Yearly horoscope for Leo woman.

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The Leo horoscope for 2018 will tell you what awaits you in the near future - the astrological forecast will tell you about career and business, love and family matters. Find out what prospects open up for representatives of your zodiac sign in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. Horoscope of health, love and finance.

The year of the Yellow Earth Dog will not leave fearless and proud Leos without pleasant surprises! In the winter months, your financial sphere will “go uphill”, and with the onset of spring and the awakening of nature, many opportunities for flirting and love affairs await you. In the summer you can find time to relax and gain strength, and the fun begins in the fall! We won’t reveal all the cards in advance, but the horoscope for 2018 for the zodiac sign Leo claims that dramatic changes will occur in your life in the fall!

However, if your path is covered with roses, you need to keep in mind that some of them may have thorns. For example, success at work may make some colleagues jealous, and you will have to do something about it. Well, or put up with slander and anonymous messages addressed to you. Try, if possible, not to advertise your own successes and not to provoke envious people.

Horoscope for 2018 for the sign Leo (female)). The proud “mistress of the savannah” in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog is not inclined to compromise! You clearly make it clear to those around you that you are ready to take only the best from life! However, such perfectionism has its negative sides - constantly trying to “raise the bar” can get very tired and alienate some people. However, you never tried to start relationships with weaklings, did you?

Horoscope for 2018 for the sign Leo (male)). The stars predict a favorable period for you, both in terms of work and finances, and in terms of building personal relationships. However, the horoscope for the Leo zodiac sign warns that in 2018 a person will appear in your environment who will become a source of constant problems. You will make your life much more enjoyable and simpler if you keep your contact with him to a minimum.

Love horoscope for the Leo sign for 2018

The stars say that unsurpassed and charming Leos and Lionesses will shine, striking the attention of numerous admirers! Unmarried representatives of your zodiac sign have good opportunities to find a worthy couple for themselves. Who knows - maybe even New Year's Eve will be the beginning of a romantic adventure, because you are used to acting quickly and decisively!

Keep in mind that not all the fans (or admirers) that interest you will turn out to be unrelated by marriage. The horoscope advises checking this circumstance, especially if you are interested in a serious relationship and not a short affair. In addition, you need to take into account that the deceived spouse of your candidate for “soul mate” can make your life simply unbearable. In a word, look for a free pair.

For family Leos who remain faithful to their other half, the Yellow Earth Dog will give them a calm and measured year. No scandals or squabbles are expected in the near future. Perhaps the time has come for you to expand your family? The stars say that now is a very suitable period for this!

Finance, business and career in 2018

During the winter months, do not make large purchases - there is a high probability that you may need finance to solve unforeseen problems. But spring will fully reward you for economical budgeting. Whether it will be an influx of customers, winning the lottery or a generous quarterly bonus - who knows? The horoscope for 2018 for the zodiac sign Leo only says that, starting from March-April, you will not experience a lack of finances!

Leo entrepreneurs in 2018 of the Yellow Dog should focus on their core activities. Attempts to open additional branches or reach a new level should be postponed for a while - there are still a lot of promising and untapped opportunities in your segment. Also, do not rush to renew your staff this year - it often happens that the old team copes with their work better than young professionals.

Leo employees in the spring of 2018 will have the opportunity to distinguish themselves and earn a reputation as a competent professional in their field. And such a reputation is worth a lot! After all, in fact, this is the first step towards a brilliant career and the opportunity to subsequently occupy a leadership position. However, as mentioned earlier, try not to advertise your successes so as not to become a victim of false denunciations from ill-wishers.

Physical and psychological health

The Leo horoscope for 2018 states that the Yellow Dog is ready to provide you with many opportunities for personal and professional development. But even positive, dramatic changes in life are often accompanied by severe stress. Therefore, it is very important for representatives of your zodiac sign to take care of their nervous system and avoid unreasonable overload. A moderate diet and healthy sleep will help you maintain strength for all future achievements.

Some people develop the habit of “eating” stress with sweets, as well as various fatty and unhealthy foods. This approach brings some moral relief, but has a negative impact on the figure and overall well-being. Come up with another way for yourself to “let off steam” - for example, go jogging or play sports.

Talismans for the Leo sign for 2018

For representatives of your zodiac sign in the year of the Yellow Dog, healthy, restful sleep is of great importance. An amulet designed to ward off bad dreams will protect your peace at night. Of course, you can purchase such a talisman in a specialized store, but talismans made by yourself are considered the most powerful. To make a dream catcher, you will need bird feathers.

Family Leos who want to protect their home from adversity and troubles can use a special one for these purposes. This amulet in the form of a simple thread doll protects against conflicts in the family and brings material well-being to the home. In addition, the protective doll resists witchcraft and the machinations of evil spirits.

