Smorodskaya Olga Yuryevna daughters swimming. Olga Smorodskaya: milestones of her reign

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Antipova– Olga Yuryevna’s maiden name. Her father, Yuri Sergeevich Antipov, was a military pilot. In her youth, she herself dreamed of following in her father’s footsteps, but in the end she chose a different profession.

Pancakes. In one of the interviews, Olga Yuryevna spoke about her culinary talents. “I make the best pancakes in the world,” she said. - Yeast-free. Another dish – I make the most delicious sea bass fish.”

Vneshtorgbank. From 2000 to 2002, Smorodskaya served as vice president of Vneshtorgbank. Before that, she was Deputy General Director of Interros CJSC and

vice president of another bank. From July 2008 to July 2010, she worked as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Rosbank.

Gomel. Olga Yuryevna was born in this Belarusian city. At the age of five, she and her family moved to Moscow, where she graduated from school with a gold medal and received a honors diploma from Plekhanov University.

Children. Smorodskaya has two daughters, Anna and Lyudmila. The eldest daughter Anna lives permanently in London. Lyudmila once worked in the Lokomotiv structure, but left her position 4 years ago.

Yeltsin. In 1991, Smorodskaya participated in the August putsch on the side of Boris Yeltsin. She later: “I actually went to the White House in 1991. But this was a civil, not a political step. I believed that as a citizen of the country I should support the interests of the new Russia.”

"Woman in football it is an irritant. A woman who doesn’t adapt to anyone, doesn’t say: “Have pity on me,” but tries to resist, is a doubly irritant. They don't fight the weak. They only fight the strong. At the same time, it’s interesting to fight with me because I don’t give up. “I am a foreign body that needs to be crushed so that it does not interfere with life,” the words of the Lokomotiv president. Very honest, sincere and courageous, because prejudice is always difficult to fight.

Italian Cuisine. Olga Yuryevna, according to her, loves her most of all. Of all the Italian dishes, the only one she doesn't like is pizza.

Karpin. Olga Yuryevna more than once: “I consider Karpin a very talented coach. Precisely the coach. In addition, he is a charismatic and cultured person, an interesting personality. When I was looking for a coach, Karpin was busy with Mallorca. Jokingly, I sometimes thought to myself: “Should I invite him to Lokomotiv?”

Photo: Alexander Mysyakin, “Championship”

Skis. As a child, Smorodskaya studied skiing in a group with Olympic champion Lyubov Baranova. At the age of 12 she became the champion of Moscow, but did not achieve further success.

Dream Olga Yurievna has one and it is connected, of course, with work - the Lokomotiv championship. The last time the red-greens won gold medals was in 2004.

The science. Smorodskaya worked in the scientific field for more than 10 years. Having received a higher education in the specialty “Economic Cybernetics” and a qualification as an economist-mathematician, she worked for a long time at NIIPiN (Research Institute of Planning and Standards) under the USSR State Planning Committee.

Opera. The president of Lokomotiv has repeatedly noted that she really loves going to the opera. Among her hobbies she also highlighted symphonic music, good cinema and books.

Policy.“I could work in politics. But I do not want. I came into very close contact with her, I know a lot. That’s why there is no desire,” Olga Yuryevna said six months ago in an interview with the Championship.

Rostropovich. Smorodskaya as a child studied at the music school named after Vano Muradeli, where her teacher was the famous cellist, pianist and conductor Mstislav Rostropovich.

Sakharov. Olga Yuryevna admitted what the meeting with the Nobel laureate meant to her: “The meeting with Academician Sakharov was very important for me, but too personal for me to share details. I will only say that I was amazed: what an extraordinary person Andrei Dmitrievich is, if he could draw the structure of a hydrogen bomb on an A4 sheet of paper so that he could immediately understand it. He told me that all discoveries in physics can be made before the age of 30. In physics!

Trophy. Lokomotiv won the first trophy under Smorodskaya only this year. On May 21, the red-greens defeated Kuban in the final of the Russian Cup in extra time with a score of 3:1. But Olga Yuryevna, according to her, is not going to stop there.

