Zodiac horoscope Sagittarius for the year. Horoscope for Sagittarius woman

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Work and work - this is the motto of Sagittarius for the year of the Rooster, which does not tolerate discouragement. Every seed sown will sprout, but no one will sow it for you. Having looked at all areas of his life, which are sanctified by the horoscope for 2017, Sagittarius will see many interesting turns of events, and, having decided to ride luck, he will achieve his goal.

The rooster will look at you as if he were a negligent stepdaughter, but when he sees your pressure and patience, he will thank you. The year will begin easily and naturally, as if after a difficult rehearsal, you will play the first act perfectly. Spring will become a litmus test that will highlight hard workers, autumn will be a moment of recognition. Only you decide what to get in the end: huge bouquets of flowers or disappointment of the viewer.

This year will become a sieve through which all artificial relationships, connections and attachments will be sifted out. You will become morally mature and completely honest with yourself and others. It will be in your best interest.

Health and strength

From the very beginning of the year, be careful in choosing foods. The rooster is not picky about food. Production dates, product brand - check and double-check everything. Be attentive to the exotic table, new dishes and chefs. By looking at the horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017, you can avoid troubles with the digestive tract and even poisoning. Canned food, and especially mushrooms, are not your product in the first half of the year.

It's sad, but alcohol is also contraindicated for you. Here, damage can be caused both by the alcohol itself and by drunken situations. Be attentive to yourself and evaluate every step.

Get diagnosed with bone diseases, take a course of essential vitamins, take calcium, drink dairy products, eat cheeses. Everything related to calcium and strengthening bones is your direct responsibility in the year of the Rooster. A chicken, one grain at a time, and you, a little at a time, will get everything your body needs.

Love and relationships

In this area, the sign can be completely sure - he is happy, mutually loved and kind. His every word in the family is perceived by others as truth. You inspire confidence in the opposite sex and can use it. You are attracted to your strength and erudition. Love horoscope for 2017, Sagittarius feels internally and does everything right. The flow of energy from your ego binds you and forces you to give up. Family signs will achieve dominance and look at the other half from a different angle. They will find completely new qualities in her, and this will significantly strengthen the marriage. You may want to go on a new honeymoon and confess your love to your loved one once again. Don’t be confused, if this thought comes to you, implement it.

Free from relationships, burdened by existing relationships, take a closer look at the people who love you and are patiently waiting for you to mature. These are the most faithful and true friends who will be your support and foundation in the family. These people will be your crutch in your most difficult hour. Beware of easy relationships - they are not for you, you will definitely lose something by going through them.

Career and success in business

You have long wanted to open your own business, do what you love. Your time has come - all the cards are in your hands. Take on exactly what you wanted to do, what you dreamed about for a long time.

Do not change the direction of your activities - you will not achieve anything in a new place. No matter how wonderful it is, you will be disappointed. A high salary will no longer please you after they ask you for any reason or without it. You will be checked and rechecked. A new profession will only bring sad memories and depression. Sagittarius, your career in 2017 will be on the rise only in the area of ​​your understanding and experience, your knowledge and achievements.

But in the old place you can easily go uphill. A promotion is inevitable for you. You will be recommended by a colleague to take his place when moving to a higher position or upon retirement. Most of your colleagues will be in your favor when choosing a department head or even a deputy director.

Don't be afraid that you won't make it. You understand this matter more than many others, and you will be helped by employees who value and trust you very much. The only thing is that a situation awaits you where you will have to support everyone and speak out in defense of your subordinates - this will only strengthen your relationship.

Finance and savings

The financial horoscope for 2017 foretells that Sagittarius will ride the waves of stability. There will be no salary increase, but there will be no delays or waste. Everything is normal and this cannot but rejoice. The Rooster has prepared another surprise for you - receiving a large sum or real estate as a gift or inheritance. Take a closer look, do you have a relative who is quite loyal to you?

Sagittarius are interesting natures who spend actively, and sometimes even wastefully for their loved ones, and at some point they are simply misers, and you cannot beg snow from them. This is their gut feeling, not a claim to luxury. They know when to buy and when to hold back and stock up on savings.

Existing loans will become smaller due to the large investment of money towards payment. This needs to be done before the fall, and by winter be ready for a new purchase.

Don't keep all your eggs in one basket. Try not to leave deposits, even successfully invested, on one site. Look for possible options with a higher percentage - they will be there. Do not hesitate to express your intention to the bank - perhaps they will offer to increase the percentage in order not to lose you as an active client with an excellent history and a large amount of money.

