The indefinite article an is used. The indefinite article in English

home / Cheating husband

The topic of articles is always difficult for students who are just starting to learn English. There is no such thing as an “article” in Russian, so it can be difficult for us to understand what it is for. Let's open a secret: in all languages ​​of the world, the main function of the article is to show that it is followed by a noun. The article seems to say: “Pay attention, after me there will be some object, phenomenon or person!” In Russian, the form of the word itself shows that it is a noun. But in English it often happens that the same form of a word can be a noun, or it can be a verb, for example: a hand- hand, to hand- to convey something. Therefore, it is so important to pay special attention to the topic of articles. Imagine someone speaking Russian without nouns. This is how our speech sounds to foreigners when we do not use articles!

Forms of the indefinite article

Today we will focus on the indefinite article. The indefinite article in English ( the indefinite article) two forms:

  1. A before consonants ( a b oy, a p lane, ach air).
  2. An- before vowels ( an o officer, an i incident, an i dea).

These are two forms of the same phenomenon and they mean the same thing. Why are there two forms of the indefinite article? For euphony of speech. After all, it is difficult to pronounce words in which several consonants or vowels go in a row, it is more convenient to “link” words according to the principle “consonant + vowel + consonant”. When choosing a or an focus on pronunciation, not spelling. We use the article a, if the word begins with a consonant sound (namely, a sound, not a letter) and take an if the word starts with a vowel:

This is a university. - This is a university. (the word university begins with a vowel u, but the sound is /ju/ or /yu/, that is, a consonant)

He is an honest man. - He is an honest man. (the word honest begins with the consonant letter h, but this letter is not pronounced, and the next sound is the vowel /o/)

By the way, notice that in the second example, after the article, there is not a noun, but an adjective ( honest). It all depends on what sound the word that immediately follows the indefinite article begins with, even if it is not a noun. The table shows how to choose the correct form of the indefinite article.

History of the origin of the indefinite article

The indefinite article in English owes its origin to the English numeral one(one). This will make it easier for you to remember that the indefinite article is only used with singular nouns! Always in the only one! However, this does not mean that the article a/an and word one interchangeable.

I need an apple. - I need an apple. (any)

I need one apple. - I need one apple.

As you can see, the sentences are different in meaning. If you are trying to emphasize the singularity of a person or object, use the numeral one. Why do we need to use the indefinite article?

When is the indefinite article used in English?

  1. The indefinite article is used when talking about something general (some, some, one of a group of the same people or objects), and not about a specific one.

    I'd like to buy dress. – I would like to buy a dress. (some, not specific dress)

    It's a trolley-bus. - This is a trolleybus. (some kind of trolleybus)

    He's a doctor. - He is a doctor. (one of the group of doctors)

    Note that we can use an adjective before a noun:

    • A house- house (some kind of house).
    • A new house- a new house (some new house).
    • A new two-storeyed house- a new two-story house (some new "two-story building").
  2. We use a/an, when the noun acts as a representative of a group of objects, persons, phenomena, that is, a kind of generalizing concept for the entire group. In this case, instead of the article, you can substitute the words "any", "each", "any" ( every, any) is a representative of this group.

    If you want to be a teacher, you should study a lot. If you want to become a teacher, you must study a lot. (teacher as a representative of this profession)

    Would you like an orange? - Do you want an orange? (any)

    This meaning of the indefinite article is especially noted in the proverbs and sayings of the English language, which express properties characteristic of any of a given class of objects or persons.

    A friend in need is a friend indeed. - Friend is known in trouble. (any friend)

    A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. - A liar is not believed when he tells the truth. (to any liar)

  3. The third meaning of the indefinite article in English is the meaning of singularity. It is connected with the origin of this article, as mentioned above. The value of singularity is especially evident when expressing measures of time, distance, weight, quantity.