Success. In five years at the helm of Loko, according to Olga Yurievna, she managed to improve the infrastructure, develop youth football and a youth team. In particular, the Lokomotiv school entered the top 100 according to the criteria of European football. As for sporting successes, the results here are noticeably more modest: one won trophy (Russian Cup - 2014/15) and bronze medals at the Russian Championship in the 2013/14 season.

Football.“Understand: I love football very much. And you have to love it in order to work in it. It seems to me that intellectually developed people love football. You can’t help but see this beauty, this happiness, these combinations,” Smorodskaya admitted in an interview.

CSKA. Smorodskaya came to Lokomotiv from the enemy camp. From 2002 to 2006, she worked as head of the “big” CSKA. Supervised work on 30 sports. During her work, the surface in the athletics complex was changed, the Palace of Combat Sports and the club's sports boarding school were reconstructed.

Cherevchenko. The appointment of a 41-year-old specialist to the post of head coach of the “railroad” team came as a surprise to many. But Olga Yurievna categorically stated: “I believe in Cherevchenko. He suits Lokomotiv. Now Loko is in third place in the Russian Championship and has an excellent chance of qualifying from the group in the Europa League.

Emotionality, like any woman, Smorodskaya has her fill. Olga Yuryevna has repeatedly spoken out about the new limit on foreign players, the behavior of fans in the stands and the difficult economic situation in the country.

Youth.“Both the commander on the potato and the commander in the construction brigade. And in all student events, too,” this is how Smorodskaya talked about her student years. Well, leadership qualities have always been with her.

Yakunin. The former president of Russian Railways has always spoken out in support of Smorodskaya. Here, for example, is what he said in one of his interviews: “Olga Smorodskaya worked at CSKA and there she demonstrated the ability to build generals. And this speaks in her favor.”

She is the first female president in Russian football. Her every decision is a scandal, her every word is a newsworthy occasion. In August 2016, Olga Smorodskaya left her post. The time has come to remember everything.

The six years of Olga Smorodskaya's reign as president of Lokomotiv turned out to be controversial. If in August 2010 the overwhelming majority of the football community was skeptical about the new president, today Smorodskaya’s management has supporters and even admirers. The “first lady of Russian football” herself prefers to be judged based on her actions. That's what we'll do.


An indispensable attribute of Olga Yuryevna’s work at Lokomotiv was (and still remains) hype. Loud dismissals, altercations in the press, trials in Lausanne, provocative statements. If you make a list of those with whom Olga Yuryevna did not find a common language, for one reason or another, you will get a very entertaining scroll of considerable length. Let’s not once again recall the kaleidoscope of absurd situations in which our president found himself, they have already set everyone’s teeth on edge, let’s just say that every time all this seriously hit the image of the club, and even the image of Olga Yuryevna herself.

Coaching leapfrog

During the time that Olga Smorodskaya spent in her post, 8 different coaches worked with Lokomotiv. Quite simple mathematics - more than one resignation per year. Yuri Semin, Yuri Krasnozhan, Vladimir Maminov, Jose Couceiro, Slaven Bilic, Leonid Kuchuk, Igor Cherevchenko, Miodrag Bozovic and Cherevchenko again. It is difficult to call this approach to personnel issues professional. Olga Yuryevna in her interviews often acknowledges the scale of Evgeniy Giner’s figure for Russian football, his brilliant managerial abilities and visionary moves. For comparison, CSKA has not changed its coach even once since 2009.

Working with youth

The next very painful point is working with young people. In recent years, Lokomotiv has left a whole echelon of its own students. Of course, there are no guarantees that Arshak Koryan or Nika Kipiani will make us gnaw at our elbows, remembering their loss. That's absolutely not the point. The Lokomotiv Academy produces a huge number of players of varying degrees of talent. It is clear that all of them will not play for the first team, this is simply impossible. The question is, why do we over and over again release young players, on whose education the club has spent money, for next to nothing or for free? Grabbers? What, every single one? Come on, there is a clear gap in the work of the club’s management. Sign a contract with the young man in advance, and not on demolitions - play ahead of the curve before your competitors find out about the diamond. But time after time we saw a different picture - the management delayed the signing of a new contract, then a contract was nevertheless offered, if the terms of the player were not satisfied, he firmly settled on the bench until the expiration of the current agreement. Or, in short, a football player found a new club and was declared a mercantile bastard.