Horoscope for Sagittarius woman

The Sagittarius woman is fire and sobering water at the same time. During the day, the impossible happens in her head - she is offended and at the same time wants to communicate. She chooses a new dress and buzzes to her husband about the most severe savings. The Sagittarius woman accepts the horoscope for 2017 with a hint of mistrust; she knows the value of joy from good luck, and is inclined to analyze what is happening. Nothing will pass her by - she is attentive to all the little things, focused and persistent in her actions. Read more >>>

Horoscope for a Sagittarius man

This is one of the most interesting signs - it combines the incongruous and conceals the unconcealed. This year, tactics and decision-making are on men's minds. Decisions that will change their lives radically. The Sagittarius man views the horoscope for 2017 as an instruction for action, because he internally feels this need. All his steps will be aimed at creation. This is the time to make plans that you have been putting off for some reason. Read more >>>

Horoscope by birth numbers

Sagittarius whose birth falls on the date from November 28 to December 2, you should be more attentive to your health. Your achievements are visible and tangible, but you can't stop chasing a bigger piece. Each of your new projects or ideas succeeds, and this takes a lot of emotional balance. You are determined and do not look for yellow brick roads - you build them and walk along them, looking around for opportunities for new achievements. Stop for a moment, take a deep breath and compare performance with banal greed. Work is not a table in a casino where you are lucky right now, which means you need to bet and bet. You need a vacation. It doesn’t matter - summer or winter - go somewhere, be it a village, a Mediterranean beach, mountains or a boarding house in the region. This will benefit you and will affect your relationships with your loved ones. They want to see you around at least occasionally.

Born from 5 to 10 December They will unexpectedly see prospects in a completely new business, in a new relationship or in a career. They are not as cloudless as you think! Take a close look at the subject of your unexpected luck. Have you calculated and checked everything correctly? Have you double-checked? Have you consulted with competent people? Then take it. Be prepared step by step - read, delve into it, trust not your emotions, but only the facts.

Don't forget about your parents - they want your attention and are ready to give you care, they need you. If you do not take a step towards them, they will offend you. Take gifts from them, give them yourself, devote time to them. Be careful - this will support them better than medication.

Sagittarius born from 10 to 13 December, will decide to change their status. Those who have lovers will take a closer look at them and will be surprised at how attached people are to them. Family signs will decide to leave easy connections - they will find a lot of advantages and new charm in their other half. Singles will be ready to take a serious step and tie themselves with long-awaited ties. Closer to autumn, you will already appreciate the correctness of your action, since everything will be better for you: health, financial situation, inner state of peace. And all this thanks to the right choice of your passion. Try to avoid courts and disagreements, be careful when drawing up documents and with affixing a seal and signature.

For signs that do not fall within these time frames, the year gives stability and confidence. They will go with the flow, but their rivers are full and will supply abundantly according to their requests. The main thing is to make a thoughtful and verified choice. In the summer, do not deny yourself relaxation and meetings with elderly relatives - you will move to a completely new level of understanding of life, learn to accept advice, appreciate care and give it yourself. Trust your family and close, trusted friends - this is your foundation on which you can build ideal relationships with those around you and be in harmony with yourself.

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, Sagittarius can safely take on the fulfillment of their desires and plans. Particular success awaits representatives of the sign in self-realization and career. The stressful times are over and you can look to the future with optimism. Changes also occur in your worldview. Your talents and abilities are revealed, new opportunities open […]

As the horoscope for August 2017 recommends, Sagittarius should not put off until later things that can be done today. Now you are the architect of your own happiness. You will be attracted by changes, distant countries, and the desire to realize yourself creatively and professionally. Are you ready to start studying again to improve your skills? The stars recommend Sagittarius to look for new friends, attend courses and […]

As the horoscope for July 2017 predicts, Sagittarius will spend the month very active. Throughout July, representatives of the sign will be in a hurry somewhere, striving to achieve their goals. No matter how great the desire to relax, you cannot relax now. We will have to work hard for the good of the future. Don't back down when large amounts of work need to be done [...]

As the horoscope for June 2017 predicts, Sagittarius must actively engage in social affairs. Try not to avoid communication and always be visible. Make new acquaintances and maintain old contacts, this will open up new opportunities for you. This tactic will make you incredibly popular and authoritative in the eyes of others. But avoid giving in to vanity, pride and [...]

As the horoscope for May 2017 promises, Sagittarius will be able to easily find a way out of a difficult situation. The astrological situation favors Sagittarius in moving towards success. Now representatives of the sign can take a sober look at the situation and find a compromise on any issue. Now you are more proactive and ambitious than ever. In May, your life will be active and [...]

April 2017 will be an unpredictable month for Sagittarius. As the horoscope for April 2017 says, Sagittarius may face unexpected turns in the field of health and finance. Difficulties in work will be resolved in the second half of the month, be patient and save money. Those signs who will have to undergo various examinations in April may […]

In the New Year, Sagittarius women will not be bored - there will be many events. Representatives of this sign will want to realize themselves in all areas and emerge victorious from every situation. In 2017, Sagittarius will become even more ambitious: they will climb up the career ladder and try to make money on real estate transactions. These aspirations will be influenced by the Sun being in Capricorn.

Sagittarius's self-esteem will grow in the New Year. Representatives of the sign will want to be the first always and everywhere. Sometimes the desire for leadership will cross boundaries and manifest itself in authoritarian and even despotic forms. This development of the situation is possible mainly for those Sagittarius who have a weakening of Jupiter or the Sun in their personal horoscopes.