What would you like for yourself this year? Prosperity or warm relationships, a new job or a long vacation? A horoscope for Leo is a very subtle explanation of your intention to achieve the main thing - happiness and understanding, recognition and new prospects. After reading the horoscope for 2018, Leo will understand that the year will not be a bag of gifts, but material for this bag, which you yourself must sew from your dreams with the help of diligence.

You have to get the main thing - family, and that's the essence of everything this year. You do not deny this fact, but you are distracted by other topics and overly worry about the failures that happen in everyone’s life. Everything is not easy for you, you have unfinished business in every area, but you are in no hurry to complete it. You can start something new only after completing the old, only when you close the connection with the past. You hold on to the past and find nothing comforting in it.

Don’t forget that part of what you have achieved is the merit of your friends, and not just yours, and at the moment when fate gives you some bonuses, do not regret and share, even if it’s just a good mood. It doesn’t matter how you suggest it, the main thing is to make it clear that you remember people and appreciate their help.

The darkest time is before dawn. Already in spring, you will feel that your stress and worries are fading away, and the desire to achieve the maximum awakens in you. You will want to change everything in your life, and you will have the opportunity, but remember that it is not customary to change horses at the crossing, and you yourself are not so inclined to do this.

The warmth and comfort that your loved ones give you is solely their merit, and not your “holiness”, which already brings enough joy without it. Come down to earth and remember that you are just a person, with your disadvantages, and sometimes these disadvantages are quite significant. Learn to appreciate what your loved ones give you, and only in this way will you come to harmony.

Health and leisure

The horoscope for Leo for 2018 advises you to remember your physical form, since your emotional sphere is quite full of ambition, and this is precisely what can cause some diseases of the digestive tract. Gluttony and laziness are your favorite sins, and you know it very well. But the time has come to realize that at some point everything comes to an end.

Diet, sports, yoga, and it's better if you take it together. You are frightened by the fact that you will not be able to do everything, but you will definitely master it, because once you start, you will become so attached to this atmosphere and your feeling of increasing strength and at the same time lightness that it will become a part of your life forever.

Say goodbye to alcohol and tobacco, otherwise you will have a sick autumn, unpleasant complications of existing diseases, and nervous breakdowns.

Relax, alternating weekends with work, you have the strength for the correct regime, you’re just too lazy to admit it, and do what’s convenient for you.

Vacation is possible closer to autumn or even winter, and in the summer you will be drawn into a new job, or family matters that you have been pursuing for a long time. Don't miss the chance to leave home in order to truly relax, and not do repairs or work in the country.

Beware of hypothermia and colds, and if you do get sick, do not expect that everything will go away on its own, but visit a doctor, otherwise complications will not keep you waiting.

Finance and shopping

Leo will read the financial horoscope for 2018 like a book with several chapters, since he loves accuracy and scrupulous arrangement, and nothing will make him turn away from the chosen route.

The most important thing here is not to invent yourself a quest in which you need to complete an incredible number of steps; it’s better to think about the steps and skip the unnecessary ones. You will achieve high financial independence if you learn to agree with other people's opinions, since it will be useful for you to listen to the advice of management, and this will bring you a significant increase in salary.

Don't rush to borrow even a small amount, since most likely you want to buy something that you can do without.

Spring can't wait, and before summer you need to get on the right track of making money instead of spending it. Do your home accounting, calculate all your expenses, and see how much money is spent on little things. You may find that by avoiding unnecessary trips to the store, you can ditch your credit card.

In the fall, you will have a trip, a vacation, a long trip, in which you will especially need money, and therefore you must save up the main amount so that after the vacation you do not end up in debt, which will darken the joy and extinguish the flame of acquired emotions.

Career and business

The career horoscope for Leo for 2018 suggests that his growth will depend on his relationship with his leader. However, always knowing what he wants from life, Leo is in no hurry to admit his mistakes and therefore delays the time of his rise. No amount of arguments will convince you until you personally understand the seriousness of this issue, and first of all you should be motivated by the financial component of future opportunities.

Make an effort, find words for yourself to come to an agreement with your inner antagonist. You must admit that you are not always right and learn to work as a team. You are a member of a team that works like a chain, and you cannot delay completing your part of the work, since the rest of the work and the delivery of projects depends on you.

Consider changing jobs, but not before the summer, as spring gives you a chance to develop new skills that will make you a more desirable employee in your new place.

Love and family

Leo will read the love horoscope for 2018 like a colorful magazine with a lot of bright events that await you. The stars probably have special plans for you, since from summer to late autumn you will have a chance to start a family and become happy, having acquired several forms at once in the person of your spouse. You will have a friend, assistant, ally and lover all rolled into one. You must consider this gift of fate and under no circumstances miss it. Take a closer look at your friends, among whom your future may be.