Transfer misses

Such a policy has the right to life if your selection works well. But, unfortunately, there are questions here too. Maxim Grigoriev, Seniyad Ibrichich, Anton Kochenkov, Manuel Da Costa, Alberto Zapater, Anton Amelchenko, Alexander Marenich, Ruslan Nakhushev, Victor Obinna - this is an incomplete list of dubious transfers. Of course, each case can and should be analyzed individually. Some simply did not play, some were ill-healthed, and some simply did not live up to the stated level. However, such a stack of football players who are on the club’s balance sheet and are not producing results cannot be called “budget optimization”.

Conflict with fans

The dismissal of Yuri Semin, a disdainful attitude towards the “golden” times of the club, caustic remarks in the press addressed to the stands - all this led to fierce hatred and a stream of negativity from the fans. There is no right or wrong here - Smorodskaya herself made strategic mistakes, but the fans also lost logic and consistency in their protest, turning the whole enterprise into a farce. And yet there is a stubborn fact in all this - the empty stands of the Lokomotiv stadium. It was during the reign of Olga Smorodskaya that the fan left the stadium, and it was she who could not stop this process.


Last year's situation in which the club found itself deserves special attention. Before this, we often heard about Smorodskaya’s effective management, her high professionalism in this matter, and then suddenly Lokomotiv fell under UEFA sanctions - the terms of the financial fire play were violated. The expensive purchases of Diarra and Boussouf backfired. The arrival of these players to the club is shrouded in a slight haze of mystery, but this is hardly the work of Olga Yuryevna. There can be only one complaint against the president in relation to this situation - he failed to cope with expensive “assets”, which ultimately led to a ban on the purchase of new players. A management mistake, no less.

Intervention in the sports process

In my opinion, the most important disadvantage of Smorodskaya’s work at Lokomotiv is the genuine desire to control everything. It is impossible to be a professional in every field; this is why effective managers carefully select assistants, narrow specialists in some specific aspect. At first, Olga Yurievna independently tried to delve into the football kitchen, and then appointed her son-in-law Kirill Kotov to the position of sports director. The question about the level of professionalism of Mr. Kotov lies on the surface. If you believe the insider that Tim shared with us at the end of the season, then Olga Yuryevna’s relative has more power over the team than the head coach. Let's be objective, unfortunately, we have reason to believe in this madness. And the team’s decline, repeated year after year, at the end of the season is another confirmation of this. This type of management is not even a mistake, it is absurdity in its purest form.

Appeal to history

If we talk about the positive aspects of the reign of Olga Yurievna Smorodskaya, then it is certainly worth noting the attention to the history of the club. In 2011, Lokomotiv opened a club museum, which became a meeting place for fans with veterans and honored football players. In March 2015, a day in history section appeared on the site - a kind of historical calendar. And on April 5, the club officially changed its founding date from 1936 to 1922. A number of archival documents provided the basis for additional wisdom.

Work of the Academy

The Club Academy existed and functioned even before the arrival of Olga Yuryevna Smorodskaya, the president has no particular merit in the success of the school - now we are reaping the fruits of the work of past leaders. All that was required from Smorodskaya was to do no harm, and she coped with this task.

Stadium development

Olga Yuryevna inherited a beautiful stadium from her predecessors, to the development of which the president contributed. The main success, in my opinion, is the family sector. Raising your fan from baby teeth is cool. A little later, a student section appeared at the stadium, allowing university students to purchase season tickets and tickets to matches of their favorite team at a significant discount. A parking lot near the stadium was completed, which made attending matches more comfortable for car owners. One of the authors of our Tribune once spoke in detail about this innovation.

