be many events, and they will all make you think about strategic issues. Where are you going? What is your goal? As you reconsider your life priorities in March–April and June–July, don’t forget to include other people’s interests in your picture of the world. The most favorable period for revaluation of values ​​is mid-September, but you can prepare for this now.

Love. The best thing single Aries can do for their love life this year is to stop looking for something super durable. Relationships cannot be static, it's time to take it for granted. For those who have a family, it is important not to get bogged down in everyday life. Invite guests, go to concerts and exhibitions, dine in new restaurants. Aries, whose partners are much older, will have to go through difficult moments both with each other and with the environment.

Health. If you haven’t booked a vacation at a ski resort yet, then don’t: for now it’s better to refrain from extreme sports and stress, as there is a risk of injuries, accidents and other troubles. But by the middle of the year you will get stronger and feel great. Summer is ideal for beauty treatments of any complexity, as well as for active recreation in other countries. Trekking in Nepal, traveling on a yacht in the Mediterranean, kitesurfing in Vietnam - yes, yes, and yes again.

Taurus (04/21–05/21)

Career. A difficult year awaits you for an uneasy person: Uranus has settled in your sign. Personal growth, advanced training or even a change of profession - these are your prospects. You have time until June for the preparatory stage; During this period, you can monitor the market and plan. By the end of May - June, you will most likely have made a plan for the next few years. From February to July everything will be very good in terms of finances - use this chance.

Love. Closer to November, something in your personal life will change: it won’t be the same as before, but perhaps it will be even better. This year, free Taurus should look for a couple far from home: in other cities, countries and even on other continents. Partners with different mentalities are not an easy story, but you have the strength and tact to build a relationship. Those who already have a family should pay attention to their partner’s problems and offer him help.

Health. Be careful with alcohol and medications - follow the moderation, read the instructions carefully, avoid drugs that are addictive. In the fall, there is a risk of catching an infection due to a weakened immune system, so try to eat berries over the summer and go to the sea - the immune system will not strengthen itself. Swimming, walking, yoga - everything is beneficial.

Gemini (05/22–06/21)

Career. This year is not the best time to change jobs, launch a startup or new business. There will be temptation, and only you can decide whether it’s worth doing. From April to September, you may be asked to return to your old job or resume old projects. In general, the year will, alas, be fussy and troublesome; but you will break through if you develop a strategy. In November–December the horizon will become clearer and you can count on good prospects.

Love. Free Geminis, look around more carefully: this year there is every chance to arrange your personal life. Vacations and vacations are given to a person to meet new people, so travel and communicate. But you shouldn’t agree to an affair with a person who already has a family - you’ll be wasting your time and nerves. For family Geminis, the path to harmony lies through... health. Jogging together, going to a fitness club, or going to a spa will strengthen not only your general condition, but also your relationship.

Health. In spring, be careful and careful while driving and more. In March–April there is a risk of injury, poisoning and other troubles. The best summer vacation is within your own time zone: a country house, ecotourism, walks through pine forests - in short, a relaxing vacation without strong emotions. At the beginning of autumn, it is good to engage in restorative procedures for skin and hair.

Cancers (22.06 – 22.07)

Career. Perhaps you will be lured into another job, but you should not succumb to other people’s persuasion; It makes sense to change jobs only on your own initiative. In the spring and early summer, international prospects will appear, you will be offered a contract with a foreign company or something like that. In reality, everything will not be so simple - you will have to work a lot to achieve results. Ready? Then agree. 2019 is definitely not suitable for starting partnership projects - it is better to work independently or in a familiar team.

Love. Do you sleep and see your exes coming back to you? There is a chance that this will happen in mid-2019. Why not - but try not to step on the old rake that once led the relationship to collapse. Those who are looking should take a closer look at older candidates. For the rest of us, the year will not bring much news, so there is a risk of getting bored. Don't let this happen!

Health. At the beginning of the year, it is worth turning on the energy saving mode. Simply put, take care of yourself. Then by summer you can go in search of adventure. It is better to spend May as quietly as possible, without going far from home. A vacation by the water is not a bad idea. Any cosmetic procedures should be postponed until the fall, and any manipulations with the legs and veins should be completely excluded.

Leos (23.07 – 21.08)

Career. Back at the end of 2018, there were some interesting changes in your career. In January-February, expect quite unambiguous offers. But take your time - think about it, choose the best, there will be time for it. From May to September it is better not to make sudden body movements: hone your existing skills. You may need the support of former colleagues or partners - do not lose contact with them, but rather renew them.