Sagittarius' vital energy will increase. Not only friends and relatives, but also those who previously did not listen to this opinion will begin to take their opinion into account. In all matters, Sagittarius will begin to show unprecedented perseverance and willpower. But don't forget that everything is good in moderation. Otherwise, representatives of the sign will have to experience the negative influence of Pluto, which is ruled by Saturn in the sign of Capricorn.

In their concern for spiritual perfection, Sagittarius will not forget about physical development. In the coming 2017, representatives of this zodiac sign will begin to get in shape - they will visit salons, play sports, and visit doctors for preventive purposes. As they say, a healthy mind begins with a healthy body.

Work and finance

The work activity of Sagittarius in the New Year will involve establishing connections, participating in meetings and negotiations. Business trips are possible not only in our native lands, but also abroad. In terms of earnings, 2017 will be a successful year for representatives of the sphere of innovative and information technologies. Sagittarians who work in defense and secret enterprises, and also serve in special units will also have high incomes.

However, career growth is unlikely to be rapid for most representatives of this sign. Successful in their profession will be those Sagittarius who earn their living through manual labor - tailors, equipment repair specialists, watchmakers and jewelers. Happiness will also smile on workers with an analytical mindset. Statisticians, accountants, economists and researchers can expect at least a bonus this year. In 2017, some Sagittarius will have to re-evaluate their former jobs and even possibly return to their previous team. Doctors and government officials should expect this turn of events.

Sagittarius leaders should pay attention to relationships with subordinates. A comfortable climate in a team depends on the representatives of this particular sign. Sagittarius needs to reduce the degree of criticism towards colleagues and avoid conversations in a raised voice.

Love forecast

In 2017, Sagittarius women will be in a romantic mood. If love exists like in a fairy tale, then it will come to representatives of this particular zodiac sign. Love relationships will be filled with sensuality, warmth and spiritual intimacy. Men will be inclined to grand gestures and expensive gifts, women will begin to comprehend the secrets of gourmet cuisine in order to pamper their loved ones.
Romance alone will most likely not be enough for this zodiac sign in the coming year. The stars predict passionate and stormy sexual relationships for Sagittarius.

Lonely Sagittarius in 2017 will come face to face with their destiny. A meeting with your soulmate can take place in completely unexpected places - in the library, park, transport. Promising acquaintances are possible on business trips and on social networks.

For Sagittarius, who have already found their mate, the stars recommend refraining from displaying jealous feelings. Conflicts with loved ones are possible on this basis, which will not always end in a passionate truce.

Families and home

The New Year for Sagittarius is successful in terms of marriage. This zodiac sign will most likely go to the registry office with a partner with whom the relationship was once terminated and then resumed again. It is possible that the difference between those getting married will be significant. Representatives of this sign may have children this year. This could be either the birth of your own child or the appearance of an adopted one.

Sagittarius will potentially face discord with the older generation of relatives. The conflict between “fathers” and “sons” will be based on issues of an ethical and religious nature. Sagittarius may have problems with their younger “relatives”. Disputes are possible with minor children up to the point of psychological distance. Adult children can simply move out of the Sagittarius parental home.

In 2017, representatives of this sign will engage in “nesting.” This may result in moving to a new place of residence, renovations, or purchasing new furniture. The stars recommend being careful - Uranus, located in Aries, will provoke Sagittarius to make crazy decisions and actions.

Health status

Sagittarians will be able to boast of good health in the New Year. Diseases will bypass representatives of this sign. However, you should not exhaust yourself with excessive stress at work and at home - this is fraught with difficulties with the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and tachycardia may occur.

Sagittarians can get into medical institutions only due to an unforeseen coincidence of circumstances. The stars recommend avoiding street hooligans and not walking in the dark, at least for one.

In February, many Sagittarius can plan important meetings and negotiations - you can easily persuade the most distrustful partner and he will sign any contract that you slip him.

Also read: Horoscope for 2018 Sagittarius

Eloquence will also help in personal relationships - Sagittarius will conquer their fans with their wit, and suitors will lie at your feet not only from admiration, but also from laughter.

Spring will be remembered by Sagittarius for many interesting meetings. Success and recognition await you in any field, it all depends on your mood. Awards and honors will pour in from all sides, you will easily win the title of the best teacher, or the most honest politician in the city.

But don’t think that all your victories are just the merit of the owner of 2017 - Cockerel just made sure that you were visible.
In April, Jupiter's wards can count on the favor of their superiors. Just convince your beloved management that cash incentives are preferable to you, and let the boss hang all kinds of certificates and medals in his office.
Single Sagittarius will have many romantic dates in mid-spring, but be afraid of Cupid - your free life is under threat, because Cockerel and his future chosen one have hatched a plan to lure you to the registry office.