    I'd like a cup of coffee, please. – I would like a cup of coffee. (one cup)

    I ran a kilometer without a stop. I ran a kilometer without stopping. (one kilometer)

    We find the singularity of the indefinite article in stable phrases that convey the one-time action:

    • To have a rest- relax.
    • To have a snack- have a bite to eat.
    • To make a mistake- make a mistake.
    • To give a lift- give a ride.
    • To play a trick- play a trick.
    • As a result of- as a result.
  4. We use a/an, when first we are talking about some object, person, phenomenon. But the repeated and further repeated mention of the same subject will be represented by the definite article the.

    Yesterday I saw a cat in the street. The cat was hungry. Yesterday I saw a cat on the street. This cat was hungry. (the first time we are talking about “some” cat, and the second time we are talking about a certain “this” cat)

    This morning I bought a newspaper and a magazine. The newspaper is in my bag but I don't know where the magazine is. This morning I bought a newspaper and a magazine. The newspaper is in my bag, but I don't know where the magazine has gone. (in the first sentence I bought "some" magazine and newspaper, and in the second "these" newspaper and magazine lie somewhere)

  5. Use the article a/an in phrases such as "once a month (every month)", "twice a year (every year)", "three times a week (every week)", because here we are talking about the repetition of an action for one unit of time - month, year, week:

    I buy newspapers once a week. I buy newspapers once a week.

    She drinks champagne twice a year. She drinks champagne twice a year.

  6. BUT! When we use the plural " once every two days ” - “once every two days”, “ three times every four weeks ” – “three times every four weeks”, article a/an not needed.

A and an are called the indefinite article. The is called the definite article.

indefinite article a used before words that begin with a consonant: a face, a camera. a used before u and eu when they are pronounced like y (/j/): a university, a euro.

Indefinite article an used before words that begin with a vowel: an arms, an onion. Also the indefinite article an used before words beginning with h, when h unreadable: an hour, an honor.

A series of articles will appear on the blog soon, in which the use of articles will be discussed in detail. This article covers only the main points.


Indefinite article a/an derived from the numeral one, and is used only with singular countable nouns.

The indefinite article is used in the following cases:

  • When we talk about a person and an object that mentioned for the first time, and unknown to the interlocutor or reader.

I've been to a concert recently. - Recently I went to a concert.

I live in a small town. - I live in a small town.

  • When we talk about any person or object from some class.

A triangle has three sides. - A triangle has three sides.

  • With titles professions or type of activity.

My brother is a pilot, and I am a student. My brother is a pilot and I am a student.


the derived from demonstrative pronoun that, and is used with countable nouns in both singular and plural.

The definite article is used in the following cases:

  • When we talk about a person or thing that previously mentioned in conversation or text.

I went outside and saw a car parked in front of my house. The car seemed familiar. I went outside and saw a car parked in front of my house. The car looked familiar to me.

  • When it is clear from the context or situation about which one the person or thing we are talking about.

I'm going to the supermarket. I am going to the supermarket (the one where I usually go).

could you open the windows? - Please open the window (window in this room).

  • When we talk about a person or an object, one of a kind.

The Moon revolves around the Earth in an elliptical orbit. The moon revolves around the earth in an elliptical orbit.

  • with adjectives in excellent degree.

You are the best mom ever! - You are the best mom.

5. With many expressions with of.

In the middle of the night

At the end of my holiday

The and the absence of the article

The is used in the following cases:

  • In the names of countries that are formed using the plural, or in which there are words Kingdom or Republic.

the United Arab Emirates, the netherlands, the United Kingdom

  • With the names of everything related to water: oceans, rivers, seas, bays, straits (except for the names of individual lakes, which are used without the article)

the Baltic Sea, the british channel, the pacific Ocean, the Persian Gulf

  • With the names of mountain ranges (the names of individual mountain peaks are used without the article).

the alps, the Apennines

  • With the names of the parts of the day.

in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening

  • With many prepositions of place and time.

on the right, at the bottom

The article is not used in the following cases:

  • With the names of most countries, cities and continents

Asia, Saudi Arabia, Beijing

  • With the names of individual mountain peaks and lakes

Mountblanc, Lake Titicaca

  • With precise indications of the day, month and time

on Monday, at nine o'clock, in July

  • With some prepositional phrases of place

at work, at home, in bed

School, university, hospital, prison, church, etc.