Press service

And if you can find fault with the previous positive points if you wish, then the birth of a powerful press service is an undoubted success of Smorodskaya’s reign. The key decision was inviting Andrei Bodrov to the club as a press attaché in November 2014. From that moment on, Lokomotiv not only became closer to its fans, but acquired a human face. Subscription programs, LokoTV, NasheCherkizovo Live - this is the unconditional top. At the moment, our press service at the RFPL level has only one competitor - Zenit. I would like to believe that the new president will develop what already exists, and not rebuild it.

Working with new fans

Since it is not possible to return the old ones to the stadium, we will raise new ones, - apparently, Olga Yuryevna and the team decided so. The family sector has already been mentioned above; in addition, the club regularly visits schools. Children can chat with professional football players, get an autograph, and play on the same team with them. Remember your 10-12 years, what could be cooler? Such events are an excellent long-term investment in the future.

Transfer luck

And finally, since we remembered the selection mistakes under Olga Yuryevna, it is worth talking about successful acquisitions. Vitaly Denisov, Vedran Corluka, Nemanja Pejcinovic, Dame Ndoye, Bai Oumar Niass, Alexander Samedov - all these players were acquired over the past 6 years. It cannot be said that successful transfers are a regular occurrence at Loko, these are rather spontaneous luck, but some of them brought profit to the club. Dame Ndoye, despite his considerable football age, managed to sell to Hull City, and Niasse's transfer to Everton became the most successful RFPL deal in the winter window.

The reign of Olga Yuryevna Smorodskaya cannot be called a failure, but the experienced manager did not even reach a positive assessment. What was not enough for success was, first of all, sports results - the cup and bronze medals were rather modest achievements over 6 years. Olga Yuryevna’s actions and statements lacked consistency. The fan who did not tear his shirt on his chest shouting “UBIK!” was simply tired of scandals, unfulfilled promises and sudden changes in the leader’s mood. He has reasons to be angry with management and has a lot to be grateful for. Changes in Lokomotiv's top management are needed, there is no doubt about that, but we will find out very soon whether they will give positive dynamics.

In honor of the birthday of the Lokomotiv president, we present her life path from “A” to “Z”.

Antipova- maiden name Olga Yurievna. Her father Yuri Sergeevich Antipov was a military pilot. In her youth, she herself dreamed of following in her father’s footsteps, but in the end she chose a different profession.

Pancakes. In one of the interviews Olga Yurievna spoke about her culinary talents. “I make the best pancakes in the world,” she said. - Yeast-free. Another dish – I make the most delicious sea bass fish.”

Vneshtorgbank . From 2000 to 2002 Smorodskaya She served as vice president of Vneshtorgbank. Before that, she was Deputy General Director of CJSC Interros"and vice president of another bank. From July 2008 to July 2010 she worked as Deputy Chairman of the Board Rosbank.

Gomel . Olga Yurievna was born in this Belarusian city. At the age of five, she and her family moved to Moscow, where she graduated from school with a gold medal and received a honors diploma from Plekhanov University.

Children. U Smorodskaya Two daughters, Anna And Lyudmila. Eldest daughter Anna lives permanently in London, Lyudmila works under the guidance of his mother - director of the commercial department " Lokomotiv».

Yeltsin. In 1991 Smorodskaya participated in the August putsch on the side Boris Yeltsin. She later said in an interview with Championship: “I actually went to the White House in 1991. But this was a civil, not a political step. I believed that as a citizen of the country I should support the interests of the new Russia».

« Woman in football it is an irritant. A woman who doesn’t adapt to anyone, doesn’t say: “Have pity on me,” but tries to resist, is a doubly irritant. They don't fight the weak. They only fight the strong. At the same time, it’s interesting to fight with me because I don’t give up. I am a foreign body that needs to be crushed so that it does not interfere with life,” the words of the president “ Lokomotiv" Very honest, sincere and courageous, because prejudice is always difficult to fight.

Rank lieutenant colonel Olga Yurievna received while working at CSKA. Women are rarely given the rank of lieutenant colonel.