Family signs are overly self-confident and lose sight of the fact that their deception can be revealed at any moment. You shouldn’t go to great lengths without being sure that everything is fine at home. You attract attention by the fact that your mood changes when people of the opposite sex pay attention to you. This may offend your other half. Flirting in the workplace will only frustrate work relationships and create more gossip.

It’s not bad if you decide to relax with your loved one, let your relationship take its course a little.

Signs born from July 23 to August 1, forced to change their lifestyle and take life not as easily as before. The desire to be first will not let you go, but you should not devote all your time to yourself.

Signs born from August 2 to August 10 they are afraid of what they feel now in relation to their loved ones, and it seems to them that they are losing the reins with which they could previously control their loved ones. They become soft and trusting. This is useful and you should not be afraid of such a change.

Signs born from August 11 to August 22 romance and lyrics. You are filled with creative enthusiasm, and you see spring and happiness in everything, the chirping of birds and the fluffiness of snowflakes. Whether it’s love or harmony with yourself – only you know, but prolong this feeling as long as possible.

Leo Woman

You are a fusion of tenderness and strength at the same time, and from the very beginning of the year, thanks to this, you will have the opportunity to refuse the proposal that you have been waiting for a long time. If you don’t like at least one point of the conditions, do not agree, since this point will become a stumbling block in both the employment contract and the marriage contract. Read more >>>

Male - Leo

It's hard to admit it, but it's time to admit that you are not omnipotent and your powers are not infinite. The horoscope for Leo - men looks like a complete fiasco at first glance, but...

Huge internal forces will be released, which will allow you to realize the most daring projects in life.

Just as the Sun, the patron saint of Leo, is at the center of our planetary system, so you want to be at the center of what is happening. At home you will demand attention from your husband and obedience from your children. And at work you will try to take another step up the career ladder.

Over the course of a year, the Sun passes through each sign of the Zodiac. So you too - you need to go everywhere, make yourself known everywhere, and earn popularity. In the coming year, you will have every opportunity for a bright self-presentation. Especially unexpectedly, even for yourself, you will show character when setting the most important life goals. Don't look back, don't listen to envious people, you will succeed!

Love, family, friendship for Leo in 2018:

Love: Think about yourself

You will carefully enter into new close relationships when other people themselves take the initiative to communicate, seeing you as an affable and friendly person. It's time to ask yourself a somewhat selfish question: how relationships allow you to open up. You need to shift your attention from your partner to yourself. Perhaps you forgot about yourself before and now you need to catch up. It's not about becoming a narcissistic egomaniac. It is important, based on the values ​​of the couple, to understand what your role and your acquisitions are.

When making decisions, you don’t need to listen to anyone’s advice. Rely completely on your own opinion. Moreover, the optimal way for you to interact with another person may be fundamentally different from established, traditional ideas about love and marriage. You will feel that the conservative form of relationships does not give you space or air. And you will want real freedom in the union of two hearts, in order, among other things, to take a break from the relationship that obliges you.

Family: Improving the situation

Time largely favors the positive course of all matters related to home, family, and relatives. Now is the best period in the last 12 years for purchasing real estate, land, and improving living conditions. If you do not have the funds for such large purchases, then you can successfully transform your life through cosmetic repairs or updating furniture. At the same time, it is very likely that the family will expand due to the addition of new members. This could be the birth of a child or the formalization of a relationship when your husband’s relatives become your family. You can count on help and protection from your spouse’s parents.

Friendship: Stability and communication

The circle of people with whom you share common interests will remain the same. Friendships will remain, and no new members will be added to your company. To maintain a positive background, it is worth finding things to do together that involve intellectual activity or frequent communication. Meetings should be structured in such a way that there is time not only to discuss topics that are important to you, but also to just chat. You will enjoy visiting current events: festivals, theater premieres, restaurants opening for the season, lectures, film clubs. During the course of the year, there will be three opportunities to revive friendships that seemed to have ended.

Leo health in 2018:


You may be attacked by an inexplicable blues. It would seem that out of the blue an uncomfortable emotional state and causeless experiences will arise. Perhaps you will become too suspicious, constantly afraid of some unreal danger or possible illnesses. Your daily routine may be disrupted: it will be difficult for you to fall asleep or, on the contrary, you will constantly fall asleep. It is necessary to be very careful about anesthesia, especially if surgery is planned under general anesthesia. Be sure to consult with your doctor to find out how suitable certain medications are for you. There is a high probability that intolerance to any drug may occur. Over the course of the year, you will develop a predisposition to seasonal infections; try not to visit crowded places during periods of epidemics, in particular influenza. Positive thinking, proper nutrition and adherence to standard hygiene rules will positively affect the improvement of health, general tone and immunity.