1. Tim is studying mathematics at university. Tim is studying mathematics at the university.

There is a large park not far from the university. There is a big park near the university.

2. He will be hospital for two weeks. He will be in the hospital for two weeks.

Is there a chemist's shop in the hospital? Is there a pharmacy in the hospital?

3. The kids go to school by bus. The children go to school by bus.

There was a fire at the school last year. There was a fire at the school last year.

If someone is in a school/hospital/prison, etc., because he is a student/patient/prisoner, then the article not used.

If someone is in a school/hospital/prison for some other reason, or if we mean a building, then use the.

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The indefinite article "a/an" is NOT used with plural nouns. He is also completely. You can say "a handful of water", but the construction "a water" is absolutely against the rules. When do you need to put "a", when - "an"? How do you like the phrase "a actor?"? Without the “stub” in the form of the “n” sound, the vowels merge and are inconvenient to pronounce.

The rule is: we put "an" before a vowel, and "a" comes before a vowel. But there are many exceptions to the rule. In particular, "a year". The letter "Y" in English phonetics, but the article with it is used without "n".

Just as strangely, "these terrible" articles behave with a number of words that begin with the consonant "h" - "h" - "an honest person"; half an hour. If you think about it, it is still logical, since the consonant in this case is not readable, when pronouncing the word, the first sound will be just a consonant.

Our video about the difficulties of choosing between a and an. Did you know that "a university" is correct? Details in the video

When is the indefinite article (a/an) used?

1. The first and main function of the article "a / an": make it clear to the interlocutor or reader that the subject to which the article refers is important not in itself, but as part of many other similar subjects. “A house” is just a house, one object from a group with the same characteristics, “house” is a specific house, it is important in itself, and not as a typical one.

If the speaker uses the indefinite article, then it matters to him that the object is one of many with similar properties. "This is an apple". This Apple. This or that lies in the hand - it is important that this is an apple. "This is the apple". This is an apple that you have already bitten or someone has started talking about it with you before. It is something exceptional.

All other, more particular cases of using the indefinite article "a / an" are, in a sense, "children" in relation to the first and main one that we just talked about.

2. A/an with the person's last name: as a rule, including with the name of a person by definition no article is needed. The article additionally "defines" the noun. And why is this necessary if a separate unique word was invented for the object: Ivan, Alexey, Joseph.

It will be "butter oil". Yet there is one role that "a/an" can play here. This article is added when they want to strengthen the meaning of the uncertainty "A certain Mr. Smith" - it can be correctly translated as: "Some Mr. Smith" or "A certain Mr. Smith".

(You can learn more about using the indefinite article a/an with people's names, - ed.)

3. Indefinite article in a conversation about food and food: breakfast or dinner can be “tasty”, “hearty”, “dense”, but what article to put in a conversation about it. If the speaker wants to take an enumerative tone - “another breakfast” or make it clear that it doesn’t matter what or with him the issue has not been resolved, then it’s worth using “a / an”.

Example: I quickly ate a filling lunch and ran away (I quickly ate a hearty lunch and ran on - ed.).

(You can learn more about the use of the indefinite article a / an with the names of dishes and words denoting meals - ed.).

4. Indefinite article with some prepositions: prepositions can influence the choice of the article in a particular case. Some of them "like" "a/an" more. If the preposition "like" means "like", then almost always there will be an indefinite article between the noun and the preposition.

Example: He played tennis like a professional (He played tennis like a professional - ed.).

But in, used to indicate the time of day or day, year, distance, and so on, “prefers” “the”.

(a special article on our website about the use of the indefinite article a / an with the prepositions with, like, in, - ed.).