Italian kitchen. Olga Yurievna, according to her, loves her most of all. Of all the Italian dishes, the only one she doesn't like is pizza.

Karpin . Olga Yurievna have expressed sympathy for the current coach more than once Armavir "Torpedo"” and noted: “I think Karpina a very talented coach. Precisely the coach. In addition, he is a charismatic and cultured person, an interesting personality. When I was looking for a coach, Karpin was busy in Mallorca" Jokingly, I sometimes thought to myself: “Shouldn’t I invite him to” Locomotive»?»

Skis. In childhood Smorodskaya studied skiing in a group with an Olympic champion Lyubov Baranova. At the age of 12 she became the champion of Moscow, but did not achieve further success.

Dream at Olga Yurievna one and it is connected, of course, with work - championship " Lokomotiv" Last time red-green won gold medals in 2004.

The science. More than 10 years Smorodskaya worked in the scientific field. Having received a higher education in the specialty “Economic Cybernetics” and a qualification as an economist-mathematician, she worked for a long time at NIIPiN (Research Institute of Planning and Standards) under the USSR State Planning Committee.

Opera. The president " Lokomotiv“She has repeatedly noted that she really loves going to the opera. Among her hobbies she also highlighted symphonic music, good cinema and books.

Policy. “I could work in politics. But I do not want. I came into very close contact with her, I know a lot. That’s why there is no desire,” she said Olga Yurievna six months ago in an interview with “Championship”.

Rostropovich . Smorodskaya as a child she studied at the music school named after Vano Muradeli, where her teacher was the famous cellist, pianist and conductor Mstislav Rostropovich.

Sakharov . Olga Yurievna admitted what it meant to her to meet the Nobel laureate: “Meeting with academician Sakharov was very important for me, but too personal for me to share details. Let me just say that I was amazed: what an extraordinary personality Andrey Dmitrievich, if I could draw a hydrogen bomb device on an A4 sheet of paper for an ordinary person so that he would immediately understand it. He told me that all discoveries in physics can be made before the age of 30. In physics!

Trophy. First trophy Smorodskaya « Locomotive"Won only this year. May 21st red-green in the final Russian Cup won in extra time " Kuban"with a score of 3:1. But that's it Olga Yurievna, according to her, is not going to stop.

Success. In five years at the helm " Loco", according to Olga Yurievna, she managed to improve infrastructure, develop youth football and a youth team. In particular, the school Lokomotiv"entered the top 100 according to the criteria of European football. As for sporting successes, the results here are noticeably more modest: one trophy won ( Cup of Russia- 2014/15) and bronze medals Russian Championship in the 2013/14 season.

Football. “Understand: I love football very much. And you have to love it in order to work in it. It seems to me that intellectually developed people love football. You can’t help but see this beauty, this happiness, these combinations,” admitted in one interview Smorodskaya.

CSKA. IN " Locomotive» Smorodskaya came from the enemy camp. From 2002 to 2006, she worked as the head of " big» CSKA. Supervised work on 30 sports. During her work, the surface in the athletics complex was changed, the Palace of Combat Sports and the club's sports boarding school were reconstructed.

Cherevchenko. The appointment of a 41-year-old specialist to the post of head coach " railway workers" came as a surprise to many. But Olga Yurievna categorically stated: “In Cherevchenko I believe. He fits" Lokomotiv" Now " Loco"is in third place in the championship Russia and has an excellent chance of leaving the group in Europa League.

Emotionality , like any woman, Smorodskaya don't borrow. Olga Yurievna She has repeatedly spoken out about the new limit on foreign players, the behavior of fans in the stands and the difficult economic situation in the country.

Youth. “Both the commander on the potato and the commander in the construction brigade. And in all student events too,” so Smorodskaya talked about her student years. Well, leadership qualities have always been with her.

Yakunin. Ex-president Russian Railways always expressed support Smorodskaya. Here, for example, is what he said in one of the interviews: “I worked in CSKA and there she demonstrated the ability to build generals. And this speaks in her favor.”