Career, work, business for Leo in 2018:

Nice bonuses

The situation will change. In any case - with or without your help. The first option: in your usual business, you will introduce new methods, technical means, and process automation into your daily work. Second: radically change your profession. Any restrictions, even in a standard work schedule, will cause you to protest violently. Now more than ever you need maximum freedom. And if you feel that the five-day period is suffocating you, negotiate a flexible schedule. This may very well pacify your rebellious spirit. However, if you are thinking about changing jobs, take it seriously. There is a danger that you will have to jump from place to place without staying in any of them longer than the probationary period. And leaving will be dictated not by the initiative of a new company for which you are not suitable, but by your desire to find the ideal place to implement it. The wealth of offers on employment sites seems to say: if you are not satisfied with some trifle in your current place, a standard job awaits you in another company - profitable, interesting, with wise management and a warm, supportive team. Of course, this is an illusion, and what you need now is to really change yourself, and not look for perfection through meaningless vanity.

Leo Woman in 2018

Will push the boundaries of previous ideas in order to move towards a new life.

Leo man in 2018

He will begin to doubt his values ​​and will be ready to break off previous alliances in order to move towards his dream.

Leo child in 2018

Serious beyond his years. Your child will be ready to take on non-childish responsibilities. Help him. The kid understands the importance of doing homework and doing housework. But due to ignorance, it is difficult for him to dose the load. This should be done by adults. Even if your child wants to sign up for another tutor, think about whether he has enough time to feel like a child and just play in the yard.

In general, the coming year of the yellow earthen Dog is preparing quite a lot of interesting and positive moments for representatives of the Leo sign. The 2018 horoscope for Leo will allow you to learn more about what is coming.

Character of the sign

  1. Star: Sun.
  2. Symbol: lion, swan.
  3. Stone: amber, diamond, topaz, onyx, peridot, ruby.
  4. Color: purple, orange, gold, red, black.
  5. Flower: peony, gladiolus, chrysanthemum.
  6. Metal: gold.
  7. Talisman: lion, eagle, ladybug.
  8. Lucky numbers: 1, 5, 9.
  9. Favorable day: Sunday.
  10. Unlucky day: Saturday.

All carriers of this sign are very assertive in life, they are ready to go ahead in order to achieve their goals. They love attention, so they prefer to be around people. At the same time, they pay special attention to appearance; they are ready to spend their last savings to create their ideal image. Leos do not overestimate their capabilities, but at the same time they do not reduce their importance. The feeling of being in demand brings them particular pleasure. At the same time, they do not miss the opportunity to teach someone wisdom, but they do not accept this kind of thing addressed to them.

Horoscope for Leo

In order for the Year of the Dog to become more fun, happier and more successful for Leo, not much is needed, for example, it is important to always respect the point of view and feelings of the people who surround you. A rash word or action can easily disrupt a favorable atmosphere; in this case, you will not be able to avoid a scandal, divorce, division of property, or even the destruction of a business.

At the beginning of summer, you may have an excellent opportunity to move in order to expand your existing business or exchange knowledge, experience unprecedented sensations, make new acquaintances; such prospects will be of interest to absolutely all representatives of this sign.

At the beginning of autumn, a very unpleasant situation may occur, as a result of which your relationship with your partner will deteriorate significantly, and you will have to make a decision on further actions: either close your eyes to all grievances and save the relationship, or end everything and start living from scratch.

In your professional activities throughout the year, you will need to be tough and uncompromising. Thanks to this, you will eliminate the possibility of conflicts with your superiors and retain your position and existing salary level. And in November it is recommended to pay attention to investing. You should respond positively to the offer regarding the purchase of living space or land. This agreement will be successful and can bring dividends in a fairly short time.

Horoscope for 2018 for Leo woman

The horoscope for 2018 for Leo promises to be full of goals and their achievements. In the spring, you will be able to move away from the monotonous office work and get closer to an interesting, promising option in which you can take part in regular business trips abroad.

Your appearance will be so business-like that you will be able to scare away those who are not confident in themselves, and thus you will easily get rid of male representatives who are unworthy of you. And the one who is able to break through the shell consisting of a tough disposition and uncompromisingness, instead of a serious Lioness woman, will get a gentle, fragile cat.

The months of June-September can bring you a lot of short novels. Representatives of the stronger sex are able to ignite desire in you, however, that’s where it all ends, because they don’t know how to prolong this fire of passion for a long time. In 2018, the Leo woman will leave behind many drooping men with broken hearts.

Carefully! The horoscope says that 2018, the Year of the Dog, is not the best time for reckless actions. All the rash words you said without meaning, all the anger or irritation that you throw out on others will soon come back to you and make you regret it.

The fall of 2018 will be marked by a passion for expensive jewelry; it is advisable to control yourself and not spend all your remaining money on such a hobby.