In May, Sagittarius will need a lot of space; sitting in a stuffy city will be boring and cramped for you. Go on vacation, preferably away from home, somewhere in the mountains - Everest or Belukha in Altai are waiting, they can’t wait for you to conquer them.
In the summer, it’s a good idea to stretch yourself and start implementing long-standing plans. The business will go uphill, and Sagittarius just needs to gather a reliable company around them, friends will happily and enthusiastically work as posters, and your chosen one will gladly take on the role of financial director.

At the end of summer it is useful to relax more often; who said that vacation is only allowed once a year?! This time, cozy evenings await you at the dacha with a barbecue and fishing rods - it’s time to catch a goldfish.

Personal life in August will be like a fairy tale, and to prevent an evil sorcerer or an insidious wizard from appearing in your story, try to be more tolerant of your household. Pay more attention to distant relatives - even if relatives seem provincial and narrow-minded to you, try to be more delicate. It may turn out that your aunt, a milkmaid from Buryatia, plays the piano brilliantly, and your uncouth nephew from Chelyabinsk writes stories at night and has already outdone Dostoevsky.

In the fall, Sagittarius will want a luxurious life - the Cockerel will help you with this if you promise to shelter him and give the bird the most comfortable room. Housing conditions will allow you to receive crowds of guests; you will accommodate not only the Rooster, but also all other creatures from Chinese astrology. The financial situation will be great, so Sagittarius can build themselves at least a five-story mansion if they want.

Household members will happily take on the task of improving their new home, just try to hang beacons on everyone so that your relatives don’t get lost, because you won’t have time to do the repairs yourself - official issues will distract you from the hustle and bustle of your home.
Your boss will want to retire in mid-November, and since you can’t find a better candidate in the whole world, today you can slowly arrange your office to suit your taste - start with a safer safe.

December 2017 will be calm for Sagittarius. You don’t have to look for gifts for your household - your well-trained subordinates have already bought everything a long time ago and are just waiting for your order to present surprises. Don’t forget to thank the Fire Rooster for everything he has done for you - personally put a bag of delicious millet under his Christmas tree.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

The Cockerel likes your desire for a free and independent life, but try sometimes to think about those whose hearts you have already broken - maybe you need to be more careful with the feelings of fans?

Your impetuosity and sensuality will help charm anyone, so if your plans do not include a serious relationship, try to be more restrained. Do not make promises to your boyfriends - it is better to immediately explain that you are not averse to having fun without obligations, and enjoy life with your current chosen one, without thinking about the future.

You know better than others how to keep your partner close to you, and in the year of the Rooster, your seductive abilities will increase several times. Being a Casanova is not bad, but think about it - why do you personally need this? In addition, Cupid is tired of flying from one chosen one to another, and in 2017 he can make you fall in love once and for all.

Sagittarius 3rd decade (13.12-21.12). In the year of the Rooster, you will become unusually romantic and sentimental. The Rooster can help you find the perfect love, but first convince the owner of the year that you are ready to become a better person. Start with yourself: lifestyle, social circle - it’s high time to change everything. And then the meeting with your long-awaited soul mate is just around the corner.

Business horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, Sagittarius and Money are synonyms. You are inseparable and capital will pursue you, even if you decide to hide from them at the ends of the world.

Sagittarius 1st decade (23.11-1.12). The Rooster likes you and he will not leave you idle. In the desert, or in the ice, a crafty businessman will definitely jump out from somewhere towards Sagittarius and offer you a lucrative deal. Lawyers will also always be nearby, so buy more pens to always be able to sign a contract.

Sagittarius 2 decades (2.12-12.12). Check how many real friends you actually have - tell everyone you're broke. Half of your friends will definitely disappear, but don’t worry, because the number is not the main thing in this matter. In addition, the remaining comrades will help you more than once in a difficult situation, and in the year of the Rooster you can safely take them as your partners for a new enterprise.

Don't wait for others to decide for you what you want to do. Remember what you dreamed of a couple of years ago, and go ahead - make your desires come true, the more faithful the Cockerel will be on guard. You will become an excellent specialist in your field; Sagittarians will make excellent bar or store managers. And if you choose a creative field, you will have no equal, certainly in your city.

Family horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, you will easily find mutual understanding with all household members. Take on the bulk of the homework - in fact, all these chores are not so difficult, and sometimes even pleasant.

Sagittarius 1st decade (23.11-1.12). Try yourself as the head of a family - you will easily cope with this task. The Cockerel will tell Sagittarius how to behave during family squabbles, of which there will not be so many in 2017. Win your partner's relatives over to your side - you will get along with them even better than with your blood relatives.

Sagittarius 2 decades (2.12-12.12). You will perform well in everything related to home improvement. You can add a couple of rooms, or try yourself as a designer - imagination plus finances and you can handle any task. If Sagittarius has a couple of extra acres at their dacha, then you will be able to turn around - your household will watch with tenderness and delight your attempts to build an alpine hill, or grow a new grape variety.