Love. This is a year you won’t forget for a long time: Leos are promised a beautiful love story - maybe not for everyone, but for many. If you are actively searching, don’t count on marriage just yet, but strong, bright feelings will provide you with it. Family Leos will be able to bring romance back into marriage - if they want. In addition, the stars hint at the birth of children.

Health. If the illness lasts longer than usual, be sure to consult a doctor. This year your spine or joints may be bothering you. It is also worth taking care of the nervous system - avoid stress. Plan a mind-blowing vacation to completely switch gears and unwind.

Virgo (22.08 – 23.09)

Career. In 2019 you can move. If the reason is related to work in another country, then everything will work out well. You can invest in new education or advanced training - this will help your career growth. Virgos working in real estate will experience serious success. In the middle of the year, there is a risk of making an emotional decision that you will later regret. If you want to change your position at work or direction in business, it is better to do this at the end of the year.

Love. All year you will feel tension in your personal life: perhaps your chosen one will not be liked by your parents or vice versa. Virgos who have recently separated from their partners have a chance to make peace with them and start over. Your analytical mind will tell you what lessons to learn from this. Married Virgos will have a quiet, calm year, and single Virgos will have a revision of their expectations.

Health. Watch your diet and everything will be fine. Periods of low energy levels – March, July, October: try to get enough sleep and do activities you enjoy that recharge rather than drain your batteries. It is better to spend your vacation in places with a rich history: museums, temples, palaces, Rome, Istanbul, Angkor Wat. In May and June, protect your skin from the sun and generally pay as much attention as possible to hydration and nutrition.

Libra (24.09 – 23.10)

Career. You will have to work a lot, no miracles and lucky tickets. But don't overdo it - there is a risk of burnout in the middle of the year. Libras who are involved in business need to be on their guard and not let themselves be deceived. In the middle of the year, it is better to take a break in order to recover by the fall - in September-October, lucrative offers are possible that will bring profit, but will require dedication.

Love. Family Libras can only be envied: grace and romance will reign in their relationships. If you don’t see her point-blank, try going somewhere together, without children. Free Libras can expect not only new acquaintances, but also meetings with exes who will again try to gain favor. If the field between you continues to work, but feelings seem ambiguous, it is better to abandon the attempt to revive the long-standing connection.

Health. There will be no serious health problems, but watch your diet and don’t eat in a hurry - minor digestive problems are possible. When traveling, try not to go too far from home, it’s safer. Sleep, fresh air, walks, and swimming in the river will help you regain your strength. It is better to contact cosmetologists in winter and late autumn.

Scorpios (24.10 – 22.11)

Career. You are lucky - this year you can count on a serious increase in income. Projects related to other countries will be especially profitable and promising. But all this will not fall from the sky: you will need to work 24/7 and have diplomatic skills. If you are thinking about changing jobs, it is better to wait and return to this issue closer to winter.

Love. The ability to negotiate and find compromises will bear fruit: your family relationships will be truly warm and deep; Only in April and May are minor misunderstandings possible. If you are looking, go to parties and visits more often - you should find something interesting among your friends. Don't rush into marriage, even if the idea seems sound.

Health. In March you will be able to move mountains, but do not take it for granted, save your strength. In August you might get a cold or something like that. Strengthen your immune system - superfoods can help. The main thing you should learn is the ability to be here and now. Don’t give in to the illusion that you feel your best: monitor the condition of your eyes, skin, heart and blood vessels, dose your loads, and don’t forget to rest. Trouble sleeping is a signal that it’s time to take a couple of days off. A spa hotel is ideal for your holiday: relaxation and self-care are what you need this year.

Sagittarius (11/23 – 12/22)

Career. Jupiter will spend the entire year in your sign, and this will open up great opportunities for you. If you are running a business, you can start a new major project in 2019. Employees are facing a promotion, a new position, or even a new job. Business owners will have to make important decisions, but remember that May to August is not the best time for this. And in general, try to remain prudent, even if you feel a slight euphoria from success - there are pitfalls.

Love. The year will not bring any special shocks, and this is more good news than bad: you will be busy with yourself, so single Sagittarius simply will not have time for romance, and family Sagittarius will not have the energy to fight with their partner. Just leave everything as it is, especially if the situation suits you.