5. Geographical names and the article "a / an": with geographical objects, urban objects - usually these are proper names - the indefinite article is not used. They are all special, and the article with the meaning "one of many" could not suit them.

(More on the use of the indefinite article a/an with the names of all sorts of geographic features can be, - ed.).

6. Indefinite article with words like "market" and "college": with these and many other words you need to be careful. If they are used in a concrete-real sense, then the article a / an may be appropriate, but if the sense is abstract, then they become uncountable and it is better not to put any article at all.

Example #1: This factor is regulated effectively by market (This factor is effectively regulated by the market - ed.).
Example #2: The city has one theater and a market, which is located near the church.

7. The indefinite article a / an and phrases with the preposition "of": if in the first part of a phrase of this type one object is named, and the second part names a place where there are many such objects, then we use a / an. For example, "a soldier of the army".

However, almost always before the first part of the "of-phrase" we have the article "the".

(You can learn more about the use of the indefinite article in of-phrases, - ed.)

8. Set expressions and the indefinite article "an / an": Unfortunately, in some expressions, articles are used not according to the rule, but according to tradition, so the logical constructions that we have outlined in this article do not work with them.

For example, “pleasure” is supposedly an uncountable noun and, however, it would be correct to say “It’s a pleasure” - this is a stable turn, that’s all.

(You can learn more about the use of the indefinite article in some set expressions, - ed.).

9. Indefinite article and applications: There are a number of situations in which you need to put "a/an" before the application noun. One of them directly follows from the main function "a/an".

If it is important for us only to clarify with the help of this application that the object named by the defined word belongs to the class of some objects and only this is important, then we boldly put the indefinite article.

Example: He came in the flat, a local electrician he was, he asked me about the problem.

(You can learn more about the use of the indefinite article with applications, - ed.).

10. Indefinite article and nouns of the time of day and year: if a descriptive definition appears before a noun of this type, then the indefinite article must be put.

Example: I left the house in a hazy morning and headed for the South (I left the house on a foggy morning and headed south - ed.).

(To learn more about using the indefinite article with nouns that denote part of the day or time of day, see

First of all, thank you so much for your emails and feedback! We are very pleased that our work helps you in learning English! :)

Especially at your request, we have prepared a material on the use of the indefinite article A (AN).

What is an article? This is a service part of speech that is placed before a noun to show the definiteness or indefiniteness of the subject. In other words, articles make it clear whether the interlocutors are familiar with the subject or not. The function of articles is to define, therefore the part of speech to which they refer is called Determinants or Determiners.You can learn more about them from this article.

The article A (AN) comes from the numeral ONE (one) and therefore is called indefinite, which means not a specific object known to the interlocutors (unlike the), but one of many, some, no matter which, indefinite.

Why does the article A have two forms?

You may know that the AN form is used when the noun after the article begins with a vowel:

An apple, an egg, an elephant

But be careful, because the choice of the form of the article does not depend on the letter (which we see on the letter), but on the sound. For example, take the word university . The first letter u conveys two sounds: . The first, as you can see [j]. It is a consonant, so the article a should be used before the word univercity. Likewise with the words hour or the adjective honest (combined honest man). In both words, the first h is not readable, so we start pronouncing the word with a vowel and use the article AN.

In English, there are many words with silent consonants or diphthongs at the beginning, so when choosing an article, be guided by the pronunciation of the word, not its spelling.

Let's take a look at the main cases in which we use the article A. They are all similar in some ways and complement each other in many ways, but if you understand the basic idea of ​​using the article, you can always use it correctly.

The article A is used in the following cases:

1. If there is only one subject and it is indefinite. To check, you can substitute the following words instead of the article: some, one of many, one of, any

I work in an office. - I work in an office. (I work in some office / in one of the offices).
She bought a car. She bought (one) car. (She bought one car / some car).
They passed an exam. - They passed (one) exam. (They passed some exam / one of many exams).
I would like a cup of coffee. - I would like (one) cup of coffee. (Not two, one).