Horoscope for 2018 for Leo man

From the beginning of January, the horoscope for 2018 for Leo recommends that male representatives start drawing up a detailed plan for the whole year. This will help eradicate the mistakes of past years and correct your mistakes, turning them into opportunities. You should not be afraid of risks, since you will only be able to achieve success in the Year of the Dog through decisive action.

Unfortunately, the summer period will not be distinguished by an influx of new acquaintances, but this does not mean that you need to despair and renew a relationship that you decisively ended earlier. It is better to devote all your free time to improving yourself and traveling with loved ones.

Those men who are already in a relationship should think about having a child. Surely your significant other will respond positively to such an initiative. It is worth remembering that it is first recommended to go to the place where the family is planned and get examined.

Love horoscope 2018 for Leo

The horoscope for 2018 for Leo recommends that the representative of the sign who is going to get married prepare for possible difficulties and learn to overcome them, starting from the first days of life together. The level of your demands and lack of compromise will initially repel your partner, however, as the year ends, mutual understanding in your relationship will improve. The ideal period for getting married is within two months: September and October.

Openness in communication will help preserve warmth in marriage; partners must express their wishes and complaints, listen to the needs of loved ones. There is no need to reproach and blame your loved one, because with this approach you will only cause negative emotions towards yourself. The presence of quarrels and nervous breakdowns on both sides can cause a break in the relationship.

For those Leo men who have not yet started a family, the summer and autumn periods will be the most optimal to meet their soulmate. You should be patient, since the search period will last a long time, however, those who wait and believe will be rewarded by fate with a spontaneous meeting with a person who will serve as a reliable partner and true friend.

Money horoscope

Attention! If during the period from April to May you gamble with particular enthusiasm and lead a riotous life, this can significantly reduce your cash savings.

Most Leos can easily borrow impressive sums of money from their friends and family, believing that they will be able to say goodbye to their debts in a short period of time thanks to the luck that is about to visit the player. However, there will be no winnings or rewards.

Starting from the summer season, there will be a possible investment of a large sum of money in an event with an unknown outcome of events; in case of a positive result, you will be able to multiply the invested amount many times over. However, the important task will be not to miss such a worthy opportunity, to be always ready and to get the maximum benefit from it.

Career horoscope for 2018 for Leo

The nice thing about next year's mistress is that she doesn't create complications while achieving any goal.

In order to eliminate ill-wishers among your colleagues, you will need to be patient and tactful. Be friendly, even if in your heart you experience completely different emotions towards this person.

In 2018, a representative of the sign who does not have a job will have a chance to get one and receive a high salary. The summer period of the year is the optimal time to create your own business, and if one already exists, then summer is perfect for taking it to the next level. Make unusual contacts, thanks to this you will be able to quickly bring your business ideas to life.

Important! In order for all affairs in the year of the Dog to be completed successfully, Leo will need to complete all assigned work on time in a short period of time.

The topic that concerns image will be very relevant to you next year. You are also advised to carefully monitor what you say and your behavior.

Health horoscope for 2018

Fortunately, the horoscope for 2018 for Leo does not foretell significant health problems. However, it is worth paying attention to the state of the digestive organs; they can remind you of their problems from time to time, especially for those who prefer fried, fatty foods and fast food.

If you do not take your health seriously, this may further negatively affect your work and rest schedule. Those who frequently resort to this careless attitude may end up with weak immunity by August. In order to regain your strength, you will need to relax thoroughly and preferably undergo several massage sessions.

But during the period of autumn and winter illnesses, you will be able to avoid catching a cold. As the year ends, you will need to be more careful while driving, because it is during this time period that the stars predict an increase in the possibility of an accident and the chance of getting a head injury.

Celebrities born under the sign of Leo

Many popular people were born under this sign, among them the famous commander Napoleon Bonaparte, as well as Benito Mussolini, Vasily Shandybin and Barack Obama. Also among Leos there are also industrialists, for example, Henry Ford, Neil Armstrong. There are many representatives of this sign among singers, including Mick Jagger, Whitney Houston, Madonna. However, the bulk of famous Leos work in the film industry, for example, Jennifer Lopez, Pierre Richard, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Matthew Perry.

The year of the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar) will be successful for all signs of the fire element, and the temperamental Leo will deserve the highest favor. The astrological forecast promises a promotion, stable income, and resolution of lingering issues. The coming year will be filled with emotions, joy and happiness. New prospects, acquaintances and hobbies await Fiery Leos. Those who despair of waiting for a marriage proposal will find long-awaited happiness, and those who are ringed will find harmony in their relationships. The horoscope for Leo for 2019 promises many more surprises.

General forecast for 2019 for Lviv

In the year of the Pig, representatives of the zodiac sign Leo will have the opportunity to demonstrate their royal power. The elements of nature will favor you, and the Sun will take a dominant position in the natal chart. Fiery predators will be able to fully realize their ambitions and achieve financial success. To do this, one should foresee future changes, study the picture of what is happening, and only then draw final conclusions.