Daria Tuboltseva

Source: "Championship"

- In what way did the club part with Olga Smorodskaya? Was it a mutual decision?
- Olga Yuryevna expressed a desire to leave the club, the board of directors granted her desire.

We definitely don’t have any conflict situations. The club and board of directors have great respect for the work of Olga Yuryevna.

- The press reported that a large number of employees would leave the club together with Olga Yuryevna.
- There is a chance to contact the club president on this issue. He will make all decisions.

- Have tasks already been set for the new leadership?
- From the point of view of sporting results, the task has been set for the club to compete for a place in the top three in the long term and regularly qualify for European competition.

We definitely don’t have any conflict situations. The club and board of directors have great respect for the work of Olga Yuryevna.

This is ensured not only by selection work, but also by many other factors. Selection work is the activity of the club management, not the board of directors.

- Is there a ready-made team of professionals that will start working in the near future?
- I think that the new leader already has such a team. But what is meant by this term?

- Initially, it was about 15 employees who would leave the club along with Olga Yuryevna.
- There is a saying - a holy place is never empty. We don't have any irreplaceable people. If colleagues decide to leave the club, that is their decision. I think it is quite possible to replace them.

- How do you evaluate the work of Olga Smorodskaya during the period spent at Lokomotiv?
- An official statement from the board of directors of Russian Railways has probably already appeared. I have nothing to add to it, other than expressing great respect for Olga Yuryevna.

- Will the club’s funding change with the arrival of a new leader?
- The club’s budget has been approved for the calendar year. We are now in August. A new budget will be considered for the new year. The practice of recent years shows

The goal is for the club to compete for a place in the top three in the long term and regularly qualify for European competition.

that there is no longer a strict connection between the size of the budget and results, the line is blurred. There are a number of similar examples in various team sports. For example, when clubs with significantly smaller budgets occupy leading positions, including on the European stage. You don't have to go far. If we talk about the Lokomotiv system, then this is the Lokomotiv basketball club, which became third in Europe with a budget smaller than that of other participants in this long-term competition.

- Doesn't this mean that the budget will be reduced?
- For some reason, everyone thinks that everything is decided by money. But this is not always the case (according to available information, the budget of FC Lokomotiv for 2016 is approximately 4.7 billion rubles excluding taxes. - Note from the Championship).

Jürgen Klopp, recently extending his employment relationship with an English club for six years, noted that this is like sixty in ordinary life. Stay Smorodskaya at the presidency in " Lokomotiv“On July 29, she turned just six years old. If we use the arithmetic of her beloved coach in absentia, she celebrated her “Diamond Jubilee” like the British Queen Elizabeth II in 2012. Time to take stock.


For a professional club, a purely sporting result is primary, and it is very modest if we take into account the club’s capabilities with such a colossus as Russian Railways. This is in Soviet times, when " Locomotive"visited from the top league to the first, winning bronze (2014) and the Cup (2015) would have pleased me immensely. After two championship titles, four cup victories and a constant presence on the podium at Yuri Semina such a result already looked like crumbs from the master’s table.

To be fair, it should be noted that Smorodskaya came when" Locomotive"already left the main road. After leaving Semina at the beginning of 2005, the club, somehow by inertia, won two more bronze medals. He could have taken it in 2009, when the team's iconic coach returned. That season, the red-greens had the same number of points at the finish as the one ahead of them, to whom the football authorities did not dare to count the defeat for exceeding the limit on foreign players in the match with the railway workers. The Cup was also won in 2007, and still overall " Locomotive"Rolled down the hill.



Initially Smorodskaya, as an experienced manager who has worked in the Moscow government, banking industry and big CSKA, was rushed to a new site to treat a “systemic disease.”

My main task is " Loco" - to ensure the team’s good performance and first place in the championship,” Olga Yuryevna said in an interview with SE immediately after her appointment. “There are a lot of system failures in the club. The composition is good, the coach is excellent, excellent material resources. And yet there is something where - it doesn’t work, it doesn’t grow together, it doesn’t work out. What and where it doesn’t grow together is my task to determine and correct.