Health. Keep the rhythm and don’t be lazy, without this you risk gaining weight and becoming sad. Run, swim, walk. In spring and autumn, it is worth taking care of your throat and respiratory organs, and restoring your skin and hair. Take care of your head in summer. And take tickets to the country of your dreams - this will give you inspiration and strength for the second half of the year.

Capricorns (23.12 – 20.01)

Career. Your inner Tony Robbins has turned on. You are in perfect professional shape, confident, calm and know what to do. It's no surprise that in 2019 you will be noticed and appreciated at work. Keep up the good work, but keep in mind: you have about six months to make yourself known. Starting from the second ten days of September, your initiatives may encounter unexpected obstacles.

Love. Free Capricorns may well meet the person of their dreams. It is worth appearing more often at exhibitions and at premieres of arthouse films - where there are people who understand art and literature. It is among them that the one you are looking for may be. Family Capricorns should be more sensitive to their partner - he or she may need your help.

Health. During the summer months, try to avoid heat and direct sunlight, sunbathing only in the morning. It is better to spend your vacation away from noisy beaches and secular resorts. Look for spiritual entertainment - a visit to a Buddhist monastery, trekking in Spain along the Way of St. James, a trip to an ashram or a yoga resort - all this will be beneficial. For self-care, choose natural cosmetics and Ayurvedic products.

Aquarius (21.01 – 19.02)

Career. The best that could happen in your career has already happened in 2018, it's time to build on your successes. In order not to drive yourself into stress, treat everything philosophically, even small failures. You can change your job in March, July or November, and develop your business closer to winter.

Love. A very calm year awaits you. Free Aquarians should not get hung up on finding a partner and see him in every new acquaintance; It’s better to relax and communicate with the opposite sex just “for the sake of your complexion.” Those who are already in a relationship should plan a special event: celebrate your wedding anniversary with a weekend in a new city or a hot air balloon flight.

Health. Listen to your body: vitamins, massages, face masks - all this will not be superfluous. In June and July, your health will be at its most vulnerable, so take extra care of yourself during this time. Think about what you love, where you want to go, what places you miss.

Pisces (20.02 – 20.03)

Career. You may feel pressure from colleagues or circumstances: unfortunately, little depends on you now. The right strategy is to devote a year to self-improvement and learning foreign languages; this will come in handy later. With such experience and reputation as yours, you can lower the bar of requirements for yourself a little.

Love. If you want change, be patient, your expectations will be justified. This year, single Pisces have a chance to meet a promising partner, but you won’t recognize him or her at first sight. Those Pisces who are already in a relationship should try to maintain the degree of passion. Regardless of your status, don't be afraid to be sentimental - this is a normal state for your sign.

Health. Swim, meditate, do not allow stagnation - and your health will not cause any problems. Go on vacation abroad, to the sea, or better yet, to the ocean. Spa treatments close to home will bring you back to life, especially closer to autumn.

Liliya Lyubimova─ astrologer, psychologist, specialist in interpersonal relationships, identifying and developing children’s abilities through an individual horoscope. Regular author of astrological columns in the media and teacher in the organization she founded in 2015. School of Astrology. Conducts personal consultations.

The horoscope for 2018 will help to activate in people such qualities as thoroughness, practicality, consistency in actions and decisions, restraint in feelings and relationships.

February 16, 2018 at 00:06 Moscow time begins the Year of the Yellow, Earth Dog. A dog is a symbol of prosperity and happiness, care and devotion, housekeeping and prosperity. From the very first days of her reign, she will begin to restore order on our planet. This is a very wise, loyal and positive person with whom you can not only live normally, but also move forward, expanding your horizons and enriching your mind and soul.

The dog is serious, fair, sincere and will push each of us to truthful judgments, adequate actions, and humane decisions. She will even be able to reconcile long-warring parties, thereby establishing long-awaited peace and harmony in the world.

We present to your attention a socio-political astrological forecast for 2018, as well as an individual horoscope for 2018 by zodiac sign and year of birth.

Horoscope for 2018 - main trends

In the socio-political sphere, the Year of the Dog often sees a change in leaders or ideologies aimed at renewing society, as well as learning from past experiments that may have begun in the Year of the Monkey and continued in the Year of the Rooster.

In 2018, the favorable position of Jupiter in the sign of Scorpio and Saturn in Capricorn will contribute to the fact that state power (the Saturn principle), social orders or ethnic characteristics will be in greater mutual understanding.