2. If the subject belongs to a certain class, is "one of many" representatives of this class. Therefore, A is always used before the names of professions, nationalities:

I am a teacher. - I'am a teacher. (There are many teachers and I am one of them).
She wants to become a student of this university. She wants to become a student of this university. (There are many students in this university and she wants to become one of them).
He is a Republican. - He is a Republican. (He is one of the Republicans, belongs to this category).
We want to buy a flat in the center . - We want to buy an apartment in the center. (There are many apartments in the center and we want to buy one of them).

3. When we give a definition, we explain what this or that object is. In doing so, we mean that this definition is applicable to any representative of this category:

A doctor is a person who treats sick people. - A doctor is a person who treats the sick. (Any doctor treats the sick).
A penguin is a bird that can't fly. - A penguin is a bird that cannot fly. (Any penguin can't fly.
The penguin is one of the birds that cannot fly).
A bear is a wild animal. - The bear is a wild animal. (Any bear is a wild animal / one of the wild animals).

You can object and say that not every doctor treats and not every wild bear, but we are considering particular cases, but general ones.

4. In type descriptions: A + adjective + noun to describe the subject. In this case, the choice of the article A or AN is determined by the first sound of the adjective, not the noun:

This is an orange ball. - It's an orange ball.
He is a clever student. - He is a smart student.
We saw a very tall tree. - We saw a very tall tree.

5. When talking about using things. Construction: use something as a ... :

He used a stub as a stool. - He used the stump as a stool.
She used a napkin as a note. - They used the napkin as a note.
Don't use your fork as a pointer. - Don't use your fork as a pointer.

6. In negative and interrogative sentences and after turnover there is with a countable noun in the singular:

In this case, we know nothing about the subject, except that it is one of many.

7. Article A is used in measurements:

Once a day - once a day
Twice a week - twice a day
40 km an hour - 40 kilometers per hour

In words denoting one unit of measure (for example: one hundred, thousand, kilogram), A and one can be interchanged:

One hundred = a hundred
One thousand = a thousand
One kilo = a kilo One mile = a mile

8. In exclamations combined with what, what a lot and such (to emphasize the severity of the sign):

What a nice day! - What a wonderful day!
What a lot of books! - How many books!
He is such an intelligent person! - He's such a smart man!

9. We use A with paired nouns. Some nouns are considered in pairs, in which case the article a is placed before the first noun:

A knife and fork - knife and fork
A cup and saucer - cup and saucer

Do not confuse pairs with single nouns that simply stand side by side in a sentence:

I bought a pen and a book. - I bought a pen and a book.

10. With words denoting health problems:

A headache
a cold - a cold
a sore throat - sore throat
a broken arm/leg - broken arm/leg
a weak heart - a weak heart
(a) toothache - toothache (possible without the article)
(an) earache - pain in the ear (possible without the article)

11. And last, but perhaps most important, the indefinite article A is used when we mention something for the first time, when the interlocutor does not know anything about the subject:

I have got a cat. - I have a cat.
He met a beautiful girl. - He met a beautiful girl.

For further mention, the already defined article the should be used, but more on that in the next article.

To summarize the main thing: The indefinite article A is used only with countable nouns in the singular, if the subject we are talking about is mentioned for the first time, is indefinite, one of many of its kind, any.

In English, unlike Russian, special words are widely used - articles. The article and the rules for its use in English are presented below in examples to facilitate the perception of the necessary material. There are two articles in English - the definite the and indefinite a (an) . The article is usually only placed before nouns. The indefinite article applies exclusively to singular countable nouns, while the definite article can be applied to various singular and plural nouns, whether or not they are countable.

First, let's remember in which cases the article is not used. The article is not used if the noun is preceded by (one, two, six, etc), a possessive or (this, that, my, our etc.), another possessive noun (my father's, Mary's etc), or the negation of "no" (not not!). Examples:

  • My room is not big, but comfortable - My room is small but comfortable.
  • There are two boys in the yard - there are two boys in the yard.
  • I have no brother - I don't have a brother.