Love horoscope

The Year of the Pig promises royal Leos changes in their personal lives and prophesies the emergence of strong relationships. Lonely predators will most likely find love among old acquaintances, and family signs will once again make sure that they made the right choice. The stars predict the return of the pristine feelings of those Leos who doubted their partner. The reason for sadness will disappear, and minor misunderstandings will be resolved with the help of a sense of humor.

In the year of the Pig, royal predators will meet their soulmate and find long-awaited happiness in their personal lives

The love horoscope predicts a fateful meeting with the ideal for Lionesses. A new relationship will bring long-awaited happiness, passionate love and fulfillment of innermost desires. Once fictitious dreams will become the real embodiment of reality. Passionate love and tender romance will settle in the hearts of proud and unyielding representatives of the fire element. Married Lionesses should take care of their health - next year promises an addition to the family. The spouse will delight you with care, fulfill your whims and reverently participate in the improvement of the family nest. Don't despair if you have to put off moving up your career ladder for a while. Your bosses will understand your decision to pay attention to your family.

The Year of the Earth Pig is the best period for Leos who want to arrange their personal life. You worked hard last year, increased your assets, expanded the boundaries of your business - it’s time to open your heart to love, especially since the stars favor the establishment of family harmony.

The period will be favorable for those couples who were on the verge of separation. Conflicts will subside, all pressing issues will be resolved, and a period of understanding and forgiveness will begin. The Earth Pig does not promise drastic changes; there comes a period when all matters are decided by chance, you need to learn to go with the flow.


Throughout the year, Leo is patronized by two influential planets. Despite the fact that the Sun and Moon are in dissonance, the situation will work out in favor of Leo and will bring the desired results. For those who do not have time to cope with the situation on the financial market, fortune will provide a chance to correct all mistakes and realize hidden opportunities.

The basis for the success of the royal Leos in 2019 is the ability to foresee the development of events and make non-standard decisions. Thanks to the influence of the Moon, receptivity and professional acumen will sharpen. These qualities will serve as the basis for achieving success and material well-being in the new year.

The period of activation of hidden capabilities has come. The amount of energy expended in the future will be proportional to the result obtained. The calmer and more confident you act, the more projects you will implement. Those Leos who have not been able to show leadership qualities until now are given the opportunity to declare their candidacy. Show persistence and management will definitely appreciate you.

Activate your internal reserves - the year promises to be difficult, but as productive as possible

Representatives of the fire element have a huge reserve of energy, which will be enough to implement a large-scale project, while Leo will work as usual. Just keep in mind that the body’s reserves are not limitless; learn to alternate between rest and active exercise.

Technical savvy and organizational skills will attract the attention of potential partners. There will be an opportunity to conclude profitable deals and implement projects that were in reserve. Don't be afraid to take risks - the stars promise good luck and success in financial investments.

Work, career, business

It is difficult to imagine a more successful arrangement of heavenly bodies for the implementation of a career and business. For Leo, one of the most favorable periods of development begins. An opportunity is provided to lay the foundation for new relationships, open branches, expand opportunities, strengthen status and increase production profits. The activity of Pluto favors personal growth, so it makes sense to focus on the development of intellectual potential.

Raise the issue of obtaining a second education, learning a foreign language, acquiring a second profession. It is possible to combine positions or manage several projects simultaneously. Pay attention to the qualifications of the personnel of your own business; it makes sense to expand the circle of employees. Don’t forget to keep control over current events: as long as Leos keep their finger on the pulse, they can be confident in a favorable outcome of any event. To ensure guaranteed success, pay close attention to the quality of your work, don't waste time on trifles, and maintain your self-esteem.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig favors enterprising Lionesses and promises favorable business development

2019 will bring good luck to Leos who have dedicated their lives to creativity, journalism, literature and politics. In the first half of the year, you should reconsider your attitude towards former partners. Closer to summer, a crucial period will begin, in which Leos are given the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to manage a business independently. At the same time, do not forget about family and personal life; a difficult stage is coming, which will require Leo to be calm and loyal to others.

Emotions and experiences are not the best way to resolve personal issues. The stars recommend not putting off solving problems until later, but you shouldn’t solve them in a fit of passion. The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig will allow beginning professionals and entrepreneurs to build a career. Don't forget to plan every step, develop a strategy, anticipate possible difficulties, and then success is guaranteed.


The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig gives Leo a second heavenly patron. The moon will help activate vital functions, metabolic processes, and normalize blood circulation. The non-standard tandem of water and fire elements normalizes energy flows in the body and gives predatory representatives inexhaustible health and stamina.

Engage in active sports with the whole family - this will help develop potential and harmonize relationships in marriage.