This position of the planets will create a so-called sextile or new opportunities for state or social renewal.

Therefore, we can say that 2018 will be very dynamic and its reforms will affect many state and public institutions, the judiciary and the fifth power - journalism and the press.

The ascending Lunar Node in the sign of Leo will help many to more successfully demonstrate their talents and more effectively rebuild their destiny. Thus, 2018 of the Earth Dog will be associated with the fact that hard-working, practical and creative people will be able to gain recognition from society, and the political leaders who will appear this year will become spokesmen for national interests and will be remembered for being able to see situations for several moves or several years in advance.

In the Year of the Dog, people often receive recognition and awards for past services to society, for unwavering loyalty, perseverance, for showing goodwill and a sense of justice. The main thing is to be able to set realistic and achievable goals for yourself, choose worthy partners, then it will be easier to achieve success, material well-being and stability.

It is worth noting that the Dog is a faithful and honest sign that will not tolerate betrayal in any form and will not allow those who are dishonest to take the helm. She will fully reward the guilty party, and will do this in any way - problems at work, difficulties with finances or the collapse of a friendship, not counting other more intricate troubles.

In 2018, the year of the Dog, radical financial changes can affect not only the political, but also the socio-economic side of society. We can expect new laws related to land, construction, stabilization of exchange rates, as well as a change from one currency to another. Often in the Year of the Dog there is a strengthening or reorientation of finances, as happened, for example, in 1994 or in 2006, when the preliminary reforms that began in 2002 were actually completed.

Significant financial turmoil is not expected in 2018, which will enable business people to feel more confident in different social structures and successfully develop their ideas.

Those who are characterized by such qualities as friendliness and sincerity will enjoy especially great patronage of the mistress of the year. Even in dealing with competitors, we should not be hypocritical and deviate from the rules.

In 2018, you can safely take on any task, because the Dog rushes into battle without thinking about the consequences. The element of earth, which will be maximally manifested this year, is associated with laws and traditions, so in the year of the Earth Dog it is important to adhere to your principles.

Despite the fact that the Dog does not like change and does not seek to move from the booth to the crystal palace, it will do everything so that everyone can improve their living conditions. It is important to approach any business in the new 2018 creatively. Even working as a cleaner or bread cutter, you can achieve unprecedented results if you use your imagination.

For people engaged in intellectual work, the Dog will bring many projects and discoveries. The hardworking and active housewife of the year will always find something to do to her liking, her nose is aimed at good luck, and she will help everyone who believes in their success. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to radically change your habits and worldview. If you are ready for such innovations, go ahead! The Yellow Dog favors brave and decisive individuals.

In the love sphere, 2018 will be full of romantic encounters, acquaintances, and dates. Married couples may begin another honeymoon, which will last for a whole year. The dog is the patron of the family hearth, so all marriages entered into this year have a great chance of becoming long and happy.

Family values ​​are very important for the Dog, so in 2018, try to spend more time with your family, share all your problems and sorrows, and solve difficult life problems together. Only such tactics will help you not to lose heart, not to despair, but to walk cheerfully along the paths of fate.

And what exactly this time promises for each of us, the horoscope for 2018 will tell you according to your zodiac sign and year of birth. Here you will find an analysis of the most important areas of your life - professional sphere, relationships, health and finances.

Horoscope for 2018 according to zodiac signs

Horoscope 2018 Aries

2018 is a very difficult year for Aries; in fact, it is the border between the past and the future. Do what you have in mind, and often remember that a beautiful butterfly always emerges from a gray chrysalis....>>

Horoscope 2018 Taurus

For Taurus, 2018 is a very good year. Enjoy life and don't worry about anything! All your wishes will come true! 2018 will be replete with favorable situations that you can easily turn to your advantage...>>

Horoscope 2018 Gemini

2018 for Gemini is a year of great work. Get ready to work hard. Choose the area of ​​activity where your eloquence will be needed. This is the main trump card that will help you achieve a lot this year...>>

Horoscope 2018 Cancer

The main advantage of 2018 for Cancer is the feeling of freedom. Everything changes, a sea of ​​opportunities opens up before you, and this is equally true for work and for love...>>

Horoscope 2018 Leo

2018 for Leo is a year of fulfillment of desires, joy and happiness, but on one condition, if you are very attentive to the feelings of others and do not offend anyone, even inadvertently...>>

Horoscope 2018 Virgo

2018 will make Virgo believe in herself, as well as in the fact that when one door closes, another will certainly open. And then you just have to move forward!...>>