Sagittarius 3rd decade (13.12-21.12). In the Year of the Rooster, it is useful to deviate from strict rules and start pampering your household. It is advisable to give children more personal freedom, and older relatives will enjoy all the little things - holidays for no reason and gifts on ordinary days. Don’t forget about yourself either - your relatives won’t scold you if you show up drunk a couple of times a year in the company of your best friends.

Health horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, you may be overtired, so listen to the advice of the stars and try to rest more often. Prefer active recreation, get your bike out of the balcony, and it’s time to replace your ancient fishing rods.

Sagittarius 1st decade (23.11-1.12). Diets and other restrictions are not for you - you are already in excellent shape and not a single extra calorie will become attached to you. Keep up the good work - don't shy away from physical education, but in the year of the Rooster you can sometimes relax. You won't gain fat if one day you just want to lie on the couch.

Sagittarius 2 decades (2.12-12.12). Learn to relax, as insomnia may often visit you in the year of the Rooster. The Cockerel has already written down a couple of recipes for soothing tea for you, but your household will introduce you to meditation and yoga. Why do you think your grandma is so cheerful and energetic?! - go unexpectedly into her room, just don’t faint when you see your grandmother standing on her head or doing the splits.

Sagittarius 3rd decade (13.12-21.12). Fresh air is the best friend of Sagittarius of the third decade for 2017. It doesn’t matter what’s outside the window - a rockfall, an avalanche or a flood, if you have a walk planned, then be kind enough to go outside. Water treatments won't hurt either - a river, a swimming pool, everything is at your discretion. Don't forget about your relatives - your household members have already purchased bathing caps a long time ago and are looking forward to your invitation.

Children's horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, you will become ideal parents for your children, but try not to limit their freedom. Little fidgety Sagittarius wants to explore this world on their own, so worry in moderation.

Sagittarius children of the 1st decade (11/23-12/1). Your restless little ones will strive for independence in the year of the Rooster. Don’t be surprised if you go out to the store, and when you return, you find a whole crowd of noisy tomboys in your baby’s room - the baby just wanted company. Entertain the fidget with puppet theaters, organize parties - it is important that the baby plays the main role.

Sagittarius children 2 decades (2.12-12.12). Pranksters Sagittarius will not tolerate loneliness even for one minute. Therefore, be prepared to take little Sagittarius both to visit important friends and to serious business negotiations. Don't worry - your baby knows perfectly well how to behave in society. And his judgment on this or that issue will touch the most strict boss, so you have a lot to learn from your mischief-maker.

Playful Sagittarius 3rd decade (13.12-21.12). The nimble and fussy children of Sagittarius will not give you peace for 3 decades in the year of the Rooster. You can hire at least a dozen nannies for your fidget - he will wear them all out. Quiet activities are not for your child in 2017: running, climbing trees, swimming - this is where Sagittarius will be in his element. So be patient and try to keep yourself in shape - you will have to catch your imp often.

Horoscope for Sagittarius 2017 by year of birth

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Rat

Luck will knock on the door of your hole on the first day of the Rooster's reign. But this does not mean that you need to forget about attentiveness - act carefully and carefully, especially when choosing business partners. The cockerel, of course, will carry out the selection, but it is better to be safe. Caution will not hurt in your personal life - trust your intuition, and no one will decide to play with you not by the rules, because you will see right through people.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Ox

When celebrating the Year of the Rooster, don’t forget to write a wish on a piece of paper, maybe even several - it costs the Rooster nothing to make all your dreams come true. In 2017, all that will be required of you is hard work and perseverance, and everything else will follow. You can forget about financial difficulties - they simply won’t exist, but all sorts of winnings and other pleasures will increase for you.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Tiger

A menacing appearance and arrows in his hands - this, of course, is not a sight for the faint of heart. But you won’t need methods to intimidate your opponents - the enemies fled as soon as they saw the sharp beak of the Rooster. So you can curl up comfortably in the sun and just enjoy life, occasionally taking care of business over the phone. True, you yourself will soon get tired of idleness, and you will rush to the office, where a surprise awaits you - the red carpet and the orchestra have long been ready, and are waiting for your arrival.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Cat (Rabbit)

In the year of the Rooster, you can always catch a mouse, and, if necessary, switch to grass. The ability to adapt to any circumstances will help the Cats achieve an important goal this year - career growth is guaranteed. Prestige and high status can turn your head, so accept honors calmly and do not trust the flattering speeches of some colleagues - time will tell who is worth what.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Dragon

Your invaluable and brilliant ideas will finally be heard - management will believe in your professionalism and irreplaceability. So the Dragons can prepare for a new position with a luxurious salary. Personal life in the year of the Rooster will be rich in changes - bachelors can have bachelor parties and say goodbye to a fun and carefree life, and family Dragons can expect a new addition to the family.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Snake