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Note: if a noun in the possessive case performs the function of an adjective, the use of the article is possible, for example: Paul is a man's name(male name). Paula is a woman's name(woman's name). It's a children's bicycle(children bicycle).

The article is not used with uncountable nouns denoting an indefinite amount of a substance or an abstract concept:

  • I don't like tea, I prefer coffee. I don't like tea, I prefer coffee Tea coffee- generally)
  • Friendship is one of the most important things in my life. Friendship is one of the most important things in my life (friendship is an abstract concept)

The article is not used with the names of sports:

  • I am fond of football, and my sister prefers badminton. — I love football, but my sister prefers badminton.

Also, the article is not used with proper names (except for some geographical names, which will be discussed below).

Indefinite article "a"

The indefinite article is "a". "an" is not an independent article, but a form of the indefinite, which is used before nouns that begin with a vowel sound: an apple, an orange.

  • The forms a and an are remnants of the Old English word for "one", so The indefinite article is only used with singular nouns.

The indefinite article is used in the following cases:

  • The first time an item is mentioned. For example, I live in a house.
  • When designating a profession or occupation. For example, She is a teacher. My friend is a student.
  • After: This is, That is, It is, There is. For example, This is a computer. There is a rose in the vase.
  • If an adjective characterizing it is used with a noun, in such cases the article is placed before the adjective. Example: This is a flower. This is a red flower.
  • Remember the use of the indefinite article in the following types of sentences

— What a beautiful color!
— What a tasty cake!
— What a good girl!

The definite article "the"

The definite article is used in the following cases:

  • If we are talking about a certain subject or subjects (both in the singular and plural), which / which we have already spoken about, or by the context we understand what we are talking about. For example, Yesterday I saw a film. The film was not interesting. / I know all the people in this photo.
  • With items that are one of a kind Thesun, thewind, themoon,theearth
  • After . For example, There is a cat in front of the monitor.
  • C - the smallest - the smallest, the quickest - the fastest
  • C, for example: the first book, the fifth floor (BUT: if the ordinal number denotes a number, the article is not put: Lesson 7, Bus 15, page 45)
  • With cardinal points: In the north; in the south; in the east; in the west
  • With a surname - when it comes to the whole family - the Ivanovs - Ivanovs, the Smiths - Smiths
  • In stable phrases: In the morning; in the evening; in the afternoon; to the cinema/ theatre; to the shop/market; at the cinema/the theatre; at the shop/ the market

Note: The definite article the can also be used with uncountable nouns when referring to a certain amount of a substance:

  • Pour out the water from the jug. It is not fresh. - Pour out the water from the jug, it is stale (certain water is the one in the jug).

Definite article with place names

The definite article must be used with the following geographical names:

  • seas - the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea
  • oceans - the Pacific Ocean
  • rivers - the Voilga, the Nile
  • channels - the English Channel
  • bays, straits - the Gulf of Mexico, the Bosphorus Straits
  • archipelagos - the Seichelles
  • deserts - the Sahara, the Gobi
  • mountain ranges - the Alps
  • countries, if the name contains the word Republic, Federation, Kingdom, it is in the plural (t he Netherlands) or shortened to an abbreviation (the USA, the UK)

The article is not used with the names of countries, lakes, mountains (peaks), islands, cities, continents, streets, squares, airports. Exceptions:

  • theGambia— Gambia,
  • the Hague from The Hague

The definite article is also used with the names of hotels, cinemas, theaters, newspapers and magazines.

We have reflected the basic rules for the use of the article. There are many nuances, and the scope of one article does not allow to mention everything. But we have prepared another video tutorial on some difficult cases of using the article:

We hope that the above will help you understand the articles in English and use them correctly in your speech, but do not forget that repetition is the mother of learning, do not be lazy to revise the rules as often as possible.

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