Horoscope 2018 Libra

2018 for Libra is a time of opportunity, and to a greater extent this concerns career and finances. The stars believe that you deserve it all! But remember that in order to realize all your plans, you need to work hard...>>

Horoscope 2018 Scorpio

For Scorpio, 2018 will be a year of opportunity. Jupiter, the planet of luck, is finally moving through your sign, and with its help you can count on a lot! So go ahead - the stars have aligned for you!...>>

Horoscope 2018 Sagittarius

For Sagittarius, 2018 is a year of changes and surprises, most of which will be pleasant. Sagittarius loves novelty, so he will feel very comfortable. It is worth noting that changes will be not only external, but also internal...>>

Horoscope 2018 Capricorn

Capricorn's goal in 2018 is to expand his sphere of influence, and you will succeed! Saturn, located in your sign, constantly interacts with Uranus, which means that many things in your life require changes...>>

Horoscope 2018 Aquarius

2018 is a very successful year for Aquarius, and to a greater extent this concerns career and finances. This year, new opportunities for both career and creative growth are opening up for you...>>

Horoscope 2018 Pisces

Horoscope for 2018 by year of birth

Horoscope 2018 Rat

For charming and respectable Rats, 2018 will be a calmer year compared to the previous one. The Earth Dog is more favorable to you than the Rooster. However, it is worth remembering that she is very demanding and strict...>>

Horoscope 2018 Ox

The Ox always strives for perfection, and nothing will make him give up his intended task. However, according to the Ox's horoscope for 2018, he will have to take a couple of steps back and be patient...>>

Horoscope 2018 Tiger

For the emotional and reckless Tiger, 2018 will be unusually calm and peaceful. The Tiger often shows aggression on the way to achieving goals, however, under the influence of the Dog he will turn from a growling beast into an affectionate large tabby cat purring with pleasure...>>

Horoscope 2018 Cat (Rabbit)

For the Cat (Rabbit), 2018 is a period of great opportunities. Doors that were previously closed will open in front of you, as if by magic. The main thing for you is to catch the signs from above, and then success is guaranteed in all your endeavors...>>

Horoscope 2018 Dragon

The dragon, like no other, loves to be in sight and attract attention. And in 2018, the Dragon will have its finest hour. The Yellow Dog will give you the opportunity to express yourself in all its glory. You can even become famous throughout the world if you realize yourself in literature, music, art...>>

Horoscope 2018 Snake

The Mistress of 2018 is not very favorable to the Snake, and therefore you should not expect the fulfillment of your cherished desires, enchanting success or simple luck. However, the Dog, the mistress of the year, is extremely honest, fair and decent, therefore, pure thoughts, kindness and honesty will return like a boomerang, and all work will be rewarded in proportion to the efforts expended...>>

Horoscope 2018 Horse

2018 for the Horse is a year of amazing opportunities, new victories, large-scale successes that could not have been dreamed of before, and fateful events. The patroness of the year, the Yellow Earth Dog, favors you, so she understands your cherished desires at a glance...>>

Horoscope 2018 Goat (Sheep)

In 2018, the Goat (Sheep) will experience real fun and long-forgotten ease. Everything will work out with ease and without much stress. However, the stars advise not to relax, as small dirty tricks can come from your immediate environment...>>

Horoscope 2018 Monkey

2018 will be a significant period of life for Monkeys. You will be able to find the strength and energy to organize many projects and events, you will become the soul of the company and the darling of fortune. In 2018, you can safely start the riskiest things...>>

Horoscope 2018 Rooster

For the Rooster, 2018 will seem difficult, but very exciting. The emotional Rooster, perhaps like no one else, knows how to find adventures for his own benefit. However, his passion and activity help him achieve his plans...>>

Horoscope 2018 Dog

The Dog's finest hour is coming in 2018! This is the moment when people will be able to show their talents to the world, decide on a desperate act, and come up with some new hobby for themselves. For all representatives of the sign, 2018 will be marked by great success and significant potential for success. All events will work out in the best possible way...>>

Horoscope 2018 Pig (Boar)

2018 has prepared many surprises and pleasant, unforgettable moments for the Pig (Boar). Changes will come into life from the beginning of spring. The Mistress of the Year will disperse all the troubles and, starting in April, there will be positive dynamics in all spheres of life, which will bring incredible joy to the representative of the sign...>>

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