The Cockerel persuaded all his acquaintances and influential friends, and they are ready to make you lucrative offers. Prepare a business plan and hurry to the bank - they have drawn up the necessary papers and are just waiting for your signature. Higher-ranking people have already made inquiries about Sagittarius-Snakes and were satisfied, and even if they meet you in person, they definitely won’t be able to resist your charm. So in 2017, Snakes only need to practice and remember math - you will be counting money all the time.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Horse

All the stars and planets bet on you in the year of the Rooster - after all, Horses will be winners in any area of ​​life. Lubricate your horseshoes and hurry - a laurel wreath and odes from admirers of your talents await you. Don't forget about your personal life - your household is sympathetic to your professional successes, but they also need your attention. Try to spend weekends and vacations with your beloved family - business partners will not break the contract in anger if suddenly you are unavailable for a couple of days.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Goat (Sheep)

Be prepared for constant surprises - the Cockerel just really likes you, and he will want to make you happy. The financial situation will be good, but it is undesirable to waste money often, although a couple of times a month it is not forbidden to feel like Rockefeller. Surrounded by lonely Goats, a secret admirer may appear, so do not be surprised by confessions online, or romantic inscriptions on the asphalt.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Monkey

In the year of the Rooster, you will be the soul of society and will be able to conquer both co-workers and business partners. Your sense of humor will be at its best, but when communicating with influential and important people, it is advisable to restrain your wit; it is better to write down your jokes in a notebook - then share it on Comedy. Monkeys will find their happiness in love - relationships with your soulmate in 2017 will be wonderful, and you will learn to understand each other perfectly.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Rooster

The owner of 2017 will patronize you, so be prepared for all sorts of pleasant surprises. Money will fall into the beak without much difficulty, but you will have to look for profitable deals on your own. Everyone around you will be at the mercy of your charm, but try not to overdo it - charm only those you like. This is especially true for issues of personal relationships - after all, you don’t need fans you can’t stand?

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Dog

The cockerel has already looked at a new booth for you, and found a more interesting position, so hurry up to meet the owner of 2017. Your sense of duty and responsibility in 2017 will help you achieve success in business - the entire business world is just waiting for your call, because you will probably never find such honest and incorruptible companions as Sagittarius-Dogs. You won’t have to growl and show your teeth in the year of the Rooster - there will be positive and good people around you, so you can safely wag your tail and enjoy life.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius-Pig (Boar).

Take advantage of the chances that the Rooster will throw at you - there will be many opportunities to realize what you want. In 2017, it is advisable to go out into society more often - your good manners will drive many socialites crazy, and you will acquire useful connections. In the year of the Rooster, Sagittarius-Pigs can even believe in Santa Claus - miracles will happen often. But this is just the humble owner of the year pampering you with his surprises.

Horoscope for each month of 2017 for Sagittarius

Sagittarius birth dates: 23.11 - 21.12

Ruling planet of Sagittarius: Jupiter.

Sagittarius element: Fire.

Sagittarius symbols: centaur archer, stars, wands.

Happy Sagittarius Day: Thursday.

Unlucky Sagittarius day: Wednesday.

Sagittarius Metal: zinc, tin, tin.

Sagittarius Gemstone: turquoise.

Sagittarius plant: birch.

Sagittarius Numerology: number 6.

The most inspiring color of Sagittarius: blue and red.

Opposite sign of Sagittarius: Twins

To achieve success in the coming year of the Fire Rooster, the stars advise Sagittarius to learn to make decisions quickly. This aspect is important for the reason that in the horoscope for representatives of the sign for 2017 there is hardly room for slowness and indecision. This will be especially relevant during the first half of the year, when representatives of this horoscope house will be slow, unable to make decisions with lightning speed, reflecting on the simplest situations. With this approach, you shouldn’t be surprised that Sagittarius risks missing out on a lot of interesting and useful things.

The stars urge them not to sit idly by and stagnate in one place, but to act decisively and energetically, this will give them confidence in their abilities and allow them to take a big step towards their goal. In the second half of the year, representatives of the sign who listen to the advice of the heavenly bodies and take into account their recommendations will be able to solve many problems and do things, even those that were previously scary to think about.

While doing business, one should not forget about rest; representatives of the sign may face a real danger of immersing themselves in business and stopping paying attention to the well-being and condition of their body. Representatives of the sign should not get carried away with monotonous work, to the point where everything begins to literally fall out of their hands. The result of such work can be zero at best, and deplorable at worst. Try to change your field of activity or occupation more often, then everything will be fine.

In 2017, you will have to pay enough attention to the development of intellectual abilities; you should not limit yourself to reading a couple of books; the stars recommend taking up additional education. The knowledge that Sagittarius will be able to gain in 2017 will certainly be useful in the future. Short-term trips will bring positive emotions, despite their short duration, they will contribute to the establishment of new useful acquaintances and will help to realize your current potential.

Work for Sagittarius in 2017

In 2017, representatives of the sign will be successful in those areas of professional activity where a large number of people are concentrated. This number includes collective public events, joint work on the implementation of a large project, teaching, leadership, and management. In such situations, Sagittarius will be the main object of sympathy for others, they will be attractive, fiery, full of enthusiasm and ideas, which cannot but provide them with one of the main roles.