Most of the fiery Leos will enter the year of the Pig with a trail of chronic health problems that they acquired over the course of the previous year. But favorable circumstances will help them get rid of the consequences of stress and illness. Don’t forget that Leo’s weak point is the heart and blood vessels. Try to minimize emotional stress, play sports, and pay attention to nutrition. This will help activate your inner potential.

In 2019, Mercury will weaken its influence, so exacerbations of chronic diseases and accidental injuries are possible. Avoid critical situations and aggressive sports, be prudent and attentive.

In general, the year promises to be prosperous, provided you pay close attention to your health. It is unlikely that situations at work or in the family will significantly affect the emotional or physical level of the pragmatic Leo. In order to unbalance a royal person, you need to work hard. But working hard, this sign risks driving itself to exhaustion. Alternate active work with rest - this will increase your working capacity significantly.

Horoscope for 2019 for Leo women

A wonderful period awaits Leo women. It will bring a lot of impressions, touching moments and, of course, new love. Those who want to find personal happiness will meet their soulmate. The main priority for most Leo women will be taking care of the home and adding to the family.

Treat your family to something delicious this weekend, they really need your attention.

Emotional businesswomen are predicted to have conflicts at work, in the family and in business. Try to control what is happening, do not engage in open war, do not look for shortcomings and reasons to start an emotional shootout. “Remember: The best fight is the one that didn’t take place.” Patience and a loyal attitude towards others will raise your authority and will endear you to those around you, helping to harmonize the situation, which will significantly benefit active, wayward Lionesses.

The Sun protects Leos in all areas of life. There will be an opportunity to purchase real estate, long-awaited repairs, or buy a car. Despite the maximum busyness, provide all possible help to those around you, support your family and friends, and then family relationships will become stronger and warmer.

What awaits men

The stars advise predators not to make hasty decisions. Learn to control your emotions so you don't regret mistakes. This mainly concerns relationships with family and friends. The next year will require maximum responsibility from Leo men at home, at work and in business.

Male predators are the most energetic signs of the zodiac circle

In winter, Leo will correct the consequences of old mistakes, to a greater extent this concerns past relationships. Old acquaintances will appear who will defend personal rights or remember past grievances. Show patience and be more considerate of other people's experiences.

Financial geniuses deserve the highest praise. This is their chance to make a career and achieve an influential position. The second half of summer and the beginning of autumn can be a difficult period for men. During this period, Leos may feel emotional overload. They will not be able to cope with the usual rhythm of life. It is advisable to anticipate this state of affairs, plan a vacation or take a long weekend.

Prepare yourself for the fact that by the end of the year you will have to face a competitive struggle for the right to primacy on the business prairies. Organize an audit of your company, check possible channels of information leakage. Overall, the Year of the Pig will be busy and productive.

Horoscope for Leo according to all signs of the Chinese calendar

Astrologers characterize the Yellow Pig as a caring and prudent mistress of the year. This entails promising changes and successful resolution of important matters. Events are coming that will help you achieve status, influence, and implement complex projects. Under the rule of the year, different events will take place, but people who want to start a family and have offspring will deserve special favor. Heavenly patrons wholly and completely contribute to the fulfillment of innermost desires.

Leo women are waiting for a marriage proposal


The Pig is favorable to Rats. They will be lucky this year, but they will have to put in a lot of effort to make their dreams come true. Those Rats who dynamically and confidently make their way to the top of the career ladder will receive the full protection of the Pig. No serious health problems are expected, but during off-season illnesses it is worth taking care of basic preventative measures. In terms of finance, you will have to comply with the canons, and in business you will have to show decency. Don't follow colleagues who go over their heads. This is not your method. Find a non-standard approach to the situation and management will definitely notice you. Rats who are going to build relationships can hope for the favor of the heavenly bodies.


The Yellow Earth Pig is an excellent partner for the Ox. They will maintain a favorable relationship throughout the year. The period will be busy, business issues will be resolved according to the usual scenario thanks to the determination and activity of fiery predators. The higher the social status of the Ox, the more fruitful the next year will be. In matters of the heart, some Leos will be disappointed, especially those who are in long, protracted relationships. To avoid this fate, you will have to learn to hear your other half, find common ground, make compromises, otherwise you will reap the fruits of your own stubbornness in splendid isolation.

Make time for your family and friends - they expect attention from you


For Tigers, the Year of the Pig will be stable and fruitful. For those who are in the arena of political activity, fate has pleasant surprises in store. You will achieve a leading position and maintain it thanks to your impeccable reputation. In terms of physical health, no significant problems are expected, but stressful situations are possible. Listen to your loved ones: forget about work for a while and pay attention to your family.

Lion-Rabbit (Cat)

The rabbit was lucky with his patroness. Many wonderful events will happen in the Year of the Pig. Married relationships will be normalized, old grievances will be forgotten, and useful acquaintances will appear. For those who are planning to start a family, the year of the Earth Pig will become a real helper and patron.