A little later, having looked around, the president launched an attack on the “old regime”:

There are many problems in the club, all of them, as I once said, are systemic in nature, the disease has penetrated deeply, hence the tournament result. The management of any football club around the world, with the exception of perhaps, consists of three levels: shareholder, president, coach and team. It seems to me that in the interaction of all these steps " Lokomotiv“There were glitches. And the main shareholder began to lose interest in the club. Not getting an adequate balance between investments and results in the standings, he gradually lost interest in football. As for the team and coach, they lived, and still live, their own separate lives , into which they are very reluctant to let anyone in, including the shareholder, and this again causes dissatisfaction. But besides emotions - like it or not - there are also management laws and if they don’t work, we get the wrong result. There should be no isolation between the team and the coach; close contact with the shareholder, the president of the club, and the fans is mandatory.

In the end, the system never achieved championship power, although the coaches passed the baton to each other on average every year. Smorodskaya caught in " Lokomotiv" more Semina on his fourth visit there, if you count his absence to New Zealand and the year of his presidency under coach Anatoly Byshovtse, and then the team was led Yuri Krasnozhan, Jose Couceiro, Slaven Bilic, Leonid Kuchuk, Miodrag Bozovic and finally Igor Cherevchenko.

Olga Smorodskaya has always had a strained relationship with Loko fans. Photo by Pavel LISITSYN, RIA Novosti


With fans as part of the "system" Smorodskaya Things didn't work out right away. And the root cause is by no means “gender,” as she likes to put it.

Yes, the fan community is characterized by male chauvinism, and, unfortunately, it allowed itself to slip into outright rudeness towards the lady. Let u" Lokomotiv“Especially a few years ago, there was a very high percentage of admirers of the fairer sex; psychologically it was not easy for some to accept a female president.

But the main thing is that the new leader did not find a common language with the fans’ cult Palych, faith in whom remained even with serious setbacks such as elimination in the Europa League from " Lausanne", who played in the second division of Switzerland (many Spartak fans still consider the messiah Oleg Romantsev). Ultimately, at the end of the 2010 season Semin and his associates were forced out of the club.

Perhaps events would have developed differently if Smorodskaya limited mainly to finances and infrastructure, and would speak cautiously about football itself, at least at first: they say, I’m a new person, from the outside, while I’m looking around. But this would no longer be Olga Yuryevna, who is accustomed to always commanding, and she herself is aware of this. “I was a commander in the potato field, and in the construction brigade - in all student events,” she said about her youth.

Hence the inadmissibility of the team’s isolation, and categorical statements, which at first sometimes fell on deaf ears. The president confused the roles of the players and even explained the basics of tactics to the players. “Wider in attack, narrower in defense,” she instructed them before the first match with “ Lausanne".

Fans managed to attach anti-presidential banners even on high-rise buildings near the stadium in Cherkizovo, and she - and this is also a consequence of ignorance of specific football issues - wiped the table with a club scarf.

All wars end one day. Last spring, the club’s management and the fan movement even made a joint statement about rebooting relations. Then the Cup victory happily arrived.

However, that memorandum was a non-aggression pact, and not a declaration of friendship. Now that Smorodskaya leaves, the vast majority of admirers" Lokomotiv" triumphant.

July 2014. Kirill KOTOV, Leonid KUCHUK, Igor CHEREVCHENKO. Photo by Alexey IVANOV, "SE"


The public, frankly speaking, did not like that the personnel " Lokomotiv"was strengthened at the expense of the president's relatives. The youngest daughter Lyudmila worked in the marketing service. The breeder who married her Kirill Kotov rose to sports director.

It is clear that nepotism cannot be completely eliminated, no matter how much one fights against it. In the USSR, I remember, a campaign was carried out to eliminate this phenomenon in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other higher structures. But what can you do if, for example, office romances happen in life? Drive out all the “wrong” wives?