In the first half of the year, it will be quite difficult for representatives of the sign to make decisions; even the simplest situations can unsettle them, negatively affecting current affairs. During this difficult period for many representatives of the sign, it is worth being demanding not only of the team, but also, first of all, of yourself. Sagittarius will be able to cope with all doubts and gain confidence in the second half of the year; towards the end of summer, representatives of the sign will plunge into work headlong, they will be active and decisive, no obstacles will be able to prevent them from following their chosen path.

In order not to spoil your health at such an intense pace of work, or to have a nervous breakdown or loss of strength, which will be difficult to cope with, you need to correctly set up your work schedule, alternating periods of intense work with rest.

Hard work in 2017 will not be in vain; it will bring not only pleasure, but also serious financial support. Professional achievements and successes will be noticed by superiors, so you can expect a salary increase, bonuses or career advancement. This year, long-standing projects may unexpectedly yield good results, which will allow you to open a new direction or receive monetary benefits.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

There comes a favorable period when she can spend money. Moreover, the costs will literally suggest themselves. Many representatives of the sign will make expensive, and not always useful, purchases. But it is in 2017 that Sagittarius will be able to afford to spend money without worrying too much about it. It is quite possible that over time it will seem to them that money on an expensive purchase was thrown away, but they will not worry for long, remembering how many pleasant and positive moments were associated with this acquisition.

You need to please your loved one, moreover, it is useful, because this is how people invest in the development of themselves as individuals. Such investments can bring good results in the form of active work, which in turn increases income. In the second half of the year, active and energetic representatives of the sign may well count on additional income. Even if you don’t manage to earn an impressive amount, the profit received will be quite adequate and will be able to please the representatives of the sign. The stars also advise not to hesitate in spending additional funds, because right now Sagittarius can invest money as efficiently and usefully as possible.

The last quarter of the year will be financially risky for representatives of the sign. At this time, you should be careful with investing; you should also be careful about new financial projects; there is no guarantee that they will be successful. Even if the offer seems very tempting from the point of view of financial benefits, it is worth considering and weighing everything carefully, but it is better to wait for a more favorable time, especially since you won’t have to wait long. Soon Lady Luck will turn her face to Sagittarius, and success will be on their side.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

Sensuality and pleasure will become fundamental aspects for Sagittarius in the love sphere. The stars will endow the representatives of the sign with high romantic potential; they will incline them to enjoy communicating with their loved ones and spend as much time with them as possible. From this communication, Sagittarius will receive a sea of ​​positive emotions and impressions.

The love horoscope for 2017 says that usually careless and flighty representatives of this horoscope house will be endowed with incredible depth of emotions and sensations, seriousness of relationships and feelings. Their love constancy can be envied. In 2017, many Sagittarius will have the opportunity to meet their ideal, their soulmate, with whom they will connect their lives. For family representatives of the sign, this state of affairs will serve to strengthen existing relationships.

Meanwhile, the love horoscope will not be so cloudless and ideal, and the representatives of the sign themselves, or rather their not the best manifestations of character, can confuse all the cards. His indecision, slowness, and inability to quickly make a decision can do a disservice. While the whole situation is being analyzed, weighed, all the pros and cons are considered, there is a possibility that someone more decisive and confident will take the initiative into their own hands, intercepting it right from under their noses.

In 2017, Sagittarians are advised by the planets to be attentive to their loved ones; any inappropriate word or behavior can provoke a major conflict. Delicacy and goodwill towards your loved ones, the ability to smooth out rough edges will help to avoid problems and resolve any conflict situation. Sagittarius should not forget about their emotionality and, in relationships with loved ones, alternate this characteristic trait with diplomacy and tact.

2017 opens up new horizons for representatives of the sign, a well-trodden path to love and prosperity. The main thing is not to make mistakes and follow the right path, which will be brightly illuminated by the stars.

2017, the year of the Red Rooster, will be a period of discoveries, achievements and success for Sagittarius. Throughout the year, Sagittarius will be very lucky, which they should take advantage of so as not to miss their chance for a better life. Representatives of this zodiac sign are distinguished by a calm temperament, balance, and life wisdom, which will only increase under the favorable auspices of the red-feathered Rooster. But at the same time, Sagittarians do not accept any serious restrictions, since they are the type of creative people, so they greatly value their freedom and independence. It is this feature that will make it a little difficult for them to adapt to the circumstances that the Rooster will create. This year, Sagittarius should become more collected, disciplined and careful, so that everything happens at the right time, lies in its place and does not disturb anything. At first, it will be difficult for representatives of this sign to adapt to new conditions, but soon they themselves will realize all the positive aspects of this situation. Sincerity, responsiveness and kindness will become the main tools through which Sagittarius will achieve success and authority in society. They will initially choose the right direction, which will guarantee them success and excellent results.