Significant difficulties await you in organizing a wedding event, but the Cat will be able to overcome them with dignity. Pay attention to the financial situation - huge expenses are coming, but these will be important acquisitions. It is possible to take out a loan or mortgage, so in the coming decades you will have to pay off creditors.

Children require a lot of attention, but give incomparable happiness


The Dragon and the Pig are far from mutual understanding, but in a difficult situation the fiery Dragon will become the master of the situation. This year he will experience significant difficulties, but will be able to solve problems through intelligence and prudence. This will be a difficult, but quite productive period. The reason for worries will be the state of health, or more precisely, how the Dragon can cope with the experiences.

In the fall, a difficult period will begin, which will be a decisive step towards the realization of abilities. The dragon will be able to hold the bird of happiness in his hands thanks to forethought. Please note that this year you will lose the support of your patrons, but in the end you will be able to solve the problems yourself. The Year of the Pig is a great chance to open your own business.


In the year of the Pig, the wise Snake will experience difficulties. This mainly concerns the financial sector. Representatives of this sign are chaste and flexible, but when faced with rudeness, they make unforgivable mistakes.

Refrain from unplanned events and dubious adventures. This will avoid difficulties and financial losses. Please be patient. This is an important period in your career, which will strengthen the situation. As for your personal life, you will have to face mistrust. Don't be upset - this is one of the ways to get the long-awaited freedom and start looking for a worthy partner.

Those who are in search of a soulmate should take a closer look at their immediate surroundings


There is exactly as much in common between a Horse and a Pig as there is between water and fire. Therefore, representatives of the Horse sign will have to rely on themselves. The year will be difficult, but eventful. It will be possible to achieve financial stability. There are prerequisites for changing jobs and places of residence, but all this will be beneficial and will help realize your plans. Try to pay attention to your loved ones. For those who are in search of a soul mate, you should take a close look at your immediate surroundings. Happiness is very close... Try to streamline the rhythm of life, and then you will have enough time not only for work, but also for relationships.

Leo-Goat (Sheep)

The sheep will be able to achieve harmony and love with a loved one. No significant changes are expected in the business sphere, but the Goat will be able to stabilize existing assets for future investments. Health problems will remain a thing of the past year, but at the same time, pay attention to cosmetic procedures; it’s time to take care of your attractiveness. Spouses will have the opportunity to demonstrate their love and sincere attitude. This year marks a period favorable for the birth of children. Pregnancy will pass without complications, and childbirth will be easy.

Take care of your attractiveness - because you deserve the best


Interesting events await the monkey. An opportunity is provided to demonstrate creativity and internal reserves. Many Monkeys will discover their literary talent. Show persistence - declare yourself to the world, you are worthy of recognition. You will have to change your image, update your wardrobe, but the game will be worth the candle. Do not rush to tie the knot, another opportunity will come up for this. Now think about your career.


Roosters are emotional signs, but in the Year of the Pig, emotions do not play in the favor of the mottled birds. During the first half of the year, conflicts in the family are possible, but prudent Roosters will be able to overcome any troubles. Try to pay attention to spiritual development and increasing your intellectual level. You worked hard last year, perhaps becoming the owner of your own home. It's time to make it beautiful and take care of sharing square meters with your loved one.

Only in the family is true wealth discovered


The Dog is one of the few signs of the eastern horoscope that is in confrontation with the Pig. In order to have a common language with the mistress of the year, you need to turn into an affectionate puppy, and then the Dog will not have to defend its rights in business. There is a temporary lull, but do not relax; in the spring the time will come to activate internal reserves and an opportunity to prove professionalism. The time has come for travel, knowledge, discoveries of the new and unknown. Leo-Dogs will be able to earn the trust of their other half. And for those men who are desperate to hear the desired “yes”, the long-awaited moment of legitimizing the relationship will come.

Leo-Boar (Pig)

The Yellow Earth Pig will provide all possible assistance for representatives of its own sign. But this does not mean that they will have a carefree year. On the contrary, you will have to make an effort to get into the right groove, overcome difficulties and stabilize your financial situation. You should be more attentive to your health: alternate between rest and physical activity, and pay attention to nutrition. 2019 is a chance to achieve success in their career, provided that Leos make every effort and are not lazy. Pigs who are actively searching will be able to find personal happiness and create a strong family. Many of them will think about having a child and next year they will be able to enjoy the addition to their family.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig will be one of the prosperous periods in the life of Leo. Married people will be able to strengthen their positions and gain the respect of their other half. Single representatives will find personal happiness. High probability of adding to the family. Lviv is waiting for new acquaintances, incredible discoveries, travel, holiday romances and love adventures. Try to resolve issues through compromise, and then you will be able to maintain the respect and goodwill of others.

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