And yet, a big football club is a very visible showcase, much more subject to everyone's attention than any ministry. Many people associate themselves with it, and the dubious practice of prescribing not only does not go unnoticed, but also causes a lot of gossip. It's surprising that the board of directors" Lokomotiv“did not stop this practice.

It is he, by the way, who is responsible for the coaching leapfrog. After all, it was the council that approved the next specialist and extended the powers of the president, invited to the position by the ex-head of JSC Russian Railways. Vladimir Yakunin.

As for selection, this is generally a thankless task. It is customary to praise for it, so that individual mistakes, despite an overall excellent reputation, remain in the background. At the same time around" Lokomotiv“Discontent is often heard: they let their own students go, they don’t buy stars... But this is an eternal and ubiquitous story, again connected with the final result.

In 2010 for " Locomotive"were still playing Loskov And Sychev, it already included , , , , , as well as , , , . But there was still neither, nor, nor, nor, nor his successor, who at first did not look like a replacement for his fellow Senegalese, nor the scandalous couple -. These are all interesting football players, although their contribution to the team’s treasury is ambiguous.

CSKA President Evgeny GINER, Zenit President Alexander DYUKOV, Olga SMORODSKAYA, Krasnodar owner Sergei GALITSKY. Photo by Alexey IVANOV, "SE"


In the governing football structures of the President " Lokomotiv"respected. Suffice it to recall that she is a member of the executive committee of the RFU. Moreover, the RFPL nominated her after an internal vote among its five candidates for the April 2014 RFU Conference along with Sergei Galitsky, Evgeniy Giner, Alexander Dyukov And Suleiman Kerimov. And this despite the fact that Yakunin was also elected to the executive committee.

Here he just looked like a general from economics, who is not primarily interested in football issues. Smorodskaya She actively participated in the work of the executive committee and spoke emotionally at the end of the meetings. Moreover, over time, she, a person who always studied well (she graduated from school with a gold medal, and Plekhanov University with honors), became skilled in football topics.

I foresee objections and even indignation, but I think that Olga Yuryevna, with her deep economic knowledge and practical experience accumulated over six years, would be useful in the governing football structures.

What word will they use to remember Smorodskaya football fans? Now - not the most flattering, later - time will tell. The attitude towards the past, which is still present for us, will predetermine future results." Lokomotiv"In football they rarely erect a monument to the one who is at the helm, but after a while, when it is time to compare, it happens that the rule “when we lose it, we cry” suddenly comes into play.

Matriarchy in general has not taken root in our football environment. At the same time, the peculiar period of female rule will go down as a separate line in history not only " Lokomotiv", but also of all domestic football.



A country

The first match

Last match

Highest Achievement


01.08.2010 - Rostov -(h) - 0:1

11/28/2010 - Rubin (h) - 0:0

5th place, 4th place. LE round


03/12/2011 - Dynamo (h) - 3:2

05/27/2011 - Anzhi (h) - 1:2

Vladimir MAMINOV*

06/10/2011 - Tom (g) - 2:2

06/26/2011 - Dynamo (g) - 1:4

Jose Couceiro


07/24/2011 - Amkar (h) - 4:0

05/13/2012 - Spartak (h) - 0:2

7th place in the Czech Republic, 1/4 finals of the Kyrgyz Republic, 1/16 finals of the League of Legends

Slaven BILIC


07/20/2012 - Mordovia (g) - 3:2

05.26.2013 - .Mordovia (h) - 2:1

9th place in the Czech Republic, 1/8 finals of the Kyrgyz Republic



07/14/2013 - Anzhi (r) - 2:2

09/13/2014 - Mordovia (h) - 1:1

3rd place in the Czech Republic, 1/16 finals of the Kyrgyz Republic, 4th elimination. LE round


09/21/2014 - CSKA (g) - 0:1

09/28/2014 - Amkar (h) - 3:1



10/18/2014 - Terek (h) - 2:1

05/16/2015 - CSKA (h) - 1:3


05/16/2015 - Rubin (h) - 3:0

6th place in the Czech Republic, Russian Cup, 1/16 finals of the European Championship

* Acted as head coach.

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