Love horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius

Sagittarians cannot be classified as conflict-ridden people, so they always have many friends, and not just many, many good, reliable and devoted friends, always ready to advise, help, and help out. This is the whole strength of the representatives of this zodiac sign. The benevolent and friendly Rooster will give Sagittarius several more new friends and acquaintances in 2017, and will help improve and harmonize relationships with old ones. This also applies to the sphere of love relationships. Successful couples will become more attentive and trusting to each other, and those who are single will have a chance to meet their destiny and start long-term and lasting relationships. Although Sagittarians are flexible and quiet by nature, they know how to silently control the process, so it often seems to their companion that he, and not the meek Sagittarius, is the main one in the relationship. But in fact, Sagittarians are wise and smart enough to try to contradict or show all their cards. This year, some representatives of this sign will have to defend their right to love and a relationship with the person they love and with whom there is a significant age difference. But does age really matter?

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius (family)

Sagittarians are accustomed to solving all issues in the family on their own, completely shifting all responsibility for this onto their shoulders. The Rooster, of course, values ​​initiative, but he does not like injustice. Therefore, adhere to equality in the family, even if the last word is still yours. When making important decisions, Sagittarius needs to listen to the opinions of their family and friends. After all, there is a well-known saying: “I wanted the best, but it turned out as always.” To make it work better, you need to first find out how it is “better.” The independence and stubbornness of Sagittarius in family relationships can lead to disagreements and quarrels, which can drag on for a long time or even lead to the destruction of relationships. Therefore, representatives of this sign should be prudent and forgiving, learn to trust their loved ones and not impose their subjective opinion on them. The frivolity of Sagittarius is not the best quality, especially for those who have linked their lives with the life of their beloved through the bonds of Hymen. Fate will prepare a lot of temptations in 2017, and it will be important for Sagittarius to resist, which will be difficult for them. But if you set your priorities from the beginning, then torture will seem like a mere trifle.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius (business)

In 2017, Sagittarius will experience favorable conditions for the implementation of their business ideas and new projects. The Rooster values ​​hard work, but he will also overwhelm you with work, so try to gather your strength and be patient in order to adequately withstand this difficult struggle for success. Most of Sagittarius's time will be taken up by all sorts of organizational details and paperwork, which can cause boredom. Therefore, Sagittarius should draw up an action plan in advance and diversify their activities so that the work they will do does not quickly bore them. At the beginning of the year, Sagittarius should finish last year's affairs and projects, as well as collect the necessary information that will be needed to implement fresh ideas and plans. Old and new connections, influential acquaintances, and even a loved one can help with this. Therefore, try to notify all important people of your intentions in order to assess in advance your capabilities and chances of outside help. By the middle of the year, Sagittarius will already actively begin to develop their business, which will give the first good results. But in the second half of the year, fame and recognition await them, especially among those who were not confident in the successful outcome of the matter.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius (finance)

The Red Rooster will fill Sagittarius with a mountain of work, so they won’t have to idle. And there will be practically no time left for rest and entertainment. And accordingly, Sagittarius is not expected to have any difficulties with finances. Labor will definitely be rewarded, since the Rooster is a supporter of justice. The more you manage to do, the higher your income will be. And vice versa. Therefore, you should not spare any effort, and try to give your best. Perhaps in the first half of 2017, Sagittarius will experience some financial inconveniences. This may be due to expanding or opening your own business or searching for a more suitable place of work. But this is a temporary phenomenon that will quickly pass, and all costs will soon pay off. Sagittarians are not used to denying themselves anything. They are always dressed in their best suit or dress. Their perfumes are always the most fashionable and exclusive. Shoes of the highest quality. Of course, looking your best is an important condition for success and a great way to increase self-esteem and confidence. But excessive waste can be costly. Therefore, try to be more economical and thrifty, do not commit impulsive actions and do not make spontaneous and thoughtless purchases.

Horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius (health)

Hustle and bustle can quickly exhaust the strength and energy of Sagittarius, so it is vital for them to properly organize their work schedule and leisure time. First, you need to understand what you need to do first, and what you can wait on. Try not to plan more than two or three important tasks and meetings in one day. You should not take work home, as this will not only worsen your health, but also your family relationships. Then think about the following: what would you like to do in your free time? What gives you the most pleasure and relaxation? Fills you with energy and distracts you from all your problems? Maybe you want to try something new? For example, go to a city or country that you have heard a lot about, but have never been there? Or do you really like the macrame technique and would like to learn this art? Listen to yourself, to your inner voice, to your inner feelings. Try to smile more and receive positive emotions that loved ones and family can give.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2017 for the Red Rooster describes only the general trends inherent in the owners of the zodiac sign Sagittarius in the new year 2017. Due to your uniqueness, the general horoscope for 2017 for the sign of Sagittarius may not reflect real events. An accurate astrological prediction can only be obtained by drawing up a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2017. You can get an accurate personal horoscope by clicking on the link below.

Accurate personal horoscope for 2017 of the Rooster for the sign Sagittarius:

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